Huerfano County, Colorado
St. Mary's South Cemetery
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

GatesSt. Mary's South Cemetery - South of town on US 85/87 (SW1/4 Sec. 10 & NW1/4 Sec. 15, T28S, R66W, 6th P.M.)
Listing and photos contributed by Karen Mitchell and the Huerfano County volunteers.
Vaca, Luis Maria Cabeza de buried 12-9-1876 husband of Maria Isabel Lopez, son of Luis Maria Cabeza de Vaca and Josefa Sanchez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death records.
Valdes, ?
Valdez, Alfonso buried 02/18/1918,residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 year, broncho pneu. St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Antonia 1887 - 1935 Section 2
Valdez, Antonio buried 11/27/1911, residence Walsenburg, notes, 69 years,
St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Antonio 1861 1948 (Valdez, Antonio M. died 09/11/1948 buried 09/15/1948,residence Walsenburg, notes: 81 years, senility St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Arlene Rosalene buried 02/06/1952,residence Walsenburg, notes, 3
months, father: Tranquilino Valdez, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Aurora born 5-1-1916 died 12-23-1917 Daughter of E. & I. Valdez (Valdez, Aurora buried 12/23/1917,residence Walsenburg, notes, 1 year, acute indigestion St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Carlos died 5/1923 buried 09/17/1923, notes: 3 months, enteritis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Carmel died 01/06/1924 buried 01/07/1924, notes: 9 months, pneu, St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Carolina buried 12/13/1912, residence Walsenburg, notes: 26 years, daughter of Carpio
Martinez and Manuela Maes St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Celia --- --- (Valdez, Cecilia died 07/31/1922 buried 08/02/1922, notes: 9 months, enteritis, St. Mary's
Death Records)
Valdez, Crestina 1896 1918 Section 1
Valdez, Delfina died 05/29/1927 buried 06/01/1927, notes: 38 years, child birth St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Delfina died 09/12/1934 buried 09/13/1934, notes: 4 months, born in
Walsenburg pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Della 4-10-1915 - 9-9-1941 Section 1
Valdez, Desideria 1890 - 1928 died 09/05/1928 buried 09/07/1928, notes: 38 years, tuberculosis St. Mary's Death Records Section 2
Valdez, Doloritas died 08/10/1931 buried 08/12/1931, notes: 46 years, pneumonia St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Elena buried 10/28/1915, residence Walsenburg, notes: 3 years, daughter of Tirsio Valdez and
Dolores Noanes St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, E.J. --- --- Baby
Valdez, Elijio 1873 1955 (Valdez, Elogio died 07/07/1955 buried 07/09/1955, residence 409 W 4th, notes: 82 years, died at home,nephew: Dave Atencio, stroke St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Valdez, Eloy 1884 - 1956 Section 2
Valdez, Enrique buried 06/19/1917,residence Walsenburg, notes: 49 years, killed in mine mortician
Gabe Furphy St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Enselsa died 02/17/1924 buried 02/19/1924, notes: 46 years, nephritis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Estella buried 04/22/1912 ,residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 year 4 months, daughter of Milano
Valdez and Juana Tafoya St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Eufemia 5-31-1885 4-3-1938 (Valdez, Eufemia died 04/03/1938 buried 04/06/1938 ,residence Walsenburg, notes: 53 years, daughter of Frank Martinez and Cleofes Santistevan, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Valdez, Eulalio died 06/29/1928 buried 06/30/1928, notes: 5 months, malnutrition St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Eusebia buried 07/14/1913, residence Lester, notes: 1 month, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Eutimio died 06/10/1939 buried 06/12/1939, residence Solar, notes: 54 years, born in Walsenburg paralysis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Eutimio Jr. 5-11-1912 12-19-1944 Colorado PFC 12 Cav WWII (Valdez, Eutimio died 12/19/1944 buried 10/18/1949 ,residence Walsenburg, notes: 32 years, war casualty St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Eva buried 05/07/1915 , residence Farr, notes: 12 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Eva Mrs. died 11/04/1951 buried 11/07/1951, residence Avondale, Co, notes: 58 years, William
Valdez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Felix no dates
Valdez, Filomena died 04/06/1925 buried 04/08/1925, notes: 39 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Florencio buried 4-29-1879, notes: child, son of Leonides Valdez and Martina
Mestas, deceased Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Frances 11-20-1881 ?-14-1948
Valdez, Francisca died 01/08/1936 buried 01/11/1936 ,residence Walsenburg, notes: 81 years, daughter of
Miguel A. Martinez and Rosa Arellano, wife of Antonio Vigil, paralisis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Frank --- --- (Valdez, Frank died 06/20/1930 buried 06/23/1930, notes: 68 years, St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Genoveva Mrs. died 03/09/1953 buried 03/12/1953, residence 206 Sproul, notes: 66 years, husband:
Ramon Valdez, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Gertrudes buried 7-12-1891, notes: child, daughter of Juan B.N. Valdez and Librada Vigil Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Gloria died 08/04/1937 buried 08/05/1937, residence Toltec, notes: 2 years, daughter of Eliodor
and Elena Gonzalez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Helena died 06/12/1910 buried 06/13/1910, residence Walsenburg, notes: 3 years, daughter of Tircio
Valdez and Maria Dolores Nuanes St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Henry 1938 1952 Also (Valdez, Henry died 11/29/1952 buried 12/06/1952, residence 360 E. 7th, notes: 14 years, grandmother: Julia
Osckle, perotonitis St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Incarnacion buried 07/25/1916, residence Walsenburg, notes: 62 years, mortician C.W. Cox St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, J. Lucas 1880 1949
Valdez, J.A.J. --- 1880
Valdez, J.A.J. died 07/14/1927 buried 07/16/1927, notes: 80 years, nephritis St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Jacob Orlando died 09/18/1943 buried 09/20/1943, residence Rouse, notes: 7 months, mother:
Demesia, convulsion St. Mary's Death Records, no marker. County Burial Permit: died at Rouse 9-18-1943, age 7m 6d.
Valdez, Jimmy Lawrence County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 11-3-1943, age 1y 1m 23d.
