Huerfano County, Colorado
Obituary Index Cards

Contributed by Dick Chenault, Louise Adams and Karen Mitchell, in conjunction with the Spanish Peaks Library District.
The Spanish Peaks Library has kept an index card of every obituary found in the Huerfano County newspapers. This listing is a duplicate of those cards. Through the years some cards may have disappeared, but the index is as complete as can be made possible. If you know of any other obituaries that are not listed here please contact Karen Mitchell or Louise Adams with the listing.

Our profound THANKS for the immense cooperation of the Spanish Peaks Library staff and especially Monica Kirby, Library Director, in this project. We also thank the original creators of the cards, Dan and Dorothy Ree, and the many volunteers who worked so many long hours to create and maintain the cards.
These obituaries may be ordered directly from the Spanish Peaks Library District, Walsenburg, CO. 81019 by remitting $3.00 "per obituary". The library website can also be found at Spanish Peaks Library District.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of these obituaries appear on our Tri-County Obituaries pages. If you have obituaries of your ancestral families, please consider contributing them to our Tri-County Obituary project.

These cards transcribed by Dick Chenault, proofed by Louise Adams.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.


NameDeath DatePaper Date PageNotes
Vail, Elizabeth Meridith Mason9/17/2003HW 9-25-2003 2b 1922
Vail, Thomas E.12/2/1993HW 12-9-1993 3
Valarde, Benigno11/4/1933WI 11-6-1933 1Gardner, Pioneer [death may be 4-5-1933]
Valdee, J.R.8/6/1909WW 8-12-1909 1Aguilar
Valdez, Abel Celestino6/21/1929WW 6-24-1929 1 WW 6-27-1929 ? WI 6-25-1929 1shot
Valdez, Abel Oscar6/8/1992HW 6-11-1992 2
Valdez, Adolph Lesher11/22/1975HW 12-4-1975 2b 7-25-1925
Valdez, Albert Mario1/16/1985HW 1-17-1985 2
Valdez, Alberta Lynne4/27/1954WI 4-28-1954 1infant, dau of Benjamin Valdez, Walsen Camp
Valdez, Alvira4/17/1930WI 4-18-1930 8Cuchara
Valdez, Amelia "Millie"9/13/1983HW 9-15-1983 2
Valdez, Andres4/4/1944WI 4-4-1944 4b 11-9-1869
Valdez, Andrew "Andy"2/9/1985HW 2-14-1985 2Redwing
Valdez, Antonio22-27-1911WI 12-2-1911 1 WW 11-30-1911 1
Valdez, Antonio12/1/1935WI 12-2-1935 1d Walsen, b 1887 Cucharas
Valdez, Antonio Domingo6/5/1929WI 6-7-1929 1b 9-13-1860 Questa, NM
Valdez, Antonio Maria9/10/1948WI 9-13-1948 1
Valdez, Arlene Rosaline2/6/1952WI 2-7-1952 12infant, dau of Frank Valdez, Mutual
Valdez, Arthur12/22/1928WW 12-24-1928 1infant
Valdez, Baby Boy10-10-1899WW 10-19-1899 1age 1mo, son of Tirso Valdez
Valdez, Beatrice M.5/25/1991HW 5-30-1991 6
Valdez, Benjamin8/13/1941WI 8-14-1941 8 WI 8-15-1941 4Cucharas
Valdez, Bessie6/17/1948WI 6-17-1948 1
Valdez, Caroline Maes12/13/1912WI 12-14-1912 1
Valdez, Charles B.7/13/1998HW 7-16-1998 2b 11-4-1919 in Turkey Creek,age 78, d in Denver
Valdez, Cora9/20/1938WI 9-21-1938 4
Valdez, Cornelia4/26/1908WW 4-30-1908 1
Valdez, Daniel J.1/2/1991HW 1-24-1991 2
Valdez, Delfin12/6/1968HW 12-12-1968 6
Valdez, Delfina9/29/1965HW 10-7-1965 12
Valdez, Delfina5/29/1927WW 6-2-1927 1Alamo
Valdez, Della9/9/1941WI 9-9-1941 4Mutual
Valdez, Elidia Mae Aragon "Lily"2/5/2001HW 2-11-2001 2b 12-14-1927 Walsenburg, age 73
Valdez, Elijio7/7/1955WI 7-7-1955 1Pioneer
Valdez, Ellenia10-23-1899WW 10-26-1899 1
Valdez, Enisilsa2/17/1924WI 2-22-1924 4
Valdez, Ensela2/17/1924WW 2-22-1924 1 WI 2-22-1924 4[also listed as Enisilsa]
Valdez, Erema A.1/7/1980HW 1-10-1980 2b 11-18-1895 Hastings
Valdez, Erminia C.9/1/1972HW 9-7-1972 1
Valdez, Estella4/23/1912WW 5-9-1912 11 yr, dau of Melisio Valdez
Valdez, Eufemia4/3/1938WI 4-4-1938 1
Valdez, Eutemio6/10/1939WI 6-12-1939 4
Valdez, Eutimio Jr.12/19/1944WI 9-26-1949 1 WI 10-11-1949 1Killed in action, Leyte, WWII
Valdez, Eva H.11/4/1951WI 11-5-1951 8
Valdez, Eva Ida Baker10/30/2004HW 11-4-2004 2b 8-12-1936
Valdez, Felix3-?-1936WI 3-9-1936 4
Valdez, Felix J.1/7/1994HW 1-20-1994 2
Valdez, Floyd Gilbert2/25/1990HW 3-1-1990 2b 1-16-1932
