Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
La Voo, Charles C. born 8/29/1914 died 2/7/1998 Notes: Sunrise Section
La Voo, Konstance B. born 4/13/1917 died 3/3/2004 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lackey, Ada R. born 1916 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Lackey, Jobie L. born 1919 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
LaCrue, Alex born 6-16-1901 died 1984 Notes: Via Crucis son of Jose Avaristo & Emilia Muniz LaCrue; born in Starkville Las Animas County Colorado; died October 11 1984 in Colorado Springs married March 07 1927 in Denver
LaCrue, Francisco born 3/7/1934 died 4/28/1994 Notes: SA US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
LaCrue, Maria “Lucy” born 10/6/1910 died 1/6/1993 Notes: Via Crucis born in Trinidad Colorado; died in Pueblo
Lacy, James A. born 1912 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Lacy, John T. born 1930 died 1989 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lacy, Laura M. born 1915 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Lacy, Patricia A. born 1933 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
LaDamus, Andrew H. born2/26/1905 died 1971 Notes: Calvary Section
LaDamus, Anna born3/12/1905 died 1960 Notes: Calvary Section
LaDamus, Nina born1921 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
LaDamus, Roy born1918 died 2002 Notes: Resthaven Section
Ladner, Florence born12/11/1926 died 11/12/1972 Notes: North Dakota Singing Tower Section
Ladner, Rudolph J. born 12/22/1919 died 2/24/1965Notes:S. Dakota Yec5 HQ Co 55 Armored Regt WWIISection B
LaDuke, Rita L. born 1933 died 1957Notes:Section B
LaFuze, Burdette H. born 11/14/1911 died 10/1/1987 Notes: CM1 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
LaFuze, Rose K. born 10/5/1912 died 9/12/1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Laird, Gertrude E. born 1877 died 1962 Notes: Hillcrest
Laird, James H. born 1875 died 1958 Notes: Hillcrest
Laird, Melissa Sue born Mar. 22, 1974 died Apr. 1, 1974 Notes: Babyland Section
Lamas, Alexander born1930 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Lamas, Jesusita M. born 1907 died 2004 Notes: Faith Section
Lamas, Ruth A. born1930 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Lamas, Salvador born 1896 died 1980 Notes: Faith Section
Lamb, Floribel K. born 1900 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lamb, Lawrence born 1901 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lamb, Lucille born 1908 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lambert, Grace Jane born 8-20-1881 died 9/27/1948 Notes: Section A
Lambert, Gregorio L. born 12/8/1920died 12/12/2003Notes: Pvt US Army WWII
Lambert, Robert Hanson born 3-6-1878 died 4/18/1939 Notes: Section A
Lampton, Jennie E. born1900 died 1986 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lampton, Lucy V.born 12/04/1891died 10/6/1967 Notes: Devotion Section
Lampton, Walter H. born1897 died 1987 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lancaster, Elbert G. born 1912 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Landorf, Donald E. born7/25/1928 died 8/20/1996 Notes: Calvary Section
Landry, Richard B. born 9/26/1920died 5/31/2002Notes: LCDR US Coast Guard WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Lane, Barbara A. born 4/19/1937 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Lane, Brent E. born 9/14/1963 died 7/28/2001Notes:LCpl US Marine CorpsSection B
Lane, Cheryl R. born 8/18/1958 died 5/13/2004Notes:Section B
Lane, Eldo B. Jr. born 1905 died 1982Notes:Section B
Lane, Elizabeth M. born 5/28/1906 died 10/7/1979 Notes: Vesperland
Lane, Gordon E. born 6/14/1937 died 12/21/1999 Notes: Vesperland
Lane, Robert L. born 12/20/1903 died 1/16/1971 Notes: Vesperland
Lane, Ruth S. born 1909 died 1992Notes:Section B
Lane, Walter M.born 11-24-1884died 6/5/1958
Lanear, Arthur T. born5/8/1921 died 10/29/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Lanear, Ezra Walter born6/22/1912 died 11/22/1964 Notes: Vesperland
Lang, Albert W. born 1897 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
Lang, J.J. born 1995 died 1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lang, Mary M. born 9-6-1896 died 5/31/1951 Notes: Vesperland
Langdon, Anna May born no datedied no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Langdon, Bobby G. born 7/19/1928died 3/12/1992Notes: PFC US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Langoni, Dianna L. born 1947 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Langoni, John T. born 1946 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Langosh, Simon born 6/9/1928died 11/23/1993Notes: SSgt US Air Force
Lapin, Sadie born 1915 died 2004 Notes: Hillcrest
Lara, Betty born 1932 died 2003 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lara, Eustacio G. born1896 died 1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Lara, Felix F. born 7/2/1930died 3/9/2004Notes: PFC US Army Korea
Lara, Francisco G. born12-17-1884 died 10-06-1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Lara, Guadalupe born1893 died 1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Lara, Lena F. born5/20/1910 died 2/13/1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Lara, Ray born 1930 died 2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Larkin, Berniece born 1921 died 1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Larkin, Breck J.O. born 1963 died 1982 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Larkin, Jeanie born 1935 died 1991 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Larkin, Joseph E. born 1927 died 2002 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Larmore, Isabel K. born1862 died 1953 Notes: Vesperland