Valdez, John buried 03/02/1914 ,residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 day St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, John died 07/30/1927 buried 08/01/1927, notes: 5 months, enteritis St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Jose died 10/15/1922 buried 10/16/1922 , notes: 1 month, gastritis, St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Jose --- 1918
Valdez, Jose 1899 1965
Valdez, Jose Adelaido 6-8-1899 - 1-18-1965 Section 1
Valdez, Jose Ambrosio died 09/08/1949 buried 09/11/1949, residence Walsenburg, notes: 72 years, heart
disease St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Jose de la Luz died 02/11/1946 buried 02/16/1946, residence 206 Sproul, notes: 29 years, wife:
Jennie, tuberculosis St. Mary's Death Records Section 1
Valdez, Jose Modesto 1910 - 1974 Section 2
Valdez, Jose Nicholas 1880 1948 (Valdez, Joseph N. died 02/12/1948 buried 02/16/1948, notes: 67 years, wife: St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Jose Procopio buried 7-6-1892, notes: son of J. Ramon Valdes and Josefa
Archuleta Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Joseph R. died 03/18/1937 buried 03/22/1937, residence Ojo, notes: 57 years, son of Peter and
Rosa, son: Peter, found frozen St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Jose R. born 1885 died 1964
Valdez, Joseph N. --- ---
Valdez, Juan buried 12/03/1918, residence Bear Creek, notes: 58 years, pneumonia St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Juan buried 04/29/1912, residence Rouse, notes: 1 day, son of Lipio Valdez and Virginia
Valdez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Juan died 08/14/1930 buried 08/16/1930, notes: 5 months, colitis St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Juan Batista buried 10-28-1893, notes: child, son of Juan Batista Valdez and
Librada Vigil Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Julia died 12/16/1926 buried 12/17/1926, notes: 1 day, still born St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Laura buried 03/27/1913, residence Walsenburg, notes: 18 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Lina died 12/30/1934 buried 12/31/1934, residence Cameron, notes: 80 years, born in N.M., senility
St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Lucas died 03/29/1949 buried 04/02/1949, residence Walsenburg, notes: no other entries St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Lucia died 07/03/1934 buried 07/04/1934, residence Toltec, notes: 6 months, pneumonia St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Lucio died 11/22/1952 buried 11/29/1952, residence Aguilar, notes: 68 years, sister: Mrs. Theodora
Garcia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, M. Ninfa 1888 1954 (Valdez, Ninfa died 07/04/1954 buried 07/09/1954, residence 219 W 6th, notes: 65 years, died in Colorado General Hospital, Denver, son: Felix Valdez, peritonitis from operation St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Magdalena died 04/21/1937 buried 04/25/1937, residence Walsenburg, notes: 4 years, daughter of
Joseph and Onofre, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Manuel died 03/30/1932 buried 04/01/1932, notes: 57 years, nephritis St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Valdez, Manuel died 11/12/1936 buried 11/13/1936, residence Walsenburg, notes: 2 years, son of Benigno and Abelarda Duran, constipation St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Manuel 1936 1946 (Valdez, Manuel died 12/13/1946 buried 11/16/1946, residence Walsenburg, notes: 10 years, Benigno Valdez, tumor St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Manuel --- ---
Valdez, Marcelina Romero died 12-11-1928 age 72y
Valdez, Maria died 08/13/1936 buried 08/16/1936, residence Del Carbon, notes: 40 years, daughter of Julio
Valdez, child birth St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Maria Adelecia de Jesus buried 07/02/1911, residence Pryor, notes: 9 months, daughter of
Eutimio Valdez and Raquel Lucero St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Maria D. 1870 1950
Valdez, Maria de la Luz 7-10-1916 2-11-1946 from Obit
Valdez, Maria de la Luz died 05/06/1950 buried 05/12/1950, residence Walsenburg, notes: 73 years,
daughter: Cora Valdez and 8 other children St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Maria Erinea born 1876 died 1962
Valdez, Maria Felisiana S. --- 12-5-1927 age 60y
Valdez, Maria Genoveva born 1886 died 1953
Valdez, Maria L. born 1896 died 1936
Valdez, Maria Silveria Salazar buried 3-15-1882, notes: wife of J. Anastacio J. Valdez,
daughter of Luciano Salazar, deceased, and Antonia Ruival Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records
Valdez, Maria Victoria Sanchez --- 9-10-1886 Maria Victoria Sanchez Valdez wife of J.A.J. Valdez, buried 9-11-1886, daughter of Manuel Sanchez and Magdalena Martinez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death records
Valdez, Maria Victoriana D. --- 6-12-1930 age 42y
Valdez, Mariano died 02/17/1929 buried 02/19/1929, notes: 60 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Marvocita born 9-10-1919 died 2-15-1921 age 2 years also
Valdez, Mary 1955 1955 (Valdez, Mary died 12/20/1955 buried 12/22/1955, residence Walsenburg, notes: 3 months, died at Walsenburg father: Delfin Valdez St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Matie S. no dates
Valdez, Meliton Sr. 1897 1965 Father
Valdez, Mike A. --- 5-3-1936 age 48y (Valdez, Michael died 05/03/1936 buried 05/06/1936 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 53 years, son of Anthony and Frances Martinez, husband of Eufemia Martinez, heart attack, died
suddenly St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Miria --- ---
Valdez, Ninfa born 1888 died 1954
Valdez, Nora died 02/16/1921 buried 02/17/1921, notes: 1 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Oracio 1923 1942 (Valdez, Oracio died 06/05/1942 buried 06/09/1942, residence 609 W. 8th, notes: 20 years, born in Walsenburg, father: Esequiel Valdez, mother: Isabel Cruz, peritonitis St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: Oris Valdez, died at Walsenburg 6-5-1942, age 19 years.
