Huerfano County, Colorado
Obituary Index Cards

Contributed by Dick Chenault, Louise Adams and Karen Mitchell, in conjunction with the Spanish Peaks Library District.
The Spanish Peaks Library has kept an index card of every obituary found in the Huerfano County newspapers. This listing is a duplicate of those cards. Through the years some cards may have disappeared, but the index is as complete as can be made possible. If you know of any other obituaries that are not listed here please contact Karen Mitchell or Louise Adams with the listing.

Our profound THANKS for the immense cooperation of the Spanish Peaks Library staff and especially Monica Kirby, Library Director, in this project. We also thank the original creators of the cards, Dan and Dorothy Ree, and the many volunteers who worked so many long hours to create and maintain the cards.
These obituaries may be ordered directly from the Spanish Peaks Library District, Walsenburg, CO. 81019 by remitting $3.00 "per obituary". The library website can also be found at Spanish Peaks Library District.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of these obituaries appear on our Tri-County Obituaries pages. If you have obituaries of your ancestral families, please consider contributing them to our Tri-County Obituary project.

These cards transcribed by Louise Adams, proofed by Dick Chenault.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.


NameDeath DatePaper Date PageNotes
Pachaff, Mike4/13/1938WI 4-18-1938 1
Pacheco, Abel Evaristo4/23/1979HW 4-26-1979 2b 12-3-1891
Pacheco, Adlaida Barron9/9/1947WI 9-9-1947 8
Pacheco, Andreatta Mrs.11/23/1934WI 11-24-1934 4
Pacheco, Anna7-?-1937WI 7-8-1937 1age 16, suicide
Pacheco, Antonia7/16/1931WI 7-17-1931 1
Pacheco, Antonio L.10/8/1957WI 10-9-1957 1
Pacheco, Armenio7/31/1945WI 8-6-1945 1North Veta
Pacheco, Bernie G.5/25/2005HW 6-2-2005 2age 63
Pacheco, Carolina Mrs.3-?-1959HW 3-6-1959 6
Pacheco, Cirila5/14/1959WI 5-20-1909 1
Pacheco, Clarita2/28/1979HW 3-8-1979 10b 3-2-1892
Pacheco, Dan12/26/1910WW 12-29-1910 1Oakdale mine, rock fall
Pacheco, Daniel12/20/1910WW 1-5-1911 1Oakview
Pacheco, Della Baca4/29/1974HW 5-9-1974 11b 11-17-1907
Pacheco, Eliut12/8/1934WI 12-10-1934 110 yrs
Pacheco, Emilaria6/22/1938WI 6-23-1938 12
Pacheco, Estella Vigil6/8/1997HW 6-12-1997 2
Pacheco, Feliciana6/3/1944WI 6-5-1944 4b 9-?-1867
Pacheco, Frances5/16/1929WW 5-16-1929 1 WI 5-17-1929 1North Veta, age 9, dau of Abram Pacheco
Pacheco, Francisco8/28/1940WI 8-28-1940 4
Pacheco, Heriberto4/11/1925WI 4-14-1925 1Pueblo, child, Lester
Pacheco, Jake6/27/1949WI 6-28-1949 1 WI 6-29-1949 1b 7-19-1907 North Veta
Pacheco, Jennie Gloria M.1/21/1972HW 1-27-1972 1
Pacheco, Joe7/20/1933WI 7-22-1933 1Gardner
Pacheco, Joe7/25/1945WI 7-25-1945 1
Pacheco, Joe Paul8/29/1948WI 8-30-1948infant, son of Dolly M. Pacheco
Pacheco, Jose8/28/1913WI 8-30-1913 4Chico
Pacheco, Jose3-?-1923WW 3-16-1923 6d in Pueblo, Gardner - Redwing
Pacheco, Jose Abram10/3/1959HW 10-8-1959 6B
Pacheco, Jose Luciano11/19/1938WI 11-22-1938 3
Pacheco, Jose Manuel2/15/1939WI 2-16-1939 8North Veta
Pacheco, Jose Ynacio11/12/1969HW 11-20-1969 8
Pacheco, Joseph9/12/1953WI 9-14-1953 1
Pacheco, Joseph L Severio3/21/1957WI 3-25-1957 1&8Pioneer
Pacheco, Juan7/6/1911WW 7-20-1911 16 m, Walsenburg, son of Penonio Pacheco
Pacheco, Juan1/17/1922WW 1-20-1921 1murdered [dates as shown]
Pacheco, Juan 6/22/1933WI 6-22-1933 1
Pacheco, Juan B.12/6/1975HW 12-11-1975 2b 3-21-1881 Gardner
Pacheco, Julia Nieves6/6/1970HW 6-11-1970 2
Pacheco, Julian1/22/2000HW 1-27-2000 2Huerfano Med Center, b 10-25-1917, served in WWII
Pacheco, Lillian F.8/1/2004HW 8-8-2004 2b 2-10-1936
Pacheco, Lucy10/11/1927WI 10-14-1927 1child, Gardner
Pacheco, Luther10/9/1949WI 10-10-1949 1Redwing
Pacheco, Maclovia12/4/1996HW 12-12-1996 2
Pacheco, Marguerite8/5/1935WI 8-6-1935 1
Pacheco, Maria Helen12/29/1955WI 12-31-1955 12
Pacheco, Maria Liberta8/24/1942WI 8-25-1942 4La Veta
Pacheco, Maria Salome Miss.4/12/1941WI 4-14-1941 4Chico
Pacheco, Marie Helen12/29/1954WI 12-29-1954 1
Pacheco, Moises Sr.10/28/1979HW 11-1-1979 2b 8-4-1884
Pacheco, Nieves5/6/1964HW 5-7-1964 6
Pacheco, Onesimo2/23/1995HW 3-2-1995 2b 4-17-1895
Pacheco, Pablo12/23/1937WI 12-23-1937 1Chico
Pacheco, Ramon2/17/1939WI 2-20-1939 4Bear Creek, b 1864 Costilla, Co.
