Pueblo County, Colorado
Insane Asylum Patients

Nadon, Charles
Rocky Mountain News 10-4-1892 Adjudged Insane Leadville, Colo., Oct. 3 Charles Nadon was tried before Judge Hall and a jury to-day and adjudged insane. The unfortunate man thinks he is the owner of fabulous wealth.
Nagy, Clement
patient gender F race W age 52 marital status Un birthplace United States source 1930 census
Nagy, Climent
patient race: W sex: F age: . marital:M place of birth: United States occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nahring, Herman
Denver Evening Post 2-17-1896 Dr. Grissom Insane Ordered Committed to the Pueblo Asylum
The insane cases of Moberly and Nahring will be tried in the county court this afternoon.
Nahring, Herman
Denver Evening Post 2-21-1896 Town Talk Herman Nahring was adjudged insane in the county court yesterday afternoon.
Nahring, Herman
Rocky Mountain News 2-18-1896 Civil Briefs H. Nahring was to have been tried for insanity before Judge Steele, but owing to his not appearing in court the case was stricken from the docket.
Nahring, Herman
Rocky Mountain News 2-18-1896 Civil Briefs H. Nahring was to have been tried for insanity before Judge Steele, but owing to his not appearing in court the case was stricken from the docket.
Nan, Fritz
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1858 age 42 marital status S place of birth Germany occupation laborer source : 1900 census
Nan, Fritz
patient race W gender M age 51 marital status S place of birth Germany occupation laborer source 1910 census
Nanning, Lizzie
patient race W gender F age 36 marital status W place of birth Illinois occupation housekeeper source 1910 census
Nash, Arvella
Rocky Mountain News 7-20-1884 Mountain Mention Georgetown Mrs. Arvella Nash, adjudged insane, was taken to the State Insane asylum at Pueblo Friday.
Nash, Austin
patient race: W sex: M age: 76 marital:. place of birth: Ireland occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nash, Frank
Daily Journal July 2, 1923 Sent To Pueblo Asylum - Deputy Sheriff John D. Reece left Telluride Monday morning aboard the northbound train for Pueblo. He had in custody Frank Ash or Nash, who had been adjudged insane and who was being taken to the state asylum at Pueblo. Nash was arrested in Telluride a couple of weeks ago, and after an examination by local physicians, and the usual court proceedings he was adjudged insane and ordered committed to the state asylum.
Nash, Frank
Telluride Daily Journal 6-25-1923 Frank Nash Charged With Being Insane Papers charging Frank Nash with being insane were made out Saturday, and within a short time a committee of local physicians will make an examination of the man to see whether or not his condition warrants sending him to the state asylum. According to reports from the sheriff's office, the man gives every indication of being mentally unbalanced. He was noisy and raving in the jail most of Sunday, and Monday morning; in addition to making plenty of noise, was breaking up much of the furniture on the interior of the jail, so that it became necessary for Sheriff Wagner and Deputy Reece to lock him in a cage.
Nash, Frank
Telluride Daily Journal 7-7-1923 Deputy Sheriff John D. Reece has returned from Pueblo, where he went the first of the week to take Fred Ash or Nash, who had been adjudged insane and ordered committed to the state asylum.
Nash, Mrs. E.L.
Georgetown Colorado Miner 2-7-1880 Insane. Sheriff De Votie started last Wednesday morning to Pueblo, with two patients for the State Insane Asylum. These were both females. Mrs. E. L. Nash, of Empire, and Mrs. Al. Shoemaker, of this city. Mrs. Nash's mania manifested itself upon occasions, only, when she would become wild and unmanageable. Mrs. Shoemaker's ailment seemed to manifest itself altogether in melancholy and absent mindedness. Mr. Shoemaker accompanied the party.
Nathman, Wm.
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1864 age 36 marital status S place of birth Pennsylvania occupation laborer source : 1900 census
Nau, Fred
Leadville Daily and Evening Chronicle 4-10-1897 Nau Was Crazy. His delusion was of a most remarkable character. Fred Nau, captured Friday while running amuck on Harrison Avenue was adjudged crazy yesterday in the county court. Nau's principal delusion was that the Populist had won a victory on Tuesday. He was taken to the insane asylum at once.
Nau, Fritz
patient gender M race W age 72 marital status S birthplace Germany source 1930 census
Nau, Fritz
patient race: W sex: M age: 61 marital:S place of birth: Germany occupation: laundry helper source: 1920 census
Navis, Walter C.
patient race W gender M age 33 marital status S birthplace Tennessee occupation grade school teacher source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
Naycott, Charles
patient race W gender M age 43 marital status S place of birth England source 1910 census
Neal, F. S. Mrs.
Fort Collins Weekly Courier 2-25-1916 Mrs. Neal Taken To Pueblo Deputy Sheriff Halligan left here this morning for Pueblo with Mrs. F. S. Neal of Loveland. Sheriff morning and brought the demented woman to this city. She was taken into the county court where physicians' testified as to her condition and she was ordered to Pueblo to be given treatment. The woman's condition is not very good and it is feared that she will never return to her home alive. Physically and mentally she is practically a complete wreck.
Neale, Helen
patient gender F race W age 36 marital status S birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Neat, Clay
patient gender M race W age 27 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Neat, Minnie E.
patient gender F race W age 34 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Nedean, Adolph
Rocky Mountain News 3-20-1887 Are They Both Lunatics? Yesterday County Attorney Pence presented complaints in the County court for inquisition of lunacy against Sarah Peacock and Adolph Nedean. Mrs. Peacock is the woman who was arrested at Elyria for fear that she would kill children. Nedean was taken to jail last summer and placed on the poor house farm. Of late he has frequently wandered from the farm, and it was thought best to again put him in jail.
Nedean, Adolph
Rocky Mountain News 3-22-1887 Local Brevities Mrs. Sarah Peacock and Adolph Nedean will be tried in the County court Friday, March 25, on the charge of lunacy.
Nedean, Adolph
Rocky Mountain News 3-20-1887 The Courts County Court Probate County Attorney Peace presented complaints for inquisition of lunacy against Sarah Peacock and Adolph Nedean. Frank L. Johnson appointed guardian ad litem for Sarah Peacock, and S. W. Carpenter for Adolph Nedean.
Nedean, Adolph
Rocky Mountain News 3-26-1887 Local Brevities Mrs. Sarah Peacock and Adolph Nedeau were adjudged insane in the County court yesterday and will be taken to Pueblo today by Deputy Sheriff Shrock.
Needham, May
patient gender F race W age 36 marital status M birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Needham, Olive I.
patient gender F race W age 61 marital status M birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Neeley, Oliver
Durango Wage Earner 5-25-1905 Ouray, May 24. Oliver Neeley, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Neeley, well known throughout the San Juan, especially in Silverton, was adjudged insane yesterday morning and taken to a private institution at Pueblo. The young man commenced ailing some two or three weeks ago but only became violent last week. In fact, it was only Saturday he was placed under restraint and Sunday became so bad he had to be placed in a straight-jacket. The young man would have graduated this spring from the Ouray High school and was popular with his associates.
Neeley, Oliver
Telluride Daily Journal 5-23-1905 A Sad Case At Ouray Sad misfortune has overtaken the family of C. F. Neeley of Ouray, well and popularly known throughout the San Juan. On Sunday last their son, Oliver, aged seventeen years, who was to have graduated with high honors from the Ouray High Schools next week, was taken suddenly insane Sunday morning, becoming so violent that it was necessary to apply the straight jacket to restrain him. This morning he was adjudged insane in court and committed to a private asylum at Pueblo, with little encouragement for his recovery.
Neely, Oliver
6-2-1905 Ouray Plaindealer - The late news from Oliver Neely who was taken to Pueblo insane asylum about ten days ago are exceedingly encouraging and strong hopes are entertained for his ultimate recovery. The doctor in charge of the case states that it will require from three to four months to complete a recovery but he feels that at the end of that time he will be successful. The patient has rational intervals lasting from one half to one hour and his violent spells are not near so fierve as they were in the incipent stages. Every person in Ouray hopes that this young man will again be with us in his former state of mind at an early date.
Neff, George
patient race: W sex: M age: 73 marital:S place of birth: Pennsylvania occupation: none source: 1920 census
Neff, William
Durango Democrat 12-30-1899 Sheriff Jack Rodgers stopped over in the city last night. He has in custody Bill Neff of Silverton, whom he is taking to the insane asylum at Pueblo.
Neff, William
Silverton Standard 3-15-1902 William Neff, one of the pioneer prospectors of San Juan county who became demented several years ago and was committed to the insane asylum at Pueblo, died Tuesday at that institution. He was 56 years of age and an old soldier.
