Huerfano County, Colorado
Obituary Index Cards

Contributed by Dick Chenault, Louise Adams and Karen Mitchell, in conjunction with the Spanish Peaks Library District.
The Spanish Peaks Library has kept an index card of every obituary found in the Huerfano County newspapers. This listing is a duplicate of those cards. Through the years some cards may have disappeared, but the index is as complete as can be made possible. If you know of any other obituaries that are not listed here please contact Karen Mitchell or Louise Adams with the listing.

Our profound THANKS for the immense cooperation of the Spanish Peaks Library staff and especially Monica Kirby, Library Director, in this project. We also thank the original creators of the cards, Dan and Dorothy Ree, and the many volunteers who worked so many long hours to create and maintain the cards.
These obituaries may be ordered directly from the Spanish Peaks Library District, Walsenburg, CO. 81019 by remitting $3.00 "per obituary". The library website can also be found at Spanish Peaks Library District.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of these obituaries appear on our Tri-County Obituaries pages. If you have obituaries of your ancestral families, please consider contributing them to our Tri-County Obituary project.

These cards transcribed by Karen Mitchell, proofed by Dick Chenault.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.


NameDeath DatePaper Date PageNotes
Ober, Mary9/9/1947WI 9-9-1947 8
O'Block, Ethel4/18/1970HW 4-23-1970 6
O'Block, Joe12/15/1969HW 12-18-1969 8
O'Brien, Patrick8-8-1898WW 8-11-1898 1
O'Byrne, James5/5/1915WW 5-6-1915 1
O'Byrne, Joseph10/19/1957WI 10-21-1957 1
Odak, Carmella Carrie9/5/1943WI 9-6-1943 8b 10-1-1906
Odak, Pete3/27/1974HW 3-28-1974 7b 3-3-1892 Yugoslavia
O'Dell, Albert5/10/1937WI 5-10-1937 1
O'Donnell, Janet11/19/2000HW 11-23-2000 8
Odovich, John7/27/1911WW 8-3-1911 4Toltec
Ogle, Christina Faye4/7/1992HW 4-9-1992 2age 100
Ogle, Edward Marion1/10/1973HW 1-18-1973 3
Ogle, Roy Wesley6/21/1969HW 6-26-1969 5
Ogle, William L.5-18-1898WW 5-19-1898 1
O'Hagan, Catherine9/18/1954WI 9-20-1954 1
O'Hagan, John 1/12/1927WI 1-18-1927 1
Ohrel, George Edon12/23/1932WI 1-6-1933 1
Ohrel, Joseph12/22/1943WI 12-22-1943 4
Ohrel, Mary Teresa4/21/1935WI 4-22-1935 1b 6-29-1879
Ohrel, Omer1/2/1934WI 1-3-1934 1 WI 1-5-1934 1 WI 1-6-1934 1
Olague, Conrad12/2/1945WI 12-6-1945 1
Old, Robert9/30/1907WW 10-3-1907 1killed in mine
Oldham, Hilda10/22/1975HW 10-30-1975 2b 11-6-1896
Oldham, Katherine12/24/1923WW 12-28-1923 1age 19, suicide
Olguin, Alfred2/3/1910WW 2-3-1910 1child
Olguin, Felicita12/27/1928WW 12-31-1928 1Ojo
Olguin, Francisco3-?-1927WI 3-1-1927 1LaVeta
Olguin, Gasper "Gap"8/21/1985HW 8-22-1985 2 HW 8-29-1985 2
Olguin, Gilbert Daniel Jr.6/23/1954WI 6/23/1954 1
Olguin, Josefa Clorinda (Josie)2/23/1950WI 2-24-1950 1
Olguin, Lucy11/30/1908WW 12-10-1908 1age 5
Olguin, Melvin Rudolph5/31/1943WI 6-1-1943 4infant
Olguin, Rosa4/9/1915WI 5-8-1915 5 Lester, age 11, dau of Tony Olguin
Olguin, Siflora (Flora)6/28/1986HW 7-3-1986 2b 2-29-1908
Olguin, Teodosia3/30/1952WI 3-31-1952 8
Olguin, Terence5/10/1961HW 5-11-1961 1
Oliva, Jesusita9/29/1942WI 9-30-1942 4Bear Creek
Olivas, John B.10/31/1982HW 11-4-1982 2b 10-31-1930
Olivas, Jose Merejildo8/24/1938WI 8-25-1938 6b 1864 Santa Cruz, NM
Olivas, Joseph5/11/1951WI 5-14-1951 8
Olivas, Melvin11-?-1952WI 12-1-1952 1
Olivas, Refugio 12/2/1939WI 12-4-1939 8
Olivas, Salvidor10-?-1921WW 10-11-1921 1
Olsafsky, George11/17/1929WI 11-19-1929 1 WI 11-22-1929 1suicide
Olsafsky, Marie8/6/1934WI 8-7-1934
Olsifsky, John4/7/1931WI 4-10-1931 1Toltec
Olson, Charles B.6/9/1924WW 6-11-1924 1Badito, accident
Omelenchuk, Alex1/30/1925WI 2-3-1925 1Walsen, mine acc.