Larratt, David W. born1952 died 1978 Notes: Vesperland
Larson, Jeffery Robert born Dec. 25, 1994 died Dec. 25, 1994 Notes: Babyland Section
Larson, Phyllis D. born1924 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Larson, Robert C. born1923 died 1995 Notes: Vesperland
Larson, Sarah A. born1867 died 1965 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Larson, William A. born1873 died 1957 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
LaRue, Kelly Elisa born2/20/1970 died 11/20/2002 Notes: Garden of Hope
Lasareff-Mironoff Eugeneborn 1908died 2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Lasareff-Mironoff Helenborn 1921died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lasater, Etta born 3/04/1874 died 4/10/1947 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lasater, Houston born 7/11/1903 died 9/5/1950 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lasater, James Leroy born 11/11/1870 died 4/25/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lasater, Leroy D. born 3/5/1917 died 5/26/1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lasater, Rita J. born 6/30/1920 died 5/17/2002 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lascano, Jose born 1896 died 1971 Notes: Via Crucis
Lascano, Mary L. born 1898 died 1984 Notes: Via Crucis
Lash, Anna born 4/19/1902 died 7/5/1985 Notes: Faith Section
Lash, Anna E.born 6/22/1921died 4/2/1993 Notes: Devotion Section
Lash, John Anthonyborn 4/4/1921died 5/11/1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Lash, Louis born 6-21-1890 died 4/9/1964 Notes: Faith Section
Lassiter, Merwyn T. born 8/26/1942 died 1/13/1988Notes:Section B
Lathrop, Alto “Dolly” born1916 died 1992 Notes: Vesperland
Lathrop, Frank L.born 1903died 1976 Notes: Devotion Section
Lathrop, Jerry Frankborn 12/22/1933died 12/4/1966 Notes: Devotion Section
Lathrop, Lucile R.born 1909died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lathrop, Marilyn R.born 1951died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Latka, Edward Joseph born1/26/1924 died 3/18/1966 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Frances A. born1902 died 1973 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Frank L. born4/1/1924 died 4/27/2003 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Frank S. born10-17-1899 died 5/10/1954 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, James Scott born5/30/1960 died 9/8/1985 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, John David born2/25/1952 died 12/19/1973 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Kenneth M. born8/10/1947 died 1/25/1965 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Kenneth W. born10/2/1932 died 7/6/1972 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Marie E. born9/18/1904 died 6/11/1987 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Marie M. born12/29/1923 died 7/26/1950 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Michael S. born1897 died 1979 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Sophie C. born5/30/1907 died 12/18/1963 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Latka, Violet J. born 1933 died 1970 Notes: Via Crucis
Latshaw, Evelyn I.born 1924died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Latshaw, Norman H.born 1909died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Latta, Emilia born 9/23/1921 died 8/11/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Latulippe, Raymond H. born2/3/1913 died 3/21/1971 Notes: MSgt US Army WWII Korea Calvary Section
Laughlin, Donna Maeborn 7/10/1931died 6/22/2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Laughlin, Edna M. born 1907 died 1987 Notes: Faith Section
Laughlin, Omar O. born 1902 died 1991 Notes: Faith Section
Lauricella, Joe R. born 4/20/1940 died 3/6/1992 Notes: Pieta
Lavan, Emma F. born1911 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Lavan, Erman J born1911 died 2005 Notes: Vesperland
Lavelle, Carita Sueborn 10/23/1934died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lavelle, James Wilsonborn 8/11/1930died 10/20/1985 Notes: Devotion Section
LaVergne, Elmore H. born 1/29/1927 died 11/10/1991 Notes: HA2 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Law, Hazel M.born3-10-1898died 4/2/1980
Law, Karen Trent born 12-21-1954 died 5-25-2008 Notes: buried next to Janet Trent in the Hillcrest section
Law, Lee Royborn12-26-1892died 4/9/1963
Law, Lou Etter born 2/15/1870 died 6/11/1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Law, William J. born 8/09/1868 died 1/30/1946 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lawlis, Peter Benton born1918 died 1979 Notes: Vesperland
Lawlis-Kraus, Allie Mae born1925 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Lawrence, Aaron Michael born 1978 died 1989 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lawrence, Cecil V.born 1908died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Lawrence, Dile D. born 8/1/1908 died 1/5/1949Notes:Section B
Lawrence, Rose J.born 1914died 1979 Notes: Devotion Section
Lawrence, Sally L. born 1934 died no dateNotes:Section B
Lawrence, Warren R. born 1932 died 1998Notes:Section B
Lay, Ray F. born1893 died 1989 Notes: Vesperland
Lay, Violet B. born1901 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
Laydon, Bloss D. born1896 died 1961 Notes: Calvary Section