Valdez, Frances12/31/1985HW 1-9-1986 2
Valdez, Francesca Martinez de4/16/1907WW 4-19-1907 1Cucharas
Valdez, Francesquita1/8/1936WI 1-9-1936 1
Valdez, Gilbert R.1/19/1999HW 2-4-1999 2d South Jordan, Utah, b 8-13-1945 Walsenburg
Valdez, Guadalupe3/30/1944WI 3-30-1944 8
Valdez, Helena6/11/1910WW 6-16-1910 1child
Valdez, Henry6/12/1967HW 6-15-1967 2
Valdez, Henry11/29/1952WI 12-1-1952 1
Valdez, Illario7/18/1902WW 7-24-1902 7Pictou
Valdez, Infant3/1/1946WI 3-1-1946 8infant, son of Enos Valdez
Valdez, Infant11/30/1952WI 12-1-1952 1Cucharas, infant, son of Lee Valdez
Valdez, Ismael8/3/1948WI 8-4-1948 1
Valdez, J.A.J.7/?/1928WI 7-15-1927 1 WI 7-19-1927 1 WW 7-21-1927 1{death shown as 7-13 or 14 or 16-1927
Valdez, J.B.N.5-?-1928WI 5-18-1928 5d Denver, Redwing Cemetery
Valdez, Jacob8/23/1989HW 8-31-1989 2b 2-27-1919
Valdez, Jacob Orlando9/18/1943WI 9-20-1943 4infant, son of Felix Valdez
Valdez, Jimmy Lawrence11/3/1945WI 11-4-1943 8infant, son of Alex Valdez
Valdez, Joe T.5/10/1980HW 5-15-1980 2b 3-8-1900
Valdez, John7/30/1927WW 8-4-1927 8infant, Pryor
Valdez, John Joseph4/28/1959HW 5-1-1959 1suicide
Valdez, Jose2/7/1964HW 2-13-1964 8
Valdez, Jose6/12/1974HW 6-20-1974 8b 4-12-1910
Valdez, Jose7/15/1986HW 7-24-1986 2b 1-5-1912
Valdez, Jose A.1/18/1965HW 1-21-1965 4
Valdez, Jose Ambrosio9/8/1949WI 9-8-1949 1Mutual
Valdez, Jose DeLaLuz2/11/1946WI 2-13-1946 4
Valdez, Jose Felipe6/20/2001HW 6-28-2001 5
Valdez, Jose Leonides1-?-1917WI 11-9-1917 1
Valdez, Jose Manuel1-15-1899WW 1-19-1899 1b 2-15-1837 ,Rita, CO, d Pictou
Valdez, Jose Nicolas "Nick"3/9/1987HW 3-12-1987 2
Valdez, Jose Nicolas Jr. "Nick"10/31/1990HW 11-8-1990 2b 10-25-1954
Valdez, Josefita Mrs.3/31/1910WW 4-7-1910 1Gordon Mine
Valdez, Joseph Nicholas2/12/1948WI 2-13-1948 6
Valdez, Juan B.N.5/8/1928WW 5-10-1928 1
Valdez, Juan M.11/9/1962HW 11-15-1962 5
Valdez, Juan N.5/16/1951WI 5-17-1951 9Chama
Valdez, Juanita1/19/1984HW 1-28-1984 2b 4-14-1902
Valdez, Julio Jr.6/29/1928WW 7-2-1928 1infant, Tioga
Valdez, Lucas3/29/1949WI 3-30-1949 1
Valdez, Lucio11/22/1952WI 11-24-1952 1
Valdez, Lulu6/28/1952HW 7-1-1982 2b 3-28-????
Valdez, Lupe10/22/2002HW 11-14-2002 2b 12-21-1933
Valdez, Manuel3/30/1932WI 4-1-1932 1
Valdez, Manuel12/13/1946WI 12-16-1946 4child, Solar
Valdez, Manuel D.J.4/10/1980HW 4-24-1980 2b 5-23-1882
Valdez, Manuelita12/24/1972HW 12-28-1972 3b 6-4- 1885
Valdez, Manuelita1/3/1944WI 1-4-1944 4
Valdez, Marcelina Mrs.12/11/1928WI 12-11-1928 1Gordon
Valdez, Margaret9/3/1989HW 9-7-1989 2b 9-6-1913
Valdez, Maria Adelicia de Jesus7/2/1911WW 7-20-1911 1Pryor, 9 mos, dau of Eutemio Valdez
Valdez, Maria C.2/6/1974HW 2-7-1974 9b 3-31-1917 Antonito
Valdez, Maria de la Luz5/6/1950WI 5-8-1950 8
Valdez, Maria Dolores8/24/1950WI 8-24-1950 1Mutual
Valdez, Maria Genoveva3/9/1953WI 3-10-1953 1
Valdez, Maria Hilarita3/20/1938WI 3-21-1938 1Cucharas
Valdez, Maria LaCruz Mrs.3/11/1959HW 3-13-1959 1Pioneer
Valdez, Maria Ninfa7/5/1954WI 7-6-1954 8Rouse
Valdez, Mariano5/5/1901WW 5-9-1901 1Turkey Creek, 1 yr 8 mos
Valdez, Mariano2/17/1929WI 2-19-1929 8
Valdez, Mary12/20/1955WI 12-21-1955 1infant, dau of Delfino Valdez
Valdez, Mary Lucy1/27/1994HW 2-3-1994 2b 12-10-1919
Valdez, Max11/21/1985HW 11-28-1985 2Turkey Creek
Valdez, Mike A.5/3/1936WI 5-4-1936 1b Taos, NM
Valdez, NarcissoUnkLA 9-16-1899 ?Embudo, NM
Valdez, Neves M. Mrs.2/19/1957WI 2-21-1957 1&8
Valdez, Oliver8/7/1954WI 8-9-1954 1
Valdez, Oracio6/5/1942WI 6-5-1942 8
Valdez, Oscar3/2/1988HW 3-3-1988 2b 4-28-1913
Valdez, Pablita A. Mrs.6/14/1959HW 6-18-1959 8Redwing
Valdez, Pablo11/6/1928WI 11-9-1928 1 WW 11-8-1928 1child, Cucharas, gun shot
Valdez, Pat5/5/1976HW 5-6-1976 2
Valdez, Pete L.11/26/1984HW 11-29-1984 2b 6-27-1911
Valdez, Rafaelita9/27/1980HW 10-2-1980 2b 12-3-1910
Valdez, Raymond2/10/1989HW 2-16-1989 2b 4-5-1907
Valdez, Robert4/13/1979HW 4-19-1979 2b 9-30-1945
Valdez, Roman H.1/18/1978HW 1-19-1978 2 HW 1-26-1978 2
Valdez, Romula6/22/1910WW 6-30-1910 1child, N. Veta
Valdez, Rosalina Atencio8/23/1945WI 8-24-1945 8
Valdez, Rose Albina2/4/1974HW 2-14-1974 9b 1-2-1930
