Huerfano County, Colorado
Masonic Cemetery

NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell, photos by Karen Mitchell, Bobbalee Hughes, Jim Davenport, Gilbert and Jennie Berryhill, and Jim Unti. In April 2007 our crew of Whit Bartholomew, Larry Gee, Dick Chenault, and Karen Mitchell returned to the Masonic cemetery and finished filming the sections that we hadn't completed.
Masonic Cemetery is located directly behind the Middle School on Main Street at the north end of Walsenburg. Sec. 9, T28S, R66W. The records are kept by the cemetery sexton, Jim Williams, 719-738-2038.
Be sure to check the "Unknown" headstones at the end of this listing. If you can identify any of them PLEASE contact me at
Please click on the underlined name to view the photo.
A - Lor M - Z
A?, Earl H. born died
Abercombie, Jane born 1855 died 1929
Abercombie, John born 1856 died 1949 Obit shows death 5-6-1949 Humphrey Mortuary Record: Abercrombie, John G. 5/6/1949 Res: 2 miles NE of Mosca; died rural Mosca; M; white; widowed; b 10/31/1856 Benton Co, AR; 92 yrs; retired farmer; Father: John Abercrombie; buried in Walsenberg, CO; Survivors: Mrs. Annie Lewis, Mrs. Josephine Smith, Mai Harriman & M. Becker (sisters).
Adake, T. born no date died 12/11/1902 Notes: Age 39Y
Adams, John born 1875 died 1925
Addison, Vida H. born no date died 1972
Ahlich, Elsie Will born 1891 died 1985
Ahlich, Ferdinand R. born 1860 died 1949 Notes: Father
Ahlich, Louise C. born 1862 died 1933 Notes: Mother
Aitken, David born 1872 died 1861
Aitken, Leticia born 1874 died 1929
Alberici, Victoria born 1888 died 1976 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 1-9-1885 death 2-1976
Alexander, Anna born 1889 died 1925
Alexander, Robert born no date died no date
Allen, George D. born 1898 died 1940
Allen, Harry B. born 1901 died 1971 SSDI shows birth 3-14-1901 death 9-1971
Allen, Helen L. born 1904 died no date
Allen, John born 1892 died 1964
Allen, John W. born 1864 died 1953
Allen, Paulina born 1881 died 1957
Allen, Susie born 1895 died no date
Allen, Wallace John born 8/26/1920 died 12/25/1950 Notes: New Mexico Cpl 531 AAF Band WWII
Allison, Archibald born 1855 died 1926
Allison, Eva E. born 1886 died 1940
Allison, George W. born 1905 died 1985
Allison, Hilda L. born 1903 died 1986
Allison, James Reid born 3-7-1888 died 10/30/1975 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI
Allison, Jeanie born 1863 died 1923
Allison, John born 1862 died 1937
Allison, Margaret born 1861 died 1950
Allison, Ruth born no date died 1-6-1897 Notes: Our Baby 9m 10d
Allison, Vida Sweet born no date died no date
Alt, Jacob V. born 1-7-1881 died 2/25/1953
Amiday, Albert born 12-7-1897 died 5/28/1965 Notes: Colorado Pvt 428 Motor Supply Tn WWI
Amiday, Etheyl M. born 1901 died 1976, SSDI shows birth 8-10-1901 death 5-1976
Amidei, Harry born 1904 died 1986
Amidei, Julia Harmes born 8/6/1904 died 1992 Notes: daughter of Charles A. and Augusta Quintana Harmes
Anderson monument born died
Anderson, George D. born 1854 died 1925
Anderson, Henrietta born 1879 died 1954 Notes: Mother
Anderson, Henrietta M. born 1900 died 1908
Anderson, John born no date died no date
Anderson, Katherine born 10-5-1819 died 3-12-1888 Notes: born Greenbier Co. W.Va. died Walsenburg
Anderson, Louis P. born 1865 died 1927
Anderson, Millie born 1856 died 1930
Anderson, Serena Catherine born 1855 died 1936
Andreatta, August E. born 1918 died 1998
Andreatta, Candido born 1886 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 11-5-1886 death 11-1977
Andreatta, Carolina born 1894 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 9-19-1894 death 11-1979
Andreatta, Emilo born 1885 died 1955 Notes: Father
Andreatta, Emma born 1897 died 1982, SSDI shows birth 8-10-1897 death 5-1982
Andreatta, Ermer born 3/22/1920 died 4/27/1984
Andreatta, Giuseppe born 1895 died 1982 SSDI shows birth 8-26-1895 death 5-1982
Andreatta, Guerino B. born 1894 died 1985 SSDI shows birth 3-8-1894 death 4-1985
Andreatta, Louis born 1888 died 1971 SSDI shows birth 10-22-1888 death 3-15-1971
Andreatta, Manella A. born 1899 died 1986 SSDI shows birth 5-7-1899 death 11-1986
Andreatta, Maria born 1901 died 1989 SSDI shows birth 4-4-1901 death 5-1-1989
Andreatta, Mary T. born 11/4/1924 died no date
Andreatta, Rosie born 1891 died 1966 Notes: Mother
Andrews, Ellen D. born 1887 died 1926
Andrews, Eva Gile born 1874 died 1902
Andrews, Filo D. born 1866 died 1952
Andrews, George D. born 1860 died 1937 Notes: (died 7-20-1937)
Angster, James born no date died no date Notes: Brother
Ansa, Frank born 1873 died 1918
Apostolou, John born 1886 died 1958
Appel, Karl born 1909 died 1973 Notes: Husband & Father, SSDI shows birth 2-22-1909 death 8-1973
Applehunt, John Paul born 9-20-1941 died 12-11-2004 SP5 US Army Vietnam
Aragon, John born 1929 died 1966
Aragon, Emma S. born 1912 died 2000
Aragon, Infant born 1968 died 1968
Archuleta, Benedicta born 1884 died 1968
Archuleta, Ernest born 1919 died no date
Archuleta, Juanita born 1897 died no date
Archuleta, Leeria born 1923 died 1975
Archuleta, Pete C. born 1886 died 1973 SSDI shows birth 12-23-1886 death 10-1973
Archuleta, Romolo born 1899 died 1985
Archuleta, Ramon Brown born 1902 died 1943
Archuleta, Rosenda M. born 1886 died 1961
Archuleta, Soledad born 1854 died 1950
Arellano, Elizabeth L. born 10/14/1948 died 10/24/1992
Arellano, Felix born 1890 died 1971 Notes: Beloved Husband, SSDI shows birth 1-14-1890 death 7-1971
Arellano, Neomi Garcia born 1916 died no date
Arellano, Ruby born 1892 died 1978 SSDI shows Ruben birth 4-20-1892 death 2-1978
Armstrong, Audrey born 1887 died 1933 Notes: Mother
Armstrong, Evelyn born 1934 died 1965
Arnold, Arthur A. born no date died 10-13-1893
Arnold, Margaret R. born 1839 died 1930
Arnoldi, Eva M. born 1901 died 1948
Arnoldi, Victor born 1894 died 1987
Babbitt, Austin B. born no date died no date Notes: Bugler Co I 9th Missouri Sm Cav
Babbitt, Fenton W. born 1864 died 1948
Babbitt, Kittie born 7-14-1844 died 10/30/1908 Notes: wife of A.B. Babbitt
Babbitt, Kittie born died
Babbitt, Minnie L. born 1872 died 1957
Baca, Antonio Jose born 11-24-1890 died 4/24/1973 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army WWI
Baca, David Anthony born 1945 died 1960 Notes: Son
Baca, J.F. Dr. born 1870 died 1940 Notes: Dedicated By Consuelo
Bachicha, Sally born 1916 died 1989
Bachicha, Ramon born 1908 died 1993
Bailey, Kathleen L. Unfug born 1919 died 1983
Baird, T.D. Dr. born no date died 3/15/1916
Bak, George F. born 4/3/1964 died 8/30/1964 Notes: Our Baby (Son of Franklin George & Martha Todd Bak)
Bak, Martha Alexis (Todd) born 9/1/1941 died 7/30/1999
Baker, Addie B. born 1883 died 1938 Notes: Mother
Baker, Clara A. born 1894 died 1965
Baker, Ralph M. born 1888 died 1970
Baldwin, Barnie L. born 1895 died 1929
Barcicki, John born 1861 died 1926
Barkley, Arthur Lee born 1945 died 1945
Barma, Dominic died 1-4-1902
Barma, Pete died 1-4-1902
Barnes, Alfonzo born 1879 died 1968 SSDI shows Fonzo birth 2-22-1879 death 10-1968
Barnes, Baby born 3/17/1926 died 3/17/1926
Barnes, Beverly G. born 8/25/1927 died 12/14/1937 Notes: Daughter
Barnes, Howard born 2-28-1886 died 3/1/1928
Barnes, Lucy born 1900 died 1987
Barnes, Nellie born 1896 died 1983
Barrett, James M. born 1871 died 1949
Barrett, Robina born 1878 died 1962
Bartlett, Chester W. born 3/21/1902 died 10/11/1989
Bartlett, Jane born 1912 died 1964
Bassett, Leslie born 1929 died 1957
Bassety, Vadon ? born 1867 died 6/12/1942
Bauer, Ernest O. born 1880 died 1940 Notes: Father
Bauer, Frederick E. born 1902 died 1909
Bauer, Hazel Jean born 1912 died 1913
Bauer, Margaret born 1883 died 1950
Bauer, Mary B. born 1882 died 1977 Notes: Mother
Bauer, Oscar A. born 1887 died 1921
Bauer, Thomas born 1907 died 1919
Baugh, Baby born no date died no date
Baugh, Baby born no date died no date
Baxter, Edwin W. born 6-15-1846 died 7/20/1910
Baxter, Edwin W. Jr. born 8-21-1875 died 11-29-1897
Baxter, Lucy M.D. born 10-24-1852 died 1/9/1936
Baxter, Margaret N. born 10-8-1872 died 12/12/1945
Beard, Jesse born 1869 died 1950
Beardain, Herbert "Mac" born 1914 died 1968 Notes: Brother
Beardain, Herbert McCoy Jr. born 1940 died 1943 Notes: County Burial Permit: Herbert McCoy Beardain Jr., died at Bartlett Ranch, Farisita, 9-24-1943, age 2y 20d
Bearing, Anna born no date died no date
Beceyta, Elisabeth born no date died 1/5/1915
Bechaver, Helen born 10/16/1928 died 8/12/1983
Bechaver, Steve born 12/18/1917 died 11/23/1994
Becker, Minnie Jane born 1886 died 1949
Bedran, Abe died 4-1915
Beeler, Margaret C. born 1899 died 1983
Bellah, Elaisa born 1882 died 1958
Bellah, M. Esperanza born 1907 died 1997 SSDI shows birth 8-25-1907 death 8-3-1987
Bellah, Samuel W. born 1903 died 1974 Notes: married 3-21-1932, SSDI shows birth 3-16-1903 death 6-1974
Beltram, Dominic died 1-15-1942 Notes: 60 years old
Beltrami, Joseph R. born 1885 died 1940
Benine, Gene R. born 4/18/1939 died no date
Benine, Margaret L. born 2/16/1941 died no date
Benson, _msire? born and died 1918?