Omer, Charles L.8/20/2004HW 8-26-2004 2b 4-22-1929
O'Neil, ?1/13/1902WW 1-16-1902 1killed in accident while working on bridge
O'Neil, Daniel James10/7/1969HW 10-9-1969 7
O'Neil, Hannah B.12/5/1989HW 12-14-1989 2b 9-23-1898
O'Neil, James7/16/1946WI 7-16-1946 8 WI 7-17-1946 8Farr
O'Neil, Mary6/8/1901WW 6-13-1901Santa Clara
O'Neil, Robert6/20/1934WI 6-21-1934 1b 1859 Ayrshire, Scotland
O'Nell, Johanna7/17/1930WI 7-18-1930 1
O'Nell, Susan Barnosky6/10/1998HW 6-18-1998 2b app. 1910
Ongwarsky, Helen Paulovski10/1/1951WI 10-1-1951 8
Ontiveros, Armando6/13/1976HW 6-24-1976 2
Opiol, Joseph7/27/1932WI 7-29-1932 1accident
Orahood, Calvin K.2/17/1953WI 2-3-1953 1[dates as shown]
Orahood, Caroline Matilda9/13/1947WI 9-15-1947 8
Orahood, Edwin8-?-1917WI 8-10-1917 1 WI 8-17-1917 1
Orecchio, Antonio11/14/1942WI 11-16-1942 4
Ori, Giuseppe6/21/1962HW 6/21/1962 4
O'Rourke, Agnes Katherine2/11/1993HW 2-18-1993 2
O'Rourke, Anna Katherine3/20/1996HW 3-28-1996 2b 10-22-1926
O'Rourke, Catherine1/8/1932WI 1-8-1932 1 WI 1-15-1932 1d Pueblo
O'Rourke, Coletta B.9/5/1989HW 9-7-1989 2b 10-7-1901
O'Rourke, Francis J.7/13/1982HW 7-15-1982 2b 1-25-1903
O'Rourke, Herman J.5/17/1986HW 5-22-1986 2b 4-1-1899
O'Rourke, John A.9/8/1998HW 10-13-1998 2b 2-4-1924 Walsenburg, age 74
O'Rourke, John Joseph2/24/1977HW 3-3-1977 2b 11-6-1917
O'Rourke, Joseph Herman9/21/1961HW 9-21-1961 1
O'Rourke, Madeleine H.5/21/1983HW 5-26-1983 2
O'Rourke, Maggie A.10/18/1901WW 10-24-1901 1
O'Rourke, Marie Sylvia7/29/1987HW 7-30-1987 2 HW 8-6-1987 2
O'Rourke, Mary2/16/1956WI 2-17-1956 1
O'Rourke, Mary Gertrude5/3/1959WI[no date of publication]
O'Rourke, Olive8/26/1992HW 9-3-1992 2
O'Rourke, Patrick3/3/1957WI 3-4-1957 1&2
O'Rourke, Patrick Sr.4/25/1942WI 4-27-1942 4b 1-11-1874
O'Rourke, Peter Jr.8/7/1952WI 8-7-1952 1
O'Rourke, Regina (Sister)2/15/2005HW 2-24-2005 2b 1-17-1950, [shows date of publication 24 Feb 24]
O'Rourke, William P.7/24/1987HW 7-30-1987 2
Orr, Ann6/14/1998HW 6-18-1998 2b 1-12-1908 Chicago
Orr, Harold Burchard6/10/1964HW 6-11-1964 6
Ortega, Adeline12/20/1996HW 12-26-1996 2
Ortega, Alberto4/28/1912WW 5-9-1912 18 mos, son of J.B. Ortega, Bear Creek
Ortega, Charles1/27/1910WW 2-3-1910 1
Ortega, Doniciana8/11/1980HW 8-14-1980 2
Ortega, Eligio "Lee"11/17/1929WW 11-19-1929 WI 11-19-1929 1Ravenwood
Ortega, Eloy8/6/1909WW 8-12-1909 1Toltec, 4 yrs, son of Temio Ortega
