Huerfano County, Colorado
St. Mary's South Cemetery
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
GatesSt. Mary's South Cemetery - South of town on US 85/87 (SW1/4 Sec. 10 & NW1/4 Sec. 15, T28S, R66W, 6th P.M.)
Listing and photos contributed by Karen Mitchell and the Huerfano County volunteers.
Fabiney, Andrew 1895 6-6-1923 Colorado Pvt US Army Also (Fabini, Andrew died 06/06/1923 buried 06/08/1923, notes: 27 years,
peritonitis, St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Fabiney, Mary 1863 1947 (Fabiney, Mary died 05/03/1947 buried 05/08/1947, residence Durango, Co., notes: 84 years, old age St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Fabini, Michael buried 6-3-1894, notes: son of Michael and Ermina Fabini Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Fabiney, Mike 1863 1923 Section 2
Facchini, Claudio born 1884 died 1948
Facchini, Dominica Steffani 1886 1956 Mother (Facchini, Domenica died 02/01/1956 buried 02/04/1956, residence Toltec, notes: 69 years, died at Colorado State Hospital, Pueblo, son: Steve Tellari St. Mary's Death Records)
Falchetto, John buried 11/11/1910, residence Kettel Mine, notes: 45 years,
killed in mine St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Farenzena, Cottardo 4-15-1882 - 11-28-1917 Section 1
Farenzena, Elvira --- ---
Fausona, Pietro buried 7-23-1885, notes: son of Johanne and Maria Fausona of Italy, killed in the mine Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Favaro, Joseph 1894 1920 Section 1
Fedeli, John M. 1894 1972 SSDI shows birth 5-14-1894 died 1-1972
Fedeli, Mary A. 1906 1987
Fedderizi, unknown
Fedrizzi, Antonio --- --- (Fedrizzi, Anton died 01/08/1943 buried 01/11/1943, residence Pryor, notes: 68
years, Felix, heart attack St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 1-8-1943, age 65y 6m 25d.
Fedrizzi, Felice --- ---
Feiccabrino, Joe (Pepe) 1886 2-19-1946 from Obit
Feiccabrino, Baby --- 11-7-1946
Feiccabrino, Ben 1899 1926 erected by his Wife Section 2
Feiccabrino, Frank 10-9-1921 3-9-1922, (Fiaccabrino, Frank died 03/09/1922 buried 03/11/1922, notes: 4 months, flu, St. Mary's Death Records)
Feiccabrino, Joseph 1860 1932 Father, (Fiaccabini, Joseph buried 12/04/1918, residence Walsenburg, notes: 35 years, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records)
Feiccabrino, Michilena 1864 1932 Mother, (Fiaccabrini, Michelina died 07/06/1932 buried 07/08/1932, notes: 69 years, nephritis St. Mary's Death Records)
Felanegi, Gaetano buried 07/12/1910, residence Pictou, notes: 33 years, killed in mine St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Felch, George Henry died 02/27/1945 buried 03/01/1945, residence 402 Grand, notes: 3 days, parents, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Felice, Aldo born 2-3-1917 died 8-30-1966 Colorado Sgt 591 Base Unit AAF WWII
Felice, Eugene born 1922 died 1941 (Felice, Eugene died 02/04/1941 buried 02/08/1941, residence 1013 W. 7th,
notes: 19 years, born in Walsenburg, father: Frank Felice, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records)
Felice, Frank born 1877 died 1957 Father
Felice, Louisa 1878 1931 Mother [Felici, Louisa died 03/17/1931 buried 03/19/1931, notes: 51 years, flu St. Mary's Death Record]
Felice, Pauline born 1891 died 1974
Felici, Angolina 1904 1936 (Felici, Angelina died 09/28/1936 buried10/03/1936, residence Big Four, notes
32 years, husband: Florindo, auto accident St. Mary's Death Records)
Felici, Elsie I. 1933 1936 (Felici, Elsie died 09/26/1936 buried 10/03/1936, residence Big Four, notes: 3
years, daughter of Florindo and Angelina, auto accident St. Mary's Death
Felici, Florindo --- 1-21-1952 WWI Iowa PFC 1142 Casual Det WWI (Felici, Florindo died 01/21/1952 buried 01/26/1952, residence Walsenburg, notes: 54 years, Mrs. Mary Randall, mine accident St. Mary's Death Records)
Felici, Giovan M. --- 9-14-1907 age 30, on Miners Page
Felici, Joseph Bruno buried 01/07/1915, residence Walsenburg, notes: 6 months, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Felici, Mary died 04/22/1923 buried 04/24/1923, notes: 5 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Feoderizi, ?
