Huerfano County, Colorado
Masonic Cemetery

NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder. Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell, photos by Karen Mitchell, Bobbalee Hughes, Jim Davenport, Gilbert and Jennie Berryhill, and Jim Unti. In April 2007 our crew of Whit Bartholomew, Larry Gee, Dick Chenault, and Karen Mitchell returned to the Masonic cemetery and finished filming the sections that we hadn't completed.

Masonic Cemetery is located directly behind the Middle School on Main Street at the north end of Walsenburg. Sec. 9, T28S, R66W. Be sure to check the "Unknown" headstones at the end of this listing. If you can identify any of them PLEASE contact me at
Please click on the underlined name to view the photo.

A - L or M - Z

MacDonald, Leila C. born 1891 died 1983

MacDonald, Malcolm born 1890 died 1954

Mace monument born died

Mace monument born died

Mace monument born died

Mace, Charles S. born 1863 died 1926 Notes: Father

Mace, Charles Stafford born 10-4-1863 died 11/12/1926 Notes: Father

Mace, Gladys G. born 1901 died 1918

Mace, Gladys Gertie born 12/23/1901 died 11/21/1918 Notes: Daughter

Mace, Gracie born 1907 died no date

Mace, Martha M. born 1829 died 1908 Notes: Mother Of C.S. Mace

Mace, Marvin E. born 1909 died 1919

Mace, Marvin Everett born 10/16/1909 died 4/16/1919 Notes: Son

Mace, Pearl M. born 1899 died 1910

Mace, Ralph H. born 1898 died no date

Mace, Rosa L. born 1905 died 1906

Mace, Vesta J. born 1876 died 1959 Notes: Mother

Mace, Vesta Jackson born 3-7-1876 died 8/19/1959 Notes: Mother

Mack, Alice Harrison born 1907 died 5/2/1905

Mader, Alex born 1850 died 1927

Madle, Lorraine born 3/2/1919 died 8/7/1997

Madsen, Myrtle born 1923 died 1943

Maes, Pulidor born no date died 5/5/1939

Maestas, Francisca born no date died 1/1/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died in Walsenburg 1-1-1944, age 85y)

Malano, George J. born 1862 died 1938

Malano, George J. born died

Malano, Margaret born 1864 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: Margaret D. Malano died in Walsenburg 1-30-1944, age 79y 11m 28d)

Malano, Margaret born died

Maldonado, Alex born 1/5/1923 died 4/6/1999 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII

Mandolini, Dora born no date died 3/4/1904 Notes: Age 55y 2m Born in Frankfurt on the Main, Germany

Mandolini, Joseph born 1844 died 1926 Notes: Father

Mandolini, Robert born 10-16-1870 died 1-2-1898 Notes: Born in Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, died Pictou, CO.

Mangrum, Emma born 1897 died 1969

Mangrum, Herman born 1894 died 1973

Manka, John born 1872 died 1927

Manka, Katherine born 1877 died 1951

Manley, Dave died 8-20-1899

Mantasias, Gus born 1892 died 1963

Manzanares, John B. born 1915 died 1961

Manzanarez, Lucinda Trujillo born 1/2/1957 died 6/19/1998

Marck, Baby born no date died no date

Marck, Pio born 1887 died 1966 Notes: Father, SSDi shows birth 5-5-1887 death 4-1966

Marck, Ronald J. born no date died 7/15/1959

Marck, Rosanna born 1895 died 1974 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 7-15-1895 death 4-1974

Mark, Charles born 5/4/1901 died 11/30/1984

Mark, Mary born 1881 died 1955

Mark, Sophia Oleva born 11/21/1924 died 6/5/1986

Mark, Tim born 1885 died 1962

Markham, Ben died 9-13-1920

Markham, George born 2-12-1830 died 11/26/1913 Notes: Co E 1st Colorado Vet Cav CW, age 83y 9m 14d

Markham, Mary born 1855 died 1918 Notes: Mother (Maria Natividad Martinez Markham, born at Costilla, NM 12-25-1855 died 7-14-1918, buried 7-19-1918, wife of George Washington Markham.)

Markham, William Oliver born 11-24-1893 died 2/4/1909

Marquis, Frank born 1845 died 1911

Marquis, Frank born no date died 1/20/1902 Notes: Age 22y 9m 27d (Miners page died 1-20-1902, listed as Frank Marcus)

Marquis, Frank born died

Marquis, Joe Arenio born no date died 1/9/1931 Notes: age 1y

Marquis, Johanna Devita born 1860 died 1944

Marquis, Max born 1890 died 1970 Notes: SSDI shows birth 10-1-1879 deathg 3-1970

Marquis, Max born died

Marquis, Sadie born 1897 died 1970

Marquis, Sadie born died

Marquis, Salome born no date died 1/9/1931 Notes: age 2y

Marshall, Adah born 1872 died 1930

Marshall, Alexander Allison born 1874 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 3-11-1943, age 68y 3m 11d)

Marshall, Alpheus A. born 3-16-1898 died 10/4/1972 Notes: Kansas F1 US Navy WWI

Marshall, Catherine born 4-5-1846 died 1/6/1904 Notes: wife of Robert Marshall Sr.

Marshall, Catherine born died

Marshall, Fred born 1904 died 1908

Marshall, Janet Patterson born 1883 died 1964

Marshall, Leland R. born 1934 died 1936 Notes: Our Baby

Marshall, Millie born 1890 died 1968 Notes: Eastern Star

Marshall, Robert born 1873 died 1952

Marshall, Ruth H. born 6/3/1905 died 4/19/1988 Notes: wife of Alpheus Marshall

Marshall, William born 1888 died 1956 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Martinez, Adolfo born 11-1-1879 died 9/6/1916

Martinez, Antonio born 1873 died 1951

Martinez, Antonio Abad born 1-13-1892 died 6/1/1942 Notes: (Miners page: died 6-16-1942; County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 6-16-1942 age 50y)

Martinez, Antonio Baca born 5-?-1905 died 5-?-1980

Martinez, Benito born 4/30/1920 died 9/17/1988 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII

Martinez, Cleotilde born 7/8/1906 died 4/1/1932

Martinez, Conrad born 1909 died 1993 Notes: Father

Martinez, Daniel born 1863 died 1923 Notes: (Miners page died 10-8-1923)

Martinez, Elena Gomez born 4-22-1894 died 2-2-1918 wife of Segifredo Martinez,

Martinez, Eliza born 1898 died 1983 SSDI shows birth 5-12-1893 death 12-1982

Martinez, Eloysa born 1894 died 1982

Martinez, Enoch J. born 8/29/1909 died 5/8/1994 Notes: US Merchant Marine WWII

Martinez, J. Benjamin born 1902 died 1973

Martinez, Josefina born 1879 died 1955

Martinez, Lee Benjamin born 11/20/1942 died 8/17/1980 Notes: PFC US Army Vietnam

Martinez, Lee Benjamin born died

Martinez, Lucia born 1878 died 1953

Martinez, M. Estella born 1901 died 1974

Martinez, Maclovia born 1908 died 1927

Martinez, Margareta B. born 1912 died 1950

Martinez, Natividad born no date died no date

Martinez, Nestora Gomez born 1/20/1908 died 7/14/1990 Notes: Mother

Matinez, Nora M. born 1935 died 1999

Martinez, Olegario born 1888 died 1962

Martinez, Rachel born 1900 died no date

Martinez, Robert David born died 11/8/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 11-8-1942, age 3m)

Martinez, Roselo born 1907 died 1978 SSDI shows birth 11-17-1907 death 12-1978

Martinez, Rufus S. born 1927 died 1999

Martinez, Samantha Faith born no date died 9/30/1995

Martini, Anthony born 1888 died 1969 SSDI shows Antonio, birth 1-4-1888 death 11-1969

Martini, Dolorita born 1911 died 1997

Masten, Alfred R., Dr. born no date died 1975

Masten, Isabel Y. born no date died 1980

Masztaler, Ernest R. born no date died 1931

Masztaler, Joseph F. born 1930 died 1931

Mathews, Alice B. born 1870 died 1956

Mathews, D.W. born 1860 died 1908 Notes: W.O.W. Dr. David W. Mathews, born Scotland

Mathews, Donald Edwin born 1917 died 1929 Notes: Our Boy

Mathews, Donald Edwin born died

Mathews, Edna born 1905 died 1991 SSDI shows birth as 6-13-1905 death 4-1-1991

Mathews, J. Glen born 1888 died 1973

Mathews, John died 11-?-1889

Mathews, Laura born 1860 died 1949

Mathews, Marion B. born 1884 died 1961

Mathews, Martha Watson born 1862 died 1950

Mathews, Minnie A. born 1870 died 1961

Mathews, Paul G. born 1886 died 1956

Mathieson, Betty Lou born no date died 1926

Mathieson, Robert born 10-18-1892 died 8/1/1958 Notes: Colorado Pvt Co B 2 Engrs WWII

Mathieson, Wilma born 1/9/1900 died 12/10/1970

Matson, Ada E. born 1892 died 1964

Matteo, Barbara Jean born 1936 died 1937

Matteo, John born 5/25/1914 died 8/16/1996

Matthews, Mildred A. born 1877 died 1918

Maull, Ruben born no date died 8/16/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 8-16-1942, age 72y, colored)

Mavor, Henry C. born 1869 died 1910 Notes: (Miners Page died 10-6-1910 age 41y)

Maxwell, Fritz B. born 1883 died 1952

Maxwell, Nora born 1877 died 1967

Mayo, Charles P. born 1882 died 1962 Notes: Mason

Mayo, Hetty M. born 1889 died 1978 Notes: Eastern Star

McAllister, Archie G. born 1884 died 1955

McAllister, Bella born 1880 died 1964

McBrayer plot born died

McBrayer, Harriet L. born 1876 died 1957

McBrayer, John L. born 1876 died 1953

McBrayer, Minerva A. born 1880 died 1920

McCandless, Billie T. born 1912 died 1928

McCandless, Julia born 5-4-1847 died 1/28/1928

McCart, Charles H. born 1916 died no date

McCart, Dorothy F. born 1911 died 1985

McCartney, Charles Forrest born 7-25-1884 died 12-31-1886 Notes: son of John & Jane McCartney

McCartney, Emily born 1860 died 1928

McCartney, Emily born died

McCartney, James born 1856 died 1914

McCartney, James born died

McCoach, Charles L. born 1889 died 1973

McCoach, Minnie M. born 1890 died 1993

McCoy, James died 11-9-1910

McCracken, Etta Fay born no date died 1926

McCracken, Samuel born 1895 died 1974

McCracken, Susie born 1900 died 1959

McDonald, Malcolm born 1890 died 1954

McGalliard, Christopher born 2/2/1987 died 2/7/1987

McGhee, Ella born 1888 died 1971SSDi shows birth 11-15-1888 death 12-1971

McGinn, Hazel Pauline born 12-5-1898 died 7/23/1916 Notes: wife of Joseph I. Mcginn

McGinn, Joseph B. born 7/13/1916 died 8/7/1985 Notes: US Army

McGurney, Dallas M. born 8-7-1894 died 6/29/1975 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI

McHarg, Joseph Stockton born 4-12-1835 died 4-26-1898

McHarg, Joseph Stockton born died

McHarg, Mollie born 1878 died 1916 Notes: wife of G.A. McHarg, WOW, Wife & Mother

McIntire, Ada F. born 1868 died 1943

McIntire, Alvi S. born 1862 died 1950

McKenzie monument born died

McKenzie plot born died

McKenzie, Gordon born 1930 died 1998

McKenzie, H. Grace born 1933 died no date

McKenzie, Louis Benard born 7-18-1892 died 3-16-1897

McKenzie, Sallie born 2-16-1887 died 6/18/1900

McKenzie, Sallie born died Notes: footstone

McKim, Adelaide Boyle born 9-7-1898 died 7/7/1991

McKinley, James Homer born 3/24/1908 died 10/29/1985 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII

McKinley, John O. born 1871 died 1949

McKinley, Laura born 1875 died 1914 Notes: Mamma

McKinley, Oren C. born 7/2/1911 died 4/6/1934

McLean, Allan born no date died 5-30-1891 Notes: died at Badito, Colo, age 45y

McNabb, Pearl born 1897 died 1899

McNarmy, M.T. died 11-1897

McQuade, James Allison born 6/11/1915 died 8/24/1982 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

McQuade, Margaret born 1891 died 1937 Notes: Mother

McRae, Minnie Russell born 3-26-1886 died 8/23/1961 Notes: Eastern Star

Medina, Clorinda Gomez born 1937 died no date

Medina, Eric Donald born 1960 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 8-13-1960 death 8-1979

Medina, John I. born 1932 died no date

Medina, Ramon born 1884 died 1958

Medsker, Annie B. born 6-8-1879 died 2/17/1942

Medsker, Henry H. born 2-14-1875 died 3/14/1971

Medsker, Lee Roy born 6/22/1927 died 6/23/1927

Melonas, Nicholas D. born 1892 died 1949

Merritt, Andrew J. born 1884 died 1961

Merritt, Anna born 1891 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 1-22-1891 death 7-1979