Valdez, Rose Elucinda8/12/1991HW 8-15-1991 2
Valdez, Rosealdo4/28/1912WW 5-9-1912 12 mo, dau of Terelius Valdez
Valdez, Rosenda Gonzales4/21/1973HW 4-26-1973 3
Valdez, Ruben3/19/1937WI 3-19-1937
Valdez, Samuel Anthony9/24/1946WI 9-24-1946 8infant
Valdez, Shella Jovita Nadine7/14/1942WI 7-15-1942 416 mos, Solar
Valdez, Silvano6/10/1983HW 6-16-1983 2
Valdez, Tercio7/14/1911WW 7-20-1911 17 yrs, son of Tercio Valdez, N. Veta
Valdez, Tercio6/5/1935WI 6-5-1935 1
Valdez, Tim12/19/1944WI 2-7-1945 1Killed in action WWII
Valdez, Tobias7/15/1950WI 7-17-1950 1
Valdez, Tomasita2/12/1924WW 2-15-1924 1 WI 2-15-1924 2infant, Rouse
Valdez, Tranquilino "Frank"6/13/1959HW 6-18-1959 8
Valdez, Trinidad1/24/1908WW 1-30-1908 1age 2
Valent, Michael Sr.7/18/1961HW 7-20-1961 5
Valentine, August John "Buddy"7/31/1987HW 8-6-1987 2Gulnare
Valentine, John1/1/1915WI 1-16-1915 1Shumway, suicide
Valentine, Violet K . Boggio1/12/1988HW 1-14-1988 2b 4-21-1904
Valko, Julia7/19/1956WI 7-20-1956 1in Pueblo
Valko, Marie8/16/1943WI 8-17-1943 4
Valko, Mike4-?-1902WW 4-24-1902 1age 5, son of John Valko
Vallejo, Arthur7/10/1963HW 7-11-1963 6
Vallejo, Irene7/6/1984HW 7-12-1984 2
Vallejo, Jacob Sr.4/16/1969HW 4-17-1969 1 HW 4-24-1969 2
Vallejo, Josephine G.5/11/1991HW 5-18-1991 2
Vallejo, Mucio3/1/1969HW 3-6-1969 1
Vallejos, Abando "Abe"10/29/1992HW 11-5-1992 2
Vallejos, Abel12-?-1931WI 12-18-1931 1near Erie, CO, shooting
Vallejos, Agnes6/30/2005HW 7-7-2005 2age 93, b 2-11-1912 to Filomeno & Victoria Ortiz
Vallejos, Al6/4/2000HW 6-8-2000 ?age 74, of Trinidad, CO, b 4-3-1926 in Walsenburg, CO
Vallejos, Alvin Ray7/29/1956WI 7-30-1956 1&8auto crash
Vallejos, Andrea2/19/1983HW 2-24-1983 2
Vallejos, Anselmo7/19/1978HW 7-27-1978 2
Vallejos, Antonio8/26/1960HW 9-1-1960 1b 1-17-1883
Vallejos, Antonio A.8/30/1960HW 9-1-1960 1B
Vallejos, Carlos2/9/1947WI 2-10-1947 1
Vallejos, Debra Charmain5/2/1956WI 5-3-1956 1infant
Vallejos, Della2/28/1998HW 3-5-1998 2
Vallejos, Elario6/2/1933WI 6-3-1933 1Cucharas
Vallejos, Elvera7/16/1969HW 7-24-1969 4
Vallejos, Epifanio1/8/1954WI 1-11-1954 1
Vallejos, Estanislado "Tony"12/11/1945WI 12-11-1945 4
Vallejos, Eugene D.6/16/1959HW 6-18-1959 1
Vallejos, Eulalia5/16/1956WI 5-17-1956 1&5
Vallejos, Filomena10/13/1914WI 10-17-1914 1Typhoid Fever
Vallejos, Fred9/12/1984HW 9-20-1984 2b 9-18-1915
Vallejos, Jose Ben "Bennie"10/23/1978HW 10-26-1978 2
Vallejos, Juan Bautista10/29/1973HW 11-1-1973 11
Vallejos, Juan C.4/2/1935WI 4-2-1935 1 WI 4-3-1935 1Butte Valley
Vallejos, Leopoldo7/2/1944WI 7-5-1944 4b 8-10-1872
Vallejos, Lillian1/8/1975HW 1-16-1975 2b 12-28-1925 Tioga
Vallejos, Lucy A.11/29/1987HW 12-3-1987 2
Vallejos, Magdelina10/13/1929WW 10-15-1929 112 yrs
Vallejos, Maria Eloisa5/31/1982HW 6-3-1982 2b 7-15-1916
Vallejos, Mary10/14/1929WI 10-15-1929 1Maitland, 12 yrs, dau of Carlos Vallejos
Vallejos, Mary R.10/17/2003HW 10-23-2003 2b 11-16-1921
Vallejos, Michael Ernest4/26/1937WI 4-27-1937 811 yrs, son of Mike Vallejos
Vallejos, Miguel10/5/1952WI 10-6-1952 1
Vallejos, Mose4/6/1929WW 4-8-1929 11 yr, son of Arthur Vallejos
Vallejos, Mucio4/6/1929WI 4-9-1929 113 mos, son of Arthur Vallejos
Vallejos, Orlando Joseph1/14/1984HW 1-19-1984 2b 12-20-1921
Vallejos, Salomon7/10/1985HW 7-18-1985 2
Vallejos, Santos9/17/2001HW 9-20-2001 2age 80, b 11-1-1920
Vallejos, Stanislaus3/1/1902WW 3-6-1902 1
Vallejos, Taneflau Ricardo3/6/1929WI 3-8-1929 84 mos, son of Taneflau Vallejos
Vallejos, Teodorita2/9/1943WI 2-10-1943 4
Vallejos, Tony Mrs.2/24/1942WI 2-26-1942 8Jackson
Vallejos, William Garfield8/6/1948WI 8-6-1948 1infant, son of Al Vallejos
Vallely, Bridget12-?-1925WI 12-4-1925 1Cameron
Vallely, Ellen7/12/1909WW 7-15-1901 1
Valles, Madeline4/18/1937WI 4-19-1937 1shot by husband
Valles, Tony3/28/1970HW 4-2-1970 2
Van Aiken, Jack9/18/1905WW 9-22-1905 15 yrs, son of C. Van Aiken
Van Etton, W.O.2/18/1927WI 2-22-1927 1suicide by gun shot
Van Gieson, Kenneth Wayne3/12/1986HW 3-20-1986 2b 5-4-1966
Van Leuven, Kenneth7/13/1983HW 7-21-1983 2Libre
