Pueblo County, Colorado
Insane Asylum Patients

Eagan, Gail
patient gender F race W age 38 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Eagan, Michael F
admitted 1-11-1899 from Leadville, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Eagle, Sheldon
admitted 12-18-1913 from Denver, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Earl, Eva
Rocky Mountain News 5-4-1894 Court Calendar County Court Judge Le Fevre: To-day's list (for court cases): Delia Spellman and Eva Earl; lunacy.
Earl, Eva
Rocky Mountain News 5-5-1894 Eva Earl Declared Insane In the county court Eva Earl, also known as Dora Thorne, and Delia Spielman was adjudged insane. In the trip to the county hospital Eva Earl became violent and talked wildly and tried to jump out of the ambulance.
Earl, Eva
Rocky Mountain News 12-12-1894 Civil Briefs Judge Le Fevre yesterday issued an order for the release of Eva Earl, who has been confined in the insane asylum, it being represented to the court that she was cured.
Earl, Eva
Rocky Mountain News 3-8-1895 Jugglery Resorted To Attempt to Mislead Legislature and Public -
Names of Arapahoe Patients The following is a list of patients received at the insane asylum from Arapahoe county in 1894, as furnished by Dr. Thombs: Miss Eva Earl, May 6
In checking the bills it was found that few of the dates agreed with the prison records as to date of removal of patients, in some cases the difference being as great as two weeks.
Earl, Eva
Rocky Mountain News 3-8-1895 Jugglery Resorted To Attempt to Mislead Legislature and Public -
Names of Arapahoe Patients The following is a list of patients received at the insane asylum from Arapahoe county in 1894, as furnished by Dr. Thombs: Arthur W. Keithley, January 14; Robert Suadel, January 18; Mrs. Amanda Stokesbury, January 19; Thomas F. Soden, January 21; Mrs. Rebecca Shaffer, January 24; Mrs. Grace Boulden, January 24; Charles E. Fitch, January 24; James Ridgeway, January 24; Christopher Rohmer, January 30; Franklin Moditz, February 13; Mrs. Anna Able, March 4; Mrs. Mary Kenedy, March 20; Mrs. Lucy Richard, March 28; John Bausemer, April 7; Andrew Anderson, April 22; Mrs. Della Spellman, May 6; Miss Eva Earl, May 6; Robert Roberts, May 8; Mrs. Lucy Banon, May 15; Mrs. Rosella Sutton, May 18 (13?); Thomas Golden, June 8; Mrs. Mollie Burton, June 10; Henry Keller, June 28; J. P. C. Clary, June 23; Mary Hill, June 29; C. J. Calvin, July 8; Thomas Morrison, July 19; Mrs. Samantha E. Lindsey, July 22; Mollie McGuire, July 29; Mrs. Ann E. Curtis, August 14; Mrs. Dalla Massingale, August 26; Samuel Rudge, August 26; Mrs. Emma J. Dawson, September 14; Mrs. Emma Ralston, September 30; Henry E. Ellerman, September 30; Peter Latzerer, October 10; Samuel Cook, October 14; Mrs. E. Walin, October 15; Mrs. Emma L. Chernok, November 17; Patrick Rohan, December 4; James Short, December 4; Daniel Myers, December 4; Stephen W. St. John, December 23; Byron D. Allen, December 23; Henry W. Fairchild, December 23; Julia Dunbar, December 23. The expense bills of the sheriff call for round sums for conveying David C. Hart to the asylum, January 5, and A. B. Clark, June 14, but Dr. Thombs' record does not show that they were ever received there. In checking the bills it was found that few of the dates agreed with the prison records as to date of removal of patients, in some cases the difference being as great as two weeks. No bills were in the possession of the committee for transferring Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Walin. Hart and Clarke appear in the bill as escaped lunatics.
Earley, Thomas
patient gender M race W age 68 marital status S birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Easley, John
patient gender M race Neg age 64 marital status Wd birthplace Mississippi source 1930 census
East, Frank
patient gender M race W age 54 marital status M birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
East, John
Carbonate Chronicle 2-2-1920 Insane Men Prisoners Governor Shoup's Lunacy Commission Finds 26 Inmates of Canon Crazy Ten of Them Serving Terms for Murder Denver, Jan. 31. Twenty-six inmates of the Colorado penitentiary were today declared insane in a report submitted to Governor Shoup by a special lunacy commission recently appointed by him. All but ten of the inmates adjudged insane are serving terms for murder. Among the twenty-eight adjudged insane are James Bulger, Denver soldier of fortune, who on the night of May 6, 1914, killed L. F. Nicodemus, then one of the proprietors of a local hotel, and Oren Slinde, a youth of 20 years, who slew his father and a hired man in a double murder on a farm seventeen miles northwest of Boulder on September 11, 1919. Besides Bulger and Slinde, those convicted of murder who were adjudged insane are: Robert Buchanan, Frank Cantania, John Deitz, Felix Belfino, Lauro Garcia, Robert Hunt, M. Milobar, George Novac, Arthur Norman, James Oldham, J. C. Stewart, Louis Seeley, Al Scott and P. C. Talbot. The others and the crimes for which they were sentenced are: B. A. Comstock, burglary; R. C. Davis, assault to kill; S. H. Shrader, burglary and larceny; G. Schneider, assault to rob; John East, burglary and larceny; J. Smelkert, obstruction of railroad property; Rose Chali, statutory offense; S. Gonzales, indecent liberties; and J. C. Messing, statutory offense. Forty-three inmates were examined by the commission. A competent medical determination of the mental condition of persons committed to the state prison whose sanity appeared doubtful was asked some weeks ago by Warden Thomas J. Tynan. The commission appointed consisted of Dr. Edward Delehanty of Denver; Dr. Howell T. Pershing, of Denver, and Dr. C. W. Thompson, of Pueblo. Governor Shoup recently wrote to all district attorneys in Colorado requesting that great care be exercised in determining whether persons convicted of high crimes were mentally sound. The persons adjudged insane will be at once removed to the state hospital for the insane, according to the authorities.
East, John (Weber)
patient gender M race W age 38 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Easter, Esther
admitted 8-15-1914 from Pueblo, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Eastland, Joe
patient race W gender M month born July year born 1854 age 45 marital status M place of birth Alabama occupation laborer source : 1900 census
Eastland, Joe
patient race W gender M age . marital status . place of birth . occupation . source 1910 census
Eastland, Joseph
patient race: W sex: M age: . marital:. place of birth: Alabama occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Eastman, Carolina
patient gender F race W age 68 marital status M birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Eastman, Carolina
patient race: W sex: F age: 57 marital:M place of birth: Sweden occupation: none source: 1920 census
Easton, Fred
patient gender M race W age 46 marital status D birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Easton, Thomas A
admitted 7-15-1914 from Otero, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Eaton, Rose
patient race W gender F age 68 marital status . place of birth Ohio source 1910 census
Eaton, Rose
patient race: W sex: F age: 78 marital:M place of birth: Ohio occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eatwell, John F.
Longmont Ledger 8-25-1922 John F. Eatwell, Longmont, Grew Violently Insane Sent to State Hospital John F. Eatwell, 38, a citizen of Longmont, for several years, was adjudged insane by a commission consisting of Drs. Farrington and Jones yesterday afternoon. Judge E. J. Ingram, of the county court, ordered Mr. Eatwell taken to the state hospital for the insane at Pueblo. Deputy Charles L. Williams left for Pueblo this morning with Mr. Eatwell. Mr. Eatwell has been under the care of Dr. C. F. Andrew of Longmont for several years. Several days ago he became suddenly violent, and chased one of his daughters out of their home with a butcher knife. The sheriff's office was called and Mr. Eatwell was brot to the county jail and lodged in the insane cell. Mr. Eatwell has no estate. He has a wife and five children. He had been a sufferer for a number of years with a tumor of the brain, incurred in a mine accident at Georgetown. Boulder Camera.
Eberhardt, William
patient race: W sex: M age: 49 marital:S place of birth: Germany occupation: dish washer source: 1920 census
Ebert, Allen
patient gender M race W age 50 marital status Wd birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Eby, Eva L.
Oak Creek Times 9-2-1909 Charging her husband, Cassius M. Eby, a prominent local attorney and chairman of the Republican central committee at Boulder, with having for years inflicted the greatest cruelty upon her, and accusing him of infidelity, Mrs. Eva L. Eby has brought suit in the District Court asking for $10,000 permanent alimony and the custody of a minor child. [She was later sent to Woodcroft]
Eby, Eva L.
Eby, Eva L. born 1860 in Michigan divorced, died 9/4/1912 shipped 9-9-1912 to Bristol, Indiana Notes: expenses by J.T. Atwood of Boulder, Co., R.R. Flagg admin of estate, Dr. Hubert Work
Eccles, Thomas
Rocky Mountain News 3-25-1896 Insane Cases to Be Heard Judge Steele will this afternoon listen to testimony regarding the alleged insanity of Thomas Eccles and Joe Brendsinger. Both have been committed to the county hospital pending the inquiry.
Eccles, Thomas
Rocky Mountain News 3-26-1896 Two Lunacy Trials Two cases of alleged insanity were before the county court yesterday afternoon. The jury in that of the people against Eccles could not be convinced that the defendant was of unsound mind and they so reported. The defendant was accordingly discharged from custody.
Eccles, Thomas
Rocky Mountain News 3-26-1896 Two Lunacy Trials Two cases of alleged insanity were before the county court yesterday afternoon. The jury in that of the people against Eccles could not be convinced that the defendant was of unsound mind and they so reported. The defendant was accordingly discharged from custody.
Eck, Carl
Telluride Daily Journal 12-6-1912 Crazy Man Reported To Have Been Shot at Rico Word reached Telluride this morning that a man by the name of Carl Eck had been shot over in Rico yesterday. The report which reached the Journal did not confer any more information than that the man was shot yesterday at Rico. It did not state whether it was an accidental shooting or otherwise, nor did it state the nature of the injuries of the man. Eck has relatives living in Ouray and they were notified that Mr. Eck had been shot and left Ouray this morning and will reach here tonight going on to Rico tomorrow. Upon making inquiries about the man the Journal learns that the fellow is about 25 years of age and unmarried and a sort of a crazy man. He is the same fellow who two months ago while in the employ of the Smuggler-Union Mining company at Pandora, went temporarily insane and created quite a scene in the little village of Pandora.
Eckberg, Hattie
patient race: W sex: F age: 27 marital:S place of birth: Nebraska occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eckberner?, John
patient race W gender M month born January year born 1850 age 50 marital status S place of birth Germany occupation laborer source : 1900 census
Eckhart, Fred E.
Colorado Transcript 12-2-1915 In the County Court Before Judge Jameson The lunacy commission that had the case of Fred E. Eckhart under consideration reported that he was insane. Their report was approved, and the defendant adjudged insane. The application of Bell Eckhart for the custody of the defendant was granted.
Eckhart, Fred E.
Colorado Transcript 5-16-1918 Notice of Final Settlement Estate of Rebecca Eckhart, Deceased, No. 955. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of May A. D. 1918, at 9:30 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, I will present to the County Court of Jefferson County, State of Colorado, at the Court House in Golden, my accounts for final settlement of administration of said estate, when and where all persons in interest may appear and object to them, if they so desire. And at the same time and place upon the verified petition of Augustus Eckhart, alleged to be a son of said deceased, and will judicially ascertain and determine the heirs of said decedent, it being alleged in said petition that Augustus Eckhart, of Wheat Ridge, Colo. a son, and Isabell Eckhart of 3207 Ames St., Wheat Ridge, Colo. a daughter, and Fred E. Eckhart, of Wheat Ridge, Colo. a son, of said deceased are her only heirs at law. All persons in interest in said estate to appear and defend therein or abide the action of the court in the premises. Dated this 20th day of April A. D. 1918. Augustus Eckhart, Administrator of said Estate. April 25 May 16.