Merritt, Bertha born 18890 died 1973

Merritt, Edward born 1873 died 1965

Merritt, Herbert J. born 1881 died 1926

Merritt, Jane born 1910 died 1962

Merritt, Janet H. born 1876 died 1963 Notes: Mother

Merritt, John born 1872 died 1947 Notes: Father

Merritt, Mary K. born 1882 died 1970 Notes: Mother

Merritt, Mary M. born 1889 died 1914

Merritt, William A. born 1878 died 1953 Notes: Father

Merritt, William A. Jr. born 12/26/1903 died 3/16/1977

Merz, William born 1866 died 1950

Messer, Anna Coral born 1888 died 1963

Messer, Leonard Dixon born 1885 died 1953

Messinger, George H. born 1861 died 1926

Mestas, Maria G. "Lupe" born 12/12/1902 died 7/21/1998

Mestas, Maria G. G. born 5/5/1900 died 1/3/1993

Mestas, J.E. born no date died 7/9/1945

Mestas, Porfirio born 5-21-1903 died 2-4-1981

Meyer, Ethel T. born 1885 died 1981

Meyer, Henry T. born 1882 died 1954 Obit shows death 8-11-1954

Micor, John born 10-29-1890 died 6/14/1972 SSDI shows birth 10-28-1890

Micor, Veronica born 2-4-1898 died 7/24/1974 SSDI shows birth 2-3-1898

Miller plot born died

Miller, Andrew born 1873 died 1950

Miller, Anna M. born 1856 died 1931 Notes: Mother

Miller, Annie E. born 1881 died 1948 Notes: Mother

Miller, Archie born 2-24-1877 died 2/19/1906 Notes: Mason

Miller, Bennie J. born no date died 9/9/1915

Miller, David H. born 1856 died 1914 Notes: Father, (Miners page died 10-14-1914)

Miller, Edgar H. born 1878 died 1953 Notes: Father

Miller, Elizabeth M. born 1883 died 1949

Miller, Garfield born 1892 died 1955 Notes: Deputy Sheriff, Our Dad, Fought For U.M.W.A.

Miller, Jean Ure born 1896 died 1976

Miller, John F. born 1865 died 1942 Notes: Father

Miller, Lee A., Rev. born 1912 died 1978 Notes: Father

Miller, Lena M. born 1899 died 1935 Notes: Mother

Miller, Lillie M. born 1907 died 1994 Notes: Mother

Miller, Peter G. "Petie" born 1882 died 1948

Miller, Rebecca H. "Becky" born 1888 died 1960

Miller, Thomas M. born 1884 died 1907 Notes: Brother

Miller, Wiley H. born 1909 died 1962

Miller, William born 1856 died 1914

Milton, John A. born 1867 died 1949

Milton, Mary R. born 1886 died 1941

Miranda, Magdalena M. born died 9/20/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 9-20-1942, age 76y 6m 16d)

Mitchell, Betty Lee born no date died 1/5/1957 Notes: Mother

Mitchell, John D. born 1919 died 1921

Mitchell, Roy born 1892 died 1932 Notes: 32 Mason, Daddy

Moberly monument born died

Moberly, John F. born 1863 died 1937

Moberly, Margaret E. born 1874 died 1927

Mockmore, Cora Lee born 1/16/1901 died 3/12/1966

Mockmore, Edward E. born 7-1-1897 died 9/29/1950 Notes: Colorado Pvt 2 Army Arty Park CAC WWI

Moncrieff, Ella born 1850 died 1942 Notes: Mother (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 10-15-1942, aghe 92y 5m 12d)

Moncrieff, John D. born 1845 died 1911 Notes: Father

Monreal, Lee Sr. born 1901 died 1992

Monreal, Mary E. born 1911 died 1988

Montana, Abel born 1905 died 1957

Montana, Adolph born 7/18/1914 died 1/3/1978 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

Montana, Candido born 1877 died 1960

Montana, Christina born 1925 died no date

Montana, Clinton born 1978 died 1997

Montana, Emelina born 1909 died 1992

Montana, Emma O. born 1/24/1906 died 4/28/1993

Montana, Erinea born 1879 died 1960

Montana, Ernie Lee Jr. born 4/23/1955 died 2/22/1996

Montana, Ernie Sr. born 8/30/1929 died 9/18/2005

Montana, Flora born 3/14/1938 died no date

Montana, Jake born 1904 died 1983

Montana, Leo born 6/4/1900 died 1/28/1993

Montgomery, John LeRoy born no date died 1/27/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 1-27-1943, age 60yb4m 27d)

Montoya, Amos born 1897 died 1970 SSDI shows birth 3-19-1897 death 8-1970

Montoya, Angelina born 14-Jun-25 died 16-Jan-36

Montoya, Benjamin born 1907 died no date SSDI shows birth 11-28-1907 death 2-26-1989

Montoya, Celestino born 1932 died no date Notes: married 8-9-1955

Montoya, Christina born 1909 died 1976

Montoya, Clifford A. born 1957 died 1990

Montoya, David born 1902 died no date

Montoya, David O. born 1931 died 1955

Montoya, Delelia born 1912 died 1975 SSDI shows Delilia, birth 4-12-1912 death 10-1975

Montoya, Diana Mae born 9/28/1951 died 7/22/1962 Notes: daughter of Gilbert & Orphelia Montoya

Montoya, Dometilia born 1906 died 1941

Montoya, Erineo born 1899 died 1988

Montoya, Ernestine born 1921 died no date SSDI shows birth 8-15-1921 death 8-24-1996

Montoya, Issac born 1900 died 1962

Montoya, Jason Gabriel born no date died 1/3/1969 Notes: Age 1y

Montoya, Jeanette Joy born 10/9/1950 died 4/19/1951

Montoya, Jim Lloyd born 1964 died 1997

Montoya, Joe Epifano born 1878 died 1969

Montoya, Lee O. born 8/8/1919 died 1/1/1991

Montoya, Lewis E. born 1892 died 1934

Montoya, Margaret born 1907 died 1948

Montoya, Margaret born 1933 died 1989

Montoya, Martha E. born 1903 died 1997 SSDI shows birth 3-9-1903 death 3-7-1997

Montoya, Nancy L. born 1949 died 1972

Montoya, Orlena D. born no date died 5/9/1963

Montoya, Raymond born 1935 died 5/8/1905

Montoya, Richard J. born 1974 died 1976

Montoya, Sophia V. born 1874 died 1960

Moore, Brunetti F. born 1860 died 1929 Notes: Mother

Moore, David F. born 1861 died 1890 Notes: Uncle

Moore, Eliza J. born 1848 died 1928

Moore, Flora born 1890 died 1981

Moore, Flora born died

Moore, George R. born 1857 died 1938 Notes: Father

Moore, Hannah J. born no date died 2/17/1900 Notes: wife of John A.C. Moore, 64y 1m 24d

Moore, Hannah J. born died

Moore, John A.C. born no date died 1/30/1903 Notes: age 76y 10m 2d

Moore, Thomas B. born 1843 died 1910

Moore, Thomas B. born no date died no date Notes: 1st Sgt Co H 7th Iowa Cav

Moore, Walter born 1895 died 1958

Moore, Willie born 1906 died 1976 SSDI shows birth 8-25-1906 death 1-1976

Morales, Macario born 1884 died 1961

Morales, Vicenta born 1890 died 1963

Morford, Ernest died 2-27-1912

Morelock, Henry N. born 1882 died 1957

Morelock, Margaret E. born 1856 died 1924

Morelock, Sarah Loa born 1883 died 1966 SSDI shows birth 12-2-1883 death 7-1966

Morgan, Isabel born 1898 died 1929

Morgan, Lewis "Pat" born 1887 died 1965

Morgan, Ralph born 1883 died 1911 Notes: (Miners page died 8-23-1911)

Moroso, John M. born 1888 died 1942 Notes: Father (County Burial permit: died at Gordon 11-21-1942 age 54y)

Morris, Charlie W. born no date died 12/5/1901 Notes: Age 4y 2m

Morris, Columbus born 1870 died 1948

Moss, Fred E. born 1878 died 1942 Notes: Fred Earl Moss – Humphrey Mortuary Records, Alamosa, Colorado – Fred Earl Moss, died on May 18, 1942; residence 1006 State Ave; male, white, married to Luella Moss; born on September 28, 1878 in Ottumwa, Iowa; died at age 63 years, 7 months, 20 days; coal yard manager; Father: James Moss; Mother: Lydia Pickerell; Informant: Luella Moss, Alamosa; died from angina pectorius; attending physician: Dr. John F. Allardice; buried in Walsenburg Cemetery.

Moss, Lulu B. born 1881 died 1956

Moss, Ruby Elizabeth born 10/30/1907 died 11/4/1912 Notes: daughter of Fred P. & Lulu B. Moss age 5y 5d

Mounic, Steve born no date died 5/6/1929 Notes: Age 74y

Moyer, Harvey W. born 1883 died 1925 Obit shows death 6-19-1925

Mullits, Mike died 10-1892

Muir, Alex born 3-8-1840 died 10/9/1905

Muir, Alexander born no date died 3-2-1891 Notes: Age 9m 15d

Muir, Alexander born died Notes: footstone

Muir, Alexander born died Notes: footstone

Muir, David E. born no date died 9-28-1892 Notes: Was killed Age 46y

Muir, David E. born died

Muir, David E. born 1885 died 1931

Muir, David H. born 1864 died 1943 Notes: Father (County Burial permit: died at Los Angeles, CA 3-8-1943, age 78y 9m 12d, born 5-26-1864 at Pennsylvania. Father: Alex Muir born in Scotland; Informant: David C. Muir)

Muir, Eliza L. born no date died 5-20-1896 Notes: Age 36y 16d

Muir, Elizabeth born 1876 died 1940 Notes: Mother

Muir, Grover C. born 1906 died 1928 Notes: (Miners page died 2-6-1928, age 22y)

Muir, Johan S. born no date died 5-28-1890 Notes: age 1y 8m 26d

Muir, Johan S. born died Notes: footstone

Muir, Johan S. born died Notes: footstone

Muir, John born 3-8-1867 died 12/13/1904

Muir, John Q. born 1875 died 1910

Muir, John T. born 1892 died 1940

Muir, Mary T. born 2-11-1870 died 11/24/1904 Notes: wife of D.H. Muir

Mulkey, Annie Jane born 1874 died 1956 Notes: wife of James Samuel Mulkey

Mulkey, Homer Lee born 1897 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 10-19-1943, age 46y 7m 16d)

Murphy, child died 4-1923 age 9y, daughter of N.C. Murphy

Murray, Elsie A. born 1908 died 1921 Notes: Sweetheart

Murray, Etta Mae Tressler born 12/28/1906 died 7/23/1998

Murray, James S. born 1883 died 1940 born 8-13-1883 died 4-8-1970

Murray, Joseph M. born 1861 died 1937

Murray, Louisa born 1871 died 1953

Murray, R. Blockter born 1926 died 1928 Notes: Brother

Murray, Richard D. born 1880 died 1915 Notes: (Miners page died 8-30-1915)

Murray, Virginia W. born 1903 died 1953 Notes: Eastern Star

Murray, Winifred M. born 1886 died 1960

Murry, Vina Bell Ridings born 10/5/1904 died 12/4/1968

Myers, Earl Eugene born no date died 2/9/1928 Notes: Colorado Pvt 11 Regt US Marines

Myers, Edward H. born 1871 died 1918 Notes: Father

Myers, Harold D. born 1890 died 1957 Notes: Father

Myers, Mary R. born 1894 died 1990 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 7-30-1894 death 4-1990

Myers, Ollie M. born 1884 died 1960 Notes: Mother

Myers, Rubye V. born 1909 died 1950

Nagy, Steve born 1887 died 1925

Nakagawa, Y. Minamigata born died Notes: Muda Yamagata Gun Hirshima Ke, Japanese

Naney, Claud born 1926 died no date

Naney, Etta M. born 7-16-1888 died 1981

Naney, Evangeline born 1927 died no date

Naney, Felix F. Sr. born 12-18-1883 died 8/10/1972

Naney, Walter Lee born 1918 died 1943 Notes: PFC 5th Armored Div WWII (County Burial permit: died at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA 1-12-1943, age 24y 7m 14d, born 5-30-1918 in Tuksa, OK, soldier, motorcycle accident, Father: Felix Naney; Mother: Etta Mae Naney)

Naroski Charles born 8/7/1913 died no date Notes: married 6-24-1953, 1st Armored Div TSgt US Army WWII