Pacheco, Ramona A.4/5/1973HW 4-12-1973 3
Pacheco, Reyes Mrs.4/15/1945WI 4-16-1945 4b 3-20-1872
Pacheco, Robert D.11/15/1952WI 11-17-19521
Pacheco, Rubye8/29/2002HW 9-5-2002 2b 3-4-1923
Pacheco, Sadie Mrs.3/30/1970HW 4-2-1970 8
Pacheco, Sylvano6/6/1902WW 6-12-1902 14 yrs, son of Francisco Pacheco
Pacheco, Telesfora10/11/1972HW 10-12-1972 1b 2-7-1894
Pacheco, Theodore3/8/1944WI 3-8-1944 4
Pacheco, Theodore M.12/25/1971HW 12-30-1971 3b 10-20-1895
Pacheco, Victor M.8/6/1953WI 8-7-1953 129 yrs, son of Ruben Pacheco
Pacheero, Maria?/?/1908WW 4/16/1908 8Body found along railroad tracks
Packard, Clyde C.12/23/1955WI 12-27-1955 2Martinez, CA, b 7-14-1881 Iowa
Packard, Dema Lorene7/2/1913WI 7-5-1913 1&5 WW 7-10-1913 1infant
Packard, Maurice 4/29/1927WI 5-3-1927 1&4Pueblo
Packard, Mildred8/11/1912WW 8-22-1912 18m, dau of Harry Packard
Packard, Murl Boston10/17/1998HW 12-24-1998age 92, b 1905 Atwood, KS.
Packard, Richard4/7/1964HW 4-9-1964 7
Packard, Richard 7/29/1977HW 8-4-1977 2b 12-2-1903
Packard, Sidney M.1/2/1927WI 1-4-1927
Paddock, Wayne Melburn10/11/1926WI 10-12-1926 1Lester, infant, son of F.M. Paddock
Padfield, Myron Frank9/16/1914WI 9-19-1914 5infant, Big Four
Padia, Chaudovio7/18/1911WW 7-20-1911 1Toltec, son of Antonio Padia, 1 mo
Padia, Josefa4/16/1915WW 4-22-1915 1 WI 5-8-1915 5Ideal
Padia, Juanita7/18/1911WW 7-20-1911 1Toltec, 1 mo, dau of Antonio Padia
Padia, Louis 8/4/1912WW 8-22-1912 1Globe, 5 mo, son of Al Padia
Padia, Nestor9/15/1911WW 9-21-1911 1
Padia, Stella M.6/11/1994HW 6-16-1994 2b 6-17-1919
Padia, Victor3-?-1900WW 3-22-1900 1North Veta
Padilla, (Infant)10/16/1946WI 10-16-1946 8
Padilla, Amelia8/10/1911WW 8-17-1911 12mo, dau of S. Padilla
Padilla, Ben3/30/1984HW 4-5-1984 2b 4-10-1906
Padilla, Bentura12/13/1947WI 12-15-1947 12
Padilla, Emilia E.5/10/1991HW 5-18-1991 2
Padilla, Eriverto J. "Eddie"2/14/1996HW 2-22-1996 2b 4-1-1913
Padilla, Gabriel G.5/19/1964HW 5-21-1964 8
Padilla, Infant10/16/1946WI 10/16/1946 8Chico
Padilla, Jesus3/25/1943WI 3-26-1943 8Gardner
Padilla, Jose D.11/11/1955WI 11-14-1955 1b 3-19-1886 Las Animas County
Padilla, Joseph Solomon2/11/1952WI 2-12-1952 1
Padilla, Juanita Vicenta Chavez10/8/1931WI 10-9-1931 1Mayne
Padilla, Lizzie1/23/1951WI 1-23-1951 8
Padilla, Maclovia9/24/1950WI 9-26-1950 8
Padilla, Madalena "Emma"12/26/1984HW 12-27-1984 2 HW 1-3-1985 2Gardner
Padilla, Manuelita8/19/1914WI 8-?-1914 51 1/2 yrs, Cucharas
Padilla, Marcelina Chavez Mrs.2/12/1958WI 2-12-1958 1 WI 2-13-1958 8
Padilla, Maria 9/26/1937WI 9-24-1937 4[dates as shown]
Padilla, Maria Suzanna3/27/1983HW 3-31-1983 2
Padilla, Mary L.9/10/1999HW 9-16-1999 2age 56, b 6-20-1943 La Veta
Padilla, Max5/1/1966HW 5-5-1966 3
Padilla, Maximilia 6/5/1942WI 6-16-1942 4
Padilla, Pablo 12/11/1976HW 12-16-1976 2
Padilla, Pedro9/19/1986HW 9-25-1986 2b 5-7-1894
Padilla, Sarah A.6/30/1956WI 7-2-1956 1&8Gardner
Padilla, Serefino6-?-1972HW 6-27-1972 6b 2-10-1881 Jaroso, Co.