Neff, William
Silverton Standard 12-31-1899 Wm. Neff, one of San Juan county's old time prospectors was brought before County Judge McNutt, at 2 p.m., Thursday on a charge of lunacy. Charge substantiated to the best understanding of the jurors summoned and the unfortunate man was turned over to the county authorities for safe keeping and will be sent to the insane asylum at Pueblo. Neff, as will be remembered, served in the Union Army during the war of the rebellion and several years ago was an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Monte Vista. At one time he took the Keely cure in Denver. He is a pensioner from the government and the pension has evidently done him more harm than good, as poor old Bill has invariably been noted for industrious habits, save at such times when the quarterly amount arrived, which event was usually followed by a big drunk until the money was blown in. He owns several prospects in various stages of development in the county. Some of these properties are said to be good and from what we can learn a couple of them are in milling ore. The poor fellow's insanity has taken a religious turn, as at the investigation he requested from the Judge, a place for prayer. Later: Neff was taken to Pueblo yesterday by Sheriff Rogers.
Neff, William
Neff, William died 3/8/1902 Notes: age 58y McCarthy Funeral Home buried 3-12-1902 Roselawn Dr. A.P. Busey cost $75.00 informant Dr. J.N. Pascoe
Neff, Wm.
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1845 age 55 marital status S place of birth Pennsylvania occupation miner source : 1900 census
Nefferee, Henry
patient race: W sex: M age: 41 marital:S place of birth: Ohio occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Nefferee, Henry
patient gender M race W age 51 marital status S birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Nefsey, Margaret
patient race W gender F age 56 marital status M place of birth Ireland source 1910 census
Nefsey, Margaret
admitted 4-13-1901 from Leadville, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Negley, Inez
patient race: B sex: F age: 29 marital:M place of birth: Kansas occupation: ward help source: 1920 census
Neidhart, Emma O.
patient gender F race W age 41 marital status M birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Neil, John
Rocky Mountain News 6-1-1891 Very Crazy John Neil, an old carpenter, 45 years old, was chasing down Sixteenth street about 3 a.m. yesterday yelling like a madman. He was captured by Officer Sanders and said he was a victim of the devil. He said that one told him he was an animal man, and would jump as he looked at his feet, imagining he saw a demon on them. He did not appear to be a drinking man, but was undoubtedly crazy. His mania was the devil and a legion of imps which he says chase him around. He shot himself in the neck a short time ago and has jumped in the river several times to drown himself. He was making for the Platte last night to rid himself of the subjects of his satanic majesty's realm, but was locked up before he reached the river. He was taken to the county hospital yesterday.
Neil, John
Rocky Mountain News 6-12-1891 Local Brevities John Neill, William Fitzpatrick and Minnie Dutton were removed from the county jail to the hospital. They were insane.
Neil, John
Rocky Mountain News 6-27-1891 The Courts County Court Judge Miller Lunacy Cases John Neil, insane; verdict, lunacy. G. L. Hudson appointed guardian ad litem.
Neil, Lucy M.
patient gender F race W age 25 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Neiland, Herman
Telluride Daily Journal 12-1-1900 In the county court this afternoon Herman Neiland is being tried as to his sanity.
Neiland, Herman
Telluride Daily Journal 12-10-1900 Word has been received that the insane hospital at Pueblo is full to overflowing and that Herman Neiland, recently committed to that institution, cannot be admitted. Sheriff Downtain while out will visit Pueblo and try to arrange for him to be cared for privately until it is possible to secure his admission to the State institution.
Neiland, Herman
Telluride Daily Journal 12-20-1900 Deputy Sheriff Beatty took old Herman Neiland to the Pueblo asylum for the insane today. Really there seems to be no excuse in this region for the misfortune that has compassed the old prospector's downfall.
Neiland, Herman
admitted 12-21-1900 from Ophir, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Neill, John
Rocky Mountain News 7-12-1888 Hallucinations Three Unfortunates Examined and Sent to the Insane Asylum at Pueblo Yesterday seemed to be lunatic day in the county. Indeed, the lunacy cases almost equaled in number the actions for divorce
John Neil was an old man, and harmless, the victim of hallucinations. He imagined himself to be a prominent politician and a great patenter. He was found insane. All three will be sent to the asylum at Pueblo to-day.
Neill, John
Rocky Mountain News 10-1-1888 The Courts County Court Probate Lunacy, John Neill; order for delivery of alleged insane person to the custody of Thomas Walker; upon petition of Dr. H. W. McLoughlen, on behalf of said Thomas Walker.
Neill, Ralph R.
patient race W gender M age 31 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
Neimeyer, Alphonse
Rocky Mountain News 4-5-1895 Adjudged Insane Greeley, Colo., April 4 A. Neimeyer, who came to this city about four months ago from Texas and has been confined in the county hospital ever since, was adjudged insane by a jury in the county court, Judge Thompson presiding, this afternoon. He will be taken by Sheriff Clark to Pueblo on the morning train. Mr. Neimeyer is a German and can only speak a little English.
Neimeyer, Alphonse
Denver Evening Post 4-5-1895 Greeley A. Neimeyer was adjudged insane yesterday.
Neimeyer, Alphonse
patient race W gender M month born May year born 1856 age 44 marital status S place of birth Pennsylvania occupation painter source : 1900 census
Neisiventer, Hannah
Neisiventer, Hannah died 1/21/1911 Notes: born at Pa. age 71y McCarthy Funeral Home buried Roselawn 1-21-1911 expenses paid by Pueblo County, parents unknown, Dr. A.P. Busey
Neits, Emil
patient gender M race W age 41 marital status S birthplace Wisconsin source 1930 census
Nelson, Albert
patient race: W sex: M age: 50 marital: S place of birth: Illinoisnone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Nelson, Andrew
patient race: W sex: M age: 57 marital: S place of birth: Swedennone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Nelson, Arthur
Telluride Daily Journal 6-9-1903 Another telephone message from Ouray this morning says that Arthur Nelson was tried there this morning for insanity and will be sent to the insane asylum at Pueblo.
Nelson, Arthur
Telluride Journal 6-11-1903 The Gambling Situation At Ouray -
A telephone message from Ouray Tuesday morning says that Arthur Nelson was tried there that morning for insanity and will be sent to the insane asylum at Pueblo.
Nelson, Arthur
6-12-1903 Ouray Plaindealer Arthur Nelson Insane In the county court Tuesday fornoon, Arthur Nelson was adjudged insane by a jury and was taken to Pueblo by VanHouten. He had not been considered as perfectly sane for two years, but was able to transact his business affairs. Of late he has been worrying needlessly over his mining matters and during the past two weeks entertained other hallucinations of an absurd character. He was interested in the Camp Bird Revenue as he owned about 600,000 shares of its stocks.
Nelson, Arthur C.
Ouray Herald 6-12-1903 Temporarily Deranged Arthur Nelson was examined in the county court Tuesday morning as to his sanity and it was deemed advisable to send him to the asylum at Pueblo for treatment. District court being in session, requiring the presence of Sheriff Corbett and Deputy Bugbee, O. C. Van Houten was deputized to take him out and left with him on the train Tuesday morning. Nelson is a miner and is interested in a group of claims in Mt. Sneffels district, which forms part of a group being handled by F. H. Hulaniski of New York. Worry over his property and the backwardness of the season preventing him from beginning work on the property of which he was to be foreman the present season, unbalanced his mind. It is believed proper treatment and the change to a lower altitude will restore him to his normal condition in a short time.
Nelson, Arthur C.
Ouray Herald 8-14-1903 Commissioners' Proceedings Aug. 4, 1903 Board met this day
The following bills were presented, examined and allowed on the General fund and warrants ordered drawn for same: General John T. Barnett, fee in Nelson Insane case - $10.00
Nelson, Arthur C.
Ouray Herald 10-16-1903 County Court The estate of Arthur C. Nelson, who was recently sent to the asylum for the insane was settled up the past week.
Nelson, August
Rocky Mountain News 2-26-1897 Sent to the Asylum Aspen, Colo., Feb. 25 August Nelson, a native of Sweden, aged about 25, who has been here as a miner for some time, was to-day committed to the insane asylum at Pueblo. Nelson thinks that he is a great detective and was sleuthing on a case when he was taken in custody.
Nelson, Charles
patient gender M race W age 67 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nelson, Charles
patient race: W sex: M age: 29 marital: S place of birth: Swedennone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Nelson, Charles
patient race: W sex: M age: 57 marital:S place of birth: Sweden occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Nelson, Christian
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1856 age 44 marital status S place of birth Denmark occupation blacksmith source : 1900 census
Nelson, Christian
patient race: W sex: M age: 60 marital:S place of birth: Denmark occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Nelson, Christian
Rocky Mountain News 7-31-1893 Court Calendar County Court Judge Le Fevre People vs. Christian Nelson; lunacy; trial; T. C. Early appointed guardian ad litem; same order as above (verdict insanity; committed to county hospital till further order); T. C. Early allowed $5.