Laydon, Bloss D. Jr. born12/18/1933 died 3/6/1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Laydon, Lucinda M. born1888 died 1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Layne, Paul D. born 11/30/1922died 4/20/2000Notes: US Army WWII
Le Febre, Porfilio born 1922 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Leach, Charles E. born1868 died 1950 Notes: Vesperland
Leach, Edgar L. born1901 died 1985 Notes: Vesperland
Leach, Hettie L. born1872 died 1952 Notes: Vesperland
Leach, Mabel L. born11/30/1907 died 8/20/1981 Notes: Resthaven Section
Leach, Marion Z. born1903 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Leach, Wilbert Harold born11/9/1903 died 3/20/1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Leal, no first name bornno date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Leasure, Howard T. born9/17/1923 died 3/13/1972 Notes: Resthaven Section
Leasure, Howard Thane III died Aug. 20, 1978 Notes: Babyland Section
Leasure, Robert L. born 1921 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Leasure, Theresa A. born 1923 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Leatherman, Anna J. born 1913 died 1989 Notes: Vesperland
Leatherman, David R. born 1917 died 1973 Notes: Vesperland
LeCount, James D. born4/10/1923 died 5/1/1966 Notes: Vesperland
LeDoux, Patsy Hernandez born 2/10/1929 died 7/18/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
LeDoux, Santiago Manuel born 11/25/1919 died 8/28/1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Lee, Alberta born 1889 died 1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Alton W. born 1917 died 2001 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lee, Brooks Robert born 1922 died 1991 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lee, C. Jones born12-3-1881 died 4/10/1954 Notes: Vesperland
Lee, Catherine M.born 1903died 1991
Lee, Charles R.born 1873died 1961
Lee, Cora Jean Trusty born2/14/1937 died 3/1/1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lee, Cynthis Annborn 11/30/1957died 11/25/1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Lee, Delbert E. born 1899 died 1975 Notes: Vesperland
Lee, Donald G.born 1906died 1992
Lee, Eloise L. born1902 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Glen A. born7/30/1903 died 7/22/1986 Notes: Vesperland
Lee, Glenn A. Jr. born 4/10/1926died 8/15/1992Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Lee, Harry P. born 7/12/1910 died 1/13/1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Harry T. born1901 died 1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Henry born 1875 died 1965 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Hope born 1920 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Lee, J. W. born1912 died 1982 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lee, James Bradfordborn 1918died 1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Lee, Jennie B.born 1876died 1960
Lee, Juan born 1916 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Lee, Lois Marie born1917 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Lucille born 1928 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lee, Maggie Thompson born1914 died 2001 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lee, Martha E. born 1911 died 1969 Notes: Vesperland
Lee, Mary Ann born 10/6/1936died 9/27/2003Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lee, Mary Louiseborn 7/29/1930died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lee, Maud K. born10-11-1882 died 7/9/1963 Notes: Vesperland
Lee, Mawr R.born 8/16/1927died 10/10/1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Lee, Michael Ray born no date died 3/23/1977 Notes: Vesperland
Lee, Mildred E. born 4/14/1913 died 1/3/1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lee, Vera M. born4/30/1906 died 11/14/1998 Notes: Vesperland
Lefebre, Aladino born 1927 died 1973 Notes: Via Crucis
Leffler, Dorothy M.born 1913died 1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Leffler, Joseph V.born 1911died 1993 Notes: Devotion Section
Leger, Amadeo born 1924 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Leger, Juanita C. born 1932 died 2000 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Legg, Howard W. born 1892 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Legg, Olive B. born 1897 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Leggitt, Leroy born 1932 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lehwaldt, Pearl born 6-20-1894 died 3/1/1968Notes:Section B
Leiba, Juanita B. born 1916 died 1997 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Leming, Carson E. born 1946 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Leming, Dorothy L. born 1957 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Leming, Robert E. Sr. born 3/17/1921 died 2/3/2006 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Lempka, Phillip J. born 1968 died 1993 Notes: Pieta
LeNoue, Rolland G. born 1915 died 1997 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lentz, Ivan L. born 1914 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lentz, Ramona N. born 1922 died 2002 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Leonard, Arthur L. born 1912 died 1984 Notes: 2nd Lt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Leonard, Carl R. born1926 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Leonard, Charlene F. born 1937 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Leonard, Delores M. born 1/14/1927 died 5/20/1994 Notes: Pvt US Army Singing Tower Section