Feraudo, Pietro 1837 - 1916 Section 1
Ferderber, Anton 1874 1940 (Ferderber, Antone died 11/01/1940 buried 11/04/1940, residence Maitland,
notes: 65 years, born in Jugo Slavia, wife: Theresa, suicide St. Mary's Death Records)
Ferderber, Teresa 1876 1947
Ferderber, Tony 6-28-1900 5-5-1918 Section 1
Ferenzena, Gattardo buried 11/26/1917, residence Walsenburg, notes: 34 years, killed in mine St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferina, Elmer born 1921 died 1932
Ferina, Martin born 1897 died 1940 Father (Ferina, Martin died 11/19/1940 buried 11/23/1940, residence Walsenburg, notes: 42 years, born in Italy, wife: Anna, crushed in mine St. Mary's Death Records)
Ferkovich Family Stone Section 2
Ferkovich, Josefine 1892 - 1985 Section 2
Ferkovich, Leonard E. 1925 1968 Section 2
Ferkovich, Mary 1866 1941(Ferkovich, Mary died 09/23/1941 buried 09/26/1941, residence Trinidad, notes
75 years, born in old country, son: Philip Ferkovich, heart attack St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Ferkovich, Michael 1862 1930 (Ferkovich, Mike died 12/09/1930 buried 12/11/1930, notes: 67 years,
myocarditis St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Ferkovich, Phillip Jr. 1919 1929 (Ferkovich, Phillip died 10/20/1929 buried 10/22/1929, notes: 10 years, auto
accident St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Ferkovich, Phillip Sr. 1890 1947 (Ferkovich, Philip died 05/09/1947 buried 05/12/1947, residence 206 Grand, notes: 57 years, wife: Mrs. Ferkivich, heart ailment St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Fermich, Stephen died 01/17/1951 buried 01/20/1951, residence Walsenburg, notes: 64 years, wife: Mrs. Anna Fermich, cancer St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fernandez, Angelina died 12/29/1920 buried 12/31/1920, notes: 3 months, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fernandez, Elesio died 03/06/1922 buried 03/08/1922, notes: 9 months, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fernandez, Lucy died 12/13/1940 buried 12/18/1940, residence Sandy Arroyo, notes: 38 years, born in USA, father: Joe Rival, childbirth St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fernandez, Prudencio 1883 1937 Husband (Fernandez, Prudencio died 06/13/1937 buried 06/17/1937, residence
Walsenburg, notes: 44 years, son of Peter and Philomena, wife: Victoria, drowned St. Mary's Death Records)
Fernandez, Secundino died 02/14/1927 buried 02/16/1927, notes: 46 years, angina pectoris St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferrando, Giovanni Pietro buried 10/25/1916, residence Walsenburg, notes: 79 years, mortician C.W. Cox St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferrari, David Anthony 8-18-1930 1-17-1932 Baby Section 1
Ferrari, Giovanni buried 11/28/1917, residence Walsenburg, notes: 21 years, killed in mine St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferrari, Guido Francisco buried 01/03/1916, residence Walsenburg, notes: 3
months, son of Erminio Ferrari and Giovanna Marconi St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferras, Jose died 12/30/1948 buried 01/03/1949, residence Walsenburg, notes: 71 years, tuberculosis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferrero, Lino buried 8-24-1885, notes: husband of Marina Montoya Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Ferrero, Matt 1879 2-8-1961 from Obit age 81
Ferris, Mike Jr. 1938 1955 (Ferris, Michael died 03/30/1955 buried 04/07/1955, residence Oakland, Ca,