Bergamo, Florence born 1913 died 2003
Berry, James Robert born 6/30/1905 died 2/10/1908
Berta, Evelyn born 1/30/1928 died 9/21/1928
Bertagnolli, Carlo born 1896 died 1967
Best, ? born ? died ? Notes: Eastern Star
Best, Fernie G. born 1897 died 1988
Best, Twin Boys born no date died 10/10/1926
Best, Walter E. born 1895 died 1969 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 8-21-1895 death 3-1969
Beveridge, Johan born 1882 died 1937
Biggi, Harry born 11/6/1914 died 5/30/1982 Notes: married 10-5-1940
Bickelman, Catherine born no date died 4/19/1982 Notes: Age 59y wife of Fred Bickelman
Bird, Munroe born 1862 died 1925
Birkey, John A. born 1949 died 2000
Bishard, Emly born no date died 1902 Notes: wife of J.C. Bishard, age 34y
Bishard, Emly born died
Bishard, James C. born 1859 died 1924
Bishard, John died 11-9-1900
Bissell, Rev. C.H. died 1-1910
Black, Earl Eugine born 12/10/1928 died 1939
Black, Solon born 11-23-1894 died 7/14/1974 Notes: Pvt US Army
Blackledge, J. born no date died 1926
Blanton, C.B. born 1884 died 1944
Blanton, Clarence B. born 1913 died 1996 Notes: married 1-29-1934
Blanton, Dale Ross born 12/7/1937 died 8/6/1945
Blanton, Doris V. born 1916 died no date
Blattman, Robert M. born 8/25/1916 died 4/15/1961 Notes: Colorado SSgt Btry B 200 Coast Arty
Blickhahn monument born died
Blickhahn, Anna born 1861 died 1902
Blickhahn, Carl born 1895 died 1895
Blickhahn, George born 1813 died 1901
Blickhahn, Henry born 1854 died 1926
Blickhahn, Katherine born 1882 died 1903
Blickhahn, Minerva S. born 1865 died 1936
Blockter, Marie E. born 1862 died 1940
Blockter, Murray R. born 1926 died 1928 Notes: Brother
Boddy, Agnes born no date died no date Notes: Baby
Boddy, Bonita Maxine born no date died no date
Boddy, Dolores born no date died no date Notes: Baby
Boddy, Elizabeth Ann born 1865 died 1942 Notes: Eastern Star, County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 6-7-1942, age 76y 6m 14d
Boddy, Elizabeth Jenkins born 1900 died 1935 Notes: Mother
Boddy, William Henry "Boots" born 1890 died 1962
Bodycomb monument born died
Bodycomb, David born 1847 died 1926 Notes: Father
Bodycomb, Gwendolyn born 1857 died 1932 Notes: Mother
Bodycomb, Janet born 1893 died 1979
Bodycomb, John born 1896 died 1974 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Bodycomb, Marie Jean born 1929 died 1931
Bodycomb, Mary born 1855 died 1936
Bodycomb, Thomas born 1851 died 1940
Bodycomb, William born 5-15-1894 died 10/10/1973
Bodycomb, William born died Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army WWI
Bogovich, Chris born 1869 died 1968
Bonham, Irene J. born 7/24/1919 died 12/30/1990
Bonham, Orville L. born 2/16/1906 died 12/9/1995
Bonse, Antonio born 1895 died 5/19/1905
Boone, Mary Ann Randall born 3-17-1923 died 9-18-1909
Booth, Thomas W. born 2-8-1879 died 2/20/1923 Notes: (On Miners page)
Borrego, Eloisa born 1917 died 4/27/1905 Notes: County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 8-24-1944, age 34y.
Borrego, Rosenda V. born 1888 died 5/22/1905
Bortman, Bertha born 1882 died 5/14/1905
Bortman, John E. born 1878 died 4/18/1905 Notes: Father [Miners Page died 8-26-1935]
Bortman, Wilfred H. born 1909 died 1960
Boscia, Lee born 11/27/1900 died 8/31/1982
Boston, Blanche E. born 1916 died 1994
Boston, Floyd R. Sr. born 5/24/1908 died 5/1/1973 Notes: Tennessee S/1 U.S. Navy WWII
Bowen, Hazel C. born 1899 died 2000
Bowen, John E. born 2-16-1893 died 12/19/1970
Bowen, John Ervin born 2-16-1893 died 12/19/1970 Notes: Colorado Pvt. 676 Aero Sq WWI
Bowen, J. W. born 8-13-1866 died 6/20/1905 Notes: I.O.O.F.
Boyd, Lynn A. born 1904 died 1969
Boyd, Mary born 1903 died 1973
Boyle Adelaide A. born 1861 died 1925
Boyle, Arthur M. born 1897 died 1966
Boyle, John W. born 1857 died 1921
Boyle, Shirley Mae born no date died 1936
Bramall, Celia born 1878 died 1938
Bramall, Henry born 1870 died 1924
Bramall, Henry E. born 1913 died 1934
Bramall, Robert C. born 1900 died 1931
Bramlet, Henry H. born 1862 died 1957
Bramlet, Sarah A. born 1870 died 1933
Branch, Minnie Grace born 1901 died 1994
Branch, Perry Howard born 1901 died 1976
Branch, Ruby C. born 5/31/1935 died 7/7/1987
Branch, Thomas Frederick born 1898 died 1917
Brannon, Theodore W. 12-16-1912 8-12-1972 N.M. Pfc. US Army WWII born 12/16/1912 died 8/12/1972 Notes: New Mexico PFC US Army WWII
Brenner, Mary B. born no date died 3/9/1943 Notes: County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg, 3-9-1943, age 76y 3m
Brewer, J.H. died 1-20-1902
Brice, Walter H. born no date died 10-2-1898 Notes: of Troy, Tenn, 32y 9m 8d
Brickling, Chris T. born 1976 died 1983
Brickling, Judy born 1946 died 1983
Britain, Aldon F. born 1866 died 1910
Britt, Baby on stone with Pauline
Britt, Joseph born 1858 died 1945 Notes: Father
Britt, Mary born 1867 died 1908 Notes: Mother
Britt, Pauline born 1896 died 1920 Notes: Mother/Baby
Brown, Albert born 1886 died 1935
Brown, Augusta Erwin born 1871 died 1933 Notes: D.A.R.
Brown, Catherine born 1877 died 1973
Brown, Dorothy born 1899 died 1968SSDI shows birth 12-28-1900 death 9-15-1968
Brown, James Matthew born 1905 died 1966 Notes: Father, Mason
Brown, John born 1907 died 1922
Brown, John Joseph born died 4/24/1942 Notes: County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 4-24-1942, age 75y
Brown, Julia A. born --- died 4-12-1887 Notes: Age 36y 4m 7d wife of John H. Brown
Brown, Mary H. Mrs. born 12-25-1883 died 5/23/1929
Brown, Mildred Fay & Baby Boy born 1908 died 1957 Notes: Mother
Brown, Samuel T. born 6-?-1877 died 9/24/1903
Brown, Thomas died 8-1926 age 56y
Brown, Thomas born 1873 died 1934
Brown, W. Minnie born 1883 died 1951
Brubaker, Jack born 1911 died 1989 Notes: married 11-19-1962
Brubaker, Lillie R. born 1911 died 1989
Bruce, Claud born 1920 died 1922
Bruce, Lillian Messer born 1916 died 1934
Bruce, Rowena Capps born 1885 died 1976
Brunelli, Mary C. born 5/5/1916 died 2001
Brunelli, Walter C. born 9/30/1913 died 8/8/1993
Bubnar, Betty Joyce born 1924 died 1940 Notes: Educator
Buchanan, Elizabeth born 1866 died 1922 Notes: Mother
Buchanan, James G. born 1862 died 1945 Notes: Father - I.O.O.F.
Buchanan, John born 1891 died 1920 Notes: Co. A. 27 Inf.
Buchanan, Robert P. born 1857 died 1932
Buckland, Charles S. born 1870 died 1958 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Buckland, Mary E. born 1876 died 1953
Burgess, Thelma Jenkins born 1910 died 1935 Notes: Mother
Burnett, Mary E. born 1855 died 1931 Notes: Mother
Bursach, Katherine born 1891 died 1956
Bursach, Rade born 1891 died 1971 SSDI shows Ruda birth 4-8-1891 death 12-1971
Burt, Nettie R. born 1869 died 1953
Burt, William C. born 1860 died 1938
Burton, Mary Ann born no date died 3-31-1892 Notes: died at Rouse, Colo, Age 44y 11m 24d
Busch, Lloyd A. born 1890 died 1970 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 8-22-1890 death 1-1970
Busch, Stella M. born 1893 died 1969 Notes: Eastern Star
Bushway, Dana M. born 1902 died 1960
Butler, Elsie B. born 1902 died 1971 SSDI shows birth 7-11-1902 death 11-1971
Butler, Owen born 1878 died 1934
Butterworth, John E. born 1882 died 1957
Butts, Etta born 1882 died 1907 Notes: Mother
Cables, Charlie R. born 1902 died 1938
Cadaros, Peter born 1889 died 1960
Cadaros, Peter born 1889 died 1960
Cadell monument born died
Caddell, Edward G. born 1890 died 1952
Caddell, Edward Sr. born 1853 died 1929 Notes: Father
Caddell, Elizabeth G. born 1859 died 1924 Notes: Mother
Caddell, Fred born 1874 died 1916 Notes: (Miners page, died 1-6-1916)
Caddell, Janet M. born 1862 died 1928
Caddell, Jean born 1878 died 1963
Caddell, William born 1882 died 1947
Caddell, William H. born 1876 died 1941
Caddell, William J. born 1860 died 1918 Notes: (Miners page, died 10-21-1918)
Calderhead, Mable Jr. born no date died 1-21-1897 Notes: Age 20y 8m 7d wife of J. Calderhead
Calderon, Ireni Y. born 1947 died 1948
Caldwell, George Rice born 1874 died 1930
Caldwell, Mae Vestine born 1903 died 1954
Caldwell, Marion Walp born 1892 died 1956
Caldwell, Mary Ellen born 1886 died 1938
Calender, Ruth Marie born 12/22/1917 died 8/5/1918 Notes: daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Calender
Calkins, Jessie Ann Lewis born 2/19/1902 died 1/24/1990
Cambell, Jeff Mack born 1930 died 1956
Cambier, Lindell born no date died no date
Cambier, Mont born no date died no date
Cambier, Mont Van Lare born no date died no date
Campagnola, Catherine E. born 1923 died 1924 Notes: Baby
Campagnola, Constance born 1897 died 1968 SSDI shows birth 8-30-1899 death 8-15-1968
Campagnola, Ethel born 8/18/1930 died no date
Campagnola, Georgia born 4/26/1922 died 5/16/1981
Campagnola, Louis born 3/20/1925 died 9/12/2001
Campagnola, Martin born 1890 died 1938
Campagnola, Martin born 5/29/1921 died 2/19/1991
Campbell, Anna B. born 1886 died 1975
Campbell, Bella born no date died 4-20-1887 Notes: Age 4y 10m 3d daughter of A.R. & C.L. Campbell
Campbell, Bella born died
Campbell, David born 1879 died 1946
Campbell, Jane Murray born 1885 died 1971
Campbell, Jeff Mack born 1930 died 1956
Campbell, Joan born 3-26-1851 died 1/29/1932 Notes: Age 81y 10m 3d
Campbell, John born 1878 died 1958
Campbell, John R. born 9-14-1851 died 1/3/1908 Notes: Memorial For Her Husband By Joan C. Campbell
Campbell, John R. born died
Campbell, Kate born 1880 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial Permit: Kate Simpson Campbell died at Walsenburg 8-13-1944, age 64y 7m 5d)
Campbell, Louise born 1884 died 1975 SSDI shows birth 9-7-1884 death 10-1975
Campbell, Mack C. born 1876 died 1954
Campbell, Mary R. born 1853 died 1918
Campbell, Raymond born 4/10/1909 died 1/24/1911 Notes: son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Campbell
Campbell, Thomas H. born 1885 died 1966 SSDI shows birth 1-15-1885 death 3-1966
Campbell, William born 1853 died 1907
Campbell, William S. born 1887 died 1934
Campion, Clyde A. Jr. born 1923 died 1958
Campion, Donald Lee born no date died 1946
Cancino, Jesusita born 6-12-1864 died 6/6/1948
Cancino, Mujun born no date died no date
Canegos, Manuel born 4-Jun died 1961
Cannon, Elmer born 1930 died 1948Notes: died 5-7-1948
Cannon, Eugene no dates
Cannon, Grace born 1897 died 1964
Cannon, Homer no dates
Cannon, Jess born 1888 died 1970
Cannon, Richard born 1883 died 1963
Cannon, Ruby no dates
Canon, Vive born 7-26-1879 died 12-13-1883
Cansino, Elena born 11/15/1936 died 6/7/1937
Capparos, Munzer born 1895 died 1982
Capparos, Peter born 1889 died 1960
Capps, Amelia F. born 1854 died 1948
Capps, Edith Rhoda born 5-5-1888 died 9/14/1901 Notes: daughter of S.J. & Amelia Capps
Capps, Edith Rhoda
Capps, Harry J. born 1877 died 1968
Capps, Kate J. born 1878 died 1966
Capps, Samuel J. born 1844 died 1923 Notes: (born 3-2-1843 died 1-11-1923)
Capps, Samuel J. born no date died no date Notes: Bos'N Mate US Navy
Carlier, Lawrence E. born no date died 2/25/1930 Notes: Colorado Sgt Amb Service
Carlson, Alvin A. born 1906 died 1989
Carlson, Blanche A. born 1896 died 1932
Carlson, Clarence Jr. born no date died no date Notes: Baby
Carlson, Nora A. born 1931 died no date
Carnes, George T. born 1904 died 1937Notes: died 6-24-1937
Carson, Edward born 1910 died 1922
Carson, P.A. born no date died no date
Carter, Frances Burge born 1854 died 1930 Notes: Mother
Carter, John D. born no date died 2-9-1899 Notes: Age 52y 3m 24d
Carter, John D. born died
Carver, Percy C. born 1873 died 1959
Carver, Stella W. born 1879 died 1941
Cary, Mable E. born 9/2/1922 died 12/8/1922
Casados, Elena born 1911 died 1938
Catterton, Daisy O. born 1877 died 1965
Caviness monument born died
Caviness, Bessie born 1892 died 1893
Caviness, Charlie born 1887 died 1912
Caviness, Curtis born 1880 died 1921
Caviness, Frank born 1883 died 1902
Caviness, John H. born 1852 died 1900
Caviness, Laura B. born 1883 died 1909
Caviness, Maggie D. born 1862 died 1926
Caywood, Star Berton born 10/6/1915 died 7/19/1968 Notes: Colorado SSgt. 185 Replacement Co. WWII
Caywood, Star Berton born died
Caywood, Virla R. born 4-18-1906 died 5-?-1976
Chacon, Elva Gonzales born 12/9/1906 died 10/3/1984
Chacon, Joyce R. born 3/20/1938 died 5/21/1976
Chapin, Blanche born 2/7/1901 died 11/15/1902 Notes: daughter of N.J. & M. Chapin
Chapin, Marie E. born 1866 died 1946
Chapin, Nathaniel J. born 1866 died 1946
Chapman, Stella Althea born 1874 died 1957 Notes: Eastern Star
Chapman, Walter S. born 1872 died 1967 Notes: M.D.Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth as 10-29-1873 death 9-?-1967
Chase, Nicholas Fred born no date died 11/10/1951
Chatin, August Hubert born 9-13-1894 died 2/4/1985 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII
Chavez, Carmelita born 1864 died 1937
Chavez, Moises born no date died 5/22/1933 Notes: New Mexico Pvt US Army
Cheatham, William Henry born 1865 died 1951 Notes: Brother
Chebuhar, Joseph L. born 1874 died 1944 Notes: Father
Cherry, W.E. died 6-2-1927
Chiesi, Gene Victor born 10/10/1925 died no date
Chiesi, Gene Victor born died
Chiesi, Janet Elaine Todd born 5/22/1927 died 9/17/1986
Chiesi, Janet Elaine Todd born died
Chippinto, Vincino died 1-25-1902
Cholakos, Baby born no date died 1939
Cholakos, Gus A. born 1894 died 1960 Notes: Mason
Christensen, Chris V. born 1882 died 1955
Christensen, Louise P. born 1886 died 1959
Christiansen, Ann L. born 1915 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 5-17-1915 death 2-?-1979.