Leonard, Eugene R. born1904 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Leonard, James J. born 1938 died 2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Leonard, Lottie M. born 6/20/1914 died 8-10-1887 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Leonard, Margaret F. born 4-22-1893 died 7/18/1977 Notes: Vesperland
Leonard, Raymond L. born1899 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Leonard, Rose V. born1905 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Leonard, William D. born 7-11-1886 died 9/12/1963 Notes: Vesperland
Leonardelli, Richard E. born 1937 died 1994 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lequire, Harry E. born1913 died 1969 Notes: Resthaven Section
Leri, Anita G. born 1928 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Leri, Simon P. born 1920 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
LeRoux, Guy Arthur born 8-8-1881 died 9/11/1949Notes:Section B
Leroux, Louis G. born 1919 died 1990 Notes: Pieta
Leslie, Lester D. born 1940died 1991Notes: Section A
Leslie, Nannie V. born1884 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lessar, Leonora Y. born 1919 died 1998 Notes: Calvary Section
Lessar, Louis G. born 1914 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Levene, Floyd E. born 9/6/1929 died 2/12/1998 Notes: STM2 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Levene, Rosella born 5/5/1925 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lewandowski, John A. born 1936 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Lewandowski, Nancy B. born 1934 died 2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Lewandowski, Nancy L. born 1937 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Lewandowski, Richard T. born 1938 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Lewis, Aaron/Erin died Apr. 4, 1987 Notes: Babyland Section
Lewis, Abigial Virginia died Jun. 16, 1988 Notes: Babyland Section
Lewis, Alice May born 1920 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Ann E. born 1921died 1998Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lewis, Arthur Henry born 6/16/1862 died 6/18/1950 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Arthur V.born 2/5/1922died 1/31/1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Lewis, C. Homer born 11/18/1899 died 2/22/1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Clarence B. born 1896 died 1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Daniel Milton died Jun. 20, 1989 Notes: Babyland Section
Lewis, Edgar E. born 12-8-1891 died 3/19/1945Notes: Section A
Lewis, Fern Leona born 1903 died 1987Notes: Section A
Lewis, Fred W. born 1927died 1996Notes: US Marine Corps
Lewis, George F. born 7/4/1905 died 3/2/1964 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Helen K. born 1927 died 2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lewis, Ina F. born 1903 died 1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, John A. born12-2-1884 died 6/30/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Lewis, Juanita born 8/16/1925 died 1/11/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Lewis, Juanita M.born no datedied no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lewis, Laura Isenbarger born 12/22/1874 died 8/3/1949 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Lawrence E. born 1918 died 2001Notes:Section B
Lewis, Martha born 1893 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lewis, Robert Edward born 11/2/1931 died 1/5/2003 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lewis, Vivian born 1917 died 2002Notes:Section B
Lewis, Walter E. born 11/27/1893 died 5/5/1980 Notes: Sunrise Section
Ley, Lindsey Marie born10-?-1927 died 11/21/1980 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Ley, William Zachary born10/21/1981 died 7/19/1989 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Leyba, Bonnie born4/21/1957 died 1/11/1997 Notes: Garden of Hope
Leyba, Bruno E. born 2/13/1915 died 11/17/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Leyba, George born10/19/1949 died 7/11/1998 Notes: Garden of Hope
Leyva, Steve C. born1917 died 1976 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Liberato, Dominic D. born 1924 died 1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Libhart, Clair J. born1913 died 2000 Notes: Garden of Hope
Libhart, Helen E. born1919 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Lichty, Bula R. born 1902 died 1982Notes: Section A
Lichty, Parry M. born 1880 died 1972 Notes: Section A
Licon, Frances born 1921 died 2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Licon, John A. born 8/7/1914 died 8/19/2001 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Lientz, Maxine born1919 died 1960 Notes: Vesperland
Lientz, Wilmer E. born1917 died 1975 Notes: Vesperland
Lieser, Hiram H. born4-1-1880 died 5/17/1952 Notes: Vesperland
Lile, Alpha B. Boyd born 1897 died 1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lile, Rufus E. born 1894 died 1949 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lilly, Arnold E.born 1924died 1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Lilly, Juneborn 1930died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lincoln, Clint A. born 1930 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Lincoln, Jeannine born 1934 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Lind, Florence E.born 8/25/1908died 10/27/1968 Notes: Devotion Section
