Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
D’Cristina, Joseph born 2/19/1918 died 7/4/1978 Notes: Via Crucis
D’Cristina, Matilda born 1882 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Daberkow, Anne J. born 6-18-1899 died 4/9/1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Daberkow, Clarence F. born 1913 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Daberkow, Roslie born 1913 died 2003 Notes: Calvary Section
Dadd, Alma R. born 1934 died 1961 Notes: Devotion Section
Dagenais, Jerome A. born 1943 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Daigle, David Eugene born 8/7/1949 died 5/12/2002 Notes: Sp 5 US Army Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Dailey, Mona born 1912 died 1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dale, Clifford C. born 1879 died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
Dale, Opal born 1901 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dall, Alfred "Bud" born 1922 died 1976 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dall, Alfred E. born 1893 died 1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dall, Bertha M.. born 1913 died 2004 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dall, Bruce M. born 8/4/1934 died 6/9/2000 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dall, Harriett A. born 1896 died 1985 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dall, Raymond D. Sr. born 1925 died 1998 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dalton, James Ellis born 2/11/1925 died 1-06-1993 Notes: FC2 US Navy WWII Calvary Section
Dalton, Maryann L. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Dalton, Myrtle T. born 1904 died 1962 Notes: Devotion Section
Daman, Ruth E. born 1925 died 1997 Notes: Vesperland
Daman, Walter P. born 1898 died 1986 Notes: Vesperland
Damkoehler, Boyd L. born 1930 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Damkoehler, Elsie E. born 1928 died 1990 Notes: Pieta
Danielson, Georgia born 1910 died no date Notes:(wife of Robert E.)
Danielson, Georgia A. born 1910 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Danielson, Jack W. born 1923 died no date
Danielson, Jack W. born 1923 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Danielson, Margaret M. Allee born 2/7/1922 died 1/8/1987Notes:(wife of Jack, daughter of Andrew and Gert) Garden 8
Danielson, Margaret W. born 1922 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Danielson, Robert A. born 1948 died no dateNotes:Garden 7
Danielson, Robert A. born 1948 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Danielson, Robert E. born 11-10-1895 died 1-?-1983Notes:Garden 8
Danielson, Robert E. born 1895 died 1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Datz, Jack Z. born 1912 died 1983 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Datz, Mary R. born 1911 died 2000 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Datz, Mary V. born 1/16/1935 died 1/16/1935 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Daub, Benjamin F. born 1893 died 1962 Notes: Hillcrest
Daub, Benjiman F. Jr. born 1936 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Daub, Ella V. born 1898 died 1970 Notes: Hillcrest
Daub, Irma L. born 1912 died 2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Daub, Jerry J. born 1919 died 1975 Notes: Devotion Section
Daub, Lorraine A. born 1920 died 1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Daugherty, Audrey J. born 1/24/1929 died 1/24/2004 Notes: Vesperland
Daugherty, Jewel born 1902 died 1990 Notes: Section A
Daugherty, Laura M. born 10-1-1864 died 8/13/1959 Notes: Section A
Daugherty, Olivia Grace “Livvie” born 4/11/2000 died 3/20/2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Daugherty, Philip born 1893 died 1972 Notes: Section A
Daugherty, Russell R. born 6/2/1926 died 6/10/1988 Notes: US Navy WWII Section A
Davidson, Cora M. born October 27, 1878 died 2/25/1948 Notes: Section A
Davidson, James C. born November 22, 1876 died 3/6/1940 Notes: Section A
Davidson, Myrtle M. born 4-13-1884 died 10/17/1965Notes:Section B
Davies, Judith L. born 1947 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Davies, Tedford J. born 1947 died 1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Davis, Albert A. born 3/1/1918 died 3/17/1985 Notes: Devotion Section
Davis, Albina A. born 1906 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Davis, Annie E. born 1/6/1918 died 10/18/2003 Notes: Vesperland
Davis, Anthony D. born 1902 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Davis, Arletta S. born 1929 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Davis, Arthur F. born 4/1/1925 died 10/13/1987 Notes: S1 US Navy WWII, Hillcrest
Davis, Bessie B. born 1890 died 1979 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davis, C. Josephine born 2/15/1937 died no date Notes: Hillcrest
Davis, Charles R. born 12/10/1888 died 4/1/1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davis, Cherri Sue “Sister” born 5/18/1958 died 2/26/1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Claude F. born 1916 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Clella M. born 1915 died no date
Davis, Cora E. born 1905 died 1988 Notes: Hillcrest
Davis, Dyanna L. “Dylyn” born 7/1/1960 died 9/19/1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, E. Louise born 1922 died 1982 Notes: Resthaven Section
Davis, Earl W. born 1914 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Davis, Edith M. born 1914 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Davis, Elbert L. born 9/29/1913 died 3/7/1996 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davis, Elizabeth born 1910 died 2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Floyd born 8/16/1903 died 5/3/1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Floyd S. born 1929 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Grace born 1887 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Davis, Herta born 3/20/1922 died 1/9/1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Davis, Hollan W. born 1916 died 1969Notes:Garden 7