Ortega, Eloy Mrs.1/11/1903WW 1-15-1903 1
Ortega, Elyria1/6/1937WI 1-6-1937 1
Ortega, Elyria Marie1/5/1946WI 1-7-1946 1infant, dau of Porf. Ortega
Ortega, Eugene M. "Gene"5/25/1991HW 5-30-1991 6
Ortega, Florentina1/29/1953WI 1-30-1953 1
Ortega, Genovevia3/5/1957WI 3-5-1957 1Pioneer
Ortega, Gregorio6/25/1914WI 6-27-1914 1TB
Ortega, Jose11/30/1936WI 12-1-1933 1b Mexico d Ravenwood [dates as shown]
Ortega, Joseph D.4/12/1952WI 4-16-1952 8
Ortega, Juan C.5/25/1939WI 5-26-1939 8
Ortega, Juan D.4/12/1952WI 4-14-1952 12
Ortega, Larry Wayne11/17/1946WI 11-18-1946 4infant
Ortega, Monica L.10/5/1939WI 10-6-1939 4
Ortega, Serina L.6/6/2003HW 7-10-2003 2
Ortega, Simforosa6/25/1945WI 6-26-1945 4b 2-4-1883
Ortega, Susie3/4/1939WI 3-6-1939 816 mo, dau of Clovis Ortega
Ortego, Marsinilaro3/23/1904WW 3-25-1904 1
Ortibes, Isabel2/26/1926WI 3-5-1926 48 yrs, dau of William Ortibes
Ortibes, Ramon5/17/1928WW 5-21-1928 1Turkey Creek
Ortibez, Carl Lee7/30/1983HW 8-4-1983 2
Ortibez, Frank1/27/2004HW 2-5-2004 2b 4-19-1940
Ortibez, Henry8-?-1944WI 9-8-1944 1killed in action
Ortibez, Jose Narciso7/12/1977HW 7-21-1977 2b 5-10-1913
Ortibez, Joseph Charles4-?-1981HW 4-23-1981 2infant, parents Ortibez, Walecheck
Ortibez, Manuel1/20/1939WI 1-20-1939 8
Ortibez, Renee A.2/28/1998HW 3-5-1998 233 yrs b 1-5-1965
Ortibez-Lucero, Diane Marie4/17/1991HW 4-25-1991 2
Ortibiz, Theodore7/3/1903WW 7-10-1903 4[question mark by date of death] Turkey Creek
Ortivez, Amalia2/20/1987HW 2-26-1987 2
Ortivez, Daniel8/23/1948WI 8-24-1948 1
Ortivez, Domian7/2/1965HW 7-8-1965 8
Ortivez, Isias8/15/1988HW 8-18-1988 2b 1-7-1920
Ortivez, Jose Daniel1/17/1999HW 1-21-1999 2age 50, b 12-30-1948
Ortivez, Joseph9/11/1979HW 9-20-1979 2
Ortivez, Katherine1-?-1971HW 1-21-1971 11b 8-23-1966, 4 yrs, dau of Jose Ortivez
Ortivez, Milton11/2/1978HW 11-9-1978 2
Ortivez, Vicenta12/2/1949WI 12-5-1949 12
Ortivez, Yvonne Marie4/27/1955WI 4-27-1955 8infant
Ortiz, Benjamin Mrs.12/29/1937WI 12-30-1937 1
Ortiz, Delores7/11/1935WI 7-11-1935 1
Ortiz, Edward8/22/1989HW 8-24-1989 2 HW 8-31-1989 2b 9-4-1920
Ortiz, Eliza Aragon2/17/1930WI 2-21-1930 1
Ortiz, Jackie E. Sr.10/14/1978HW 10-19-1978 1&2
Ortiz, Joseph Benjamin5/26/1952WI 5-26-1952 8
Ortiz, Norena V.10/4/1990HW 10-11-1990 2b 8-26-1928
Osalfsky, Michaelabt 5-4-1901WW 5-9-1901 13 1/2 yrs, Pictou