Lind, Wayland E.born 8/8/1904died 2/1/1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Lindsay, Christopher M. born 1971 died 1994 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Linkous, James Alfred born 10/17/1919 died 12/30/1998 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Linn, Ada Mae born 1/11/1923 died 12/13/1959Notes:Colorado Pvt Women's Army Corps WWIISection B
Linn, Adeline R. born 1943 died 1943Notes:Section B
Linn, Austina F. born1909 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Linn, Bertha B. born10-5-1880 died 3/20/1969 Notes: Vesperland
Linn, Charles E. born 1886 died 1967Notes:Section B
Linn, Ethelwynne born 1882 died 1960Notes:Section B
Linn, Leslie A. born1900 died 1989 Notes: Vesperland
Linn, Marvin B. born12-29-1871 died 6/28/1958 Notes: Vesperland
Linsay, Brixie A.born 3/18/1912died 1/22/1975 Notes: Devotion Section
Linville, Henrietta D.born 1910died 1973 Notes: Devotion Section
Linville, Thomas B.born 1899died 1964 Notes: Devotion Section
Lippincott, Lucile born 8-3-1895 died 4/19/1962 Notes: Section A
Lipps, Martin P. born 1887 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Lipps, Olive C, born 1884 died 1969 Notes: Vesperland
Lira, Fannie born 1935 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lira, Simon born 1927 died 1990 Notes: Pieta
List, Myrtle B. born1885 died 1963 Notes: Vesperland
Littig, Earl E. born1906 died 1998 Notes: Vesperland
Littig, Edna P. born1908 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Littig, Glenn Arthur born5/30/1908 died 1/29/1995 Notes: Resthaven Section
Littig, Mary N. born1/26/1911 died 3/18/1999 Notes: Resthaven Section
Littig, Shirley Lou born5/21/1935 died July 3,1940 Notes: Section A
Littlefield, Bernadine born1939 died 1978 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Littlejohn, Charles H. born 9-24-1883 died 12/30/1950Notes:Section B
Littlejohn, Clara born 3-25-1883 died 9/22/1979Notes:Section B
Littlejohn, Elizabeth M. born1/21/1883 died 7/2/1948 Notes: Vesperland
Litton, Bruce S. born1912 died 1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Litton, Clara J. born1913 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Litton, Donald Dwayne born 1/1/1926died 11/15/1995Notes: F1 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Litton, Mary Lou born 11/7/1933died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Litton, Ruth E. born 1915died 1963Notes: Section A
Livecchi, Joe C. born 1/5/1919died 12/9/1991Notes: SSgt US Army WWII
Livingston, Hallie O. born 1920 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Livingston, Orville R. born 1914 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Llewellyn, Florence F. born 1903 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Llewellyn, George W. born 1891 died 1959 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lobato, Joseph T. born 1916 died 1985 Notes: Pieta
Lobato, Melita A. born 1942 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lobato, Stella Louise born 1920 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Lobner, Dora Renzelman born9/27/1860 died 12/20/1946 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lockard, Fern R. born 1898 died 1985 Notes: Vesperland
Lockard, Morton M. born 1892 died 1983 Notes: Vesperland
Lockwood, Gertude born8/1/1894 died 9/25/1959 Notes: Resthaven Section
Loewenstein, Edna F. born 1884 died 1964Notes: Section A
Loewenstein, John L. born 1882 died 1969Notes: Section A
Logan, Andrew Maurice born1897 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Logan, Beatrice born1902 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Logan, Chester B. born1914 died 1981 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Logan, Jennie T. born1911 died 1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Logsdon, Earl I. born 1921 died 2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Logsdon, Florence V. born 1922 died 2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lohmiller, Donald R. born 1906 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lohmiller, Gerald A. born 10/1/1947 died Notes: Sunrise Section
Lohmiller, Grace O. born 1917 died 1992 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lombard, E. Clifford born 1904 died 1992 Notes: Hillcrest
Lombard, V. Bernice born 1911 died 1998 Notes: Hillcrest
Long, Clara Lee born1932 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Long, Eugenia L. born 1921 died 1964 Notes: Vesperland
Long, G. Leland born1932 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Long, Gerald C. born 1937 died no date Notes: Hillcrest
Long, Harold LeRoy born1953 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Long, Lester G. born 1902 died 1993 Notes: Hillcrest
Long, Lorretta M. born 1912 died 1991 Notes: Hillcrest
Long, Lynette E. born 1938 died 1995 Notes: Hillcrest
Long, Perry A. born 1923 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Long, Prudence S. born2/02/1892 died 1/18/1973 Notes: Resthaven Section
Longabach, Donald R. born 1922 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Longabach, Florence (Sheldon) born 1919 died 2005 Notes: Sunrise Section
Longoria, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Lopez Jr., Federico V. born 5/14/1936died 6/6/2004Notes: Pvt US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Lopez, Albert born 3/14/1950 died 6/7/1992 Notes: Sp4 US Army Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Lopez, Alfonso R. born9/2/1930 died 3-22-1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Alfredo born1908 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Andrew S. born 1918 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Lopez, Andronico M. born 1910 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Anthony Andre died Jun. 12, 2002 Notes: Babyland Section
