Huerfano County, Colorado
Obituary Index Cards

Contributed by Dick Chenault, Louise Adams and Karen Mitchell, in conjunction with the Spanish Peaks Library District.
The Spanish Peaks Library has kept an index card of every obituary found in the Huerfano County newspapers. This listing is a duplicate of those cards. Through the years some cards may have disappeared, but the index is as complete as can be made possible. If you know of any other obituaries that are not listed here please contact Karen Mitchell or Louise Adams with the listing.

Our profound THANKS for the immense cooperation of the Spanish Peaks Library staff and especially Monica Kirby, Library Director, in this project. We also thank the original creators of the cards, Dan and Dorothy Ree, and the many volunteers who worked so many long hours to create and maintain the cards.
These obituaries may be ordered directly from the Spanish Peaks Library District, Walsenburg, CO. 81019 by remitting $3.00 "per obituary". The library website can also be found at Spanish Peaks Library District.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of these obituaries appear on our Tri-County Obituaries pages. If you have obituaries of your ancestral families, please consider contributing them to our Tri-County Obituary project.

These cards transcribed by Louise Adams, proofed by Dick Chenault.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.


NameDeath DatePaper Date Page Notes
Kadar, John7/16/1933WI 7/17/1933 4
Kafka, Joseph6/18/1931WI 6/19/1931 1
Kakalecich, Steve6/22/1928WW 6/25/1928 3 WI 6/26/1928 1death may be 6/13/1928, d Denver
Kakalecik, Anna6/12/1939WI 6/13/1939 4
Kakalecik, Anthony4/11/1937WI 4/12/1937 8
Kakalecik, Edward7/10/1943WI 7/12/1943 1
Kakalecik, John Mrs.12/30/1934WI 12/31/1934 1
Kakalecik, Paul5/30/1973HW 6/7/1973 2
Kakalecik, Thomas Francis3/31/1973HW 4/5/1973 3
Kakuk, Ernest12/8/1968HW 12/12/1968 2
Kakuk, George3/9/1936WI 3/12/1936 1Gordon, 3 yrs, son of George Kakuk
Kakuk, Rose5/18/2000HW 5/25/2000 2age 86, b 2/24/1914 Gallup, NM, d Grand Oak Care Center Lakewood
Kalec, Jacob5/6/1954WI 5/7/1954 1
Kaleff, Helen6/21/1943WI 6/22/1943 4
Kalic, Rosa12/13/1928WW 12/17/1928 1 WI 12/18/1928 1
Kalicki, Vicki Jean10/12/1998HW 10/22/1998 2age 52, b 7/18/1946 Lawrence, KS
Kalik, John7/?/1921WW 7/22/1921 1murdered
Kallas, Pete9/17/1977HW 9/22/1977 2b 4/21/1896 Greece
Kalmes, Joseph A.11/28/1997HW 12/4/1997 2Cucharas
Kalmes, Margaret Mary3/4/1990HW 3/8/1990 2b 8/24/1885 Belgium
Kalwaitis, Anton1/29/1936WI 1/29/1936 1b Lithuania
Kampmann, Lars3/16/1989HW 3/30/1989 2