notes: 17 years, died at Oakland, Ca., mother: Anna T, Ferris, auto accident St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Ferrona, Elmer died 06/15/1932 buried 06/17/1932, notes: 10 years, spinal fever St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Ferrone, Fedinando buried 07/30/1914, residence Walsenburg, notes: 37 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fierros, Jose
Fini, Anunziata 1892 1963 Section 2
Fini, Pietro 1885 1962 Section 2
Fini, Ugo John 10-18-1918 5-12-1921 (Fini, Ugo John died 05/12/1921 buried 05/15/1921, notes: 2 years, diptheria, St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Fink, Barbara Jean born 12-9-1938 died 1-15-1939 died 01/05/1939 buried 01/07/1939, residence Walsenburg, notes: 4 weeks, born in Walsenburg, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, Section 1
Fink, Anthony James born 1910 died 1982 also
Fink, Frank born 1882 died 1959 Father
Fink, Edward J. born 1918 died 1940 (Fink, Edward died 09/04/1940 buried 09/04/1940, residence Walsenburg, notes 22 years, born in Walsenburg, father: Frank, blood poison St. Mary's Death Records)
Fink, Gregory J. born 1921 died 1942 (Fink, George Gregory died 04/16/1942 buried 04/18/1942, residence E. 7th, notes: 21 years, born in Walsenburg, father: Frank, uremic poisoning St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died 4-16-1942 at Walsenburg, age 21 years.
Fink, Jean --- --- Baby
Fink, Johanna born 1884 died 1973 Mother
Fink, Joseph buried 03/19/1914, residence Walsenburg, notes: 2 months, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fink, Thomas died 12/07/1920 buried 12/09/1920, notes: 11 months, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fitzpatrick, Catherine buried 1-11-1881, notes: daughter of Steven F. and Catherine Fitzpatrick Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Fitzpatrick, Catherine buried 5-28-1882, notes: daughter of John Fitzpatrick (off page) Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Flaim, Adolph buried 03/07/1912, residence Walsenburg, notes: 10 years old, son of Joe Flaim and Paulina Bechitt St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Flaim, Joe buried 01/05/1916, residence Walsenburg, notes: 43 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fliem, John died 04/27/1910 buried 04/28/1910, residence Walsenburg, notes: no age given St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Flisak, Josephine died 04/24/1941 buried 04/27/1941, residence 206 W. Cedar, notes: 63 years, born in old country, sons: Carlo and George Bak, cancer St. Mary's Death Records, See Bak
Flisack, Michael died 03/03/1933 buried 03/05/1933, notes: 58 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Flisak, Terezi 1882 - 1918 Section 1
Flobas, Josephine 1926 - 1927 Section 1
Flok, Agnes buried 10/09/1912, residence Walsenburg, notes: 9 months, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Flores, Eugenio died 03/26/1924 buried 03/29/1924, notes: 50 years, hemorage, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Flores, Frank buried 06/01/1919, residence Maitland, notes: 27 years, homicide St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Flynn, Catherine Foly L.B. buried 7-26-1891, notes: daughter of James and Thurdy Flynn Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Flynn, John died 02/19/1923 buried 02/21/1923, notes: 45 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fodor, Frances 1893 1959 Section 2
Fodor, Frank A. 6-2-1934 - 12-6-1989 Section 2
Fodor, W.