Eckstein, Annie
patient race: W sex: F age: . marital:M place of birth: Austria occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eckstrow, Ellen
Rocky Mountain News 7-10-1890 She is Crazy Acting County Attorney Ring arraigned Ellen Eckstrow before Judge Miller to be examined as to her sanity. This unfortunate girl was taken to the county hospital about a week ago and had not been long there before she developed symptoms of insanity. She is a Swede, and imagines that she is in daily communication with Moses. She is also possessed of the hallucination that some one is trying to kill her, and persists in tearing her clothing to tatters. She almost killed one of the hospital physicians the other day by throwing a heavy zinc bracket at him when he started to examine her. The jury which had been selected quickly found this unfortunate to be insane, and Judge Miller ordered her to be taken to the state insane asylum.
Eddy, H. V. (B)
patient gender M race W age 54 marital status M birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Eddy, John
Leadville Daily and Evening Chronicle 8-23-1887 Menaced by a maniac. Shortly before 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Constable Jim Boyne went to Graham park with a warrant for the arrest of John Eddy, the complainant being his wife, who charged him with threats and violent menace toward her. The defendant was captured and brought into town, after which he was placed in the county jail that he might be restored to his rational condition. Eddy is said to be addicted to periodical drunks and a few says ago took to the cups again. Insane with the effects of every variety and quality of grog, he started for his house that is occupied by two sons and his wife, who is in the region of fifty years of age. He passed over the threshold with a fierce whoop and was proceeding in drunken fury to demolish everything within reach, when Mrs. Eddy summoned her sons. Every effort was made to pacify the old man, who was threatening to kill his family and burn the house. This continued through the night, when his wife concluded to appeal for official interference. His trial will take place on Monday next, during which time he will be confined in the jail and denied all intoxicants. Eddy is referred to by those who know him as a quiet, inoffensive citizen when not under the influence of liquor, and it is unfortunate that he is addicted to these sprees, in which he becomes a raving maniac.
Eddy, Luella M.
patient gender F race W age 63 marital status Un birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Eddy, Stewart
Fort Collins Weekly Courier 10-31-1906 Sheriff McCreery went to Pueblo this morning with Stewart Eddy, committed to the insane asylum.
Eddy, Stewart
patient gender M race W age 54 marital status Un birthplace Kentucky source 1930 census
Eddy, Stewart
patient race: W sex: M age: 44 marital:. place of birth: Kentucky occupation: laundry helper source: 1920 census
Edelbute, Clara A.
patient gender F race W age 75 marital status Wd birthplace Pennsylvania source 1930 census
Edger, Louisa
patient gender F race W age 89 marital status Wd birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Edie, Isabelle
Edie, Isabelle resident of Gardner, Co., born 11-6-1873 in Michigan, shipped 12-7-1912 to Walsenburg, Co., accompanied by husband O.E. Edie, Dr. Hubert Work
Edigar, Ida
patient gender F race W age 35 marital status D birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Edmonds, Nancy
patient, female, white, age 48, divorced, born Kansas, 1930 Woodcroft census
Edmondson, Eliza
patient race: W sex: F age: 71 marital:S place of birth: Missouri occupation: none source: 1920 census
Edmonston, Mary L.
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1848 age 52 marital status M place of birth England occupation housekeeper source : 1900 census
Edmundson, Ida B.
patient gender F race W age 54 marital status M birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Edmundson, Margaret
patient gender F race W age 52 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Edmundson, Margaret
patient race: W sex: F age: 41 marital:S place of birth: Kansas occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Edner, Howard
Durango Democrat 8-21-1901 Howard Edner of Montrose, working at Ouray, tried to commit suicide. He is thought to be insane.
Edson, James L.
patient gender M race W age 60 marital status Wd birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Edstrom, Frank
patient gender M race W age 64 marital status M birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Edstrom, Frank
patient race: W sex: M age: 54 marital:M place of birth: Illinois occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Edwards, Charles
patient gender M race W age 60 marital status M birthplace England source 1930 census
Edwards, D.
patient, white, male, age 36, single, Connecticut, 1885 census
Edwards, Daniel
Fairplay Flume 12-7-1882 Daniel Edwards, a well-to-do Aspenite, has been adjudged insane.
Edwards, Daniel
Aspen Weekly Times 11-25-1882 Daniel Edwards He is Adjudged Insane One week ago in the county court, Judge Joseph H. King, presiding, Daniel Edwards was adjudged insane by a competent jury of six men. Mr. Edwards has been a resident of Aspen for a considerable length of time, and has been a quiet peaceable citizen. Nothing is known of what caused his derangement beyond casual remarks made by him, that there was a considerable sum of money due him. Like all cases of the kind in the county court, it took the form of a trial. The people were represented by Judge Thomas A. Rucker county attorney and the defendant by Col. T. T. Singleton. Upon the rendering of the verdict of insane by the jury, the court ordered the sheriff to convey Daniel Edwards to the State Insane Asylum, at Pueblo, and if he cannot be received there, to some other asylum for the care of deranged persons. On Wednesday morning Under Sheriff Daniel Armstrong with Dr. Rucker as guard, took the unfortunate man away to place him in an asylum either at Pueblo or Jacksonville Illinois.
Edwards, Daniel
Aspen Weekly Times 11-25-1882 Commissioners Meeting The board of county commissioners met in special session Wednesday evening. There were present W. E. Turley, chairman, W. F. Coxhead, T. A. Rucker, county attorney and W. B. Root, clerk. The order of the county judge regarding Daniel Edwards, adjudged insane, was taken up and acted upon. The county attorney was authorized to negotiate means to pay the expenses of the sheriff and guard, in removing Edwards to the insane asylum. The board then adjourned to meet the first Monday in December.
Edwards, E. Gard
patient race W gender M age 50 marital status M birthplace Maine occupation physician source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
Edwards, Ella
patient race: W sex: F age: 52 marital:M place of birth: Illinois occupation: none source: 1920 census
Edwards, Elvin K.
patient gender F race W age 55 marital status M birthplace Michigan source 1930 census
Edwards, Frank A.
patient gender M race W age 64 marital status M birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Edwards, George H.
Denver Evening Post 6-27-1895 An Insane Actor George Edwards was adjudged insane by a jury in the county court at noon to-day. Edwards is not a violent maniac. At one time he was a minstrel at Elitch's Gardens. He will be taken to Pueblo to-morrow.
Edwards, George H.
Rocky Mountain News 6-28-1895 Insanity of a Minstrel End Man Essays to Sing a Song for the Court George H. Edwards, formerly a well known minstrel man with Elitch, Goodyear & Schilling's minstrels, was yesterday adjudged insane by a jury in the county court and ordered committed to the insane asylum, but to remain temporarily in the custody of his wife. The scene in the court room during his trial was touching in the extreme. His wife sat sobbing while Edwards, who was allowed to testify in order that the jury might judge of his mental condition, boasted of his ability as an end man and proposed to demonstrate his ability in that line by singing a song or dancing for the jury. Then he flew off into a rambling account of the death of John Elitch, which he said was caused by falling from the second story of a house. When he left the stand he joined his wife and as he seated himself by her side he, too, burst into tears, in sympathy with her.
Edwards, George H.
Rocky Mountain News 10-5-1895 Death of an Actor Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 4 George H. Edwards, an actor, well known in Denver, where he appeared at various theaters for a number of years, died of paralysis at the State Insane asylum to-day, aged 45. The funeral will be held in Denver, under direction of the Elks, of which lodge Edwards was a member.
Edwards, George H.
Denver Evening Post 10-5-1895 State Happenings Pueblo George H. Edwards, an actor, died at the insane asylum yesterday.
Edwards, George H.
George H. Edwards Rocky Mountain News October 5, 1895 Death of an Actor Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 4 George H. Edwards, an actor, well known in Denver, where he appeared at various theaters for a number of years, died of paralysis at the State Insane asylum to-day, aged 45. The funeral will be held in Denver, under direction of the Elks, of which lodge Edwards was a member.
Edwards, J. L.
patient gender M race W age 45 marital status S birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Edwards, John
Rocky Mountain Sun 11-18-1882 Insane Mr. John Edwards, a miner, was found by Mr. John Williams on Thursday evening as he came into camp at dusk from Castle creek heading for the mountains. Mr. Williams noticed something unusual about the man and brought him back to camp. Edwards was placed in the jail, and will be sent to an asylum. He has been in a moody frame of mind for some time, and has given up liquor and tobacco. He is a Welchman, 35 years old, and boarded with Mrs. Vaughn, who speaks well of him.
Edwards, John
Rocky Mountain Sun 11-25-1882 County Commissioners The commissioners met on the evening of the 22d. All members present except P. Meeney. The chair stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of taking some action in the case of Edwards adjudged insane. It was moved and carried that T. A. Rucker be empowered to make the necessary arrangements with H. P. Cowenhoven & Co. for the funds to enable the sheriff to transport Edwards to an insane asylum, either at Pueblo, Colo. or Jacksonville, Ill. The county clerk was instructed to notify the county treasurer to receive from the treasurer of Aspen county warrants held by him. Adjourned till December 4th.
Edwards, John
Rocky Mountain Sun 12-2-1882 Personal Dan. Armstrong and Dr. Rucker will return about the first of the month from Jacksonville, Ill., where they have taken the insane man.
Edwards, John
Rocky Mountain Sun 1-12-1884 Local Mention Edwards the insane man of Pitkin county, taken by Dr. T. A. Rucker to Jacksonville, Ill., some time ago, was on Monday last placed in the state insane asylum at Pueblo.
Edwards, Mary Mrs
admitted 9-26-1896 from Villa Grove, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Edwards, O. M.
Buena Vista Democrat 10-13-1887 O. M. Edwards from Salida was up before the County Judge Monday in the charge of lunacy. He was pronounced insane and taken to Pueblo. He told a hard thing against J. A. Israel.
Edwards, Owen
Rocky Mountain News 6-4-1893 Court Calendar County Court Judge Le Fevre In re. Owen Edwards, lunacy; trial to jury; verdict of insanity; W. B. Harrison, guardian ad litem; allowed $15.
Edwards, Owen
Rocky Mountain News 6-4-1893 Civil Briefs The trials for lunacy in the county court yesterday attracted quite a large attendance of spectators. Henry Kinkaid, Michael E. Dempsey, Owen Edwards, John Carl and Henry Meuich were in turn convicted. Johanna Lynch, who was also convicted, created a scene, crying and screaming. She was taken to the county hospital.
Egan, M F
admitted 9-14-1914 from Lake, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Egan, Mary E.
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1869 age 31 marital status M place of birth Wisconsin occupation housekeeper source : 1900 census
Egan, Mary E.
patient race W gender F age 41 marital status M place of birth Wisconsin source 1910 census
Egan, Mary E.
patient gender F race W age 61 marital status M birthplace Wisconsin source 1930 census
Egan, Mary E.
patient race: W sex: F age: 26 marital:M place of birth: New York occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Egan, Mary E.
Rocky Mountain News 4-29-1893 Court Calendar County Court Judge Le Fevre In re Mary E. Egan, lunacy; order of arrest; order for jury. H. V. Cooke appointed guardian ad litem, set for hearing April 29.
Egan, Mary E.
Rocky Mountain News 4-30-1893 Tried for Lunacy Three Patients Whose Vagaries Render Them Irresponsible Mary E. Egan was tried before Judge Le Fevre yesterday afternoon on the charge of lunacy. She was found to be insane by the jury. H. V. Cooke, who defended her, was allowed his fees. William L. Fuelling was tried for lunacy after Mrs. Egan had been convicted. He was very nervous while in the court room and appeared to be frightened. He was found to be a lunatic. William W. Kingdon was a young man whose brain had been turned by physical causes. He was convicted by the jury of insanity. His form of lunacy was principally exhibited in the hallucination that he is a baron and the heir to large landed estates, which people are keeping him out of.