Van Schoyck, Bailey "Bert"3/23/1993HW 3-25-1993 2
Van Schoyck, George5/30/2002HW 6-6-2002 2b 6-22-1916 White Oaks, NM
Van Schoyck, Leslye10/27/2000HW 11-2-2000 2b 4-12-1918, Carrizozo, NM, d Walsenburg
Vanausdale, Mrs.9-?-1912WI 9-28-1912 1
Vanderberg, Lydia M.11/16/1999HW 11-25-1999 1Pueblo, b 1927
Vanotti, Andrew B.8/16/1999HW 8-26-1999 2age 85
Vanotti, Catherine Helen5/28/1968HW 6-6-1968 1
Vanotti, Frank D. "Wop"11/20/1997HW 11-27-1997 2b 9-21-1917 Farr
Vanotti, Josephine C.8/20/1973HW 8-23-1973 10
Vardadis, Sam "Spiro"5/4/1928WI 5-8-1928 1Turner Mine, rock fall
Vargas, Adeline3/23/1979HW 3-29-1979 2b 1-1-1909
Vargas, Rafael2/7/1984HW 2-9-1984 2b 6-10-1901 Mexico
Vargo, Thomas12/13/1906WW 12-14-1906 1killed in mine
Vasek, Aloisie3/12/1946WI 3-14-1946 8
Vasek, Louis4/27/1949WI 4-28-1949 1LaVeta, b 2-15-1872 Austria
Vasquez, Alfonso11/16/1957WI 11-19-1957 129 yrs
Vasquez, Alice C.6/12/1995HW 6-22-1995 2b 6-25-1924
Vasquez, Charles5/18/1912WI 5-25-1912 1LaVeta
Vasquez, Clorinda "Cora"7/1/1985HW 7-4-1985 2
Vasquez, Domingo12/31/1986HW 1-8-1987 3
Vasquez, Elevina C.11/17/1946WI 11-18-1946 4Chama
Vasquez, Fred Walsen2/26/1947WI 2-27-1947 8
Vasquez, Helen Frances11/10/1961HW 11-16-1961 5B
Vasquez, Hiram6/7/1939WI 6-8-1939 1&8b 1844 Independence, MO
Vasquez, Jessica Marlene6/24/1999HW 7-1-1999 2b 1-12-1950 Walsenburg, age 49
Vasquez, Jose10/28/1976HW 11-4-1976 2
Vasquez, Jose7-?-1950WI 7-7-1953Killed in action, Korea
Vasquez, Juanita Ida (Jenny Valdez)5/31/2005HW 6-2-2005 2Longmont, CO age 79
Vasquez, Leola8/5/1911WW 8-10-1911 1 WW 8-17-1911 1LaVeta
Vasquez, Marcelino8/19/1995HW 8-24-1995 2b 5-15-1931
Vasquez, Martha3/9/1940WI 3-11-1940 4
Vasquez, Max12/12/1999HW 12-16-1999 10b 2-20-1927
Vasquez, Requilda9/15/1928WW 9-20-1928 1Redwing
Vasquez, Sam12/5/1993HW 12-9-1993 3
Vasquez, Sara Vigil1/14/2003HW 1-23-2003 2b 1-8-1909 Pryor, CO
Vasquez, Victor Catarino4/20/1949WI 4-20-1949 1Del Carbon
Vass, Margaret Shaw10/9/1935WI 10-11-1935 1d Los Angeles, b 10-17-1902 Aguilar
Vaughn, L.D. 7-?-1915WI 7-10-1915 1
Vedetich, Martin5-?-1939WI 5-5-1939 1 WI 5-8-1939 1b 11-1-1885 Austria
Vegres, Z.A. Mrs.5/26/1929WI 5-28-1929 1
Velarde, Anthony "Tony"11/4/1973HW 11-8-1973 1
Velarde, F. Guilermo "Frank"1/12/1967HW 1-19-1967 7Gardner
Velarde, Juan Andres11-?-1951WI 11-29-1951 12Gardner
Velarde, Rogue J.7/22/1973HW 7-26-1973 2Gardner
Velarde, Ruperto2/20/1989HW 2-23-1989 2b 12-12-1901
Velarde, William Taylor10/2/2004HW 10-14-2004 2
Velardi, Adela7/19/1925WI 7-21-1925 1child, Strong
Velasquez, Alanacio3/5/1974HW 3-7-1974 14b 1-22-1887 Weston
Velasquez, Dennis Robert9/27/1951WI 9-28-1951 8infant, son of Antanacio Velasquez
Velasquez, Gilbert John10/17/1978HW 10-26-1978 2
Velasquez, Juan Baptista1/9/1943WI 1-11-1943 4b 4-10-1861
Velasquez, MariaHW 1-7-1960 8d Dec 1959 or Jan 1960, b 9-9-1886
Velasquez, Paul C.11/13/1961HW 11-20-1961 8
Velasquez, Ronald6/3/1953WI 6-4-1953 1infant, son of Antanacio Velasquez
Veltman, Herman3/14/1922WW 3-17-1922 1
Veltman, Herman J.7/30/1999HW 8-5-1999 2age 84
Venturini, Louis10/17/1961HW 10-19-1961 6
Vera, Bonafacio3/6/1927WI 3-8-1927 2child, illness, Gordon
Vera, Sacora3/6/1927WI 3-8-1927 2child, illness, Gordon
Verantis, Samuel5/2/1928WW 5-7-1928 1Rock Fall, Tioga
Verbich, Pete Jr.9/2/1942WI 9-8-1942 1&3 WI 9-11-1942 3 WI 9-25-1942 5Alaska
Verbich, Pete Sr.10/17/1942WI 10-19-1942 4
Vernon, Ada G.10/26/1967HW 11-2-1967 6
Vernon, John Bryan4/3/1952WI 4-4-1952 12LaVeta
Veronizi, Tony11/25/1969HW 12-4-1969 2
Vezire, Zahare Mrs.5/26/1929WW 5-27-1929 1 WW 5-30-1929 1
Vezzani, Jenny12/30/1976HW 1-6-1977 2b 12-12-1909 Rouse
Vezzani, Max10/2/1959HW 10-8-1959 1B
Vialpando, EdwardHW 6-2-2005 2age 59, son of Primitivo & Margaret Vialpando [no death given]
Vialpando, Elisaida M.4/27/1999HW 5-20-1999 2b 11-2-1911 Maes Creek, age 87
Vialpando, Gasper4/15/1963HW 4-18-1963 3
Vialpando, Gilbert12/21/1952WI 12-23-1952 8
Vialpando, Jose A.12/5/1954WI 12-6-1954 1
Vialpando, Jose E.10/26/1973HW 11-1-1973 7
Vialpando, Jose G.8/19/1979HW 8-23-1979 2b 3-3-1900