Kancilia, Frances8/30/1998HW 9/10/1998 2Aguilar, age 91, b 7/6/1907
Kane, W. H.3/27/1924WI 4/1/1924 1Denver, pneumonia
Kaparos, Mark2/2/1945WI 2/5/1945 4b 5/1/1886 Greece
Kappas, John4/12/1978HW 4/20/1978 2
Kapusin, Lawrence2/?/1945WI 2/16/1945 8b 3/7/1867 Austria
Karamonzis, Bill5/18/1970HW 5/21/1970 12
Karcich, Frank1/13/1936WI 1/14/1936 1
Karsi, Frank11/23/1942WI 11/23/1942 1
Karst, Bessie2/14/1926WI 2/16/1926 1 WI 2/19/1926 116 yrs, auto accident
Karst, Christopher12/25/1904WW 12/27/1904 2b Switzerland
Karst, Frank Sr.5/12/1920WI 5/14/1920 1 WI 5/21/1920 1
Karst, Joseph F.10/8/1950WI 10/9/1950 8
Karst, Lottie Louella8/2/1965HW 8/5/1965 10
Karst, William O.5/5/1964HW 5/14/1964 8
Kartalis, James "Jimmy"1/4/1985HW 1/10/1985 2
Kasper Frank10/23/1910WW 10/27/1910 8Globe Mine
Kast, Elizabeth9/12/1949WI 9/12/1949 8
Kaster, Byron7/27/1911WW 8/3/1911 4 WI 8/5/1911 1Tioga, b 11/25/1866 OH
Katalin, Phillip Jr.2/19/1924WW 2/22/1924 1
Katcham, Nicoles3/7/1927WI 3/18/1927 1Sharpsdale, d Pueblo
Kato, Frank Kay1/18/1943WI 1/19/1943 4b 11/5/1886
Kauffman, Elmer Fred5/1/1945WI 5/2/1945 4b 9/11/1893
Kayo, David William "Strider"8/13/2000HW 8/17/2000 2Pueblo
Kearin, John8/21/1910WW 8/25/1910 1Pryor
Kebel, Jakoy9/22/1910WW 9/29/1910 1Farr, rock fall
Keeling, Charles "Bud"2/24/1999HW 3/4/1999 2age 70, b 6/24/1928 Alamo Coal Camp
Keeling, Charles W.2/17/1976HW 2/19/1976 2La Veta
Keeling, Edith3/30/1980HW 4/3/1980 2b 10/29/1929
Keeling, James B.7/10/2001HW 7/12/2001 2b 10/21/1926 TX
Keeling, Marjorie Opal1/11/1993HW 1/14/1993 2La Veta
Keeling, Mary Kay5/14/2005HW 6/2/2005 2b 11/11/1915 to Martin and Aniela Slancik
Keeling, Viola2/4/1981HW 2/12/1981 4La Veta
Kelim, Bertha Helen7/14/1962HW 7/19/1962 6
Keller, E. A.8/?/1902WW 8/14/1902 4Spring Valley
Kelley, Hilda A.6/10/1991HW 6/13/1991 2
Kelley, Robert W.5/29/1975HW 6/5/1975 1b 9/4/1907
Kelley, Thomas4/12/1938WI 4/12/1938 1 WI 4/13/1938 1
Kelley, William4/16/1996HW 4/18/1996 2 HW 4/25/1996 2b 1/16/1936
Kellogg, Benard1/27/2002HW 2/7/2002 2age 80, b 9/21/1921
Kelly, J. M. Mrs.5/29/1919WW 6/5/1919 5
Kemp, Matthew12/13/1993HW 12/16/1993 2
Kemper, Ruby E.11/19/1931WI 11/20/1931 1
Kendall, Hugh12/22/1951WI 12/24/1951 12
Kendle, Mary Mrs.11/17/1958HW 11/21/1958 2B
Kendricks, Frank8/10/1931WI 8/14/1931 1Sunnyside, gunshot
Kenezevich, Violet4/29/1924WI 5/13/1924 1infant, Camp Shumway
Kennedy, Elda Lee4/14/1929WW 4/15/1929 1 WI 4/16/1929 1 Alamo
Kenner, George3/10/1934WI 3/29/193414 yrs, b 1920, kicked by horse
Kenner, Grace E.11/17/1972HW 11/23/1972 10
Kenner, James Albert1/24/1953WI 1/25/1954 1[dates as shown]
Kepeotes, George "Shorty"5/20/1970HW 5/28/1970 2