Egan, Mary E.
Rocky Mountain News 5-1-1893 Court Calendar County Court Judge Le Fevre in re lunacy of Mary E. Egan; hearing before jury; introduction of evidence; verdict finding that she is insane; judgment on verdict; H. V. Cooke allowed $15.
Egan, Michael F.
Carbonate Chronicle 9-14-1914 M. F. Egan Adjudged Insane Mentally deranged, lost from his sons, penniless, and fast approaching the grave, Michael F. Egan, formerly county treasurer of Lake county, was examined in the county court yesterday afternoon, and adjudged insane. The examining jury, holding that his mental state is such that he is a danger to the property of himself and others, ordered him taken to the Woodcroft sanatorium at Pueblo, after learning that the state asylum at the same city is full and cannot accommodate him. No one in the court room was certain of Egan's age. It was believed that he is about 60 years old. For a number of years he has been a county ward, an inmate of the county poor house, destitute, broken in health and ambitionless. In the courtroom yesterday he sat humped in a chair before the bar, and replied to the questions of the attorneys with a trembling voice which age and poor health have shaken. His mind wandered. He could not remember the name of Attorney H. R. Pendery, his counsel, who has known Egan for years. I ought to know you, but I don't, Egan said. I can't think of your name. Broken health has emaciated his tall frame, and yesterday he sat low in his chair, his legs crossed and his back bent, waving a handkerchief now and then with his long, thin arm, to brush a fly from his face. In years gone by Egan had money and a good name. He was county treasurer in 1890 and 1891. He lived in a fine house in West Eighth street. He followed mining in California gulch, and made small stakes. For a while he owned a blacksmith shop in East Third street, and made money there. And then came the thin years when Egan lost everything, and finally trod the way to the poorhouse. Joseph W. Clarke, county attorney, and Q. D. Bonner, deputy district attorney, examined him yesterday with Attorney Pendery. The examining jurors were Cornelius Hanson, foreman, Pat Sullivan, J. H. Stewart, H. M. Shepard, Frank MacCannon and Frank Feehan. Most of them had known Egan in his prosperous days. The examination brought out that Egan was probably born in Wisconsin, and lived in Missouri a while before coming to Leadville in the early eighties.
Egan, Michael F.
Carbonate Chronicle 9-21-1914 Egan Taken To Pueblo Sheriff Schraeder left yesterday morning for Pueblo with Mike Egan, the former Lake county treasurer, who was adjudged insane Friday last, whom the sheriff will deliver to the Woodcroft sanatorium. Egan, who was treasurer of Lake county in 1890 and 1891, was examined in the county court last week after his mental condition had become so abnormal that it was no longer possible to properly care for him at the county poorhouse, where he has been kept for several years. Egan's health has been bad for months. Egan will be cared for at the Woodcroft sanatorium, owning to the full condition of the state asylum. Sheriff Schraeder will return to Leadville this morning.
Egan, Michael F.
Carbonate Chronicle 10-26-1914 Death of M. F. Egan Michael F. Egan, at one time treasurer of Lake county, died yesterday in the Woodcraft sanatorium, for the insane at Pueblo. He was about 60 years old. Egan was adjudged insane in the county court here, September 11 last, after his mental condition had become so deranged that he was a menace to the other wards at the county hospital where he had been an inmate for several years. During the term of 1889 and 1890 Egan was county treasurer of Lake county and lived in a fine house in West Eighth street. He followed mining in California gulch for a time also, and made several small stakes. During another period of his residence in Leadville he managed a blacksmith shop in East Third street. After his days of prosperity, however, Egan lost all he had and finally came to be a county ward. Three sons who are believed to survive him have not been heard of for some time. Word of Egan's death was sent by the Woodcroft authorities to the county commissioners here yesterday.
Egan, Michael F.
died 10-26-1914 buried Died in Woodcroft - Roselawn Cemetery, Pueblo, Colo., buried under M. F. Egan
Egger, Martin
Aspen Weekly Times 1-25-1890 He Blasted the Stove Central City, Colo., Jan. 18 Martin Egger, an insane man living in Packard gulch, imagined yesterday morning that his stove was a stump, and concluded to get rid of it by the use of giant powder. Neighbors who heard the explosion hurried to the scene to find the windows blown out of the house and things generally shaken up. One of Egger's hands was so badly hurt as to necessitate the amputation of a finger and thumb. Egger, sometime since, escaped from the asylum at Pueblo.
Egger, Martin
Central City Weekly Register-Call 1-24-1890 An official of the State Lunatic asylum at Pueblo arrived here yesterday and took back with him the crazy man Martin Egger, where he will be kept until he fully recovers from his malady. It will be remembered Egger only a few days ago succeeded in partially demolishing his residence in Packard gulch by means of giant caps used in the cooking stove, whereby he injured one of his hands. The asylum is the best place for him, judging from his actions since his escape from there some time ago. There is a method about his madness.
Egger, Martin
Central City Weekly Register-Call 1-24-1890 Blown Up About three months ago a German named Martin Egger was declared insane by a jury in the county court in this city, and a short time thereafter was sent to the insane asylum at Pueblo. He seemed to improve at once, and a short time ago the officials were of the opinion that he was about cured and not at all dangerous. Acting upon this supposition, the asylum officers wrote to Judge Thomas, asking if there would be any objections to sending him home, as the indications pointed to a complete cure. Before the judge had time to write a reply to the letter, another arrived, stating that Mr. Egger had escaped from the asylum, and would in all probability turn up in this county; that if he was troublesome, to inform the officers and they would send a man up for him. Since his escape he has been in the county, and is at present living up Packard gulch with his family. This morning the people living in the vicinity of his residence heard a terrific explosion and saw a cloud of smoke issuing from the doors and windows of the building, and, knowing of the cloud that shrouded his mental faculties, they were not long in coming to a conclusion as to what had happened. Several men went up to the house and found all the windows and doors blown out, the stove scattered to the four corners of the earth, the furniture and other articles broken by the explosion, and the old man standing and surveying it all as though nothing had occurred. His hand was bleeding and badly shattered, and Dr. Luke was summoned, who cut off the thumb and first finger of his right hand. Upon questioning him, Dr. Luke says he told him that he was endeavoring to blow up a stump with Giant powder, and the powder exploded before he could get away. The stove was what he, in his condition, imagined the stump, and placed the powder therein with the above result. Fortunately his family was away at the time of the explosion, or the injuries to some might have been more serious. He should be looked after without delay, the asylum officers notified, and he taken back to Pueblo.
Egger, Martin
Central City Weekly Register-Call 9-13-1889 Martin Egger was adjudged insane in the county court Saturday afternoon. He will be taken to the asylum in Pueblo.
Egger, Martin
Central City Weekly Register-Call 9-13-1889 Personal Deputy Sheriff W. J. Wells left for Pueblo this morning with the insane man Martin Egger, who will be placed in the asylum for the insane at that place.
Eggleston, Charles
Rocky Mountain News 8-4-1891 Court Calendar County Court Judge Miller The following business was transacted yesterday: Lunacy; Charles Eggleston; jury trial adjudged insane.
Eggleston, Fred
Rocky Mountain News 10-31-1896 Civil Court Briefs L. D. Hubbell and Fred Eggleston, alleged insane, will be tried to-day in the county court.
Eggleston, Fred
Rocky Mountain News 11-2-1896 Amid Scenes of Horror County Hospital Is Crowded With Insane Citizens
Thereby dangles a story a narrative showing how well the county doesn't provide for her wheely citizens, and exemplifying the extra labor and unenviable experience to which the hospital attendants are subjected. The county hospital never was intended for a lunatic asylum. Never was built with the idea that under its walls would be sheltered at one time, a score and a half insane, ranging from the white-haired old lady who is simply off at times, to the wild, destructive maniac in whose diseased brain is moulded only a desire to kick, bite, glare and make a large noise. A reporter for The News took in the whole works yesterday, through the kindness of Dr. Simon, a member of the medical staff
The second floor of the old building contains a miscellaneous assortment of the daft, all women. When the top of the stairs was reached yesterday a good scene for the impressionist was presented
This is a miscellaneous lot, said Dr. Simon. None of them are very troublesome, but a good watch is necessary. You notice each has her peculiarity. We allow them the freedom of the hall and they roam through it all day. We are forced to do this, as the ward is too small to allow them to stretch their limbs within. They flit to and fro often not saying a word to each other for hours. Should they be allowed this liberty? Well, not exactly, but circumstances sometimes alter cases
Wanted to Bet on McKinley Fred Eggleston, a young boy who has been at the asylum, occupies a cell near that of Carrie Peltier. Fred sings, talks, laughs, claps his hands and pounds his fists on the grating for pastime. Yesterday he exhibited an unfortunate symptom by betting that McKinley would be elected. The amount? Oh, he was willing to make it anything from 25 cents to $5,000,000. Long after he was left alone he continued his talk with a supposed friend. The dungeon occupied by William Courtney, the singer, is at present unoccupied, and the only one without an inmate. It is identical with the others and is bare of furniture. The raving maniacs are looked after by Charlie, a porter who often has to handcuff an inmate. Not infrequently he has the services of three porters to assist him in subjecting a frenzied prisoner. For two days and nights the cuffs were kept upon Fred Lesher, lately removed from the hospital. There are as many insane at the hospital to-day as can be accommodated. As it is, the other patients are crowded or rendered miserable by the presence of those daft. Demented patients are taken to the institution very rapidly, sometimes at the rate of two or three a day. As none of those there can be removed, the result is obvious. The women are absolutely jammed together and something will have to be done soon to alleviate the distress. This changing about is a great deal of trouble, said Dr. Simon, and if we had a couple more 'ravers' we would have no place to put them, unless it be the county jail. We ought to have a new wing for the acute sick women, and then the old building can be remodeled and given over to the insane and consumptives. The extra and dangerous duty entailed in the care of the insane is not realized. We have twenty-six nurses and three porters, all of whom are kept on the jump.
Eggleston, Fred
Rocky Mountain News 11-3-1896 Court Calendar County Court Judge Steele 4516 People vs. Eggleston; adjudged insane.
Eggleston, Fred
Rocky Mountain News 11-3-1896 Two Unfortunates Heard Insane Patients Given a Hearing in the County Court Judge Steele yesterday had two of the unfortunates from the insane division of the county hospital before him for determination as to their insanity
Fred Eggleston, who, as related in The News yesterday morning, was anxious to bet 25 cents to $15,000,000 on McKinley, took another tack yesterday. Eggleston had been striking all sorts of pugilistic attitudes in the court room, and when Judge Steele asked him if he understood what he was there for, Eggleston replied first, No, and then said: Yes, I think I do. It's about disturbance of the peace for trying to get Bryan elected. The goldbugs are trying to shut me up, and I can't get out of it. Eggleston was adjudged insane and ordered sent to the Pueblo asylum.
Eggleston, Fred
Rocky Mountain News 10-25-1896 Wave of Insanity Demented People Continue to Come to the Police People with wheels are still being brought to police headquarters
Frank Eggleston was picked up by Officer Palmer at Seventeenth and Lawrence streets in the afternoon and given a cell at the city jail. Eggleston is but 17 years of age, yet several years ago was an inmate of the Pueblo asylum for six months. His malady consists of constant gibbering, interspersed with an occasional chuckle. He was taken to the county hospital.
Eggleston, Fred
Rocky Mountain News 10-25-1896 Wave of Insanity Demented People Continue to Come to the Police People with wheels are still being brought to police headquarters
Frank Eggleston was picked up by Officer Palmer at Seventeenth and Lawrence streets in the afternoon and given a cell at the city jail. Eggleston is but 17 years of age, yet several years ago was an inmate of the Pueblo asylum for six months. His malady consists of constant gibbering, interspersed with an occasional chuckle. He was taken to the county hospital.