Fodor, William 7-4-1918 9-16-1934 (Fodar, William died 09/16/1934 buried 09/19/1934, residence Trinidad. notes 16 years, born in Trinidad, accident, died in Trinidad hospital St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Fodor, William 1882 1951 Section 2
Foghino, Peter buried 10/24/1910, residence LaVeta, notes: 1 day, son of Francisci Foghino and Rosae Barello St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fognani, Arturo 7-30-1926 9-7-1926 Baby Fognani, Arthur died 09/07/1926 buried 09/09/1926, notes: 12 months, pulm. St. Mary's Death Records Section 1
Foley Family Stone Erected 1906 by John & Maggie Foley of Pictou, Colorado, has footstones for PF, DF, LF, LF, AF, ES and Mother and Father also
Foley, Anna 1823 1895
Foley, Dominic born 1890 died 1903
Foley, John buried 01/17/1915, residence Pictou, notes: 62 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Foley, Lizzie born 1893 died 1897
Foley, Margaret Mrs. buried 01/02/1918, residence Pictou, notes: 62 years, general peritinitis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Foley, Marrice died 07/11/1951 buried 07/14/1951, residence Pryor, notes: 65 years, Mrs. John Harrison, stroke St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Foley, Patrick F. born 1895 died 1904
Foley, Pete footstone P.F. [died 04/13/1946 buried 04/16/1946, residence Pueblo, notes: State Hospital 85 years, niece: Kate Turner, old age St. Mary's Death Records]
Forder, William buried 02/07/1914, residence Walsenburg, notes: 7 months, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fortarell, Joe 1863 1932 Maria (Fortarell, Joseph died 06/27/1932 buried 06/29/1932, notes: 69 years, St. Mary's Death Records) also
Fortarell, Maria 1870 1942 Joe (Fortarell, Mary died 04/12/1942 buried 04/15/1942, residence 316 W. 7th, notes: 72 years, born in old country, daughter: Mrs. John Amidei, dropsy and heart attack St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died 4-12-1942 at Walsenburg, age 71 years 6 months 28 days. also
Foryon, John Nicolas buried 11-20-1892, notes: child, son of John and Mary Foryon Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Fowler, Christine Lee Calza 1954 1975 Section 1
Fox, James died 10/25/1935 buried 10/26/1935, residence Walsen Camp, notes: 90 years, born in Ireland, old age St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Franks, Joseph R. 1889 8-18-1919 on Miners Page (Franks, Joseph buried 08/18/1919, residence Oakview, notes: 27 years, mine explosion St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Franks, Joseph buried 08/18/1919, residence Oakview, notes: 27 years, mine explosion St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Frarra, Frank buried 09/02/1913, residence Pryor, notes: 2 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Frasher, Channie 1897 1988 Section 2
Frasher, Jean & John --- 1920 Twins (Frazer, John died 08/26/1920 buried 08/28/1920, notes: 19 days, cholera, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker) Section 2
Frasher, Jean 1897 1962 Section 2
Frazy Stone
Frazy, Cesira A. died 1975 M779 Capt Army Med Spec Corps USA Armed Forces, SSDI shows birth 10-22-1900 death 5-1975
Frazy, Ernest born 1872 died 8-12-1931on Miners Page (Frazy, Ernest died 08/12/1931 buried 08/15/1931, notes: 59 years, mine accident St. Mary's Death Records)
Frazy, Frederick O. born 5-15-1903 died 5-5-1970 Colorado Pvt Co B 233 Engr Cet WWII, SSDI shows death 3-1970
Frazy, George A. born 1915 died 1987
Frazy, Mary Anna born 1874 died 1957 (Frazy, Mary Ann died 01/27/1957 buried 02/01/1957, residence Walsenburg, notes: 83 years, died at Lamme Hospital, Walsenburg, daughter: Erma Zanoni, old age St. Mary's Death Records)
Freitag, John buried 08/24/1910, residence Cameron, notes: 7 months, son of John Freitag and Mary Gusmik St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Frelih, Jacob 1875 1947 (Frealik, Jacob died 12/31/1947 buried 01/03/1948, residence Loma Park, notes
74 years, no relatives, auto accident St. Mary's Death Records)
Fresquez, Francisco born 1855 died 1918
Fresquez, Frank buried 01/04/1918, residence Walsenburg, notes: 61 years,tubercular peritinitis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Fresquez, Juanita --- --- (Fresquez, Juanita died 07/22/1927 buried 07/24/1927, notes: 74 years, St.