Lopez, Ben born1895 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Benigno A. Jr. born 5/7/1923died 9/27/2000Notes: PFC US Army WWII Purple Heart Veterans Court of Honor
Lopez, David E. born 1923 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Lopez, Eva C. born 1929 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lopez, Evelyn E. Strother born 3/21/1935 died 10/27/1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lopez, George J. born 1927 died 1997 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lopez, Harold Lee born Apr. 21, 1960 died 7/18/1997 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Helen born 1919 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Lopez, John Leo born2/27/1933 died 3/8/1951 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Jose A. born 1915 died 2004 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Jose C. born 8/15/1921 died 10/10/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Lopez, Jose D. born1905 died 1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Jose N. born 1945 died 2000 Notes: Via Crucis
Lopez, Joseph born1944 died 1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Joshua T. born Jun. 11, 1998 died Oct. 5, 1998 Notes: Babyland Section
Lopez, Juan Antonio born Apr. 17, 1884 died Jan. 8, 1967 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Juan J. born6/12/1903 died 6/13/1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Lopez, Leroy Michael born 1960 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Lopez, Marcelino born 1917 died 1988 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Marion Sr. born1905 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Mary born1906 died 1996 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Mary A. born 1922 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Mary E. born1913 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Mary Louise born 1950 died 1996 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Mary Nina born 1913 died 1976 Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Mary U. born 1924 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Maxine H. born 1928 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Lopez, Mollie born 5/25/1922died 4/11/1995Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lopez, Necolas born 1903 died 1994 Notes: Via Crucis
Lopez, Nellie D. born 1928 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Raquel V. born 1886 died 1976 Notes: Via Crucis
Lopez, Robert M. born7/5/1955 died 3-25-1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Rosita “Blueyes” born1945 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Ted T. born 1928 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lopez, Teresita A. born 1906 died 1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Lopez, Teresita R. born3/13/1912 died 8/13/1954 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Lopez, Ursulita J. born1908 died 1971 Notes: Calvary Section
Lopez, Viola J. born 8/19/1932 died 2/27/1988 Notes: Pieta
Loprest, Joe bornno date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Lorez, Vanessa Marie died Jan. 27, 1988 Notes: Babyland Section
Lorimor, Anna born1885 died 1972 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lorimor, Charles B. born11/17/1913 died 5/16/2002 Notes: Garden of Hope
Lorimor, Daniel J. born 1975 died 1997 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lorimor, Wayne E. born1882 died 1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lorimor. Rose A. born8/31/1912 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Loser, Lynn O. born1905 died 1958 Notes: Calvary Section
Lottridge, Merrill H. born1901 died 1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lottridge, Mildred L. born1903 died 1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Louch, Irene May born 1912 died 1995 Notes: Sunrise Section
Louch, W. Everett born 1908 died 1990 Notes: Sunrise Section
Louch, William “Gene” born 11/7/1934 died 10/11/1995 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lough, Floy E. born 1890 died 1985 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lough, William J. born 1884 died 1959 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lovato, Adelaido born1888 died 1953 Notes: Calvary Section
Lovato, Clara Maeborn 10/30/1934died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lovato, Fabie D. born 11/25/1947 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lovato, Gabriel D. born 12/8/1949 died 2/16/1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lovato, Henryborn 4/6/1933died 1/20/1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Lovato, Lola I. born1927 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Lovato, Mary L. born 1/18/1930died 4/4/1990Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lovato, Robert born 2/21/1943 died 2/14/2000 Notes: Pieta
Lovato, Rudolph born1913 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Loveland, Alta E. born 1903 died 1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Loveland, John born 1906 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lowary, William D. born 2-14-1856 died 4/28/1945Notes:Section B
Lowder, Buel I. born 1904 died 1978Notes:Section B
Lowder, Eunice H. born 1907 died 1998Notes:Section B