Christiansen, George J. born 1909 died 1991
Chuba, Andrew born 1905 died 1922
Chuba, John born 1904 died 1966SSDI shows birth 1-31-1904 death 3-1966
Chuba, Mary born 1905 died 1973
Chuba, Nick born 1871 died 1930
Cihura, Anna born 1905 died no date SSDI shows birth 12-7-1905 death 5-1988
Cihura, Charles born 1886 died 1946
Cisneros, Albina born 1909 died no date
Cisneros, Dora H. born 1945 died 1976
Cisneros, Joe D. Sr. born 1901 died 1985
Cisneros, Genoveva born 1881 died 1972 Notes: Mother
Cisneros, Issac born 1896 died 1949
Clair, Clarence E. born 1913 died 1994 Notes: married 8-23-1936
Clair, George born 1855 died 1920 Notes: Father (Miners page, died 2-13-1920)
Clair, Harold B. born 1917 died 1967 Notes: Married 3-20-1938
Clair, Lydia born 1870 died 1944 Notes: Mother
Clair, Mary K. born 1915 died no date
Clair, Ruth E. born 1907 died 1995
Clark plot born died
Clark, Christene born 1856 died 1923 Notes: Mother
Clark, Robert born 1848 died 1923 Notes: Father
Clark, Christa born 1892 died 1907
Clark, Clarence R. born 1894 died 1923
Clark, Edward Ady born 1877 died 12/28/1959 Notes: Son, died in Iowa
Clark, Emma born 1842 died 1925
Clark, Robbie born no date died 1-29-1897 Notes: son of Robert & Christina Clark Age 6y 0m 19d
Clark, Roy W. born 1905 died 1922
Clark, William born 1844 died 1898 Notes: Father
Clements, Dorothy born 1919 died 1920 Notes: Baby
Clements, Richard C. born 1892 died 1926 Notes: (Miners page died 5-28-1926)
Clemmensen, Mary Ann born 9/11/1935 died no date
Clemmensen, Mary Ann born died
Clemmensen, Melvin J. born 7/8/1936 died 5/7/1993
Clemmensen, Melvin J. born died
Coan, Major C.B. died 7-1914
Coats, Henry born no date died 3-23-1891 Notes: Age 2y 11m 14d son of M.J.& M.E. Coots
Cochrane, Judy Lamme born 11/26/1948 died 3/30/1991
Collins monument born died
Collins, Ida Coots born 1882 died 1931
Collins, Ray I. born 1905 died 1992
Collins, Ruth E. born 1916 died 1977 Notes: Mom
Colnar, Anton born 1893 died 1965
Colnar, Anton born 1918 died 1948
Colnar, Frances Styduhar born 1896 died 1951
Colnar, Samantha M. Hogarth born 1908 died 1967
Cook, H.P. Mrs. born 4-3-1838 died 4/9/1907
Cooper, John Notley born 1863 died 1940
Cooper, Julia Erwin born 1869 died 1949
Cooper, Maude L. born 1879 died 1960
Cooper, William A. born 1877 died 1965
Coots, Albert born 6-2-1879 died 11-29-1883 Notes: Age 4y 5m 5d son of M.J. & M.E. Coots
Coots, Ben born 3-4-1876 died 3-26-1878 Notes: Age 1y 10m son of M.J. & M.E. Coots
Coots, Edith F. born 1919 died 1939 Notes: Sister
Coots, Eva born 7-12-1877 died 8-12-1882 Notes: Evey Coots Age 5y 1m daughter of M.J. & M.E. Coots
Coots, Kem born 1889 died 1954
Coots, Leah Sarah born 1889 died 1939 Notes: Mother
Coots, Monroe Jackson born no date died 12/23/1982 Notes: Age 50Y3M
Coots, Monroe Jackson born 9-27-1842 died 12-23-1892 Notes: Texas, Pvt McCord's Regt Tex Cav Confederate States Army
Corcoran, Najeeba born 1900 died 1936
Cordova, David Pete born 1936 died 1962
Cordova, John B. born 1906 died 1987
Cordova, Emily Ann born 7/14/1973 died 10/3/1992
Cordova, Ercilia P. born 8/8/1912 died 12/31/1998
Cordova, Robert S. born 1956 died 1956
Corsentino monument born died
Corsentino monument born died
Corsentino, Helen born 1920 died 1987
Corsentino, Joe born 1913 died 1989
Corsentino, Leonard born 1921 died 2001
Corsentino, Mary E. born 1915 died 1993
Corsentino, Ronnie Lee born no date died 7/19/1950 Notes: Our Baby
Cory, Joseph born no date died 10/31/1918 Notes: Woodman Of The World
Countrayman, Charles born 1883 died 1951
Countrayman, Edward Charles born 1852 died 2-18-1930
Countrayman, Lena L. born 1887 died 1967
Countrayman, Teresa born 1847 died 8-7-1941
Courtney, Baby Giles born no date died 10/25/1947
Courtney, Helen born 1860 died 1940
Courtney, Mabel Hale born no date died 10/30/1930 Notes: Baby
Courtney, Mae born 9/26/1903 died 10/22/1934 Notes: Mother
Courtney, Robert born 3-18-1894 died 12/5/1957 Notes: Scotland Pvt US Army WWI
Courtney, Samuel born 1857 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 7-22-1944 age 87y 5m 10d)
Cowing, Frederick E. born 1856 died 1950 Notes: died 11-16-1950 age 94
Cowing, Frederick E. Jr. born 1903 died 1922
Cowing, Maurice E. born 1887 died 1950Notes: died 2-23-1950
Cowing, Maurice E. Jr. born 1915 died 1964
Cowing, May W. born 1888 died 1957
Cowing, Susan E. born 1858 died 1951 Notes: Susan Evans Cowing, age 93y
Cox, Jack born 1/25/1914 died 9/18/1966 Notes: Utah PFC US Army WWII
Cox, Tom born 1882 died 1959
Craig, Mary born --- died 8-13-1883 Notes: daughter of J.H. & J. Craig Age 1y 1m 21d
Cramer. Sudie I. Haney born 1897 died 1965
Crank, Abigail born 1867 died 1955 Notes: Mother
Crank, Elijah J. born 1871 died 1950
Crank, Hester A. born 1845 died 1922
Crank, James Henry born 1863 died 1943 Notes: Father
Crank, Winnie born 12-6-1870 died 9/27/1926
Crawford, Charlie E. born no date died 3/2/1932 Notes: Missouri Pvt 69 Inf 10 Div
Creesy, Jennie C. born 1846 died 1899
Creesy, Truman L. born 1838 died 1901
Cristelli, Corina "Cora" born 1903 died 1993
Cristelli, Felice "Yota" born 1890 died 1975SSDI shows birth 11-21-1890 death 11-1975
Crittenden, J.W. born no date died no date Notes: Co D 17 Indiana Inf
Crocomb, William H. born 1870 died 1928 Notes: Elk
Cross, Emma born 1871 died 1959
Cross, Frank A. born 1865 died 1946 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Crump, Albert Sr. born 1891 died 1992
Crump, Ann born 1910 died 1999
Crump, Anna born 1878 died 1954
Crump, Berta C. born 1907 died 1990
Crump, Corinne born 1868 died 1941 Notes: Mother
Crump, Emma O. born 1875 died 1958
Crump, Ernest Oliver born no date died 2/2/1912 Notes: of Toltec, age 2y 1m 1d
Crump, Joan B. born 2/18/1931 died 8/13/1991
Crump, John W. born 1880 died 1958
Crump, Joseph L. born 1894 died 1986
Crump, Leola M. born 1894 died 1992
Crump, Martin born 1902 died 1946 Notes: (Miners page died 1-4-1946)
Crump, Michael William born 4/5/1955 died 4/30/2004
Crump, Michael William born died
Crump, Walter born 1855 died 1950 Notes: Father
Crump, Walter L. born 1882 died 1953
Crump, William J. born 4/28/1930 died no date Notes: married 6-7-1953
Crump, Zig born 1899 died 1980
Cruz, Helen S. born 1937 died no date
Cruz, Jose Celestino born 5/6/1902 died 4/28/1995
Cruz, Thomas D. born 1933 died 1968 Notes: Married 8-25-1956
Cummings, Marquis S. born no date died 6-5-1896 Notes: Age 25y 5m 5d
Cunningham, Aileen S. born 1899 died 1988
Cunningham, Murray W. born 1885 died 1966
Curry, Anna born 1927 died 1836
Curry, Arie born 11-7-1867 died 9/19/1923
Curry, Elizabeth G. born 1862 died 1935 Notes: Mother
Curry, Henriette born 1907 died 1928
Curry, Robert born 1860 died 1934 Notes: Father
Dagan, Alphonse born 1861 died 1920
Dagan, Ferdinand born 1843 died 1919
Dalley, Edith L. born 1907 died 1937 Notes: Mother
Daly, Lauretta B. born 1900 died 1986
Dance, William born 6-29-1893 died 12/15/1955 Notes: Colorado Pvt Co D 350 Machine Gun Bn WWI
Danford, Alice M. born 1850 died 1923
Danford, F. Howard born no date died no date Notes: Mason (died 2-4-1959)
Danford, Mabel E. born no date died no date Notes: (died 5-31-1967)
Danford, William B. born 1846 died 1913 Notes: (died July 1913)
Danford, William B. born no date died no date Notes: Co K 102 Illinois Inf CW
Darley, George Marshall born 7/12/1904 died 3/19/1925
Darley, Susan born 8-18-1871 died 1/5/1933 Notes: Eastern Star
Dasko, Gary M., Jr. born 1975 died 1976
Daugherty, John A. born 1864 died 1918
Daugherty, Sarah E. born 1869 died 1939
Daumiller, George born 1863 died 1941
Daumiller, Sadie born 1871 died 1934
Davidson, George born 1861 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 1-21-1943, age 81y 7m 14d)
Davidson, Lillian born 1857 died 1942
Davies, Elsie Belle born 1890 died 1966
Davies, Richard H. born 1885 died 1958
Davies, Sarah A. born 1862 died 1922
Davies, William V. born 1857 died 1933
Davis, Alice R. born 1875 died 1949 Notes: Mother
Davis, Alma M. born 1891 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 10-4-1891 Obit shows death 12-21-1977
Davis, Annie born 1870 died 1943 Notes: Mother
Davis, Arthur L. born 1890 died 1969 SSDI shows birth 3-29-1890 death 4-1969
Davis, Cyril born 1893 died 1913
Davis, Cyril born died
Davis, Donna Marlene born 1936 died 1940
Davis, Edward "Buddy" born 1923 died 1936
Davis, Emma Mae born 4/23/1915 died 12/3/1981
Davis, Estel A. born 1915 died 1970 Obit shows birth 6-19-1915 death 10-19-1970
Davis, Frederick born 1865 died 1940
Davis, Glenn T. born 11/3/1908 died 9/14/1986
Davis, Helen born 1898 died 1908
Davis, John born 1866 died 1950 Notes: Father
Davis, Josie E. born 1920 died no date
Davis, Katie M. born died
Davis, Katie M. born 1901 died 1913
Davis, Margaret born 1901 died 1908
Davis, Margaret J. born 12-16-1897 died 12/23/1987
Davis, Michael born no date died no date
Davis, Olive M. born 1897 died 1913
Davis, Olive M. born died
Davis, Percy born 12-24-1895 died 6/14/1931 Notes: Colorado Pvt 157 In. 40 Div
Davis, Rhoda S. born 1870 died 1932
Davis, Samuel R. born 1860 died 1925
Davis, Threesa Isibeele born 1/9/1907 died 7/28/1908
Davis, William J. born 1895 died 1939
Davis, William born no date died 10/23/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Wlasenburg 10-23-1942, age 73y 10m 7d, colored)
Davison, Wilbur born 1896 died 1948
Deal, Elizabeth born 1865 died 1946
Deal, W. Fletcher born 1862 died 1928
Dean, Bernice born 1-24-1889 died 7-7-1889
Dean, Betsy born 2-4-1846 died 12/10/1907
Dean, Noah born 7-4-1835 died 12/19/1910
Dearing, Anna born no date died no date
Deck, Diana E. born 1874 died 1961
Deck, George T. born 1907 died 1964 Notes: Married 25 Oct 1941
Deck, Joy Marie born 1915 died 1965
Deck, Ruth E. born 1900 died 1927 Notes: (died 8-12-1927)
Deck, William G. born 1863 died 1921
Deherrera, Ramon born 1869 died 1940
Dellahunty, Pat died 3-28-1902
DeVan, Charles E., Sr. born 9-25-1892 died 2/2/1967 Notes: Illinois Cpl Co L 803 Pioneer Inf WWI
DeVan, Edgar Jr. born 1918 died 6/11/1905
DeVan, Edgar Sr. born 1898 died 1968 Notes: Married 10-23-1915, SSDI shows birth 1-22-1898 death 12-1968
DeVan, Lucille born 1898 died 1983
DeVan, Lucy born 1923 died 1990
DeVan, Margarette Owetta born 2/21/1905 died 8/4/1988
DeVita, Johanna Marquis born 1860 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 6-26-1944, age 83y)
Dick, Althea E. born 1916 died 1933
Dick, Althea E. born died
Dick, Andrew born 1882 died 1957 Notes: died 11-26-1957, native of Pennsylvania, son of George and Janet Dick.
