Huerfano County, Colorado
Miners Page

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
One of the main industries in Huerfano County was the coal mines. Men from all over the world came to Huerfano County to work, and sometimes die, in the mines. In 1884 Colorado passed legislation that all mine accidents must be reported, hence this list of Huerfano County mining fatalities. Although there are 560 mining fatalities listed here, there were many more that were not reported to the state.
The following table gives the name, date of death, age, nationality, marital status, surviving children, mine name, and cause of death.

Macanie, John8-18-1919-ItalianM0OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Maes, Felix10-23-192630MexicanM3Kebler #2Pinned between a car & rib
Magnuson, Charles3-4-192349AmericanM4AlamoRun away car
Magon, John5-21-190932AustrianM1HezronFall of rock
Mahas, Gus3-4-192345GreekM4AlamoRun away car
Majestic, Mike1-2-190145SlavonianM-PryorFell from trip rider
Makoyne, Y.8-4-190630JapaneseS-ChampionFall of drawslate
Manini, John11-15-191042ItalianM4WootenFall of rock
Marcinko, Mike6-23-191438AustrianM4WalsenStruck by moving mine cars
Marcus, Frank1-20-1902----PictouExplosion
Marquez, Miguel8-18-1919MexicanOakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Marquis, Frank1-20-1902PictouExplosion
Martery, Pete1-31-191119ItalianS-MidwayFall of rock
Martin, James D.8-4-190147ItalianM-New WalsenFall of rock
Martinez, Benjamin10-15-193437AmericanM6ToltecElectrocuted
Martinez, Daniel10-8-192352Mexican-4Cuchara CanonFall of rock
Martinez, Edward4-17-1951----Kebler #2Tipple mach.
Martinez, Fred C.1-3-192922MexicanM0Calumet #1Fall of coal
Martinez, J.M.4-13-190535MexicanM-MidwayFall of rock
Martinez, Jeronino5-20-192439MexicanM5AlamoFall of coal
Martinez, Jesus E.9-24-192423Mexican--MutualFall of coal
Martinez, Joe E.4-24-1944----GordonSuffocation
Martinez, Jose L.12-2-1897----Pictou #1Fall of rock
Martinez, Joseph7-27-191433MexicanM2RavenwoodRun over by a loaded car
Martinez, Julian6-3-192435MexicanM5AlamoFall of rock
Martinez, Liermo3-9-191427MexicanM1BreenElectrocuted
Martinez, Tony A.6-16-1942----GordonRoof fall
Martis, Harris7-15-191832GreekM2OakdaleFall of top coal
Maschic, Ben2-15-191029AustrianS-HuerfanoFall of roof
Mason, Matt1-9-190834GermanS-MidwayStruck by run away car
Matioda, Joe8-6-191542ItalianM4RavenwoodFall of rock
Mattine, Angelo6-3-190529ItalianS-MidwayFall of rock
Mattivi, August12-31-193753ItalianS-RouseCrushed by run away car
Mavor, Henry10-6-191041AmericanM2RobinsonFall of drawslate
McCelevy11-7-1888----CameronFall of rock
McClosky, Andrew7-8-192240Lithuanian--LeaderFall of rock
McCormick, J.7-7-1885----CameronFall of large rock
McCormick, John11-22-1884----WalsenburgFall of rock
McCoy, Jason11-1-1910-Scotch--TiogaRun over by a car
McManamy, Mike T.11-20-1897----Pictou #1Fall of rock
McNiel, Charles2-26-1894----SolarGas explosion
McSparron, James5-22-191530ScotchM2RobinsonFall of rock
Medina, Mike2-7-1945----Kebler #2Roof fall
Medina, Rafael1-2-192321MexicanM1HezronFall of rock
Melkjo, Pete3-13-190726ItalianS-PinonFall of rock
Mellott, Christopher1-13-193043AmericanS-Alamo #1Caught between cross bar & loaded car
