Pueblo County, Colorado
Insane Asylum Patients

Igoe, William
patient gender M race W age 47 marital status D birthplace New York source 1930 census
Ilando, Paul
patient race: W sex: M age: 49 marital:S place of birth: Italy occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Impy, Stephen
Carbonate Chronicle 9-8-1913 – Funeral of Stephen Impy – The remains of Stephen D. Impy were interred in the Evergreen cemetery yesterday afternoon beside the grave of his brother, who was buried there several years ago. The funeral services were held at the chapel of the Moynahan and O'Malia Undertaking company at 2 o'clock. Impy died Thursday at the insane asylum at Pueblo where he had been an inmate for several years. At one time he was a barber here at the corner of Harrison avenue and State street. One sister, Mrs. R. M. Ball, is known to survive him.
Impy, Steve
Carbonate Chronicle 9-8-1913 – Death of Steve Impy – Steve Impy, an inmate of the insane asylum at Pueblo, who at one time was a barber here at the corner of State street and Harrison avenue, died at the asylum yesterday. His sister, Mrs. R. M. Ball, wired Coroner O'Malia that his remains will be shipped to Leadville for burial. The body is expected to reach here this morning. Private funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock at the Moynahan and O'Malia Undertaking company chapel.
Incerto, Pete
patient gender M race W age 30 marital status M birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Ingalls, Albina
admitted 10-17-1900 from Pueblo, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Ingman, Eric
admitted 6-27-1901 from Leadville, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Ingraham, Daniel
patient gender M race W age 69 marital status S birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Ingram, Alice
admitted 9-26-1896 from Pueblo, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Ingram, Emma
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1834 age 66 marital status M place of birth England occupation housekeeper source : 1900 census
Ingram, Emma
patient race W gender F age 75 marital status M place of birth England source 1910 census
Ingram, Emma
Central City Weekly Register-Call 8-29-1890 – Adjudged Insane – Sheriff Hooper yesterday afternoon brought in from Mountain House district Mrs. Emma Ingram, who was taken before Judge Thomas of the county court, and a jury summoned to determine the question of her sanity. The jury returned a verdict that she was insane. The sheriff left with her this morning for Pueblo, where she will be placed in the insane asylum.
Ingram, Jeff
patient race W gender M age 46 marital status S place of birth Canada occupation miner source 1910 census
Ingram, Jeff
patient race: W sex: M age: 56 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: none source: 1920 census
Ingram, Sam
Aspen Tribune 5-20-1896 – Died At The Asylum – Sam Ingram, Sent From This County Passes Away – Sheriff Strawbridge received a dispatch last evening from the asylum authorities at Pueblo announcing the death of Sam Ingram, a patient sent from this county. No particulars were given. Ingram was a miner and occupied a cabin near the head of Galena street. He lived a lonesome life and imagined that a mine (of) great richness existed beneath the cabin. He was committed by Judge Rogers of the county court last week.
Ingram, Sam
Denver Evening Post 5-14-1896 – State Happenings – Aspen, May 14 – Sam Ingram, a miner, was committed to the insane asylum to-day.
Ingram, Samuel
Aspen Weekly Times 5-23-1896 – Death of Samuel Ingram - It was reported late last night that Sheriff Strawbridge had received a telegram from Pueblo, announcing the death of Samuel Ingram, of this city who was adjudged insane and sent to the asylum of that city last week.
Ingram, Samuel
Aspen Tribune 5-14-1896 – A Miner's Mind Fails. Samuel Ingram Committed to the Insane Asylum. Samuel Ingram, a miner who occupied a cabin at the head of Galena street and imagined a mine of fabulous richness was located beneath it, was adjudged insane by a jury in the county court yesterday and committed to the insane asylum at Pueblo. Mr. Ingram's dementia was resultant upon sickness and his friends thought it best he should be sent to an asylum for treatment. The man's condition was brought to the attention of Chief of Police Williamson yesterday morning when Ingram was reeling and staggering about the street. At first it was thought he was intoxicated.
Ione, Frank
patient race: W sex: M age: 52 marital:M place of birth: Wales occupation: none source: 1920 census
Irmer, Leo
Range Ledger June 14, 1919 Leo Irmer, was again taken to the state insane asylum at Pueblo Thursday by Sheriff Tom Williams and Under Sheriff W. R. Dudley. He was adjudge insane in the county court here about three months ago, and released a short time ago on parole. Fearing for her life, his wife had him taken in custody again the forepart of this week. They resided on a homestead about 14 miles north of Arriba.