Naroski, Frank born 9-17-1875 died 2/6/1946

Naroski, Helen born 1/8/1912 died 12/2/1999

Neeley, Ada C. born 1884 died 1965

Neeley, Alva S. born 1870 died 1938

Neeley, Baby born 1908 died 1908

Neeley, Clara A. born 1874 died no date

Neeley, Egbert Lee born 1875 died 1933

Neils, Emil born 1888 died 1970SSDI shows birth 6-14-1888 death 3-1970

Neilson, John K. born 1922 died 1923

Neilson, Lucy N. born 1857 died 1945

Nelson, Edith P. born 11/5/1907 died 1/23/2002

Nelson, John born Scotland died 2-3-1935 age 86y

Nelson, Mose died 5-20-1930 age 35y

Nelson, Robert born 1850 died 1941

Nenoff, Chris born 1895 died 1945

Nevarez, Alfonso born 1962 died 1982

Neville, Helen A. born 1899 died 1920

Newman, Alfred K. born 1888 died 1972, SSDI shows birth 11-30-1888 death 3-1972

Newman, Barbara born 1917 died 1918 Notes: Sister

Newman, Barbara V. born 1895 died 1966

Newman, Carolyn M. born 12-1-1890 died 10/8/1912 Notes: daughter of Mr. & Mrs. David E. Farr

Newman, John Roscoe born 1915 died 1941

Niebuhr, Beatrice V. born 1895 died 1976 SSDI shows birth 9-16-1895 death 5-1976

Niebuhr, Fannie L. born 1887 died 1935

Niebuhr, George S. born 1887 died 1980 SSDI shows birth 12-15-1886 death 1-1980

Nielson, Amanda born 1900 died 1987 SSDI shows birth 11-8-1900 death 6-1987

Nielson, Niels P. born 1890 died 1972 SSDI shows birth 3-10-1890 death 10-1972

Nixon, Robert born no date died 10-14-1893 Notes: son of R. & D. Nixon

Noga, Albert born 1907 died 1977 Notes: Father, SSDI shows birth 10-19-1907 death 1-1977

Noga, Antonette Marie born 7/8/1911 died 12/23/1998

Noga, Eugene "Pat" born 3/17/1944 died 9/23/1989 Notes: married 11-19-1966

Noga, Mary Ann born 2/24/1944 died no date

Nogare, Emil born 1911 died 1986

Nogare, Erma born 1917 died 1968

Nogare, Germano born 1903 died 1985 SSDI shows birth 5-11-1903 death 5-1985

Nogare, Lena born 1912 died no date

Northup, Arthur E. Sr. born 1934 died 1980

Novak, Mike born 1895 died 1962

Nugent, E. Earl born 1/23/1921 died 4/30/1997

Nugent, Wilma Y. born 10/23/1923 died no date

Nunn, Juanita Fahe born 8-1-1896 died 3/12/1907 Notes: daughter of Rev. R.E. & Alyce Nunn

Nutz, Frank B., Jr. born 2/19/1926 died 6/28/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at cuchara Cammps 6-28-1942, drowned, age 16y 4m 8d)

Nutz, Frank Barton born 1904 died 1978 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 4-7-1904 death 8-7-1978

Nutz, Gertrude M. Odd born 1898 died 1968 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 4-14-1898 death 8-15-1968

Ober, Mary A. born 1863 died 1947 Obit shows birth 4-23-1863 death 9-9-1947

O'Block, Ethel born 1901 died 1970

O'Block, Joe born 1891 died 1969 SSDI shows Joseph, birth 4-15-1891 death 12-1969

O'Block, Noah born 1927 died ---

Oldham, Hilda born 1896 died 1975 SSDI shows Hulda, birth 11-6-1896 death 10-1975

Oldham, William born 1878 died 1968 SSDI shows birth 10-6-1878 death 11-15-1968

Olson, Leonard born 2-25-1897 died 5/17/1985 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI

Orahood, Caroline M. born 1873 died 1947 Notes: Gold Star Mother

Orahood, Edwin M. born 1896 died 1917 Notes: Co F 4th Regt US Engrs

Orbanek, John born 1868 died 1921

O'Rourke, Anna Katherine born 1920 died 1996 SSDI shows birth 10-22-1920 death 3-20-1996

O'Rourke, John "Irish" born 1917 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 11-8-1917 death 2-1977

Ortega, Joseph D. born no date died 4/12/1952 Notes: Age 29y 2m 9d

Ortega, Juan C. born 1873 died 1939

Orton, Ian Keith born 3/29/1902 died 11/3/1908

Orton, Lura May born no date died 2-21-1891 Notes: Age 1y 11d Infant daughter of M.L. & W.E. Orton

Osborn, Anna Bell born 1865 died 1913 Notes: Mother

Osborne, Ida born 4/8/1920 died 5/16/1994

Osborne, J.K. born 7/15/1918 died 4/25/1985

Ottinger, Charoline Olena born no date died 1942 Notes: Baby (County Burial permit: died at La Veta 4-29-1942, age 5d)

Ouderkirk, Daisy born 1878 died 1935

Ouderkirk, Francis Henry born no date died 1940 Notes: Baby

Owens, Alfred L. born 1893 died no date SSDI shows birth 11-20-1893 Obit shows death 5-7-1980

Owens, Anna Wilson born 1889 died 1967 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 8-15-1889 death 9-1967

Owens, Charlie born 1890 died 1907

Owens, Elizabeth born 1907 died 1974

Owens, Elizabeth born 1865 died 1940 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 6-4-1907 death 3-1974

Owens, Elizabeth born 1910 died 1951

Owens, Fred died 2-10-1904

Owens, Frederick Richard born 1888 died 1917

Owens, Janet Lois born 1917 died 1927

Owens, Lewis born 1857 died 1930 Notes: Father

Owens, Margaret L. born 1895 died 1976 Notes: Eastern Star

Ownes, Mildred Lee born 1910 died 1951

Ozegovich, Nickola born 1895 died 1947

Pacheco, Clarita born 1892 died 1979SSDI shows birth 3-2-1892 death 2-1979

Pacheco, Della born 1905 died 1912

Pacheco, Jose Ynacio born 1887 died 1969 SSDi shows birth 5-6-1888 death 11-15-1969

Pacheco, Maclovia born 7/8/1912 died 12/4/1996

Pacheco, Manuel born 6-4-1873 died 2-15-1939

Pacheco, Paz born 1865 died 1930

Pacheco, Ramon born 1864 died 1939

Pacheco, Ramoncito born 1905 died 1912

Pacheco, Senaida born 1-20-1881 died 11/10/1947

Pacheff, Marin born 1893 died 1938

Packard, Clyde C. born 1881 died 1955 Notes: Father

Packard, Gerda M. born 1922 died 1964 Notes: Wife

Packard, Minnie E. born 1879 died 1932 Notes: Mother

Packard, Richard Clyde born 12/2/1903 died 7/29/1977 Notes: Sp 5 US Army WWII

Packard, W. Maurice born 1908 died 1927 Notes: Brother

Paddock, Wayne M. born 9/25/1926 died 10/11/1926 Notes: Baby

Page, Maurice Ray born 5/13/1914 died 2/20/1977 Notes: US Army WWII

Pagon, John born 1863 died 1945 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Loma Park 10-4-1944, age 72y)

Pagon, Mary born 1872 died 1959

Pallas, John born 1890 died 1959

Pallock, Andrew died 12-1906

Pantazes, Infant Boy born 1967 died 1967

Parker, Robert L. born 1891 died 1947

Parrish, Fannie A. born 1888 died 1951

Parrish, Preston A. born 1883 died 1959

Parsons, Alice born 1904 died 1983

Parsons, Charlie born 12-31-1885 died 1-14-1891

Parsons, Eliza J. born 5-3-1884 died 8-16-1885

Parsons, Emma born 11-24-1887 died 12/1/1902

Parsons, John Andrew Sr. born 10-24-1889 died 4/7/1969 Notes: Colorado Pvt Co G 345 Inf WWI

Parsons, John Andrew Sr. born 10-24-1889 died 4-7-1969 son of William H. Parsons and Nancy Virginia Trimber

Parsons, Nancy Virginia born 1854 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 11-19-1943, age 89y)

Parsons, William H. born 1-12-1857 died 2/18/1920 Notes: W.O.W.

Parsons, William Henry born 9-15-1891 died 9-18-1892

Parvanoff, Mladen "Big Mike" born 5-6-1887 died 7/24/1965

Patterson, Adam T. born no date died 3/19/1985 Notes: son of A. & M. Patterson 4y 2m 20d

Patterson, Archie born 1854 died 2-20-1920 Obit shows Archibald

Patterson, Archie T. born 8-6-1885 died 12/7/1909

Patterson, Edith Mae born 1917 died 1918

Patterson, Elizabeth J. born 1894 died 1976 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 9-10-1894 Obit shows death 10-14-1976

Patterson, Ellis born 1910 died 1994

Patterson, George born 1874 died 1928

Patterson, Guy T. born no date died 1/2/1908 Notes: died at Dawson, NM son of A. & M. Patterson

Patterson, Guy T. born died

Patterson, Henry T. born 1887 died 1945 Obit shows death 11-17-1945

Patterson, Joseph H. born 1853 died 1929 Obit shows birth 4-11-1853 death 2-10-1929

Patterson, Joseph H. born 1888 died 1959 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, Obit shows death 6-20-1959

Patterson, Margaret King born 1852 died 1919 Notes: wife of Judge Joseph H. Patterson

Patterson, Marjorie L. born 1918 died no date

Patterson, Martha Topping born 1860 died 1944 Obit shows death 3-18-1944

Payne, George B. born 1858 died 1942 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Payne, John A. born 1912 died 1957

Payne, Margaret born 5-6-1888 died 7/26/1968

Payne, Minnie M. born 1900 died no date

Payne, Nancy Jane born 1857 died 1941 Notes: Eastern Star

Payne, Robert N. born 10-8-1885 died 8/16/1958

Peachey, Ada O. born 1901 died 1946 Obit shows birth 9-4-1901 death 11-26-1947

Peachey, Arthur born 1893 died 1966

Pearman, Robert M. born 5-29-1859 died 7-9-1882 Notes: son of Chas. M. & Mary A. Pearman Born St. Louis

Peet, Charles H. born 1869 died 1928 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Peet, Mary A. born 1871 died 1941

Penn, William F. born 1895 died 1926

Penny, John Whitcomb born died 10/11/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 10-11-1944, age 69y 12d)

Peralta, Bridgett M. born 1954 died 1979

Peterson, Howard C. born 1921 died 1923 Notes: Keke

Petroff, Emma Jean born 11/29/1922 died 1/11/1995 Notes: Tec 4 US Amry WWII

Petroff, George born 6/28/1914 died 11/23/1996 Notes: 1st Sgt US Marine Corps WWII

Petz, Emilie M. born 1880 died 1963

Petz, Fred E. born 1908 died 1962

Petz, John T. born 1880 died 1932

Peyton, Martin died 11-1904 age 59y

Phillips, Jean D. born 1880 died 1965

Phipps, Annabel Adriance born 1899 died 1988 Notes: Eastern Star

Phipps, James C. born 3-29-1899 died 11/5/1973 Notes: Colorado Col US Army WWI

Phipps, Velma Mildred born 5/29/1907 died 5/12/1908

Pickett, Alena Mae born 1915 died 1917

Pierotti, Anna Mae born 2/24/1917 died 1/4/1992

Pierotti, Steve born 12/15/1917 died no date

Pierson, Charles O. born 10-31-1891 died 6/14/1966 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army WWI

Pierson, Charles O. born died

Pierson, Gustaf L. born no date died no date Notes: (born 5-8-1854 died 5-8-1934)

Pierson, Howard born 10-17-1899 died 8/2/1901 Notes: son of G.L. & Frances Pierson

Pierson, Margaret M. born 12/25/1903 died 8/15/1987

Pierson, Margaret M. born died

Pino, Anthony born 1958 died 6/13/1905

Pino, Duvigan "Dave" born 9/1/1904 died 8/8/1989

Pino, Eusevia born 3/20/1914 died no date

Pino, Fred Jr. born 6/3/1956 died 6/2/1970

Pino, Helen born no date died no date

Pino, Richard James born 11/15/1959 died 6/2/1970

Pino, Ruben F. born 7/30/1957 died 6/2/1970

Pisarczyk, Albert born 1870 died 1938

Pisarczyk, Baby born no date died 1927

Pisarczyk, Joseph Martin born 1907 died 1967 Notes: Mason married 6-9-1953

Pisarczyk, Louise L. Sporleder born 1908 died 2001 Notes: Eastern Star

Pisarczyk, Verna Chuba born 3/2/1908 died 10/25/1982

Pisarczyk, Walter A. born 12/2/1904 died 9/23/1985

Pisarczyk, Walter V. Jr. born 11/14/1929 died 11/26/1945

Pitchford, Nando born no date died 5/11/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 5-11-1942, age 64y)

Platraki, Moustafa born 1892 died 1975 Notes: Jack Rabbit, SSDI shows birth 8-3-1892 death 2-1975