Osborne, Ann7/15/1912WI 7-19-1913 1suicide
Osborne, Ida Mae5/16/1994HW 5-19-1994 2b 4-8-1920
Osborne, J.K.4/25/1985HW 5-2-1985 2
Osburn, Anna7-?-1913WW 7-17-1913 3[obit in first section]
Osckel, Emila (Sierra)6/8/1937WI 6-8-1937 1Farr
Osckel, John2/27/1940WI 2-28-1940 5b 8-15-1866
Osckle, Conrad10/30/1938WI 10-31-1938 8infant, son of Ben Osckle
Osckle, Juliana (Bustos)4/16/1963HW 4-18-1963 4
Oscol, John Mrs.8/5/1901WW 8-8-1901 1Toltec Mine
O'Shell, Daniel P.6/25/1988HW 6-30-1988 2b 11-9-1949
Oswerk, Anna6/13/1981HW 6-18-1981 2
Oswerk, George T.3/7/1942WI 3-9-1942 1 & 4 WI 3-6-1942 1&4 WI 3-10-1942 1 WI 3-12-1942 1&8
Oswirk, Frank6/4/1939WI 6-5-1939 4b Austria
Ottati, August7/8/1940WI 7-9-1940 8
Ottati, Benigna8/14/1949WI 8-15-1949 1b 5-31-1885
Ottati, Tommy7/22/1934WI 7-23-1934 18 yrs son of August Ottati
Ottinger, Charles2/10/1984HW 2-16-1984 2b 12-10-1897
Ottinger, Charoline Olena4/28/1942WI 4-29-1942 4infant, dau of Virgil Ottinger, LaVeta
Ottinger, Wilma C.3/26/1974HW 3-28-1974 7b 8-18-1900 Ringwood, OK
Ouderkirk, Daisy Ann3/10/1935WI 3-11-1935 1
Owen, W.M.3/7/1927WI 3-11-1927 1Robinson Mine, negro, rock fall
Owenby, Sarah F.3/12/1930WI 3-14-1930 1Walsen
Owens, Agnes Lily12/24/1928WW 12-27-1928 1 WI 12-28-1928 1pioneer, LaVeta
Owens, Alfred Lee5/7/1980HW 5-15-1980 2b 11-20-1893
Owens, Anna Wilson9/5/1967HW 9-7-1967 4
Owens, Charley2-?-1907WW 6-21-1907 1murdered
Owens, David10-10-1898WW 10-13-1898 1Pictou, mine acc.
Owens, Domey4/16/1996HW 4-25-1996 2b 6-1-1915
Owens, Elizabeth3/6/1974HW 3-14-1974 6b 6-4-1907 Maitland
Owens, Elizabeth C.7/30/1940WI 7-30-1940 4
Owens, Fred2/10/1904WW 2-12-1904 1
Owens, Howard1913WI 2-8-1913 1 WI 2-15-1913 1d Williams Creek, Scarlet Fever, 18yrs
Owens, Howard Wallace2/7/1913WW 2-13-1914two sons of Robert H. Owens of Gardner
Owens, James Warren 2/4/1913WW 2-13-1913two sons of Robert H. Owens of Gardner
Owens, Janet Lois4/26/1927WW 4-28-1927 1child
Owens, Lewis4/29/1930WW 4-29-1930 1
Owens, Margaret2/18/1976HW 2-26-1976 2
Owens, Mildred E.L.10/8/1951WI 10-8-1951 8
Owens, Richard4/15/1945WI 4-16-1945 4b 4-5-1874 England
Owens, William Richard12/21/1950WI 12-22-1950 1
Oxford, Alfred8/18/1919WI 8-22-1919 1 WW 8-21-1919 117 yrs, Oakview, gas explosion
Ozegovich, Mary Louise9/11/1981HW 9-17-1981 2
Ozegovich, Nick2/23/1947WI 2-24-1947 1 

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