Huerfano County, Colorado
Miners Page

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
One of the main industries in Huerfano County was the coal mines. Men from all over the world came to Huerfano County to work, and sometimes die, in the mines. In 1884 Colorado passed legislation that all mine accidents must be reported, hence this list of Huerfano County mining fatalities. Although there are 560 mining fatalities listed here, there were many more that were not reported to the state.
The following table gives the name, date of death, age, nationality, marital status, surviving children, mine name, and cause of death.

Absolom, Walter2-23-192437WelshS-MutualFall of rock
Adenladic, Matt11-21-192229RussianS-RavenwoodFall of rock
Aggan, Kogan11-22-191130TurkishS-TiogaFall of draw slate
Agnes, John1-31-191842ColoredM5WalsenFall of rock
Agosti, Elario10-13-190327AustrianS-RouseFall of Coal
Aguilar, E.N.3-23-192535MexicanM3IdealFall of rock
Aller, Tony10-17-190950AustrianS-Bunker HIllFall of rock
Alvarado, Andres4-12-192639MexicanM6Calumet #1Fall of rock
Alvarez, Frank Mendez10-19-1946----PryorFace fall
Ambrose, William1-6-191141German PoleS-PinonFall of rock
Amedei, Evret9-19-192432ItalianS-OakdaleFall of boney
Angelina, Pete11-191032AustrianS-MaitlandFall of rock
Anster, Joe3-5-192762AmericanM1LesterRunaway pit car
Antonelli, John12-7-192048ItalianM7LesterFall of rock
Archuleta, Alejandro2-27-192726HispanicM1PacificDrilled into shot
Ari, Tony2-19-190629ItalianS-MaitlandGas explosion
Arrowsmith, William12-31-1888----RobinsonRunaway pit car on main slope
Ashby, C.M.3-7-192941AmericanM3RavenwoodFall of rock
Ataka, T.11-11-190230Japanese--WalsenFall of rock
Athis, Amthon1-23-191221GreekS-HuerfanoFall of top coal
Atida, Martin9-17-191145MexicanM2RocklandFell into chute
Baca, Emilio6-9-192540AmericanM3LudlowCrushed in a collision of two cars
Bairch, George6-3-190831AustrianS-PinonFall of rock
Ballenick, John10-20-1892----PictouPremature blast
Balterio, Juan8-18-191934MexicanS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Barrello, Tony8-18-191922ItalianS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Barro, Guiseppi4-27-190349ItalianM-SunshineFall of roof
Barron, Peter5-23-191858RussianM0BreenFall of rock
Barros, Juan D.3-5-192445MexicanM5Leader #1Caught between top of car and roof
Barrow, Thomas2-15-1895----RouseTrip of runaway cars
Bartola, Boston11-23-1924----Butte ValleyGas explosion
Basso, Domenic2-11-190726ItalianS-PictouFall of slate
Baxter, David8-14-190519AmericanS-RugbyRun over by a trip of cars
Beam, F.2-19-190628AmericanS-MaitlandGas explosion
Beck, Henry1-23-191222AmericanS-OakdaleFall of rock
Bedini, Joe10-9-191928ItalianS-GordonFall of rock
Beljas, Chris10-11-191222SlavS-RavenwoodFall of rock
Bell, Joseph7-18-1894----PictouFall of rock
Bellotti, Ernest1-24-193654AmericanM4MajorFall of rock
Beltram, Dominic1-15-1942----SampsonRoof fall
Benossi, Louis12-8-191223ItalianM1ToltecElectrocuted
Berdar, Nick6-11-191023CroatianS-IdealRun over by trip of cars
Bergamo, Primo J.12-12-1942----Robinson #4Roof fall
Bertasa, Maurice3-25-1886----CameronFall of rock
Best, George6-24-191837EnglishS-JobalFall of rock
Beveridge, Thomas2-6-192849AmericanS-PictouFall of rock
Biama, Dominie1-3-1902-Italian--RobinsonFall of roof & coal
Biama, Pete1-3-1902-Italian--RobinsonFall of roof & coal
Bisherd, John11-9-189945AmericanM4PryorStruck by six cars
Bivens, Nathan6-15-191838AmericanM4MutualHit by derailed cars
Blochter, Rudolf1-14-1922-AmericanS-WalsenFall of coal & rock
Blozosky, Mike11-18-190829SlavonianM-OakdaleHit by runaway cars