Davis, James F. born 6/8/1870 died 10/19/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Davis, James H. born 5-10-1897 died 12/23/1970 Notes: Vesperland
Davis, John H. born 10/13/1882 died 6/4/1961 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davis, Joyce born 1949 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, La Verne E. born 1912 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Lawrence A. born 1901 died 1991 Notes: Hillcrest
Davis, Margaret E. born 1902 died 1985 Notes: Via Crucis
Davis, May E. born 1/20/1904 died 1/6/1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Melvin A. born 1915 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Michael born 1884 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Davis, N. Louise born 1917 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Nettie L. born 1892 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Davis, Olinda M. born 1917 died 2002 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Paul E. born 1908 died 1984 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davis, Philip V. born 1917 died 2001Notes:Section B
Davis, Robert B. born 1913 died 1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Davis, Ruth M. born 1920 died no dateNotes:Section B
Davis, Susan Alice born 1953 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Davis, Vesta L. born 1919 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Davis, Virgina Lee born 9/15/1924 died 5/21/1998 Notes: US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
Davis, Virginia Grace born 1920 died no dateNotes:(wife of Hollan) Garden 7
Davis, Walter F. born 1910 died 1975
Davis, William Joseph born 1953 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Davis, Willie Milton born 1924 died 1978 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davis, Winnie Ona born 2/02/1891 died 10/22/1956 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davison, Earle born 3/28/1911 died 3/24/1997 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Davison, Jacob B. born 1907 died 1993 Section A
Davison, L. Marie born 1913 died 6/10/1905 Section A
Davison, Milton E. born 1932 died no date Notes: Section A
Davisson, Barbara A. born 5/24/1928 died 11/19/1998 Notes: Devotion Section
Davisson, Edna K. born 1893 died 1965 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davisson, Michael H. born 3/25/1962 died 3/12/1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Davisson, Paul F. born 4/24/1914 died 12/6/1970 Notes: Colorado Sf2 US Navy WWII Section A
Davisson, Roy Vivian born 1890 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Davisson, Woodrow L. born 11/12/1917 died 11/29/1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Dawson, Douglas Adam born 9/23/1950 died 6/28/1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dawson, Fannie F. born 8-6-1894 died 11/16/1987Notes:Section B
Dawson, Marie V. born 1921 died 2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dawson, Robert M. born 1912 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Day, George D. born 1906 died 1985 Notes: Sunrise Section
Day, Helen A. born 6/6/1922 died 3/18/2001Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Day, Homer L. born 1/20/1920 died 8/15/2001Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Day, James H. born 4/26/1914 died 8/12/1999 Notes: Resthaven Section
Day, Justin born 8/9/1983 died 6/3/1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Day, Lila M. born 1910 died 1994 Notes: Sunrise Section
Day, Ruby K. born 2/9/1914 died 10/31/1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
De Herrera, Tony born 1932 died 1976 Notes: Faith Section
Deakins, Elmer L. born 4/16/1929 died 9/1/1945 Notes: Sunrise Section
Deakins, Pamela Jean born 8/27/1957 died 6/12/1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Dean, Etha Nettie born 1/27/1898 died 11/13/1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dean, Evelyn C. born 1906 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dean, Georgia Anna born 2-5-1879 died 8/8/1961 Notes: Vesperland
Dean, Henry E. Jr. born 3/29/1924 died 5/25/1951 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dean, Tom E. born 1905 died 1991 Notes: Singing Tower Section
DeArman, Louise Marie born 1907 died 1976 Notes: Faith Section
DeBevc, Frances born 1893 died 1966 Notes: Vesperland
DeBevc, Mathew born 1879 died 1956 Notes: Vesperland
DeBoer, Mary E. born 9/17/1864 died 1/21/1961 Notes: Resthaven Section
DeChant, Albert born 10/19/1943 died 3/15/2001 Notes: Sgt US Marine Corps Vietnam Calvary Section
Dechant, Amelia M. born 1912 died 1981 Notes: Calvary Section
Dechant, Jacob born 1905 died 1976 Notes: Calvary Section
Decker, Ethel Houston born 1906 died 2000 Notes: Vesperland
Decker, Flora M. born 1881 died 1961 Notes: Vesperland
Decker, Horace L. born 1903 died 1990 Notes: Vesperland
Decker, Mary Alice born 1911 died 1965
Decker, William F. born 3-11-1870 died 10/14/1957Notes:Section B
Decker, William H. born 1879 died 1968 Notes: Vesperland
Decker, William Leroy born 11/10/1936 died 1/29/1998 Notes: US Air FOrce Veterans Court of Honor
Dedman, C. Vernon born 1893 died 1955Notes: Hillcrest
Dedman, Cora E. born 1898 died 1983Notes: Hillcrest
Defenbaugh, George born 3-13-1885 died 7/28/1950Notes:Section B
DeFoe, A. M. born 1914 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Defrece, Deda Juanita Swan born 5/15/1919 died 11/30/2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
DeGeer, Ellis born 11/13/1889 died 7/11/1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