Valdez, Oscar 1913 - 1988 Section 2
Valdez, Perfilia died 10/04/1928 buried 10/05/1928, notes: 18 days, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Pitacia buried 01/25/1914, notes: Pictou 53 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Porfirio buried 6-10-1894, notes: child, son of Manuel Valdez and Irenea Lucero
Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Ramon buried 1-20-1885, notes: husband of Romula del Carmen Ribera Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Raquel 1889 1926
Valdez, Roberta Lynn died 04/27/1954 buried 04/29/1954, residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 day, father:
Benjamin Valdez, premature St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Romaldo born 12-15-1910 died 8-28-1921 age 11 years
Valdez, Rosa 1856 4-27-1933
Valdez, Rosana died 08/31/1936 buried 09/02/1936, residence Walsenburg, notes: 17 years, daughter of
Ambrose and Porfiria Maes, operation St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Rose 1920 - 1991 Section 2
Valdez, Roselina --- --- (Valdez, Rosalina died 08/23/1945 buried 08/27/1945, residence 501 E. 4th, notes: 57 years, husband: Max Valdez, high blood pressure St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Rosenaldo buried 04/28/1912, residence Walsenburg, notes: 2 months, St. Mary's Death Records
Valdez, Rosita 1856 - 4-27-1933 age 79y
Valdez, Ruben --- ---
Valdez, Sadie died 02/10/1922 buried 02/12/1922, notes: 13 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Samuel Anthony --- --- Baby (Valdez, Samuel Anthony 09/24/1946 buried 09/26/1946, residence 237 W. 10th, notes: 3 months, father: Sam Valdez, colic St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Santiago Son of J.A.J. and Maria Victoria Valdez
Valdez, Sheila Janita died 07/13/1942 buried 07/16/1942, residence 812 W. 7th, notes: 16 months, born in
Walsenburg, notes, father: Benigno, mother: Adelaida, stomach trouble St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker. County Burial Permit: Sheila Jovita Nadine died at Walsenburg 7-14-1942, age 1 year 3 months 29 days.
Valdez, Stella died 09/09/1941 buried 09/13/1941, residence Mutual, notes: 26 years, born in Walsenburg, father: Jose Ambrosio, appendix complication St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Teodoro buried 03/05/1911 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 month, son of Miguel Antonio
Valdez and Filomena Trujillo St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Tircio buried 07/14/1911, residence North Veta, notes: 7 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Tircio died 06/05/1935 buried 06/07/1935, residence Walsenburg, notes: 69 years, born in N.M.,
asma St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Tobias 3-13-1894 7-15-1950 Colorado PFC 327 Inf 82 Div WWI (Valdez, Tobias died 07/15/1950 buried 07/20/1950, residence Walsenburg, notes: 56 years, heart condition St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Tomas died 10/15/1921 buried 10/18/1921, notes: 9 years, indigestion, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Tomasita died 02/11/1924 buried 02/12/1924, notes: 7 months, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Ursula Trujillo died 03/31/1910 buried 04/02/1910, residence Gordon Mine, notes: 22 years, wife of
Daniel Valdez, daughter of Encarnacio Trujillo and Eleanora Sandoval St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Vicente buried 12/15/1913, residence Walsenburg, notes: 53 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valdez, Victoria Sanchez buried 9-11-1886, notes: wife of J.A.J. Valdez, daughter of
Manuel Sanchez and Magdalena Martinez Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Valencia, Filiberto died 07/10/1921 buried 07/13/1921, notes: 6 months, enteritis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Valentine, John buried 01/01/1915, residence Walsenburg, notes: 57 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valko, Baby buried 02/18/1920, residence Pryor, notes: 7 days, infection at birth St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valko, Baby buried 08/26/1913, residence Rouse , notes: 12 hours, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Valko, John born 1863 died 1928
Valko, Julia 1913 1956 (Valko, Julia died 07/19/1956 buried 07/24/1956 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 47 years, died at Woodcroft Hospital, Pueblo, sister: Mrs. Joe Dratter, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records)
Valko, Maria 1872 1943 (Valko, Maria died 08/16/1943 buried 08/19/1943, residence 922 S. Main, notes: 71 years, daughter, old age St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 8-16-1943, age not given.
Valko, Stephen 1878 1932 (Valko, Steve died 10/05/1932 buried 10/10/1932, notes: 55 years, suicide? St. Mary's Death Records)
Valko, Susie 9-2-1907 9-5-1921 Section 1
Valle, Carolina del 1922 1937
Vallejo, Alvan 1933 1956 Son (Vallejos, Alvin died 07/29/1956 buried 08/03/1956, residence Pueblo and Walsenburg, notes: 23 years, died
at Lamme Hospital, Walsenburg brother: Doffie Vallejos, skull fracture, car accident St. Mary's Death Records)
Vallejos, Abel buried 01/19/1915, residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 year, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Abel died 12/14/1931 buried 12/17/1931, notes: 28 years, homicide St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Abel --- ---
Vallejos, Agnes 1912 ---
Vallejos, Antonio buried 12/14/1914 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 month, son of Luis Vallejos and
Jacinta Trujillo St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Antonio Jose buried 06/08/1911, notes: Cucharas no age given, son of Hilario Vallejos and Rafaela Martinez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Antonio Jose died 7-4-1892 age 85 years (Vallejos, Antonio Jose buried 7-6-1892, notes: 85 years 4 months, husband of Maria Dolores Vallejos, son of Juan Bautista Vallejos and Maria Gertrudis Martinez Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records)
Vallejos, Baby died 03/18/1923 buried 03/20/1923, notes: 15 days, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Bennie 1907 1978
Vallejos, Carlos 1873 1947 (Vallejos, Carlos died 02/09/1947 buried 02/12/1947, residence 207 E. 9th, notes: 74 years, son: Fred
Vallejos, heart St. Mary's Death Records)
Vallejos, Debra 1-28-1956 5-3-1956 (Vallejos, Debra Charmain died 05/02/1956 buried 05/03/1956 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 3 months, died at Walsenburg, mother: Frances Vallejos St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Vallejos, Eliza died 03/13/1932 buried 03/14/1932, notes: 2 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Elizabeth 1929 1938
Vallejos, Ella 9-21-1927 4-21-1928 (Vallejos, Ella died 04/21/1928 buried 04/23/1928, notes: 6 months, flu St. Mary's Death Records)
Vallejos, Epifanio 1887 1954 (Vallejos, Epifanio died 01/08/1954 buried 01/13/1954, residence 216 Maple, notes: 66 years, wife: Josephine, cerebral hemorrhage St. Mary's Death Records)
Vallejos, Esmiria died 07/17/1942 buried 07/18/1942, residence 207 W. 9th, notes: 17 months, born in
Walsenburg, father: Quirino, mother: Emma Vallejos St. Mary's Death Records, no marker. County Burial Permit: Esmiria Malina Vallejos, died at Walsenburg 7-17-1942, age 1 year 6 months 8 days.