Mary's Death Records)
Frezza, Patricia died 04/07/1910 buried 04/08/1910, residence Pictou, notes: 8 months, daughter of Domenico Benedetti Frezza and Maria Junea Paslino St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Friel, Edward died 08/15/1936 buried 08/20/1936, residence Alamo, notes: 47 years, son of Michael and Frances, brother: Michael, found dead St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Friel, Michael J. --- --- (Friel, Michael died 07/09/1931 buried 07/12/1931, notes: 10 years, meningitis
St. Mary's Death Records)
Frosa, Francis buried 8-10-1892, notes: child of John and Margarita Frosa Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Fumich, Ana 1885 1962
Fumich, Steve 1887 1951
Funaro, Joseph 1889 1954 Father (Funaro, Joseph died 10/29/1954 buried 11/03/1954, residence 402 Grand, notes: 65 years, died in Walsenburg, nephew: Mike Funaro, skull fracture St. Mary's Death Records)
Furia, Nicolina buried 09/26/1912, residence Pryor, notes: 11 months, daughter of John mortician Gabe Furphy St. Mary's Death Records
Furino, Pete born 1906 died 1928
Furphy Family Stone Section 1
Furphy, Baby died 02/22/1922 buried 02/23/1922, notes: 2 minutes, still born, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Furphy, Baby died 12/06/1922 buried 12/07/1922, notes: 15 minutes, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Furphy, male County Burial Permit: died 10-31-1942 at Walsenburg, no age given.
Furphy, Charles E. 1873 1939 Section 2
Furphy, Dorothy 1914 1979 SSDI shows birth 12-24-1910 death 2-1979
Furphy, Frank 8-10-1875 6-22-1905 husband of Sadie Furphy Section 1
Furphy, H.J. --- ---
Furphy, John 1848 1915 (Furphy, John buried 03/11/1915, residence Walsenburg, notes: 67 years, St.
Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Furphy, John 1901 1918 Pvt Battery F, 17th Field Art. (Furphy, Private John A. buried 06/03/1919, notes: 28 years, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records ) Section 1
Furphy, John W. 1872 1936 (Furphy, John W. died 06/20/1936 buried 06/23/1936, residence Walsenburg, notes: 64 years, son of John and Margaret, wife: Martha, apoplexy St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Furphy, June --- --- (Furphy, June Cecelia died 06/06/1933 buried 06/09/1933, notes: 3 years, daughter of Gabriel and Dorothy St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Furphy, Margaret 1848 1931 (Furphy, Margaret died 07/08/1931 buried 07/11/1931, notes: 83 years,
pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Furphy, Margaret F. 1885 - 1982 Section 1
Furphy, Mary Arlyne 1930 1944 (Furphy, Mary Arlene died 03/23/1944 buried 03/27/1944, residence Salida, Co, notes: 13 years, mother: Gladys Furphy, heart St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Furphy, Mary died 05/13/1953 buried 05/18/1953, residence Fort Collins, Co,
notes: 66 years, son: Frank Furphy St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Furphy, Peter 1880 1904 Section 1
Furphy, Phyllis --- --- (Furphy, Phyllis died 10/09/1939 buried 10/11/1939, residence Walsenburg, notes: 19 months, born in Walsenburg, flu St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Furphy, Vincient 1890 1923 Pvt (Furphy, Vincent died 07/25/1923 buried 07/27/1923, notes: 33 years, parisis, St. Mary's DeathRecords) Section 1
Furphy, Thelma K. 1898 1944 (Furphy, Thelma Katherine died 03/29/1944 buried 04/01/1944, residence
Walsenburg, notes: 45 years, husband: Herbert Furphy, cancer St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Furphy, Thomas B. --- ---
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