Plavec, Anna born 1876 died 1974 SSDI shows birth 2-27-1876 death 11-1971

Plavec, Bohumil born 1868 died 1942

Plavec, Emil born 1914 died 1958

Poli, Leon born 9-5-1892 died 10/8/1941 Notes: Colorado PFC 158 Inf 40 Div

Poli, Mary born 1874 died 1942

Poli, Ralph F. born 1869 died 1933

Pollart, Adele Augustine born 1877 died 1935

Pollart, Emile F. born 9-13-1878 died 5/15/1963

Pollart, Valentin born 1875 died 1936

Porter, Bontz born 1906 died 1927

Porter, Runia born 1900 died 1927

Pottorff, Marsh born 4/13/1918 died no date

Pottorff, Sue T. born 3/25/1916 died 3/25/1990

Potts, Calvin Erby born 3-28-1898 died 1/3/1982

Potts, Elizabeth H. born 6/26/1904 died no date

Powell, Buck born 1874 died 1955

Price monument born died

Price, Baby born no date died no date

Price, Carl born 10/13/1909 died 9/2/1981

Price, David born 11-21-1891 died 12/16/1975 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

Price, Emma D. born 1891 died 1970

Price, James born 1900 died 1925

Price, Louise born 8/15/1936 died no date

Price, Mae born 5/23/1914 died 1/20/1983

Price, Mary Ann born 1869 died 1969 SSDI shows birth 4-23-1869 death 3-15-1969

Price, Robert G. born 8/28/1937 died 12/13/1990

Price, Roland Dale born 10/16/1923 died 1/5/1967 Notes: Kansas PFC 313 Signal Co Wing WWII

Price, William born 1889 died 1947

Price, William D. born 1861 died 1917

Pritchard, Jennie born 1901 died 1902 Notes: Baby

Pritchard, James G. born 1876 died 1960

Pritchard, John Jones born 1862 died 1936

Pritchard, Lottie May born 1871 died 1928

Pritchard, Miriam C. born 1906 died 1950

Pritchard, Thora C. born 1877 died 1935

Proffitt, John D. born 1889 died 1920

Proffitt, Josephine born 1884 died 1939

Proffitt, Leonard C. born 1933 died 1936

Proffitt, Vincent C. born 3/1/1927 died 9/8/1946 Notes: Colorado Cox US Navy WWII

Proffitt, William L. born 1886 died 1966

Proud, Anthony born 1847 died 1916

Proud, Dorothy born 1853 died 1928

Proud, John born 1881 died 1945

Proud, Joseph born 4/21/1908 died 6/21/1997 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII

Proud, Julia born 1882 died 1972

Provance, Joseph B. born no date died no date Notes: Sgt Co L 2nd WVa Cav, (born 1836 died 1916)

Prudhoe monument born died

Prudhoe, infant daughter of George Prudhoe, died 1905

Prudhoe, George born 1867 died 1934 Notes: Knights of Pythias

Prudhoe, Nellie born 1881 died 1959 Notes: Women of Pythias

Pruitt, Joseph born no date died 4-3-1893 Notes: son of J.A. & I.A. Pruitt age 1m 5d

Pugnetti, Angelo G. born 5/11/1911 died 1/28/1978

Pugnetti, Mary E. born 6/13/1918 died no date

Pulley, Beatrice R. born 1914 died 1972 Notes: Wife

Pulley, Warren H. born 4/10/1921 died 12/5/1969 Notes: Colorado Tec 5 439 QmLdry Co WWII

Pulley, Warren H. born 1921 died 1969 Notes: Husband

Purdue, Lawrence born 6/14/1925 died 2/16/1961 Notes: Colorado PFC US Army WWII BSM

Quillian, Isabel J. born 3-14-1854 died 10-4-1899

Quillian, Isabel J. born died

Quillian, Robert A. born 5-5-1842 died 12-8-1892 Notes: By Masonic Friends

Quillian, Robert A. born died

Quine, Minnie Miller born 1888 died 1961

Quine, Thomas Edward born 1885 died 1963

Quine, Welling Archie born 1924 died 1946 Obit shows death 2-15-1946

Radas, Edward born 1/2/1916 died 1/17/1994

Radevich, Milovan born 2-27-1883 died 11/30/1909

Radovich, Mike born 1890 died 1932

Radulovich, Peter born 1892 died 1934

Radulovich, Shirley Ann born no date died 10/9/1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at La Veta 10-9-1942, age 5m 1d)

Ragsdale, Bertha Isabel born 10/4/1933 died no date

Ragsdale, James Edward born 10/11/1932 died 7/9/1991

Ragsdale, James Edward Jr. born 7/5/1960 died no date

Ragsdale, Julie Ann born 7/25/1975 died 7/10/1988

Rahn, Carl A. born 1912 died 1947

Rains, Agee Floyd born 1899 died 1987

Rains, Elizabeth C. born 3/19/1905 died 1999

Raymond, Eleanor Young born 1914 died 1962

Reed, Baby born no date died 6/1/1928

Reed, Charles died 10-26-1911

Reed, James W. born 1902 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 11-26-1902 death 5-1977

Reed, Jewel S. born 1904 died 1988 SSDI shows birth 11-15-1904 death 12-20-1988

Reeder, Infant born no date died 2/9/1908 Notes: son of W.C.H. & Anna M. Reeder

Reid, Euphemia born 8-23-1864 died 4/26/1913 Notes: Mother

Reid, Jessie born no date died 1958

Remple, Louis D. born 1943 died no date

Remple, Thomas K. born 1947 died no date

Reuss, Albert J. born 1884 died 1956

Reuss, Viola D. born 1885 died 1977 SSDI shows birth 8-23-1885 death 2-1977

Reyes, Nathan Jacobson born 1/17/1962 died 11/19/1962

Reynolds, David L. born 1872 died 1953

Reynolds, Dewey born 1898 died 1953

Reynolds, Etta Louise born 1873 died 1967

Reynolds, Isabel born 11/25/1900 died 5/4/1982

Reynolds, Jasper M. born 1858 died 1927 Notes: Father

Reynolds, Joseph O. born 1860 died 1917 Notes: Father

Reynolds, Lahmer W. born 10/23/1900 died 4/5/1995

Reynolds, Llewellyn T. born 1878 died 1951

Reynolds, Manuelita born 1874 died 1966 Notes: Mother

Reynolds, Marcello O. born 9-25-1895 died 6/3/1986 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI

Reynolds, Margaret born 1905 died no date

Rhodes, Harry L. born 6-19-1876 died 11/27/1912

Rhodes, Mary born no date died 4-14-1889

Richards, Martha J. born 1864 died 1936

Richards, Sam born 1870 died 1964

Richardson, Kathleen born no date died 12/26/1932

Richardson, Pearl born 1881 died 1966

Richter, Elizabeth born 1897 died 1983 SSDI shows birth 11-20-1897 death 12-1983

Richter, Emil born 1889 died 1956

Ridge, Charles V. born 5-31-1892 died 5/25/1978 Notes: Pop

Ridge, Charles V. born died

Ridge, Mary M. born 4-2-1896 died 7/31/1976 Notes: Nany

Ridge, Mary M. born died

Ridge, Walter J. born 1919 died 1941

Ridge, William A. born 1921 died 1921 Notes: Age 1m

Ridings, Orville W. born 12/11/1902 died 8/9/1953

Ridings, William E. born 8-22-1874 died 10/24/1926

Riley, Daisy Dot born 1901 died 1982

Riley, Elsie born 1892 died no date Notes: wife of William F. Riley Jr.

Riley, Mary J. born 1873 died 1967

Riley, Robert C. born 1896 died 1992

Riley, William born 1862 died 1945

Riley, William F. Jr. born 1-18-1894 died 11/26/1922 Notes: Colorado PFC Gen Hosp 21

Riley, William F. Jr. born died

Rinehart, ? born 10/21/1908 died 1/5/1909

Rinehart, Charles Eugene born 10/2/1908 died 1/5/1907

Ritchey, Barbara Ann born 9/15/1937 died 6/9/1941

Ritchey, Helena C. born 1877 died 1935 Notes: Mother

Ritchey, James N. born 1869 died 1940 Notes: Father

Ritter, Carmilla born no date died 1/12/1928

Ritter, Emma C. born 1894 died 1977 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 8-13-1894 death 7-1977

Ritter, Kenny born 3-23-1851 died 9/22/1906

Ritter, Kimery born no date died 1/9/1937

Ritter, Kimery E. born 1889 died 1975 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 8-31-1889 death 5-1975

Roark, Penny Marie born 1967 died 1985

Robertson, Mary Unfug born 1889 died 1971 SSDI shows birth 12-3-1889 death 12-1971

Robertson, Robert B. born 1876 died 1955

Robinson, James S. born 1836 died 1918 Notes: Father

Roche, Jesse Calvert born 1854 died 12-1917

Roche, Kathleen born 1880 died 1918

Rodman, Harold Milton born 2/10/1915 died 10/27/1995 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

Rogers, Earl born 1894 died 1966 SSDI shows birth 8-25-1894 death 8-1966

Rogers, Elizabeth born 1895 died 1968

Rogers, Florence D. born 5/2/1928 died 11/14/1998

Rogers, George B. born 1920 died 1985

Rogers, Jeff born 4/11/1924 died 4/3/1995 Notes: married 50 years

Rogers, Jeff born died

Rogers, John M. born 1870 died 1960

Rogers, Milo born 6/18/1916 died 5/24/1973 Notes: Colorado Sgt US Army WWII

Rogers, Milo born died

Rogers, Pearl I. born 1922 died 1995

Rogers, Willetta born 1/21/1924 died 11/29/1997

Rogers, Willetta born died

Rohr, Elizabeth born 3/31/1905 died no date

Rohr, Ferdinand J. born 1877 died 1961

Rohr, Fred B. born 3/27/1905 died 1997 Notes: married 5-8-1943

Rohr, Lena S. born 1885 died 1956

Romero, Carlos Eloy born 2/24/1940 died 9/27/1996 Notes: AB US Air Force Vietnam

Romero, Julia born 1912 died 1994

Romero, Martin born 1908 died 1989

Roof, Fred Osborne born 8-8-1860 died 2/16/1936

Roof, Freda I. born 2-19-1896 died 4/8/1953

Roof, Inez Townsend born 9-26-1866 died 12/7/1951

Roof, Inez Virginia born 2/1/1900 died 7/3/1900 Notes: daughter of Fred & Inez V. Roof

Roof, Stella J. born 4-10-1894 died 2/7/1951

Roof, Stephen born 4-20-1832 died 12/16/1919

Root, Jack born 12/29/1927 died 2/8/1939 Notes: son of T.M. & Ada M. Root

Rope, Mamie Margaret born 8/22/1906 died 8/1/1995

Rope, Ray Henry born 8/17/1902 died 6/24/1988

Roth, Joseph Ralph born 10-14-1920 died 7-9-2002 Pvt US Army WW II

Rounsley, George F. born 1894 died 1977 Notes: Mason, SSDI shows birth 1-3-1894 death 1-1977

Rounsley, Isabel born 1896 died 1948

Rounsley, Mae M. born 1895 died 1977 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 7-31-1895 death 7-1977

Rouse, Elverton F. born 1896 died 1952

Roussey, Christ born 8-28-1886 died 8/31/1950

Rule, Beatrice Lily born no date died 8-22-1890 Notes: daughter of R. & M. Rule age 2y 10m 26d

Rule, Beatrice Lily born died

Rush, Lemuel A. born 5-27-1890 died 6/2/1963 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army

Russell, Duncan M. born 1850 died 1920

Russell, William born 6-20-1857 died 6-27-1884 Notes: Born Ft. Erie, Canada

Russell, William born died

Russell, William Benten born 1879 died 1938

Ruzanski, Baby born 1936 died 1936

Ruzanski, Carl born 1876 died 1949

Ruzanski, Emil born 8/15/1901 died 12/1/1951

Ruzanski, Frank born 4/9/1921 died 10/16/1971 Notes: Colorado Pvt 349 Ord Co WWII

Ruzanski, Thelma M. born 11/9/1903 died 1/17/1983

Ruzanski, Weronika born 1880 died 1967 SSDI shows birth 1-5-1880 death 8-15-1967

Ryder, Samuel born 12-31-1847 died 11/21/1906 Notes: Age 59y 10m 20d

Salazar, Alfredo born 1903 died 1990

Salazar, Armanda T. born 1939 died no date

Salazar, Clovis born 1908 died 1994

Salazar, Eusevio born 1890 died 1954 Notes: Brother

Salazar, Isabel Gomez born 5/18/1911 died 12/8/1998

Salazar, Maria M. born 1905 died no date

Salazar, Porfilia born 2-18-1868 died 3/10/1937

Saldana, Gervacio Jr. born no date died 1946 Notes: Baby

Saldana, Petra born 1922 died 1946

Saleh, Alia born 1887 died 1973 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 7-23-1887 death 9-1973

Saleh, John born 1906 died 1995

Saleh, William "Babe" born 1903 died 1997

Saliba, Delores Strauss born 9/2/1917 died no date

Saliba, George born 1890 died 1942 Notes: BPOE 1086

Saliba, Hanna born 1972 died 1942

Saliba, Maurice born 11/16/1923 died 1/4/2001

Saliba, Nicholas Saloom M.D. born 8/28/1914 died 12/31/1987 Notes: US Army WWII

Saliba, Peggy Rahal born 7/16/1928 died 12/8/1983

Saliba, Saloom born 1859 died 1944 Obit shows birth 1-8-1859 death 10-18-1944

Saliba, Zubida born 1897 died 1982

Salsbury, Ada C. born 1884 died 1942

Salsbury, Charles M. born 1873 died 1944

Sample, Margaret born 4/20/1910 died no date

Sample, Robert L. born 5/30/1905 died 8/23/1976

Sams, Amy born 1853 died 1930

Sandor, Martha W. born 1918 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: Martha Wheelock Sandor died at Fayetteville, NC 7-28-1943, age 25y, die din train wreck, born 4-4-1918 in Pennsylvania. Spouse: Lt. John H. Sandor; Father: A.A. Wheelock; Mother: Harriett Wheelock, both parents born in Pennsylvania)