Vallejos, Estanislaus 1904 1945 (Vallejos, Estanislanes 12/11/1945 buried 12/13/1945, residence 315 W. 7th, notes: 41 years, Wife: Flora, tunerculosis St. Mary's Death Records) also
Vallejos, Estella 1913 1932
Vallejos, Eulalia 1877 1956 (Vallejos, Eulalia died 05/16/1956 buried 05/19/1956, residence 207 E 9th, notes: 79 years, died at Pueblo, son: Anselmo Vallejos, heart St. Mary's Death Records)
Vallejos, Getrudes 1867 1947 Section 1
Vallejos, Irene Isa 5-1-1891 7-6-1984
Vallejos, Isabel buried 01/18/1913 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 2 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Isadora --- --- age 66y
Vallejos, Jake 1912 1969 Section 2
Vallejos, Jose --- ---
Vallejos, Jose Abrelio buried 11/29/1910, residence Cucharas, notes: 2 years, son of Luis Canuto
Vallejos and Jacinta Trujillo St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Josephine M. Gonzales 9-20-1907 5-11-1991 from obit
Vallejos, Juan died 09/17/1922 buried 09/18/1922, notes: 39 years, pulmonary tuberculosis,
St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Lucinda Marie 1913 - 1979 Section 2
Vallejos, Maria Dora died 03/23/1931 buried 03/25/1931, notes: 14 months, meningitis St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Maria Magdalena --- 10-13-1929 age 12y
Vallejos, Mary died 10/13/1929 buried 10/15/1929 , notes: 11 years, auto accident St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Michael died 04/26/1937 buried 04/28/1937 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 11 years, son of Michael
and Isabel, heart trouble St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Miguel died 10/05/1952 buried 10/08/1952 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 63 years, wife: Isa
Vallejos St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Miguel 1926 1934
Vallejos, Moses died 04/07/1929 buried 04/09/1929, notes: 13 months, menengitis St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Pablita died 08/03/1922 buried 08/04/1922, notes: 8 months, enteritis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vallejos, Santos born 11-1-1920 died 9-17-2001 PFC US Army WWII
Vallejos, Tanislau R. 1928 1930
Vallejos, William born 5-7-1948 died 8-4-1948 [William Garfield Vallejos died 08/06/1948 buried 08/07/1948 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 3 months,
pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records]
Vallon, Baby buried 01/09/1913, residence Pictou , notes: still born St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vancher, Mary buried 02/22/1914 , residence Farr, notes: 1 month, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vanghan, Ethel died 10/31/1922 buried 11/02/1922, notes: 27 years, tuberculosis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Varelesi, Carlo died 12/26/1920 buried 12/28/1920, notes: 5 days, Tuanition, St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Vasek, Aloisie 1869 1946 Mother (Vasek, Alaisil died 03/12/1946 buried 03/16/1946, residence Mayne, notes: 76 years, husband: Louis Vasek, heart St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Vasek, Louis 1872 1949 Father (Vasek, Louis died 04/27/1949 buried 04/30/1949, residence La Veta, notes: 77 years, St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Vasek, Valentin 1898 1908 Also
Vashko, Mary Tema buried 4-25-1895, notes: daughter of Joseph and Theresa Vashko, buried
during the absence of the pastor Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vashko, Theresa buried 4-30-1895, notes: wife of Joseph Vashko Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vasirani, Evredice 11-1-1881 4-28-1920 (Vasernai, Tuedice buried 04/29/1920, residence Walsenburg, notes: 39 years, operation St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Vasquez, Eleanor died 10/05/1930 buried 10/08/1930, notes: 19 years, died in Pueblo St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vasquez, Felicita died 12/30/1924 buried 01/02/1925, notes: 45 years, arterial schlerosis St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vasquez, Hilario --- 11-6-1925 Colorado Pvt 115 Am Train 40 Div
Vasquez, Jose A. --- ---
Vasquez, Juanita buried 04/19/1918 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 27 years, pneumonia St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vasquez, Marcelino born 5-15-1931 died 8-19-1995 Sgt US Air Force Korea
Vasquez, Maria died 02/21/1925 buried 02/24/1925, notes: 19 years, tuberculosis St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vasquez, Victor C. 11-17-1893 4-20-1949 Colorado Pvt 35th Inf 18 Div WWI (Vasquez, Victor died 04/20/1949 buried 04/23/1949, residence Del Carbon, notes: 56 years, heart disease
St. Mary's Death Records)
Velarde, Ruperto 1901 - 1989 Section 2
Velasquez, Alfredo 12-20-1927 9-10-1928
Velasquez, Baby 1960 1960
Velasquez, Dennis Robert died 09/27/1951 buried 09/29/1951, residence 431 N. 3rd, notes: 4 months,
Atanacio Velasquez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Velasquez, Juan B. --- --- (Velasquez, Juan B. died 01/09/1943 buried 01/13/1943, residence W. 4th, notes: 82 years, son: Atencio Velasquez, St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: Juan Bautista Velasquez died at Walsenburg 1-9-1943, age 81y 4m 29d.
Velasquez, Juan B. 4-19-1937 4-19-1937
Velasquez, Ronald 2-1953 6-1953 Our Darling (Velasquez, Ronald died 06/03/1953 buried 06/06/1953 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 4 months, Atanacio Velasquez St. Mary's Death Records)
Velasquez, Virgil died 08/12/1937 buried 08/14/1937, residence Walsenburg, notes: 6 months, son of joseph
and Amelia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Veltman, Catherina 1854 1920 (Veltman, Katherine died 12/31/1920 buried 01/02/1921, notes: 66 years, nephritis, St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Veltman, Herman 1846 1922 (Veltman, Herman Sr. died 03/14/1922 buried 03/16/1922, notes: 75 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Venturini, Louis 1889 1961
Venzuela, Eulalia died 01/02/1926 buried 01/04/1926, notes: 59 years, nephritis St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vezzani, Charles died 9-2-1945 Buried in Pugnetti Family plot
Vezzani, Infant County Burial Permit: died at Pryor 9-9-1944, age 7 hours.