Eggleston, J. Denslow
Ouray Herald 3-29-1907 Local News The Delta Laborer says that Dr. J. Denslow Eggleston, serving ten years in the United States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., for counterfeiting, will be examined by a commission as to his sanity, and if found insane will be transferred to the government asylum at Washington. Prison officials say that Eggleston shows unmistakable signs of insanity.
Eggleston, J. Denslow
Ouray Herald 11-29-1907 Want Eggleston Pardoned President Roosevelt has been petitioned to pardon Dr. Eggleston, first sentenced to the federal penitentiary and later removed to the government insane asylum in Washington where he is now confined. Dr. Eggleston, who used to live in Delta, made, after moving to Denver, very ingenious counterfeiting appliances and was convicted upon their evidence and sentenced to the penitentiary. Afterwards the evidence of his insanity was accepted as conclusive and he was removed to the insane asylum. It is asserted that many who knew him here were convinced of his insanity even before he removed to Denver. In reporting this matter of the petition Denver papers assert that his relatives believe their chance for a pardon is better since the death of government service agent Walker, who was mainly instrumental in securing the evidence upon which Dr. Eggleston was convicted, at the same time claiming that Agent Walker had no ill feelings toward the prisoner. The petition for a pardon has been referred to Attorney General Ernest Knaebel, upon whose recommendation results will probably depend. Delta Independent.
Egner, C. F.
patient race W gender M age 29 marital status S place of birth Illinois occupation painter source 1910 census
Egner, C. F.
patient race: W sex: M age: 39 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: none source: 1920 census
Ehert, Valentino
patient race W gender M age 57 marital status W birthplace Germany occupation insane source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
Ehlman, Charles B.
6-3-1911 Aspen Democrat Times Is Batty In His Upper Story Denver, June 3 Charles B. Ehlman escaped from the insane ward of the county hospital this morning and after secreting himself in the home of Mrs. Samuel Cohen at Fourteenth and Washington avenues, called up the police reporters on the newspapers and informed them to come to the house at once if they wanted a good story, because the officers were after him and he would kill somebody before this thing is over with. Ehlman is the disinherited scion of a St. Louis millionaire and developed symptoms of insanity while in Denver on his honeymoon a year ago. He went to the home of Mrs. Cohen on Capitol Hill and demanded the return of his bride and upon being told that she was down town at the time started to remonstrate with the woman, finally entering the house and barricading himself in an upstairs room. He was taken back to his cell in the insane ward by several patrolmen.
Ehmson, Henry
Rocky Mountain News 12-25-1894 Dreary Christmas Days Insanity Destroys the Happiness of a Little Family on Christmas Eve Henry Ehmson's Pathetic Experience Pulled a Revolver and Made His Shrinking Wife Pray That Her Life Might Be Saved Ehmson Had Already Served a Term in the Insane Asylum and Suffered a Relapse Through a Fatal Fondness for Liquor I pulled my revolver from my pocket and I pointed it at her head and I made her pray, was a statement made by Henry Ehmson last evening in the hospital ward at the city jail. I knew that I did wrong, he continued, and I am sorry for it but why is she afraid of me now? I am not crazy, but this I do say that if any one comes near me I will defend myself. I escaped from Pueblo because I was too foxy for them and I am glad that I am here because I know that no one can harm me. I wanted to go down home and spend Christmas with my wife and dear little children and when I was at the Union depot I had a little trouble and now I will be taken back to Pueblo. There was a rule at the asylum that everybody in it should not touch me. Everybody was instructed to stand ten paces away from me and now since I have been released (stamping his feet) I intend to enforce that rule. Christmas time will not be a happy one for Mrs. Ehmson and her little ones who live in a pretty little home in Platteville, Colorado. Five years ago, when Ehmson arrived in Platteville with his young, handsome and buxom German wife the brightest prospects were before the newly married couple. Ehmson was a brawny blacksmith and he set about at once to build himself a little castle for pretty Catherine and himself. He was a powerful man and bore a reputation for honesty and sobriety. His anvil was clinking from morn till night. Business came to his door from the first and increased rapidly as the months went by. Farmers by the score patronized him and the business increased until the receipts reached from $500 to $700 per month. Early last August friends of Ehmson noticed that his mental faculties were failing. It was a great surprise to the little community, but all knew what caused it. Ehmson drank too much and frequently would remain on a debauch for days at a time. One night he drew a revolver and told his wife he was going to kill her. He made her pray and would have shot her dead had not friends interfered. He was adjudged insane and sent to the Pueblo insane asylum. He says that he was discharged Saturday morning, but his story is doubted. He said that Henry Birkle of Platteville was the administrator of his estate. Last evening the police telegraphed Birkle asking whether he would be responsible for a bill incurred in treating Ehmson at St. Luke's hospital. An answer was received from Birkle saying that he would not.
Ehmson, Henry
Denver Evening Post 12-26-1894 A Lunatic Captured Henry Ehmson, a German, 45 years old, was locked up in the city jail yesterday on a charge of lunacy. Ehmson escaped last week from the Pueblo insane asylum and was on his way to his home in Platteville. He will be taken back to Pueblo to-day.
Ehrenfeld, Laura E.
Eagle County Blade 8-14-1902 Brooding over the death of her adopted son, who was murdered by an unknown man on the plains south of Durango last September, Mrs. Laura E. Ehrenfeld of Colorado Springs has become insane and was ordered to be sent to the Woodcroft sanatorium at Pueblo.
Ehrenfeldt, Laura
Durango Democrat 8-12-1902 Colorado Springs special to the Denver Post says: Mrs. Laura Ehrenfeldt has been declared insane and ordered sent to the Pueblo asylum. Her adopted son, William B. Ehrenfeldt, was murdered near Durango last fall. Brooding over this, her mind became unbalanced. The son in question was murdered on the Apache Indian reserve about one hundred miles from Durango, on (the) line of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad.
Ehret, Flora
patient gender F race W age 27 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Ehret, Ira
patient gender M race W age 25 marital status D birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Eichinger, Ella
patient gender F race W age 57 marital status M birthplace New York source 1930 census
Eichman, Ruth
patient gender F race W age 31 marital status M birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Eichmeyer, Theodore
patient gender M race W age 46 marital status S birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Eichoff, C. A.
patient race: W sex: M age: 75 marital:. place of birth: Germany occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eichorn, Charles
patient race W gender M age 25 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation miner source 1910 census
Eichorn, Charles
patient gender M race W age 46 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Eichorn, Charles
patient race: W sex: M age: 35 marital:S place of birth: Sweden occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Eickmeyer, Theodore
patient race: W sex: M age: 36 marital:S place of birth: Indiana occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Eiger, Lizzie
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1855 age 45 marital status S place of birth Germany source : 1900 census
Eiger, Lizzie
patient gender F race W age 75 marital status S birthplace Germany source 1930 census
Eiger, Lizzie
patient race W gender F age 54 marital status S place of birth Germany source 1910 census
Eiger, Lizzie
patient race: W sex: F age: 64 marital:S place of birth: Germany occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eighnice, Harriett
Eighnice, Harriett died 6/9/1900 resident of Buffalo, NY, shipped to Highland, Ill. Notes: wife of Jermiah G. Eighnice, no Dr. noted
Eisele, Emma
patient gender F race W age 38 marital status S birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Eisele, Emma
patient race: W sex: F age: 27 marital:S place of birth: Illinois occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eisele, Overland
patient gender M race W age 41 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Eisele, Overland
patient race: W sex: M age: 31 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eisenach, Margaret
patient gender F race W age 41 marital status M birthplace Russia source 1930 census
Eiser, Charles
patient gender M race W age 60 marital status M birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Eitel, Mrs. George F.
Rocky Mountain News 4-28-1896 Dared Two Departments Police and Firemen Held at Bay by a Woman Sergeant McNeil's coat was torn and he lost several brass buttons yesterday afternoon. Officer McElroy's chest still gives him pain on account of a kick he received. Officer Anderson had his face scratched. In short, each of these peace officers was badly used while attempting to control a woman who is violently insane. Early in the afternoon word was received at police headquarters of the actions of Mrs. Eitel, about 28 years of age, wife of George F. Eitel, a butcher living at 253 South Tremont street, and the patrol wagon crew was dispatched to the house. Arriving there the officers found the fire department drawn up at the side of the building, while a curious and excited crowd lined the back fences. Inside the yard there was a big fire and the smoke arose thick and threatening. The firemen did not venture into the yard, but turned water on the burning pile from the alley. Mrs. Eitel, who created all this excitement, was pacing the yard, her hair waving and at her side a huge Newfoundland dog trotted, occasionally showing his teeth to the curious crowd that had assembled. The woman had set fire to the rubbish and endangered her own house, having become suddenly insane. Released from the Asylum About two years ago she was released from the state asylum at Pueblo, where she was confined for some time, apparently cured. She returned to her home and one child, a little girl, seemingly entirely cured, but the dread malady of the brain that had affected her in the first instance returned and transformed her into a raving maniac. Her husband went to work as usual yesterday morning. When he left she was in good spirits. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon she began acting strangely and her daughter was unable to pacify her. She made repeated attempts to fire the house, but was unsuccessful, mainly because she was unable to start a good blaze. In the back yard there was a pile of old lard cans, wood and other rubbish. The match applied to this took immediate effect and Mrs. Eitel gave an uncanny laugh as she saw the consequence of her act. Her daughter ran to the hose house at the corner of Third and Evans, the gong was sounded and the wagons soon drew up near the premises. Arrival of Officers The patrol wagon arrived soon after, and Sergeant McNeil with Officers McLean, McElroy and Anderson lost no time in making an effort to take the woman. This required considerable strategy, as Mrs. Eitel kept a close watch upon the movements of the people who surrounded the yard. Leaping several fences, the officers quietly hid themselves in the yard adjoining that of the Eitels, and suddenly pounced upon the lunatic. She gave them a distressing fight and the officers were at a disadvantage owing to the fact that they had no handcuffs with which to shackle her hands. The big Newfoundland dog took a part in the fight and snapped angrily at the heels of the policemen as they tried to remove Mrs. Eitel from the yard. Once he caught hold of Officer Anderson's trouser leg and would not leg go until pounded with a baton. During the struggle the woman landed her foot in Officer McElroy's chest, giving him a shock and making him gasp for breath. With a lightning movement she stripped the stripes from the sergeant's cuff and plucked several buttons from his uniform. Difficulty was encountered in taking the maniac to the patrol wagon, and while riding to the station she struggled and fought. She was placed in a cell.
Eitel, Rosanna
Rocky Mountain News 2-26-1885 The Courts County Court Probate People vs. Rosanna Eitel; lunacy; set for trial February 28.
Eitel, Rosanna
Rocky Mountain News 3-3-1885 The Courts County Court Probate People, etc., vs. Rosanna Eitel; lunacy on motion of W. B. Mills, county attorney, trial continued until another day; ordered that $10 be paid to R. W. Steele, guardian ad litem, for his services up to this time.
Ekman, August
Fort Collins Courier 6-16-1920 Deputy Sheriff Ira Knapp went to Pueblo Wednesday morning to take August Ekman to the insane asylum. He was accompanied by Gus Ekman, a son of the patient.
Ekman, August
Fort Collins Courier 6-15-1920 Court House Notes A lunacy commission composed of Dr. T. C. Taylor and Dr. S. C. Halley found August Ekman, of Loveland insane in the county court Tuesday afternoon. The man's actions had been violent and unusual since Saturday, and Deputy Sheriff Halligan and Probation Officer Sanders went to Loveland Monday evening and brought him to the county jail. He will be taken to Pueblo Wednesday morning to the state insane asylum.