Vialpando, Leo7/14/1993HW 7-22-1993 2
Vialpando, Primitivo6/11/1975HW 6-19-1975 2b 6-10-1911
Vialpando, Primitivo Ralph (Juno)1/1/1993HW 1-7-1993 2Gardner
Vialpando, Querno2/13/1949WI 2-15-1949 1
Vialpando, Qutelda12/25/1941WI 12-26-1941 4
Vialpando, Roger5/31/1972HW 6-8-1972 9b 4-17-1964, 8 yrs, old son of Primitivo Vialpando
Viasanovitch, Samuel4-?-1907WW 4-26-1907 6accidental shooting
Vicenzi, Antonio11/7/1950WI 11-8-1950 12
Vicic, Jack3/14/2003HW 3-20-2003 2b 11-9-1912 Ravenwood
Vicic, John C.8/28/1964HW 9-3-1964 6
Vicic, Rose1/2/1980HW 1-10-1980 2b 8-30-1920 Indiana
Victorino, Antonio4/29/1943WI 4-30-1943 8
Victrino, Maria1/17/1949WI 1-18-1949 1Tioga, b 9-11-1868 Red River, NM
Videtich, Mary3/17/1980HW 5-22-1980 2b 6-15-1885 Yugoslavia
Vidnor, Nellie R.7/17/1913WI 7-26-1913 1infant, Gordon
Vigil, Abe Mrs.1/20/1956WI 1-24-1956 1Pueblo
Vigil, Abel6/2/1938WI 6-8-1938 4
Vigil, Adolph2/12/1962HW 2-15-1962 3B
Vigil, Adolph Jr.4/10/1974HW 4-11-1974 8b 3-2-1918
Vigil, Adonelia8/3/1986HW 8-7-1986 2b 10-29-1929
Vigil, Albert F.10/8/2000HW 10-12-2000 2b 2-19-1926 Broadhead
Vigil, Alfredo6/2/1941WI 6-2-1941 4b 8-3-1891
Vigil, Alice Marie10/14/1970HW 10-22-1970 11
Vigil, Amado Abenico8/6/1977HW 8-11-1977 2b 6-4-1900
Vigil, Andrea12/17/1952WI 12-17-1952 15 yrs, dau of Eloy Vigil
Vigil, Andrea Garcia7/26/1906WW 7-27-1906 1
Vigil, Andrea Maria3/28/1948WI 3-29-1948 1
Vigil, Anna8/14/1980HW 8-21-1980 2b 10-9-1888
Vigil, Annie Marie5/23/1998HW 5-28-1998 2b 11-2-1908 age 89
Vigil, Anthony Jr.9/15/1964HW 9-17-1964 8infant
Vigil, Anthony Wayne9/24/1952WI 9-25-1952 1infant, son of Louis Vigil
Vigil, Antonia Josefita2/25/1934WI 2-27-1934 16 yrs, dau of Tefola Vigil
Vigil, Antonio9/20/1934WI 9-20-1934 1LaVeta
Vigil, Antonio V.2/6/1951WI 2-7-1951 8
Vigil, Antono Jose10/27/1902WW 10-30-1902 111 mos, son of Juan dd Vigil
Vigil, Apolonia10/27/1946WI 10-28-1946 4 WI 10-29-1946 8LaVeta
Vigil, Arthur Oliver11-?-1956WI 11-19-1956 8 WI 11-21-1956 8Navy accident
Vigil, Augustine Jr.4/18/1935WI 4-19-1935 418 mos
Vigil, Ben10/4/1984HW 10-11-1984 2b 1895
Vigil, Benigno11/6/1939WI 11-6-1939 ?
Vigil, Bryan Lee12/10/1964HW 12-10-1964 4infant, son of Louis C. Vigil
Vigil, Carlos1/3/1968HW 1-11-1968 6
Vigil, Carmelita12/25/1976HW 12-30-1976 10
Vigil, Catherine1/9/1949WI 1-10-1949 1b 10-9-1948, infant, dau of Ben Vigil
Vigil, Cecelia J.1/24/2001HW 2-8-2001 2Walsenburg, age 68, d in LA, CA
Vigil, Celbano5/19/1910WW 5-26-1910 1child, Chico
Vigil, Celedonio3/31/1901WW 4-4-1901 1Pryor, Mail Carrier
Vigil, Christine L.3/14/1929WI 3-15-1929 1Strong
Vigil, Claudio10/22/1948WI 10-22-1948 1
Vigil, Clovis E.11/23/2000HW 11-30-2000 2age 69 of Walsenburg, b 10-26-1931 Butte Valley
Vigil, Cordelia5/15/1923WW 5-25-1923 1teenager, long illness
Vigil, D.L.1/8/1908WW 1-10-1908 1Killed in accident at Pryor
Vigil, Damacio2/16/1977HW 2-24-1977 2b 12-19-1888 Tercio, CO
Vigil, Damasio9/11/1979HW 9-15-1979 2
Vigil, Damaso7/23/1989HW 7-27-1989 2
Vigil, Damaso Sr.12/19/1945WI 12-20-1945 1
Vigil, Dan "Ernie"9/10/1993HW 9-16-1993 2
Vigil, Daniel4/28/1929WI 4-30-1929 1 WW 4-29-1929 1murdered
Vigil, Darlene Marie11/7/1961HW 11-9-1961 6infant, dau of Donald J. Vigil
Vigil, Delia1-?-1908WW 1-9-1908 1b 5-28-1905
Vigil, Desiderio9/2/1930WI 9-5-1930 4Bear Creek
Vigil, Dolores7/2/1958HW 7-11-1958 3Bb 10-4-1875 Trujillo Creek
Vigil, Doloritas T.10/3/1942WI 10-9-1942 8
Vigil, Donald G.2/15/2001HW 2-18-2001 2Walsenburg, b 11-12-1945, age 55
Vigil, Donnaelano1-?-1908WW 1-9-1908 1
Vigil, Dora9/11/1979HW 9-20-1979 2b 4-11-1913
Vigil, Dorothea1/23/1938WI 1-25-1938 1Del Carbon
Vigil, Edward F.12/11/1963HW 12-12-1963 6
Vigil, Edwin11/30/1988HW 12-8-1988 2b 9-11-1906
Vigil, Elizabeth7/19/1961HW 7-20-1961 3infant, dau of Anthony Vigil
Vigil, Eluterio3/15/1936WI 3-16-1936 4
Vigil, Elvira8/17/1997HW 8-21-1997 2
Vigil, Encarnacion Mrs.5/13/1973HW 5-17-1973 2
Vigil, Enselbia Maria3/12/1923WW 3-16-1923 2Chavez Plaza
Vigil, Epimenio3/13/1942WI 3-13-1942 2
Vigil, Ernest I.1/29/1996HW 2-8-1996 2b 8-23-1922 [also listed as Ernest L.]