Mencin, Anton7-16-192332---GlobevilleOvercome by hydrogen sulphide gas
Merritt, John7-27-1892----RobinsonFall of coal
Metzkoviak, Adam8-2-190035HungarianM5PryorStruck by pillar
Micheletti, Angelo2-29-193254ItalianM0TorridFall of rock
Micheli, James2-18-191335ItalianS-LarimoreFall of rock
Miller, Archie2-19-190633ScotchM-MaitlandGas explosion
Miller, David10-14-191459ScotchM7LarimoreFall of rock
Mills, John11-6-190118---PictouFall of rock
Mills, Verlin1-7-1944----Butte ValleyMachinery
Mitchell, Roy12-20-193240AmericanM2Calumet #1Gas explosion
Miyagi, Y.7-13-191638JapaneseM0OakdaleHit by a moving car
Molevich, Mark11-30-191852SlavS-BreenFall of rock
Monson, Charles8-18-191941SwedeM0OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Montomome, Battista5-18-190336ItalianS-HezronFall of rock
Montoya, Sam10-15-192425MexicanM4OakdaleThrown from a car against rib
Moran, James6-19-192543AmericanM2GordonExplosion of firedamp
Moran, William2-19-190622AmericanS-MaitlandGas explosion
Morford, Ernest2-27-191233AmericanM5PinonFall of rock
Morgan, Ralph8-23-191127AmericanS-RobinsonCrushed by car & rib
Morgueski, Joseph8-18-191929PoleM0OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Morich, Frank12-30-190927HungarianM2MidwayFall of coal
Morihara, M.11-23-190427JapaneseS-MaitlandFall of rock
Moser, Sam2-15-191021AustrianS-HuerfanoFall of roof
Moyer, Harvey6-19-192539AmericanM3GordonExplosion of firedamp
Mrah, Vincent10-14-191250AustrianM1ChandlerFall of rock
Muir, David E.9-28-1892----WalsenExplosion of gas
Muir, Grover C.2-6-192822AmericanS-PictouFell off trip
Mullitz, John10-1892RouseFall of rock
Muneck, Mike9-5-190023SlavS-ToltecFall of rock
Murray, Richard D.8-30-191535ScotchS-ToltecElectrocuted
Music, Mike8-20-191844AustrianS-SunnysideFall of rock
Muyata, H.5-5-192040JapaneseM1SunnysideFall of rock
Muzzies, M.8-18-191933MexicanS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Nagy, Steve6-10-192537HungarianM4CameronFall of rock
Nakashima, Sakajiro12-30-191533JapaneseM-OakdaleFall of top coal
Nakatani, K.3-13-190535JapaneseM-WalsenFall of roof
Naranjo, Manuel9-3-190460MexicanM-MidwayFall of rock
Negro, Dominic1-16-1944----Kebler #2Face bimp
Nelson, Mose5-19-193035AmericanM2Calumet #2Crushed between car & rib
Nikola, Nik4-26-1917-BulgarianM-TiogaFall of rock
Nilas, Rudolph10-31-191432HungarianS-OakdaleFall of rock
Nizzi, F.2-19-190635ItalianS-MaitlandGas Explosion
Nizzi, J. 2-19-190628ItalianS-MaitlandGas explosion
Nogic, V.1-21-190430ItalianS-RouseHit by runaway mine cars
Norare, Eleseo D.8-11-192322ItalianS-RugbyFall of rock
Norvasd, John6-17-191736PoleM3CameronFall of rock
Notman, Walter4-24-190724PoleM-MidwayGas explosion
O'Brien, James12-12-1888----RouseRun over by pit car
Odderzzi, Joseph7-23-190642AustrianM-RouseFall of rock
Olds, Robert E. 9-30-190759AmericanM-HuerfanoStruck by cage on top of shaft
Omelenchuk, Alex1-30-192532RussiaS-Robinson #2Fall of rock
Ortez, Jake10-28-192030SpaniardM1SunnysideCrushed between mine car & pillar
Owens, David10-10-189840WelshM-PictouFall of rock (family in Wales)
Owens, Walter M.3-7-192739AmericanM3Robinson #2Fall of drawslate
Oxford, Alfred8-18-191917AmericanS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp

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© Karen Mitchell