Elam, S.D.
Boulder Daily Camera 1-10-1896 Local News S. D. Elam, the unfortunate blind man, who has been a familiar figure on the side walk of the court house square for years, was adjudged insane by a jury in the county court today.
Elam, S.D.
Boulder News 1-16-1896 S. D. Elam was adjudged insane and sent to the asylum. Blind man who sold cigars around court house square. Source also references article in Boulder County Herald Weekly 1-15-1896. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Elby, Eva
Colorado Transcript 9-5-1912 Prominent Woman Adjudged Insane. Mrs. Eva Elby, divorced wife of Cassius Elby of Larimer, Wyo., was taken to the work Sanitarium at Pueblo. She was adjudged insane by a jury in the County Court. She owns $30,000 worth of property in Michigan.
Elder, Curtis
patient gender M race W age 55 marital status M birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Elder, Florence
admitted 2-18-1915 from Pueblo, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Elijean, Eli
patient gender M race W age 49 marital status D birthplace Austria source 1930 census
Elion, Dora
admitted 11-8-1899 from Trinidad, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Elleman, Angus
patient gender M race W age 70 marital status M birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Ellerman, Henry E.
Rocky Mountain News 9-15-1894 Civil Briefs Henry Ellerman was examined in the county court yesterday on the charge of lunacy preferred by his mother. The young man is possessed with the idea that he is pursued by spirits, and on the petition of his mother he was ordered confined in the county hospital until further orders of the court.
Ellerman, Henry E.
Rocky Mountain News 2-15-1895 An Affidavit Mill False Notarial Certificates Attached to Sheriff's Bills Bogus Attestations on Which Vouchers Were Issued Clerk Davidson Acted as Notary and Was Apparently a Convenient Tool Deputies Signed the Bills and Never Asked Troublesome Questions Burchinell Makes a Personal Claim for Conducting Lunatics to the Insane Asylum At a brief session of the senate investigating committee last night was revealed a new phase of crookedness in the bills of the sheriff's office. For conveying lunatics to the asylum a bunch of bills as rendered by deputies and one by Sheriff Burchinell were in the hands of the committee
The bills for conveying insane patients to the asylum, as presented last night, show the same system of stealing as employed in bills for transportation of prisoners to the penitentiary and reformatory. The mileage is charged at 10 cents for the round trip of 256 miles. The expense bills are uniform railroad fare for officer, $9.30; railroad fare for prisoner, $4.65; conveyance at Pueblo, $3; meals, $3. The deputies traveled on passes and Mr. Murray testified that he was given $5 to cover all incidental expenses. He also testified that Sheriff Burchinell never conveyed a lunatic to Pueblo. Yet Sheriff Burchinell signs and apparently swears to a bill for $66 for conveying Emma J. Downer, Emma Ralston and Henry Ellerman to the asylum at Pueblo, the dates respectively of the bills, made out in one, being September 14, 29 and 30, 1894. Owing to the hearing on the indeterminate sentence bill, the committee met in the room of the judiciary committee. Senators Johnson, Barela and Wheeler were present
Ellerman, Henry E.
Rocky Mountain News 3-8-1895 Jugglery Resorted To Attempt to Mislead Legislature and Public -
Names of Arapahoe Patients The following is a list of patients received at the insane asylum from Arapahoe county in 1894, as furnished by Dr. Thombs: Henry E. Ellerman, September 30
In checking the bills it was found that few of the dates agreed with the prison records as to date of removal of patients, in some cases the difference being as great as two weeks.
Ellerman, Henry E.
Rocky Mountain News 3-8-1895 Jugglery Resorted To Attempt to Mislead Legislature and Public -
Names of Arapahoe Patients The following is a list of patients received at the insane asylum from Arapahoe county in 1894, as furnished by Dr. Thombs: Arthur W. Keithley, January 14; Robert Suadel, January 18; Mrs. Amanda Stokesbury, January 19; Thomas F. Soden, January 21; Mrs. Rebecca Shaffer, January 24; Mrs. Grace Boulden, January 24; Charles E. Fitch, January 24; James Ridgeway, January 24; Christopher Rohmer, January 30; Franklin Moditz, February 13; Mrs. Anna Able, March 4; Mrs. Mary Kenedy, March 20; Mrs. Lucy Richard, March 28; John Bausemer, April 7; Andrew Anderson, April 22; Mrs. Della Spellman, May 6; Miss Eva Earl, May 6; Robert Roberts, May 8; Mrs. Lucy Banon, May 15; Mrs. Rosella Sutton, May 18 (13?); Thomas Golden, June 8; Mrs. Mollie Burton, June 10; Henry Keller, June 28; J. P. C. Clary, June 23; Mary Hill, June 29; C. J. Calvin, July 8; Thomas Morrison, July 19; Mrs. Samantha E. Lindsey, July 22; Mollie McGuire, July 29; Mrs. Ann E. Curtis, August 14; Mrs. Dalla Massingale, August 26; Samuel Rudge, August 26; Mrs. Emma J. Dawson, September 14; Mrs. Emma Ralston, September 30; Henry E. Ellerman, September 30; Peter Latzerer, October 10; Samuel Cook, October 14; Mrs. E. Walin, October 15; Mrs. Emma L. Chernok, November 17; Patrick Rohan, December 4; James Short, December 4; Daniel Myers, December 4; Stephen W. St. John, December 23; Byron D. Allen, December 23; Henry W. Fairchild, December 23; Julia Dunbar, December 23. The expense bills of the sheriff call for round sums for conveying David C. Hart to the asylum, January 5, and A. B. Clark, June 14, but Dr. Thombs' record does not show that they were ever received there. In checking the bills it was found that few of the dates agreed with the prison records as to date of removal of patients, in some cases the difference being as great as two weeks. No bills were in the possession of the committee for transferring Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Walin. Hart and Clarke appear in the bill as escaped lunatics.
Elliott, Arthur
admitted 8-10-1915 from Boulder, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Elliott, F.N.
Castle Rock Journal 12-5-1902 Becomes Insane Well Known Ranchman, Living Near Hill Top, Imagines Unknown Assassins Seek His Life The many friends of F. N. Elliott, of the Boot ranch, near Hill Top, will be grieved to hear that he has become violently insane. It is feared that his malady is incurable, but everything possible is being done to accomplish a favorable result. Mr. Elliott was taken to Denver one day this week and the Denver Times publishes the following experiences of his wife, who accompanied him: Fighting like a fiend and yelling as though his last hour had come Frank M. Elliott, a wealthy ranchman, was brought to the city jail yesterday from the home of A. P. Rubidge, 2551 Gilpin street. He imagined that men were after him to kill him. Policeman McDonald and the driver of the wagon had a hard time with their prisoner. They threw him to the bottom of the wagon and McDonald held him there. Elliott is 40 years of age and as strong as an ox. He is the owner of a ranch of 1,800 acres four miles from Hill Top, Colo. His relatives, who live in England, are very wealthy. Mrs. Elliott arrived in the city last evening with her husband. She had decided to bring him to Denver and have him examined as to his sanity by Dr. Rogers. The Rubidge family are old friends of the Elliotts and Mrs. Elliott drove to their home. On the way to this city from Hill Top Mrs. Elliott was attacked several times by her husband. He seized her arm and threatened her, telling her all the time that he was being pursued by enemies and that he would rather kill her than have her fall into their hands. She succeeded in placing him in charge of Mr. Rubidge, who is a salesman employed by the Struby-Estabrook company. During the night the Rubidges were kept awake by the actions of their demented visitor. At an early hour this morning Elliott awoke and attempted to choke his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Rubidge ran into the rooms occupied by their visitors. With great difficulty Mr. Rubidge prevented what might have been a murder. They were unable to convince Elliott that his enemies were not after him and shortly after 5 o'clock they decided to summon the police. The patrol crew were sent to the house and Elliott finally was landed in the city jail. About 9 o'clock he was removed to the county hospital and placed in the insane ward, where he will be held pending the filing of a complaint in the county court, charging him with insanity. Elliott is well known in railway circles. He formerly was employed in the auditor's office of the Denver & Rio Grande railway. His health failed and he purchased the ranch near Hill Top. He secured the purchase money, it is understood, from his wealthy English relatives. Three years ago he visited England, his mother having sent him $1,000 to pay his expenses. There are 200 head of blooded cattle on the ranch and Elliott is regarded as one of the most substantial ranchmen in that part of the country. Mrs. Elliott is suffering from nervous prostration incident to the events of the past few days.
Elliott, Sarah
patient race: W sex: F age: 46 marital:S place of birth: Ireland occupation: none source: 1920 census
Elliott, Sophie
patient race: W sex: F age: 44 marital:M place of birth: Kansas occupation: none source: 1920 census
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder Daily Camera 3-1-1893 Ellis Adjudged Insane A jury of six men in the county court yesterday quickly returned a verdict of insanity in the case of Eugene Ellis, the glass smasher. County attorney Rogers represented the people and Judge Stafford looked after Ellis's interests. Several witnesses were sworn, all of whom expressed their belief that he was insane, but gave evidence of small weight. Mr. Will Bellman, however, presented a letter written by Ellis which was conclusive. Ellis had handed the letter to him while he was post office clerk and asked him to forward it. It was not stamped but Ellis said Collect at the other end. The letter was opened and contained a preemptory to the general commanding the Mexican army to send six soldiers, well armed, to Boulder at once to protect their interets in the United States Bank at Boulder. Well, said Ellis in the court room yesterday, I don't see as that is any of Boulder County's business. It is a matter between me and the Mexican government. It is possible that rest, total abstinence which will be enforced at the asylum will bring Ellis out all right in the course of a few months, although he stoutly maintained after he had been led out of the court that all gold, silver and paper money not controlled by him is spurious.
Ellis, Eugene M.
patient race W gender M month born May year born 1851 age 49 marital status M place of birth New York occupation butcher source : 1900 census
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder Daily Camera 2-26-1893 Mr. J. H. Boyd, a former citizen of this place, became violently insane a few years ago and was taken to a lower altitude, where improvement was immediate and the full recovery of his mental facilities accomplished in a few weeks. He had out worn this climate. It is thought that a similar change will bring about the recovery of Eugene Ellis and he may be sent to Illinois in this hope. Ellis is said to be tolerably sane where so situated that he can get a whiskey, but reason goes with the very first glass he touches.
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder Daily Camera 10-31-1891 The Stone Thrower Eugene Ellis has caused a split in legal circles. The question is, whether or not he is insane. His trial was resumed in the morning and Alpheus Wright made a strong plea as to the man's insanity. The prisoner's own testimony was wild and incoherent and if he is an actor, he is certainly a shrewd one. Even the representatives of the banks have stated that they believed that he must be insane. After a vigorous fight on both sides, the case went to the jury. The jurors agreed in an hour's time and found him guilty as charged. Alpheus Wright at once gave notice for a new trial on the grounds that some undiscovered evidence was attainable to prove the man insane. The court set the hearing for the evening at half past seven. Upon reconvening nothing was done but adjournment taken to this morning at the usual hour.
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder Daily Camera 2-24-1893 Ellis is Arrested The Glass Smasher in the Lunatic Cell At Last Eugene Ellis, the lunatic who a year ago last fall smashed the fine plate windows of all the banks of Boulder, is now in the lunatic cell at the county jail. Yesterday he drew his check on the First National bank for $500 and made a present of it to Israel Holstein. He made a similar offer to Tim Campbell and others feeling so well loaded with the world's wealth that he was willing to share with those less favored. Of course, no efforts were made to cash the checks, as the man's condition is well known. The poor fellow labors under the same hallucination that possessed him when he riddled the banks with rocks, that they have his money, and that he owns practically all the gold and silver in the United States. He seriously contends that all other money than his is counterfeit. He was arrested on complaint of Marshal Madera and Sheriff Jester and Officer Slater both agree that he was the hardest man to arrest they ever tackled. He is a stronger man than either John or I, remarked our muscular sheriff last night and it is conceded that Jester is one of the remarkably strong men of this section. Judge Wright should try the man at once and send him to the asylum, if adjudged insane by a jury, as soon as possible. He is a dangerous man to be loose. Ellis's wife works at the Boulder house and is said to bear the dual relation to the man of wife and aunt.