Vigil, Ernestine1/28/1944WI 1-28-1944 8infant, dau of Ernest Vigil
Vigil, Esteridion2/9/1939WI 2-10-1939 8
Vigil, Estevan S.5/4/1947WI 5-5-1947 8 WI 5-6-1947 4
Vigil, Esther E.9/18/1967HW 9-21-1967 8
Vigil, Eulalia Mrs.6/2/1970HW 6-11-1970 2
Vigil, Eva8/2/1953WI 8-3-1953 1Redwing
Vigil, Faustina4/12/1949WI 4-13-1949 1
Vigil, Fedilia Mrs.7/1/1940WI 7-1-1940 4Sand Arroyo
Vigil, Felix9/16/1908WW 9-21-1908 1
Vigil, Felix10/2/1945WI 10-3-1945 4
Vigil, Fernando W. Sr.UnkHW 1-17-2002 ?b 1-19-??
Vigil, Fidel2/11/1935WI 2-12-1935 414 yrs, son of Victor Vigil, Gardner
Vigil, Filomena5/3/1979HW 5-10-1979 2b 6-28-1883
Vigil, Filomena G.11/6/1963HW 11-7-1963 6
Vigil, Flora Clara Cordova4/4/2003HW 4-10-2003 2b 9-21-1929
Vigil, Florencia Maria6-?-1956WI 6-11-1956 8d Denver
Vigil, Frank8/26/1950WI 8-28-1950 8
Vigil, Fred8/4/1973HW 8-9-1973 11
Vigil, Frederico2/29/2000HW 3-2-2000 2b 1-1-1924 Sand Arroya (N. Veta), d Walsenburg Care Center, age 76
Vigil, Friolan D.2/12/1942WI 2-12-1942 8Chavez
Vigil, Gasper6/4/1910WW 6-9-1910 1child
Vigil, Gil1/21/1976HW 1-29-1976 2
Vigil, Gravil3/18/1927WI 3-18-1927 1child, Gardner, hunting accident
Vigil, Guadalupe1/9/1936WI 1-9-1936 1b 12-12-1870
Vigil, Hemerejilda11-?-1911WI 11-11-1911 1
Vigil, Henry J.10/31/1943WI 11-30-1943 1Killed in action WWII
Vigil, Howard Kenneth10/3/1980HW 10-9-1980 2b 8-5-1964
Vigil, Ignasita Medina5/26/1948WI 5-26-1948 1
Vigil, Isabel M.8/5/1962HW 8-9-1962 3
Vigil, Isabel Sandoval1/25/1938WI 1-25-1938 1 WI 1-26-1938 1infant born after her death died the following day
Vigil, Jake11/20/1994HW 11-24-1994 6b 5-25-1907
Vigil, Jake Jr.3/9/2000HW 4-6-2000 2age 71 of Tacoma/Puyallup WA, b 12-5-1928 Walsenburg, CO
Vigil, James11/25/1958HW 11-28-1958 1
Vigil, Jesus Maria5/11/1938WI 5-10-1938 4N. Veta
Vigil, Joe Anastacio8/14/1942WI 8-14-1942 8
Vigil, Joe D.G.1/21/1998HW 1-29-1998 2b 2 25-1906, age 91
Vigil, Joe Gomicindo11/28/1949WI 11-29-1949 8
Vigil, Joe S. 4/22/1945WI 4-23-1945 4infant, son of Clarence Vigil
Vigil, Joe Silvie "Buddy"9/17/2000HW 9-21-2000 2b 10-26-1911, age 88
Vigil, JohnUnkWW 4-18-1922 1 WW 4-25-1922 1d WWI
Vigil, John A.8/30/1918WI 12-20-1918 1Reported Killed in action in France by War Dept, WWI
Vigil, John Anthony5/14/1944WI 5-15-1944 4infant, son of Louis Vigil
Vigil, John T.6/9/1995HW 6-15-1995 2
Vigil, Jose Alberto4/1/1972HW 4-6-1972 3b 3-6-1898 Redwing
Vigil, Jose Estevan4/20/1975HW 4-24-1975 2b 8-3-1881 San Luis Valley
Vigil, Jose F.3/9/1970HW 3-12-1970 4
Vigil, Jose Jake5/31/1954WI 6-1-1954 1
Vigil, Jose Louis11/30/1952WI 12-1-1952 1d Redwing
Vigil, Jose Luz4/5/1948WI 4-6-1948 1
Vigil, Jose P. "Joe"5/10/1999HW 5-20-1999 2b 8-8-1916 Gardner
Vigil, Jose R.9/3/1957WI 9-8-1957 1
Vigil, Jose Ramom "Ray"1/1/1990HW 1-4-1990 2b 4-5-1931
Vigil, Jose Sr.6/12/1955WI 6-13-1955 1b 3-19-1865 Taos, NM
Vigil, Jose Vicente12/6/1959HW 12-10-1959 1photo
Vigil, Joseph7/5/1955WI 7-6-1955 1infant, son of Wilford Vigil
Vigil, Joseph Frank12/16/1976HW 12-23-1976 6
Vigil, Joseph Hubert8/28/1937WI 8-31-1937 8infant, son of Joe Vigil
Vigil, Joseph S.10/25/1976HW 10-28-1976 3
Vigil, Josephine11/19/2001HW 11-29-2001 3b 4-27-1913, age 88
Vigil, Juan7/7/1911WW 7-20-1911 12 days, son of Juan dd Vigil
Vigil, Juan de Dios12/11/1955WI 12-12-1955 1b 3-7-1875 Taos, NM
Vigil, Juan A. "Alex"12/21/1985HW 12-26-1985 2
Vigil, Juan D.D.3/10/1935WI 3-11-1935 1
Vigil, Juan de Dios4/9/1912WW 4-18-1912 1Pryor
Vigil, Juanita8/11/1924WW 8-12-1924 1
