Pueblo County, Colorado
Insane Asylum Patients

Quantana, Bonifacio
patient gender M race Mex age 38 marital status M birthplace Mexico source 1930 census
Quantano, Bonificio
patient race: B sex: M age: 27 marital:M place of birth: Texas occupation: none source: 1920 census
Quartero, Peter
patient gender M race W age 55 marital status S birthplace Italy source 1930 census
Quartero, Peter
patient race: W sex: M age: 45 marital:S place of birth: Italy occupation: kitchen helper source: 1920 census
Queeciza, Charles
patient race W gender M age 25 marital status S place of birth Italy occupation laborer source 1910 census
Queenzi, Charles
patient gender M race W age 46 marital status S birthplace Italy source 1930 census
Queenzi, Charles
patient race: W sex: M age: 35 marital:S place of birth: Italy occupation: none source: 1920 census
Quemes, John
Eagle County Blade 2-13-1908 – Adjudged Insane. On Monday last John Quemes was taken before County Judge Tague and a jury, charged with being a person whose mind was in such a distracted state as to render him dangerous. Three witnesses beside the medical examiner, Dr. Gilpin, were sworn and they all testified that they considered that John in his present condition was a dangerous person. The jury rendered a verdict to the same effect and the man was committed to the asylum at Pueblo. John Quemes has been about Red Cliff off and on for the past eight or ten years and has been a quiet hard working man, and while he showed no inclination to become violent, still his mind was in such an erratic state that it was considered that he might become very dangerous. It developed during the trial that at some time in the past he had been hit upon the head with a base ball bat and that the blow caused a depression of the skull which pressing upon the brain resulted in his present condition. It is confidently hoped that the asylum physician will be able to perform an operation which will raise the depression and thus restore to the unfortunate man his reason. He was taken to Pueblo by Sheriff Henry this morning.
Quemes, John E.
patient race W gender M age 45 marital status S place of birth Germany occupation teamster source 1910 census
Quemes, John E.
patient gender M race W age 66 marital status S birthplace Germany source 1930 census
Quemes, John E.
patient race: W sex: M age: 55 marital:S place of birth: Germany occupation: ward helper source: 1920 census
Quick, Lillian
Haxtun Harvest 9-16-1926 - The remains of Mrs. Lillian Quick, who died at the Colorado State Hospital at Pueblo September 11, arrived in Haxtun Tuesday. Mrs. Quick was 44 years, 2 months and 4 days of age. Mrs. Quick was the wife of W.H. Quick of Haxtun and had been in poor health for some time. The husband and several children survive. Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church at Paoli. Burial in Paoli cemetery.
Quinlan, Patrick
patient gender M race W age 52 marital status M birthplace Ireland source 1930 census
Quinley, Etta
patient gender F race W age 53 marital status M birthplace Illinois source 1930 census
Quinley, Etta
Pueblo Chieftain 2-13-1955 – Mrs. Etta Quinley, died at a local hospital Saturday. Mother of Mrs. Opal Elliott and Wayman Quinley. Arrangements later.
Quinley, Etta
patient race: W sex: F age: 43 marital:M place of birth: Illinois occupation: none source: 1920 census
Quinley, Etta L.
patient race: W sex: F age: 35 marital: M place of birth: Illinois none source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Quinley, Etta Luella Bowman
died 2-12-1955 at the asylum buried Roselawn Cemetery, Pueblo, Colo.
Quinn, John
Fort Collins Courier 1-14-1922 – Hub Sanders, emergency deputy sheriff, started for Pueblo with John Quinn, Thursday adjudged insane. Sanders forgot his papers, and hasty arrangements had to be made by the sheriff's office to insure the admittance of Quinn at the Pueblo institution.
Quinn, John
Fort Collins Courier 1-12-1922 – Is Adjudged Insane – John Quinn, 23 of 303 North Howes street, son of the late Thomas Quinn, formerly master mechanic at the C & S roundhouse here, Wednesday afternoon was found insane by a lunacy commission. He is being taken to Pueblo by Sheriff Smith Thursday.
Quinn, Robert E.
Castle Rock Journal – 10-17-1902 - Sent to the Asylum - Robert E. Green, or Quinn, as he sometimes called himself, was tried for lunacy in the county court Tuesday. The jury found him insane and he was taken by Sheriff Hoffman to the asylum at Pueblo. Green, after being under the care of County Physician Alexander for a week, was still unable to tell much of anything about himself. It is probable, however that after a short time at the asylum he will regain his reason.
Quinn, Tom
Aspen Democrat 9-17-1904 About one year ago Tom Quinn was adjudged insane and placed in the insane asylum by Sheriff Irving. On Wednesday last Mr. Quinn died and was buried Thursday morning at Pueblo. There is a coincidence in connection with the case that will be of interest. At the time the complaint was made against Mr. Quinn, Undersheriff L.H. Burch made the arrest and took care of him until Sheriff Irving was prepared to take him to Pueblo. While Sheriff Burch was in Pueblo Thursday after placing Ike Watson in the asylum he met John Henney, brother-in-law of Quinn, who notified him that Tom had died the day previous and was to be buried that morning. As it is the rule of the shrievalty of Pitkin county to be ever courteous, Sheriff Burch volunteered his services which were gladly accepted by Mr. Henney, and assisted in the burial of the deceased. Mr. Quinn is an old timer in this district and was a miner of much knowledge and worth. Some years ago he was caught in a snow storm near Ouray and his limbs were so badly frozen that amputation just above the knees was necessary. His inability to support himself was the cause of his going insane.
Quintana, Maria
patient gender F race Mex age 46 marital status M birthplace Mexico source 1930 census
Quirk, John
Telluride Daily Journal 5-29-1897 – A Terrible Experience – Denver, May 29. – At 3 o'clock this morning John Quirk started for his home on the north side. To make a short cut he attempted to cross the 14th street viaduct on the iron rods stretched across the river on the incompleted structure. Quirk tried to walk one of them. Midway he became frightened and sat down on a rod and cried for help. None came until daylight this morning when the police rigged up a scafiord (scaffold?) and pulled Quirk away. He was holding on with such tenacity that force was necessary to pry his arms away. When taken down he was insane, caused by his four hours experience.
Quirk, John
Denver Evening Post 5-29-1897 – Crazed – The Fright John Quirk, an Expressman, Received – Police headquarters was notified this morning by telephone that an insane man was hanging from the Fourteenth street viaduct by his hands and calling loudly for help. Sergeant Martyn, with the patrol crew, and Captain Charley Eyman of the fire department went at once to the place. Seated upon an iron rod on the part of the viaduct that crosses the Platte river was a man who was yelling at the top of his voice for help. Eyman and Martyn climbed up to where the man was and tried to get him to get up, but he paid no attention to them. They were compelled to tear him from his seat and drag him along the iron rods to the end, where they placed him in the patrol wagon and took him to jail, where he gave his name as John Quirk and said he lived at 413 Highland avenue, and that he is an expressman. He said he was out late last night and about 4 o'clock this morning he started for home. He thought he would take a short cut home and tried to cross the river by the old Fourteenth street viaduct. He succeeded all right until he got in the middle of the iron rod that is directly over the water, when he became frightened, sat down and commenced to call for help. He said when he looked down in the water the bridge started immediately up-stream and toward Zang's brewery. He could walk over any stationary bridge, he said, but had never had any experience with a bridge that floated up-stream. He was rescued about 8 o'clock and must have been in his uncomfortable position for four hours. His hands were badly cramped from clutching the iron rod and he is unable to straighten his fingers. He is now demented, but the physicians think that it is only temporary. They say the strain on his system while on the viaduct was too much for him, but that he will probably recover after a few days' rest in the hospital. Quirk was seen in the city jail by a Post reporter this morning and said: “I'd been all right if that bridge hadn't started away with me, but as soon as it did that I thought I was going to die sure. I thought it would land me clear over by the brewery and I got hold of the iron and yelled for help. Yes, I had been out all night, and was slightly under the influence of liquor when I started home, and as quick as I saw that water my head went round and the bridge started and away it went. You never saw anything go so fast in your life.” Quirk mumbles all the time to himself. He quieted down in the afternoon to a certain extent and the physicians say he will recover.

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