Padilla, Solomon3/11/1956WI 3-12-1956 1&2Gardner
Padilla, Tony4/3/1937WI 4-5-1937 1Toltec, shot
Padilla, Walter2/15/1998HW 2-19-1998 2b 12-29-1917, 80 yrs
Pagan, Lawrence6/27/1927WI 7-1-1927 1rock fall Gordon mine
Pagar, Andrew8/10/1922WW 8-15-1922 1
Page, Maurice R.2/20/1977HW 2-24-1977 1b 5-13-1914 Washington, IA
Pagnotta, Esther4/24/2005HW 4-28-2005 2b 1-24-1932 dau of Fred & Marguerite Stake
Pagnotta, Jessie Leona1/8/2002HW 1-10-2002 286 yrs
Pagnotta, Ralph A.3/20/1962HW 3-22-1962 8
Pagnotta, Rose Anna4/22/1969HW 5-1-1969 6
Pagon, John10/4/1944WI 10-5-1944 2b 8-8-1963 Austria
Pajk, Frances7/15/1955WI 7-18-1955 1&2
Pajk, Frank8/18/1919WI 8-22-1919 1 WW 8-21-1919 1Oakview, gas explosion
Palazzari, Alice1/13/1980HW 1-17-1980 2b 11-28-1914 Moon Run, PA
Palazzari, Richard A.3/5/1972HW 3-9-1972 1b 4-9-1949 Delcarbon
Palazzari, Varisto9/10/1985HW 9-19-1985 2
Palcher, Robert Frankin3/19/1934WI 3-20-1931 4Alamo, infant, b 8-20-1933, son of Antonio Palcher
Palisano, Giuseppe2/9/1935WI 2-9-1935 1b Italy
Palisano, Rose1/24/1963HW 1-24-1963 8
Pallios, Angelo12/30/1966HW 1-5-1967 5
Pallios, Ellen8/28/1971HW 9/2/1971 3b 4/30/1899 Pryor
Palmer, Bryan2/19/1958WI 2-20-1958 1 WI 2-21-1958 8
Palmer, Bryan Scott12/6/1999HW 12/9/1999 1Cuchara, accident, b 4/14/1971 Amarillo, TX
Palmer, Feliciana Sarah8/17/1910WW 8-25-1910 1
Palmer, H.T.4-?-1929WW 5-2-1929 8 WI 4-26-1929 1Alamo
Palmer, Harry Cannon7/27/1911WW 8-3-1911 4Huerfano
Palmer, Sarah8/16/1910WI 8-20-1910 1 WW 8-18-1910 1b 8-31-1845 TN [card may be duplicate]
Palofos, Secilio8/2/1926WI 8-3-1926 1mine accident
Palowski, Laura5/27/1939WI 5-31-1939 4
Panak, Joe10/28/1922WW 11-3-1922 1
Pando, Anthony J.11/16/1988HW 11-24-1988 2b 1920
Pando, Guy3/13/1970HW 3-19-1970 6
Pangrazzi, Marciso (Narciso?)3/5/1912WW 3-7-1912 4
Panicco, John Battista6/10/1964HW 6-11-1964 6
Panion, Anna1/13/1949WI 1-14-1949 1b 4-8-1872 Yugoslavia
Panion, Anton10/7/1955WI 10-7-1955 1b 1-11-1882 Brod Moravica, Jugoslavia
Panion, Barbara5/18/1974HW 5-23-1974 2b Yugoslavia
Panion, Frances6/13/1928WW 6-14-1928 1
Panion, Frances6-?-1930WW 6-17-1930 1Walsen
Panion, Frank12/3/1939WI 12-4-1939 8b 1887 Yugoslavia
Panion, John James4/10/1967HW 4-13-1967 8
Panion, John Sr.11/9/1958HW 11-14-1959 7B
Panion, Josephine L.4/25/1991HW 5-2-1991 2
Panion, Mary 6/13/1928WI 6-15-1928 1 WI 6-19-1928 115 yrs, pneumonia
Panion, Mary Elizabeth6/26/1941WI 6-27-1941 4
Panion, Rudolph F.7/29/1995HW 8-3-1995 2b 8-14-1908
Panucci, Frank1/8/1959HW 1-16-1959 8
Panucci, George Dominic4/4/1981HW 4-9-1981 2
Panucci, Helen P.12/29/1970HW 1-7-1971 3 b 10-22-1916
Panucci, Mary Mosco4/19/1976HW 4-22-1976 2
Papa, Joe6-18-1899WW 6-22-1899 1shot
Papez, Albert Juan12/9/1939WI 12-11-1939 12 yrs, son of Louis Papez
Papez, Louis10/6/1971HW 10-14-1971 3b 6-11-1895 Yugoslavia
Papez, Louis Jr.11/11/1933WI 11-11-1933 1infant, b 9-29-1933
Pappas, Antonia3/12/1929WI 3-15-1929 1dau of Mike Pappas
Pappas, John5/14/1915WI 5-15-1915 1suicide
Pappas, Nick J.4/15/1915WW 4-22-1915 1 WI 5-8-1915 5 b Greece
Pappas, Nick Mrs.6/24/1941WI 6-26-1941 8
Park, Pearl3/26/1922WW 3-31-1922 1
Parker, Jollie June2/11/1979HW 2-15-1979 2b 5-28-1894
Parker, Robert Lee5/4/1947WI 5-5-1947 8
Parker, Sydney Edward8/10/1948WI 8-10-1948 1
Parks, Albert B.11/22/1970HW 12-3-1970 12La Veta
Parks, John Bird7/15/1955WI 7-18-1955 1&2La Veta
Parks, Lucy3/12/1928WW 3-15-1928 4La Veta
Parks, William M.9/22/1989HW 9-28-1989 2b 1904
Parrish, Fannie10/19/1951WI 10-19-1951 8
Parrish, Preston A.6/20/1959HW 6-25-1959 6 HW 7-2-1959 2B
Parros, Rito12/20/1941WI 12-22-1941 8
Parsons, John Andrew Sr.4/7/1969HW 4-10-1969 5
Parsons, Nancy Virginia11/19/1943WI 11-22-1943 4
Parsons, Sarah Alice9/9/1983HW 9-22-1983 2
Parvanoff, Mike7/24/1965HW 7-29-1965 8
Passero, Guerino Jr.3/8/1951WI 3-16-1951 1Killed in action
Pastore, Battista9/1/1953WI 9-2-1953 1
Pastore, Madalena10/10/1964HW 10-15-1964 6
Pastori, Luigi10/5/1915WW 10-7-1915 1shot
Patrick, Andrew2/4/1949WI 2-4-1949 1 WI 2-7-1949 1b Czechoslovakia
Patrick, Andrew Jr.1/21/1997HW 1-17-2002 7Memoriam