Nelson, Christine
Boulder County Herald Weekly 3-21-1888 Christine Nelson was declared insane. Taken to Pueblo Asylum by R. A. Hacker but he had to bring her back to Boulder because there was no room. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Nelson, Christine
Boulder County Herald Weekly 5-2-1888 Yesterday it was discovered that Christine Nelson was gone from county hospital. Found near Gregory Canyon. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Nelson, Edward
patient gender M race W age 46 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nelson, Elvira
patient gender F race W age 39 marital status M birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nelson, Emil
patient gender M race W age 46 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nelson, Freeman
admitted 2-2-1914 from Teller Co. - Woodcroft Hospital
Nelson, Lewis
patient, male, white, age 46, single, born Missouri, 1930 Woodcroft census
Nelson, Louis
patient, male, white, age 46, single, born Missouri, 1930 Woodcroft census
Nelson, M.
patient, white, female, age 54, single, North Carolina, 1885 census
Nelson, Mabel B.
patient gender F race W age 52 marital status M birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Nelson, Maria
patient gender F race W age 57 marital status M birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nelson, Mary
patient gender F race W age 61 marital status M birthplace Norway source 1930 census
Nelson, Mary
patient race: W sex: F age: 50 marital:M place of birth: Norway occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nelson, Mattie B.
patient gender F race W age 54 marital status M birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Nelson, Oscar
Silverton Standard 5-23-1908 Sheriff Palmquist returned Monday night from Buena Vista and Pueblo, where he had been to take Oscar Nelson and Fred Bassett, the former to the State Reformatory and the latter to the insane asylum at Pueblo.
Nelson, Pete
Elbert County Banner November 5, 1897 Sheriff Head went to Colorado Springs Wednesday to take Pete Nelson from the jail at that point to the insane asylum at Pueblo.
Nelson, Peter
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1844 age 56 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation miner source : 1900 census
Nelson, Peter
patient race W gender M age 65 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation miner source 1910 census
Nelson, Peter
Elbert County Banner 4-28-1899 Peter Nelson, who made his escape from the insane asylum at Pueblo some two or three weeks ago, put in his appearance at Kiowa last Saturday afternoon and was taken charge of by sheriff Mouring.
Nelson, Peter
patient race: W sex: M age: 75 marital:S place of birth: Sweden occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Nelson, Peter F.
patient race: W sex: M age: 45 marital:. place of birth: Nebraska occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Nelson, Swan
Elbert County Banner April 14, 1899 Swan Nelson, a brother of Nelse Nelson, has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum
Nelson, William
patient race W gender M age 71 marital status S place of birth New York occupation miner source 1910 census
Nelson, William
patient, white, male, age 46, single, Ireland, 1885 census
Nelson, William
patient race W gender M month born . year born 1834 age 61 marital status S place of birth New Jersey occupation miner source : 1900 census
Nelson, William A Mrs.
Wray Rattler 4-5-1917 Jury Declares Mrs. Nelson Insane Boulder, Colo., - Temporary insanity was the moving force which prompted Mrs. William A. Nelson to hang two of her infant children, attempt strangulation of a third, shoot a fourth and commit suicide, at her home east of Boulder, according to the finding of a coroner's jury here.
Nepperill, Harry
patient race W gender M age 31 marital status S place of birth Ohio occupation laborer source 1910 census
Neptune, Eugene
patient race W gender M age 20 marital status S place of birth Nebraska source 1910 census
Nery, Genevieve
patient race: W sex: F age: 22 marital: S place of birth: Iowanone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Nesbit, Maud S
admitted 11-17-1899 from Durango, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Nesbit, Vivian
patient gender F race W age 36 marital status M birthplace West Virginia source 1930 census
Nesbit, William Mrs.
Durango Wage Earner 3-31-1904 Mrs. William Nesbit was declared insane by the county court last Tuesday evening and has been conveyed to the Pueblo Insane asylum. Mr. Nesbit has the sympathy of the community in this sad loss of his life companion. Such a loss is more deplorable than that which death inflicts.
Nestor, Ed
Denver Evening Post 11-23-1898 At Colorado Springs Ed Nestor, an insane man, was brought down from Cripple Creek this morning and will be taken to the asylum at Pueblo.
Nestor, M. C.
patient gender M race W age 78 marital status Wd birthplace West Virginia source 1930 census
Neuschultz, Henry
admitted 3-17-1901 from Fort Collins, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Neusitz, Ellinor Miss
admitted 11-9-1899 from None Given - Woodcroft Hospital
Neuterheimer, C.
patient, white, female, age 37, single, Germany , 1885 census
Nevin, James M.
Rocky Mountain News 12-15-1882 - Insane Day - The Unfortunates Who Were Adjudged Insane in the County Court Yesterday - The County court room was crowded almost to suffocation yesterday when the trials of the insane persons, who have been in the charge of the county for some time past, were called by Judge Harrington for final disposition. There were very few idle lookers-on among the spectators, the majority of them being either friends or relations of the persons on whom the inquisitions were being held, or mere witnesses. The unfortunates were brought into court about 11 o'clock by Deputy Sheriff Charles Linton. The only one who showed any violence was Ida Strodens, and she made only feeble attempts to tear herself loose from the grasp of the officer. The other three simply watched this demented woman in silence and followed the deputy sheriff with a meek docility quite remarkable. Judge Harrington took up the case of the Strodens woman first. When the witnesses were being examined she appeared greatly agitated and positively refused to remain quiet. She tore her hat off her head and threw it from her and would have torn her hair had not the court officers promptly pinned her hands down to her side. She is only a girl in years and has been in Denver less than three months. Her story is really an affecting one. When Mrs. (Miss?) Strodens came to Denver she was enciente and about to give birth to a child. Immediately upon her arrival she made application and was granted admission to the home for the friendless. There she gave birth to her child after three days confinement, and soon after its delivery she became delirious. Her condition did not improve any although she was given the best of medical treatment and she was soon a raving maniac. Mrs. Davidson, matron of the home, was finally compelled to take the baby from its mother. The next step taken was to remove her to the county hospital, where she has been for some months. The jury found a verdict of insanity and Judge Harrington issued a commitment to the state asylum. Agnes Meagher also met with the same fate at the hands of the jury, but bore it without a murmur. She is a remarkably fine looking young lady and her demented condition cannot be accounted for by her friends. Harriet Ann Godfrey, the wife of a thrifty carpenter, who has been closely confined in the county hospital for some time, was next tried. She is the woman who some weeks ago drove the lodgers out of the Exchange block with a hatchet. Mrs. Godfrey was also adjudged insane. A twelve-year-old lad named James M. Nevin, who is in a helpless state of idiocy, was also adjudged insane and committed.
Newberry Alfred P.
patient race: W sex: M age: 13 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: none source: 1920 census
Newberry, J. P.
patient race: W sex: M age: 58 marital:. place of birth: Arkansas occupation: none source: 1920 census
Newby, Maude
patient gender F race W age 45 marital status M birthplace Iowa source 1930 census
Newby, Maude
patient race: W sex: F age: 35 marital:M place of birth: Iowa occupation: none source: 1920 census
Newcomb, Malcolm Wayne
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 2-10-1973 - Newcomb Asks for Freedom From Hospital A man charged with murder subsequently found insane and committed to the Colorado State Hospital has the permission of Superintendent Charles Meredith to be released. In Meredith's opinion, he has made such a good recovery that he is presently allowed out to attend college and hold down a job. Malcolm Wayne Newcomb, 23, formerly of 630 E. St. Vrain St. appeared in district court Friday before Judge Hunter D. Hardeman, petitioning to be released. He was one of five men originally charged with the slaying of Michael Humes who was stoned and stabbed to death in Monument Valley Park, Sept. 29, 1969. All of the group admitted using drugs regularly and testimony revealed at the trial they believed the 25-year-old New Yorker, Humes, was a narcotics agent. At no time in his life had the dead man ever worked for law enforcement. One of the five men received life, another turned state's evidence and received a sentence in an out of state institution, two were found mentally incompetent, and Newcomb was declared legally insane. He was committed to the state hospital March 17, 1970. The district attorney's office Friday opposed Newcomb's release and requested a further psychiatric examination. Dr. Meredith's report said the defendant "no longer requires hospitalization, and no longer suffers a mental disturbance that would cause him to be dangerous." At his sanity trial, Newcomb claimed he was born on the planet Venus some 2,000 years ago. Dep. Dist. Atty. Greg Walta asked for an examination at the Colorado Psychiatric Hospital in Denver, but defense counsel Cuba Hollaway contested this saying his client was in college in Pueblo, and that "his schedule would be disrupted." He also added Newcomb was now employed. He was overruled by Judge Hardeman who ordered the examination in Denver.
Newell, Nellie
admitted 8-30-1914 from Fremont, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Newlander, Robert
patient gender M race W age 62 marital status M birthplace Russia source 1930 census
Newman, Louise M.
Fort Collins Courier 1-20-1920 Happening At The County Court Louise M. Newman of this city was declared insane today in the county court by a medical commission composed of Dr. Taylor and Dr. Dale. The patient has been committed to the state insane asylum at Pueblo and will be taken there Tuesday morning by Deputy Sheriff Halligan.