Irmer, Leo
Range Ledger March 8, 1919 Sheriff Tom Williams returned last night from Pueblo where he delivered to the State insane asylum, Leo Irmer, who had been adjudged insane before Judge Hedlund and the local lunacy commission in the county court Thursday morning. Mrs. Irmer accompanied her husband and the sheriff as an attendant. Mr. and Mrs. Irmer resided about twelve miles northeast of Arriba, in this county. At times he is violent, and Sheriff Williams required the assistance of several to handle him Wednesday evening. However, he was conducted to the asylum without making any trouble.
Irvin, Mattie E
admitted 5-28-1915 from New Mexico - Woodcroft Hospital
Irving, Charles H.
Greeley Tribune 10-16-1902 - Charles H. Irving was tried in county court Monday evening and adjudged insane by a jury. Former Judge Smith was appointed guardian ad litem, and County Attorney Todd acted for the people. Tuesday morning Sheriff Elliott left for the state asylum at Pueblo with the unfortunate man. Charles H. Irving rented a farm from the Wyatt Bros., and with his wife and family resided there. He was a good farmer, a loving husband and an affectionate father, but an accident changed love to hatred and turned a peaceable citizen into a dangerous, irresponsible man. The latter part of summer, while assisting in setting up a haystacker, part of the implement gave way and he was thrown to the ground, striking his head and rendering him unconscious, a condition that lasted for many days. In time he recovered his physical health, but it was apparent that his mentality had been injured, though no fears existed till Friday night that he was or might prove dangerous to himself or others. Friday night he engaged in an altercation with his wife and threatened to kill her. The next morning he got out of bed at 2 o'clock, built a fire in the kitchen stove and went about the house as if it was the customary hour for beginning the day's work. To queries as to the cause of such early rising he became angry and began to abuse and beat his wife in a violent manner. After breakfast had been eaten he followed Mrs. Irving to the barn and again began to abuse and maltreat her. She fled to the house followed by the irate maniac, and as he passed a wood pile he saw an ax. Picking it up he threatened to kill her and the children. The latter interposed between father and mother and one of the girls ran to the Wyatt ranch for assistance. David C. Wyatt responded to the call and mounting a horse soon reached the Irving home, but all was quiet and Irving appeared to have gotten over his mania for killing. Mr. Wyatt realized that the man was not responsible and he had him taken to Eaton to be looked after and his mental condition to be investigated by the proper authorities. There the Woodman's lodge, to which Irving belongs, took him in charge, thinking that proper medical treatment might prove beneficial, but the case was too serious and he was handed over to the county authorities, with the result as stated. As an evidence of the extreme cunning often exhibited by insane people, the answer he gave, when asked where he was born, is to the point. He replied: “I can hardly tell; was too young at the time to remember.” He said that he was a resident of Weld county for four years, part of which time he had lived in Leadville, Fort Collins and Eaton. That the poor fellow is suffering from a fractured skull all doctors agree, but it is hoped that he may be cured under competent and scientific treatment.
Irving, Charles H.
patient race W gender M age 51 marital status M place of birth . occupation farmer source 1910 census
Irvington, Raymond
patient gender M race W age 20 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Irwin, Chatham
patient gender M race W age 73 marital status M birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Irwin, David
Buena Vista Herald 12-8-1894 David Irwin, confined at the Salida hospital during a supposed temporary mental aberration, was discharged from that institution a few weeks ago, and departed for Riverside, six miles above Buena Vista. His peculiar antics at the latter place excited the suspicions of deputy sheriff Ed. Cook, who brought him before the county court Saturday, where he was adjudged insane by a jury of six. Irwin is a miner, and originally came form Leadville. He was taken to the asylum at Pueblo.
Irwin, Mattie E.
patient race W gender F age 60 marital status W birthplace Alabama source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
Isaacson, Rose
patient gender F race W age 45 marital status M birthplace Germany source 1930 census
Iselben, William
patient race: W sex: M age: 49 marital:S place of birth: Pennsylvania occupation: paint shop worker source: 1920 census
Ishikawa, Sohei
patient race: Jp sex: M age: 41 marital:S place of birth: Japan occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Ishikawa, Sonei
patient gender M race Jp age 52 marital status S birthplace Japan source 1930 census
Ives, Frank
patient gender M race W age 42 marital status S birthplace Nebraska source 1930 census
Ives, Frank
patient race: W sex: M age: 32 marital:S place of birth: Nebraska occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Iwata, Takashi
patient gender M race Jp age 35 marital status M birthplace Japan source 1930 census
Izzarelli, Mary
patient gender F race W age 34 marital status M birthplace Italy source 1930 census

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