Sandoval, Emma Cruz born 5/28/1912 died 5/2/1999

Sandoval, Ernest U. born 12/28/1916 died 4/11/1991 Notes: 1st Lt US Army WWII

Sandoval, Eusebio born 8-14-1865 died 12/21/1937

Sandoval, Flora born 5/8/1918 died 4/14/1999

Sandoval, Jose Navor born 10/12/1919 died 1/11/1977

Sandoval, Juan Pedro born 1880 died 1979 SSDI shows birth 6-23-1880 death 1-1979

Sandoval, Marie Leonore born 1903 died 1979

Sanich, John born 5/25/1909 died 5/4/1935

Sarti, Ancilla born 1894 died 1967

Sarti, Geno born 1921 died no date

Sarti, Louise born 1926 died 1985

Sarti, Luigi born 1880 died 1971

Sauvezon, Louis born 1877 died 1957 Notes: Born In France

Schachet, Isaac E. born 5-30-1896 died 11/26/1946 Notes: Colorado Sgt Hq Co 70 Inf WWI

Schafer, Andrew C. born 1859 died 1956

Schafer, Andrew C. Jr. born 1894 died 1958

Schafer, Dorothy born no date died 1979 SSDI shows birth 4-29-1900 death 1-1979

Schafer, Frederick W. born 1898 died 1969 SSDI shows Fred, birth 9-18-1898 death 4-1969

Schafer, Lillian E. born 1873 died 1955

Schafer, Ruth G. born 1896 died 1966

Schafer, William B. Sr. born 10/27/1900 died 7/1/1991

Scheneman, Will H. born 9-4-1849 died 2-11-1896 Notes: Co H 198 Reg Ohio Vol Mason Blue Lodge (Miners page died 2-11-1893, listed as William Schewnan)

Schlink, Anna born 1888 died 1961

Schlink, Guy S. born 1888 died 1970 SSDI shows birth 3-16-1889 death 2-1970

Schmit, Enid A. born 1930 died 1970 Notes: Wife & Mother

Scholes, Abraham born 1863 died 1949

Scholes, Blanch F. born 1899 died 2001

Scholes, Clarence born 1908 died 1993

Scholes, Clarence A. born 1891 died 1969 SSDI shows birth 3-1-1891 death 5-1969

Scholes, Edward W. born 1899 died 1954

Scholes, Edward W. born 1910 died 1939 Notes: Son (Miners page died 6-23-1939)

Scholes, Hazel D. born 1911 died 2002

Scholes, Katherine S. born 1889 died 1973 SSDI shows birth 3-22-1889 death 1-1973

Scholes, Lawrence J. born 1908 died 1982

Scholes, Roy Eldon born 3/20/1901 died 11/9/1986 Notes: Dad

Schooler, Edith E. born 1877 died 1917

Schooler, Orthanile S. born 1900 died 1926 Notes: (Miners page died 11-27-1926)

Schooler, William E. born 1875 died 1950

Schwelka, Albert born 11/14/1914 died 5/26/1964 Notes: Colorado 1st Lt 743 Tank Bn WWII

Schwelka, Barbara born 1874 died 1945

Schwelka, Carl John born 1902 died 1966 SSDI shows birth 7-24-1902 death 8-1966

Schwelka, Olga born 1911 died 1926

Schwelka, Teodor born 1875 died 1947

Scott, Ida May born 3/18/1906 died 8/29/1906 Notes: Age 5m 11d

Scott, James born 1872 died 1905

Scott, Josephine born 1883 died 1948

Scott, Michael born 1869 died 1939

Sedey, Anton born 1-?-1881 died 6-?-1931

Sedmak, John born 1888 died 1946 Obit shows death 2-5-1946

Sefton, Mary born 1849 died 1922

Sellers, J. Ben born 1891 died 1920

Sellers, Richard D. born 1898 died 1952

Senosky, Augusta born 1885 died 1960

Senosky, Joseph born 1884 died 1975 Notes: married 12-20-1924

Serafin, Evad born 1897 died 1986

Serafin, Louis A. born 1889 died 1953

Sergis, Emanuel born 2-12-1884 died 12/11/1942 Notes: A Great Artist In Photography Now He Rests In Peace. (County Burial permit: Emanuel Sirgis died at Walsenburg 12-11-1942 age 58y 8d)

Sevestre, Philomene born 1873 died 1918

Shaft, Ella M. born 1894 died 1918

Shaft, John born 1848 died 1927

Shank, Samantha born no date died 6-13-1875 Notes: Age 25y 6m 13d

Shank, Samantha born died

Sharpless, Elva born 1866 died 1957

Sharpless, Emmett born 1887 died 1936

Sharpless, Ned born 1913 died 1935

Shaw, Ellen H. born 1874 died 1957 Obit shows death 9-30-1957

Shaw, Flora born 1893 died 1973 Notes: (born 5-12-1893 died 10-15-1973)

Shaw, Jabe born 1-19-1865 died 10-?-1922

Shaw, John born 1897 died 1972 Notes: (born 9-17-1897 died 11-8-1972)

Shaw, John Jr. born 11/15/1919 died 12/21/1977 Notes: US Army WWII, SSDI shows birth 11-5-1919 death 12-1977

Shaw, John K. born 1874 died 1915 Obit shows death 3-3-1916

Shaw, Lizzie born 1882 died 1946 Notes: (Elizabeth Wells Tweedle Cook Shaw died 3-6-1946)

Shaw, Mary M. born 1919 died 2003

Shaw, Richard E. born 1867 died 1947 Notes: Knights of Pythias (born 5-31-1866 died 4-19-1947)

Shaw, Susanna (Sue) born 2-9-1899 died 2/28/1984

Shaw, Warren John born 1924 died 1924

Shearer, Edgar J. born 4-30-1893 died 2/12/1928

Sheeley, Agnes born 1888 died 1918

Sheeley, Jack born 1914 died 6/12/1905

Sheeley, John J. born 1885 died 1958

Shepard, Ellen Virginia born 1919 died 6/12/1905

Shepard, Marquess L. born 1879 died 1914

Shepard, Sarah born 1876 died 1955

Shepard, William Leo born 1902 died 1988 Notes: married 6-6-1942

Shepherd, Chas. K. born 1886 died 1927 Notes: (Miners page died 2-27-1927, age 40y)

Shepherd, Grace born 5-29-1898 died 3/9/1910

Shepherd, Jean born 1865 died 1941

Shepherd, John born 1858 died 1921

Shepherd, Minnie E. born 4-8-1874 died 1/20/1964

Shepherd, William F. born 4-27-1869 died 1/30/1932

Sherwood, George born 8-17-1857 died 5/31/1913 Notes: Erected In Memory By Wife & Children

Shoup, Clarance born 1886 died 1967SSDI shows Clarence, birth 7-2-18886 death 3-1967

Shumway, E.E. died 1-1914

Shuster, Louis born 1883 died 1964

Siemon, Mable J. born 1914 died 1934

Simons, Alanson D. born 1854 died 1938

Simons, Edgar M. born 1861 died 1939

Simpson, Jane B. born 1885 died 1971

Simpson, Jane B. born died

Simpson, L. Gale born 1888 died 1969 Notes: Wife

Simpson, Lu born 1883 died 1956 Notes: Husband

Simpson, Vince W. born 1879 died 1939

Simpson, Vince W. born died

Sinclair, George Rev. born 1-17-1870 died 11/14/1929 Notes: Mason

Singer, Laura M. born 9/1/1917 died 4/17/1997

Singer, Leon G. born 4/5/1921 died 2/23/1994

Singer, Lonnie Charles born no date died 1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: Infant Singer died in rural area, 10-26-1942, stillborn, Shite)

Sinsabaugh, Elizabeth born 1835 died 1918 Notes: Mother

Skrzynear, Agnes born 1878 died 1958

Skrzynear, Stanley born 1886 died 1972

Slaten, Mary born 1867 died 1958

Slaten, Moses born 1862 died 1943 Notes: (County Burial Permit: Mose Slaten died at Loma Park 1-24-1944, age 81y)

Slusher, Martha born 1918 died 1947

Smallwood, Alex born 1886 died 1962

Smith monument born died

Smith, Benjamin Franklin born 3-10-1873 died 5/2/1948

Smith, Callie Girtrude born 2/9/1902 died 10/28/1902 Notes: Our Darling

Smith, Christine Marie born 10/23/1982 died 3/3/1988

Smith, Janet Belle Phillips born 1903 died 1926

Smith, Lloyd E. born 1918 died 1921 Notes: Little Pal

Smith, Mary born no date died 6-16-1883 Notes: Age 29y 2m 9d, wife of Alfred Smith

born died

Smith, Maud born 9-20-1855 died 1/31/1901

Smith, Ruth born 2/3/1920 died 8/7/1921 Notes: Baby

Smith, Susan Markham born 1879 died 1920

Snedden monument born died

Snedden, Beverly J. born no date died 5/22/1930

Snedden, Dorothy B. born 11/5/1914 died 6/17/1985

Snedden. Elizabeth Hill born no date died 1958

Snedden, Elizabeth Jane born 1871 died 1944

Snedden, Henry born 1840 died 1917

Snedden, Isabella born no date died 10/3/1950 Notes: daughter of Henry & Jessie Snedden

Snedden, Jessie born 1840 died 1896

Snedden, Jessie Reid born no date died 1958

Snedden, Margaret born no date died 1959

Snedden, Thomas born 12/17/1908 died 9/29/1989

Sneddon, Andrew born 1857 died 1913

Sneddon, William born 1897 died 1913

Snodgrass, Ralph Lamar born 4-18-1880 died 3/27/1945

Snyder, Charles H. born 1909 died 1935

Snyder, Ellen E. born 1876 died 1931

Snyder, Robert I. born 2/27/1926 died 6/6/1992 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

Socha, Adalbert born 1875 died 1957

Socha, Albert born 1875 died 1957

Somatis, Giovanni born 1884 died 3/16/1912

Sommers, Gordon Cecil born 7/7/1917 died 3/23/1993 Notes: TSgt US Army Air Corps WWII

Somsky, Donna Lee born 11/24/1937 died 8/14/1938

Soriano, Jennie Mrs. born 1922 died 1953

Soto, Augustine born 5-5-1896 died 2/29/1944 Notes: Brother (County Burial permit: died at Pictou 2-29-1944, age 48y 9m 24d)

Soto, Carmin born 1874 died 1961 Notes: Mother

Soto, Francisco B. born 1905 died 1978 Notes: Brother, SSDI shows Frank shows 9-12-1903 death 11-1978

Soto, Theresa born 1886 died 1964 Notes: Mother

Soupogians, James born 1893 died 1969, SSdi shows birth 9-9-1893 death 1-1968

Spatziani, Romeo born 1876 died 1963

Speed, Mary F. born 1858 died 1952

Speed, Mary J. born 1909 died 1935

Speed, William born 1849 died 1931 Notes: (Originally buried at Speed Cemetery, moved to Masonic 5-22-1953)

Spencer monument born died

Spencer, Bessie E. born 1898 died 1924

Spencer, Infant born no date died 19-Dec-24

Sporleder bench born died

Sporleder, Adolphine F. born 4-25-1826 died 2-23-1878 Notes: Mother

Sporleder, Adolphine F. born died

Sporleder, August born 2-19-1818 died 10-12-1889 Notes: Peace To His Ashes

Sporleder, Barbara born 3-26-1887 died 5/29/1975

Sporleder, Carl S. born 1886 died 1969 SSDI shows birth 9-28-1886 death 3-1969

Sporleder, Carolyn C. born 1885 died 1976 SSDI shows birth 9-22-1885 death 7-1976

Sporleder, Frederick A. born 1884 died 1927

Sporleder, George W. born 7-21-1858 died 4-21-1882

Sporleder, Gertrude E. born 1892 died 1950

Sporleder, Louis B. died 3-24-1943

Sporleder, Louis B. Jr. born 12-12-1893 died 6-May-55 Notes: Colorado Sgt 11 Co 3 Develop Bn WWI

Sporleder, Louisa E. born 1863 died 1960 Notes: Mother

Sporleder, Lydia Amelia born 1914 died 1992

Sporleder, Ruth Henry born 1930 died 1988

Sporleder, Siegfried born 1921 died no date

Sportsman, Roy A. born 1895 died 1989

Sportsman, Tressa E. born 1899 died 1989

Springer, Loren D. born 12/10/1954 died 12/11/1954

Sproull, Thomas born 12-27-1834 died 2/9/1910

Sproull, Thomas born died

Stack, Clara O. born 1898 died 1960 Notes: Eastern Star

Stack, John M. born 1891 died 1975 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 1-2-1891 death 7-1975