Patrick, Christina4-?-1945WI 4-?-1945 4
Patrick, John 7/19/1960HW 7-21-1960 8
Patrick, Mary9/2/1928WW 9-3-1928 1infant, Pictou, d Pueblo
Patrick, Mary12/30/1988HW 1-5-1989 2b 12-15-1904
Patrick, Michael Eugene8/14/1969HW 8-21-1969 1
Patterson, Archibald2-?-1920WI 2-27-1920 8Dawson, NM
Patterson, Archie Jr.12/7/1909WI 12-18-1909 1 WW 12-16-1909 1b 8-6-1885
Patterson, Clarence M.7/9/1928WW 7-12-1928 1Pueblo
Patterson, Eliza E.6/10/1907WW 6-14-1907 12 yrs, McGuire
Patterson, Elizabeth (Lizzie)9/23/1959HW 9-24-1959 8
Patterson, Elizabeth Jane10/14/1976HW 10-21-1976 2
Patterson, Guy T.1/2/1908WW 1-9-1908 1Pictou, 14 yrs, son of Arch Patterson
Patterson, Hector2-?-1925WI 2-20-1925 1architect, buried Gardner
Patterson, Henry11/17/1945WI 11-19-1945 8
Patterson, Isaac3/15/1925WI 3-17-1925 1Pueblo, kicked by mule
Patterson, Joseph6/20/1959HW 6-25-1959 6d may be 6-19-1959
Patterson, Joseph H.2/10/1929WW 2-11-1929 1 WI 2-12-1929 1b 4-11-1853 Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Patterson, Joseph Mrs.10/2/1919WI 10-3-1919 1wife of Judge Joseph H. Patterson
Patterson, Martha Topping3/18/1944WI 3-20-1944 4
Patterson, Nathan S.1/11/1937WI 1-11-1937 1b 10-29-1877 Huerfano County
Patterson, Robert2/2/1926WI 2-2-1926 6 WI 2-5-1926 1
Patterson, Samuel3/13/1908WW 3-26-1908 1Pagosa Springs
Paugrazzi, Angela11/27/1909WW 12-9-1909 1Rouse
Paulovsky, Mike10/10/1926WI 10-12-1926 1
Pavalasky, Josephine5/17/1938WI 5-18-1938 4b 4-22-1914
Pavaloni, Mary12/3/1908WW 12-10-1908 14 yrs
Pavich, Anton8/6/1926WI 8-6-1926 1
Pavlich, Joseph8/30/1934WI 8-31-1934 1
Pavlick, George12/2/1950WI 12-4-1950 8
Pavlick, George3/11/1983HW 3-17-1983 2
Pavlick, John12/25/1963HW 12-26-1963 6
Pavlick, Peter P.10/1/1979HW 10-4-1979 2b 5-25-1916
Pavolak, Mike5/10/1908WW 5-14-1908 12 mo
Pavolasky, Bruno3/20/1952WI 3-21-1952 1
Payne, George B.1/26/1942WI 1-27-1942 8
Payne, John4-?-1928WW 4-30-1928 2Englewood, Co.
Payne, Margaret7/26/1968HW 8-8-1968 2
Payne, Patricia Ann George11/28/2004HW 12-16-2004 2
Payne, Robert Nelson8/16/1958HW 8-22-1958 6b 10-8-1885 Unionville, Mo.
Payne, Wilma Kathleen7/16/1934WI 7-16-1934 1Pauley
Pazar, Albert R.9/22/1993HW 9-30-1993 2
Pazar, Emma10/22/1986HW 10-23-1986 2 HW 10-30-1986b 11-21-1906
Pazar, John7/7/1925WW 7-16-1925 1 WI 7-10-1925 1 WI 7-14-1925 1heart failure
Peachey, Ada11/22/1946WI 11-22-1946 8 WI 11-26-1946 8
Peachy, A.W. Mrs.10/9/1938WI 10-10-1938 8
Peachy, Arthur W.5/10/1938WI 5-10-1938 4b Durham County, England
Pecarich, Agnes Perko2-?-19472-17-1947 8b 1-20-1893 Austria
Pecina, Jenny1/12/1947WI 1-13-1947 4[pub date may be 1-15-1947]
Pedder, Harriet Russel4/13/1920WW 5-6-1920 1Hysham, Mt, b 11-22-1888
Pedersini, Joseph5/26/1937WI 5-26-1937 8Rouse
Pedraza, Jesus2/23/1937WI 2-24-1937 8
Peet, Mary A.12/22/1941WI 12-23-1941 8
Peet, Violet and Lillian8/18/1914WI 8-22-1914 5twin infants
Peffer, Claude W.9/17/1915WI 9-25-1915 1 WW 9-23-1915 1Walsen
Peffer, Edward5/31/1934WI 5-31-1934 1
Peila, Robert B.1/9/1955WI 1-10-1955 1 WI 1-12-1955 1see Pilo, Robert
Pellino, Pasquale2-?-1909WW 2-11-1909 1item mentions an inquest, another lengthy item details the mans suicide in the jail
Pelmowitis, Alois2/19/1924WI 2-22-1924 4Ravenwood
Pena, Juan8/20/1923WW 8-24-1923 1infant
Pena, Nasario1/23/1904WW 1-26-1904 1killed by Francho Silas
Pene, Batista John10/8/1998HW 10-18-1998 2b 6-18-1905 Santa Clara
Pene, Denis12/11/1995HW 12-28-1995 2b 5-16-1949
Pene, Domenica2/26/1975HW 3-6-1975 8b 6-16-1877 Italy
Pene, Grace10/29/1986HW 10-30-1986 2 HW 11-6-1986 2b 10-8-1894
Pene, Lois6/25/1980HW 7-3-1980 2b 9-10-1914
Pene, Wayne Delos3/16/1989HW 3-23-1989 2b 3-10-1962
Penn, Mary 3/18/1925WW 3-24-1925 1colored woman, d of burns
Penn, William F.4/3/1926WI 4-6-1926 4 WI 4-13-1926 4
Penne, Frank P.11-?-1939WI 11-27-1939 1La Veta, b 8-5-1926
Penne, John R.11/10/1971HW 11-11-1971 3b 5-7-1894
Penne, John R. Sr.3/1/1940WI 3-1-1940 1b 9-14-1856 Italy
Penne, Tony Frank10/1/1930WW 10-7-1930 1 WI 10-3-1930 1La Veta, b 11-4-1897, d from injuries rec'd from horse