DeGeer, Minnie E. born 7/05/1899 died 1/19/1973 Notes: Sunrise Section
DeGrado, no first names born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Degregory, Philip born 8/4/1918 died 3/12/1994Notes: Lt Col US Air Force WWII Veterans Court of Honor
DeHerrera, Antonio G. born 12/29/1931 died 5/5/1996 Notes: CS3 US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
DeHerrera, Armando N. born 3/8/1940 died 8/3/2000 Notes: Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Aurora born 1930 died 2002 Notes: Pieta
DeHerrera, Beatrice born 1886 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Benjamin C. born 1953 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
DeHerrera, Canuto born 1929 died 1990 Notes: Pieta
DeHerrera, Celia J. born 1927 died 1999 Notes: Via Crucis
DeHerrera, Celina born 1919 died 1993 Notes: Via Crucis
DeHerrera, Cornelius born 1913 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Emma J. born 7/18/1926 died 1/13/1997 Notes: Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Hilario born 2/24/1920 died 2/15/1993 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Deherrera, Jerry G. born 4/25/1959 died 4/2/2000 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Joseph M. born 7/16/1942 died 10/27/1999 Notes: US Air Force Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Louis born 1920 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
DeHerrera, Mamuela Cano born 1934 died 1976 Notes: Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Manuel M. born 1/2/1917 died 5/9/1980 Notes: Via Crucis
DeHerrera, Marie R. born 1918 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Mary born 1925 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Mary born 1916 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Max born 1928 died 1992 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
DeHerrera, Patricia E. born 1934 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Pedro born 2/25/1934 died 8/8/1969 Notes: 1st Sgt Btry B 8BN 4 Arty Vietnam ARCOM Purple Heart Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Pete C. born 1910 died 2003 Notes: Calvary Section
DeHerrera, Raymundo born 5/20/1922 died 1/29/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Ricardo born 3/15/1941 died 4/11/1996 Notes: Pieta Section
DeHerrera, Thelma S. born 2/2/1930 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
DeHerrera, Tibo N. born 1888 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Dehn, Mary born 11/17/1918 died 1/19/1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Deis Sfcc, Mary born 1918 died 1994 Notes: Pieta
Del Valle, Juanita C. born 1893 died 1990 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Del Valle, Pete A. born 1884 died 1979 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
DeLa Cruz, Cruz born 5/3/1907 died 8-18-1974 Notes: Calvary Section
DeLa Cruz, Edward born 7/21/1945 died 5/8/1998 Notes: LCpl US Marines Corps Calvary Section
De-La Cruz, Eva born 1948 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
DeLa Cruz, Francisco born 4-02-1898 died 6/16/1962 Notes: Calvary Section
DeLa Cruz, John R. “Bobby” born 1952 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
De-La Cruz, Santos born 1947 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
DeLa Cruz, Sherry Lynn born 6/5/1967 died 9/20/1967 Notes: Calvary Section
DeLaCruz, Angie J. born 10/9/1939 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
DeLaCruz, Evelyn born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
DeLaCruz, Frank X. born 6/30/1934 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
DeLaCruz, John born 1929 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
DeLaCruz, Maria Anna died 1977 Notes: Babyland Section
Delao, Viviana M. born 4-06-1878 died 6/15/1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
DeLao, Viviano born 1888 died 1968 Notes: Faith Section
Delap, Dennis R. born 1952 died 2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
DeLeon, Angelina born 1924 died 1992 Notes: Pieta Section
DeLeon, Caroline L. born 4/11/1932 died 4/13/1977 Notes: Faith Section
DeLeon, Joe born 1923 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
DeLeon, Jose Arcario born 1949 died 1949 Notes: Faith Section
DeLeon, Judith Velasco born 1/14/1923 died 3/2/1963 Notes: Calvary Section
DelFraino, Angelina M. born 1890 died 1973
DelFraino, James born 1915 died 1989
Delihanty, Gladys T. born 1911 died 1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
Delihanty, John W. born 1910 died 1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dell, Arthur F. born 5/18/1909 died 12/3/1984 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Calvary Section
Dell, Enos born 6/16/1916 died 7/5/1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dell, Tony born 1/4/1911 died 1/28/1997 Notes: US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Deltondo, Quiendon John Jr. born 3/12/1939 died 6/6/2004 Notes: Garden of Hope
Deluca, Rose Marie born 1926 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
DeMarco, Christine born 1924 died 2002Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
DeMarco, John S. born 1923 died 2002Notes: Sgt US Army Air Force WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Dempcy, Elgar R. born 5/28/1915 died 7/17/1989 Notes: MSgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Dempcy, Reba L. born no date died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dempsey, George J. born 1878 died 1954 Notes: Section A
Dempsey, Mollie D. born 1879 died 1960 Notes: Section A
DeNardo, James V. born 1890 died 1971 Notes: Calvary Section
DeNardo, Louis L. born 5/11/1914 died 9-30-1967 Notes: Calvary Section
DeNardo, Maria L. born 3/10/1905 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