Dick, Andrew B. born 1857 died 1941 Notes: Father
Dick, Annie Evans born 1886 died 1963
Dick, Annie Evans born died
Dick, Ann born 1858 died 1921 Notes: Mother/Wife
Dick, Edward L. born 1889 died 1950 Notes: Husband
Dick, Eva born 1892 died 1960
Dick, George Jr. born 1887 died 1908
Dick, George Sr. born 1851 died 1927
Dick, George B. born 1895 died 1984
Dick, George B. born 10-30-1895 died 10/14/1984 Notes: 1st Sgt US Army WWI
Dick, James B. Jr. born 1887 died 1963 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Dick, James Bute born 1859 died 1939 Notes: Dad, Mason Blue Lodge
Dick, Mrs. James B. died 4-25-1930
Dick, Janet B. born 1849 died 1921
Dick, Janet born 1859 died 1894 Notes: wife of J.B. Dick
Dick, Janet born died
Dick, John born 1872 died 1960
Dick, John R. born 1882 died 1968 SSDi shows birth 4-26-1882 death 9-1968
Dick, Katherine B. born 1891 died 1976
Dick, Orman born 1901 died 1959
Dick, Pearl Mae born 1897 died 1965
Dick, Robert born no date died no date, died 3-?-1915 age 47y
Dick, Roy born 1899 died 1927
Dick, Victoria B. born 1878 died 1971 Notes: Nanny, SSDI shows borth 10-3-1875 death 12-1971
Dillon, Martha F. born 11-10-1836 died 8-1-1891 Notes: Born Plainfield, N.J. wife of Robert
Dillon, Robert born 6-29-1831 died 6-22-1893
Dillon, Robert born died
Doerffler, Henry born no date died 3/19/1912
Doerffler, Henry born died
Dominick, James born 1860 died 1927
Dorothy, Enoch C. born 1859 died 1931 Notes: Father
Dorothy, Mercy S. born 1859 died 1942 Notes: Mother (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 5-29-1942 age 82y 9m 1d)
Dougherty, Arthur J. born 1879 died 1966
Dougherty, Dora May born 1875 died 1935
Dougherty, Dora May born died
Dovich, Anna born 1878 died 1954
Dovich, Pete born 1884 died 1972
Dow, Dorotha D. born 1907 died 1921
Dow, Garland H. born 1899 died 1949
Dow, Pauline born 1877 died 1931
Dow, William H. born 1865 died 1936
Doze, Burtis Taylor born 1914 died 1976 Notes: Mason
Drake, William born 1840 died 1927
Dreiling, Erna E. Gerres born 1920 died 1991
Droghei, Frank born 1888 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 8-25-1888 death 7-1979
Dryden, Helen J. born 1917 died no date
Dryden, Robert L. born 1907 died 1981
Duckwiley, Charles born 1845 died 1938
Duckwiley, Kate born 1866 died 1935
Duez, Dom born 1-8-1889 died 12/22/1950
Duez, Dominick born 1856 died 1930
Duez, Mary born 1861 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: Mary Bressly Duez died at Toltec 10-9-1944, age 83y)
Dunford monument born died
Dunford, Emma Jane Williams born 12-24-1868 died 4/9/1915 Notes: wife of Samuel Dunford
Dunsmore, Amanda Cofer born 1877 died 1972
Dunsmore, Hattie born 1892 died 1949
Dunsmore, William born 1889 died 1963
Duran, Alfonso Sr. born 4-13-1892 died 6/30/1969 Notes: Dad, SSDI shows birth 3-13-1890 death 6-1969
Duran, Carlos born 1899 died 4-29-1990
Duran, Cordelia born 2/24/1900 died 6/13/1980
Duran, Delfina born 1906 died 7-13-1993
Duran, Edmund A. born 7/4/1953 died 8/3/1992 Notes: son of Emilio Duran
Duran, Emilio A. born 1903 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 2-22-1903 death 9-1979
Durham, Edwin A. born 1873 died 1936
Durnell, Aubert born 1881 died 1921
Dussart, Jackie born 1927 died 1929 Notes: Baby
Dussart, Mary M. born 1906 died 1933 Notes: Mother
Duzan, Edgar W. born no date died 4/9/1941 Notes: Kentucky Pv. 68 Field Arty 95 Div (Miners page listed as Bill Edgar)
Dykes, James A. born 6-8-1893 died 9/19/1949 Notes: Missouri PFC 318 Engrs 6 Div WWI
Eades, Carl M. born 9/11/1919 died 7/25/1986 Notes: Married 6-24-1939
Eades, Jerald W. "Jerry" born 9/17/1944 died 11/7/1977 Notes: Son/Dad/Brother
Eades, Joyce L. born no date died no date
Eadie, George born 1887 died 1969 Notes: Father, SSDI shows birth 7-10-1887 death 10-1969
Eadie, Isabelle born 11-6-1873Michigan died 12/1/1912Notes: McCarthy Funeral Home, shipped on 12-7-1912, wife of O.E. Edie
Eadie, Mary R. born 1891 died 1933 Notes: Mother
Eaton, Presley born no date died no date Notes: Co K Pennsylvania Cav CW
Edwards, Thomas born 10-4-1858 died 11/5/1907 Notes: Woodman Of The World
Edwards, Walter L. born 1916 died 1921
Elder, Ethel born no date died 8-4-1889 Notes: daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C.R. Elder
Elder, Infant Daughter born no date died 5-17-1890 Notes: daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C.R. Elder
Elizalde, Manulita Gonzales born 1870 died 1959
Elliot, Winifred Maxine born 1926 died 1927
Elliot, Charles L. born 1897 died 1978
Elliot, Elin Marie born 1895 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 11-30-1895 death 7-1979
Elliott, Harry J. born 1862 died 1946
Elliott, Mathew died 8-1897
Elliott, Sarah Ann born 1861 died 1934
Ellis, Edmund D. born 1901 died 1978 Notes: Pvt. U.S. Marine Corps
Ellis, Eugene born 1898 died 1975 SSDI shows birth 3-3-1898 death 10-1975
Ellis, Jessie Farr born 1881 died 1951 Notes: Mother
Ellis, Nola M. born 1901 died no date
Ellis, Winnadel Katheryn born 4/17/1921 died 2/4/1939
Elwell, Anna B. born 1869 died 1934 Notes: Mother
Elwell, David W. born 1855 died 1935 Notes: Father
Elwell, James born 1894 died 1915
Ely, Edith born 1887 died 1946
Ely, Roy W. born 1878 died 1935 Notes: Mason
Enriques, Emma Pino born 3/23/1904 died 11/21/1991 Notes: wife of Ernest
Enriques, Ernest born 5-23-1895 died 2/5/1966 SSDI shows death 11-1996, last name Enriquez
Erickson, Elizabeth born 1865 died 1954
Erickson, Lars born 1859 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 5-8-1944, age 85y 1m 11d)
Espander, Otto born 1904 died 1971, SSDI shows birth 1-12-1904 death 6-1971
Espander, Pearl E. born 1904 died 1969
Espe, Augustus F. born no date died 11-2-1883 Notes: Age 35y 8m 24d
Espe, Augustus F. born died
Espe, Paul born 1874 died 1931
Espinoza, Alfredo born 1905 died 1982 SSDI shows birth as 2-8-1905 death 1-13-1982
Espinoza, Donald C. born 5/3/1939 died 4/22/1993
Espinoza, Esifal born 1875 died 1946
Espinoza, Estella D. born 5/27/1914 died 6/3/1969
Espinoza, Juan M. born 1872 died 10/3/1935
Espinoza, Moses born 11/?/1912 died 10-19-????
Espinoza, Moses born 11/8/1918 died 10/5/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 10-5-1943, age 24y 11m 11d)
Espinoza, R. Grace born 1910 died 1994 SSDi shows birth 12-25-1910 death 2-1984
Espinoza, Raoul Floyd born 1938 died 1960
Espinoza, Raoul Floyd born died
Essres, Gust born 1895 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Apache 2-12-1943, age 47y 8m 19d)
Essres, Harry born 3/23/1926 died 8/16/1984 Notes: SM3 US Nacy WWII
Estes, Charles M. died 8-1915
Evans, Dave died 1-1898
Evans, Elmore born no date died no date Notes: Corpl Co H 42 Ohio Inf CW
Evans, Eva born 1887 died 1959
Evans, Frances D. born 1858 died 1947
Evans, Frances P. born 1887 died 1958
Evans, Jack born no date died 1971
Evans, Lillie born 1867 died 1944 Notes: Mother (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 5-31-1944, age 77yn am 5d)
Evans, Rose born no date died 1971
Evans, Thomas T. born 1848 died 1935
Ewing, Lydia A. Tressler born 1853 died 1929
Faris, Louise S. (Saliba) born 1888 died 1955
Faris, Raymond A. born 1915 died 1936
Farmer, Joe born 1898 died 1967 SSDI shows birth 1-2-1898 death 8-15-1967
Farr monument born died
Farr, Daisy M. born 1881 died 1926 Notes: Mother
Farr, David E. born 1854 died 3-17-1922
Farr, Edward born 11-22-1864 died 7-16-1899 Notes: Woodman Of The World
Farr, Edward born died
Farr, Helen born 4-7-1895 died 4/7/1930
Farr, James D. born 1882 died 1974 Notes: Husband, SSDI shows birth 2-7-1882 death 11-1974
Farr, Jefferson born 1862 died 1920
Farr, Josie T. born no date died 4-5-1889 Notes: Age 1y 9m Infant daughter of D.E. & M.P. Farr
Farr, Lois born 10-14-1866 died 3/10/1949
Farr, M. Young born 1870 died 194
Farrior, Alwin D. born 1923 died 1925 Notes: Baby
Faxon, Hazel W. born 1890 died 1973
Faxon, Ralph H. born 1874 died 1965
Faxon, Wallace Winans born 4/10/1904 died 9/10/1960 Notes: New Mexico Sgt US Army WWII
Felthager, Joseph born 1875 died 1915
Ferderber, Rudolph born 6/9/1910 died 3/9/1942
Ferderber, Steve born 11/1/1913 died 7/21/1936
Ferguson, Blanche M. born 1907 died no date
Ferguson, David born 1869 died 1905
Ferguson, John S. born 1900 died 1942
Ferguson, John S. Jr. born 1928 died 1929 Notes: Baby
Ferguson, Mary S. born 1873 died 1953
Ferraro, Edward Sr. born 1888 died 1968 SSDI shows borth 9-11-1888 death 6-1968
Ferraro, Margaret born 1888 died 1973
Fields, John born no date died 7-12-1885 Notes: Age 29y
Finch, Modena born 1879 died 1928
Fink, Doris M. born 2/7/1915 died 6/22/2003
Fink, John born 6/1/1909 died 12/21/1988
Firm monument born died
Firm, Baby born no date died 8-3-1897 Notes: child of David & Mary Firm
Firm, David born 1848 died 1923 Notes: Father, I.O.O.F.