Penny, Agnes3/12/1951WI 3/12/1951 8
Penny, John W.10/11/1944WI 10-11-1944 4
Peppi, Joe8-?-1913WI 8-2-1913 1suicide
Peralta, Agado1/15/1953WI 1-16-1953 1
Peralta, Bernabel "Ben"9/14/1989HW 9-28-1989 2b 3-7-1916
Peralta, Bridgett Maestas2/11/1979HW 2-22-1979 2b 12-2-1954
Peralta, Candida10/7/1942WI 10-8-1942 8b 9-29-1867
Peralta, Jose S.6/19/1983HW 6-23-1983 2100 yrs, Farisita
Peralta, Louis1/18/1957WI 1-21-1957 1Pueblo
Peralta, Maria1/10/1972HW 1-13-1972 7b 9-10-1889 Farisita
Peralta, Paul9/20/1938WI 9-21-1938 1infant, Gardner, son of Paul Peralta
Peralto, Delfina1/23/1934WI 1-24-1934 1Farisita
Peralto, Pablo6/21/1912WW 6-27-1912 1Talpa
Perea, Santana2/12/1942WI 2-13-1942 8Red Wing
Perez, Judy Violet11/25/1945WI 11-26-1945 4infant, dau of George Perez
Perez, Mary Lou11/6/2001HW 11-8-2001 2b 1-3-1945
Perilta, Frank8/12/1923WW 8-14-1923 1infant, flood victim
Perkins, Bernard W.2/23/1999HW 3-4-1999 2age 92, b 7-3-1906 Pueblo
Perkopec, Frances Perne8/30/1933WI 9-1-1933 1Loma Park, suicide
Perne, Johne5/12/1926WI 5-14-1926 1b Austria, mine accident
Pernich, John11/23/1934WI 11-24-1934 1
Perrino, Carl10/11/1937WI 10-11-1937 17 yrs, Badito
Perrino, Charles10/11/1937WI 10-11-1937 1Badito, murdered wife, child & self
Perrino, Cordelia10/11/1937WI 10-11-1937 1Badito
Perrino, Louis Augustin8/17/1993HW 8-26-1993 2
Perrino, Maria Sophia8/3/1974HW 8-8-1974 4b 4-15-1897 Gardner
Perrino, Mike A.3/27/1957WI 3-29-1957
Perrino, Mike T.3/28/1965HW 4-1-1965 8Badito
Perrino, Sismira11/30/1909WW 12-9-19496 mo, Maitland
Perrino, Tom12/7/1978HW 12-14-1978 2
Perry, James H.4/29/1908WW 4-30-1908 1
Perse, Helen1/16/1980HW 1-24-1980 2b 10-2-1904
Persich, Frances1/25/1965HW 1-28-1965 4
Persich, Mike Jr.10/5/1972HW 10-12-1972 3b 8-3-1898 Yugoslavia
Persich, Mike Sr.12/12/1963HW 12-19-1963 8
Persich, Steve5/27/1999HW 6-3-1999 2age 88, b 9-13-1910 Morley
Persons, James8-?-1900WW 8-2-1900 1
Pesina, Mariano1/11/1985HW 1-17-1985 2
Petersen, Charles3/5/1957WI 3-5-1957 1&2
Peterson, August8/16/1982HW 8-19-1982 2b 3-1-1897
Peterson, Fred E.7/1/1952WI 7-2-1952 8La Veta
Peterson, Laura Jane7/11/1991HW 7-18-1991 2
Peterson, Ona Mabel 7/30/1968HW 8-1-1968 8
Petree, Lydia12/18/1978HW 12-21-1978 2
Petri, Victor5/16/1938WI 5-17-1938 1mine accident
Petrla, Jacob11/14/1946WI 11-13-1946 1 WI 11-14-1946 1 WI 11-15-1946 1 WI 11-18-1946 4Maitland
Petroff, Emma Jean1/11/1995HW 1-19-1995 2b 11-29-1922
Petty, William2/11/1905WW 2-14-1905 3d may be 2-12-1905
Petz, Emilie Piec3/2/1963HW 3-7-1963 5
Petz, Fred Edward11/3/1962HW 11-8-1962 4B
Petz, John1/12/1932WI 1-15-1932 1Mayne
Peyton, L. Mrs.10/29/1928WI 11-2-1928 5Cameron, d Minnequa Hosp.
Pezze, Joseph2/14/1990HW 2-15-1990 2b 9-26-1899 Italy
Pezze, Laura "Lena"7/1/1994HW 7-7-1994 2b 4-27-1900 Italy
Pfaffenhauser, Carl1/11/2001HW 1-18-2001 2age 60, Yellowstone, b 8-9-1940 Walsenburg
Pfaffenhauser, Noalei Fawn6/22/1963HW 6-27-1963 6infant, dau of Carl Pfaffenhauser
Pfaffenhauser, Norman10/4/1926WI 10-6-1926 1
Pfaffenhauser, Norman Michael2/5/1954WI 2-8-1954 1
Pfitscher, Ramondo3-?-1913WI 3-29-1913 1gunshot
Philibosian, Aram E.10/19/1989HW 10-26-1989 2b 10-25-1919
Philips, N.J.LA 5-20-1899
Phillips, Ann12/23/1993HW 1-6-1994 2b 9-6-1911
Phillips, Barbara5/10/1943WI 5-11-1943 4
Phillips, Donald S.6/26/1999HW 7-8-1999 2b 9-23-1934, age 44
Phillips, Patricia Ann1/14/2000HW 1-20-2000 2La Veta, age 72, b 10-24-1927 Wabash, IN, her body was taken to Bullard, TX
Phillips, Steve Jr.9/20/1987HW 9-24-1987 2
Phillips, Steve Sr.1/13/1972HW 1-20-1972 8b 7-11-1879 Hungary
Phipps, Annabel A.2/28/1988HW 3-3-1988 1b 5-31-1899
Phipps, James C.11/6/1973HW 11-8-1973 1
Phipps, Milson10/6/1930WW 10-7-1930 1 Denver
Phipps, Milton Mrs.8/23/1928WW 8-24-1928 1Denver
Phipps, Valma Mildred5/5/1908WW 5-7-1908 11 yr, dau of George Phipps
Piazza, Carmel6/13/1929WW 6-13-1929 110 yrs, son of R. Piazza
Piazza, Josephine1/20/1975HW 1-23-1975 2
Piazza, Mike10/27/2004HW 11-4-2004 2
Piazza, Nicolina8/24/1981HW 8-27-1981 2
Piazza, Rosalino8/31/1978HW 9-7-1978 3
Pichlemeir, Josef1/10/1930WW 1-14-1930 1Oakview, rock fall
Pickard, Mattie7/25/1935WI 7-27-1935 1
Pickens, Andrew3/20/1930WI 3-21-1930 4b Nova Scotia, Canada
Pickens, John Joseph5/5/1954WI 5-5-1954 1 WI 5-7-1954 8La Veta
Pickens, Mabel N.6/13/1967HW 6-15-1967 8
Pickens, Miriam R. (Mae)2/8/1973HW 2-15-1973 2
Pickens, Rebecca3/4/1966HW 3-10-1966 5La Veta
Pickens, William Ines9/8/1927WI 9-9-1927 1 WW 9-8-1927 1Rugby, early pioneer
Pickett, infant daughter8/23/1913WI 8-30-1913 4Strong
Pickett, William2-?-1903WW 2-26-1903 3shot
Pierantoni, Odilie9/20/1974HW 9-26-1974 8b 1-7-1890 Italy
Pierotti, Albert12/5/1998HW 12-17-1998 2Walsenburg, age 89, b 1911, worked in coal mines, lived in Helper, Utah, Truth or Consequences, N.M. and Boulder City [d also listed as 11-26-1998]
Pierotti, Anna Mae 1/4/1992HW 1-9-1992 2
Pierson, Charles O.6/14/1966HW 6-16-1966 11 HW 6-23-1966 4
Pierson, Elizabeth1/20/1912WW 1-23-1913 1memorial poem
Pierson, Gustaf Leander5/8/1934WI 5-9-1934 1b 5-8-1854 Holmstead, Sweden
Pierson, Howard Cecil8/2/1901WW 8-8-1901 1child
Pierson, Margaret 1/20/1912WW 1-25-1912 1 WI 1-27-1912 1Pictou
Pierson, Margaret M.8/15/1987HW 8-20-1987 2
Pighetti, Antonio12/14/1911WW 1-11-1912 1Round Oak
Pike, Henry1/28/1919WI 1-31-1919 1Ravenwood, rock fall
Pillow, John10/30/1927WI 11-1-1927 1 WW 11-3-1927 1110 yrs, b 1817 England, voted for Lincoln at age 40, d on Miller Ranch, Badito
Pilo, Robert B.1/9/1955WI 1-10-1955 1 WI 1-12-1955 1 WI 1-15-1955 8b 1-30-1882 Pavone, Italy
Pimenta, Calvin Coolidge3/26/1929WI 3-29-1929 86 yrs, son of Victor Pimenta
Pineda, Abel5/4/1924WI 5-13-1924 1infant, Ideal
Pineda, Accension Trujillo7/1/1943WI 7-1-1943 8
Pineda, Albert Joseph3/30/1951WI 3-30-1951 1
Pineda, Amarante5/13/1950WI 5-15-1950 1
Pineda, Anselmo7/21/1947WI 7-21-1947 110 yrs
Pineda, Augustina Cruz3/29/1955WI 3-30-1955 1b 8-15-1877 Solar, Co.
Pineda, Benita11/5/1997HW 11-13-1997 2b 3-21-1912 Ordway
Pineda, Bennita M.3/17/1929WI 3-19-1929 1
Pineda, Calvin3/26/1929WW 4-1-1929 16 yrs, son of Victor Pineda
Pineda, Clorinda3/5/1978HW 3-9-1978 2
Pineda, Edward12/4/1940WI 12-5-1940 1
Pineda, Elemina3/12/1924WI 3-14-1924 5child, Ideal
Pineda, Francisca8/22/1938WI 8-23-1938 4
Pineda, Frank R.3/20/1966HW 3-24-1966 1
Pineda, Fred6/6/1958HW 6-13-1958 4B
Pineda, Jack4/22/1937WI 4-23-1937 1
Pineda, Jacob Irvin1/10/1987HW 1-15-1987 2
Pineda, Joe D.2/27/1964HW 3-5-1964 5
Pineda, Jose A.3/7/1962HW 3-8-1962 8
Pineda, Jose Antonio8/11/1912WW 8-22-1912 19 days, son of P. Pineda
Pineda, Joseph Alfonso5/12/1990HW 5-17-1990 2b 8-29-1898
Pineda, Juan N.7/23/1951WI 7-24-1951 1
Pineda, Justo11/24/1925WI 12-1-1925 1Ideal
Pineda, Maria D.3/4/1963HW 3-7-1963 5
Pineda, Maria Ignacia8/24/1911WW 8-31-1911 1Bear Creek, 4 days, dau of Policarpio Pineda
Pineda, Maria Victoria11/1/1980HW 11-6-1980 2b 11-11-1888
Pineda, Narcisa 3/30/1962HW 4-5-1962 4B
Pineda, Policarpio1/6/1941WI 1-7-1941 4Laguna
Pineda, Procopio7/8/1969HW 7-17-1969 6
Pineda, Soilo11/23/1944WI 11-24-1944 1
Pineda, Theodore G.4/5/1994HW 4-14-1994 2b 5-2-1919
Pineda, Theresa2/25/1958WI 2-27-1958 1infant
Pineda, Tibo5/26/1944WI 5-26-1944 1b 3-22-1896
Pineda, Victor11/2/1945WI 11-2-1945 8b 11-2-1860
Piner, Emory R.5/25/1957WI 5-27-1957 1b 7-7-1913 Virginia, NE
Piner, Esther June1/8/1990HW 2-1-1990 2b 5-25-1930
Pino, Anita Valerie4/12/1971HW 4-15-1971 16 yrs, b 6-9-1964
Pino, Anthony Everett PFC.11/6/1960HW 11-10-1960 6 HW 11-17-1960 6accident
Pino, Anthony J.12/15/1991HW 1-2-1992 6
Pino, Duvigen "Dave"8/8/1989HW 8-10-1989 2b 9-1-1904
Pino, Enrriques8-?-1943WI 8-20-1943 3
Pino, Felix Anthony7/16/1985HW 7-18-1985 2
Pino, Filiberto F.9/17/1987HW 9-24-1987 2North Veta
Pino, Florapo12/16/1911WW 1-11-1912 19 yrs, Strong
Pino, Fred12/23/2004HW 12-30-2004 2
Pino, Fred, Ruben, Richard6/2/1970HW 6-4-1970 2 HW 6-11-1970 1all 3 drowned
Pino, Gail8/17/1958HW 8-22-1958 6infant, b 5-1-1958, dau of Savino Pino
Pino, Genevia Cecelia Martinez7/13/2002HW 7-18-2002 8b 1-13-1937
Pino, Isabel Marie10/22/1992HW 10-29-1992 2
Pino, Jacob (Jacovo)3/27/1924WW 3-28-1924 1 WI 3-28-1924 4child, Tioga
Pino, Jasper Anthony Jr.12/27/1938WI 12-27-1938 4infant
Pino, Joe Victor3/27/2005HW 3-31-2005 6b 6-28-1939 son of Dave & Eusevia Pino
Pino, Jose Espiridion5/15/1960HW 5-19-1960 1BGardner
Pino, Jose Solomon1/11/1975HW 1-15-1976 8[dates as shown]
Pino, Joseph 9/17/1963HW 9-19-1963 3Binfant, son of Fred Pino
Pino, Juan N.10/6/1947WI 10-6-1947 12
Pino, Juana Maria 6/4/1968HW 6-6-1968 7La Veta
Pino, Juanita2/18/1931WI 2-20-1931 14 yrs
Pino, Kathleen8/31/1961HW 8-31-1961 5infant, dau of Jake Pino
Pino, Lloyd Eugene10/23/1943WI 10-25-1943 4son of Plineo Pino
Pino, Lucas1/29/1927WI 2-1-1927 1Sunnyside, shot
Pino, Macedonia4/15/1981HW 4-23-1981 2
Pino, Marcelino 4/18/1946WI 4-19-1946 4
Pino, Margarita3/4/1938WI 3-7-1938 1
Pino, Maria Raquel4/7/1987HW 4-16-1987 2
Pino, Maria Telesfora8/22/1955WI 8-22-1955 1&2
Pino, Miguel A.5/16/1960HW 5-19-1960 1B
Pino, Prescencio (Percy)1/29/1927WI 2-1-1927 1Sunnyside, shot & killed, In article "Aged Woman Dies" continues on pg 4 "Sunnyside Pool Hall"
Pino, Procopio12/27/1952WI 12-29-1952 1
Pino, Renee12/30/1984HW 1-3-1985 2
Pino, Savino5/3/1924WI 5-13-1924 1small child, Tioga
Pino, Simon A.2/28/1963HW 3-7-1963 5
Pino, Sotelo2/9/1930WW 2-11-1930 8Del Carbon
Pino, Sotero Fred6/17/1993HW 6-24-1993 2
Pino, Stella8/7/1937WI 8-9-1937 1
Pino, Tony11/11/1989HW 11-16-1989 2b 11-5-1929
Pintar, John5/12/1926WI 5-14-1926 1b Austria, mine accident
Piplak, Mary 6/10/1964HW 6-11-1964 6
Pique, Guadlupe5/21/1944WI 5-22-1944 4
Pisarczyk, Albert4/11/1938WI 4-12-1938 1b Poland
Pisarczyk, Joe Martin 11/14/1967HW 3-16-1967 1
Pisarczyk, Louise Sporleder2/20/2001HW 2-22-2001 2b 11-1-1908, age 92
Pisarczyk, Verna10/25/1982HW 10-28-1982 2b 3-2-1908
Pisarczyk, Walter A.9/23/1985HW 9-26-1985 2
Pisarczyk, Walter Vernon7/26/1945WI 7-26-1945 1
Pitchford, Nando5/11/1942WI 5-12-1942 8b 10-15-1877
Pittman, Minnie M. 3/25/1927WI 3-29-1927 1La Veta
Pitzer, Hubert Charles5/26/1994HW 12-1-1994 2b 5-2-1922
Plantz, Jack1/31/1944WI 1-31-1944 1
Platraki, Moustafa (Jackrabbit)2/11/1975HW 2-13-1979 11b 8-3-1892 Greece
Plavec, Emil12/20/1958HW 12-26-1958 1
Plavic, Anna11/17/1971HW 11-25-1971 3b 2-27-1876 Czechoslovakia
Plavic, Pohumia7/10/1942WI 7-10-1942 8Pauley
Plummer, Clara10/28/1946WI 10-28-1946 4 WI 10-29-1946 8Pueblo
Polen, Max Louis7/18/1998HW 7-23-199877 yrs, b 1921
Poletti, Americo8/1/1932WI 8-5-1932 1Bunker Hill, rock fall
Poletti, Katie Visich2/26/1970HW 3-12-1970 4
Poletti, Kenneth6/19/1944WI 6-19-1944 1 WI 7-6-1944 15 yrs, son of Carmel Poletti
Poli, Leon10/8/1941WI 10-9-1941 1
Poli, Margaret 1/22/1967HW 2-2-1967 4
Poli, Mary Octiva5/13/1942WI 5-13-1942 4
Poli, Ralph1/30/1933WI 2-3-1933 1Peanut mine, heart attack
Politsh, John1-25-1899WW 1-26-1899 1
Pollart, Adele6/8/1935WI 6-8-1935 1
Pollart, Emile F.5/15/1963HW 5-16-1963 5
Pollart, Ernest D.9/4/2005HW 9-16-2005 2b 1-12-1923, son of Emil & Josephine (Goemmer) Pollart
Pollock, Andrew12/11/1906WW 12-21-1906 4shot by Charles Kovois
Polstein, Lizzie Mrs. 6/11/1901WW 6-13-1901 1Santa Clara
Poncak, George6/20/1909WW 6-24-1909 14 mos, son of Mike Poncak
Ponsford, Hazel12-?-1940WI 12-23-1940 8
Pool, L.A.6-?-1923WW 6-5-1923 1colored, auto accident
Poore, Mae Miss2/28/1901WW 2-28-1901 1Abilene, TX
Poorman, Burdette1/18/1976HW 1-22-1976 3
Popish, Harold J.7/17/1993HW 7-19-1973 1[dates as shown]
Porter, Moses7/28/1910WW 8-4-1910 8
Porter, Ronia1/4/1927WI 1-7-1927 1 WI 1-11-1927 1Lester
Portue, Juan M.6-?-1931WI 6-12-1931 1
Portue, Rosaria3/18/1939WI 3-20-1939 4
Pospahala, Darlene1/27/1932WI 1-29-1932 1infant
Pospahala, Joan Claire2/10/1934WI 2-12-1934 1infant, b 2-8-1934, dau of Steve Pospahala
Pospahala, William10/3/1999HW 10-7-1999 2age 87
Potter, RalphLA 12-17-1898age 2 yrs 3 mos
Potter, Sena Marie 7/10/2004HW 7-15-2004 2b 12-2-1924 York, NE
Potts, Albert6/19/1912WW 6-27-1912 1Rouse
Potts, Bonnie Faye11/3/1990HW 11-8-1990 2b 1-28-1929
Potts, Calvin Erby 1/3/1982HW 1-7-1982 2b 3-28-1898
Potts, Homer11/24/1951WI 11-26-1951 12
Potyrolski, John Crump7/8/1933WI 7-12-1933 1San Diego, Ca.
Powell, Annie G.11/1/1978HW 11-9-1978 2La Veta
Powell, Annie May 12/25/1976HW 12-30-1976 10
Powell, Buck7/1/1955WI 7-1-1955 1 WI 7-5-1955 8Pueblo
Powell, Charles Rutherford1/22/1964HW 1-23-1964 8La Veta
Powell, Frank B.6/23/1960HW 6-30-1960 7La Veta
Powell, Frank Mrs.3/23/1926WI 3-26-1926 4La Veta
Powell, James Lee5/15/1942WI 5-15-1942 1
Powell, Joseph A.1/28/1920WI 1-30-1920 1 WW 2-5-1920 1Turner, electrocuted, in Gardner items
Powell, Lloyd2/26/1941WI 2-27-1941 8 WI 2-28-1941 1Cuchara Camps
Powell, Narcisis9/25/1938WI 9-26-1938 4b 1877 Alabama
Powell, Thomas William Oliver 4/21/1996HW 4-25-1996 2b 9-3-1924
Poyner, Martin M.1/17/1949WI 1-20-1949 1
Prator, Arthur Mrs.3/10/1964HW 3-12-1964 4La Veta
Prator, Arthur W.10/27/1979HW 11-1-1979 2b 6-25-1913
Prator, Augustus1/16/1923WW 1-23-1923 1La Veta
Prator, Gladys1/27/1938WI 1-28-1938 1La Veta
Pray, Helen Selina9/27/2000HW 10-5-2000 2b 4-16-1921 Jenke Jones, WV
Predovich, Tom2/23/1947WI 2-24-1947 1
Prepola, Lepoldo2/19/1923WW 2-20-1923 1infant, Cameron
Preston, Kay Sudar3/16/1976HW 3-18-1976 8
Prevost, Martha Irevene12/8/1932WI 12-9-1932 1accident
Price, Bob12/13/1990HW 12-20-1990 2b 8-28-1937
Price, Carl9/2/1981HW 9-10-1981 2
Price, David12/16/1975HW 12-18-1975 14b 11-21-1891 Pictou
Price, Edward (Ted)3/22/1986HW 3-27-1986 2b 12-27-1896
Price, Helen Iris12/13/1987HW 12-17-1987 2La Veta
Price, James1/30/1925WI 2-3-1925 1Walsen, mine accident
Price, John Clarence7/19/1940WI 7-19-1940 4
Price, Mae 1/20/1983HW 1-27-1983 2
Price, Mary Ann3/10/1969HW 3-13-1969 1
Price, R.T.6/17/1906WW 6-22-1906 1
Price, Raymond E.4/12/2004HW 4-22-2004 2
Price, Roland Dale1/5/1967HW 1-5-1967 6
Price, Susan Eccher6/5/1980HW 6-12-1980 2b 1-2-1952
Price, William8/26/1947WI 8-27-1947 12
Price, William D.6-?-1917WI 6-22-1917 1Oakview
Pritchard, Blanche Hanna9-?-1912WI 10-5-1912 4
Pritchard, Gus Mrs.10-?-1905WW 10-10-1905 1
Pritchard, James G.2/29/1960HW 3-3-1960
Pritchard, Jennie Cressy1/21/1902WW 1-23-1902 16 mo, dau of John J. Pritchard
Pritchard, Lottie Mae Mrs.12/26/1928WW 12-27-1928 1 WW 12-31-1928 1 WI 12-28-1928 1
Pritchard, Thora N. Christiansen6/15/1935WI 6-15-1935 1b 1887 Copenhagen, Denmark
Prockot, Mike Jr.8/7/1924WW 8-12-1924 1infant
Proffit, Clara12/1/1905WW 12-5-1905 1b 7-1866
Proffitt, Josephine7/18/1939WI 7-19-1939b 9-25-1884
Proffitt, Mary Nestora9/3/1903WW 9-29-1903 2Butte Valley
Proffitt, Vincent Carl9/8/1946WI 9-11-1946 1 WI 10-4-1946 8
Proffitt, William4/25/1908WW 4-30-1908 1b 1-17-1824 Pond Co, MO
Proffitt, William J. Bryan11/17/1953WI 11-17-1953 1La Veta
Proffitt, William L.1/20/1966HW 1-27-1966 9
Proud, Dorothy5/19/1928WW 5-21-1928 1Pictou
Proud, John 3/20/1945WI 3-31-1945 4b 5-2-1882
Proud, Joseph6/21/1997HW 6-26-1997 2
Proud, Lillian4-?-1905WW 4-4-1905 36 mo
Prouloff, Pete11/18/1914WI 11-21-1914 1Sunnyside, rock fall
Provance, Joseph B.11/9/1916WW 11-16-1916 1b 4-1836, Redwing
Prudhoe, Ellenor (Nellie) Mrs.8/3/1959HW 8-6-1959 6
Prudhoe, Florence Elizabeth6/6/1931WI 6-12-1931 1
Prudhoe, George6/22/1934WI 6-22-1934 1b 12-25-1886 England
Pugnetti, Angelo1/21/1959HW 1-23-1959 6
Pugnetti, Angelo1/28/1978HW 2-2-1978 2
Pugnetti, Bartolo5/11/1956WI 5-14-1956 1&8Aguilar
Pugnetti, Carmella Mrs.6/22/1961HW 6-22-1961 6
Pugnetti, Ernest6/18/1935WI 6-18-1935 1
Pulley, Beatrice Ruth6/16/1972HW 6-22-1972 9b 3-10-1914 Geraldine, MT
Pulley, Warren Harling12/5/1969HW 12-11-1969 1
Purdy, Jim Robert8/5/1998HW 8-13-1998 2Alamosa, b 3-17-1948
Pushee, Nellie5-?-1899WW 5-11-1899 1 LA 5-13-1899
Pyles, Nathan Willow7/18/1929WW 7-18-1929 1 

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