DeNava, Della E. born 3/8/1924 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
DeNava, John Joseph born 11/10/1946 died 1/15/1968 Notes: Colorado PFC Co M 3Bn 5Mar 1Mar Div Vietnam Purple Heart Calvary Section
DeNava, Leon Sr. born 4-23-1865 died 12/31/1953 Notes: Calvary Section
DeNava, Mercedes A. Mrs. born 1903 died 1981 Notes: Calvary Section
Denman, Lee R. born 1930 died 1988 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Denman, Rose M. born 1927 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Denney, Clarence A. born 1899 died 1959Notes:Section B
Denney, Jerry born 12/10/1952 died 1/4/1956 Notes: Calvary Section
Denney, Laurence A. born 1925 died 1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Denney, Norma Fay born 4/5/1940 died 12/13/1944Notes:Section B
Denney, Virgie M. born 1899 died 1977Notes:Section B
Dennis, James Harvey born 8/15/1927 died 6/2/1995Notes: FA US Navy WWII
Dennis, Ruth A. born 11/30/1930 died 4/11/2002Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dennison, Leon E. born 1906 died 1978 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dennison, Thelma born 1901 died 1983 Notes: Resthaven Section
Denny Vera M. born 8/19/1923 died 2/21/2005 Notes: Calvary Section
Denny, Charles born 5/19/1919 died 10/1/1992 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII Calvary Section
Denny, J. Ethel born 1920 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Denny, L. Paul born 1923 died 1996 Notes: Vesperland
Dent, Daniel E. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dent, Ella E. born 1895 died 1974 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dent, Floyd W. born 1901 died 1985
Dent, Howard J. born 1888 died 1967 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dent, Irma J. born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dent, James H. born 1921 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Dent, John P. born 1924 died 1962 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dent, Joseph G. born 5/1/1952 died 5/4/1952 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dent, Michael L. born 1/29/1950 died 1/31/1950 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dent, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dent, Vera M. born 1905 died 1992
Denton, Lester born 1907 died 1990 Notes: Resthaven Section
Denton, Mildred G. born 1907 died 1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
Depperschmidt, Peter D. born 9/30/1937 died 5/8/1975 Notes: Kansas Sgt US Marine Corps Calvary Section
Depperschmidt, Peter J. born 1907 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Depperschmidt, Seraphina A. born 1915 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Derby, Sharon Rose born 10/24/1948 died 6/21/1969 Notes: Hillcrest
Derringer, Newton G. born 7/17/1913 died 10/25/1963 Notes: Resthaven Section
DeRungs, Lyle B. born 1928 died 2004 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
DeRungs, Shirley J. born 1934 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Despain, Daphine L. born 1900 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Despain, Merle M. born 1898 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Devereaux, Richard Warde born 7/22/1921 died 4/17/1998 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Devine, Emma S. born 8-31-1893 died 11/9/1971Notes:MissouriSection B
Devine, George W. born 10-21-1888 died 3/20/1972Notes:Colorado Chief Mech Btry B 341 FA WWISection B
DeVore, Ida G. born 1918 died 1972 Notes: Via Crucis
DeVore, Warren E. born 1920 died 1988 Notes: Via Crucis
DeVries, Eric Dean born 1960 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
DeVries, Michelle Kaye born 1961 died no date Notes: Vesperland
DeWeese, Arthur born 10/26/1903 died 5/30/1955 Notes: Sunrise Section
DeWeese, Betty born 1902 died 1992 Notes: Sunrise Section
DeWeese, Lee born 1900 died 1986 Notes: Sunrise Section
DeWeese, Mary R. born 1899 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
DeWitt, Irma Jean born 1922 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
DeWitt, John C. born 1918 died 1978 Notes: Devotion Section
Di Orio, Aetna M. born 1919 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Di Santi, James Brandon born 1987 died 1988 Notes: Calvary Section
Di Santi, John W. born 4/17/1920 died 4/28/1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Di Santi, John William III born 5/30/1964 died 4/15/1988 Notes: Calvary Section
Diachin, Andrew P. born 1918 died 1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Diachin, Carol Ann born 1948 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Diachin, Helen B. born 1920 died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Diana, Arthur R. born 1909 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Diana, Mary born 1922 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Diaz, Darla M. born 1958 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Diaz, David born 1956 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Diaz, Felipe born 1894 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Diaz, Felipe (Phil) Jr. born 2/10/1923 died 8/5/1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Diaz, Henrietta born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Diaz, Joaquin born 9/22/1913 died 7/8/1968 Notes: Faith Section
Diaz, Joe E. born 1936 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Diaz, Joseph P. born 3/19/1948 died 11/4/1997 Notes: Sp4 US Army Vietnam Purple Heart Veterans Court of Honor
Diaz, Lucy born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Diaz, Micaela L. born 1903 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Diaz, Raymond M. born 2/17/1926 died 11/7/2004 Notes: Via Crucis