Bly, James8-18-191921MexicanM1OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Boelz, W.R.10-5-192323AmericanS-AlamoCaught between dump car & roof
Booth, Thomas W.2-20-192343AmericanM3RelianceFall of rock
Bortman, John8-26-193555AmericanM3Robinson #4Fall of rock
Brewer, J.H.1-20-1902----PictouExplosion
Brown, John6-13-190540AmericanM-RobinsonFall of rock
Brown, Thomas R.8-7-192654AmericanM0Calumet #2Cave of roof
Bryson, Claude7-27-191524AmericanS-RobinsonFall of rock
Budda, Martin7-23-190334HungarianM-PryorFall of rock
Burago, Elogo5-6-190443MexicanS-HezronFall of rock
Burns, Edward5-1-191315American--CaddellFall of rock
Busin, Ludwig3-1-1938----GordonFall of rock
Byolette, Frank7-12-190724ItalianS-ToltecFall of roof
Caddell, Fred1-6-191622AmericanM0TurnerElectrocuted by coal cutter
Caddell, William J.10-21-191857ScotchM1HezronExplosion of gas
Cairney, James11-8-193039AmericanM0AlamoFall of rib coal
Campbell, Wiliam S.10-18-193447ScotchM3GordonElectrocuted
Canna, Louis9-27-1900-MexicanM-CameronFall of roof
Cantani, Frank6-23-190923ItalianS-ToltecFall of rock
Carbonato, Paulo4-27-1900----CameronFall of roof
Carlson, Andrew J.9-18-193660AmericanM2Robinson #4Electrocuted
Carstos, Mike9-14-191234GreekS-SummitStruck by fall of slate
Carter, John2-9-189951AmericanM5PictouCrushed by loaded pit car
Cassai, Domenic3-30-193657ItalianW4Robinson #4Fall of rock
Cassai, Edward6-14-193534AmericanS-Ojo CanonFall of rock
Ceseroli, Faricino12-9-191626ItalianS-WalsenFall of rock
Chavez, Augustine4-1-190238MexicanM-HezronFall of rock
Chavez, Celso1-7-1953----Leader #2Fall of rock
Chavez, J.A.5-5-1921-MexicanM10IdealFall of rock
Chavez, Manuel9-26-192940MexicanM6Alamo #2Railroad car ran over him
Chavez, Sam5-29-192523MexicanM1Calumet #1Fall of rock
Chepirio, Joe6-20-192132ItalianM0MutualFall of rock
Chido, Thomas9-25-1891----CameronPiece of coal from a blast
Chippini, Vincento1-24-1902-Italian--HezronFall of rock
Christopher, William8-18-191947WelshS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Chuba, Andrew11-6-192217American--RelianceElectrocuted
Cimino, Joe3-5-193760ItalianS-RouseFall of rock
Clair, Goerge2-13-192062EnglishM6MaitlandFall of rock
Clark, Hugo8-6-190623ScotchS-ChampionFall of roof
Clark, William4-24-189954ScotlandM1WalsenStruck by a piece of coal
Clements, R.C.5-28-192633AmericanM0Robinson #2Fall of rock
Conders, Joe12-30-190719SlavonianS-MaitlandFall of slate
Condor, Andrew12-27-192726AmericanM1RelianceFall of roof
Contoni, Alberto12-13-193541AmericanM0CameronFall of rock
Cooper, William9-28-190138ColoredM-MaitlandExplosion
Cordova, Carlo1-16-1945----GordonFace fall
Cordova, Olandro11-18-190645MexicanM-MidwayFall of roof
Cornusco, Pietro10-15-191245ItalianM-RobinsonCrushed between roof and loaded car
Cortez, Jose11-3-191422MexicanS-LesterCrushed between two loaded cars
Costelli, Telesofore11-30-191023ItalianS-RavenwoodFall of rock
Cotton, Joseph10-28-192624AmericanM2CaddellFalling off a skip
Courtad, George8-25-192460----Fall of rock
Cowlishaw, George1-1-191742PictouM3PictouStruck by runaway car
Crist, Harry9-19-191121GreekS-Big FourHit by cars
Crump, Martin1-4-1946----Morning GloryMachinery
Cruz, J.B.10-6-1896----WalsenFall of rock
Cruz, Manuel3-1-192140MexicanM0Kebler #1Squeezed between car and rib
Cruze, Salvador3-3-1885----WalsenFall of slate
Cunico, Nello10-6-193232ItalianM4Kebler #2Fall of coal
Curano, Anton10-2-190854ItalianM-PryorFall of rock
Curic, Joan10-11-191232SlavM3RavenwoodFall of rock

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© Karen Mitchell