Newman, Max
admitted 5-5-1914 from Pueblo, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Newton, William
patient gender M race W age 40 marital status S birthplace Texas source 1930 census
Ney, Eugenia
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1869 age 31 marital status M place of birth Austria occupation housekeeper source : 1900 census
Ney, Eugenia
patient race: W sex: F age: 50 marital:M place of birth: Austria occupation: none source: 1920 census
Ney, Eugenia
Denver Evening Post 12-23-1898 An Insane Domestic Eugenie Neuy Suddenly Breaks Loose Eugenie Neuy, about 30 years of age, was taken to the county hospital today by the police department in an insane condition. She is a Swedish girl who has been serving as a domestic. Recently she has been employed in the family of W. C. Lyle, at the corner of West Thirty-second avenue and Meade street. Mrs. Lyle says the woman had been acting strangely for a week or ten days. Last night she chased Mrs. Lyle out of the house with a knife. Later she was found in the kitchen with a can of kerosene, matches and a lighted lamp arranging to set the dwelling on fire, but was restrained by neighbors until Police Officer Engle arrived. She was taken to the police station, wildly raving. Police Surgeon Miller pronounced her insane, but from what cause he could not say. The unfortunate woman would not talk or answer questions sufficiently intelligently to give the authorities any clew as to her home. She said she had a sister in the city, but so many other statements came from her which were known to be untrue that the officers could not depend on them. Officer Engle went to the supposed sister's house about noon to inquire if such a person lived there. The understanding of the department was that if no relatives (could) be found Officer Engle would go before the county court this afternoon and secure the necessary order for her care.
Ney, Eugenia
Denver Evening Post 12-24-1898 Sent to the County Hospital Eugenie Neuy, the servant employed at the home of W. C. Nyle, at the corner of West Thirty-second avenue and Mead street, who became insane Thursday, has been removed from the city jail to the county hospital.
Ney, Jennie
Rocky Mountain News 4-12-1897 Demented Woman Captured Jennie Ney, a French woman who goes periodically insane, was found near the corner of Seventeenth and California streets in a demented condition by Officer Martin last night and sent to the police station. She was arrested a month ago after a hard fight against the officers, who took her when she was raving mad in St. Catherine's Home on California street. She apparently regained her senses within a few days after and was released.
Ney, Jennie
Denver Evening Post 4-12-1897 Two Unfortunate Women Both Prostrated by Insanity Genevieve Ney, a single woman of 27, was conveyed to the county hospital this morning in the police ambulance. She is demented. Miss Ney was arrested last evening while acting in a crazy manner on the street. She has been similarly prostrated before.
Ney, Jennie
Rocky Mountain News 4-14-1897 Violently Insane Police Called to Remove an Inmate of St. Catherine's Home Jennie Ney became violently insane yesterday at St. Catherine's Home for Working Girls, where she has been staying. She was treated yesterday afternoon by Dr. P. J. Carlin, but at 10 o'clock last night it was found necessary to summon the police. Before being taken by the officers she held them at bay by hurling at them fragments of china which she had crushed in her hands.
Ney, Jennie
Denver Evening Post 4-12-1897 Two Unfortunate Women Both Prostrated by Insanity Genevieve Ney, a single woman of 27, was conveyed to the county hospital this morning in the police ambulance. She is demented. Miss Ney was arrested last evening while acting in a crazy manner on the street. She has been similarly prostrated before.
Ney, Jennie
Rocky Mountain News 4-14-1897 Violently Insane Police Called to Remove an Inmate of St. Catherine's Home Jennie Ney became violently insane yesterday at St. Catherine's Home for Working Girls, where she has been staying. She was treated yesterday afternoon by Dr. P. J. Carlin, but at 10 o'clock last night it was found necessary to summon the police. Before being taken by the officers she held them at bay by hurling at them fragments of china which she had crushed in her hands.
Nichaus, George
Rocky Mountain News 1-8-1891 Died in Hospital George Nichaus, who was adjudged insane last Saturday, died at the county hospital Tuesday morning, rather than go to the asylum. E. K. Miles was decided mentally irresponsible at the same time and was taken to the asylum by Deputy Mike Casey on Tuesday last.
Nicholas, Mrs.
Fort Collins Weekly Courier 6-1-1904 A Family Wrecked by Liquor.The following from the Rocky Ford Enterprise tells a pitiful tale of man's weakness and a woman's suffering all through an inordinate and uncontrolled desire for strong drink. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas were married in Fort Collins in June, 1881, and both had very many friends here. Mrs. Nicholas was an adopted daughter of Dr. E. E. Edwards, the first president of the state agricultural college, and a lady of charming personality. Mr. Nicholas was a law student in the office of Rhodes & Love and was considered a rising young man. But he let liquor get the better of him with the inevitable result. He is now a wanderer on the face of the earth, his wife an inmate of an insane asylum and his children must bear the burden of a father's sins. Pueblo was on Wednesday reminded of its former city attorney, A. M. Nicholas, who was for a time a resident of Rocky Ford, where he was charged with a crime which gave him a short term in the county jail. Mrs. Nicholas was before the county court for examination as to her sanity and was ordered sent to Woodcroft sanitarium. Her malady was due to worry and to insufficient nutrition. Her son not being able to secure steady work to supply his mother's needs, and the daughter being compelled to remain at home on account of the mother's physical and mental condition. The Chieftain says that the last heard of Nicholas was that he had a leg crushed and amputated while working as a day laborer in a mountain saw mill in Oregon. The afflicted mother and the son and daughter have friends in Rocky Ford who deeply sympathize with them in their overwhelming misfortunes.
Nicholls, Grace
patient race: W sex: F age: 69 marital:M place of birth: England occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nicholls, June
Colorado Transcript 2-1-1917 Sheriff Bert Jones went to Pueblo Tuesday, taking Mrs. June Nicholls, recently adjudged insane, to the asylum.
Nicholos, Mary A Mrs
admitted 5-16-1901 from Colo. Springs, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Nichols, Dale
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 6-5-1984 - Man Ruled Insane After Slaying Dies in State Hospital - Dale Nichols died of natural causes Sunday in the Colorado State Hospital, where he had been confined for eight years following his acquittal by reason of insanity in the slaying of the husband of his ex-wife. State hospital officials would not disclose the exact cause of death because of confidentiality laws. Nichols, 49, had petitioned the 4th District Court for his release many times during his confinement, but was turned down because hospital officials said he was not ready to be released. He finally got a hearing in May 1983 after he argued that he was deprived of his constitutional rights because his attorney went against his wishes when he entered the insanity plea in 1976. Following that hearing on May 18, 1983, District Judge Matt Railey ruled that Nichols had not been deprived of his rights. His ruling followed testimony from Nichols' former lawyer, Frank Simons, that the insanity plea seemed the best course to follow. Simons said when he interviewed Nichols about the slaying of William Gibson, Nichols told him he believed his ex-wife and her new husband were committing adultery and that Jesus advised him he had no alternative but to kill the new husband. Railey ruled that under those circumstances, the plea was proper. He said the law allows an insanity plea over a defendant's objections, and he said the evidence "was clear that Mr. Nichols was insane at the time of the commission of the alleged crime." According to police reports, Gibson, 31, came home from church on Dec. 7, 1975, to find Nichols sitting in a chair with a shotgun. Nichols allegedly killed Gibson with one blast from the gun. He was charged with first-degree murder. In his bid for release in 1983, Nichols told the judge he had to get out of the hospital "before I lose my mind." After he was denied release, Nichols continued his efforts on both the federal and state court level but did not have another hearing.
Nichols, Edward T.
Denver Evening Post 3-3-1898 Did A Rushing Business Mrs. Laura Hill, the Victim of a Parent's Dementia Another of the notes said to have been given by Laura M. Hill to S. T. Clise has been declared a forgery, such judgment being yesterday pronounced by District Judge Allen. It was one for $3,000, and an attempt was made to foreclose on twenty-three lots in South Denver given on the face of it in a trust deed to secure it. Clise got the notes from Mrs. Hill's father, Edward T. Nichols, but when an attempt was made to foreclose Mrs. Hill denied any knowledge that she had made the note or in any way consented to it and it was shown in court to be a forgery. Nichols is now in the state insane asylum. Mrs. Hill also testified that several years ago she had transferred to her father twenty-three lots in block 6, retaining for herself twenty-three lots in block 5 which she also owned. The note claimed these lots in block 5 but it was shown that the original figure had been 6 and that it had been altered.
Nichols, Fred
Boulder Daily Camera 1-23-1894 Fred Nichols Dead. Sent from Boulder to the Pueblo Insane Asylum. Coroner Trezise received a letter from an official of the Insane Asylum at Pueblo announcing the death there yesterday of Fred Nichols, the young man who was adjudged insane in the county court on the 9th instant and taken to the asylum by Sheriff Dyer. The young man's mother, Mrs. Martha Nichols, left for Pueblo this afternoon. Young Nichols first excited public interest by setting fire to buildings at Longmont and was confined in jail here for nearly a year. His act was, doubtless, due to the condition of his mind a sort of mental irresponsibility.
Nichols, Fred
Boulder Daily Camera 12-23-1893 Fred Nichols Insane. Fred Nichols is lying at his mother's home, corner 16th and Railroad, a wreck from fever, with softening of the brain and ultimate hopeless lunacy probable. Dr. Jay has made complaint to Judge Wright that the young man is insane and County Physician Shute agrees with him. Judge Wright will order a watchman to take care of him at his mother's home, as removal to the jail is out of the question. The young man is one of the boys sent to jail from Longmont because of malicious mischief in setting fire to Longmont dwellings.
Nichols, Fred
Boulder Daily Camera 1-9-1894 Fred Nichols aged 20, a patch of flesh and bones, with a head moving unceasingly sideways, pale and ghostly as a corpse, who didn't know the day of the week or remember any face or fact, was adjudged insane in the county court this afternoon. Sheriff Dyer left with the unfortunate young man for Pueblo this afternoon. The boy came from Longmont and suffers from cerebral weakness.
Nichols, Fred
Boulder Daily Camera 1-10-1894 Sheriff Dyer has returned from Pueblo where he left Fred Nichols who was adjudged insane.
Nichols, Fred
died 1-22-1894 buried Roselawn Cemetery, Pueblo, Colo.
Nichols, Frederick
Rocky Mountain News 1-1-1886 The Courts County Court Probate The people vs. Frederick Nichols; lunacy; trial and verdict of insane; Arapahoe county to pay costs; order of commitment to insane asylum.
Nichols, G. H.
patient gender M race W age 68 marital status M birthplace Missouri source 1930 census
Nichols, Hester
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1884 age 16 marital status S place of birth Colorado source : 1900 census
Nichols, Hester
Nichols, Hester age 27y, born 1884 Pueblo, single, no relatives, died 12/8/1911 buried 12-15-1911 Roselawn, Dr. A.P. Busey, McCarthy Funeral Home
Nicholls, Hester
patient race W gender F age 25 marital status S place of birth Colorado source 1910 census
Nichols, Hester
Denver Evening Post 4-2-1896 Hester Nichols Insane Hester Nichols, a 13-year-old girl and a hopeless imbecile, was last night committed to the State Insane asylum by a jury in the county court. The girl has been a charge upon the county for two years. While her body has had its natural growth, her mind has not developed, the brain being in the same stage as when an infant.
Nichols, Hester
Rocky Mountain News 4-5-1896 For Feeble-Minded Legislature to Be Asked to Recognize Officially the New Pueblo Institution The next legislature will be asked to recognize the Colorado Home for Feeble-minded at Pueblo as an institution to which the courts can send patients of that class. Hester Nichols, a twelve-year-old girl, was ordered by the county court to be sent to the Pueblo insane asylum last Wednesday, her affliction being an arrested development of the brain. The unfortunate little girl was without a home, and had been a charge upon the county's charity for some time. Her affliction is of a mild order, and when the order of the court became known some well meaning persons grew quite indignant over the supposition that she was to be thrown into the company of raving maniacs at the Pueblo asylum. Advices from the Pueblo institution show that no such inhuman course is to be pursued there. Patients having a mild order of insanity, or who are classed as mere imbeciles, are never thrown among the raving maniacs, but are kept in separate wards to themselves. But the Nichols case has served to bring to notice another Pueblo institution which seems to deserve popular recognition, and that is the Colorado Home for Feeble-minded. This is a private institution, and is said to be under the management of an able superintendent, and a corps of competent physicians. It is designed for the care and treatment of feeble-minded children and adults. Private apartments are provided for the insane requiring restraint, and separate dining rooms arranged so that the patients can be graded, and those suffering from the milder forms of mental derangement allowed a certain freedom, which has been found to be of great value in the treatment of curable cases. The purpose of the institution is not simply to detain those mentally sick, but to educate and cure as many as possible. In such an institution poor little Hester Nichols would not only receive medical treatment, but she would have the advantages of the educational facilities. There are doubtless many cases similar to hers in this state. On this account the next legislature will be asked to give official recognition to the Pueblo institution for the feeble-minded, in view of the fact that the state has no such institution of its own. With such recognition the institution could then ask the courts, or the courts might be officially instructed, to send to it all feeble-minded patients. The directors of the home are Alva Adams, Mrs. M. D. Thatcher, Mrs. Charles H. Stickney, Aaron Sonneborn and E. P. Newton. However humane may be the intentions of those in charge of the insane asylum they, of course, cannot undertake to carry out a scientific course of treatment for the purpose of building up a feeble brain, or one in which development was interrupted, or in the line of moral training. They can do little more than feed and clothe the unfortunates and preserve them from harm. The purpose of the new home is to do more than this to cultivate and cherish the germs of intelligence and feeling and to bring the unhappy beings to some measure of usefulness to themselves and society.
Nichols, Hester
Rocky Mountain News 4-5-1896 For Feeble-Minded Legislature to Be Asked to Recognize Officially the New Pueblo Institution The next legislature will be asked to recognize the Colorado Home for Feeble-minded at Pueblo as an institution to which the courts can send patients of that class. Hester Nichols, a twelve-year-old girl, was ordered by the county court to be sent to the Pueblo insane asylum last Wednesday, her affliction being an arrested development of the brain. The unfortunate little girl was without a home, and had been a charge upon the county's charity for some time. Her affliction is of a mild order, and when the order of the court became known some well meaning persons grew quite indignant over the supposition that she was to be thrown into the company of raving maniacs at the Pueblo asylum. Advices from the Pueblo institution show that no such inhuman course is to be pursued there. Patients having a mild order of insanity, or who are classed as mere imbeciles, are never thrown among the raving maniacs, but are kept in separate wards to themselves. But the Nichols case has served to bring to notice another Pueblo institution which seems to deserve popular recognition, and that is the Colorado Home for Feeble-minded. This is a private institution, and is said to be under the management of an able superintendent, and a corps of competent physicians. It is designed for the care and treatment of feeble-minded children and adults. Private apartments are provided for the insane requiring restraint, and separate dining rooms arranged so that the patients can be graded, and those suffering from the milder forms of mental derangement allowed a certain freedom, which has been found to be of great value in the treatment of curable cases. The purpose of the institution is not simply to detain those mentally sick, but to educate and cure as many as possible. In such an institution poor little Hester Nichols would not only receive medical treatment, but she would have the advantages of the educational facilities. There are doubtless many cases similar to hers in this state. On this account the next legislature will be asked to give official recognition to the Pueblo institution for the feeble-minded, in view of the fact that the state has no such institution of its own. With such recognition the institution could then ask the courts, or the courts might be officially instructed, to send to it all feeble-minded patients. The directors of the home are Alva Adams, Mrs. M. D. Thatcher, Mrs. Charles H. Stickney, Aaron Sonneborn and E. P. Newton. However humane may be the intentions of those in charge of the insane asylum they, of course, cannot undertake to carry out a scientific course of treatment for the purpose of building up a feeble brain, or one in which development was interrupted, or in the line of moral training. They can do little more than feed and clothe the unfortunates and preserve them from harm. The purpose of the new home is to do more than this to cultivate and cherish the germs of intelligence and feeling and to bring the unhappy beings to some measure of usefulness to themselves and society.
Nichols, June F
admitted 6-22-1915 from Huerfano Co P.C,O - Woodcroft Hospital
Nichols, June F.
Colorado Transcript 12-7-1916 June F. Nichols, wife of Arthur D. Nichols, a Denver draftsman, whose home is at Mount air, was brought to Golden by Under sheriff Orville Dennis Tuesday and place in the woman's quarters of the county jail. Mrs. Nichols is in a demented condition and it was feared that she would do herself or other persons an injury unless locked up. Mrs. Nichols, who is young and comely, recently lost an infant child and has since been growing increasingly insane. The matter has been taken into the county court and Judge Jameson will make provision for the woman's welfare.
Nichols, June F.
Colorado Transcript 12-21-1916 Mount Air. A resident of this place, Mrs. Nichols was taken violently insane while in one of the Denver department stores last week.
Nichols, Sam
patient gender M race W age 70 marital status Un birthplace Poland source 1930 census
Nichols, Sam
patient race: W sex: M age: 59 marital:. place of birth: Prussia occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nichols, William Henry
Rocky Mountain News 2-8-1890 Lunacy in the Family William Henry Nichols was also before the county court to undergo an investigation as to his mental condition. He was accompanied by his mother, an hysterical sort of person, who will be tried on a charge of lunacy herself on Monday next. If no other testimony were forthcoming Nichols' imbecile appearance would almost convict him as a fit subject for a lunatic ward. Miserably clothed, prematurely bald and possessed of a forehead an inch and a half high, he is but a melancholy spectacle to contemplate. His case, however, has its amusing features; he believes that quite a number of high-toned ladies are dying for love of him. They are continually making proposals, all of which he declines because the ladies will not agree to keep his aged mother. William Henry is also a military man, according to the dilapidated story told by him yesterday. He beat the drum for his mother, Queen Victoria, but for reasons unknown never found a title conferred on him. The jury found him insane and not-withstanding the vigorous protest of his mother, he will have to go to Pueblo.
Nicholson, Terry
patient gender M race W age 68 marital status S birthplace Canada - Eng source 1930 census
Nicholson, Virginia
patient gender F race W age 48 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Nickel, George
patient gender M race W age 34 marital status S birthplace New Jersey source 1930 census
Nickoll, Bruno Young
Aspen Weekly Times 8-9-1902 Bruno in Jail Again Bruno Young Nickoll, the man with the abundant growth of hair, sufficient to fill a bushel basket, was brought in by Sheriff Irving the other day and placed in the county jail. Bruno was the principal character in a vag case tried before Judge Rogers some six weeks ago. At that time he was found guilty and was remanded to jail for a period of thirty days. Bruno has been camping of late in the vicinity of the slaughter house and has subsisted on the bones and bits of meat he could pick up there, and not found by the thousand or more cows that call the slaughter house home. Sheriff Irving became acquainted with the true state of affairs regarding Bruno a few days ago and took him in tow at once. He is of the belief that Bruno is suffering from an aggravated case of lunacy and will have him tried on that charge in the county court in the next few days. Bruno does not show signs of being a full fledged lunactic, he is far from that, but that he is demented has become evident to the county officials. aka Youngnickoll
Nicol, Minnie
patient gender F race W age 48 marital status M birthplace New York source 1930 census
Nicol, Peter
patient race: W sex: M age: 38 marital: S place of birth: Scotlandnone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Nicol, Peter
patient race: W sex: M age: 47 marital:S place of birth: Scotland occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nicola, Alvera
patient gender F race W age 41 marital status M birthplace Italy source 1930 census
Nicola, Mary
patient gender F race W age 18 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Nielson, Lillian
Pueblo Indicator 10-7-1939 - Graduating Exercises at the State Hospital Wednesday - Graduation of Psychiatric Nurses Was a Great Event at the Institution - Wednesday was graduation day for a class that has been studying care of psychiatric patients at the Colorado State Hospital for the past six months. The graduates received diplomas as psychiatric aides and will be given employment in the institution. The training of psychiatric aides was started two years ago to improve the standards forward attendants at the hospital. Some of the students will continue the three year course in other institutions to become registered nurses. County Judge Hubert Glover delivered the commencement address at the exercises in the hospital chapel. Miss Isabel Reardon, director of nursing, and Dr. J. L. Rosenbloom, assistant superintendent of the hospital, presented diplomas. Rabbi Perry Nussbaum gave the invocation and Rev. Paul Fife expressed the benediction. Dr. F. H. Zimmerman, hospital superintendent, was in charge of the program. The processional was played by the WPA orchestra. Graduates are Robert L. Rittgers, Denver; Evelyn Fones, Fowler; Frank Gallegos, Trinidad; Ralph Gerstenberger, Byars; Ruth Ann Kropf, Denver; Forest Lanning, Bristol; William Love, Longmont; John A. Myers, Salida; Marie Josephine Anderson, Emily Boone, Catharine Danna, George A. Mitchell, Lillian Nielson, William Loren Parks, Quinton Thomas, Victor Williams and June Woods, all of Pueblo.
Niemi, Mat
patient race: W sex: M age: . marital:S place of birth: United States occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Niesley, Timothy
patient race W gender M age 35 marital status S place of birth Ohio occupation laborer source 1910 census
Nievel, Mat
patient race W gender M age . marital status S place of birth . occupation laborer source 1910 census
Niles, H. J.
patient race W gender M month born July year born 1854 age 45 marital status S place of birth Missouri occupation farmer source : 1900 census
Niles, Henry J.
Rocky Mountain News 11-21-1889 An Insane Man Attempts Arson Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 20 H. J. Niles, a man whose family troubles made him figure very conspicuously before the public some weeks ago, was arrested this morning on a charge of insanity. He wandered around on the North side all last night, until near morning, when he went to the residence of Frank Thompson and tried to set fire to the place. Mrs. Thompson who was alone in the house managed to make her escape from the front door unobserved by the mad man and went to one of the neighbors. Several men of the neighborhood got together and captured Niles. He was taken to Marshall Mayers' residence and was escorted by that officer to the county prison, though he fought very hard. He will be taken before Judge Hines to-morrow for that gentleman to pass judgment on his mental condition.
Niles, Henry J.
Rocky Mountain News 11-22-1889 Crime at Trinidad Niles, the crazy man arrested yesterday, was taken into the county court this morning and tried by a jury. He was adjudged insane and a conservator appointed.
Niles, Henry J.
Rocky Mountain News 11-30-1889 Violently Insane Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 29 Henry Miles, the insane man who was arrested last week while trying to set fire to a house on the North side, was again confined in the county jail yesterday. He became violent and attempted to kill his attendant. His people will now endeavor to get him sent to the insane asylum at Pueblo.
Niles, John B.
Rocky Mountain News 11-18-1892 Court Calendar District Court Division I Judge Bentley 17582 L. Snodgrass vs. John B. Niles; as defendant has been adjudged insane, process issued to substitute Joseph C. Salisbury.
Niles, John B.
Rocky Mountain News 1-28-1894 Interstate Jurisdiction Judge Graham Takes Under Advisement an Attachment Proceeding Entered Under a Judgment from a California Court A nice point of law came up in Judge Graham's court yesterday. It developed in the case of Snodgrass against Salisbury. This originally grew out of a claim made by L. Snodgrass against one J. B. Niles and the plaintiff obtained a judgment in the supreme court of California for $9,580.25. About this time the defendant Niles became insane and the present defendant, J. C. Salisbury, was appointed his guardian ad litem. Against the latter Snodgrass began attachment proceedings here to satisfy his judgment. Attorney Norris, for the defense, objected to this and moved yesterday to quash the whole proceedings on the ground that the courts of Colorado have no power over the body or property of a person held by another state as a lunatic and the court took the matter under advisement.
Rocky Mountain News 12-28-1884 Mountain Matters Georgetown Sheriff DeVotie left for Pueblo Friday with the insane man Nimick, who was arrested Tuesday and subsequently adjudged insane. He will be cared for in the state insane asylum at Pueblo.
Nimick, Adolph
Rocky Mountain News 12-25-1884 Mountain Matters A Georgetown Maniac Named Nimick Roasts the Feet of His Child on a Red Hot Stove Georgetown Adolph Nimick, living in lower town on Taos street, was complained of by his neighbors, who allege his insanity, and was arrested Tuesday by Sheriff DeVotie. He now occupies a cell in the county jail to await an examination. Nimick has a wife who is confined to her bed, and a little child. His freaks for the past few days are said to have been both curious and cruel, one cruel trick being burning his child's feet on a hot stove.
Nisley, Bert R.
patient gender M race W age 44 marital status S birthplace Nebraska source 1930 census
Niswender, Charles
Fort Collins Weekly Courier 2-9-1917 Charles Niswender of this city is declared to be violent and likely to harm himself as well as others. Drs. Halley and Taylor are the examining commissioners. A custodian has been appointed, pending the report to the court.
Niswinder, Charles
patient gender M race W age 43 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Niswinder, Charles
patient race: W sex: M age: 33 marital:S place of birth: Iowa occupation: farm helper source: 1920 census
Nix, Bart
patient gender M race W age 45 marital status S birthplace Georgia source 1930 census
Noble, Elizabeth
Denver Evening Post 8-12-1899 Four Minds Weakened Catherine Sullivan, Elizabeth Noble, Lillian McCall and Mary Demondel have been adjudged insane in the county court and will be sent to the state asylum at Pueblo.
Noe, Mary
patient gender F race W age 40 marital status M birthplace Germany source 1930 census
Nolan, James
patient race: W sex: M age: 50 marital:S place of birth: Massachusetts occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Nolan, Lewis
patient gender M race Neg age 48 marital status D birthplace Iowa source 1930 census
Nolan, Thomas J.
patient gender M race W age 79 marital status S birthplace New York source 1930 census
Nolan, William
Rocky Mountain News 1-24-1883 - The General Assembly - The following bills were introduced by title and read for the first time: No. 129 - By Senator Stead - A bill for an act to provide for the reimbursement of the county of Chaffee for moneys paid out for the support of William Nolan, an insane pauper.
Nolan, Wm
patient, white, male, age 47, single, Ireland, 1885 census
Noland, Jack
Eagle Valley Enterprise 8-7-1908 In a fight between two inmates of the Boulder county poor farm, T. K. Bracken, aged about seventy-five years, was knocked down and badly beaten by an insane inmate named Jack Noland. Brack(en) was taken to the University hospital, where it was stated that he might recover.
Nonez, G.
patient race W gender M age 24 marital status S place of birth Colorado source 1910 census
Nonez, Guirio
patient race: W sex: M age: 34 marital:S place of birth: Mexico occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nonez, Guiris
patient gender M race Mex age 44 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Noon, Charles G.
patient gender M race W age 48 marital status S birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Noon, Charles G.
patient race: W sex: M age: 38 marital:S place of birth: Ohio occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Noonan, Catherine
patient gender F race W age 51 marital status S birthplace Ireland source 1930 census
Norberg, Andrew
patient race W gender M age 48 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation laborer source 1910 census
Norberg, Andrew
patient gender M race W age 66 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Norberg, Andrew
patient race: W sex: M age: 55 marital:S place of birth: Denmark occupation: farm helper source: 1920 census
Norberg, Andrew
Boulder Daily Camera 1-24-1896 Local News Andrew Norberg of Noland, is in the county insane cell on a charge of insanity. The man is a victim to an unnatural disease and more imbecile than insane, if reports of prisoners in the county jail shall be accepted. Physicians might pronounce it a case of melancholia.
Norberg, Andrew
Boulder Daily Camera 1-28-1896 Local News Andrew Norberg, an unfortunate Swede of Noland, was adjudged insane in the county court today. While in custody Norberg has attempted to crucify himself by hanging himself by the palms of the hand by nails on the wall of the insane cell. He refers all matters to Heaven and is fairly imbecile over his religious fanaticism.
Norberg, Andrew
Boulder Daily Camera 1-29-1896 Local News Sheriff Dyer took the Noland insane man, Andy Norberg, to the state insane asylum at Pueblo today.
Norberg, Andrew
Boulder News 1-30-1896 Andrew Norburg, from Noland, was found insane 28 Jan 1896. He believed he was Christ and savior of the world. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Norberg, Andrew
Boulder News 11-9-1899 Andrew Norburg was brought down from Lyons 7 Nov by the marshal. He has again become insane and will be taken to asylum in Pueblo. Source Boulder County, Colorado, Deaths and the Insane, 1859 1900, by Mary McRoberts.
Norberg, Andrew
Denver Evening Post 1-29-1896 Is a Harmless Lunatic Andrew Norberg, a Swede of 40, en route to the insane asylum at Pueblo, was temporarily harbored at the city jail this morning by Sheriff Dyer of Boulder. Norberg's delusions are harmless.
Norberg, Andrew
Rocky Mountain News 1-30-1896 Local Brevities Andy Norberg, insane, on his way in custody from Boulder to the Pueblo asylum, was lodged in the city jail for a few hours yesterday.
Nord, Carl
patient race W gender M age 27 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation laborer source 1910 census
Nord, Carl
patient gender M race W age 48 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nord, Carl
patient race: W sex: M age: 37 marital:S place of birth: Sweden occupation: kitchen helper source: 1920 census
Nordeen, Carl
patient race: W sex: M age: 19 marital:. place of birth: Colorado occupation: none source: 1920 census
Norman, Arthur
Carbonate Chronicle 2-2-1920 Insane Men Prisoners Governor Shoup's Lunacy Commission Finds 26 Inmates of Canon Crazy Ten of Them Serving Terms for Murder Denver, Jan. 31. Twenty-six inmates of the Colorado penitentiary were today declared insane in a report submitted to Governor Shoup by a special lunacy commission recently appointed by him. All but ten of the inmates adjudged insane are serving terms for murder. Among the twenty-eight adjudged insane are James Bulger, Denver soldier of fortune, who on the night of May 6, 1914, killed L. F. Nicodemus, then one of the proprietors of a local hotel, and Oren Slinde, a youth of 20 years, who slew his father and a hired man in a double murder on a farm seventeen miles northwest of Boulder on September 11, 1919. Besides Bulger and Slinde, those convicted of murder who were adjudged insane are: Robert Buchanan, Frank Cantania, John Deitz, Felix Belfino, Lauro Garcia, Robert Hunt, M. Milobar, George Novac, Arthur Norman, James Oldham, J. C. Stewart, Louis Seeley, Al Scott and P. C. Talbot. The others and the crimes for which they were sentenced are: B. A. Comstock, burglary; R. C. Davis, assault to kill; S. H. Shrader, burglary and larceny; G. Schneider, assault to rob; John East, burglary and larceny; J. Smelkert, obstruction of railroad property; Rose Chali, statutory offense; S. Gonzales, indecent liberties; and J. C. Messing, statutory offense. Forty-three inmates were examined by the commission. A competent medical determination of the mental condition of persons committed to the state prison whose sanity appeared doubtful was asked some weeks ago by Warden Thomas J. Tynan. The commission appointed consisted of Dr. Edward Delehanty of Denver; Dr. Howell T. Pershing, of Denver, and Dr. C. W. Thompson, of Pueblo. Governor Shoup recently wrote to all district attorneys in Colorado requesting that great care be exercised in determining whether persons convicted of high crimes were mentally sound. The persons adjudged insane will be at once removed to the state hospital for the insane, according to the authorities
Norman, Clara
patient gender F race W age 50 marital status M birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Norman, John
patient gender M race W age 70 marital status Wd birthplace Indiana source 1930 census
Norris, Helen
patient gender F race W age 42 marital status M birthplace Russia source 1930 census
Norris, Lee
patient race: W sex: M age: 62 marital: S place of birth: Ohionone source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Norris, Lee
patient race: W sex: M age: 71 marital:S place of birth: Ohio occupation: none source: 1920 census
Norris, Mary
patient race: W sex: F age: 76 marital:W place of birth: Kentucky occupation: none source: 1920 census
Norris, Mary
admitted 6-28-1914 from New Castle, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
Norris, Mary Mrs
admitted 9-26-1896 from New Castle, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
North, H.B. Mrs.
Brandon Bell 6-15-1915 - Mrs. H. B. North, whose home is northwest of Chivington, has become violently insane. Sheriff J. W. Blair, accompanied by Mr. North, took Mrs. North to the Sands hospital at Haswell last Wednesday for temporary care.
North, Herman
patient gender M race W age 26 marital status S birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
North, Herman
patient race: W sex: M age: 17 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
North, Jessie
Brandon Bell 1-29-1915 The insanity case of Mrs. Jessie North was heard Wednesday by the county court and the following jury: P. R. Devereus, B. Hickman, Chas. Wansted, Howard Davidson, H. J. Maurice and Richard McMullen, C. P. Hughes, county attorney represented complainant, while A. R. Rittgers served as guardian ad litem. The hearing was brief, the jury finding Mrs. North insane. She was taken to the Woodcroft hospital at Pueblo.
North, Josie
admitted 1-28-1915 from Kiowa, Co - Woodcroft Hospital
North, Peter
patient race W gender M age 52 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation farmer source 1910 census
North, Peter
Greeley Tribune 9-1-1898 A lunacy inquisition was held on the case of Peter North of Sunnyside, in the County court, Tuesday, and a jury found the poor fellow insane. Judge Smith ordered him confined in the asylum at Pueblo.
Northington, Margaret
patient gender F race W age 52 marital status S birthplace Tennessee source 1930 census
Norton, Carrie
patient gender F race W age 46 marital status M birthplace Colorado source 1930 census
Norton, Carrie
patient race: W sex: F age: 35 marital:S place of birth: Colorado occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Norton, Elizabeth
patient race W gender F age 60 marital status M place of birth New York source 1910 census
Norton, Elizabeth
Denver Evening Post 9-26-1896 Denver's Insane in Dismal Quarters Arapahoe county, through negligence of its officials, pays thousands of dollars annually to the state insane asylum for the care of its insane and the people never receive the benefit of the money expended. By the manner in which the state authorities permit the state asylum to be conducted they are responsible to the people of Arapahoe county for taking their thousands and giving them but slight benefits in return. Superintendent Thoms of the Pueblo asylum says Arapahoe county is entitled to but 33 per cent of the patients in the institution, and that its allowance is already present within the walls. The county commissioners of Arapahoe county know that the people whom they represent contribute 46 per cent of the support of the state asylum, yet they crowd their insane into small, badly-lighted cells in the basement of the county hospital instead of exerting sufficient endeavors to force the state asylum to receive patients for whom the institution has been paid. The hospital is now sheltering twenty-five insane patients when it should be sheltering none. There are no facilities and what means are at the disposal of the superintendent and medical staff are inadequate to cope with the constantly increasing number of lunatics. The hospital authorities are struggling nobly but it is a severe tax upon them and the county. It is a shame of many appealing voices (?) that the insane of the county are so poorly taken care of and that a dangerous lunatic should be made to suffer irritation beyond measure because of a lack of better quarters
During the present year the county hospital has been relieved by the state asylum of but twenty-five of its charges who had been forced upon it by a lack of room at the state asylum, where they are firmly denied admission. At one time not many weeks ago there were nine persons tried in the county court on the charge of insanity, and all adjudged insane. They were at once taken to the county hospital for temporary detention. There are now at the hospital twenty-five persons who are adjudged insane, but who have not been sent to the state asylum. The county must support these people, regardless of their 46 per cent of the support of the state asylum. The patients at present in the county hospital are: Elizabeth Norton
Norton, Elizabeth
Rocky Mountain News 11-2-1896 Amid Scenes of Horror County Hospital Is Crowded With Insane Citizens
Thereby dangles a story a narrative showing how well the county doesn't provide for her wheely citizens, and exemplifying the extra labor and unenviable experience to which the hospital attendants are subjected. The county hospital never was intended for a lunatic asylum. Never was built with the idea that under its walls would be sheltered at one time, a score and a half insane, ranging from the white-haired old lady who is simply off at times, to the wild, destructive maniac in whose diseased brain is moulded only a desire to kick, bite, glare and make a large noise. A reporter for The News took in the whole works yesterday, through the kindness of Dr. Simon, a member of the medical staff
The second floor of the old building contains a miscellaneous assortment of the daft, all women. When the top of the stairs was reached yesterday a good scene for the impressionist was presented. Standing against a door jamb, eyes downcast, was Mrs. Norton, a paranoiac, who contends that Father O'Ryan is bent on securing her enormous wealth, and also claims that the world as a whole is persecuting her
This is a miscellaneous lot, said Dr. Simon. None of them are very troublesome, but a good watch is necessary. You notice each has her peculiarity. We allow them the freedom of the hall and they roam through it all day. We are forced to do this, as the ward is too small to allow them to stretch their limbs within. They flit to and fro often not saying a word to each other for hours. Should they be allowed this liberty? Well, not exactly, but circumstances sometimes alter cases.
Norton, Elizabeth
Denver Evening Post 7-17-1897 Insane A Quartet of Lunatics to Go to Pueblo Today Sad Cases, All of Them Four unfortunates were tried and convicted of being insane by jury in the county court this morning
Elizabeth Norton, an elderly married woman, who labors under the hallucination that there is a conspiracy on foot to kill her and steal her property, was the fourth case. All four were adjudged insane and unfit to be at large. They were ordered sent to Pueblo.
Norton, Elizabeth
Rocky Mountain News 7-18-1897 Pursued By Church People Harmless Mania That Afflicts Mrs. Elizabeth Norton A jury in the county court yesterday morning found that Mrs. Elizabeth Norton, then on trial for her sanity, is not a dangerous person to be at large. The accused was therefore set at liberty. Mrs. Norton has been at the county hospital for over a year, and on the stand yesterday told a long story of how she had been persecuted, hounded and abused by certain prominent church leaders in the city. She believes they are trying to get the insurance money left by her husband in 1884. Owing to this being the only delusion under which she is suffering, Mrs. Norton was declared practically sane.
Norton, Elizabeth
Denver Evening Post 7-19-1897 She Was Discharged Elizabeth Norton, one of the persons tried for lunacy in the county court Saturday, was adjudged not sufficiently insane to necessitate her confinement. She was ordered discharged.
Norton, Florence
patient race W gender F month born unk year born unk age 35 marital status D place of birth unk occupation unk source Works hospital 1900 census
Norton, Florence
Norton, Florence died 3/21/1901 at Dr. Work's, buried Roselawn Notes: age 35y, single, cost $15.00 paid by Arapahoe County, Dr Work, McCarthy Funeral Home
Norton, Florence
admitted 3-19-1899 from Arapahoe Co. Hospital - Woodcroft Hospital
Norton, Grace
patient gender F race W age 36 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Norts, Peter
patient race: W sex: M age: 61 marital:S place of birth: Sweden occupation: none source: 1920 census
Norvell, Nora
patient race W gender F age 34 marital status S place of birth Kansas source 1910 census
Norvell, Nora
Rocky Mountain News 3-10-1889 - Points From Pueblo - Complaint was filed before the county court to-day by E. O. Norvell against Nora Norvell, which alleges that she is insane. She will have a hearing in a few days.
Nosek, Anna
patient gender F race W age 63 marital status S birthplace Iowa source 1930 census
Nott, Manford Allen
Daily Journal November 1, 1921 Old Soldier And Author Is Taken To Asylum - Montrose Manford Allen Nott, 77, civil war veteran who has been living with nephews here since a deranged mind caused his removal from an old soldiers' home, has been taken to the sate asylum for insane. He was a man of unusual intellect at one time and the author of several books, among them Across the Plains in '49.
Notz, Alice
patient gender F race W age 27 marital status S birthplace Kansas source 1930 census
Novak, George
Carbonate Chronicle 2-2-1920 Insane Men Prisoners Governor Shoup's Lunacy Commission Finds 26 Inmates of Canon Crazy Ten of Them Serving Terms for Murder Denver, Jan. 31. Twenty-six inmates of the Colorado penitentiary were today declared insane in a report submitted to Governor Shoup by a special lunacy commission recently appointed by him. All but ten of the inmates adjudged insane are serving terms for murder. Among the twenty-eight adjudged insane are James Bulger, Denver soldier of fortune, who on the night of May 6, 1914, killed L. F. Nicodemus, then one of the proprietors of a local hotel, and Oren Slinde, a youth of 20 years, who slew his father and a hired man in a double murder on a farm seventeen miles northwest of Boulder on September 11, 1919. Besides Bulger and Slinde, those convicted of murder who were adjudged insane are: Robert Buchanan, Frank Cantania, John Deitz, Felix Belfino, Lauro Garcia, Robert Hunt, M. Milobar, George Novac, Arthur Norman, James Oldham, J. C. Stewart, Louis Seeley, Al Scott and P. C. Talbot. The others and the crimes for which they were sentenced are: B. A. Comstock, burglary; R. C. Davis, assault to kill; S. H. Shrader, burglary and larceny; G. Schneider, assault to rob; John East, burglary and larceny; J. Smelkert, obstruction of railroad property; Rose Chali, statutory offense; S. Gonzales, indecent liberties; and J. C. Messing, statutory offense. Forty-three inmates were examined by the commission. A competent medical determination of the mental condition of persons committed to the state prison whose sanity appeared doubtful was asked some weeks ago by Warden Thomas J. Tynan. The commission appointed consisted of Dr. Edward Delehanty of Denver; Dr. Howell T. Pershing, of Denver, and Dr. C. W. Thompson, of Pueblo. Governor Shoup recently wrote to all district attorneys in Colorado requesting that great care be exercised in determining whether persons convicted of high crimes were mentally sound. The persons adjudged insane will be at once removed to the state hospital for the insane, according to the authorities
Nowall, Nora
patient race: W sex: F age: 46 marital:S place of birth: Kansas occupation: none source: 1920 census
Nowell, Nora
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1875 age 25 marital status S place of birth Kansas source : 1900 census
Nowick, Harry
patient gender M race W age 38 marital status M birthplace Russia source 1930 census
Nunez, Ursula
patient gender F race Mex age 28 marital status M birthplace Texas source 1930 census
Nunn, John
patient gender M race Neg age 75 marital status S birthplace Kentucky source 1930 census
Nuracks, Florence
patient race W gender F month born . year born 1868 age 32 marital status S place of birth Washington D. C. source : 1900 census
Nye, Almass
patient gender F race W age 46 marital status M birthplace Ohio source 1930 census
Nylander, Alexander
Aspen Weekly Times 11-29-1890 Denver News Hanged Himself Alexander Nylander, an insane patient confined in the county hospital, suicided last night by hanging himself with a sheet, which he tied to the bed post. Nylander came here from Leadville.
Nylander, Alexander
Rocky Mountain News 11-29-1890 Hung Himself Alexander Nylander Committed Suicide in the County Jail Alexander Nylander, a Swede, who was confined in the insane ward of the county hospital, committed suicide by hanging himself from his bed post at an early hour yesterday morning. Nylander had only been a patient at the hospital about a month, having come here from Leadville for treatment. Nylander's affliction was a peculiar one. He imagined that his relatives were continually persecuting him and following him about, continually giving him no peace. He imagined that the world was against him. He was not considered as dangerous, but it was necessary to keep him confined in a cell on account of his ravings, and it was in this cell that he ended his miserable existence. The porter makes rounds through the corridors at intervals of about an hour for the purpose of seeing that everything is about as it should be. Following out this custom the porter made his usual rounds about 12 o'clock midnight on Thursday night and found everything quiet and peaceful. Everyone, with the exception of Nylander, was seeking oblivion in sleep. The porter noticed that Nylander was not asleep, and asked him the reason why, to which question Nylander failed to return any reply. The porter did not think anything of this circumstance, as very often the patients, especially the insane, are very sulky and will not talk, so he left the man, thinking he would drop asleep in a few moments if he was not disturbed, and proceeded on his rounds. Nylander, however, did not doze off as expected, on the contrary he kept very wide awake, and began making preparations to commit suicide, and thus free himself from his miserable existence. As soon as the porter was out of sight and hearing he took the bed sheet from the bedstead and tied one end around his throat and the other around the iron bedpost and then sat down and deliberately strangled himself to death. About an hour after he had made the round at midnight the porter returned to make another trip. On passing Nylander's cell he was horrified to see the body of the man tied to the bed post. Hastily inserting the key in the lock of the cell he rushed in and quickly cut the man down, but he was too late as the man had been dead for some moments. The doctors were summoned and worked hard over the body, but without avail. Several patients were sleeping within a few feet of Nylander's cell, but not a particle of noise was heard, and it is supposed he died without making the slightest noise. Nylander had no relatives in the state and the county will bury the remains.
Nylund, M.M.
Fort Collins Courier 1-31-1889 County Court - The people vs M. M. Nylund, inquisition in lunacy; verdict of insanity, prisoner committed to the care of the sheriff until a vacancy occurs in the asylum at Pueblo.
Nystrom, John B.
patient race W gender M month born July year born 1864 age 36 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation farmer source : 1900 census
Nystrom, John B.
patient gender M race W age 66 marital status S birthplace Sweden source 1930 census
Nystrom, John B.
patient race: W sex: M age: 55 marital:S place of birth: Sweden occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census

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