Vigil, Juanita Maria9/29/1941WI 9-30-1941 1
Vigil, Katherine Dorothy12/19/1967HW 12-21-1967 6**section 1
Vigil, Lelia3/19/1984HW 4-12-1984 2b 1909
Vigil, Lenda Maxine8/30/1938WI 8-1-1938 4[dates as shown]
Vigil, Leo E.2/10/1986HW 2-13-1986 2b 12-7-1917
Vigil, Libradita4/16/1955WI 4-18-1955 1
Vigil, Lisada1/27/1932WI 1-29-1932 12-1/2 yrs, Delcarbon
Vigil, Lola9/28/1942WI 9-28-1942 4 WI 9-30-1942 4
Vigil, Lorena3/18/1931WI 3-20-1931 1infant, Sunnyside
Vigil, Louis5/24/2005HW 6-2-2005 2b 8-19-1919 Farr, CO, d Castro Valley, son of Epimenio and Juanita Vigil, age 85
Vigil, Luther Ray6/12/1950WI 6-12-1950 8infant, son of Max F. Vigil
Vigil, Maclavio "Mike"10/10/1987HW 10-15-1987 2
Vigil, Madeline D.8/3/2004HW 8-12-2004 2
Vigil, Maggie2/18/1960HW 2-18-1960 6 HW 2-25-1960 5Gardner
Vigil, Manuel de Jesus6/30/1937WI 7-1-1937 8
Vigil, Manuelita M.6/14/1944WI 6-16-1944 8
Vigil, Manuletta3/6/1927WW 3-10-1927 8LaVeta
Vigil, Marcenus5/16/1902WW 5-22-1902 13 yrs, son of J.V. Vigil, Pryor
Vigil, Margaret9/8/1943WI 9-9-1943 8
Vigil, Margarita9/26/1948WI 9-27-1948 6
Vigil, Margarita2/2/1951WI 2-2-1951 8 WI 2-6-1951 8
Vigil, Maria Alcaria1/7/1946WI 1-9-1946 4
Vigil, Maria de LeLuz Trujillo10/3/1944WI 10-3-1944 4b 3-16-1863
Vigil, Maria Donicinia6/10/1910WW 6-16-1910 1child
Vigil, Maria Elfida9/3/1981HW 9-10-1981 2
Vigil, Maria Elfida11/20/1973HW 11-29-1973 2
Vigil, Maria Elisia2/13/1975HW 2-20-1975 2b 1-10-1889
Vigil, Maria Epimenia11/17/1992Unk
Vigil, Maria Eva6/12/1971HW 6-17-1971 3b 9-12-1900
Vigil, Maria Flora7/8/1989HW 7-13-1989 2b 8-28-1937
Vigil, Maria Floripa9/9/1986HW 9-11-1986 2b 6-26-1882
Vigil, Maria Onofre3/21/1979HW 3-29-1979 2b 5-7-1899
Vigil, Maria Tomasita12/2/1980HW 12-4-1980 2b 2-19-1898
Vigil, Max Jr.11/18/1956WI 11-19-1956 1&2
Vigil, Maximiliano4/27/1951WI 4-30-1951 8
Vigil, Melaquias (Max)4/6/1943WI 5-5-1943 1 WI 5-7-1943 3 WI 5-23-1949 1 WI 7-12-1949 1b 8-15-1905, d N. Africa, WWII [death shown as 4-6-1943 and 4-16-1943]
Vigil, Mercedes3/3/1955WI 3-4-1955 1
Vigil, Miguel Antonio5/4/1935WI 5-4-1935 1 WI 5-6-1935 1b Rito Coloradas, NM
Vigil, Modesto5/6/2004HW 6-10-2004 2b 9-21-1926
Vigil, Nancy Louise Montoya1/21/1972HW 1-27-1972 1
Vigil, Nativida9/30/1938WI 10-3-1938 1
Vigil, Noverto10/22/1964HW 10-29-1964 8
Vigil, Onofre1/27/1902WW 1-30-1902 1
Vigil, Pablo 5/6/1941WI 5-6-1941 4Sandy
Vigil, Patricia3/3/1955WI 3-4-1955 1
Vigil, Paul9/29/1929WW 10-2-1929 4 WI 10-1-1929 5age 3, Ravenwood
Vigil, Philip5/8/1935WI 5-9-1935 1suicide
Vigil, Rafaelita1/10/2004HW 1-15-2004 2b 8-26-1910
Vigil, Ramon4/11/1934WI 4-11-1934 1 WI 4-12-1934 ?100 years old
Vigil, Ranaldo10/5/1929WW 10-10-1929 55 mos, son of Frank Vigil
Vigil, Raymond12/5/1982HW 12-9-1982 2b 4-23-1912
Vigil, Raymond O.3/13/2002HW 3-21-2002 2b 11-25-1909
Vigil, Raymundo9/14/1982HW 9-16-1982 2b 10-10-1900
Vigil, Renee Marie11/19/1940WI 11-20-1940 8infant, dau of John Vigil
Vigil, Reuben Elsie Marie1/5/1929WI 1-6-1939 4infant, dau of Eugene Vigil [dates as shown]
Vigil, Reynalda12/15/1974HW 12-19-1974 2b 5-5-1902
Vigil, Reynaldo3/26/1995HW 3-30-1995 2b 8-7-1907
Vigil, Ricardo9/27/1942WI 9-28-1942 4 WI 9-30-1942 4
Vigil, Robert7/29/1944WI 7-31-1944 4child
Vigil, Roger5/4/1976HW 5-6-1976 2
Vigil, Rosarito9/28/1982HW 9-30-1982 2b 6-7-1907
Vigil, Rosita12/20/1967HW 1-4-1968 2
Vigil, Ruby3/10/1970HW 3-12-1970 4 HW 3-19-1970 6
Vigil, Rufinita (Mrs. Alfredo)3/2/1920WI 3-5-1920 1 WI 3-12-1920 1
Vigil, Sadie5/6/1998HW 5-14-1998 2b 12-27-1925, age 72