Lowder, Keith Marshall born4/8/1919 died 6/14/1999 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Lowder, Mary Ellen born1922 died no date Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Lowe, Baby Girl died Nov. 18, 1968 Notes: Babyland Section
Lowrance, Cora R. born1905 died 1983 Notes: Section A
Lowrance, Elmer born1899 died 1960 Notes: Section A
Lozinsky, George born 6/17/1923died 12/30/1998Notes: PFC USA WWII Purple Heart
Lucas, Artlisey born 1885 died 1982 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lucas, John W. born 1899 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lucero, Alex C. born1905 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Alfred born11/8/1929 died 3/21/1996 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Andres born 1944 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Angelina M. born 1932 died 2002 Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Arthur born 1924 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Beatrice born 1924 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Ben born 2/3/1900 died 6/30/1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Bernice A.born 1924died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Lucero, Bertha G. born 1932 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Bill born 1906 died 1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Billy born 1950 died 2000 Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Candelario J. born 1927 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Carlota A born 1890 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Carman born 1931 died 1999 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Carmen T. born 4/1/1930died 7/15/1988Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, Caroline E. born 5/24/1921 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Corina Ritaborn 1970died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Lucero, David M. born 9/5/1923 died 6/3/1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Dennis G. born11/20/1957 died 1/31/1958 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Doroteo born 1923 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Drew Mitchell born Mar. 3, 1995 died Mar. 3, 1995 Notes: Babyland Section
Lucero, Eliria A. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Ellen C. born1/17/1956 died 6/20/1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Elvira A. born 1908 died 2002 Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Enrique N. born 11/10/1919died 1/15/1991Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Lucero, Ernie born 1920 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Felix T. born 1906 died 1977 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Flora born6/29/1903 died 3/14/1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Lucero, Florence born 1920 died 1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Gene P. born 10/1/1964 died 4/18/1992 Notes: SpC US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, George born1885 died 1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Gerald L. born1959 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Gerardo Ruperto born 1935 died 1987 Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Gilbert Juan born 3/16/1927 died 10/13/2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Helen born1910 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Helen R. born 1/7/1929died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, Hope S. born 1930 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Isidro Louis born4/7/1935 died 12-26-1989 Notes: PFC US Marine Corps Korea Calvary Section
Lucero, Jake born1889 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Joe A. born 1940 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Joe A. born 4/21/1934 died 5/14/2001 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Joe E.born 1923died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Lucero, Joe L. born 1/22/1918 died 3/25/1994 Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII Faith Section
Lucero, Jose D. born 5/3/1921 died Dec. 7, 1975 Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Jose E. born 3/30/1944 died 9/2/1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Jose F. born1912 1994 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Jose Rudolfo born 8/7/1944 died 8/4/1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Jose S. born 1893 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Joseph P. "J.P." born 1902 died 1982 Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Juan J. born 12/29/1928 died 8/10/2001 Notes: US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, Juanita M. born 5/1/1927 died 7/19/2001 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, Juanita R. born 1970 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Laurcano “Larry” born 1940 died 2000 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lucero, Louis born1895 died 1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Manuel born1911 died 6/12/1905 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Manuelita B. born1895 died 1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Maria E. born1914 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Mary born 1942 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Mary A. born 1912 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Mary Marnia born1901 died 1988 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Maxborn 10/7/1914died 7/3/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Lucero, Norma J. born 2/6/1927 died 1/12/1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, Norman G. born 1966 died 1984 Notes: Faith Section