Stamas, Harry died 9-1915

Stamas, Peter P. born 3-25-1885 died 2/4/1971

Stambaugh, Elsie B. born 1906 died 1913

Stamp, Bertha Klein born 1881 died 1970

Stamp, Harvey Milton born 1869 died 1932

Stanley, George Elmer born 1926 died 1928

Starbuck, Harvey born 9-9-1873 died 2/17/1946 Notes: BPOE

Starbuck, Ralph born no date died 4/21/1937 Notes: Kansas Pvt 30 Field Arty 10 Div

Stauffer, Fern Franciscotti born 8/5/1946 died 5/18/1996

Stearns, Louisa born 1824 died 1907 Notes: Mother

Steele, Andrew J. born 1857 died 1920

Steele, Pearl born no date died 1956 Notes: His Wife

Steele, Theo. P. born no date died 8/11/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: Theodore Parker Steele died at Walsenburg 8-11-1943, age 77y 1m 23d)

Stephens, Alfred Henry born 1904 died 1984

Stephens, Bertha L. born 1902 died 1984

Stephens, Cervus Alces born 1906 died 1974 SSDI shows birth 5-17-1906 death 6-1974

Stephens, Minnie K. born 1877 died 1960

Stephens, Richard A. born 1872 died 1949

Stephenson, John A. born 1876 died 1937

Sterk, Mary Ann E. born 1925 died no date

Sterk, Mary E. born 1910 died 1955

Sterk, Paul born 1907 died 1981 SSDI shows birth 8-22-1907 death 3-1981

Stevens, Anna born 1833 died 1919

Stewart, Elizabeth born 1852 died 1940 Notes: Mother ( Elizabeeth Scott Stewart born 12-31-1852 died 3-30-1940)

Stewart, Mina C. born 1864 died 1936

Stewart, Robert G. born 1857 died 1927

Stiglich, Doreen H. born 1922 died 1965

Stiglich, George Jr. born 1914 died 1965

Stojamovic, Simo born 1883 died 1962

Stone, Helen born no date died 6/29/1910 Notes: Infant daughter of B.G. & A.L. Stone

Story, Cora A. born 1-3-1870 died 4/12/1905 Notes: Erected By W.O.W.

Story, Cora A. born died

Story, John born 1849 died 1935 Notes: died 11-21-1935 came to Walsenburg in 1864

Story, John born died

Story, John C. born 5-8-1898 died 5/13/1907

Strachan, Thomas died 3-1922 age 69y

Strader, Ruth born 1877 died 1924 Notes: Mother

Strang, Andrew born 1891 died 1975 Notes: 32 Mason, SSDI shows birth 2-8-1891 death 2-1975

Strang, Anna C. born 1894 died 1963

Strang, Nita S. born 1918 died no date

Strang, Tom M. born 1912 died 1951 Notes: Demolay

Strange, Henry J. born 9-7-1833 died 1/11/1908 Notes: born in England

Strange, Henry J. born died

Strange, Henry J. born died

Strange, Maude born 1884 died 1888

Strange, Susanna Hart born 5-13-1832 died 1/4/1912 Notes: born in England

Strange, Susanna Hart born died

Strange, Susanna Hart born died

Strauss, Fred W. born 1896 died 1947 Notes: Elk

Strauss, John born 1851 died 1916

Strauss, Louise born 12-12-1898 died 10/12/1914 Notes: daughter of John & Susanna Strauss

Strauss, Opal H. born 1900 died 1987

Strauss, Susanna born 1858 died 1938

Strickler, Willie born 4/17/1904 died 9/2/1905 Notes: son of Al & F. Strickler

Strickler, Willie born died Notes: footstone

Strong, Frank R. born no date died 9-18-1891 Notes: Age 38y

Strovas, Blaz born 1881 died 1950 Notes: Father

Strovas, Frank born 1913 died 1963 Notes: Dad

Strovas, Maria born 1881 died 1980 Notes: Mother

Stumbaugh, Christopher died 1-16-1911

Styduhar, Martin born 1883 died 1938 Notes: Father (Miners page died 10-15-1938)

Sudar monument born died

Sudar, A. Pauline born 1912 died 1966

Sudar, Alice born 1914 died 1963

Sudar, John D. born 1910 died 1998 SSDI shows birth 3-27-1910 death 3-1-1998

Sudar, Paul D. Jr. born 8/6/1913 died 12/31/1967 Notes: Colorado SSgt 1539 Base Unit AAF WWII

Suich, Steve born 1882 died 1949

Sullivan, Perry born no date died no date Notes: Co L 10 Ohio Cav CW (died 7-5-1913)

Sumski, Thomas died 7-21-1902

Summers, Clara Jean born 1932 died 1980

Summers, Dan U. "Corky" born 1929 died no date

Summers, Daniel B. born 1892 died 1975 SSDI shows birth 10-29-1892 death 1-1975

Summers, Dorothy Grace born 1923 died 1923

Summers, Gretchen born 1897 died 1983 SSDI shows birth 8-9-1897 death 11-1983

Summers, Henry C. born 10/11/1920 died 5/28/1999

Summers, Henry Chauency born 1887 died 1945

Summers, Josephine born 3/6/1915 died no date

Sumner, Barbara born 12/11/1915 died 12/27/1915 Notes: daughter of W.A. & Ruth C. Sumner

Sumner, Ruth Cowing born 1890 died 1978

Sumner, Welling A. born 1885 died 1935

Sumner, Welling A. Jr. born 1914 died 1929

Svoboda, Marie born 1883 died 1925 Notes: Mother

Svoboda, Marie born died

Swanagan, Seymore born 1867 died 1928

Swangan, Myrtle born 1883 died 1961

Swanson, Anna born 1876 died no date

Swanson, Charles L. born no date died 1919 Notes: Baby

Swanson, Elsie L. born 1894 died 1924

Swanson, Frank "Gus" born 1883 died 1977

Swanson, Frank A. "Swede" born 1920 died 2003

Swanson, Gust born 1872 died 1923

Swanson, Hal E. born 2-7-1881 died 9/12/1963

Swanson, Jessie H. "Jay" born 1920 died 2004

Swanson, Judith Damon Baxter born 12-20-1884 died 7/20/1952

Swartz, John D. born 1890 died 1958

Swartz, Lena A. born 1903 died 1999

Sweet, Amelia E. born 1858 died 1935

Sweet, Frederich John born 1892 died 1948

Sweet, Howard Edward born 1901 died 1945

Sweet, Sampson born 1858 died 1917

Swift, Claud T. born 6-29-1892 died 3/7/1962 Notes: Colorado PFC Co F 163 Inf WWI

Swindell, Pauline born 1916 died 1918 Notes: daughter of William & L.M. Swindell

Takata, Ewoa born 1912 died 1951 Notes: Father

Takata, Maggie M. born 5-10-1887 died 3/9/1955

Takata, Nora born 1916 died 1922

Takata, Tamay O. born 4/12/1914 died 10/2/1919

Takata, Thomas E. born 9/27/1943 died 3/28/1996

Talbert, Mary born 1879 died 1938

Tanner, Charley born 1891 died 1920

Tanner, Edmund born 1918 died 1920

Tanner, Hattie born 1892 died 1920

Tate, John W. born no date died no date Notes: Sgt Co C 9 Missouri SM Cav CW

Taylor, Doris born no date died 7/23/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 7-23-1944, age 72y 6m 26d)

Taylor, James born no date died 8-22-1899 Notes: Age 35y (Miners page died 8-22-1899. listed as Jason)

Taylor, Mattie I. born 1896 died 1973

Taylor, Mina S. born 1898 died 1952

Taylor, Rose H. born 10-23-1898 died 2/4/1981 Notes: (daughter of Charles A. and Augusta Quintana Harmes)

Taylor, Thomas born no date died 8-22-1899 Notes: Age 44y (Miners page)

Taylor, Wilbur S. born 1898 died 1974

Templeman monument born died

Templeman plot born died

Templeman, Jemima born 1861 died 1947 Obit shows birth 2-23-1861 death 3-21-1947

Templeman, Joan born 4/8/1944 died 9/9/1922

Templeman, John born 1864 died 1938

Templeman, John born 12-23-1839 died 12/1/1919 Notes: I.O.O.F.

Templeman, Lyda G. born 2-13-1887 died 2/21/1956 Notes: Mother

Templeman, Oswald F. born 1909 died 1958

Templeman, Thomas B. born 3-25-1882 died 5/29/1934 Notes: Father

Tennant, Lena born 3-21-1865 died 9/8/1912 Notes: W.O.W.

Tennant, Paul born 1896 died 1911

Tepovac, Rade born 1880 died 5/28/1926 Notes: Erected By Colorado Fuel & Iron Co He Died To Save A Fellow Man (Miners page listed as Radi, age 45y)

Terry, Claude born 1898 died 1967

Terry, Missouri A. "Zudie" born 1904 died 1985

Thomas, Claude E. born no date died 1938 Notes: Father

Thomas, Leona Marie born 9/9/1921 died 10/2/1921

Thomas, Lottie born 1883 died 1964

Thompson, Isom B. Sr. born 1876 died 1946 Notes: (died 2-14-1946) Obit shows death 2-21-1946

Thornberry, R.O. born 1867 died 1940

Thorne, Wallace E. born 12/28/1902 died 7/28/1993 Notes: Brother of Helen Allen

Thornton, Joseph C. born 1907 died 1964 Notes: Father

Thornton, May born 1921 died 1948 Notes: Mother

Throndal, Esther May born 1924 died 9/30/1998 Notes: age 73y maiden name Zohar

Thunell, Fritz born 1893 died 1977SSDI shows birth 4-2-1894 death 2-1977

Thurston, George W. born 1881 died 1959

Thurston, George W. born 3-12-1897 died 9/22/1973 Notes: Iowa Pvt US Army WWI

Thurston, George W. born 1897 died 1973 Notes: Married 7 Jun 1919

Thurston, John Carter born 1907 died 1958

Thurston, John Robert born 1851 died 1931

Thurston, Lillie J. born 1900 died 1974

Thurston, Little Bill born no date died 6/7/1921 Notes: son of G.W. & L.J. Thurston 12m 24d

Thurston, Mayme B. born 1879 died 1972

Tidwell, Agnes born 12/23/1909 died 12/27/1983

Tidwell, Bill born 12/23/1907 died 1/10/2001

Tidwell, Billy Joe born 1941 died 1941

Tierney, Dick died 8-1905

Tierney, John died 2-15-1910

Todd, Martha M. born 1904 died 1986 SSDI shows birth 7-21-1904 death 12-1986

Todd, Rudolph born 1900 died 1990

Tombling, John born no date died 1901

Tombling, Joseph born no date died 1902

Tombling, Katherine A. born 1862 died 1935

Tombling, William H. born 1860 died 1902

Tompkins, Frank E. born 3/1/1937 died 8/1/1937 Notes: In Loving Memory By John C. Tomkins

Tompkins, Joseph G. born 1874 died 1944 Notes: In Loving Memory By John C. Tomkins

Tomsic, Edward born 1902 died 1981 SSDI shows birth 10-12-1902 death 9-1981

Tomsic, Frank L. born 1900 died 1945 Notes: Father (Miners page died 1-8-1945)

Tomsic, Mary born 1903 died 1983

Tomsic, Mary born 1903 died 1997 Notes: Mother

Toogood, Eleanora L. born 1906 died 1999 Notes: Eastern Star

Toogood, Herbert S. Jr. born 1901 died 1975 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge, SSDI shows birth 7-22-1901 death 12-1975

Toogood, Herbert Sidney born 1877 died 1941 Notes: Father

Toogood, Lou Ella born no date died 1926

Toogood, Lulu May born 1881 died 1936 Notes: Mother

Toogood, Theodore L. born 1/27/1925 died 6/9/1985 Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII

Topping, Alexander born 8/6/1913 died 6/29/1987

Topping, Anna E. born 4/1/1905 died no date

Topping, Archie born 1882 died 1971

Topping, Elizabeth born 1877 died 1936

Topping, Elizabeth born 1854 died 1929

Topping, Esther born 1893 died 1968

Topping, Henry born 1909 died 1978

Topping, H.T. born 1937 died 1938

Topping, Josephine born 1911 died 1972

Topping, June E. born no date died 1921

Topping, Louise E. born 3/8/1916 died no date

Topping, Robert born 1847 died 1927

Topping, Robert born 1889 died 1968 Notes: Father

Topping, Robert A. born 1904 died 1973

Topping, Ruby Bell born 1913 died 1989

Topping, Ruby J. born 1934 died 1950

Topping, Thomas D. born 1915 died 1997

Topping, Vera born 1892 died 1920 Notes: Mother

Toresan, Peter born 1896 died 1975 SSDI shows Pete, birth 3-10-1896 death 5-1975

Toresan, Vinzie born 1903 died 2002

Townsley, Arthur Ray born 6/6/1939 died no date Notes: married 8-30-1958

Townsley, Lynda Carlene born 7/5/1940 died no date

Treasure, Arthur born no date died 12/20/1943 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 12-20-1943. age 63y 6m 5d)