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder Daily Camera 2-25-1893 Today Eugene Ellis, the glass smasher will be tried by a jury in the form of a lunatico inquirendo, that is to say, six or a dozen men will be compelled to sit and listen while this rash lunatic explains that he is insane. County Attorney Roberts will conduct the examination before Judge Wright.
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder County Herald Weekly 3-1-1893 Eugene Ellis was taken to jail because acting crazy and put in insane cell. He will probably be taken to Auburn, IL. He needs a lower altitude to recover. He was declared insane 27 Feb 1893. Source also references article in Boulder News 12-28-1893. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder County Herald Weekly 3-8-1893 Sheriff took Eugene Ellis to the Pueblo, CO asylum 3 Mar 1893. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Ellis, Eugene M.
Boulder Daily Camera 2-26-1893 Carrie, wife of Eugene Ellis, wrote to the Boulder Daily Camera to correct a falsehood. She is not the aunt of Eugene. Eugene was cousin of her first husband, Mr. Bush. Source Genealogical Abstracts from the Boulder Daily Camera, 1891 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Ellis, Eugene M.
patient race W gender M age 59 marital status M place of birth New York occupation butcher source 1910 census
Ellis, Harry
admitted 8-4-1900 from Pueblo, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Ellis, Marcella
patient gender F race W age 46 marital status M birthplace Ireland source 1930 census
Ellis, Milton
patient race W gender M month born Unk year born 1845 age 55 marital status M place of birth unk occupation unk source 1900 census Woodcroft asylum
Ellis, Milton
admitted 8-26-1898 from Trinidad, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Ellis, Phillip Orlando
patient gender M race Neg age 43 marital status S birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Ellis, Phillip Orlando
patient race: B sex: M age: 32 marital:S place of birth: Missouri occupation: dish washer source: 1920 census
Ellis, Sam
Chaffee County Democrat 9-6-1919 Sheriff Hutchinson and Town Marshall Stewart received a message Thursday morning to be in the lookout for Sam Ellis (Colored) and James Wright, two inmates of the state insane asylum at Pueblo who had escaped from that institution the night before, Thursday afternoon the officers here nabbed two men, a negro and a white, who were stealing a ride on a westbound freight. The strangers answered to the description sent out from the asylum but declared they had never seen Pueblo and didn't know there was such a town. They slipped on this assertion, however, after being closely questioned. The asylum officials were notified and came up yesterday to take the wanderers home.
Ellisman, Henry
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1849 age 51 marital status S place of birth Ohio occupation laborer source : 1900 census
Ellison, E. R.
Rocky Mountain News 9-2-1897 People Who Need Guardians Consideration of Insane and Imbeciles by County Court In the county court yesterday E. R. Ellison and James Berry were adjudged insane on the complaint of Superintendent Clark of the county hospital, and Clarence J. Morley was appointed the guardian ad litem of the former and Ralph Hartzell of the latter.
Ellison, E. R.
Denver Evening Post 9-2-1897 Various Notes E. R. Ellison and James Barry were declared insane in the county court yesterday.
Elmer, Henry
patient gender M race W age 52 marital status S birthplace New York source 1930 census
Elmer, Henry G.
patient race W gender M age 32 marital status S place of birth New York source 1910 census
Elmer, Henry G.
patient race: W sex: M age: 42 marital:S place of birth: New York occupation: none source: 1920 census
Elmon, Pleasant
Elmon, Pleasant died May 14, 1900 Notes: age 58years, white, male McCarthy Funeral Home buried 5-15-1900 Roselawn block 25, Dr. A.P. Busey
Elmore, Fressie
patient race: W sex: F age: 19 marital:S place of birth: Oklahoma occupation: none source: 1920 census
Elmore, Peyser
patient gender M race W age 37 marital status S birthplace Russia source 1930 census
Elmore, Pleasant
gender m age 40 occupation servant birthplace Ohio source: 1880 census
Elmore, Pleasant
Colorado Weekly Chieftain 10-30-1879 Gov. Pitkin has issued an order directing the removal of two convicts, named Pleasant Elmore and M. E. Johnson, from the penitentiary at Canon to the insane asylum at Pueblo. Both men were pronounced insane by a committee appointed to examine into their mental condition some weeks ago.
Elmore, Pleasant
Central City Daily Register-Call 6-6-1879 Some days ago the warden of the penitentiary informed Gov. Pitkin that a convict named Pleasant Elmore, who was confined there, exhibited symptoms of insanity, and asked that a committee be appointed to investigate his case. On Wednesday Gov. Pitkin appointed Dr. P. R. Thombs, of Pueblo, and J. W. Dawson and J. L. Prentiss, of Canon, to inquire into Ellmore's condition and ascertain whether the prison was a proper place for the man to remain.
Elsburry, John
patient gender M race W age 77 marital status M birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Elsner, Rosalind
Colorado Transcript 3-6-1924 Crisp Colorado News Denver. Rosalind Elsner, one of the heirs to the $100,000 estate of the late Dr. John Elsner, who disappeared Sunday while awaiting an examination into her sanity by a lunacy board appointed by the County Court last week, was found in Cheyenne, Wyo., with W. A. Sharpe of Denver, and taken into custody by sheriff's officers at the request of Denver police.
Elston, Elva
patient gender F race W age 65 marital status Wd birthplace Delaware source 1930 census
Elyian, Eli
patient race: W sex: M age: . marital:. place of birth: Austria occupation: none source: 1920 census
Emeny, Jonathan J.
patient gender M race W age 73 marital status S birthplace England source 1930 census
Emerson, Frank
Castle Rock Journal 4-29-1904 Frank Emerson, who two months ago confessed to the Pueblo police that he had murdered a man in Cripple Creek, said that he wanted to be punished for his wrong doing and will be released in a few days from the Woodcroft sanitarium. Dr. Work claims Emerson is cured of insanity.
Emerson, James
Central City Daily Register-Call 3-15-1879 - James Emerson, a '59-er, and Former Resident of Gilpin County, Adjudged Insane - This morning's Denver News says that the probate court of Arapahoe county, yesterday, after official examination into the mental condition of James Emerson, adjudged him insane. Emerson is an old '59-er, having operated in that and the following year on the Bobtail mine. In 1862 he married the eldest daughter of Mr. N. S. Allebaugh, of Black Hawk. For some years he has been in straightened circumstances, and has been a pauper at the county asylum for quite a while, and of late imagined that he was being poisoned. The jury adjudged him insane, and he was committed to the custody of the sheriff to await removal to the asylum.
Emerson, James
Rocky Mountain News 8-15-1879 Personal Points Capturing an Escaped Lunatic A man named James Emerson, who has been confined in the county hospital for some weeks awaiting the opening of the Pueblo asylum, where he is to be confined for lunacy, made his escape yesterday afternoon. The sheriff's office was telephoned to arrest the man and Deputy McNeal found him last evening and returned him back to the hospital.
Emerson, James
Central City Weekly Register-Call 8-22-1879 A man named James Emerson, says the News, who has been confined in the county hospital for some weeks, awaiting the opening of the Pueblo asylum, where he is to be confined for lunacy made his escape yesterday afternoon. The sheriff's office was telephoned to arrest the man, and Deputy McNeal found him last evening and returned him back to the hospital. Emerson was a former resident of Gilpin county, his father-in-law residing at Black Hawk.
Emerson, James
Rocky Mountain News 2-25-1881 County Court The following orders were made by the court: In the matter of the lunacy of James Emerson judgment of lunacy nunc pro tunc as of March 14, 1879.
Emerson, L.
patient, black, female, age 33, single, Tennessee, 1885 census
Emerson, Louisa
Rocky Mountain News 11-8-1883 Probate Court The People vs. Louisa Emerson; lunacy; trial, with verdict of insane and committed to the insane asylum.
Emerson, Nellie Faye
from family, died at the Hospital in 1971
Emery, James K.
patient gender M race W age 63 marital status M birthplace Pennsylvania source 1930 census
Enderle, Rueben
patient gender M race W age 59 marital status Wd birthplace Louisiana source 1930 census
Endsley, Abraham
patient gender M race W age 57 marital status M birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Endsley, Frank C.
Boulder County Herald Weekly 11-22-1893 Frank C. Andsley (Endsley) accused of being insane. Was brought down from Copper Rock 18 Nov 1893 by the sheriff because of insanity. Subject to violent attacks where he threatened to kill people. He was tried yesterday and released by jury. Another article in the same day's newspaper spells his last name as Endsley. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Endsley, Frank C.
Boulder Daily Camera 11-18-1893 A Raving Maniac Judge Wright has issued a writ of lunatico inquirendo for Frank C. Andsley, a 17 or 18 year old boy of Sugar Loaf. When an infant the young man was stricken with typhoid fever, from the effects of which he has never fully recovered. He has always been erratic and moody. He is said to be dangerous and to have made a terrific attack on his mother some time since. He talks freely of shooting people. His case will be heard Monday.
Endsley, Frank C.
Boulder Daily Camera 11-21-1893 Tried for Insanity Frank Endsley, of Sugar Loaf, is on trial this afternoon for insanity. The young man's mother testified before the jury in the county court that her son was always weak minded and moody. She and her husband were cousins and troubles antecedent to birth are thought to have produced a diseased mind. A foster brother testified to an assault by Frank with an ax and others bore testimony to his dangerous proclivities.
Endsley, Frank C.
Boulder Daily Camera 11-22-1893 Frank C. Endsley was released yesterday. He made a pretty intelligent witness for himself. Frank's brother owed Frank money & had tantalized him to the point of frenzied attacks. Frank does have a sluggish mind & body but not insane. Source Genealogical Abstracts from the Boulder Daily Camera, 1891 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
England, Helen
patient gender F race W age 57 marital status D birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
England, Helen
patient race: W sex: F age: 77 marital:M place of birth: Ohio occupation: none source: 1920 census
England, Helen R.
Fort Collins Weekly Courier 4-21-1910 Annoyed Governor And Is Charged With Lunacy special to the Courier. Denver, Colo., April 13. A lunacy charge has been filed against Mrs. Helen R. England, the eccentric woman, who for several years has given much annoyance to state officials. She was a frequent visitor at the governor's office during Chancellor Buchtel's term and has also often call on Governor Shefroth, and burdened him with tales of imaginary persecution to which she believe she was subjected.
England, Lulu
patient race B gender F month born . year born 1868 age 32 marital status S place of birth . source : 1900 census
England, Lulu
patient race W gender F age 41 marital status S place of birth . occupation servant source 1910 census
England, Lulu
Rocky Mountain News 2-16-1896 Insane Through Epilepsy Lou England, who has been afflicted for some years with epilepsy, was brought to headquarters from Twenty-sixth and Lincoln in the police ambulance yesterday afternoon. She was charged with insanity.
England, Lulu
Denver Evening Post 2-24-1896 Thought to Be Insane Lulu England was committed to the county hospital by the county court to-day to await a trial as to her sanity. She is a colored girl 20 years old and was picked up by police a week ago suffering from hysteria. She lives at 2511 Stout street.
England, Lulu
Denver Evening Post 2-25-1896 Town Talk Lou England, colored, residing at 2511 Stout street, was removed to the county hospital last night while temporarily insane. In the city jail she acted violently.