Firm, Infant born no date died 5/22/1906
Firm, John born no date died 10-20-1896 Notes: Age 12y 3m 10d son of David & Mary
Firm, Mary born 1855 died 1932 Notes: Mother
Flianagi, Gaetinodied 7-12-1910
Flatberg, Clara born no date died no date Notes: (died 1-25-1944)
Flatberg, Ole M. born no date died no date Notes: (died May 1941)
Fletcher, William born 1891 died 1936
Flores, Filomeno born 1883 died 12-30-1971
Flores, Teofila born 1889 died 1971
Forbidussi, Angelina M. born 1889 died 1957
Forbidussi, Baldo born 1878 died 1955
Forbidussi, Elvera born 1/8/1916 died no date
Forbidussi, Fred "Forbi" born 7/18/1910 died 3/16/1983
Forbidussi, Joe born 8/7/1922 died 1/20/1946 Notes: Colorado Pharmacists Mate 1st Class USNR
Franciscotti, Anton born 1883 died 1948
Franciscotti, Ben born 1915 died 2003
Franciscotti, Mary Alice born 1919 died 1989
Franciscotti, Rosina born 1885 died 1978 SSDI shows birth 9-19-1885 death 1-1978
Frank, Abigail born 1867 died 1955
Frank, James Henry born 1863 died 1943
Frantz, Florence L. born 1874 died 1964
Frantz, Thomas A. born 1875 died 1941
Frasher, Robert M. born 1927 died 1982
Frausto, Elsie M. born 1910 died 1941
Frederick, Thomas born 1898 died 1917
Freeland, Mary J. born 1864 died 1921
Freeland, Mary J. born no date died 6-9-1891 Notes: Age 30y wife of Chalmers Freeland
Freeland, Mary J. born died
Freeland, William born 1850 died 1933 Notes: William H. Freeland age 83, died 3-7-1933
Freeman, Mary G. born 1864 died 1921
Freeman, Maurice R. born 1868 died 1920
French, Adam born 1857 died 1932
French, Allen born 4-29-1886 died 12/4/1956 Notes: New Mexico Pvt 12 Cav WWI
French, Archie P. born 6-24-1882 died 5/28/1961
French, Elizabeth born 1861 died 1905
French, Elizabeth M. born 9-6-1888 died 4/22/1973
French, Ellen Mae born 5/3/1923 died 5/23/1923 Notes: Our Rosebud
French, Mary Elizabeth born 9/12/1919 died 9/19/1978
Froisland, Ollie M. born 1890 died 1963 Notes: Father
Frommann, Helen born 12-2-1876 died 7/28/1916 Notes: Mother
Frommann, Johnny born 11-27-1898 died 9/20/1913
Frommann, Sebastion born 2-22-1869 died 2/20/1941
Fruth-Parsons monument born died
Fruth, George born 1880 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: George Fruith died in West Virginia 3-3-1944, age 63y 3m 4d)
Fruth, Margaret C. born 1893 died 1987
Frye, Isreal J. born 1834 died 1915 Notes: Father
Furlong, Baby born 9/18/1922 died 1922
Furlong, Marion L. born 8/13/1923 died 8/14/1923
Furlong, Nellie B. born 1899 died 1920
Gale, Mary born 1854 died 1932 Notes: Mother
Gale, Thomas born 1851 died 1926 Notes: Father I.O.O.F.
Gallegos, Abel S. born 1898 died 1968 SSDI shows birth 6-1-1898 death 5-1968
Gallegos, Albert born no date died 1972 Notes: Age 7y 11m
Gallegos, David born 4-16-1887 died 8/9/1938
Gallegos, Eufemia M. born 1895 died 1974 SSDI shows birth 3-30-1893 death 3-1974
Gallegos, Florence born 1900 died 1964
Gallegos, John C. born 1922 died no date
Gallegos, Jose L. born 1893 died 1957
Gallegos, Margaret born 1927 died 1995
Gallegos, Nancy V. born 1956 died 1957
Galvez, Marcimiliano born 1879 died 1968
Garbizo, Jose Rufino born 1895 died 1957
Garbizo, Matilda born 1908 died 1981 Notes: (died 11-17-1981)
Garcia, Flora I. born 1920 died 1994
Garcia, Jake F. born 1911 died 1996 Notes: married 1-7-1939
Garcia, Julia G. born 1915 died 1956
Garcia, Matelda born 1873 died 1955
Garcia, Regino Ray born 11-8-1908 died 1-8-1989
Garcia, Rufino born 1886 died 1971 SSDI shows birth 7-24-1886 death 11-1971
Garcia, Tom born no date died no date
Garcia, Virgil born 1938 died 1970 Notes: My Beloved Grandson
Garcia, Virgil Sr. born 1914 died 1970 Notes: Our Beloved Father
Gardner monument born died
Gardner, Annette born 1910 died 1944 Notes: Mother
Gardner, B.F. born 1879 died 1952
Gardner, Claretta born 1941 died no date
Gardner, Elma born 1879 died 1937
Gardner, Jennie A. born no date died 1915
Gardner, John S. born no date died 1917
Gardner, Margaret born 1883 died 1931
Gardner, Robert H. born 1937 died no date Notes: married 6-7-1959
Gardner, Thomas D. born 1880 died 1953
Garston, John born no date died 1915
Garston, Margaret Snedden born no date died 1959
Garza, Frances Adams born 1899 died 1991
Garza, Joe Bernard born 1887 died 1962
Gaskin, Mary born 1910 died 1972
Gault, baby born no date died 7-14-1897
Gault, baby born died
Gault, Margaret McLennan born 2-27-1867 died 7-14-1897 Notes: wife of William Gault
Gault, Margaret McLennan born died
Gebinine, Eugene G. Sr. born 2/21/1923 died 12/3/1970 Notes: Colorado Pvt 505 Prcht In. Reg WWII
Gebinine, Eugene G. Sr. born 1923 died 1970
Gebinine, Helen P. born 1924 died no date
Gee, Harles W. born 1875 died 1964 Notes: Father
Gee, Howard Earl born no date died 10/29/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died in Walsenburg 10-29-1944, age 59y)
George, Abode K. born 1906 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 1-17-1906 death 2-1977
George, Catherine F. born 1/7/1900 died 1/14/1973 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 1-7-1896 death 1-1973
George, David born 1862 died 1947
George, George D. born 1902 died 1948
George, Georgia Kay born 11/7/1949 died 11/7/1949
George, Hannah born 1878 died 1943
George, Kalil born 1876 died 1946
George, Labebee D. born 1868 died 1958 Notes: Mother
George, Latyfe born 1897 died 1957 Notes: Mother
George, Lennah Bell born 1906 died 1987 SSDI shows birth 1-24-1906 death 1-1987
George, Nafie born 1897 died 1985
George, Norman born 1888 died 1972 SSDI shows birth 4-18-1883 death 1-1972
George, Solomon born 8-24-1891 died 6/30/1986
Germack, Frank born 1888 died 1937
German, John died 1-11-1914
Gerres, Anton born 1886 died 1930 Notes: Father
Gerres, Elfrieda born 1888 died 1968 Notes: Mother
Gerten, Ethel I. born 1906 died no date
Gerten, Herman M. born 1901 died 1963
Giecek, Aloizia born 1886 died 1932
Giecek, Rudolph born 1881 died 1970
Gilas, Mary born 5/13/1927 died 8/3/1927
Gilbert, D. born no date died 7/7/1952
Gilbert, Dorothy M. born 1914 died 1986 Notes: (Dorothy Ulsh Gilbert Thorne Tozser Gilbert)
Gilbert, Helen Marie born 1918 died 1937
Gilbert, James E. born 1908 died 1946
Gilbert, Minnie L. born 1889 died 1973
Gilbert, Paul born 1884 died 1962 Obit shows birth 5-6-1884 death 7-5-1962
Giles, Roy H. born 1890 died 1952
Gilligan, Anna M. born 1882 died 1923
Gilligan, Edward born 1878 died 1914
Gilligan, Franklyn born 1909 died 1926
Gilligan, James E. born 1905 died 1931
Gilmore, Anna born 1873 died 1954 Notes: Women Of Moose
Gilmore, Richard E. born 1879 died 1957 Notes: Moose
Giro, George born 1915 died 1984
Giro, Mary born 1915 died 1989
Gius, Charles E. born 2-1-1894 died 1/25/1972 Notes: PFC US Army WWI, SSDI shows birth 2-1-1893 death 1-1972
Gius, Emanuel L. born 1888 died 1975 Notes: Husband, SSDI shows birth 9-27-1888 death 1-1975
Gius, Mary C. born 1902 died 1990
Glaser, Lenore I. born 12-23-1889 died 9/1/1982
Glavan, Agnes (Millin) born 1889 died 1971
Glavan, Frank born 1885 died 1939
Glenn, W.M. born no date died no date Notes: (died 7-24-1925)
Glumac, George G. born 1887 died 1977 SSDi shows birth 9-24-1887 death 1-1977
Glumac, MaryAnn born 1912 died 1997 SSDI shows birth 9-8-1912 death 10-29-1997
Goemmer, Agnes born 1886 died 1945
Goemmer, Josephine born 1902 died 1985
Goemmer, Julius born 1889 died 1980
Goerreti, Sophia Z. born 1893 died no date
Golnar, Anton born 1918 died 1948
Gomes, Crusita born no date died 3/8/1918 Notes: Age 47y
Gomez, ?Ran born no date died 10/6/1918 Notes: Age 32y
Gomez, Avelina born 1884 died 1938 Notes: Mother
Gomez, Betty Ann born 1947 died no date
Gomez, Della M. born 1913 died 1999
Gomez, Emily M. born 1910 died no date
Gomez, Emma born 2/23/1911 died 6/19/1980
Gomez, Emma M. born 9-?-1906 died 2/8/1984
Gomez, Francisco A. born 8/23/1909 died 10/10/1991
Gomez, Jose Abel born 1903 died 1980
Gomez, Laura Jean born no date died 3/28/1969
Gomez, Luke G. born 1944 died no date
Gomez, Margarito born 1919 died 1997
Gomez, Maria Feliz born 1880 died 1-16-1969
Gomez, Pedro A. born 1879 died 1960 Notes: Married 12-19-1897
Gomez, Rosy born no date died 8/6/1927 Notes: age 25y
Gomez, Seledon born 10/6/1902 died 10/16/1970
Gomez, Seledon B. born 4/1/1932 died no date Notes: married 1-2-1960
Gomez, Tony F.A. born 1909 died 1991
Gomez, Viola born 10/7/1936 died no date
Gonzales, Arthur O. born 2/12/1941 died 1963 Notes: son of Silas & Natividad Martinez Gonzales
Gonzales, Brenita Mae born 1939 died 1940 Notes: (County Burial permit: Bernita Mae Gonzales died at Walsenburg 3-12-1942, age 11m 18d)
Gonzales, C. Roberto born 1927 died 1927
Gonzales, Claudio born 1878 died 1969 SSDI shows birth 2-17-1878 death 1-1969
Gonzales, Cora Maes born 1906 died 1968
Gonzales, Enos A. born 1911 died 1947
Gonzales, Isabel born 1883 died no date Notes: (died 3-10-1946)
Gonzales, Ishmael "Smiles" born 2/19/1904 died 5/24/1982
Gonzales, John F. born 1951 died 1967
Gonzales, Juan E. born 1884 died no date Notes: married 12-25-1902
Gonzales, Ma. Calletana M.Z. born 1833 died 1903
Gonzales, Maria Beatrice born 1870 died 1962, SSDI shows birth 10-8-1870 Obit shows death 8-16-1962
Gonzales, Raquel born 1881 died 1955
Gonzales, Rosenda Valdez born 1900 died 1973
Good, Kate born no date died 10-16-1887 Notes: Age 23y 4m 16d Erected By Their Friends
Good, Kate born died
Good, Willie E. born no date died 1-6-1888 Notes: Age 3y 7m 4d Erected By Their Friends
Good, Willie E. born died
Gordon, ? born --- died 3-31-1880 Notes: child of H. & C. Gordon Age 10y 5m 9d
Gordon, Catherine born 1850 died 1925 Notes: Mother
Gordon, Harry F. born 1896 died 1963
Gordon, Henry born 7-18-1842 died 12/12/1906 Notes: Father
Gordon, Henry born 1868 died 1922 Notes: married 8-15-1895
Gordon, Jessie G. Nagel born 1877 died 1961 Notes: (Jessie Firm Gordon Nagel)
Gornick, John Jr. born 1918 died 2002
Gornick, Margaret E. born 1915 died 1991
Graham, Ellen R. born no date died 6/7/1903 Notes: daughter of Robert & Ellen Graham Age 6y 11m
Grandbush, Charles A. Jr. born 5/13/1968 died 8/29/1991
Grandbush, Charles A. Jr. born died
Grantham, Annie Mercy born no date died 3-22-1888 Notes: Age 97y 7m
Grantham, Kate S. Everett born no date died 12/31/1901 Notes: wife of Thomas Grantham
Grantham, Myrtle Genevieve born no date died 7-22-1888 Notes: Age 13y 10m 18d
Green, Ammie born no date died 7-7-1883 Notes: Age 9m 1d daughter of C.F. & A.E. Green
Green, Bennie born no date died 8-16-1882 Notes: Age 1y 4m son of C.F. & A.E. Green
Green, Beth Alice born no date died 1950
Greer, Daniel J. born 1915 died 1938
Greer, Minnie J. born 1878 died 1962
Greer, Monte W. born 1885 died 1972 SSDI shows birth 9-16-1885 death 3-15-1972
Gregory monument born died
Gregory, Blanch born 1889 died 1972
Gregory, Catherine V. born 1908 died 1994
Gregory, Catherine V. born died
Gregory, Dorothy Mae born 1927 died 1949 Notes: Sis
Gregory, Fred H. born 1915 died 1959 Notes: Husband