Diaz, Senaida born 1934 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dibler, Carson E. born 6/23/1932 died 10/13/1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dibler, Clarence E. born 1/6/1901 died 5/30/1954 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dibler, Ruth Roma born 6/25/1907 died 4/22/1992 Notes: Sunrise Section
DiCiacco, Charles born 9/25/1909 died 10/25/1993 Notes: Sunrise Section
DiCiacco, Ruth born 10/24/1924 died 3/16/1996 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dickerson, Jacquelyn L. born 12/13/1953 died 11/2/1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dickerson, Norvell born 4/14/1925 died 10/13/1998 Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Dickerson, Odis born 10/27/1923 died 3/5/1991 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Dickinson, Chelsea Dawn born Feb. 20, 1999 died Jun. 18, 1999 Notes: Babyland Section
Dickinson, Pearl M. born 1875 died 1953 Notes: Section A
Dickinson, Roy Vene born 1872 died 1928 Notes: Section A
Dickson, Ethel P. born 1901 died 2001 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dickson, Floid T. born 1893 died 1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dickson, Floid T. Jr. born 1925 died 1990 Notes: US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Dickson, Iva Hummell born Feb. 13,1890 died Nov. 23, 1957 Notes: Section A
Dierksen, Larry C. born 7/27/1948 died 4/1/2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Dierksen, Patrice L. born 7/17/1952 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dietrich, Alma L. born 1908 died 1961 Notes: Section A
Dietrich, Henry Lee “Hank” born 1935 died 1979 Notes: Section A
Dietrich, Loyd G. born 1905 died 1972 Notes: Section A
Digby, Charles E. born 1902 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Digby, Dorothy C. born 1899 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
DiIorio, James R. born 1955 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
DiIorio, Loretta C. born 1958 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dikeman, Alberta born 1915 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Dikeman, Barry L. born no date died 1954 Notes: Vesperland
Dikeman, Leslie G. born 1906 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Dillard, Frank A. born 11/1/1910 died 4/19/1971 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dillard, Gordon Leon born 1914 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dillard, Hazel O. born 9/8/1908 died 9/11/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dillard, Lindsey born 7/3/1871 died 1/8/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dillard, Mamie Florence born 8/22/1913 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Dillard, Mamie Susan born 1950 died 2002 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dillon, Don W. born 1916 died 1978
Dillow, Otis Randolph born 9/20/1932 died 1/13/1989 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dimich, Anna born 1914 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Dimich, Mike born 1916 died 1993 Notes: Pieta Section
DiSanti, Barbara L. born 1937 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
DiSanti, Edward E. born 1935 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dissler, Albert P. born 1893 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Dissler, Helen R. born 1899 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Ditterline, Geraldine born 1920 died 1960 Notes: Devotion Section
Ditterline, Thurzia S. born 3/29/1920 died 12/23/1980 Notes: Devotion Section
Dittmar, Arlo J. born 1910 died 1972 Notes: Vesperland
Dittmar, Carolyn P. born 1935 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Dittmar, Clarence R. born 1933 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Dittmar, George E. born 2-20-1886 died 8/27/1955 Notes: Vesperland
Dittmar, Ruby M. born 1911 died 1990 Notes: Vesperland
Divelbiss, Florine E. born 1899 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Divelbiss, Horace W. born 1900 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Divilbliss, Ralph born 1904 died 1983 Notes: Devotion Section
Divilbliss, Ruby born 1906 died 2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Dixon, Cora A. born 1900 died 1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dixon, Floyd W. Jr. born 9/06/1924 died 5/31/1998 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dixon, Floyd W. Sr. born 1892 died 1963 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dixon, John H. born 6/05/1866 died 3/8/1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dixon, Lora E. born 1900 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dixon, Maud F. born 3/17/1881 died 7/4/1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dixon, Ruby L. born 1900 died 1961 Notes: Sunrise Section
Doane, Christine Layne Zaharias born 1915 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dobson, Johnny E. born 1910 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dobson, Mildred E. born 1930 died 1947 Notes: Section A
Dobson, P. Willina born 1911 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dockendorf, Anna Lee born 4/13/1925 died 38473 Notes: Vesperland
Dockendorf, Elizabeth born 9-3-1895 died 8/6/1981 Notes: Vesperland
Dockendorf, William born 6-24-1893 died 8/13/1963 Notes: Vesperland
Dockendorf, William D. born 7/12/1928 died 6/11/1997 Notes: Vesperland
Dockery, Joshua Dale born Nov. 25, 1990 died Nov. 25, 1990 Notes: Babyland Section
Dockter, Dixie J. born no date died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dodd, Myrtle K. born 1918 died 2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Dodd, Ruben E. born 1922 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Dodgen, Amos H. born 1909 died 1968 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dodgen, Dora born 9/20/1879 died 12/7/1946 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dodgen, Minnie J. born 1911 died 1978 Notes: Resthaven Section
Doerr, Walter S. Jr. born 3/24/1978 died 12/27/1995 Notes: Garden of Hope
Dohe, Fredinand F. born 1908 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Dohe, Jeannette M. born 1913 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Dolak, Frank M. born 2/1/1903 died 10/9/1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Dolak, William Amiel born 1940 died 2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dolan, Catherine N. born 3/1/1914 died 11/12/1982 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dolan, Frances Josephine born 6/11/1916 died 3/15/1943 Notes: Calvary Section
Dolan, John P. Sr. born 7/09/1881 died 12/18/1966 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dolan, Nora born 1/03/1881 died 1/23/1953 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dolgan, Edward born 1889 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Dolgan, Rosie born 1899 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Doll, Joseph L. born 1919 died 1990 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Doll, Lerlan Frasier born no date died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Doman, Emerald J. born 1929 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Doman, Jean born 1933 died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Dome, I. Jean born 1930 died 1982Notes:Section B
Dome, Merlyn M. born 1927 died 2000Notes:Section B
Dominguez, John M. born 1915 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Dominguez, Margaret B. born 1919 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Dominguez, Martin J. born 2/5/1922 died 8/29/1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Dominguez, Michael J. born 1949 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Dominguez, Ramona born 5/25/1928 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Dominguez, Silvia “Mama” born 1932 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Dominiack, Norman Dale born 12/11/1928 died 3/27/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Dominiack, Wilhelmina G. born 9/30/1920 died 11/17/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Donaghe, Fred born 1908 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Donaghe, John B. born 1912 died 1984 Notes: Calvary Section
Donaghe, Rachel born 1908 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Donati, Joseph B. born 1892 died 1975 Notes: Via Crucis
Donati, Maria B. born 1894 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Donehoo, David Alan born 1952 died 1987Notes:US Navy VietnamSection B
Donehoo, Sherry Lou born no date died 1958Notes:Section B
Donley, Charles H. born 1877 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Donley, Dennis Ray born 1/8/1957 died 5/23/1993 Notes: Resthaven Section
Donley, Doris Kay born 4/20/1945 died 5/8/1956Notes:(daughter of Frank and Doris) Garden 7
Donley, Doris May born 1902 died 1996Notes:(wife of Frank) Garden 7
Donley, Frank H. born 1900 died 1981Notes:Garden 7
Donley, Jack T. born 1927 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Donley, Mable H. born 1884 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Donohue, Emma H. born 10-18-1875 died 4/5/1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Donohue, Fredna Boggs born 6/12/1915 died 7/22/1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Donohue, James Gregory born 7/30/1909 died 8/28/1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Donohue, Michael J. born 9-29-1875 died 9/9/1950 Notes: Calvary Section
Donohue, Thomas M. born 1905 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Dooley, Ida born 1901 died 1978 Notes: Hillcrest
Dooley, Ralph N. born 1898 died 1960 Notes: Hillcrest
Doonan, Clara I. born 1900 died 1992 Notes: Sunrise Section
Doonan, Russell F. born 11/22/1896 died 3/18/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dorame, Bonifacio L. born 11/5/1917 died 0/29/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Doran, Dora H. born 1919 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Doran, Francis W. born 1916 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Doran, John N. born 1911 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Doran, Sally T. born 1916 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Dorland, John S. born 8-28-1876 died 2/7/1949 Notes: Vesperland
Dorland, Shasta M. born 12-12-1880 died 2/7/1961 Notes: Vesperland
Dornbusch, Henry J. born 1895 died 1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Dornbusch, Nora E. born 1902 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Dorrance, C. Ulick born 1887 died 1958 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Dorrance, Gilbert born 1908 died 1978 Notes: Via Crucis
Dorrance, Lola born 1887 died 1961 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Dorrance, Maria Elaria born 1912 died 1969 Notes: Via Crucis
Dorrance, Oliverio born 2/6/1913 died 9/17/1944 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dorsey, James R. born 1887 died 1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Dotson, Merrill G. born 4/21/1931 died 12/9/2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Dotson, Olive Grace born 10/17/1932 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Dougherty, Clarence A. born 9/12/1916 died 7/5/1965 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Douglas, Corean born 1897 died 1969 Notes: Vesperland
Douglas, Leslie L. Rev. born 1895 died 1967 Notes: Vesperland
