Huerfano County, Colorado
Miners Page

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
One of the main industries in Huerfano County was the coal mines. Men from all over the world came to Huerfano County to work, and sometimes die, in the mines. In 1884 Colorado passed legislation that all mine accidents must be reported, hence this list of Huerfano County mining fatalities. Although there are 560 mining fatalities listed here, there were many more that were not reported to the state.
The following table gives the name, date of death, age, nationality, marital status, surviving children, mine name, and cause of death.

Jacavak, N.2-19-190645SlavS-MaitlandGas explosion
James, John (alias John Wilson)10-10-189838WelshS-SunshineFall of Rock
Jamuzzi, Peter11-4-190835ItalianS-RugbyFall of roof
Jimenez, Carmin11-28-192726MexicanM0RavenwoodFall of rock
Johnson, Charles1-21-190135ColoredM-PryorFall of rock
Johnson, Mike8-18-191934TurkS-OakdaleExpolsion of gas due to defective lamp
Johnson, Pete1-20-1902----PictouExplosion
Jones, John8-24-1893----RouseFall of rock
Jones, John O.10-26-191932WelshM2OakdaleCaught in gears of electric pump
Jones, Raymond11-13-191717AmericanS-WalsenRun over by empty mine car
Juas, John12-21-190626HungarianS-Pinon #3Fall of roof
Jumovech, Mike6-13-192247AustrianM2GordonFall of rock
Juran, Juan5-22-190947MexicanW-HezronFall of rock
Kachaner, Mike H.1-12-192128RussianS-CameronFall of rock
Kail, Paul11-26-1889----RouseFall of rock
Kakalecik, Edward7-10-1943----Kebler #2Haulage
Kambic, John2-10-193019AmericanS-Robinson #1Fall of rock
Kampwruki, Mike2-8-191844GreekM0IdealFall of rock
Karst, Frank11-23-1942----Butte ValleyGas explosion
Kasper, Frank10-23-191025SlavS-GlobeRun over by a car
Kauser, Martin9-30-192024AustrianS-OakdaleFall of coal & rock
Kelley, Joke9-22-191038SlavM4CameronFall of drawslate
Kerotti, B.10-18-191139AustrianS-RouseFall of rock
Ketola, Herman6-17-190424FinlanderS-HezronFall of rock
Kika, Mike7-24-190626SlavonianS-PryorFall of drawslate
Kikuchi, C.12-2-191530JapaneseS-PryorFall of rock
King, Burt11-13-192436AmericanS-AlamoFall of rock
Kis, John1-21-190430ItalianS-RouseHit by runaway mine cars
Klimo, Pete4-4-192133PoleS-OakdaleFall of rock
Knox, Thomas J.12-12-191160AmericanM0RobinsonFall of slate
Kolar, Nikolas5-27-191352SlavM2RouseFall of rock
Kolatic, Paul5-9-191035RussianM1RavenwoodStruck by runaway car
Koliser, John12-5-1893----PeerlessFall of rock
Korentus, Emeric5-28-191047HungarianM-PryorFall of rock
Kos, Anthony10-7-192726AustrianW1Robinson #2Fall of rock
Kosarek, ErnestJune 1942
Kosmider, Henry3-4-191848SlavM3ToltecFall of bone coal
Koster, Jonathan2-19-190633ItalianS-MaitlandGas explosion
Koster, K.2-19-190628ItalianM-MaitlandGas explosion
Koukos, Mike9-27-191521GreekM0WalsenFall of rock
Kovatz, Andrew9-30-191020HungarianS-PinonFall of rock
Krankota, Joe10-27-1912-SlavM7OakdaleFall of coal
Kripan, Andre7-11-191243AustrianM1IdealFall of rock
Krist, John3-15-1946----Pictou (New)Roof fall
Krizik, John12-23-190235Austrian--PictouStruck by runaway trip of 6 loaded cars
Kuzmovic, George12-30-190732SlavonianM-MidwayStruck by runawa trip
Kyle, Robert2-25-190329AmericanM-MaitlandHit by mine cars
Ladoline, Oresto11-20-190925ItalianM3OakdaleMissed shot
Larson, Matt1-17-192137AustrianS-SunnysideCrushed between pillar & car
Larson, Robert10-27-191135SwedishM1PictouFall of rock
Laverty, Leo5-11-192921AmericanS-AlamoThrown between 2 trips of cars
Lenzini, Frank5-26-191032ItalianM1ToltecFall of rock
Lenzini, Frank8-30-191934ItalianS-GordonStruck by loaded pit cars
Lenzini, Joseph12-6-191731ItalianM1MaitlandMining machine running over him
Leorosi, Carmela5-25-191140ItalianS-GlobeFall of rock
Lewis, Edmund11-26-191426WelshS-GordonElectrocuted
Lias, John6-7-190456ColoredM-MaitlandFall from draw slate
Link, Jonathan8-1-190633PolanderM-ToltecFall of coal & rock
Logan, Pat1-3-189978-M-RugbyFall of coal
Lonzee, Pete11-20-190925ItalianS-Big FourFall of rock
Lopez, Baldomanio5-23-1921-MexicanS-PictouFall of rock
Lopez, Jesus9-6-192321MexicanM1LesterFall of rock
Lopez, Salvador1-5-193120MexicanS-PictouFall of draw rock
Lovera, B.2-19-190637ItalianS-MaitlandGas explosion
Lowe, James11-8-191838AmericanS-LudlowCrushed to death between two cars and rib
Lucas, James12-19-189930-S-WalsenStruck by 15 empty cars
Ludwig, Frank7-21-1902-German--MidwayFall of rock
Lynch, John2-27-193334AmericanS-Big FourFall of rock

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