Lucero, Paula A. born 1954 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lucero, Pete born12-4-1888 died 8/26/1970 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Lucero, Petra “Pat” born 1933 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Lucero, Petronilo born1903 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Phyllis born 11/20/1921 died 12/15/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Porfirio born1906 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Richard born 1951 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Rita M. born 10/17/1936 died 12/11/1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Roger R. born 7/29/1949 died 10/6/1970 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Rose M. born 1908 died 1977 Notes: Via Crucis
Lucero, Stevan M. born 12/26/1923died 10/19/1998Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII
Lucero, Teresa M. born 1948 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucero, Thomas Jr. born 10/8/1938 died 10/22/2002 Notes: AN US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
Lucero, Tom Y. born1890 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Lucero, Victoria M. born 12/23/1902 died 3/17/1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Lucey, Bernard born1921 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Lucey, Lois born1927 died 2001 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lucus, George W. born1900 died 1977 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lucus, Jewel M. born1909 died 1980 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lucus, Tony N. born 1904 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lucus, Virginia L. born 1910 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Ludwick, Robert E. born 8/20/1921 died 11/15/1990 Notes: AM 3 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Lujan, Adelina born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Lujan, Anita M. born 1954 died 1999 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Lujan, Emilia A. born 10/9/1924 died 8/22/2003 Notes: Pieta
Lujan, Florence born 1935 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Lujan, Herman J. born 2/5/1924 died 9/10/1998 Notes: Pieta
Lujan, John R. born 1/6/1923died 11/7/1991Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Lujan, Lee Roy F. born 1934 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Lujan, Stevan A. born 1964 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Luke, John H. Sr. born 1936 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Luke, John Henry Jr. born 2/3/1958 died 12/19/1960 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Luke, Vola R. born 1940 died 1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Luna, Cornelia born1888 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Luna, David born 1940 died 1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Luna, Ethel Mae born 6/21/1908 died 1/11/1987 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Luna, Hazel S. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Luna, Margaret A. born 1927 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Luna, Nellie R. born 1917 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Luna, Ray Sr. born1886 died 1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Luna, Simon born 1913 died 1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Luna, Walter born 1905 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Lund, Anna J. born 4/17/1879 died 2/8/1955 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lundblade, Esther B. born3/21/1916 died 1/27/1996 Notes: Vesperland
Lundblade, Howard A. born10/26/1907 died 12/24/1977 Notes: Vesperland
Lusk, Bernice H.born 5/27/1906died 4/14/1990
Lusk, Cleat M.born1884died 1973
Lusk, Cleat M.born 1884died 1973 Notes: Devotion Section
Lusk, Mary B.born 1886died 1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Lusk, Mary B. Caseyborn1886died 1977
Lutes, Gordon K. born 1916 died 1984 Notes: Sunrise Section
Lutes, Hazel E. born 1917 died 1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Luttrell, Eudis S. born 1901 died 1985Notes:Section B
Luttrell, Mattie E. born 1902 died 1990Notes:Section B
Lutz, Johnborn 9/01/1893died 7/3/1966 Notes: Devotion Section
Lutz, Nancy M. born 1929 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lutz, Raymond G. born 1928 died no date Notes: Pieta
Lynch, Dorothy M. born1911 died 1998 Notes: Calvary Section
Lynch, George A. born1906 died 1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Lynch, John J. born1873 died 1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lynch, Tamar born1879 died 1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lynn, J. Evelyn born 1901 died 1973 Notes: Vesperland
Lynn, Richard B. born 1905 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Lyons, Alma I. born1/27/1887 died 7/6/1976 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lyons, Ann (Baby) born no date died 1/15/1947Notes:Section B
Lyons, Bettye L.born 1926died 2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Lyons, David E. born7/30/1883 died 9/24/1952 Notes: Resthaven Section
Lyons, Ellis W.born 1919died 2004 Notes: Devotion Section
Lyons, Myrtle B. born 10-20-1883 died 9/25/1958Notes:Section B
Lyons, William D. born 4-12-1882 died 1/31/1945Notes:Section B
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell