Huerfano County, Colorado
Obituary Index Cards

Contributed by Dick Chenault, Louise Adams and Karen Mitchell, in conjunction with the Spanish Peaks Library District.
The Spanish Peaks Library has kept an index card of every obituary found in the Huerfano County newspapers. This listing is a duplicate of those cards. Through the years some cards may have disappeared, but the index is as complete as can be made possible. If you know of any other obituaries that are not listed here please contact Karen Mitchell or Louise Adams with the listing.

Our profound THANKS for the immense cooperation of the Spanish Peaks Library staff and especially Monica Kirby, Library Director, in this project. We also thank the original creators of the cards, Dan and Dorothy Ree, and the many volunteers who worked so many long hours to create and maintain the cards.
These obituaries may be ordered directly from the Spanish Peaks Library District, Walsenburg, CO. 81019 by remitting $3.00 "per obituary". The library website can also be found at Spanish Peaks Library District.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of these obituaries appear on our Tri-County Obituaries pages. If you have obituaries of your ancestral families, please consider contributing them to our Tri-County Obituary project.

These cards transcribed by Louise Adams, proofed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.


NameDeath DatePaper Date Page Notes
Jackson, Christa Marie1/28/1931WI 1/30/1931 1
Jackson, Henry6/?/1909WW 7/1/1909 1
Jackson, Louis "Pete"7/23/1981HW 8/6/1981 2La Veta
Jackson, Nancy Smith3/13/1998HW 3/19/1998 2age 63, b 5/11/1934
Jackson, Rose7/29/1906WW 7/31/1906 2suicide
Jackson, Thelma E.10/23/1982HW 10/28/1982 2
Jacobson, Fever Severus4/20/1941WI 4/21/1941 4 WI 4/22/1941 1Mustang
Jacobson, Lillian10/?/1938WI 10/24/1938 8
Jaconi, Xino8/2/1911WW 8/10/1911 14 mo, son of John Jaconi
Jacques, Filipe12/20/1939WI 12/21/1939 8
Jacquez, Barbara10/7/1998HW 10/15/1998 2b 1/9/1901
James, Curtis6/20/1990HW 6/21/1990 2 HW 6/28/1990 2b 6/27/1916
James, Esther11/13/1989HW 11/16/1989 2b 9/16/1898
James, J. P.2/28/1903WW 3/5/1903 1mine accident
James, Jesse Curtis6/14/2001HW 6/21/2001 2b 4/4/1940
James, Joe W.6/15/2003HW 6/26/2003 2b 4/20/1919 Jackson, MO
Jameson, Albert Edward5/10/1966HW 5/19/1966 2
Jameson, Dixie Lee10/4/1962HW 10/4/1962 1 HW 10/4/1962 3Bchild, Cuchara
Jameson, Wanda Powell2/23/1994HW 3/3/1994 2b 10/2/1906
Jamison, W. G. Mrs.1/10/1944WI 1/11/1944 4
Japp, Robert1/?/1903WW 1/29/1903 6
Jaques, Juan5/30/1900WW 6/7/1900 1St. Mary's
Jaques, Lucia Lily1/9/1995HW 1/12/1995 2b 6/28/1923
Jaquez, Anastacio6/23/1956WI 6/25/1956 1&2
Jaramillo, Anastacio9/8/1963HW 9/12/1963 1
Jaramillo, Annie9/8/1963HW 9/12/1963 1
Jaramillo, Chela6/9/1910WW 6/9/1910 1child
Jaramillo, Enos4/?/1909WI 4/29/1909 8 age 5
Jaramillo, Esequiel5/31/1945WI 7/2/1945 1 WI 11/12/1948 1[dates as shown] killed in action
Jaramillo, Francis Floyd10/31/1955WI 11/1/1955 1infant, son of Joseph G. Jaramillo, b 7/31/1955 West Jordan, UT
Jaramillo, Joe G.11/25/1995HW 11/30/1995 2b 11/17/1907
Jaramillo, Marguerita5/7/1950WI 5/8/1950 1
Jaramillo, Mariano10/18/1939WI 10/19/1939 8
Jaramillo, Mary12/?/1945WI 12/24/1945 8
Jaramillo, Maximilano Mrs.4/8/1923WW 4/10/1923 1Diphtheria
Jaramillo, Refugio5/15/1937WI 5/17/1937 8b 1858 Della Corinado, Mexico
Jaramillo, Sandra7/7/1961HW 7/13/1961 6infant, dau of Joe G. Jaramillo
Jardine, Harold?/?/1918WI 11/22/1918 1d France, pneumonia
Jarrell, Mary Jane9/4/1929WW 9/5/1929 1Gulnare
Jefferson, Daisy Baxter Mrs.3/11/1959HW 3/13/1959 1
Jefferson, Thomas B.10/31/1955WI 10/31/1955 1
Jeka, James Allen9/30/1990HW 10/11/1990 2b 8/2/1942
Jellison, Glen Dale8/7/1958HW 8/15/1958 6b 7/31/1886 Dorrance, KS
Jellison, Jessie10/28/1972HW 11/2/1972 2b5/18/1886 Scotland
Jellison, Katherine Alice4/5/1948WI 4/5/1948 1
Jellison, Sumner B.10/10/1928WW 10/11/1928 1 WW 10/22/1928 5 WI 10/12/1928 1
Jellison, Sumner W.9/7/1941WI 9/8/1941 1&4
Jellison, William W.3/19/1930WI 3/28/1930 1Former circuit rider for Free Methodist churches in Colorado
Jeminez, Adeline12/31/1937WI 1/3/1938 1
Jenkins, Agnes7/15/1933WI 7/17/1933 1
Jenkins, Edward4/28/1913WI 5/3/1913 1 WW 5/1/1913 1Walsen, small child
Jenkins, John10/8/1918WW 8/19/1921 1d during the Argonne-Meuse offensive [dates as shown]
Jenkins, John 12/11/1941WI 12/11/1941 1
Jenkins, John R.3/13/1925WI 3/17/1925 1&4Berwind, mine accident
Jenkins, Margaret E.2/17/1925WI 2/20/1925 1Farr, d Pueblo
Jenkins, Rosser E.7/11/1958HW 7/18/1958 8
Jenkins, William "Boots"12/14/1962HW 12/20/1962 8
Jennings, Glenn4/9/1996HW 4/11/1996 2 HW 4/18/1996 2b 11/13/1930
Jennings, John Foster8/6/1938WI 8/8/1938 4
Jennings, Katheryn Etta6/19/1957WI 6/20/1957 1b 4/10/1871 Black Tail Gulch, MT
Jent, Solomon2/21/1927WI 2/25/1927 1
Jeran, John La Rue Mrs.10/7/1927WI 10/11/1927 1Turner
Jerant, Joe A. "Skip"2/11/1976HW 2/12/1976 1
Jerant, Joseph3/23/1946WI 3/25/1946 4
Jermella, Eloy Mrs.1/15/1926WI 2/19/1926 4
Jerome, Annabelle4/6/1937WI 4/7/1937 1
Jerome, Frank6/5/1981HW 6/11/1981 2
Jerome, Henry7/24/1952WI 7/25/1952 8
Jerome, John1/6/1935WI 1/7/1935 1Gordon
Jessen, Verna Nell5/3/1984HW 5/10/1984 2b 11/12/1919
Jeter, Lee2/2/1981HW 2/5/1981 2
Jewell, John Edmond2/2/1934WI 2/8/1934 1b 1861 Kentucky
Jewell, Julia Orpha3/3/1948WI 3/5/1948 6
Jewell, Orpha Nevada9/24/1997HW 10/2/1997 2b 5/3/1904
Jewell, Robert E.9/29/1980HW 10/2/1980 2b 8/5/1905
Jewell, Robert VanDyck3/19/1954WI 3/22/1954 1La Veta
Jimenez, Carmen11/28/1927WI 11/29/1927 1Ravenwood #2, rock fall
Jiron, Lee3/8/1924WW 3/11/1924 1gunshot at Delagua
Jiron, Rebecca1/6/1941WI 1/8/1941 816 mo, infant
Johannessen, Sylvia2/28/2000HW 3/2/2000 2d Walsenburg Care Center
John, Mary Ann Mrs.3/28/1928WW 3/29/1928 1
Johns, Adela Miszkiel10/22/1998HW 10/29/1998 2age 84, b 5/13/1914 Walsenburg
Johns, Floyd8/17/1938WI 8/18/1938 1suicide
Johns, Solomon2/5/1943WI 2/8/1943 4
Johnson, Adeline Adella5/16/1927WI 5/17/1927 1 WW 5/26/1927 1Buried Douglas, NE
Johnson, Beth12/6/1963HW 12/12/1963 3B
Johnson, Charles Albert12/24/1945WI 12/26/1945 1
Johnson, Clyde M.8/10/1951WI 8/10/1951 1
Johnson, Daniel Paul4/25/1995HW 4/27/1995 2b 10/11/1969
Johnson, John B.4/?/1937WI 4/26/1937 8b 10/31/1861 Belfast, Ireland
Johnson, Josefita4/21/1971HW 4/29/1971 7b 3/28/1907
Johnson, Lloyd L.6/3/1962HW 6/7/1962 3BCuchara
Johnson, Louis9/24/1938WI 9/26/1938 1b 9/24/1848 Norway
Johnson, Mike8/18/1919WW 8/21/1919 1mine explosion
Johnson, Orville C. Jr.3/25/1939WI 3/27/1939Gardner, infant
Johnson, Pete1/20/1902WW 1/23/1902 1explosion at Pictou
Johnson, Ralph Henry9/17/1931WI 9/18/1931 1
Johnson, Sammy Larey6/21/1945WI 6/22/1945 8infant, son of Alfred Johnson
Johnson, William6/10/1921WW 6/10/1921 1 *WW 6/14/1921son of Ralph A. Johnson, *funeral account
Johnston, Carolyn5/?/1984HW 5/31/1984 2b July 1988 [dates as shown]
Johnston, Sam Phillip6/6/1938WI 6/6/1938 1b 11/20/1881 Savannah, TN
Johnston, Violet10/3/1984HW 10/11/1984 29 yrs, b 8/29/1975
Johnston, William1/10/1998HW 1/15/199880 yrs, b 1/2/1918
Joiner, Allen H.5/2/1959HW 5/8/1959 6
Joiner, R. Leonard7/6/1978HW 7/13/1978 2
Jolley, Archibald3/18/1900WW 3/22/1900 112 yrs
Jolly, Archie8/2/1922WW 8/4/1922 1
Jones, Baby2/21/1902WW 2/27/1902 4child of J. T. Jones
Jones, Carrie E.5/29/1958WI 5/29/1958 1b 12/6/1878 Newton, IA
Jones, Clifford J. Sr.11/2/1949WI 11/2/1949 1
Jones, David L. Sr.11/13/1957WI 11/14/1957 1
Jones, Edward W.12/23/1999HW 1/20/2000 2d Denver, age 64, b 4/15/1935 Walsenburg
Jones, H. B.2/10/1898WW 2/17/1898 1St. Mary's
Jones, Ida May4/28/1926WI 4/30/1926 1Mother of Mrs. Fred Sporleder
Jones, John O.10/27/1919WI 10/31/1919 1Oakview, mine accident
Jones, Josiah T. (Doc)4/17/1950WI 4/17/1950 1
Jones, Keneth7/9/1913WI 7/12/1913 1small child
Jones, Margaret Ann10/1/1986HW 10/9/1986 2b 9/15/1908
Jones, Mark L.2/20/1909WW 2/25/1909 1
Jones, Raymond Howard11/?/1917WI 11/16/1917 1b Cripple Creek, mine accident
Jones, T. R. "Dore"5/14/1927WI 5/20/1927Early pioneer, d Pueblo
Jones, Tommy3/27/1929WW 3/28/1929 12 yrs, son of Clifford Jones
Jordan, Sam H.3/26/1929WW 3/28/1929 5 WI 3/29/1929 1b1850 Jackson Co., MS
Joseph, Edmond12/22/1928WW 12/24/1928 1 WI 12/28/1922[dates as shown] death may be 12/15/1928
Joseph, Edward2/?/1995HW 2/23/1995 1b 11/22/1919
Joseph, Georgina10/18/1992HW 10/22/1992 2
Joseph, Ilda11/13/1996HW 12/21/1996 2
Joseph, Jasemine4/19/1960HW 4/21/1960 4B
Joseph, Joe Norman4/5/1981HW 4/9/1981 2
Joseph, Malvina3/4/1986HW 3/6/1986 2b 7/26/1893 Lebanon
Joseph, Mary6/25/1964HW 6/25/1964 6
Joseph, Mike B.9/9/1952WI 9/10/1952 1
Joseph, Norman Sr.4/9/1955WI 4/11/1955 1
Joseph, Virginia Casciola3/22/1950WI 3/23/1950 1
Joseph, William7/3/1911WW 7/20/1911 11 mo, son of N. Joseph
Journey, Ed9/5/1901WW 9/5/1901 1
Journey, Lee5/22/1949WI 5/23/1949 1
Journey, Sarah9/20/1948WI 9/20/1948 1
Journey, Willie10/11/1938WI 10/13/1938 12infant, son of Willie Journey
Judicak, Andrew8/1/1903WW 8/7/1903 1
Judiscak, Bessie K.6/20/1995HW 6/29/1995 2b 11/4/1901 Austria
Judiscak, George6/13/1936WI 6/15/1936 1b Austria
Judiscak, George Warren9/16/1951WI 9/18/1951 8infant, son of George Judiscak
Judiscak, Jean Irene Maffoni12/10/1999HW 12/16/1999 2b 9/29/1927
Judiscak, John J.1/20/1979HW 1/25/1979 2b 9/22/1889
Judiscak, Mary C.5/29/1991HW 5/30/1991 6 HW 6/6/1991 2
Judiscak, Michael A.6/26/1992HW 7/2/1992 2
Judiscak, Mike Andrew8/11/1964HW 8/13/1964 6
Judiscak, Mike J.12/8/1980HW 12/11/1980 2b 6/1/1891
Judiscak, Myrtle M.6/13/1968HW 6/20/1968 7
Judiscak, Sophie3/28/1937WI 3/29/1937 8Toltec
Judiscak, Steve11/2/1983HW 11/10/1983 2
Juli, Peter7/14/1933WI 7/15/1933 1 WI 7/17/1933 4
Julian, Rachel L.11/17/2002HW 11/28/2002 2b 12/17/1985
Jurich, Daniel12/21/1928WW 12/24/1928 1
Just, Alice6/29/1971HW 7/1/1971 1 HW 7/8/1971 6b Austria
Just, Grace6/1/1988HW 6/9/1988 2b 4/28/1910
Just, Joe9/1/1990HW 9/6/1990 2b 3/14/1913
Just, Mildred "Millie"2/1/1983HW 2/3/1983 2
Just, Paul Sr.2/1/1955WI 2/2/1955 1
Just, Paul W. Jr.8/27/1985HW 8/29/1985 2
Just, Tony12/30/1976HW 1/6/1977 2b 6/14/1911 Cleveland, OH

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