England, Lulu
Denver Evening Post 9-26-1896 Denver's Insane in Dismal Quarters Arapahoe county, through negligence of its officials, pays thousands of dollars annually to the state insane asylum for the care of its insane and the people never receive the benefit of the money expended. By the manner in which the state authorities permit the state asylum to be conducted they are responsible to the people of Arapahoe county for taking their thousands and giving them but slight benefits in return. Superintendent Thoms of the Pueblo asylum says Arapahoe county is entitled to but 33 per cent of the patients in the institution, and that its allowance is already present within the walls. The county commissioners of Arapahoe county know that the people whom they represent contribute 46 per cent of the support of the state asylum, yet they crowd their insane into small, badly-lighted cells in the basement of the county hospital instead of exerting sufficient endeavors to force the state asylum to receive patients for whom the institution has been paid. The hospital is now sheltering twenty-five insane patients when it should be sheltering none. There are no facilities and what means are at the disposal of the superintendent and medical staff are inadequate to cope with the constantly increasing number of lunatics. The hospital authorities are struggling nobly but it is a severe tax upon them and the county. It is a shame of many appealing voices (?) that the insane of the county are so poorly taken care of and that a dangerous lunatic should be made to suffer irritation beyond measure because of a lack of better quarters
During the present year the county hospital has been relieved by the state asylum of but twenty-five of its charges who had been forced upon it by a lack of room at the state asylum, where they are firmly denied admission. At one time not many weeks ago there were nine persons tried in the county court on the charge of insanity, and all adjudged insane. They were at once taken to the county hospital for temporary detention. There are now at the hospital twenty-five persons who are adjudged insane, but who have not been sent to the state asylum. The county must support these people, regardless of their 46 per cent of the support of the state asylum. The patients at present in the county hospital are: Lulu England
England, Lulu
Rocky Mountain News 11-2-1896 Amid Scenes of Horror County Hospital Is Crowded With Insane Citizens
Thereby dangles a story a narrative showing how well the county doesn't provide for her wheely citizens, and exemplifying the extra labor and unenviable experience to which the hospital attendants are subjected. The county hospital never was intended for a lunatic asylum. Never was built with the idea that under its walls would be sheltered at one time, a score and a half insane, ranging from the white-haired old lady who is simply off at times, to the wild, destructive maniac in whose diseased brain is moulded only a desire to kick, bite, glare and make a large noise. A reporter for The News took in the whole works yesterday, through the kindness of Dr. Simon, a member of the medical staff
The second floor of the old building contains a miscellaneous assortment of the daft, all women. When the top of the stairs was reached yesterday a good scene for the impressionist was presented
This is a miscellaneous lot, said Dr. Simon. None of them are very troublesome, but a good watch is necessary. You notice each has her peculiarity. We allow them the freedom of the hall and they roam through it all day. We are forced to do this, as the ward is too small to allow them to stretch their limbs within. They flit to and fro often not saying a word to each other for hours. Should they be allowed this liberty? Well, not exactly, but circumstances sometimes alter cases. A tall, fierce looking negress at this juncture stepped up and informed Dr. Simon that she hated a certain porter. She emphasized her remarks by clenching her fists and assuming somewhat of a pugilistic attitude. This woman, Lou Englander, gives the hospital nurses considerable trouble, as she takes violent spells, during which the strength of three men is sometimes required to cowe her. Most assuredly her place is in the asylum and not in an open ward at the county hospital
England, Lulu
Denver Evening Post 3-17-1898 An Examination for Sanity The Arapahoe County Supported Insane Growing Less in Number Lulu England, Helen Fisher and Jane Jones will be tried this evening in the county court as to their sanity. They are now inmates at the county hospital. Last evening Capitola Brown, Caroline Heisman and Helen Swanson were adjudged insane. They will be sent to the home of the feeble minded in Pueblo. A number of those who have been committed there have been withdrawn by their friends since it has become apparent that they are in danger of transportation from the city.
England, Lulu
Rocky Mountain News 2-25-1896 Suicidal Craze Young Colored Girl Attempts to End Her Life in Jail Lou England, a young colored woman whose home is at 2511 Stout street, and whose mind has been unbalanced for some time, was locked up in the city jail last evening for insanity and later removed to the county hospital. While in jail the woman made repeated efforts to beat her brains out against the bars of her cell. She has been in the custody of the police before.
England, Lulu
Rocky Mountain News 2-25-1896 Suicidal Craze Young Colored Girl Attempts to End Her Life in Jail Lou England, a young colored woman whose home is at 2511 Stout street, and whose mind has been unbalanced for some time, was locked up in the city jail last evening for insanity and later removed to the county hospital. While in jail the woman made repeated efforts to beat her brains out against the bars of her cell. She has been in the custody of the police before.
England, Lulu Miss
admitted 3-20-1898 from Denver , Co - Woodcroft Hospital
England, Mabel
patient race W gender F age 37 marital status S place of birth England occupation nurse source 1910 census
England, Meletus B.
patient race W gender M age 35 marital status S place of birth West Virginia source 1910 census
England, Miletas B.
patient race: W sex: M age: 45 marital:S place of birth: England occupation: none source: 1920 census
England, Miletus
patient gender M race W age 55 marital status S birthplace West Virginia source 1930 census
Englemann, Edward J
admitted 10-17-1914 from N. Mex. P.C.Q - Woodcroft Hospital
English, Joseph M.
patient race: W sex: M age: 83 marital: S place of birth: Ohionone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
English, Joseph M.
English, Joseph M. died 1/22/1910 Notes: born at Ohio age 83 years, son of Joseph English and Mary Hupp both born Virginia McCarthy Funeral Home resident of El Paso County, real estate, single, buried Roselawn 1-24-1910, Woodcroft Hospital
English, Mrs. E.
gender f age 55 occupation housekeeper birthplace unk source: 1880 census
Englund, Otto
patient race: W sex: M age: 50 marital:. place of birth: Sweden occupation: kitchen helper source: 1920 census
Englund, Otts
patient gender M race W age 60 marital status Un birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Enkhous, Frank
patient gender M race W age 59 marital status Wd birthplace Minnesota source 1930 census
Enkhous, Frank
patient race: W sex: M age: 49 marital:M place of birth: Minnesota occupation: none source: 1920 census
Enochs, Jane
patient gender F race W age 47 marital status Wd birthplace Scotland source 1930 census
Enos, George Mrs.
San Juan Prospector 7-21-1900 County Commissioners The Commissioners of Delta county sent in a communication requesting the authorities of Rio Grande county to forthwith remove from Delta county to Rio Grande county one Mrs. George Enos, said to be a charge from Rio Grande county, recently sent to Delta county. In this matter the Clerk was directed to correspond with Delta county authorities as to cost of keeping Mrs. Enos in that county until such time as Rio Grande could make some arrangements for her removal.
Enos, George Mrs.
San Juan Prospector 7-14-1900 Mrs. Clara Larson accompanied Mrs. Enos to Delta this week. Mrs. Enos has been feeble-minded and a county charge, and was sent for by her husband, who lives on a ranch near Delta.
Enos, George Mrs.
San Juan Prospector 1-19-1901 County Commissioners It was ordered that the Clerk correspond with Mr. Chisholm, enlisting his services toward getting Mrs. Enos placed in the insane asylum.
Epperson, Earley
patient race B gender M age 32 marital status S place of birth Iowa occupation laborer source 1910 census
Epperson, Earley
patient race: B sex: M age: 42 marital:S place of birth: Iowa occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Epperson, Early
patient gender M race Neg age 52 marital status S birthplace Iowa source 1930 census
Eppich, Elizabeth
patient gender F race W age 62 marital status M birthplace New York source 1930 census
Erb, Alma L.
patient gender F race W age 25 marital status S birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Erb, Alma L.
patient race: W sex: F age: 15 marital:S place of birth: Illinois occupation: none source: 1920 census
Erb, Leota
Colorado Transcript 11-20-1919 Local Paragraphs Mrs. Bert Jones made a trip to Pueblo yesterday to take Leota Erb, a young girl who was adjudged insane, to the asylum.
Erdman, Fred
patient gender M race W age 83 marital status S birthplace Iowa source 1930 census
Erickson, Christina
gender f age 23 occupation patient birthplace source: 1880 census
Erickson, E.
patient race W gender M age 48 marital status S place of birth Norway occupation laborer source 1910 census
Erickson, Eric R.
patient gender M race W age 31 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Erickson, Inez
patient gender F race W age 36 marital status S birthplace Utah source 1930 census
Erickson, John T.
Rocky Mountain News 5-4-1888 The Courts County Court Probate Estate of John T. Erickson; lunacy; Augustus A. Giles appointed conservator; bond filed.
Erickson, Matilda
patient race W gender F month born unk year born unk age 34 marital status M place of birth Sweden occupation unk source Works hospital 1900 census
Erickson, Matilda
patient gender F race W age 63 marital status M birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Erickson, Matilda
Aspen Tribune 4-30-1898 In county court yesterday a jury, composed of J. E. Parsons, Martin Berg, Henry Beck, D. Kendrick, Lee Sharp and Swan Thornroth, adjudged Mrs. Matilda Erickson, wife of Charles Erickson, insane. The court directed that she be sent to the Home for the Feeble Minded at Pueblo, the state insane asylum being overcrowded. The unfortunate woman's malady took the form of fear of bodily harm for those nearest her. Expert testimony was to the effect that her trouble arose from organic malformation, aggravated probably, by the functions of motherhood. She has two children, one eighteen months and the other two months old.
Erickson, Matilda
patient race: W sex: F age: 43 marital: M place of birth: Sweden source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Erickson, Matilda
patient race: W sex: F age: 52 marital:M place of birth: Sweden occupation: dish washer source: 1920 census
Erickson, Matilda Mrs
admitted 4-30-1898 from Ouray, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Erickson, Mrs.
Fort Collins Courier 11-22-1894 Intelligence has been received in this city of the death of Mrs. Erickson, who was a short time ago sent to the Pueblo insane asylum from this county. The poor woman was driven to insanity by the cruelty and abuse of her husband.
Erickson, Samuel
Colorado Transcript 5-25-1905 Samuel Erickson was arrested and jailed Saturday afternoon, after a melee in which he took Marshal Robb's billy away from him, and made matters lively for half a dozen assistants. A jury in county court Tuesday found Erickson insane, and he was taken to the Pueblo asylum yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Joseph Dennis.
Ernandiz, Antonio
patient race: W sex: M age: 28 marital:S place of birth: Mexico occupation: none source: 1920 census
Errickson, Andrew
Silverton Standard 2-16-1901 Andrew Errickson, the man who terrorized several families living in the upper part of town Thursday morning was picked up near Rockwood Friday by the crew of the noon train and brought back to Silverton, examined by a doctor, who pronounced him insane and was consigned to the jail for a few days for safe keeping. His feet which were reported to have been badly frozen were in very good condition. He has a sister married to Chas. Nelund of Telluride, also a brother living in Salida.
Erringer, Joe
Creede Candle 7-16-1904 Joe Erringer, Soda Pop was taken to the insane asylum at Pueblo Sunday by Sheriff Stump. Joe's condition is quite a pitiable one but is the result of alcoholism. He is now a perfect wreck both mentally and physically and his time in this world is but brief. Joe has lived in Creede about twelve years, during a greater portion of which time he has been in the employ of the Amethyst Merc. Co., but being a steady and hard drinker has wrought wreck upon himself as many have done before him and many will follow despite the awful example before them.
