Huerfano County, Colorado
Miners Page

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
One of the main industries in Huerfano County was the coal mines. Men from all over the world came to Huerfano County to work, and sometimes die, in the mines. In 1884 Colorado passed legislation that all mine accidents must be reported, hence this list of Huerfano County mining fatalities. Although there are 560 mining fatalities listed here, there were many more that were not reported to the state.
The following table gives the name, date of death, age, nationality, marital status, surviving children, mine name, and cause of death.

Danko, John2-8-190118Slavonian--RouseFall of rock
Dean, William11-22-190730ColoredM-PinonFall of rock
Decamillo, Charles7-17-190935ItalianW1MidwayFall of roof
Decario, Antonio5-20-190425ItalianS-Rouse #1Fall of rock
Delaurente, Alex9-24-192727ItalianM2Calumet #1Electrocuted
Deleon, Herman7-23-1942----PeaksHeart
Dellehanty, Patrick3-27-1902----Pictou #1Blast
Dement, A.L.10-21-1893----PictouFall of rock
Dennis, August1-12-192055GermanS-MaitlandFall of rock
Desideris, Frank10-14-1891----CameronFall of rock
DeSoto, Fern.2-20-194726---PictouRoof Fall
Dirchio, Frank8-18-191932ItalianS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Dispenza, Jim7-31-192342ItalianS-Hezron #3Fall of rock
Divizio, P.2-19-190619ItalianS-MaitlandGas explosion
Dlugopolski, Walter5-5-193028PoleM2PictouTrip of empty cars ran over him
Donaghe, Oscar12-27-192727IrishM1RavenwoodFall of rock
Donvivich, Tom5-23-190729AustrianM-WalsenFall of roof
Dougherty, John5-24-191854AmericanM1WalsenFall of rock
Draspa, John11-9-191134PoleM4HuerfanoFall of rock
Dratter, Joseph11-1-192141AustrianS-OakdaleFall of top coal
Dugas, Louis8-3-190026SlavonianS-MaitlandRunaway trip of 8 loaded cars
Duhick, Peter7-25-192331SlavonianS-OakdaleFall of rock
Duran, Bregida7-11-190343MexicanM-RouseFall of slate
Duran, Victor11-11-194835---Black BeautyFall of roof
Duzan, Bill Edgar4-9-1941----Leader #2Roof fall
Duzenack, Mike1-31-1945----Kebler #2Haulage
Eber, George1-5-192334AustrianS-MutualFall of rock
Eccher, August1-25-192435ItalianM1LesterFall of drawslate
Eligio, Aurelio7-26-191728MexicanS-WalsenFall of rock
Elliott, Mathew8-1897MaitlandLightening
Endermail, Rudolph11-26-1889----RouseFall of rock
England, James8-18-191967AmericanM-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Erkang, Nick11-26-191022HollanderS-CameronFall of rock
Espinoza, Abel1916MexicanJacksonMurdered
Espinoza, Joseph11-28-192729MexicanM1RavenwoodFall of rock
Estrella, Francisco1-27-191339MexicanM1PinionFall of rock
Eustin, Lucas2-21-1893----RouseFall of rock
Fabert, Lasza8-31-190422HungarianS-HezronFall of rock
Fareiholtc, John2-12-191627SwedeS-MaitlandFall of rock
Farra, Frank9-8-190035ItalianM4SunshineFall of coal
Farsero, John8-18-191927ItalianS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Felicia, Giovanni9-14-190730ItalianM-WalsenRun over by trip of loaded cars
Feranz, Mike10-12-189835SlavishS-Santa ClaraFall of rock
Ferkol, Tony11-4-192940AustrianW1Alamo #1Struck by a shell
Fernanda, Phillipa11-16-190132Italian--HezronFall of rock
Fernandez, Abundio2-19-1927-MexicanM1LesterFall of rock
Ferrari, Giovanni11-28-191722AustrianS-RouseFall of rock
Ferraro, Andy1-20-192746ItalianM1CameronFall of rock
Ferreon, James8-15-1885----WalsenFall of slate
Filangi, Gaetano7-12-191033ItalianM-PictouFall of rock
Flodquist, John7-22-191821SwedeS-SunnysideRunaway car
Fontandini, John7-16-191316Italian--RouseDied from stroke
Forkas, Frank1-2-1889----RouseFall of rock
Fortarel, John1-6-190640ItalianM-RugbyFall of rock
Foutis, Harry4-14-191748GreekM7WalsenFall of rock
Franks, J.R.8-18-191928AmericanS-OakdaleExplosion of gas due to defective lamp
Fransenni, J.2-2-1909-ItalianS-Round OakFall of roof
Fraser, Oliver8-2-190937AmericanM2SolarExplosion of firedamp in air shaft
Frazy, Ernest8-12-193153ItalianM1Robinson #4Fall of top rock
Frenzena, Gottardo11-28-191733ItalianM2RouseFall of rock

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© Karen Mitchell