Kerr, Dianne4/20/2005HW 4/28/2005 2b 4/28/1949 Petersburg, OH to Harold G. and Betty J. Kerr
Keshmiri, Kathleen D. Bellah6/9/1997HW 6/12/1997 2
Ketcham, Infant12/12/1951WI 12/13/1951 8Son of Nicolas Ketcham
Ketcham, Ronald Lee2/18/1957WI 2/18/1957 1&8child, d Denver
Ketchem, Bill5/28/1958WI 5/29/1958 1 WI 5/29/1958 12drowned, age 14, b 1/8/1942 Gardner
Ketner, Joel J.8/31/1908WW 9/3/1908 4
Kettlekamp, Gregory B.7/31/1969HW 7/31/1969 1Malachite
Kijunka, Frank Peter4/2/1957WI 4/2/1957 1-2 WI 4/5/1957 2
Kilkus, John M.10/17/1990HW 10/25/1990 2b 3/10/1908
Killion, Claude E.11/24/1957WI 11/25/1957 1
Killion, Mary M.7/4/1986HW 7/10/1986 2b 8/6/1895
Kilmurray, Frances F. "Talsy"6/14/1989HW 6/22/1989 2b 7/7/1912
Kilmurray, Matt10/17/1940WI 10/18/1940 1
Kilmurray, Matthew J.10/13/1961HW 10/19/1961 2B
Kilpatrick, Andrew10/5/1910WW 10/13/1910 1Sunnyside
Kimball, Edward2/?/1912WI 2/17/1912 1 WI 2/24/1912 110 yrs
Kimbrel, Albert T.6/8/1952WI 6/9/1952 8
Kimbrel, Genevieve10/16/1935WI 10/16/1935 1St. Mary's
Kimbrel, Lida M.5/21/1979HW 5/24/1979 2b 10/18/1893
Kimbrel, Mary Ann9/5/1986HW 9/11/1986 2b 2/2/1915
Kimbrel, Perry S.2/18/1972HW 2/24/1972 5b 8/6/1911 Delcarbon
Kimbrell, George6/28/1951WI 7/2/1951 8
Kimbrell, Perry5/19/1923WW 5/22/1923 1Pueblo
Kincaid, Charles F.2/27/1958WI 2/27/1958 1
Kincaid, Joe6/8/1931WI 6/12/1931 1La Veta
Kincaid, John H.12/5/1934WI 12/6/1934 1b 2/27/1880 La Veta
Kincaid, Laura11/24/1898WW 12/1/1898 1La Veta
Kincaid, Lulu11/24/1969HW 11/27/1969 3
Kincaid, Mabel5/7/1935WI 5/8/1935 1La Veta
Kincaid, Marjorie Cooley9/1/1942WI 9/2/1942 1&4 WI 9/3/1942 8La Veta
Kincaid, Maybelle4/8/1975HW 4/10/1975 12b 5/4/1895 Cokedale
Kincaid, William M.4/5/1952WI 4/7/1952 1La Veta
Kindt, Carl11/23/1964HW 12/3/1964 6
Kindt, Charles4/24/1934WI 4/26/1934 1Gardner, b 12/5/1906
Kindt, Charles1/12/1933WI 1/13/1933 1Gardner
Kindt, John11/25/1965HW 12/2/1965 8Gardner
Kindt, Lena Theresa7/20/1965HW 7/22/1965 8Gardner
Kindt, Nettie King8/19/1930WW 8/19/1930 1 WI 8/22/1930 6b 8/19/1892 Hillside
Kindt, Rosie9/14/1912WW 9/19/1912 1Gardner
Kindt, Willard W.12/9/1955WI 12/12/1955 1b 5/23/1922 Gardner
Kine, Annie12/7/1925WI 12/11/1925 1Gardner, d Pueblo
Kine, John Patrick7/8/1922WW 7/11/1922 1
King, Albert8/31/1930WW 9/2/1930 1 WI 9/5/1930 4Redwing, lightning strike
King, Alice M.5/18/1947WI 5/19/1947 8infant, dau of Stephen King
King, Anna Martinez12/29/1986HW 1/8/1987 3
King, Bart11/13/1924WW 11/14/1924 1 WI 11/14/1924 1Alamo, rock fall, death may be 11-14-1924
King, Carl5/31/1999HW 6/10/1999 2age 39, b 12/22/1960 Walsenburg
King, Carmelita3/2/1910WI 3/12/1910 1Malachite, b 7/16/1858
King, Charles J.6/3/1965HW 6/10/1965 6
King, Emmett C.9/?/1956WI 9/26/1956 8
King, Emmett C. Jr.12/26/2004HW 12/30/2004 2b 3/25/1918
King, Eva Maldonado2/13/2000HW 2/17/2000 2Santa Fe, NM, age 79, b 8/4/1920 Walsenburg
King, Frances5/31/1994HW 6/2/1994 2b 8/23/1926
King, Joe A.6/7/1937WI 6/7/1937 1
King, Johnny I.12/27/1982HW 12/30/1982 2b 8/28/1933
King, Judy Helen9/25/1943WI 9/27/1943 6infant, dau of Henry King
King, Lawrence A.8/27/1986HW 9/4/1986 2b 4/25/1919
King, Melia11/22/1929WI 11/29/1929 8Red Wing, 12 yrs, dau of Albert King
King, Michael Lee2/27/1987HW 3/5/1987 2
King, Milton2/21/1968HW 2/29/1968 1&3
King, Paul Christ3/19/1979HW 3/22/1979 7b 6/26/1940
King, Rose6/24/1910WI 6/25/1910 1 WW 6/30/1910 1age 1, dau of Charles King
King, Sophia8/22/1961HW 8/24/1961 8
King, William1/21/2001HW 1/25/2001 2Walsenburg, age 85, b 11/25/1915 Red Wing
King-Ortega, Carolyn Emily1/17/2003HW 1/30/2003 2b 9/2/1954
Kipan, Andre7/11/1912WW 7/25/1912 1
Kirby, Jack7/?/1938WI 8/2/1938 4La Veta
Kirby, Joseph Luther10/17/1935WI 11/18/1935 1La Veta
Kirfisk, John12/23/1902WW 12/25/1902 2mine accident
Kirkland, Walter10/16/1903WW 10/20/1903 1Pictou, 2 mo, son of William Kirkland
Kirkpatrick, Frances Lillis2/27/1991HW 3/7/1991 2age 104
Kirkpatrick, Henry K.9/28/1921WW 9/30/1921 1
Kirkpatrick, John7/14/1959HW 7/16/1959 1
Kirkpatrick, Leighton Henry10/10/1946WI 10/11/1946 1
Kis, Joe B.10/24/1978HW 11/9/1978 2
Kis, John1/21/1904WW 1/22/1904 3mine accident
Kissel, Alice Mae4/21/1925WI 4/24/1925 1child, Ideal
Kissell, Alice Bayuk8/26/1967HW 8/31/1967 7
Kissell, Daisy5/11/1988HW 5/19/1988 2b 1/25/1896
Kissell, Grace B.1/3/1969HW 1/9/1969 6
Kissell, John A.9/?/1971HW 9/9/1971 3b 10/21/1891
Kitchen, Elbert Leroy10/?/1944WI 10/30/1944 1 WI 5/9/1949 6 WI 6/10/1949 6 Killed in action
Kitchen, George W.10/19/1925WI 10/23/1925 1N. of La Veta
Kitchen, Mary12/28/1910WW 1/5/1911 127 days, Toltec
Kitchen, Pearl12/20/1989HW 12/21/1989 2b 7/2/1890
Kitchens, Emma May Doty10/17/1926WI 10/22/1926 7La Veta, b 12/23/1880
Kitchens, Mrs.10/7/1921WW 10/14/1921 1early pioneer
Klarich, Joseph1/?/1932WI 1/29/1932 1child, funeral
Klein, Anna Marie11/8/1988HW 11/17/1988 2b 11/25/1889
Klein, Birmingham Elmer2/20/1935WI 2/21/1935 1 WI 2/22/1935 1b 2/8/1884 Birmingham, CO
Klein, Carl7/?/1912WI 7/6/1912Strong, murdered
Klein, Eliza Schott Mrs.11/29/1928WI 11/30/1928 1 WI 12/4/1928 1Pioneer
Klein, Fred E.7/1/1940WI 7/2/1940 1
Klein, George4/8/1934WI 4/9/1934 1 WI 4/10/1934 1b 1/28/1869 Plattesburg, MO
Klein, Henry11/17/1912WI 11/12/1912 1 WW 11/21/1912 1b 9/4/1837 Bavaria, Civil War Veteran
Klein, Karl7/3/1912WW 7/11/1912 1Strong
Klein, Kathryn F.12/9/1987HW 12/17/1987 2La Veta
Klein, Madeline2/10/1899WW 2/16/1899 1age 7, dau of Max Klein, d Albuquerque, NM
Klein, Margaret Lena4/?/1919WW 4/24/1919 55 mo, dau of Otto Klein
Klein, Minnie9/16/1955WI 9/16/1955 1d CA
Klein, Rebecca10/15/1958HW 10/17/1958 8
Klein, William C.7/27/1939WI 7/27/1939 1b 3/29/1875 Plattsburg, MO, d Breckenridge, MO
Klikus, Frank1/23/1947WI 1/24/1947 8
Klikus, John Sr.5/4/1964HW 5/7/1964 6La Veta
Klikus, Joseph Steve3/31/1997HW 4/3/1997 2
Klikus, Mary A.7/5/1964HW 7/9/1964 6
Klinger, Wilhelmine Mauger5/18/1971HW 5/20/1971 16b 5/18/1893 Germany
Klinker, Erlyne7/19/2000HW 7/27/2000 2d Mary Ruter Hosp at Bellefontaine, OH, lived Russells Point, OH, age 72, b 10/15/1927 Lima, OH
Klobis, Josephine4/7/1927WI 4/8/1927 4infant, pneumonia
Klopp, Sophia Freda5/25/1958WI 5/28/1958 12
Klorich, Joseph Jr.1/?/1932WI 1/29/1932 1child
Klosowski, Alexander1/4/1984HW 1/12/1984 2b 5/27/1891 Poland, d Montgomery, AL
Klosowski, Walter Sr.2/11/1965HW 2/11/1965 8
Kmbic, John2/10/1930WW 2/11/1930 1
Kmetz, Anna10/10/1951WI 10/11/1951 8 WI 10/12/1951 8
Kmetz, Elaine G.2/14/1975HW 2/20/1975 2b 9/11/1904 Creede
Kmetz, John3/3/1979HW 3/8/1979 10b 12/25/1902
Kmetz, Thomas "Tom"6/11/1987HW 6/18/1987 2La Veta
Knight, Belle5/1/1963HW 5/2/1963 6
Knight, John R.5/8/1977HW 5/12/1977 2b 12/1/1882 Clay City, KS
Knight, Samuel Franklin3/31/1956WI 4/2/1956 1-2
Knighton, Esther Smith7/24/1981HW 7/30/1981 8
Knoll, Charles W.5/24/1971HW 5/27/1971 10
Knoll, Henry A.10/21/1960HW 10/27/1960 2B
Knowles, Buren E.11/27/1918WI 11/29/1918 1Pneumonia
Knowlton, Molly8/25/1997HW 8/28/1997 2Merriam, KS
Knox, Ellen May10/4/1930WW 10/7/1930 1infant, Pictou
Knox, Jefferson12/12/1911WW 12/14/1911 1 WI 12/16/1911 1Walsen, b 7/17/1852 Washington City, OH, mine accident
Kocardi, Joe10/21/1953WI 10/21/1953 1
Koch, Eugene Emil2/25/1938WI 2/25/1938 1
Koch, Florence Lillian4/20/1951WI 4/20/1951 8
Kochler, C. E.1/25/1910WW 1/27/1910 1D&RG - out of Pueblo
Kolark, Paul5/9/1910WW 5/12/1910 1Ravenwood, mine accident
Kollander, Agnes4/11/1966HW 4/14/1966 3
Komaroski, George E.5/4/1983HW 5/12/1983 2
Komaroski, Julia A.4/22/1988HW 4/28/1988 2b 12/8/1899
Komaroski, Lorraine7/14/1985HW 7/18/1985 2
Komaroski, Paul S.6/22/1990HW 6/28/1990 2b 5/20/1929
Komaroski, Thomas3/?/1988HW 3/17/1988 2b 3/16/1923
Kondor, Steve9/5/1929WW 10/7/1929suicide
Koos, Peter4/2/1948WI 4/2/1948 1
Kopel, Mary10/7/1910WW 10/13/1910 1McNally, Co
Kopera, Frank J.1/17/1979HW 1/18/1979 2
Kopera, John1/31/1949WI 2/1/1949 1 WI 2/3/1949 6
Kopera, John Frank Jr.6/28/2000HW 7/20/2000 2Colorado Springs, b 1/7/1957 Walsenburg
Kopera, Josephine8/29/1942WI 8/31/1942 4
Kopera, Patricia Rose9/22/1946WI 9/23/1946 4infant
Kopera, Rudolph John4/15/1967HW 4/20/1967 5
Kopine, Louis Jr.11/4/1999HW 11/11/1999 2b 10/18/1906 Canon City
Kopusin, Cora7/12/1931WI 7/17/1931 1
Kopusin, Lawrence7/11/1932WI 7/15/1932 1suicide
Korb, Leonard1/3/1934WI 1/8/1934 1b 4/30/1892, former Gardner resident
Korb, Walter N.5/1/1916WW 5/25/1916 1Gardner, age 56y 5m 6d, b 11/25/1859 Washington, IA, m 1880 A. Skivin, she d 1882, 1 child, Eddie Louis of Lester; m 1886 Estella M. Boylan, 3 children, Mable N., Leonard O. of Gardner and Mrs. Paul Smith, Malachite
Kordis, Donald9/22/2005HW 9/29/2005 2Fort Collins, age 87, b Enid, OK to Lewis and Vina Kordis
Kordis, Ethmer Gray2/3/2005HW 2/10/2005 2b 11/16/1917
Kordis, Vina V.6/27/1987HW 7/2/1987 2
Kornas, Martin10/11/1945WI 10/12/1945 8
Kos, Louise12/16/1927WI 12/20/1927 1Rattlesnake Buttes, d near Aguilar, hit/run victim
Kos, Tony10/6/1927WI 10/18/1927 1Walsen
Kosarek, Rose Alice2/21/2004HW 2/26/2004 2b 12/27/1903 Pryor
Kosir, Josef3/23/1964HW 3/26/1964 5
Kosmas, Blodwyn3/10/1999HW 3/18/1999 2age 98, b 4/4/1900
Kosmas, George10/?/1968HW 10/17/1968 9
Kosmas, Kathy11/17/1982HW 11/25/1982 2b 4/11/1964
Kosmider, Frank8/8/1913WI 8/9/1913 4Toltec
Kosmider, Marilyn Gale3/25/1960HW 3/31/1960 2B3 yrs
Kosmider, Mary Ann1/23/1956WI 1/23/1956 1-2 WI 1/25/1956 8
Kosmides, Edmund Jacob12/10/1977HW 12/15/1977 2b 9/12/1898 Poland
Kosmos, Gus12/12/1988HW 12/15/1988 2b 8/14/1894 Greece
Kostelny, Anna4/13/1969HW 4/24/1969 3
Kostelny, Henry11/15/1928WI 11/20/1928 1Lester, 10 yrs, appendicitis
Kostelny, Stanley12/3/1945WI 12/3/1945 1
Kountz, Howard J.5/4/1967HW 5/11/1967 6
Kountz, Ida B.11/23/1978HW 11/30/1978 2
Kovach, Joe6/9/1951WI 6/11/1951 8
Kovach, Joe1/11/1972HW 1/20/1972 8b 10/13/1888 Hungary
Kovach, Mary2/28/1994HW 3/3/1994 2b 4/9/1907
Kralik, Albina6/4/1976HW 6/10/1976 8
Kranichfield, Louis H.8/2/1956WI 8/3/1956 1-2
Krantz, Andrew7/3/1908WW 7/9/1908
Kratz, Ralph W.10/6/1955WI 10/6/1955 1b 6/16/1897 Franklin Co., KS
Kravic, George8/4/1968HW 8/8/1968 2
Kravic, Mary Frances11/16/1987HW 11/19/1987 2
Kreuger, Ruth2/8/1899LA 2/11/1899dau of Julius Krueger
Kreutzer, Brandi Lynn6/1/1984HW 6/7/1984 2b 3/26/1970
Kreutzer, Brian Ralph3/20/1965HW 3/25/1965 6La Veta, infant, son of Glenn M. Kreutzer
Kreutzer, Clarence S.2/13/1969HW 2/20/1969 2La Veta
Kreutzer, Earl L. "Squirley"7/19/1983HW 7/21/1983 2
Kreutzer, Evelyn10/16/1996HW 10/24/1996 2
Kreutzer, Fred2/5/1951WI 2/6/1951 8
Kreutzer, Fred or Fritz10/16/1960HW 10/20/1960 7La Veta, b 3/11/1881 Germany
Kreutzer, Fritz10/17/1960HW 10/20/1960 8
Kreutzer, George10/12/1929WI 10/15/1929 1 WW 10/15/1929 1b 1894 Germany
Kreutzer, George V.11/16/1987HW 12/10/1987 2La Veta
Kreutzer, James Malcolm10/9/1976HW 10/14/1976 2La Veta
Kreutzer, John Henry8/13/1971HW 8/19/1971 3b 11/18/1879 Germany
Kreutzer, Lawrence Morton5/?/1966HW 6/2/1966 10La Veta
Kreutzer, Mary A. Wagner7/27/1944WI 7/27/1944 8b 8/30/1866
Kreutzer, Mary Agnes12/3/1969HW 12/11/1969 2La Veta
Kreutzer, Mary Ellen4/16/1972HW 4/20/1972 3b 1/20/1883 Accident, MD
Kreutzer, Paul9/?/1915WI 9/18/1915 15 yrs
Kreutzer, Russell Lawrence1/16/1993HW 1/28/1993 2La Veta
Krevich, Steve12/8/1935WI 12/9/1935 1
Krieger, Mabel Ellen1/31/2000HW 2/24/2000 2d Fairbanks, AK, age 94, b 3/14/1903 St. John, KS
Krier, Cecelia Mrs.5/22/1913WW 5/29/1913 1
Krier, Edward J.6/18/1968HW 6/20/1968 9
Krier, Edward W.4/11/1958WI 4/11/1958 1
Krier, Ernest2/5/1978HW 2/16/1978 2d and buried Denver
Krier, Ernest P.4/9/1949WI 4/11/1949 1
Krier, Keith Edward1/30/1938WI 1/31/1938 121 days, son of Edward J. Krier
Krier, Laura Bell10/9/1969HW 10/16/1969 8
Krier, Lucile E.12/8/1979HW 12/13/1979 2b 12/11/1896
Krier, Magdalen M.3/29/1991HW 4/4/1991 2
Krier, Margaret6/26/1938WI 6/27/1938 1
Krier, Myrtie4/27/1975HW 5/1/1975 1b 12/13/1884 KS
Krier, Paul8/2/1982HW 8/5/1982 1b 1/25/1890
Krier, Peter3/1/1937WI 3/2/1937 1b 1858 Belgium
Krier, William Mrs.5/?/1913WI 5/24/1913 1Pueblo
Krier, William Mrs.3/22/1935WI 3/22/1935 1
Krist, Frank4/18/1936WI 4/18/1936 1accident
Krist, Helen12/15/1928HW 12/23/1982 2b 2/22/1916 [dates as shown]
Krist, John5/12/1952WI 5/13/1952 8
Krist, John Jr.3/15/1946WI 3/15/1946 1
Krist, Joseph F.6/29/1978HW 7/6/1978 2
Krist, Katherine5/15/1961HW 5/18/1961 4B
Krist, Mary5/26/1949WI 5/27/1949 1b 4/5/1880 Austria
Krist, Matthew8/21/1966HW 8/25/1966 1Killed in action, Vietnam
Krist, Matthew "Matt"6/17/1959HW 6/18/1959 8
Krist, Rudolph12/28/2001HW 1/3/2002 2age 91, b 9/5/1910
Krmpotich, John8/5/1927WI 8/12/1927 5Cameron, child, scarlet fever
Krolewski, John10/24/1959HW 10/29/1959 1B
Krouch, Lucas2/?/1934WI 2/5/1934 1
Krpan, Helen Marie3/24/1995HW 3/30/1995 2b 6/27/1909
Krpan, Mary Mrs.4/29/1957WI 4/30/1957 1&8 WI 5/1/1957 8
Krueger, Mary9/28/2000HW 9/28/2000 1Walsenburg, age 44, secretary at Washington School
Kruitz, Joseph1/10/1993HW 1/14/1993 2
Krupotich, Tony7/12/1947WI 7/14/1947 8
Kukcinavicus, Pete9/8/1956WI 9/10/1956 1&8suicide
Kupiec, Mary6/13/1961HW 6/15/1961 1B
Kuszai, Augustine12/22/1972HW 12/28/1972 3b 8/18/1886 Yugoslavia
Kvaternick, George10/14/1942WI 10/15/1942 8
Kwaiatkoswki, Poweell11/6/1921WW 11/8/1921 1suicide
Kyle, Robert3/4/1903WW 3/5/1903 1 

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