Vigil, Samuel M.5/1/1987HW 5-7-1987 2
Vigil, Santana7/30/1995HW 8-3-1995 2b 8-5-1905
Vigil, Sarah4/4/1973HW 4-12-1973 3
Vigil, Silas2/17/1993HW 2-18-1993 2Toltec
Vigil, Silviana D. Mrs.8/9/1970HW 8-13-1970 10
Vigil, Simon12/23/1924WW 12-30-1924 1 WI 12-30-1924 1death may be12/26, murdered, Cucharas
Vigil, Simonita10/26/1924WW 10-28-1924 116 yrs,Malachite
Vigil, Soledad5/11/1928WI 5-18-1928 5Cucharas
Vigil, Telesfora6/8/1947WI 6-9-1947 8
Vigil, Teodorita P.8/11/1964HW 8-13-1964 6
Vigil, Teresina1/9/1979HW 1-11-1979 2b 7-30-1905
Vigil, ThomasUnkHW 7-1-1999 2b 6-30-1934
Vigil, Thomas Q.2/21/1947WI 2-21-1947 8b 4-4-1876
Vigil, Tino10/27/1949WI 10-31-1949 5
Vigil, Tobias3/19/1955WI 3-21-1955 8b 5-11-1896 Cucharas
Vigil, Uyoulanda10/6/1966HW 10-13-1966 11infant, dau of Anthony Vigil
Vigil, Victoria4/9/1940WI 4-9-1940 4
Vigil, Viola M.2/24/2003HW 2-27-2003 2b 3-9-1930
Vigil, Viola R.4/13/2004HW 4-22-2004 2
Vigil, Virginia6/28/2000HW 6-29-2000 10
Vigil, Virginia M.11/18/1945WI 11-19-1945 8
Vigna, Babtista11/1/1935WI 11-1-1935 1Pryor
Vigna, Mary F.6/15/1978HW 6-22-1978 2
Vigna, Mathew Sr.10/18/1970HW 10-22-1970 11
Vigna, Matt G.12/2/1972HW 12-7-1972 2b 6-21-1926 Pryor
Viguerilla, Manuelita Mrs.11/28/1959HW 12-3-1959 4B
Vilapando, Juanita12/26/1928WI 12-28-1928 1Turkey Creek, pneumonia
Villa, Theresa M.1/4/1981HW 1-8-1981 2
Villa, Tony C.12/19/1990HW 12-27-1990 2b 11-25-1890 Italy
Villalon, Edilia Suazo11/7/1980HW 11-13-1980 2b 6-25-1915
Villalon, Josephine12/16/1969HW 12-25-1969 4
Villalon, Julilo M8/26/1999HW 9-2-1999 2b 6-17-1939, age 60
Villalon, Mary5/7/1944WI 5-8-1944 4infant, dau of Salomon Villalon
Villalon, Salomon Sr.10/19/1986HW 10-23-1986 3b 6-15-1913
Villalovas, Cecilia M.12/22/1928WW 12-24-1928 1Del Carbon
Vilman, Anna10/10/1955WI 10-12-1955 8
Vilpando, Jose3/4/1939WI 3-6-1939 8Gardner
Vinson, Nancy Eralis (Martinez)9/6/2000HW 9-14-2000 2b 9-10-1920 Walsenburg, d in San Diego, CA.
Viola, Battista5/16/1955WI 5-18-1955 1b 1-28-1880 Turino, Italy
Viola, Battista Jr.3/22/1927WI 4-1-1927 4child, pneumonia
Viola, Lucille11/26/1989HW 11-30-1989 2b 8-5-1908
Viola, Margherita5/2/1964HW 5-7-1964 6
Visich, John4/22/1974HW 4-25-1974 6b 8-12-1906
Visich, Martha3/3/1943WI 3-3-1943 4b 3-17-1882
Visich, Mary6/4/1940WI 6-5-1940 4infant, dau of Pete Visich, Jr.
Visich, Nick5/3/1957WI 5-3-1957 1b 7-6-1916
Visich, Pete Sr.4/19/1951WI 4-19-1951 8
Visich, Peter Jr.12/27/1972HW 1-11-1973 3
Vitales, Gus2/1/1939WI 2-1-1939 4
Vizis, Louis5/15/1960HW 5-19-1960 1B
Vodenik, Frank5/30/1944WI 5-31-1944 4b 11-11-1975 Yugoslavia
Vodovinac, Eli7/31/1944WI 8-1-1944 4b 1866 Australia
Voiles, Terry Fletcher (Ted)11/11/2000HW 11-16-2000 2of Perryton, TX and Cuchara, b 2-15-1919 Hooter, age 81, d Amarillo, TX
Volka, George1-4-1899WW 1-5-1899 1age 12
Vories, Benton2/18/1942WI 2-18-1942 1 WI 2-19-1942 1&8LaVeta, accident
Vories, Eunice M.2/19/1996HW 2-22-1996 2 HW 2-29-2996 2b 8-30-1920
Vories, Lula Benton2/22/1941WI 2-24-1941 1LaVeta
Vories, Ruby Leon Mrs.2/4/1978HW 2-9-1978 2
Voris, George W.1903WW 12-18-1903 1body found on Greenhorn Rd several weeks ago
Vosberg, I.J.12/21/1924WI 12-23-1924 1Gardner
Vucetich, Anna12/24/1965HW 12-30-1965 9
Vucetich, Frances Janet12/21/2001HW 12-27-2001 2b 2-6-1924
Vucetich, John5/30/1950WI 5-31-1950 8
Vucetich, Michael Alan10/26/1953WI 10-26-1953 8infant
Vucetich, Mike9/10/1962HW 9-13-1962 4B
Vucetich, Steve12/24/1950WI 12-26-1950 1 

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