Treasure, Bobbie A. born 3/17/1938 died 1/7/1939 Notes: Son

Treba, Albert John born 7/16/1924 died 7/14/1978 Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII

Treba, Albert John born died

Treba, Peggy J. born 1928 died 1999

Trembath, Susan Jane born 1856 died 1920

Tressler, Channie S. born 7-7-1886 died 1/20/1957 Notes: California PFC 259 Co MPC WWI

Tressler, Delmer E. born 1881 died 1936

Tressler, Edith M. born 1891 died 1972 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 6-15-1891 death 8-1972

Tressler, Henry R. born 1884 died 1977

Tressler, James E. born 1880 died 1957 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Trew, George born no date died no date Notes: Co. B 1st WVirginia LA CW

Trew, Thomas born 1895 died 1974 Notes: Pvt US Army, SSDI shows Tom, birth 5-6-1895 death 11-1974

Trout, Albert L. born 1861 died 1923

Trout, Albert L. born died

Trout, Mary Hall born 1874 died 1947

Trujillo, Andrea Pauline born 1974 died 1987 Notes: Daughter

Trujillo, Candido L. born 1881 died 1961

Trujillo, Dennis Michael born no date died 12/29/1961 Notes: Our son

Trujillo, Edith born 2/13/1920 died 8/17/1987

Trujillo, Elfido T. born 1917 died 1989 Notes: Beloved Father

Trujillo, Epimenio born 3-16-1888 died 6/2/1976

Trujillo, J. Trinidad born 1875 died 1965

Trujillo, James Lee born 12/31/1959 died 2/18/1983

Trujillo, Jose A. born 2/12/1908 died 9/15/1975 Notes: Beloved Father

Trujillo, Julian T. born 5/10/1918 died 12/1/1997 Notes: Disabled Americn Vet, chapter 39

Trujillo, Lida K. born 1886 died 1960

Trujillo, Mary R. born 1869 died 4/22/1942

Trujillo, Paulita O. born 1904 died 1995

Trujillo, Raymond Jr. born 12/19/1939 died 2/26/1940

Trujillo, Samuel Nathan born 6/24/1993 died 6/25/1993

Trujillo, Saulo born 1896 died 1961 Notes: Father

Trujillo, Victor born 1861 died 1926

Trujillo, Virginia M. born 1881 died 1954

Turner monument born died

Turner plot born died

Turner monument born died

Turner, August F. born 1884 died 1956 Notes: Father

Turner, Edgar G. born 1884 died 1957 Notes: Mason

Turner, Ella Saunders born 1878 died 1957 Notes: Musican

Turner, Elmer J. born no date died 11/17/1935 Notes: Colorado Pvt Central Mg Off Tng Sch

Turner, Erma A. born 1876 died 1950

Turner, Father born 1851 died 1926 Notes: (probably John Turner)

Turner, George S. born 1886 died 1937

Turner, Hazel Marie born 1907 died 1998

Turner, Infant born 6-22-1891 died 6-22-1891 Notes: child of John & Ellen Turner

Turner, James born 1870 died 1954 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Turner, James A. born 6/8/1933 died 4/2/1983

Turner, Jennie born 1876 died 1925

Turner, John A. born 1920 died 1956 Notes: Son

Turner, John A. born 9/21/1920 died 1/14/1956 Notes: Colorado CD2 USNR WWII

Turner, John E. Jr. born 10/21/1928 died 12/2/1975

Turner, John Edward born 1902 died 1982

Turner, John Jr. born 1877 died 1893 Notes: (Miners page died 10-24-1893)

Turner, Mother born 1850 died 1921 Notes: (probably Ellen Scott Turner)

Turner, Robert born 9-17-1879 died 8/7/1959

Turner, Thomas B. born no date died 3-3-1891 Notes: age 7y, child of John & Ellen Turner

Uhl, Hugh F. born 1885 died 1963

Uhl, Kittie J. born 1895 died no date

Unfug monument born died

Unfug, Adolph born 1862 died 1937

Unfug, Adolph A. born 6-2-1893 died 12/13/1955 Notes: Colorado 1st Lt Dental Corps WWI

Unfug, Alice Joe Unger born no date died 8/25/2002

Unfug, Alice M. born 1868 died 1961

Unfug, August T. born 1860 died 1924

Unfug, August T. Jr. born 1897 died 1940

Unfug, Blanch born 1886 died 1963

Unfug, Charles D. born 1894 died 1979 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge SSDI shows birth 6-21-1894 death 7-1979

Unfug, Charles O. born 1896 died 1973

Unfug, Charles Otto born 7-3-1846 died 6/27/1907

Unfug, Conrad F. born 9-5-1850 died 12/30/1931

Unfug, Donald P. born no date died 1922

Unfug, Dora M. born 1865 died 1940 Notes: Mother Eastern Star

Unfug, Earl A. born 1900 died 1952

Unfug, Edwina V. born 1898 died 1972

Unfug, F. William born 1888 died 1958

Unfug, Fern born no date died 1963

Unfug, Fred A.N. born 1857 died 1932 Notes: Father, Obit shows birth 9-16-1857 death 2-4-1932

Unfug, Frederick H. born no date died 1949 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Unfug, Fritz C. born 1898 died 1962

Unfug, Ivy I. born 1896 died 1978 Notes: Eastern Star

Unfug, Kate J. born 5-4-1851 died 1/15/1924 Notes: wife of C.O. Unfug

Unfug, Kate Jeannette born no date died 4-18-1887 Notes: Age 3y 1m 11d daughter of C.O. & K.J. Unfug

Unfug, Louise Ottilie born no date died 4-11-1887 Notes: Age 8m 8d daughter of C.O. & K.J. Unfug

Unfug, Margaret born 1863 died 1939 Notes: Mother

Unfug, Mary Lillie born no date died 6-21-1877 Notes: Age 11m 21d daughter of C.O. & K.J. Unfug

Unfug, Pearl B. born 1890 died 1931

Unfug, William J. born 1916 died 1918 Notes: son of F.W. & P.B. Unfug

Unfug, Zerelda E. born 4-24-1852 died 1/25/1918

Unger, Maude B. born 1875 died 1938

Urban, Ike I. born 1889 died 1972 SSDI shows Ignac birth 7-31-1889 death 2-1972

Urban, Paula born 1902 died 1936

Valdez, Marcelina born 1856 died 12/11/1928

Valdez, Marcelina born 6-?-1857 died 12-?-1930

Valdez, Moses born no date died 4-?-1930

Vallejos, Della born 2/28/1915 died 2/28/1998

VanSchoyck, Bert born 3/22/1927 died 3/23/1993

VanSchoyck, Edith S. born 1895 died 1970 Notes: Mother, SSDI shows birth 12-17-1895 death 9-1970

VanSchoyck, George "Wayne" born 6/22/1916 died 5/30/2002 Notes: married 8-20-1938

VanSchoyck, Leslye C. born 4/12/1918 died 10/27/2000

Vanakin, Jacky A. born no date died 9/18/1905 Notes: Age 4y 11m 12d son of G.E. & A. Vanakin

VanMeter, Gertrude born 1898 died 1988

Vanderberg, Lydia M. born 7/4/1927 died 11/16/1999

Vasques, Narcissa B. born 1819 died 10-23-1899 Notes: Age 80y Mother

Vasquez, Helen F. born 1882 died 1961

Vasquez, Louis born 7-7-1847 died 10-10-1881

Vass, Margaret born 1902 died 1935

Vialpondo, Gasper born 1888 died 1963

Vickers, Arthur born 1876 died 1918

Vidalis, Gust born 5-15-1885 died 2/1/1939

Vigil monument born died

Vigil, Alfredo born 1891 died 1941

Vigil, Amos born 4/10/1939 died 8/31/1995

Vigil, Amos J. Jr. born no date died 1955

Vigil, Cordelia born 1923 died 1936

Vigil, Domacio born 1861 died 1945

Vigil, Damaso born 1906 died 1989

Vigil, Delia born 1905 died 1908

Vigil, Domacio born 1861 died 1945

Vigil, Dora G. born 1913 died 1979

Vigil, Emilia born no date died 1910

Vigil, Emilia born 1893 died 1908

Vigil, Emma born 1926 died no date

Vigil, Ernest I. born 1923 died 1996

Vigil, Ernestine born 1943 died 1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 1-28-1944, age 1m 12d)

Vigil, Filomena born 1883 died 1979SSDI shows birth 6-28-1883 death 5-1979

Vigil, Fralian born 1872 died 1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Chavez 2-12-1942, age 70y 4m 7d)

Vigil, H. Kenneth born 8/5/1964 died 10/3/1980

Vigil, John A. born no date died 8/30/1918 Notes: Colorado Pvt 110 Inf 28 Div

Vigil, Juan Alex born 1924 died 1985 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

Vigil, Juan Alex born died

Vigil, Juan D.J. born 1835 died 1912

Vigil, Margarette born 1933 died 1943

Vigil, Margarita born 1875 died 1943

Vigil, Maria Floripa born 6-26-1882 died 9/9/1986

Vigil, Mary born 10/15/1916 died no date

Vigil, Max Jr. born 1910 died 1956 Notes: Husband & Father

Vigil, Max Sr. born 1886 died 1951 Notes: Father

Vigil, Monulita V. born 1846 died 1914 Notes: Erected By Max Vigil

Vigil, Ricardo born 1865 died 1942 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 9-27-1942, age 76y 7m 5d)

Vigil, Rose R. born 6/7/1907 died 9/28/1982

Vigil, Ruby born 9/10/1905 died 3/10/1970

Vigil, Rufinita born 1896 died 1920

Vigil, Samuel M. born 4-22-1892 died 5/1/1987 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI

Vigil, Sarah born 1886 died 1973

Vigil, Silas born 6/20/1911 died 2/16/1993 Notes: married 11-15-1935

Vigil, Victoria born 1915 died 1940 Notes: Wife & Mother

Vigil, Virginia born 1926 died 2000

Vizis, Louis born 1887 died 1960

Vodenik, Frances born 1885 died 1965

Vodenik, Frank born 1875 died 1944

Vories, Eugene S. born 1886 died 1965 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Vories, Ruby C. born 1891 died 1978 Notes: Eastern Star

Voris, G.W. born 1851 died 1903

Vucetich, Michael Allen born no date died 10-26-1953

Wadhams, Carl William born 1885 died 1961

Wadhams, Ernest C. born 1890 died 1967 SSDI shows birth 2-8-1890 death 6-1967

Wadhams, Marshall E. born 3/15/1928 died 3/23/1928

Wadhams, Orpha Inez born 1879 died 1941

Wadhams, Pearla Mae born 1900 died 1972 SSDI shows birth 3-20-1900 death 10-1972

Wakeland, J. Henry born 1872 died 1954

Wakeland, Katherine born 1875 died 1953

Walker, Baby Boy born no date died 10/4/1951

Walker, David Eugene born 10/4/1951 died 7/16/1952

Walker, Evalyn Capps born 1896 died 1992

Walker, Everett L. born 1909 died 1960

Walker, Robert Eugene born 9/8/1930 died 10/13/1990 Notes: Cpl US Army Korea

Walker, William Lee born 1888 died 1971 SSDI shows birth 11-10-1888 death 10-1971

Wallace, Cora born 1881 died 1959

Wallace, Grant born 1878 died 1951

Wallace, Kate born 1858 died 1924 Notes: Mother

Wallace, Rose born no date died 11/12/1924

Wallitsch, Ludwig born 1885 died 1945

Walls, Dalton born 1900 died no date Notes: Mason

Walls, Dalton Jr. born 1922 died 1922

Walls, Delia born 1875 died 1951

Walls, Gertie M. born 1900 died 1974 Notes: Eastern Star

Walls, James E. born 1872 died 1954

Walls, Vivian born 1925 died 1931

Walsen, Emilia F. born 12-22-1848 died 12-21-1896

Walsen, Lilly Johanna born7-11-1871 died 1-8-1872 daughter of Fred and Emilia Sporleder Walsen

Walters, Nancy Ann born 1900 died 1938

Ward, Alice born 1894 died 1934

Ward, Ballard E. born 10/13/1913 died 11/25/1980

Ward, Daisy Station born 1877 died 1960

Ward, John Archer born 11/20/1911 died 1/9/1967 Notes: Colorado S2 US Navy WWII

Ward, John Ballard born 1884 died 1945

Ward, Marie born 1904 died 1932

Ward, Marie born died

Ward, Pamela M. born no date died 1954 Notes: Our Baby

Ward, Rachel J. born 1880 died 1936 Notes: Mother

Warren, Hattie born 1888 died 1964

Warren, James T. born 1882 died 1943

Warren, Susan T. born 1850 died 1922 Notes: Mother

Warren, William born 1868 died 1948

Warren, William F. born 1845 died 1915 Notes: Father

Watson, Jane born 1870 died 1957 Obit shows death 5-15-1957

Watson, Joe born 1872 died 1948

Watson, Joe born 1922 died 1924

Watson, Sarah Elizabeth born 1852 died 1940

Wayt, Eva born 11-13-1891 died 3/14/1909 Notes: daughter of W.B. & J.R. Wayt

Wayt, Eva born died

Webster, Jessie born 4-14-1880 died 3/25/1931

Wehnes, Clarence E. born 1930 died no date

Wehnes, Wanda R. born 1935 died no date

Welborn, Lester G. born 1898 died 1958 Notes: Father

Welborn, Maymie H. born 1910 died 1953 Notes: Mother

Wells, J.D. born no date died 5-6-1899 Notes: Age 52y 4m 27d A.O.U.W. Anchor & Shield