Erringer, Joe
Creede Candle July 23, 1904 Joe Erringer died at the insane asylum at Pueblo last Monday. Albert, a brother of the deceased from Lacon, Ill., who arrived shortly after Joe was taken to Pueblo, is here looking after what effects might have been left by deceased with the apparent intent of taking what he can regardless of the accounts of creditors. There are some accounts against the estate that the conservator has the money to settle, but Brother Albert is endeavoring to get the county judge to issue an order on the conservator to pay bills that he contracted in the way of extra funeral expenses, in preference to Joe's bills contracted while living here, which could and should have been paid upon his being taken to the asylum. From our conversation with brother Albert he does not seem inclined to settle up Joe's personal accounts here providing there is not enough left in the hands of the conservator after paying the bill that he himself contracted while attending Joe at his death. It is yet to be seen whether what Joe left is to pay his accounts or the accounts of his affectionate brother, who has carelessly intimated to some here that he is well circumstanced. The total indebtedness against the estate will not exceed $200 and deceased left in cash a little over $125. The accounts against the estate are for board, nurse hire, drug and doctor bills and a few other incidental accounts, all contracted by Joe when sick. Joe was not a pauper and had he been penniless he had friends who would have seen to his wants and taken care of him before allowing him to become a charge upon the county and every debt that Joe contracted before his death would have been paid if brother Albert had not made additional accounts that were not necessary when he does not care to pay them himself.
Erskin, George
patient race W gender M age . marital status . place of birth . source 1910 census
Ervin, David
patient race W gender M age 60 marital status S place of birth New York occupation laborer source 1910 census
Erwin, David
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1849 age 51 marital status S place of birth New York occupation laborer source : 1900 census
Esmond, Lotta
admitted 2-3-1900 from Lake City - Woodcroft Hospital
Espinosa, Pedro
patient gender M race Mex age 38 marital status S birthplace Mexico source 1930 census
Essington, Ella
patient gender F race W age 69 marital status S birthplace New York source 1930 census
Essington, Ella
patient race: W sex: F age: 58 marital:S place of birth: Pennsylvania occupation: none source: 1920 census
Essington, Ella
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1861 age 39 marital status S place of birth New York source : 1900 census
Essington, Ella May
Rocky Mountain News 7-31-1889 Intellect Unhinged Pathetic Partings Between Loved Ones Unconscious of Their Farewell Greetings Freaks and Fancies of Those Whose Minds Have Been Blighted by Shocks or Misfortunes Yesterday was a sort of lunatic field day, so to speak, in the county court. Male and female, white and colored, strong and enfeebled all were represented and submitted without any violence or demonstration to the proceedings of the court. As usual on such occasions the accused unfortunates had the benefit of a legal advocate assigned to the especial work of seeing that no injustice was perpetrated
Of Vicious Propensities The last case to be adjudicated on was that of Miss Ella May Essingdon, a young lady 25 years of age, whose mental faculties were found to be in a somewhat mixed condition. From the testimony it appeared that she had become mentally weak some years ago while in Pennsylvania, her trouble arising to all appearances from a white swelling on the leg. She was there confined to an asylum for a time, but showing signs of a returning understanding she was released. For three years she has lived with her aged mother and Mr. Wilson, a brother-in-law, in Denver, and during that time has been more or less a terror to the neighborhood. It appeared in testimony that she is very violent in her methods, and on one occasion was discovered in an attempt to gouge out the eyes of a baby with her fingers. On Monday night last she disappeared and was away from home all night. When asked to explain this circumstance, she stated that she went away because she liked a change. What were you doing? was asked. Oh, I just sat among the flowers at Villa park. Why did you try to put the baby's eyes out? Don't know, guess it was electric. Then you are charged with electricity. Yes, sir. Do you like Denver? No, sir, too much electricity. Miss Essengdon was clearly unable to separate fancy from fact, and the jury found accordingly.
Estab, Marie
patient gender F race W age 42 marital status Wd birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Estello, Mary
patient gender F race W age 43 marital status S birthplace Finland source 1930 census
Estes, Ida
Estes, Ida resident of La Veta, married, born 1-15-1852 N. Carolina died 7-13-1912 in Pueblo, shipped 7-13-1912 to La Veta, Co., daughter of J. Owensby born USA mother born N Carolina, Dr Hubert Work, paid by G.F. Estes of La Veta.
Estes, Millie
Durango Wage Earner 5-1-1902 Millie Estes, the mistress of one of the local sports, was escorted to a private insane asylum at Pueblo Friday last. The deluded woman is to be pittied.
Estes, O. L.
patient gender M race W age 78 marital status Wd birthplace North Carolina source 1930 census
Estrine, Ida
pupil race: W sex: F age: 7 marital: S place of birth: Colorado none source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Esty, Mary
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1860 age 40 marital status D place of birth Kentucky occupation housekeeper source : 1900 census
Esty, Mary
Rocky Mountain News 4-4-1896 Declared Insane Emeline McAllister and Mary Estey were declared insane in the county court yesterday. Both will be taken to the Pueblo asylum.
Esty, Mary
Rocky Mountain News 4-5-1896 Sent to the Insane Asylum Deputy Sheriff Murray will this morning take to the state insane asylum Mrs. Estes, the woman who, Friday afternoon, made a scene in the county court by indulging in grossly improper language to the judge.
Esty, Mary
Denver Evening Post 4-3-1896 The District Court Mrs. Mary Estes and Mrs. McAllister will be tried in the county court this afternoon before Judge Steele for insanity.
Esty, Mary
Denver Evening Post 4-3-1896 The District Court Mrs. Mary Estes and Mrs. McAllister will be tried in the county court this afternoon before Judge Steele for insanity.
Etmais, Male
Male Etmas Rocky Mountain News February 8, 1891 Sad Death Trinidad, Colo., Feb. 7 An old gentleman named Etmais, who has been running a shooting gallery here for nearly two years, was found dead at his home this morning about 10 o'clock. A few hours before he complained of not feeling well, but he did not think anything serious was the trouble. His son-in-law was sent to the Pueblo insane asylum some months ago, and his only living relative is a daughter, who, since her husband's misfortune, is now left practically destitute with two little children.
Eubank, Fred
patient gender M race Neg age 43 marital status S birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Eubank, Fred
patient race: B sex: M age: 33 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Evans, Belle
patient race W gender F age . marital status S place of birth Colorado source 1910 census
Evans, Bert
patient gender M race W age 47 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Evans, Bertha
patient gender F race W age 57 marital status D birthplace Iowa source 1930 census
Evans, David
patient gender M race W age 56 marital status S birthplace Wales source 1930 census
Evans, Elizabeth
patient race W gender F month born unk year born unk age 49 marital status S place of birth Wales occupation unk source Works hospital 1900 census
Evans, Elizabeth
admitted 1-20-1900 from Idaho Springs, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Evans, Frankie
patient gender F race W age 45 marital status M birthplace Tennessee source 1930 census
Evans, Geo.
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1853 age 47 marital status S place of birth Wales occupation miner source : 1900 census
Evans, George
patient race W gender M age 57 marital status S place of birth Wales occupation miner source 1910 census
Evans, George
patient gender M race W age 78 marital status S birthplace Wales source 1930 census
Evans, George
patient race: W sex: M age: 67 marital:S place of birth: Wales occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Evans, Hazel G.
patient gender F race W age 29 marital status M birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Evans, John
Rocky Mountain News 3-31-1897 Court Calendar County Court Estate John Evans, insane; claimant White et al. allowed to withdraw original note of claim.
Evans, Lillian
patient race: W sex: F age: 79 marital:S place of birth: New York occupation: none source: 1920 census
Evans, Mary I.
Greeley Tribune 5-16-1901 - Mary I. Evans has been adjudged insane and sent to the private asylum of Dr. Work in Pueblo. (This was not the state's insane asylum at this point, but it's unclear to me as to when Dr. Work took over the superintendency of the state's asylum.)
Evans, Mary J
admitted 5-9-1901 from Greeley, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Evans, Mary J.
Evans, Mary J. age 71y 5m 17d, married, wife of H.J. Evans, resident of Greeley, Co., died 7/17/1901 shipped 7-17-1901 to T.G. Macy, Undertaker, Greeley, Co. Dr. Hubert Work
Evans, Maude
2-24-1911 Ouray Plaindealer Two Adjudged Insane Last Friday afternoon a jury in the county court adjudged Maude Evans, colored, insane. She has resided here a number of years. She was taken to the insane asylum at Pueblo on Saturday. Tuesday afternoon Joe Murphy who made the murderous assault on several men in a sensational fight in Redgway saloon last summer and badly wounded one man, was adjudged insane in Judge Dougherty's court. He was taken to the asylum Wednesday. Murphy has been in jail about six months.
Evans, Samuel S.
patient gender M race W age 42 marital status S birthplace Minnesota source 1930 census
Evans, Sherman
29 November 1901 Rifle Reveille (Rifle, Garfield County) LOCAL NEWS Sherman Evans, the young man who was taken from this place to Glenwood Tuesday night, has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum.
Evans, Sherman
Rifle Reveille 11-29-1901 Local News Sherman Evans, the young man who was taken from this place to Glenwood Tuesday night, has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum.
Evans, Sherman
Glenwood Post 4-12-1902 County Board in Session Sherman Evans who, several months ago, was adjuged insane and confined in the asylum at Pueblo, having been discharged appeared before the board and stated that all the money he had at the beginning of his illness had been used to pay his expenses, and that now he was left to face the world in a penniless condition. He appealed to the board to assist him in making a new start. The board found a small claim against Evans yet unpaid and allowed him $100 less the amount of such claim.
Evatz, Margaret
patient gender F race W age 41 marital status M birthplace Austria source 1930 census
Evatz, Margaret
patient race: W sex: F age: 31 marital:M place of birth: Austria occupation: none source: 1920 census
Everly, Barbara
patient gender F race W age 29 marital status M birthplace Russia source 1930 census
Ewing, Amanda J.
patient race: W sex: F age: 45 marital:M place of birth: Kentucky occupation: none source: 1920 census
Ewing, Arthur G.
patient gender M race W age 54 marital status Wd birthplace England source 1930 census
patient race: W sex: M age: 60 marital:S place of birth: Pennsylvania occupation: none source: 1920 census
Eyser, J. Frederick Christian
Rocky Mountain News 9-3-1890 Insane From Study Professor Eyser's Mind Has Become Unbalanced from Over Application A man whose remarkably strong face was almost continually distorted by a nervous twitching, which showed that something was amiss, was tried as to his sanity before Judge Miller and a jury in the county court yesterday. He was J. Frederick Christian Eyser, formerly a professor of astronomy in several well known private schools in Missouri. The light of his genius, however, had left him, and while he appeared rational enough on some subjects, it was only necessary to hold a short conversation with him to learn that his great brain had broken down. The unfortunate man was possessed of the mania that he was bound to be hanged, but that in order to make such hanging legal it was necessary that he should first kill his sister, who has cared for him and watched him. Eyser, according to the testimony given yesterday, gave up teaching in 1884, having gathered a little estate, the income of which would support him to the end of his days. Immediately after he gave up teaching he came to Denver and took up his abode with his sister. Although master of several languages he continued to study and overtaxed his brain, and this developed such a strain of insanity which he had evidently inherited, for not long ago one of his uncles in a fit of insanity suicided. He has had a mania for spending money. Then he developed the mania for killing his sister, and was often violent to her. She engaged a man to remain in the house to watch him. A few days ago he was discovered to be carrying a bottle containing some sort of poison. The jury declared Eyser insane after being out but a short time, and he was allowed to go in the custody of his lawyer until some private asylum shall be selected as his abode.
Eyser, John
Rocky Mountain News 5-28-1891 The Courts County Court Judge Miller The following business was transacted yesterday: Lunacy, John Eyser; it appearing to the court on representation of relatives of said lunatic and the physician in charge of insane asylum at Jacksonville, Ills., where said Eyser is now confined, that he has so far recovered his mind as not to be dangerous to himself or others if allowed to go at large, it is ordered that the management of said asylum release the person of said Eyser to the custody of Ottilie Eyser until the further order of court.

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