Huerfano County, Colorado
Miners Page

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
One of the main industries in Huerfano County was the coal mines. Men from all over the world came to Huerfano County to work, and sometimes die, in the mines. In 1884 Colorado passed legislation that all mine accidents must be reported, hence this list of Huerfano County mining fatalities. Although there are 560 mining fatalities listed here, there were many more that were not reported to the state.
The following table gives the name, date of death, age, nationality, marital status, surviving children, mine name, and cause of death.

Gabaldon, Carl E.1-15-193238SpanishM6Calumet #1Fall of coal & draw slate
Gabrum, Phele10-19-191527RussianS-GordonElectrocuted
Galiscini, Antonio10-13-190237ItalianM-RobinsonShot blowing through pillar
Gallina, Norfio11-9-193156ItalianM4New FruthRunaway mine car
Garcia, Jacinto8-18-191928MexicanS-OakdaleExplsion of gas due to defective lamp
Garlic, John11-28-191336PoleM3OakdalePremature shot
German, Felix2-21-191435NegroS-RobinsonFall of rock
Giamo, Martina5-9-1887----CameronFall of slate
Gidion, Charles4-25-190124ColoredM-Pictou #1Electrocuted
Gillett, Jule4-14-193139AmericanM2Calumet #2Caught between haulage motor & door frame
Gizas, Anton8-14-1894----PictouFall of rock
Gliocani, B.5-24-190945ItalianM2PryorFall of rock
Godinez, Diego6-11-191425MexicanM-LesterCollision of coal cars
Golightly, William12-14-1890----PictouExplosion of powder
Gomez, Amando7-11-1950----Kebler #2Fall of roof
Gomez, Jose G.8-15-192533MexicanM2OakdaleCrushed between loaded cars & timber
Gomez, Manuel5-16-193148MexicanW-TorridFall of draw slate
Gonzales, Jose8-16-1924-MexicanM-OakdaleFall of rock
Gonzales, Refugio11-18-1950----Caddell #2Fall of rock
Gonzales, Simon11-20-192927MexicanM2Robinson #1Kicked by a mule
Greene, Hilton K.12-2-192523AmericanS-Vesta-
Gregioni, Pietro7-13-190418ItalianS-Rouse #4Fall of rock
Gregoric, Jank3-1-190745AustrianM-RugbyFall of roof
Gretch, Mike5-2-191545SlavM5MutualSuffocated from gas explosion
Griboski, Frank10-14-191244SlavW5CaddellFall of rock
Gringri, Tony7-31-190535ItalianS-MidwayFall of rock
Gualandri, Attilio8-12-1922-Italian--Robinson #2Fall of rock
Gugliemo, Gio8-7-191347ItalianM-RouseFall of rock
Guialini, A.8-18-181932ItalianM0OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Guigli, Alberto6-29-191130ItalianS-WalsenFall of slate
Guiseppi, Zatti11-4-189945ItalianM2PictouFall of rock
Guzzo, Pete1-22-194850---Leader #2Fall of face
Halka, Joseph8-13-1889----RouseFall of rock
Halozasz, Wajcieck7-7-190426PolanderS-RobinsonFall of rock
Hamata, M.8-29-190428Japanese--Rouse #4Fall of coal
Hamilton, Joseph3-31-190840AmericanM-OakdaleGas explosion
Hardman, Andrew9-26-190624ScotchS-ToltecFall of rock
Harris, Charles8-9-190930AmericanS-TiogaFall of drawslate
Harrison, Henry8-19-190924AmericanM1Big FourFall of rock
Henderson, David8-2-190945AmericanM1SolarExplosion of firedamp in air shaft
Hernandez, Ponciano3-5-192635MexicanS-PictouFall of rock
Higushi, H.4-23-190436JapaneseS-WalsenFall of rock
Hing, Mike10-20-1888----RouseFall of slate
Holt, William M.9-28-1892----WalsenExplosion of gas
Horhan, William10-29-193029AmericanM2Alamo #2Fall of rock & top coal
Hotock, John10-20-191034SlavM2RobinsonStruck by derailed car
Howard, Elmer6-21-192032AmericanM0PryorFall of rock
Huball, Ivan7-6-190446SlavM-Rouse #4Fall of rock
Hunter, Tom6-1-190634AmericanM-MaitlandFall of drawslate
Hurtado, Jasper8-19-192924MexicanS-Alamo #1Fell down a cross-cut

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