Wells, William L. born 1890 died 1928

Welsby, Annie born 1871 died 1912 Notes: Mother

Welsby, John T. born 12-5-1877 died 9/13/1952

Welsby, Joseph born no date died 10-13-1888 Notes: Age 55y 4m 6d

Welsby, Mary Ann Lillie born 12/15/1918 died 2/11/1920 Notes: daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Welsby

Welsby, Mary Ann Lillie born died

Welsby, Mathew died 10-1923 age 53y

Welsby, Milton born 1892 died 1959 Notes: Brother

Welsby, Nellie born 1891 died 1965 Notes: Sister

Welsby, William born 1/1/1906 died 8/19/1967 Notes: Colorado Pvt Co C 53 Medical Trng Bn WWII

Welsby, William J. born 1865 died 1938 Notes: Father, Obit shows death 8-15-1938

Werner, Lucille born no date died no date

West, Apolonio born 1900 died 1987

West, Apolonio Jr. born 12/13/1936 died 4/1/1959

West, Leandro born 1873 died 1963 Notes: Father

West, Lucy F. born 1904 died 1987

Westbrook monument born died

Westbrook, Dorothy born 1890 died 1977, SSDI shows birth 1-26-1889 death 6-1977

Westbrook, John Thomas born 1882 died 1954

Westbrook, Raymond L. born 1910 died 1911 Notes: (of Pryor, died 12-17-1911)

Westley, Louise born no date died 2-13-1884 Notes: Age 51y

Westley, Louise born died

Weston, John V. born 8-17-1888 died 1/13/1982 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI

Weston, Mary Ellen born 6/19/1900 died 6/24/1998

Wetherspoon, John born 5-25-1849 died no date

Wheelock, Albert A. born 1880 died 1950

Wheelock, Anna S. born 9/4/1905 died 6/29/1994

Wheelock, Harriet born 1882 died 1962

Wheelock, Walter A. born 3/24/1906 died 1/2/1997

Whiles, William born no date died 7/17/1905 Notes: (Miners page died 7-17-1905, age 65y)

White, Elbert Russell born 10-11-1887 died 3/20/1910 Notes: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, husband of Matilda Markham.

White, Phillis born 1869 died 1951

White, Willard born 1865 died 1938

White, William A. born 1881 died 1954

Whitemore, Mary C. born 1862 died 1932

Whitlatch, H.Ray born 1/22/1951 died 11/14/1984 Notes: Father of Melinda

Whitlatch, H.Ray born died

Whitman, Briggs N. born 1844 died 1898

Whitman, Emma M. born 1857 died 1925

Whittmer, John R. born 1865 died 1938

Wilcox, Mary Elizabeth born 9-22-1862 died 7/1/1946

Wilkes, Thomas died 7-1906

Will, Vina born 1851 died 1939 Notes: Mother

Willburn, Aaron S. born 1885 died 1975

Willburn, Margaret E. born 1886 died 1950

Williams, Anneda M. born 1896 died 1971

Williams, Augusta died 1-1919, wife of Daniel Williams

Williams, Bernard E. "Barney" born 1918 died 1967

Williams, Clarence J. born 1891 died 1962 Notes: Elk

Williams, Dale F. born 1962 died 1962

Williams, Daniel C. born no date died 1/4/1940 Notes: New Mexico Cook 34 Vol Inf

Williams, Edna H. born 1886 died 1940

Williams, Ethel T. born 3/11/1903 died 4/17/1975 Notes: Eastern Star

Williams, F.Lyle born 7/17/1916 died 3/15/1999 Notes: married 11-30-1937

Williams, Florabelle A. born 1902 died 1996

Williams, Fred D. born 1893 died 1950

Williams, James born 1927 died no date

Williams, James W. Jr. born 1-24-1899 died 11/21/1969 Notes: Kansas PFC US Marine Corps WWI

Williams, James W. Jr. born died

Williams, Jessie born 4-13-1887 died 12/3/1918 Notes: Mother

Williams, Jimmie Dean born 1909 died 1933

Williams, John born 1867 died 1948 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Williams, Joseph born 6-13-1895 died 6/22/1947 Notes: Colorado Cpl 117 Am Tn 42 Div WWI

Williams, Katherine M. born 11-2-1895 died 5/20/1979

Williams, Lawrence born no date died 4/5/1940 Notes: age 79y

Williams, Lottie born 1874 died 1937 Notes: Mother

Williams, Lucy Ann born 1874 died 1964 Notes: Eastern Star

Williams, Margaret born 1927 died no date

Williams, Morgan born 1870 died 1951 Notes: Father

Williams, N. June born 6/2/1919 died no date

Williams, Phillip A. born 12/19/1909 died 11/15/1973 Notes: California TSgt US Army WWII

Williams, Sarah B. born 1891 died 1973 SSDI shows birth 10-13-1891 death 2-1973

Williams, Sidney H. born 1878 died 1937 Notes: Father

Williams, Thomas E. born 1884 died 1964

Wilson, Agnes born 1899 died 1979 Notes: W.B.A.

Wilson, John born 1886 died 1961 Notes: Elk

Wilson, Thomas M. born 1887 died 1970 Notes: Elk, SSDI shows birth 12-1-1887 death 7-1970

Wittmer, David Jacob born 8-7-1898 died 9/29/1968 Notes: Iowa Pvt 163 Depot Brig WWI

Wittmer, John born 1865 died 1938

Wittmer, John David born 6/2/1925 died 3/28/1988 Notes: GM3 US Navy WWII

Wittmer, Theresa born 2/12/1902 died 7/7/1982

Wojnarowski, Frank born 1875 died 1946 Notes: Father

Wojnarowski, Helen born 1886 died 1940 Notes: Mother

Wood, Mabel A. born 1881 died 1942

Woodburn, Andrew born 1902 died 1917 Notes: (Miners page died 10-22-1917 age 17y)

Woodburn, James born 1871 died 1932

Woodburn, Mary born 1873 died 1925

Woodruff, William Hibben born 1866 died 1932

Woodruff, William Ray born 1893 died 1940 Notes: Elk, Vitals show birth 11-23-1892 death 5-22-1940, son of William Hibben Woodruff and Loretta MArie Pellegrini

Woods, Florence born 1844 died 1927

Woods, Florence born died

Woods, Jewel born 1884 died 1946

Woods, William born 1851 died 1923

Wootton, James born 1889 died 1921

Wootton, Ollie born 1896 died 1950

Wootton, Violet born 1895 died 1972

Wootton, Yvonne Marie born 4/6/1954 died 4/17/1954

Workman, Grace V. born 1889 died 1964 Notes: Rebecca

Workman, Joseph born 7-14-1841 died 7/9/1904

Workman, Marilyn K. born no date died 1/14/1952

Workman, Thomas A. born 1882 died 1965 Notes: I.O.O.F./Mason

Wotherspoon, John born no date died no date

Wright, Clarence G. born 1862 died 1925

Wright, John J. born 1868 died 1916 Notes: W.O.W.

Wright, Virginia E. born 1876 died 1939

Wukovich, Marko born 1881 died 1936

Wycoff, David Thompson born 1-7-1868 died 10-30-1924

Wycoff, Harvey G. born 1833 died 1925Notes: age 92y, Civil War Veteran

Wycoff, Lucy B. born 1844 died 1915 Notes: G.A.R.

Wycoff, Thomas born no date died 4-3-1893 Notes: Age 26y 7m 11d

Wykle, Gerald Eugene born 12/18/1929 died 4/6/1930

Wynne, Charles D. born 1885 died 1958 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Wynne, Grace L. born 1886 died 1966 Notes: Eastern Star

Yazbek, Ferris born 1920 died 1931 Notes: Son

Yazbek, Julian born 8/8/1926 died 11/28/1968 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army

Yazbek, Salimy A. born 1894 died 1978

Yazbek, Soba Simon born 1889 died 1936

Yeager, Estelle May born 6-?-1903 died 10-?-1980

Yeager, Francis R. born 10-?-1898 died 7-?-1983 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI

Young, Annie S. born 1888 died 1904

Young, baby born no date died 1924 Notes: child of Mr & Mrs L.S. Young

Young, Caroline Sporleder born 9-30-1891 died 11/1/1965 Notes: PEO Eastern Star

Young, David J. born 1902 died 1989

Young, David R. born 1871 died 1931 Notes: Mason Blue Lodge

Young, Eleanor J. born 1910 died 1980

Young, Ella Sue born 1886 died 1990

Young, Grace L. born 1902 died 1992

Young, Jean born 1867 died 1950

Young, Jennie born 1893 died 1903

Young, Margaret C. born 1889 died 1940

Young, Mary Allan born 1903 died 1974

Young, Robert born 1862 died 1942

Young, Robert A. born 1899 died 1983

Young, Sadie E. born 1898 died 1938

Young, Thomas Scott born 1-30-1892 died 9/12/1959 Notes: Colorado PFC 54 Service Co Sig C WWI

Young, Thomas Winfield born 1903 died 1973 Notes: Eastern Star, SSDI shows birth 7-12-1903 death 7-1973

Young, William S. born 1890 died 1958

Zalesny, Frank born 12/13/1913 died 12/13/1998 Notes: PFC US Army WWII

Zalesny, Frank born died Notes: married 7-30-1942

Zalesny, Betty born 6/15/1920 died 1/10/2000

Zanatell, John Leonard born no date died 9/28/1944 Notes: (County Burial permit: died at Walsenburg 9-28-1944, age 3d)

Zanetell, John born 1944 died 1944

Zanetell, Kenneth born 1926 died 1926

Zanetell, Margaret M. born 1916 died 1994

Zancanella, Costante L. born 1874 died 1935

Zancanella, Maria born 1883 died 1955

Zancanella, Stanley C. born 4/9/1928 died 4/12/1928

Zellar, David H. Sr. born 10/31/1923 died 6/6/2006

Zellar, Joe born 1889 died 1977

Zellar, Hannah born 1901 died 1988

Zellar, William born no date died 6/26/1936

Zink, Albert born 1885 died 1954

Zink, Josephine born 1879 died 1972

Zinko, Harold R. born 1907 died 1970

Zinko, Katherine born 12/19/1910 died no date

Zinko, Otto H. born 10/6/1908 died 9/3/1998 Notes: married 1-14-1934

Zinko, Rose born 1912 died no date

Zinko, Steven Harold born 8/17/1984 died 10/25/1984

Zinko, Walter died 11-1923, age 39y

Znakis, Harry born 1882 died 1962

Znakis, Nagaby born 1889 died 1939

Zohar, Arpod born 1918 died 1920

Zohar, Edith E. born 1915 died 1980

Zohar, Esther born 1885 died 1971

Zohar, Gizella born 1912 died 1920

Zohar, James D. born 1938 died 1987

Zohar, Leslie J. born 10/18/1919 died 10/19/2002 Notes: Tec4 US Army WWII

Zohar, Louis born 1880 died 1961

Zohar, Mirian M. born 1910 died 1974

Zutman, Louis born 1893 died 1985

Zutman, Louise born 6-18-1891 died 10/20/1976


Honoring Southern Colorado Miners Notes: Dedicated 2006




unknown Notes: next to James Richard Hatcher

unknown Notes: Section 1, concrete pilar with square inset


unknown Notes: concrete pilar

unknown Notes: black rock



unknown Notes: between Alberrici and Cisneros

unknown Notes: Owens? -msir, born & died ?



unknown born 1867 died 1954


unknown Notes: between 2 Jeromes



unknown Notes: facedown

unknown Notes: wood cross in cement

unknown Notes: upright concrete

unknown Notes: cement

unknown Notes: footstone

unknown Notes: with lettering

unknown Notes: metal cross in concrete border

unknown Notes: tall white marker

unknown Notes: concrete base

unknown Notes: weathered stone

unknown Notes: weathered stone

unknown Notes: grey marble stone

unknown Notes: black rock

unknown Notes: white, grey marble pillar


unknown Notes: marble stone

unknown Notes: corner pilar

unknown Notes: corner pilar



unknown Notes: wrought iron fence

unknown Notes: infant

unknown Notes: footstone N.D.

unknown Notes: footstone B.D.

unknown Notes: footstone B.D.


unknown Notes: footstone H.G.P.



unknown Notes: letters on ground


unknown Notes: concrete pilar

unknown Notes: metal marker

unknown Notes: Section 5

unknown Notes: 89 metal markers in Section 1

unknown Notes: 2 metal markers in Section 2
A - Lor M - Z

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© Karen Mitchell