Gregory, George born 1884 died 1965
Gregory, Joseph A. born 1895 died 1979
Gregory, Joseph A. born died
Gregory, Katherine A. born 1903 died no date
Gregory, Margaret J. born 1892 died 1975 SSDI shows birth 8-11-1892 death 1-1975
Gregory, Thomas born 1916 died 1929 Notes: Our Boy
Gregory, Thomas A. born 1886 died 1936 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Gregory, William J. born 1899 died 1965
Gretch, Mike born 1964 died 1915 Notes: (Miners page died 5-2-1915)
Griego, baby born no date died 7-?-1984
Griffis, Elizabeth V. born 1886 died 1973 Notes: Eastern Star
Griffis, John B. born 1887 died 1973 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Griffis, Mary Jane born 1916 died 1922
Griffith, Bonnie Sue born 11/13/1962 died 10/4/1970 Notes: Daughter
Griffith, Ernestine A. born 1/31/1933 died 10/4/1970 Notes: Mother
Griffiths, William David born 8-31-1887 died 9-28-1887 Notes: son of David & Mary A. Griffiths
Griffiths, William David born died
Grimsley, Samuel born 11/22/1918 died 1/3/1976
Grinblum, Ida Price born 3/22/1905 died 6/15/1905
Groom, Hannah J. Mrs. born 7-15-1811 died 5-27-1897
Guerrero, Francis born 11-24-1897 died 8/2/1980
Gurmetakis, Emanoel N. born 1924 died 1929 Notes: Son
Gurmetakis, Katina N. born 1895 died 1929 Notes: Mother
Gurney, Dalles M. born 8-7-1894 died 6/29/1975 Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Gurule, Oracio born 1911 died 1991
Gurule, Tillie born 1914 died no date
Gutierrez, Sofia born 1893 died 1941
Guy, Lloyd born 9-24-1898 died 3/31/1976 SSDI shows death 4-1976
Haddan, Lillie M. born 1908 died 1979 SSdi shows birth 4-15-1909 death 10-1979
Haddow, Elizabeth Shaw born 1920 died 1949 Notes: (died 7-10-1949) age 28y
Haddow, George born 1882 died 1959
Haddow, Hannah M. born 1917 died 1943 Notes: Wife (County Burial Permit: Hannah Margaret Haddow died at Walsenburg 8-29-1943, age 25y 9m 19d)
Haddow, Myrtle born 1894 died 1971
Haines, Cynthia W. born 1/15/1908 died 1/16/1985
Haines, Harry born 8-4-1880 died 8/26/1928 Notes: Beloved Husband & Father
Haines, Harry C. born 3/4/1906 died 2/12/1992
Halczasy, George died 7-1904
Hale, Martha P. born 1845 died 1926
Haley, Susan born 5-?-1886 died 4-?-1920
Hall, Albert H. born 1863 died 1922
Hall, James H. born 1848 died 1927
Hall, Mary J. born 1856 died 1937
Halstead, Victoria A. born 1840 died 1915
Hamilton, Agnes born 1911 died 1922
Hamilton, Agnes born 1880 died 1946
Hamilton, Agnes E. born no date died no date Notes: (died 12-18-1946)
Hamilton, Agnes E. born died
Hamilton, Alexander died 1-6-1916
Hamilton, Claude N. born 2/12/1904 died 1/31/1950
Hamilton, Colin born 1878 died 1955
Hamilton, Colleen Grace born 11/15/1947 died 6/26/1948
Hamilton, George born 1901 died 1950
Hamilton, Isabel Arnold born 5-9-1875 died 3-20-1909
Hamilton, John B. born no date died no date Notes: (died 12-4-1930)
Hamilton, John B. born died
Hamm, Vera Dell born 1921 died 1937 Notes: Daughter
Hammond, Bessie Merle born 1879 died 1964
Hammond, Dock born 1867 died 1954
Hammond, Milford born 1905 died 1908
Hammond, Nathaniel J. born 1987 died 1987
Hammond, Walter Wright born 1877 died 1969 SSDI shows birth 7-26-1877 death 1-1969
Haney, Alex P. "Pap" born 1888 died 1953
Haney, Donald David born 7/8/1914 died 12/15/1966 Notes: Colorado 1st Sgt 409 Inf WWII BSM
Haney, Freda Christine born 1916 died 1982
Haney, Frederick Sporleder "Fritz" born 1950 died 1986
Hansen, Emmaroy V. born 1864 died 1893
Hansen, Harold N. born no date died 3/1/1932 Notes: N.Y. Pvt 306 Inf 77 Div
Hansen, Hazel A. born 1893 died no date
Hansen, Luies C. born 1885 died 1964
Hansen, Mathilda born 1888 died 1967 SSDI shows birth 5-5-1888 death 2-15-1967
Hansen, Peter L. born 1846 died 1922
Hansen, Susan A. born 1866 died 1932 Notes: Mother
Happs, Charlotte born 1863 died 1938 Notes: Mother
Happs, George born 1887 died 1980 SSDI shows birth 2-22-1887 death 7-1980
Happs, John born 1853 died 1938 Notes: Father
Happs, Mary born 1885 died 1962
Harig, Tresa Marquis born 1883 died 1920
Harley, "Judy" Nina Jean born 1921 died 1924
Harmes, Augustus Q. born 6-21-1878 died 1/13/1970
Harmes, Charles A. born 1873 died 1950 Notes: (Charles August Harmes born 7-30-1873 died 7-17-1950, son of W.L. Harmes)
Harmes, Florence born 1911 died 1931
Harmes, Fritz C. born 5-2-1881 died 4/8/1949 Notes: (son of W.L. Harmes)
Harmes, Henry R. born 1897 died 1959 Notes: (died 4-21-1959 age 63y)
Harmes, Louis N. born 11-22-1860 died 10-?-1944 Notes: (Louis Narcisco Harmes)
Harmes, Maria Piedad born no date died 3/24/1936 Notes: (wife of Louis N. Harmes)
Harmes, Viola born 1926 died 31-May-37
Harmes, William L. born 3-14-1836 died 12-15-1898 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Harmison, John S. born no date died 5/15/1902 Notes: Age 78y
Harr, Tilles E. born 1883 died 1918
Harriman, Charles born 1861 died 1927
Harriman, Delia died 11-1922
Harriman, Della born 1868 died 1964
Harriman, Mae L. born 1899 died 1986 Notes: (died 4-12-1986)
Harriman, Rufus P. born 3-9-1894 died 1/27/1972 Notes: Colorado Pvt. 144 Mg B N. WWI
Harriman, Rufus P. born died
Harrington, Lisa M. born 4/6/1969 died no date
Harringotn, Ronald C. II born 12/18/1977 died 10/14/2003 Notes: married 2-17-1997
Harris, Dorothy I. born 5/24/1915 died 2/11/2002
Harris, Marian Young born 1917 died 1971
Harris, Olivia born 1887 died 1945 Notes: Mother
Harris, Walter T. born 6/23/1902 died 5/18/1924
Harrison, Baby boy no dates
Harrison, Bobby no dates
Harrison, Charlotta Matilda Anderson died 4-15-1947 in Walsenburg
Harrison, Edward Leroy born 1/10/1929 died 3/25/1995 Notes: SM Sgt US Air Force WWII Korea Vietnam
Harrison, Ellvena born 1876 died 1955
Harrison, Falous born 3-5-1895 died 5-5-1897 Notes: son of H.D. & M.E. Harrison
Harrison, Falous born died
Harrison, Francis P. born no date died 1984
Harrison, Gertrude Y. born no date died 1989
Harrison, Gracie no dates
Harrison, Graham born 12-21-1896 died 8/7/1987 Notes: son of H.D. & M.E. Harrison
Harrison, H.D. born no date died 1935
Harrison, Jack Eugene born 5/14/1924 died 12/17/1990 Notes: SSgt US Air Force WWII Korea Vietnam
Harrison, Jessie Mae born 1913 died 2000 Notes: Rebekah
Harrison, John S. born no date died no date
Harrison, Lottie M. born 1863 died 1947 Notes: Mother
Harrison, Martin born 1902 died 1932
Harrison, Matilda I. born 1891 died 1972
Harrison, Maynard no dates
Harrison, William P. born 1888 died 1976 Notes: Mason
Harrison, William T. born 1911 died 1977 Notes: Mason
Harshbarger, Marie Y. born 1895 died 1991
Hart, George Stanley born 7/28/1905 died 12/7/1920
Hart, Georgia E. born 1892 died 1991 Notes: Eastern Star
Hart, Henry N. born 1895 died 1961
Hart, Virginia Rose born 9/8/1910 died 3/15/1922
Hegushi, Vasabura died 4-1904 age 32
Hasenack, Albert E. born 1906 died 1968 SSDI shows birth 12-2-1906 death 12-1968
Hasenack, August H. born 1891 died 1972 SSDI shows birth 6-6-1891 death 12-15-1972
Hasenack, Frederke born 1863 died 1918 Notes: Mother
Hasenack, Martha born 1911 died 1999
Hasenack, Wilhelmina born 4-25-1886 died 1/24/1970
Hasenack, William F. born 4-12-1890 died 5/15/1962 Notes: Colorado PFC Inf WWI
Haske monument born died
Haske, Cyril Alan born 1927 died 1964
Haske, Cyril W. born 1902 died 1926
Haske, Donald E. born 1904 died 1973
Haske, John born 1863 died 1937
Haske, Joseph born 1864 died 1950
Haske, Lydia born 1867 died 1958
Haske, Margaret E. born 1874 died 1927
Haske, Natalie R. born 1905 died 1956
Hatcher, James Richard born 1938 died 1938
Hoto, John died 10-20-1910
Hayden, Charles born no date died no date Notes: (died 1-29-1941)
Hayden, Eileen D. born 1912 died no date
Hayden, Eleonor Louise born 1905 died 1945
Hayden, Freda born no date died no date Notes: (died 12-15-1958)
Hayden, John E. born 1909 died 1969
Hayden, Mary Ellen born no date died no date Notes: (died 6-12-1918)
Hazelwood, Robert born 1881 died 1936
Hazelwood, ? born no date died 9/29/1923
Hazzard, Homer born 1882 died 1955
Hebert, Burnice M. born 4-16-1898 died 7/25/1907
Hegler, Albert born no date died 1932
Hegler, Andy born no date died 1930
Heider, Marie B. born 3/17/1906 died 4/9/1930
Helton, Dillon R. born 1876 died 1924 Notes: 32 Mason Blue Lodge
Helton, Marion M. born 1882 died 1974 Notes: Eastern Star
Henderson, Alexander died 2-1897
Henderson, James C. born no date died no date Notes: Age 63y
Henderson, Martha born 1851 died 1892 Notes: wife of J.C. Henderson
Henderson, Martha born died
Hendren, C.D. [Cornelius] born [1829 Virginia] died [11-17-1894] Notes: Co H 16 US InfCivil War
Hendren, Fred E. born 1873 died 1943
Hendren, Freddie Jr. born 1912 died 1913
Hendricks, David A. born 1949 died no date
Hendricks, Mary born 1889 died 1977 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 8-4-1889 death 6-1977
Hendricks, Ollie C. born 1925 died no date
Hendricks, Ralph Marris born 1921 died 1945 Notes: Twins, Lt. Naval Pilot-U.S.S. Bunker Hill Buried @ Sea 11 May/Asiatic Area
Hendricks, Ralph Marris born died
Hendricks, Robert Henry born 1921 died 1941 Notes: Twins, LAC Royal Canadian AF He Gave His Life 27 July @ Prince Albert
Hendricks, Robert Henry born died
Hendricks, William D. born 5-14-1924 died 12-31-2005
Hendricks, William P. born 1882 died 1958 Notes: Father
Hendrix, A.R. born 7-4-1843 died 7/4/1927
Hendrix, Robert died 7-27-1941
Henley, Cecil Dixon born 1911 died 1931
Herlyck, Martha E.J. born 10-9-1897 died 11/17/1985
Herman, Anthony born 1-21-1895 died 1959 son of Anton Herman & Rose Fredman
Herman, Jack E. born 12-19-1919 died 5-13-1994
Herman, Louise born 6-11-1901 died 11-13-1999
Hern, Sophronia born 1841 died 1897 Notes: wife of Joel Hern
Herrera, Mildred born 12/20/1926 died 4/4/1965 Notes: (Felicitas Minora Gomez, wife of Gilbert Herrera)
Herrmann, Baby Boy born 5/17/1901 died 5/17/1901
Herrmann, Earl P. born 2-13-1898 died 8-5-1898
Higashi, W. born no date died 4/23/1904 Notes: Age 32y 9m (miners page lists him as H. Higushi)
Higby, Louis Wayne born no date died 1927
Higgins, Eva born 1850 died 1899
Hill, Alexander J. born 11-15-1891 died 11-24-1891
Hill, Elizabeth born no date died 1958
Hill, Helen born no date died 1/28/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 1-28-1943, age 38y 11m 23d)
Hill, James born 1860 died 1945
Hill, Josiah M. born 1862 died 1929 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Hill, Lillie born 1867 died 1938
Hill, Lulu born 1866 died 1941 Notes: Eastern Star
Hill, Nelson born no date died 2/15/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died in Walsenburg 2-15-1944, age 70y 11m 19d)
Hill, Roy Farr born 6/30/1911 died 12/5/1913
Hindes, Charles F. born 1886 died 1953
Hindes, Jean E. born 1893 died 1975
Hodges, Infant born no date died 10/8/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died in Walsenburg 10-8-1944, stillborn)
Hodges, Thaddeus Alexander born 1848 died 1921 Notes: I.O.O.F.
Hoernicke, August born 1888 died 1963
Hoernicke, Emma born 1901 died 1984
Holderman, Dick born 1864 died 1939
Holderman, Drue born 1866 died 1945
Holford, Charles W. born 1885 died 1963 Notes: Dad
Holford, Ernestine Ruby born no date died 1996
Holmes, Blanchie born 11-20-1892 died 6/27/1903 Notes: daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Holmes
Holmes, J.H. born no date died 7/15/1910 Notes: Age 65y
Holt, Christina C. born 10/5/1903 died 2/29/1932 Notes: Mother
Holt, Frances born 1882 died 1948
Holt, Mabel born 8-9-1887 died 2-15-1888
Holt, W.W. born no date died 9-28-1892 Notes: Was Killed Age 35y 5m 24d
Holt, W.W. born died
Holt, Walter P. born 1864 died 1940
Hontos monument born died
Hontos, Pete born 1887 died 1926
Hooper, Margaret M. born 1854 died 1929
Hooper, Richard Henry born 1872 died 1953
Hooper, Willoweene A. born 1910 died 1943
Horaley, Barbara P. born 1893 died 1937
Hourez, Elisee born 1859 died 1929 Notes: Father
Hourez, Julie born 1862 died 1943 Notes: Mother (County Burial permit: Julie A. Hourez died at Los Angeles. CA. 6-7-1943, age 81y 6m 16d, born 11-21-1861 at Lenz, France. Father: Emile Detrez, Mother: Rosalie Debequesne. Informant: Rev. V.C. Hourez, Long Beach, CA)
Hourez, Samuel A. born 1894 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Tulsa, OK 3-20-1943, age 48y 3m 26d. Death certificate born 11-24-1895. Wife: Jewell Hourez)
House, Narcissia B. born 1863 died 1921 Notes: Mother
Howard, Duane E. born 1932 died 1934
Howell, Thomas J. born 1881 died 1939
Hudson, "Bobby" Gene born 1935 died 1936
Hudson, Charles R. born 1879 died 1941 Notes: Dad
Hudson, Donna Leigh born 1960 died 2001
Hudson, Dorothy Jene born 1950 died 1951 Notes: age 10m 9d
Hudson, Joshua T. born 1846 died 1925 Notes: Father
Hudson, Lena F. born 1895 died 1951 Notes: Mother
Hudson, Mary C. born 1856 died 1920 Notes: Mother
Hudson, Myrtle E. born 1894 died 19-- SSDI shows birth 11-5-1894 death 11-14-1996
Hudson, Walter H. born 1892 died 1967
Hudson, Walter Haskell born 11/16/1925 died 9/18/1994 Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Huff, Leigh born 1892 died 1981 Notes: married 11-10-1913
Huff, Minnie born 1890 died 1982
Hughey, Ernest V. born 1900 died no date Notes: Mason, SSDI shows birth 7-24-1900 death 8-26-1989
Hughey, Mattie A. born 1873 died 1949
Hughey, May Dee born 1896 died 1976 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 8-29-1895 death 9-1976
Hughey, Otho L. born 1872 died 1947
Hulsey, Baby born no date died 1920
Hulsey, Edna Gale born 1894 died 1920
Hunsinger, Leonard L. born 1875 died 1957
Hunter, Charles Henry born 1896 died 1901
Hunter, Henry born 1864 died 1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Trinidad 10-25-1942)
Hunter, Mary D. born 1874 died 1920 Notes: Mother
Hunter, Minnie Wycoff born 1872 died 1948
Hunter, Thomas Wycoff born 1898 died 1913
Hurtado, Evangeline M. born 1912 died 1986 Notes: (appears the dates have been changed to 1914 - 1987)
Hurtado, Julia M. born 1903 died 1970 Notes: Wife
Ingles, Jean D. born 1920 died 2001
Inlow, Baby Boy born no date died 8/14/1967
Irvin, Helen G. born 1905 died 1975
Ishmael, Melvin D. born 3-14-1874 died 11/14/1902
Ivey, Bessie born 9/12/1907 died 8/27/1925
Jackson, Marie Lewis born 1911 died 1931
James, Dominick born 1860 died 1927
Jaramillo, Anastacio born 1887 died 1963
Jaramillo, Annie born 1918 died 1963
Jaramillo, Enos born no date died no date Notes: (died April 1909)
Jaramillo, Refugio Rev. born 1858 died 1937
Jefferson, B. born 1862 died 1920
Jellison, Catherine A. born 1861 died 1948 Notes: Mother
Jellison, Dale born 1886 died 1958
Jellison, Jessie born 1886 died 1972
Jellison, Sumner B. born 1860 died 1928 Notes: Father
Jellison, Sumner W. born 1906 died 1941 Notes: Lions International
Jenkins monument born died
Jenkins, Agnes born 1865 died 1933
Jenkins, Edward H. Jr. born 1910 died 1913
Jenkins, Elizabeth A. born 1908 died 1932
Jenkins, George L. born no date died 1924 Notes: Age 7M
Jenkins, John born 1866 died 1941
Jenkins, John born 1895 died 1918
Jenkins, Margaret E. born 1914 died 1925
Jenkins, William Henry "Boots" born 1890 died 1962
Jennings, John F. born 1864 died 1938
Jennings, Kathryn E. born 1871 died 1957
Jerant, Joseph A. "Skip" born 3/9/1917 died 2/11/1976
Jerome, Frank born 7/8/1919 died 6/5/1981 Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII
Jerome, Henry born 1917 died 1952
Jerome, John born 1883 died 1935
Jerome, LaRue born 1895 died 1927
Jerome, Minerva A. born 1880 died 1920
Jesse, Betty Ann born no date died 1924
Jessup, Edward Snowden born 10/28/1909 died 2/2/1994
Jeter, Lee born no date died 2/2/1981
Johnson, Beth W. born 1883 died 1963
Johnson, C.A., Prof. born 1875 died 1945 Notes: Charles A. Johnson, newspaper says died 12-24-1946
Johnson, Charlie born no date died 1/24/1901
Johnson, Jack Spencer born 1923 died 1963
Johnson, Pete died 1-20-1902
Johnson, William D. born 1914 died 1921
Johnston, Samuel P. born 1884 died 1938 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Joiner, Allen H. born 1936 died 1959
Joiner, Melinda R. born 1900 died 1983 Notes: SSDI shows birth 6-25-1900 death 12-1983
Joiner, R. Leonard born 1900 died 1978
Jolly, Archie D. born 1856 died 1922
Jolly, Children born no date died no date Notes: (No Indication Of Number, Names, Or Dates)
Jolly, Helen A. born 1858 died 1907
Jones, Betsy E. born 1904 died 1932
Jones, Carrie G. born 1878 died 1950 Notes: Eastern Star
Jones, David Lewis born 3-17-1896 died 11/13/1957 Notes: Utah PFC 102 Field Signal Bn PH WWII
Jones, Henry Bascom born 11-27-1850 died 2-9-1898 Notes: Beloved By W.O.W.
Jones, Josiah T. born 1868 died 1950
Jones, Margaret Ann born 1908 died 1986
Jones, Mary born 9/8/1901 died 2/20/1902
Jones, Raymond born 1899 died 1917
Joseph, Edward Edmond born 1914 died 1928
Joseph, Mary born 1904 died 1964
Just, Grace born 1910 died 1988 Notes: SSDI shows birth 4-28-1910 death 6-1-1988
Just, Tony born 1911 died 1976 Notes: SSDI shows birth 6-14-1911 death 12-1976
Kadar, Andy J. born 7/6/1918 died 10/23/1920
Kadar, John born 1876 died 1933
Kajfosz, John born 1885 died 1964
Kaleff, Helen born no date died 6/21/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 6-21-1943, age 66y)
Kalev, John born 1873 died 1954 Notes: Father
Kaleva, Hehka N. born 1877 died 1943 Notes: Mother
Kallas, Pete born 1896 died 1977 NOtes: SSDO shows birth 5-24-1889 death 9-1977
Kaparos, Anthony born 10/10/1925 died no date
Kaparos, Mark born 1886 died 1945
Kaparos, Wilma L. born 12/25/1925 died no date
Kappos, John born 1889 died 1978 Notes: SSDI shows Kappas birth 1-15-1888 death 4-1978
Karamouzis, Bill born 6-18-1891 died 5/18/1970
Kartalis, James "Jimmy" born 1882 died 1985
Kast, Elizabeth born 1862 died 1949
Kato, Frank Kay born no date died 1/19/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 1-19-1943, age 56y 2m 13d, Japanese)
Kelim, Betha Helen born 1886 died 1962 Notes: (7-23-1885 - 7-14-1962)
Kelim, Robert E. born 1884 died 1966 Notes: SSDI shows birth 11-20-1884 death 11-1966
Kelley, Betty born 1936 died no date
Kelley, Hilda A. born 1909 died 1901
Kelley, Hilda A. born died
Kelley, Robert W. born 1907 died 1973 Notes: SSDI shows birth 9-4-1907 death 5-1975
Kelley, Robert W. born died
Kelley, William born 1936 died 1996
Kelly, Thomas F. born no date died 4/12/1938 Notes: Utah Cook 37 Field Arty 13 Div
Kennedy, Elda L. born 1909 died 1929 Notes:
Kenner, George E. born 1919 died 1934 Notes: Son
Kenner, Grace E. born 1895 died 1972
Kenner, James A. born 1889 died 1954
Kenner, Leola born 1930 died 1930 Notes: Daughter
Ketcham, Baby born no date died 1951
Ketcham, Ronald Lee born 11/19/1949 died 2/18/1957 Notes: Son & Brother
Ketchan, William C. born 1942 died 1958
Killion, Claude E. born 12-1-1894 died 11/24/1957
Killion, Mary M. born 8-6-1895 died 7/4/1986
Kimbrel Mausoleum born died Notes: (Only Name & Mason Blue Lodge Symbol)
Kimbrel Mausoleum born died
Kimbrel, Perry born 1852 South Carolina died 5-19-1923
King, Anna M. born 1890 died 1986 SSDI shows birth 7-24-1890 death 12-1986
King, Charles J. born 1882 died 1965
King, Eva born 8/4/1920 died 2/13/2000
King, Henry born 1/2/1915 died 1/1/1991
King, James H. born 8-30-1846 died 8-21-1890
Kirby, Trix Case born 1908 died 1936
Kirkpatrick, Faye Louise born 1886 died 1969
Kirkpatrick, Leighton H. born 1885 died 1946
Kissell, Alice Mae born 1923 died 1925
Kissell, Grace B. born 1902 died 1969
Kissell, John Alfred born 10-21-1891 died 9/6/1971
Kissell, John Alfred born died Notes: Colorado Wagoner 62 Inf WWI
Klein monument born died
Klein plot born died
Klein, Arthur born 1906 died no date
Klein, Birmingham Elmer born 1884 died 1935
Klein, Eliza born 1851 died 1928 Notes: Mother
Klein, Fred Edgar born 1873 died 1940
Klein, George C. born 1869 died 1934 Notes: Father
Klein, Henry born 1838 died 1912 Notes: Father
Klein, Henry born no date died no date Notes: Co I 1st NY Cav.
Klein, Henry died 9-8-1952
Klein, Irene born 1906 died 1971
Klein, Karl born 2-2-1863 died 7/8/1912
Klein, Madaline born 10-29-1891 died 2-10-1898
Klein, Madaline born died
Klein, Margaret Cook born 1879 died 1969
Klein, Margaret Lena born 1918 died 1919
Klein, Maximillian born 1860 died 1936 Notes: Star Of David, married 2-18-1885
Klein, Minnie L. born 1870 died 1955
Klein, Rebecca Gordon born 1868 died 1958 Notes: Star Of David
Klein, Sidney Warren born 1908 died 1919
Klein, William Charles born 1875 died 1939
Klinger, Wilhelmina born 5-18-1893 died 5/18/1971 Notes: Mother
Klosowski, Alexander born 1891 died 1984 Notes: MSgt US Air Force WWI, WWII, Korea
Klosowski, Walter Sr. born 1884 died 1965
Knight, Harold born 1917 died 1918
Kollander, Bette Snedden born 6/29/1932 died no date
Kollander, Dennis Dean born 10/10/1956 died 4/6/1998
Komaroski, George Edward born 2/21/1925 died 5/4/1983
Komaroski, Julia born 12-8-1899 died 4/22/1988
Komaroski, Louis born 2-26-1898 died 10/6/1983
Komaroski, Paul Steven born 5/20/1929 died 6/22/1990 Notes: S Sgt US Air Force Korea
Konder, Steve born 1875 died 1927
Kopushion, Cora born 2-9-1898 died 7/12/1931
Kosmas, Blodwyn born 4/4/1903 died 3/10/1999
Kosmas, Gus born 8-14-1894 died 12/12/1988
Kosmider, Edmund J. born 1898 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 9-13-1898 death 12-1977
Kosmider, Edward born 1925 died no date
Kosmider, Marie Gale born 1956 died 1960 Notes: Age 3y 10m
Kosmider, Shirley Gale born 1931 died 1995
Koukos, Mike died 9-1915
Kountz, Howard J. born 1891 died 1967 SSDI shows birth 8-23-1891 death 5-1967
Kountz, Ida B. born 1894 died 1978
Kramer, Joyce S. born 2/18/1931 died 10/24/2003
Kranichfeldt, Josephine born 1888 died 1976 Notes: Eastern Star
Kranichfeldt, Louis H. born 1863 died 1956 Notes: Mason
Kravic, George born 1908 died 1968
Kravic, Mary Frances born 1915 died 1987
Krier, Edward W. born 10-8-1882 died 4/11/1958
Krier, Laura B. born 6-12-1883 died 10/9/1969
Krolewski, John born 1880 died 1959
Kupiec, Mary born 1880 died 1961
Kupiec, Vincent born 1880 died 1965
Labrie, Antoine born 1830 died 1918
Labrie, Leon Strange born 1852 died 1940
Lamb, Agnes born no date died 1-7-1883 Notes: daughter of C. & M. Lamb Age 10m 11d
Lambrecht, Benjamin F. born 1-7-1894 died 8/15/1944 Notes: Nebraska Pvt 210 Engrs 10 Div
Lamme monument born died
Lamme, Addie Lee born 1889 died 1962 Notes: Eastern Star
Lamme, Cora E. born 1864 died 1940
Lamme, Deborah Ann born no date died 1950
Lamme, Henry G. born 1865 died 1928 Notes: age 63, here since 1893 and was for 28 years a manager of the Colorado Supply stores
Lamme, James McGrew born 1890 died 1973 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 1-3-1890 death 7-1973
Lamme, James McGrew born 11/26/1919 died 3/18/1989 Notes: LTJG US Navy WWII
Lamme, Jeffrey Mark born no date died 1953
Lamme, Joe born no date died 1954
Lamme, Mark B. born 1898 died 1948
Lamme, Patricia Lord born 9/16/1923 died 11/15/1989
Lamme, S. Julian Dr. died 6-1950
Landis, baby boy born no date died 8/31/1929
Landis, Catherine born 1883 died 9-21-1966
Landis, Joseph R. born 1879 died 1939
Landis, Norman born 1916 died 1-25-1969
Laney, Ann born 1924 died 2000
Laney, Oliver J. born 1874 died 1951
Laney, Roy born 1913 died 1982 Notes: Mason
Laney, Sudie B. born 1879 died 1956 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Laney, Walton E. born 1915 died 1981
Langham, C. born no date died no date
Langham, J.W. born no date died no date
Langly, Emily born 9-2-1835 Indiana died 2/6/1900 Notes: Age 64y wife of Oliver Langly
Langley, Oliver born 1835 Wales died 3-4-1904, no stone found
Lara, Leandro born 2-28-1878 died 2-15-1946
Lara, Margarita born 1884 died 1959
Lasater, Hubert E. born 8-21-1931 died 12-29-2001 CPL US Army Korea
Laster, Margaret Ella born 1912 died 1987
Laster, Raymond Earl born 1906 died 1990
Lavender, E.S. born 7-12-1862 died 6/10/1906 Notes: Loved In Life; Remembered In Death
Lavender, Emma F. born 3-2-1862 died 1/29/1907 Notes: Mother
Lawton, Henry born no date died no date Notes: Co I 5th US Inf
Lee, Virginia I. born 9/15/1920 died 2/5/1978 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Eastern Star
Lee, Ying died 12-?-1915
Lencz, Daniel born 1924 died 1980
Lencz-Wilson, Anastazya J.K. born 4-13-1927 died 3-16-2003 Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Lenzini, baby boy born no date died 10/1/1923 Notes: son of Arthur & Marjorie Lenzini
Lenzini, Dorothy M. born 1901 died 1996
Lenzini, Elaine born 10/1/1925 died no date
Lenzini, Elaine born died
Lenzini, Hugo J. born 1902 died 1988
Lenzini, Marjorie F. born 1899 died 1939
Lenzini, Sandy born 4/11/1926 died 10/27/1995
Lenzini, Sandy born died
Leonard, Ray E. born 1928 died 1932
Lepkovitz, Leona born 1884 died 1967
Lepkovitz, Max born 1890 died 1958
Lermusiaux, Constanx born 1854 died 1924 Notes: Father
Lermusiaux, Emme born 12-17-1865 died 8/2/1920
Lermusiaux, Harry born 1889 died 1923
Levy, Alexander born 1849 died 1933 Notes: I Tried To Be Fair
Levy, Anna Catherine born 1916 died 1983
Levy, Archie born 1886 died 1958
Levy, Archie Loewith Jr. born 8/3/1913 died 12/11/1987 Notes: BM2 US Navy WWII
Levy, Earl born 1897 died 1916
Levy, Earl born died
Levy, Edna born 1886 died 1969
Levy, Ellen Mae born 1888 died 1949 Notes: Eastern Star
Levy, Lillie Louise born 1860 died 1951 Notes: Mother
Levy, Merle born 7/9/1912 died 8/5/1914 Notes: daughter of Ralph & Mae Levy
Levy, Ralph born 11-20-1888 died 11/16/1980
Levy, Sevilla born 7-20-1883 died 7-20-1883 Notes: daughter of Alex & Lilly Levy
Levy, Sevilla born died
Levy, Sidney born 12-18-1884 died 5-4-1885 Notes: son of Alex & Lilly Levy
Levy, Walter born 8-15-1891 died 4/13/1974 Notes: Colorado PFC US Army WWII
Lewis monument born died
Lewis, Ann M. born 1878 died 1970
Lewis, Annie Babbitt born 10-3-1878 died 2/13/1901 Notes: daughter of A.B. & K. Babbitt & wife of Leroy Lewis
Lewis, Annie Babbitt born died
Lewis, Archie O. born no date died 7-8-1882 Notes: son of J.H. & Rachel Lewis age 6m 24d
Lewis, Earl Franklin born no date died 1-29-1891 Notes: son of J.H. & Rachel Lewis age 2y 19d
Lewis, Charles Edgar born 10-8-1888 died 1/3/1941 Notes: Alaska Pvt. 128 Field Arty 35 Div.
Lewis, David born 1844 died 1920
Lewis, Edmund P. born 1888 died 1914 Notes: (Miners page died 11-26-1914 age 26)
Lewis, Edwin A. born 1845 died 1924 Notes: Elk
Lewis, Hattie born 1850 died 1921
Lewis, Jerius born 1852 died 1930
Lewis, Kathryn born 1890 died 1918
Lewis, Leonard born 1873 died 1955
Lewis, Leroy born 1875 died 1918
Lewis, Martha B. born 1849 died 1938
Lewis, Myrtle J. born no date died no date
Lewis, Sarah C. born 1879 died 1956
Lewis, Uriah born 1861 died 1929
Lewis, William J. born 1873 died 1959
Lewis, William James born 1926 died 1927
Lewis, Zella M. born 1891 died 1976 Notes: SSDI shows birth 9-10-1891 death 9-1976
Lidle, Anna born 1855 died 1949
Lidle, Emma S.B. born no date died 9-17-1894 Notes: daughter of E.A. & A. Lidle Age 9y 6m 9d
Lidle, Ernst A. born 4-4-1854 died 3/27/1907 Notes: W.O.W.
Light, Mildred E. born 1888 died 1969
Light, Walter W. born 1879 died 1961
Lillis, Frieda B. born 1903 died 1967
Lillis, George M. born 1877 died 1926
Lillis, Georgette May born 4/3/1902 died 2/19/1904
Lillis, Henry born 1854 died 1926
Lillis, Lyda A. born 1834 died 1931
Lillis, Minerva S. born 1865 died 1936
Lindquist, Andy born 1869 died 1952
Lloyd, Bob G. born 1927 died 1966 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Lloyd, John G. born 1885 died 1953 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge
Lloyd, Nell E. born no date died 1975 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 10-18-1897 death 2-1975
Lo Presto, "Frankie" Frank born 1926 died 1948
Lo Presto, Frank born 4-14-1893 died 12/12/1962 Notes: Colorado Sgt 15 Co 4 Development Bn WWI
Lo Presto, Frank born died
Lo Presto, Marie born 11/20/1900 died 2/20/1998
Lo Presto, Marie born died
Lockwood, Louis H. born 1906 died 1922
Lockwood, Stella M. born 1882 died 1927
Loftus, William born 1885 died 1953
Lopez, Harold E. born 1928 died 1977 Notes: PFC US Air Force
Lopez, Ida born 5-12-1884 died 4/12/1946 Notes: Mother
Lopez, Joe D. born 1915 died 1989
Lopez, Joseph A. born 12-18-1883 died 5/15/1954 Notes: Father
Lopez, Maria Delores born 1886 died 1974 Notes: SSDI shows birth 5-24-1886 death 11-1974
Lopez, Sam born 1909 died 1998
Lovdjieff, Chris Nanoff born 9-27-1895 died 12/12/1945 Notes: born Pushevo, Bulgaria
Lovdjieff, Chris Nanoff born died
Lovdjieff, Tereza Divald born 3/15/1903 died 9/27/1994 Notes: born Petrijevce, Slavonia (Croatia)
Lovdjieff, Tereza Divald born died
Lowry, Sarah E. born 1853 died 1922 Notes: Mother
Lowry, William J. born 1844 died 1922 Notes: Dad
Lucero, Chris born no date died 7/15/1984 Notes: married 6-20-1934
Lucero, Fedelia born 1914 died 2003
Lucero, Gilbert Lucas born 12-17-1920 died 8-22-2000 PFC US Army World War II
Lucero, Henry born 1925 died no date
Lucero, Jose Richard born 1906 died 1988
Lucero, Josephine R. born 1902 died 1947
Lucero, Lucas born 1898 died 1991
Lucero, Margaret R. born 1897 died 1934
Lucero, Martha born 1931 died 1995
Lucero, Porfirio born 1892 died 1955
Lucero, Rose born 8/22/1908 died 1/18/1999
Lucero, Tyna born no date died 4/29/1988
Ludwig, Frank died 7-21-1902
Lundberg, Carl born 1874 died 1961
Lundberg, Emma born 1896 died 1973 Notes: SSDI shows birth 7-22-1896 death 7-15-1966
Lunis, Ben C. born 1889 died 1938
Lunis, Marie born 1906 died 1988
Lynch, Jessie born 12/6/1915 died 12/6/1915
Lytle, Sarah C. born 1885 died 1926
A - Lor M - Z

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