Douglas, Lewis born 1911 died 1965 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Douglas, Lillie M. born 1897 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Douglas, Marcie Lee born 1927 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Douglas, Marian E. born 1905 died 2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Douglas, Maurice born 1905 died 1993 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Douglass, Harriet born 1901 died 1980 Notes: Faith Section
Douglass, Van E. born 1921 died 1973 Notes: Faith Section
Douglass, William E. born 1899 died 1968 Notes: Faith Section
Dovgan, Jacob M. born 1907 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Dovgan, Natalia I. born 1913 died 200 Notes: Calvary Section
Dowd, Elsie M. born 1921 died 1991 Notes: Hillcrest
Dowd, Harold Wayne born 8/31/1927 died 2/4/2004 Notes: RDM3 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Dowd, Julia E. born 1887 died 1919 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dowd, Lyle W. born 1917 died 1993 Notes: Hillcrest
Dowd, William B. born 1880 died 1955 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Dowell, C. Howard born 1911 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dowell, Emma E. born 1914 died 1989 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Downer, Delton Dale “Butch” born 4/16/1940 died 5/3/1961 Notes: Devotion Section
Downer, Narcissia E. born 1916 died 2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Downer, Virgil O. born 1913 died 1985 Notes: Devotion Section
Downs, Horace Greeley born 8-26-1898 died 10/2/1968 Notes: SEA US Navy WWI Singing Tower Section
Downs, Margaret L. born 1/8/1911 died 9/4/1981 Notes: Calvary Section
Downs, Mathew L. born 9/10/1908 died 11/25/1961 Notes: Calvary Section
Doyle, Anna Margaret born 1-29-1889 died 5/27/1957 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Doyle, James Joseph born 12-18-1883 died 11/22/1948 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Draine, Beatrice born 1924 died 1995 Notes: Pieta
Draine, Clarence born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta
Drake, Doris Jean born 1924 died 1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Drake, Eugene N. born 1918 died 1990 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Drake, Wayne E. born 11/29/1930 died 5/26/1980 Notes: AK2 US Navy Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Draper, Frances Eliza born 2-7-1878 died 12/9/1970Notes:Section B
Draper, L. Acel born 12-4-1899 died 7/16/1970Notes:Section B
Draper, Loren S. born 8-13-1870 died 3/19/1950Notes:Section B
Drassen, no first name no date born no date died no date Notes: Hillcrest
Drauden, Dorothea I. born 1907 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Drauden, Paul M. born 1912 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Dreher, Hattie born 1900 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dreher, Louis J. born 1901 died 1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dreibholz, Floyd E. born 1908 died 1984 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dreibholz, James W. born 1935 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Dreibholz, Rosemary L. born 1945 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Dreibholz, William J. born 1905 died 1956 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dress, Maude E. born 1893 died 1972 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dress, William A. born 1901 died 1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Drew, Marion E. born 1928 died no date
Drew, Vivian M. born 1931 died 2002
Driesel, Charles K. born 1907 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Driscoll, Margaret born 5-20-1856 died 12/27/1942Notes:Section B
Driscoll, Michael J. born 12-5-1857 died 9/23/1913Notes:Section B
Driscoll, Violet M. born 1912 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Driscoll, Walter J. born 1907 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Drobnitch, Erma T. born 1913 died no date Notes: Pieta
Drobnitch, Joe G. born 1908 died 2004 Notes: Pieta
Dubbel, Cynthia born no date died 1958 Notes: Vesperland
Dubbel, Edith E. born 1914 died 2004 Notes: Vesperland
Dubbel, Roy E. born 1912 died 1967 Notes: Vesperland
Dudley, Dela Mae born 1922 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Dudley, Joseph born 1916 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Dudrick, Joseph L. born 8/19/1908 died 8-14-1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Duersch, David born 5/1/1917 died 3/15/1993 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Duffy, Avis Mae born 4/25/1919 died 9/30/1951 Notes: Vesperland
Duffy, Debra Ann born 1960 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Duffy, Marion Olive born 1898 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Dugan, Bemma L. born 1912 died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Dugan, Jack W. born 1/23/1923 died 7/30/1998 Notes: WO1 CG WWII & Korea Singing Tower Section
Dugan, Mary M. born no date died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dugan, Ruth M. born 1905 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dugan, Sylvester M. born 1902 died 1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Dugan, Thomas R. born 1897 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Dull, Leonard E. born 7/28/1921 died 3/3/1989Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII
Dumbolton, Archie J. born 1889 died 1951 Notes: Vesperland
Dumbolton, M. Mildred born 1891 died 1959 Notes: Vesperland
Duncan, Bert A. born 1891 died 1964 Notes: Vesperland
Duncan, Cora M. born 1903 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
Duncan, Iva Lorene born 8/31/1942 died 5/20/1968 Notes: Colorado A3C US Air Force Singing Tower Section
Duncan, Virgina F. born 1922 died 1998 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Duncan, William L. born 1919 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dunkel, C. Harry born 1/22/1889 died 12/17/1963 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dunkel, H. Roy born 1910 died 1965 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dunkel, Helma Maxine born 1/3/1921 died 3/5/1996 Notes: Sunrise Section
