Huerfano County, Colorado
Miners Page

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
One of the main industries in Huerfano County was the coal mines. Men from all over the world came to Huerfano County to work, and sometimes die, in the mines. In 1884 Colorado passed legislation that all mine accidents must be reported, hence this list of Huerfano County mining fatalities. Although there are 560 mining fatalities listed here, there were many more that were not reported to the state.
The following table gives the name, date of death, age, nationality, marital status, surviving children, mine name, and cause of death.

Pacheco, Joe7-25-1945----Calumet #2Machinery
Pagan, Lawrence6-26-192748SlavS-GordonFall of rock
Palafos, Cecilio8-2-192628MexicanM0Calumet #2Fell off roof
Papes, George2-5-1894---WalsenFall of rock
Park, H.M.1-27-191437KoreanM0OakdaleFall of top coal
Parra, Jose11-24-191839MexicanM0MutualFall of rock
Paton, William2-18-191427ScotchM3WalsenElectrocuted
Pavletich, Mike1-7-192128AustrianW2Kebler #2Crushed between loaded car & roof of mine
Pederosa, Jesus2-23-193729MexicanS-NuggetCaught between car & prop
Peffer, Claude D.9-17-191522AmericanM0WalsenBlood infection
Peffer, Dan7-7-192344ItalianS-MutualFall of rock
Pena, Guadalupe5-27-191532MexicanM2RouseFall of bone & coal
Perne, John5-12-192641AustrianM1GordonFall of rock
Perry, C.H.1-16-1897---SunshineSlab of coal fell
Picklemier, Joseph1-10-193051AustrianM3Oakdale #2Fall of coal & rock
Pijk, Frank8-18-1919OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Pierson, Joseph12-6-191237ColoredM-PinonFall of rock
Pineda, Edward M.12-4-1940---PeaksFall of roof slate
Pineda, Soilo12-23-1944---Calumet #2Roof fall
Pinter, John5-12-192649AustrianS-RavenwoodFall of rock
Pique, Henry1-28-191965FrenchM2RavenwoodFall of rock
Poletti, Americo8-1-193219AmericanS-Bunker HillFall of rock
Poli, Ralph2-1933PeanutHeart attack
Pollock, Jake1-25-1899----ToltecFall of roof
Pontil, John12-15-191028SlavS-Big FourStruck by runaway car
Porter, Daniel6-10-190941AmericanW2HuerfanoFall of rock
Potts, Albert6-19-191246ColoredM-RouseFall of rock
Powell, Joseph A.1-28-192040AmericanS-TurnerContact with electric wire
Price. James1-30-192524AmericanS-Robinson #2Pinned under moving car
Price, W.V.6-15-191755WelshM10OakviewFall of coal & rock
Provoloff, Peter11-18-191446BulgarianM3SunnysideFall of rock
Puk, Tony9-30-191232AustrianM2OakdaleFall of top coal
Pyke, Frank8-18-191939AustrianS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Quintanno, Rafael12-2-191139MexicanM-PictouFall of rock
Radjanovie, Bozo4-30-192029SerbianS-PryorFall of rock
Radurch, Mike11-30-190927SlavS-RobinsonFall of coal
Rains, A.J.9-7-191040ColoredM-SunnysideFall of rock & timber
Ramos, Joseph1916MexicanJacksonMurdered
Raspplia, Albert5-15-189935SlavS-MaitlandFall of rock
Ratkovich, Frank8-11-1909-SlavM2RugbyFall of rock
Reed, Charles10-26-1911-ColoredM-HuerfanoStruck by cage
Reed, Charles5-28-190153American--PictouRun over by machine truck
Reginnis, Alex6-12-1919-Pole--MutualElectrocuted
Rego, Sam3-1-195254---RugbyRoof fall
Reita, Mike2-11-191545HungarianM7OakdaleFall of rock & coal
Ribor, Mike1-25-190632AustrianM-MidwayFall of rock
Rice, C.D.1-11-1889----CameronFall of rock
Rico, Eulalio9-15-192532MexicanS-RavenwoodFall of rock
Rivera, Frank2-27-192740SpanishM4PacificDrilled into missed shot
Robertson, John6-23-190344ScotchM-MaitlandHit by mine car
Rodriguez, Brigido8-14-191432MexicanS-IdealExplosion of giant caps
Rodriguez, Ralph11-11-1943----Butte ValleyFace fall
Rogers, Jefferson T.4-3-192423AmericanM1CalumetFall of rock
Rogo, George8-28-190736SlavM-PinonFall of rock
Romero, Daniel3-3-190323MexicanS-MidwayFall of rock
Romero, Polino2-17-192329MexicanS-RobinsonFall of rock
Ronchietta, Claud1-31-190729ItalianM-PryorFall of rock
Roybal, Elroy5-1-192934MexicanM2RavenwoodFall of rock
Rua, John7-28-190332Italian--WalsenMissed shot
Ruiz, Liberio12-12-192940MexicanM3PictouFall of pot rock

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© Karen Mitchell