Vialpando, Beatrice died 05/29/1938 buried 05/30/1938, residence Chico, notes: 2 months, daughter of
Philip and Clotilde Baca, diarrhea St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vialpando, Delbert died 1950
Vialpando, Quitilde born 6-3-1918 died 12-25-1949 Married 2-12-1931 (Vialpando, Clotilda died 12/25/1941 buried 12/27/1941, residence Cemetery Hill, notes: 31 years, born in Walsenburg, husband: Felipe, stomach ulcers St. Mary's Death Records)
Victorino, Antonio 1869 1943 Father (Victorino, Antonio died 04/28/1943 buried 05/01/1943 , residence Tioga, notes: no other entries St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died at 221 West 1st Street 4-29-1943, age about 75 years.
Victorino, Maria M. 1868 1949 Mother (Victorino, Maria died 01/17/1949 buried 01/22/1949, residence Tioga, notes: 81 years, heart St. Mary's Death Records)
Vidal, Jose died 02/09/1929 buried 02/11/1929, notes: 85 years, nephritis St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Videtich, Martin 1885 1939 (Vedetich, Martin died 05/06/1939 buried 05/09/1939, residence Walsen, notes: 53 years, born in Walsen, suicide St. Mary's Death Records)
Videtich, Mary 1885 19--
Vidich, Frank died 01/29/1922 buried 02/02/1922, notes: 25 years, killed in mine, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vidner, Nellie P. --- 7-17-1913 age 3m, from Obit (Vidmar, Nellie Ruth buried 07/17/1913, residence Gordon, notes: 4 months, St. Mary's Death Records)
Vietto, Johanne Baztista buried 10-17-1892, notes: husband of Maria Vietto Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors
Death Records, no marker
Vigil, 2 unmarked graves Section 2
Vigil, ?
Vigil, Agustin died 04/18/1935 buried 04/19/1935 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 17 months, born in
Walsenburg, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Albino A. 1888 1968 SSDI shows birth 3-12-1888 death 2-1968
Vigil, Alfonso buried 01/08/1914, residence Pryor, notes: 1 year, son of Albino Vigil and Elfida
Tolmiche St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Amado A. 1900 1977 Section 2 SSDI shows birth 6-4-1900 death 8-1977
Vigil, Amador 1853 1922 (Vigil, Amador died 07/10/1922 buried 07/12/1922, notes: 63 years, Inflamatory rheu, St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Anastacio born 1875 died 1942
Vigil, Andrea Maria died 03/28/1948 buried 03/31/1948, residence Gordon, notes: 22 years, father: Albino
Vigil, tuberculosis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Andrew --- ---
Vigil, Andrieta 1947 1952 Baby (Vigil, Andrieta died 12/17/1952 buried 12/19/1952, residence 105 1/2 S. Grand, notes: 5 years, father: Eloy Vigil, spinal menengitis St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil Annie M. 1908 - 1998 Section 2
Vigil, Anthony Wayne 5-5-1951 9-9-1951 (Vigil, Anthony Wayne died 09/24/1952 buried 09/26/1952, residence 418 W 4th, notes: 4 1/2 months, father: Louis Vigil, St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Antonio A. 1894 1951 (Vigil, Antonio buried 02/12/1951 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 58 years, wife: Onofre Vigil, cancer St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Arthur Oliver 11-5-1934 11-16-1956 Colorado ME 3 US Navy Korea (Vigil, Arthur Oliver died 11/16/1956 buried 11/24/1956 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 22 years, parents: Mr and Mrs Joseph Vigil, auto accident St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Ben --- --- Father
Vigil, Benigno 1865 - 1939 died 11/06/1939 buried 11/08/1939 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 74 years, born in Old
Mexico, unknown cause of death St. Mary's Death Records Section 1
Vigil, Betty Lou 1929 1931 (Vigil, Betty L. died 01/10/1931 buried 01/12/1931, notes: 1 year, scarlet fever St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Vigil, Bryan Lee 6-1-1964 11-10-1964
Vigil, Celia buried 8-20-1894, notes: child, daughter of Miguel Antonio Vigil and Emiliana Bustos Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Clara Ann --- --- Baby
Vigil, Clarence died 10/22/1948 buried 10/25/1948, residence Walsenburg, notes: 34 years, wife: Sadie
Vigil, auto accident St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Crestina died 03/14/1929 buried 03/16/1929, notes: 78 years, pneumonia St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Vigil, Cristmal --- ---
Vigil, Cruzita --- ---
Vigil, Damiana died 06/10/1910 buried 06/12/1910, residence Walsenburg, notes: 7 years, daughter of
Estefanio Vigil and Maria Librada Chavez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Dan --- --- (Vigil, Daniel died 04/28/1929 buried 04/30/1929, notes: 28 years, homicide St. Mary's Death
Vigil, Della died 07/25/1922 buried 07/28/1922, notes: 16 years, tuberculosis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Dolores 1875 1950
Vigil, Dorothea M. -6-6-1864 - 1-13-1938 (Vigil, Dorotea died 01/23/1938 buried 01/25/1938, residence Walsenburg, notes: 74 years, daughter of Hilario Medina and Venceslada Mares, son: crescemcio Vigil, old age St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Vigil, Eleuterio died 03/15/1936 buried 03/17/1936 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 67 years, husband of
Adelaida Manzanarez, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Elfida 1891 1981 On stone with Albino A. Vigil
Vigil, Emiliana Bustos buried 8-15-1894, notes: wife of Miguel Antonio Vigil, daughter
of Ramon Bustos and Cornelia Valdes Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Epimeno 1865 1942 (Vigil, Epimenio died 03/13/1942 buried 03/17/1942, residence 609 W. 3rd, notes: 77 years, born in Walsenburg, sons: Ephraim, Juan, heart trouble St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died at Bear Creek 3-13-1942, age 76 years. Section 2
Vigil, Eva buried 02/24/1913 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 11 months, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Evelyn Jones 1890 - 1982 Section 2
Vigil, Faustina --- 4-12-1949 Wife (Vigil, Faustina died 04/12/1949 buried 04/19/1949 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 75 years, asthma St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Felix 11-20-1903 5-13-1966 Colorado Pvt Ord Dep WWII, SSDI shows birth 11-20-1902
Vigil, Felix died 10/02/1945 buried 10/04/1945, residence 332 W. 8th, notes: 75 years, wife: epimenia
Vigil, dropsy St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Florencia Marie died 06/07/1956 buried 06/12/1956 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 75 years, died at
St. Lukes Hospital, Denver, son: Silvano Vigil St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Frances Pineda died 08/22/1938 buried 08/24/1938 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 72 years, daughter
of Joseph Pineda and Antonia Sandoval, brother: Amarante, heart disease St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Francisco 1843 1914 (Vigil, Francisco buried died 02/13/1914, residence Pryor, notes: 70 years, St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Francisco --- ---
Vigil, Gabina buried 6-20-1888, notes: daughter of Juan Vigil and Manuela Valdez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Frederico born 1-1-1924 died 2-28-2000
Vigil, Gaspar died 06/04/1910 buried 06/05/1910 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 1 year, son of Juan dde Dios
Vigil and Margarita Sanchez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Gavino 2-19-1849 4-15-1933 (Vigil, Gavino died 04/16/1933 buried 04/18/1933, notes: 84 years, St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Vigil, Genoveva buried 01/17/1919, residence Laguna, notes: 23 years, tuberculosis St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Vigil, Gertrudes died 02/24/1926 buried 02/26/1926, notes: 83 years, nephritis St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Gil 1891 1976 Married 3-11-1917, SSDI shows birth 10-2-1891 death 1-1976 Section 2
Vigil, Guadalupe G. 1870 1936 Section 2
Vigil, Hylaria died 04/17/1938 buried 04/20/1938 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 44 years, daughter of
Manuel Lluevan and Marcela Maestas, heart attack St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Ignasita Medina 8-29-1885 5-26-1948 Mother (Vigil, Ignacita Mrs. died 05/26/1948 buried 05/29/1948, residence 548 W. 3rd, notes: 63 years, children, stroke St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Inasita --- ---
Vigil, Isabel 1913 1938 & Baby Son (Vigil, Isabel died 01/25/1938 buried 01/27/1938, residence Turkey Ridge, notes: 24 years, daughter of Adolfo Sandoval and Eufelia Write, husband: Manuel, heart trouble St. Mary's
Death Records)
Vigil, Isabel M. 1885 1962 Section 2
Vigil, Jake died 4-27-1925
Vigil, Jake 2-16-1916 6-22-1970
Vigil, Jake died 05/31/1954 buried 06/03/1954, residence Toltec, notes: 69 years, wife: Raflita Vigil,
pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Jennie M. died 3-5-1946 daughter of Joe and Cora Vigil, Section 1
Vigil, Jocobo buried 09/09/1913, residence Rouse, notes: 7 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Joe D.G. 2-25-1906 1-21-1998
Vigil, John Anthony County Burial Permit: died at Chico, 5-14-1944, age 3m 20d.
Vigil, Joe Silvie born 1911 died 2000
Vigil, Jose Sr. born 1865 died 1955 Vigil, Jose died 06/12/1955 buried 06/15/1955, residence 355 E 4th, notes: 90 years, died at home,
daughter-in-law: Mrs. Antonia Vigil St. Mary's Death Records
Vigil, Jose G. 1895 1949
Vigil, Jose Aban buried 04/09/1916 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 14 years, mortician Gabe Furphy St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Jose Anastacio died 8-14-1942 buried 08/17/1942, residence E. Jefferson, notes: 66 years, born in
Walsenburg, wife: Telesfora, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker. County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 8-14-1942, age 66 years.
Vigil, Jose Francisco buried 03/29/1914, residence Pryor, notes: 1 month, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Jose G. buried 11/30/1949 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 54 years, lobar pneumonia St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Jose Humberto 1936 1937 (Vigil, Joseph H. died 08/28/1937 buried 08/29/1937, residence Lascar, notes: 10 months, son of Joseph and Josephine Jaquez, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Jose Ilario buried 12-21-1877 (record off the page)
Vigil, Jose Jake 1885 1954 Father also
Vigil, Jose Luis 1873 1952 Son, buried next to Mother, Marcelina Marquez (Vigil, Jose Louis died 11/20/1952 buried 12/05/1952, residence Redwing, notes: 79 years, son: Ben Vigil, old age St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Jose Maria buried 6-20-1889, notes: husband of Manuela Atencio Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death
Records, no marker
Vigil, Jose Ramon 1910 1957 Brother Section 2
Vigil, Jose Sr. 1865 1955
Vigil, Jose Vincente 1868 1959 Section 2
Vigil, Joseph --- 1955
Vigil, Joseph Frank 1891 1976 SSDI shows birth 4-12-1891 death 12-1976
Vigil, Joseph V. 3-6-1922 1-18-1960 Colorado Tec4 Sig Corps WWII Section 2
Vigil, Josie --- 1955
Vigil, Juan died 4-17-1884 buried 4-22-1884, notes: husband of Juana Maria Ortega, son of Juan
Vigil and Ana Maria Trujillo Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Juan buried 07/07/1911 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 2 days, son of Juan D. Vigil and (no
entry) Sanchez St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Juan de Dios buried 7-31-1877 adult son of Juan Dautista Vigil and Juana Maria Ortega, deceased, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death records, no marker
Vigil, Juan de Dios buried 04/09/1912 Pryor, notes: 71 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Juan de Dios died 03/10/1935 buried 03/12/1935 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 57 years, born in
Walsenburg, erysipela St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Juan S. buried 10/18/1913, residence Laguna, notes: 47 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Juanita 1878 1941 (Vigil, Juanita died 09/29/1941 buried 10/02/1941, residence 309 W. 3rd, notes: 63 years, born in Walsenburg, husband: Epimenio, heart St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Vigil, Juanita A. 1865 1924 (Vigil, Juanita died 08/11/1924 buried 08/13/1924, notes: 58 years, myocardia St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Juanita M. County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 2-15-1942, age 49 years 7 months, no marker.
Vigil, Katherine 10-9-1948 1-9-1949
Vigil, Leandro died 03/02/1922 buried 03/04/1922, notes: 5 days, flu, St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Vigil, Leonard N. 1920 1973 Pvt US Army
Vigil, Lola P. 1897 1942 Mother (Vigil, Lola Mrs. died 09/28/1942 buried 10/01/1942, residence E. 4th, notes: 45 years, born in
Walsenburg, husband: Tobias, hemmorrage St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: Lula Vigil, died at Walsenburg 9-28-1942, age 45 years 2 months 3 days.
Vigil, Lorena died 03/18/1931 buried 03/20/1931, notes: 24 days, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Lupe died 01/09/1936 buried 01/11/1936 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 65 years, daughter of Ramon
Gonzales and Leonides Parson, wife J. Vicente Vigil, tuberculosis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Luther --- --- Baby
Vigil, M. Ant. died 05/04/1935 buried 05/06/1935 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 85 years, born in N.M.,
heart trouble St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, M. Onofre --- 1972
Vigil, Margaret Mrs. 1887 ---
Vigil, Malaquias 1944 buried 07/16/1949 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 45 years, war casualty St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Manuel died 07/01/1937 buried 07/03/1937, residence State hospital Pueblo, notes: 60 years, son of
Nestor and Tiburcia, wife: Hilaria, t.b. St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Margarita 11-1-1896 2-1-1951 (Vigil, Margarita died 02/02/1951 buried 02/08/1951, residence Rock Springs, notes: Wyo. 55 years, daughter: Mrs. Epifanio Mondragon, heart trouble St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Maria buried 11-30-1878 ,notes: child, daughter of Vicente Ruben Vigil and
Romaulda Atencio Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maria Cornelia buried 5-15-1890, notes: 7 years, daughter of Miguel A. Vigil and
Emiliana Bustos Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maria del Rosario buried 1-8-1878 ,notes: child, daughter of Juan Vigil and Maria
Gertrudes Esquibel Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maria del Rosario Valdez buried 4-9-1887 wife of Francisco Vigil, daughter of J. Ramon Valdez and Juana Maria Espinosa, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death records, no marker
Vigil, Maria Dolorita Lopez died 08/24/1944 buried 08/28/1944, residence Welsby Add, notes: 84 years, Jose
E. Vigil, heart ailment St. Mary's Death Records, no marker. County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 8-25-1944, age 85 years.
Vigil, Maria Eva 1900 1971 Married 3-11-1917 Section 2
Vigil, Maria Florencia 1880 1956 Mother
Vigil, Maria Francisca died 08/22/1938 buried 08/23/1938 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 72 years, daughter
of Joseph Pineda and Antonia Sandoval, widow, old age St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maria Genoveva buried 1-6-1878,notes: child, daughter of Juan Vigil and Maria Gertrudes Esquibel Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maria Tomasita 1898 - 1980 Section 2
Vigil, Mary Cr. died 09/20/1937 buried 06/22/1937 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 15 years, daughter of
Adolph and Esther, t.b. St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Mary Jennie 3-25-1946 3-25-1946 (Vigil, Mary Jennie buried 03/26/1946, residence Pryor, notes: still born, father: Joe S. Vigil St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Mary Martha died 08/31/1924 buried 09/01/1924, notes: 14 days, St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Vigil, Max Jr. 12-20-1910 11-18-1956
Vigil, Max Sr. born 7-18-1885 died 4-27-1951
Vigil, Max R. 7-4-1907 7-9-1946 Colorado Tech Sgt. Air Corps WWII (Vigil, Max R. , residence Denver, notes: no other entries St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Vigil, Maximina buried 07/11/1915, residence Walsenburg, notes: 10 months St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maxine M. died 07/30/1938 buried 08/03/1938, residence Denver, notes: 19 years, daughter of Eloy
Valdez and Desideria Vigil, husband: Samuel Vigil, peritonitis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Maxine 11-1918 1-30-1938 Section 2
Vigil, Melaquias 8-15-1905 4-16-1943 Colorado PFC 62 Field Arty Bn WWII Section 2
Vigil, Mercedes 1903 1955 (Vigil, Mercedes died 03/03/1955 buried 03/07/1955 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 51 years, died at Walsenburg, husband: Felix Vigil St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Miguel Antonio buried 4-20-1882, notes: son of Juan de la Cruz Vigil and Ana Maria Trujillo Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Nina died 06/27/1923 buried 06/29/1923, notes: 8 years, peritonitis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Pablo died 05/06/1941 buried 05/09/1941, residence Sandy Arroyo, notes: 88 years, born in
Walsenburg, wife: Teodorita P., stomach St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Pablo died 04/23/1925 buried 04/25/1925, notes: 76 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Patrick Adolph --- --- Baby Section 1
Vigil, Paul --- 9-29-1929 (Vigil, Pablo died 09/29/1929 buried 10/01/1929 , notes: 3 years, colitis St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Philip 1931 1974 Pvt US Army Section 2
Vigil, Rafaelita S. 1910 ---
Vigil, Renne Marie 5-18-1940 11-19-1940
Vigil Richard L. 6-22-1941 4-26-1997 TN US Navy
Vigil, Robert 1936 1944 Son (Vigil, Robert died 07/29/1944 buried 08/02/1944, residence Alamo, notes: 8 years, Silas Vigil, ruptured appendix St. Mary's Death Records) County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 7-29-1944, age 8y 3m 21d.
Vigil, Rosita 1887 1967 Portrait Mother, SSDI shows birth 11-30-1887 death 12-1967 Section 2
Vigil, Ruben de J. buried 6-12-1879, notes: husband of Maria Romualda Atencio, son of
Jose Maria Vigil and Maria Manuela Atencio, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Rufino died 09/07/1920 buried 09/09/1920, notes: 6 months, inflamation, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Silvano buried 10-26-1887, notes: child, son of Miguel Antonio Vigil and Emiliana
Bustos Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Silvano buried 10-30-1893, notes: child, son of Narciso Vigil and Maria Dolores
Albert Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Silvano died 05/19/1910 buried 05/20/1910 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 4 years, son of Tomas de
Aquino Vigil and Florencia Gonzales St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Silvano died 09/02/1924 buried 09/04/1924, notes: 20 years, perforated bowels St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vigil, Telesfora born 1879 died 1947 (Vigil, Telesfora died 06/08/1947 buried 06/11/1947, residence 211 E. Jefferson St, notes: 67 years, son: Isais Vigil, heart St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Thomas Q. 4-4-1876 2-21-1947 (Vigil, Thomas J. died 02/21/1947 buried 02/24/1947, residence 410 E. 4th, notes: 71 years wife: Florencia Vigil, heart St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Tino 8-20-1919 10-27-1949 Colorado Tec 4 794 AAA AW Bn. CAC WWII (Vigil, Tino buried 10/31/1949 , residence Walsenburg, notes: 28 years, botulism St. Mary's Death
Vigil, Tobias 5-11-1896 3-19-1955 Colorado Pvt Co C 62 Infantry WWI (Vigil, Tobias died 03/19/1955 buried 03/22/1955, residence Pueblo, notes: 58 years, died at Parkview Hospital, son: Lee Vigil St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Tommy B. 1934 - 1999 Section 2
Vigil, Virginia M. 1860 1945 (Vigil, Virginia M. died 11/18/1945 buried 11/21/1945, residence 334 Colo., notes: 85 years, son: Adolfo Vigil, St. Mary's Death Records)
Vigil, Vitalia --- 12-25-1936 age 81y (Vigil, Vitalia died 12/25/1936 buried 12/27/1936, residence Walsenburg, notes: 81 years, daughter of Cruz Vigil and Agustina Vallejos, niece: Celia Pino, old age St. Mary's Death
Vigna, Battista 1859 1935 (Vigna, J. Battista died 11/01/1935 buried 11/03/1935, residence Pryor, notes: 77 years, born in Italy, heart attack St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Vigna, Mary 1864 1919 (Vigna, Mary buried 04/13/1919, residence Walsenburg, notes: 54 years, nephritis St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Villa, Facundo buried 7-2-1877 Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death records, no marker
Villalobo, Mary died 09/09/1920 buried 09/10/1920, notes: 9 months, enteritis, St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Villalon, Corelia Mary 4-21-1944 - 5-7-1944 Baby, County Burial Permit: Mary Corsena Villalon died at Toltec 5-7-1944, age 16 days. Section 1
Villalon, Edilia Suazo 6-25-1915 11-17-1980 from Obit Section 1
Villalon, John (Jose) 1879 1937 Cross (Villalon, Juan died 08/05/1937 buried 08/07/1937, residence Huerfano, notes: 58 years, son of John and Marg., wife: Josefa Sandoval St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Villalovos, Cecilia died 12/22/1928 buried 12/24/1928, notes: 37 years, child birth St. Mary's
Death Records, no marker
Villotti, John 1877 1929
Vilman, ? --- ---
Vilman, Anna 1871 --- Mother (Vilman, Anna died 10/10/1955 buried 10/15/1955, residence Denver, Co, notes: 90 years, died at Denver, Lawrence Williams St. Mary's Death Records)
Vilman, Laurence 1860 1940 Father (Vilman, Laurence died 04/05/1940 buried 04/09/1940, residence Toltec, notes: 79 years, wife: Anna, old age St. Mary's Death Records)
Vilonne, Stanislao died 3-12-1895 buried 3-17-1895, notes: the three Italians killed by a mob
on the 12th of this month (see Audonino and Ronchetto) Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Vincenti, Joe 1874 3-28-1918 on Miners Page as Joseph Vencenti age 44 (Vincenti, Joseph buried 03/26/1918, residence Walsenburg, notes: 44 years, killed in mine St. Mary's Death Records) Section 1
Vincenzi, Antonio died 11/07/1950 buried 11/10/1950, residence Walsenburg, notes: 81 years, Lucy Vincenzi,
old age St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Viola, Battista 1880 1955 (Viola, Battista died 05/16/1955 buried 05/20/1955, residence W 8th, notes: 75 years, died at Parkview Hospital, Pueblo, wife: Margaret Viola, heart St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Viola, Battista 1917 1927 Section 2
Viola, Joseph G. 1909 - 1984 Section 2
Viola, Lucille M. 1908 - 1989 Section 2
Viola, Marcello 1920 - 1920 (Viola, Marcella buried 02/12/1920, residence Toltec, notes: 26 days, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records) Section 2
Viola, Margarita 1877 1964 Section 2
Viola, Teresa 1904 - 1914 Section 2
Visic, Jack no dates [Visic, Jacob buried 08/09/1913, residence Ravenwood, notes: 37 years, St. Mary's Death Records]
Visic, John C. 1910 1964
Visich, Frank died 11/29/1932 buried 12/01/1932, notes: 57 years, myocard. St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Visich, Lynn Carol --- 1940 (Visich, Baby died 06/04/1940 buried 06/04/1940 , residence Tioga, notes: at birth, child of Pete and Angelina, St. Mary's Death Records)
Visich, Martha 1884 1943 (Visich, Martha died 03/02/1943 buried 03/07/1943, residence 125 W. 8th, notes: no age given, husband: Pete St. Mary's Death Records)
Visich, Mary --- 1940
Visich, Nicholas 7-6-1916 5-3-1957 Colorado S1 USNR WWII (Visich, Nick died 05/02/1957 buried 05/07/1957, residence Walsenburg, notes: 40 years, died at Denver, sister: Mary Patrick St. Mary's Death Records)
Visich, Pete Sr. 1881 1951 (Visich, Pete Sr. buried 04/23/1951, residence Walsenburg, notes: 70 years, daughter: Mary Patrick, heart trouble St. Mary's Death Records)
Visich, Peter Jr. 1914 1972 SSDI shows birth 3-25-1914 death 12-1972
Voala, Teresa buried 05/25/1914, residence Walsenburg, notes: 9 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vodnick, Frank died 05/30/1944 buried 06/03/1944, residence 139 Sproul, notes: wife, leakage of heart St.
Mary's Death Records, no marker
Volg, Alex died 06/23/1926 buried 06/25/1926, notes: 45 years, auto accident St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Votakas, Jim buried 04/15/1913, residence Ravenwood, notes: 32 years, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Vucetich, Anna 1884 1965 Obit shows death 12-24-1965
Vucitch, Anna died 11/22/1921 buried 11/24/1921, notes: premature birth, St. Mary's Death
Records, no marker
Vucetich, John 1874 1950 (Vucetich, John died 05/30/1950 buried 06/02/1950, residence Huerfano, notes: Butte 70 years, wife: Anna Vucetich St. Mary's Death Records)
Vucetich, Mike 1871 1962 Obit shows death 9-10-1962
Vucetich, Steve 1883 1950 (Vucetich, Steve died 12/23/1950 buried 12/28/1950, residence Walsenburg, notes: 61 years, Mrs. Mike Vucetich, asthma, heart condition St. Mary's Death Records) Obit shows death 12-24-1950

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