Dunkel, Rita A. born 1902 died 1998 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dunkel, Vera I. L. born 1936 died 1983 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dunlap, Albert E. born 1923 died 1988Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dunlap, Elizabeth F. born 1924 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Dunn, H. Dietrich born 1906 died 1975 Notes: Vesperland
Dunn, Herbert P. born 1916 died no date Notes: Section A
Dunn, Ira R. born 1903 died 1974 Notes: Vesperland
Dunn, James Milton born 5/20/1927 died 12/16/2000Notes: US Navy
Dunn, Martha L. born 1916 died 1988Notes: Section A
Dunton, Raymond A. born 11/23/1946 died 9/8/2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Duplesis, Bell born 1876 died 1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Duran, Adelaido born 1920 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Adelia born 1930 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Adella born 1910 died 1934 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Duran, Adolph O. born 1926 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Antonio born 1893 died 1969 Notes: Via Crucis
Duran, Antonio J. born 12-7-1899 died 9/8/1988 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Faith Section
Duran, Arthur born 2/22/1928 died 1/17/1968 Notes: New Mexico PFC 3415 ACFT Assy Sq AAF WWII Singing Tower Section
Duran, Bessie O. born no date died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Duran, Candelaria “Laura” born 7/9/1915 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Duran, Charles born 1903 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Corina M. born 4/13/1938 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Duran, Dora born 1919 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Dorothy A. born 2/4/1929 died 1/5/1998Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Duran, Esther V. born 7/26/1903 died 11/15/1993 Notes: Faith Section
Duran, Eulogio born 3/23/1918 died 12/7/1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Duran, Fanny born 1954 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Felipita A. born 1891 died 1952 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Felix born 1888 died 1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Freddie Lee died Oct. 11, 1981 Notes: Babyland Section
Duran, Frieda O. born 1932 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Gilbert D. born 10/11/1926 died 11/1/1995Notes: S1 US Navy, S Sgt US Army, S Sgt US Air Force WWII, Korea, Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Duran, Grace born 1921 died 1984 Notes: Pieta
Duran, Guadalupe born 2-?-1869 died 12-?-1957 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Herman B. born 1917 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Ignacio Matias born Mar. 5, 1989 died Jun. 25, 1989 Notes: Babyland Section
Duran, Jesse born 1929 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Jesse Jr., III died 5/26/1973 Notes: Babyland Section
Duran, John P. born 6/26/1924 died 5/25/2001Notes: PFC US Army WWII Purple Heart
Duran, Johnny A. born 2/23/1933 died 2/26/1999Notes: Cpl US Army Korea
Duran, Joseph E. died Dec. 2, 1997 Notes: Babyland Section
Duran, Maclovia born 1889 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Martina T. born 1883 died 1964 Notes: Faith Section
Duran, Mary C. born 1917 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Mary Gonzales born 1903 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Mary Lou born 1930 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Pamela S. born 2/25/1954 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Phillip L. born 1916 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Duran, Raffelita born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Raffelita born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Ricardo W. born 1901 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Richardo W. born 1901 died 1929 Notes: Pieta Section
Duran, Ruth C. born 1932 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Duran, Severo born 1886 died 1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Duran, Theodore born 7/18/1921 died 6/5/1987 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Durfee, Mary Ann born 1938 died 1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
Durham, Berniece B. born 1916 died no date Section A
Durham, Hilbert A. born 1912 died 1997Notes: Section A
Durkin, James D. born 11/6/1895 died 12/23/1968 Notes: Resthaven Section
Durrett, Clara E. born 3/01/1896 died 1/1/1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Durrett, Margy born 1920 died 1987 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Dushan, Dan born 1893 died 1990Notes:Section B
Dushan, Mary born 1910 died 1984Notes:Section B
Dutton, Clifford R. born 1925 died 1966 Notes: Vesperland
Dutton, Henry C. born 1921 died 1982 Notes: Vesperland
Dutton, Lois L. born 1924 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Dutton, Mary F. born 1898 died 1981 Notes: Vesperland
DuVall, Arthur M. born 1924 died 1998 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Duvall, Dolly Ann born 11-13-1894 died 9/8/1956 Notes: Section A
Dwyer, Myrtle R. born 1918 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Dykes, Avo O. born 11/3/1915 died 9/28/1994 Notes: Resthaven Section
Dykes, Sarah G. born 1906 died 1964 Notes: Devotion Section
Dykstra, Clifford R. born 1950 died 2000 Notes: Pieta
Dykstra, Lorraine B. born 1952 died no date Notes: Pieta
Dykstra, Robert Earl born 12/31/1922 died 9/1/1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell