Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Mac Elvain, Blake H. born 1888 died 1966 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mac Elvain, Isadora E. born 1889 died 1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Macaluso, Nancy L. born 1936 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Macaluso, Nick J. born 1933 died 1999 Notes: Via Crucis
Macartney, Alfred M. born 9/30/1897 died 4/27/1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Macartney, Hazel A. born 12/01/1891 died 2/3/1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mace, Etta Mae born 1872 died 1965 Notes: Singing Tower Section
MacFarlane, Donald J. born 7/20/1924 died 6/22/1990 Notes: PFC US Marine Corps WWII Calvary Section
MacFarlane, Leslie L.born 1903 died 1995
MacFarlane, Lillian “BABE” born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
MacFarlane, Louise E.born 1903died 1980
MacLaughlin, Gerald C. born 1/4/1941 died 11/1/1948Notes:Section B
MacLaughlin, Neftal born 3/26/1905 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Maclean, Elise Jane born 1/25/1914 died 3/21/2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
MacLean, Elsie J. born 11-6-1886 died 8/4/1954Notes:Section B
MacLean, John born 1-10-1876 died 5/13/1953Notes:born Edinburgh, ScotlandSection B
MacLean, John R. born 8/14/1907 died 2/15/1960 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
MacLean, Mary Victoria born 9/15/1908 died 7/4/1989 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Madden, Alma born 1897 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Madden, Richard born 1899 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Madden, Thomas F. born 1911 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Maddox, Frank B. born 6-2-1898 died 1/8/1962 Notes: Vesperland
Maden, Lois E. born 1909 died 1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Maden, Ralph E. born 1908 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Madison, Allen J. born 1887 died 1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Madison, Jennie E. born 1897 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Madison, Sierra Dawn born Dec. 12, 1994 died Dec. 12, 1994 Notes: Babyland Section
Madrid, Albert R. born 5/25/1943 died 5/13/1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrid, Alexandra Von born 5/20/2000 died 5/30/2000 Notes: Babyland Section
Madrid, Barbara born 1908 died 1992 Notes: Faith Section
Madrid, Celestino V. born 1910 died 1968 Notes: Faith Section
Madrid, Eddie born 1961 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrid, Esther G. born 1917 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Madrid, Faustina born 1924 died 1995 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Madrid, Helen J. born 1941 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Madrid, Henry G. born 1915 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrid, Henry J. born 1938 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Madrid, Hortencia G. born 1920 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrid, John F. born 9/21/1913 died 3/6/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Madrid, Lee P. born 1917 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrid, Remigio born 1923 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Madrid, Rose M. born 1921 died 2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Madrid, Rose Villegas born 11/13/1945 died 11/21/1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Madrid, Tito E. born 1930 died 2001 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Madril, Louis L. born 1880 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Madril, Mary A. born 1914 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Madril, Mike Salivar born 1935 died 1982 Notes: Cpl US Army Korea Calvary Section
Madril, Mike Sr. born 1910 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Madril, Nobell Rebekah died 6/24/1989 Notes: Babyland Section
Madrill, Anthony R. born 1941 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrill, Bessie C. born 1906 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrill, Domingo A. born 1879 died 1955 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrill, Lucy M. born 1935 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Madrill, Martha S. born 1938 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Madrill, Ruben born 1905 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Maes, Andrew Ray born Sept. 28, 1981 died Oct. 25, 1981 Notes: Babyland Section
Maes, Arabella born 1/18/1926died 7/14/2004Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Maes, Barbara Jean born 1949 died 1961 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Maes, Ben born 1907 died 1960 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Maes, Bernabe L. born 5/13/1938 died 8/11/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, Desiree Armijo born Dec. 3, 1987 died Dec. 9, 1987 Notes: Babyland Section
Maes, Felix J. born 6/6/1920 died 11/30/2001 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Maes, Frederico born 5/3/1922 died 1/31/1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, Gabriel born 1907 died 1995 Notes: Pieta
Maes, Gilbert L. born 11/2/1938 died 7/16/2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Maes, Joe “Ray” born 12/22/1933 died 12/23/1997 Notes: Pieta
Maes, Joe A. born 1902 died 1989 Notes: Faith Section
Maes, John L. born 1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, Jose Manuel born 6/9/1922died 12/4/1994Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Maes, Lawrence E. born 1944 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Maes, Lillian B. born 2/13/1929 died 1/23/1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, M.Betty born 1942 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Maes, Margaret C. born 1947 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, Maria Eva born 12/20/1941 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, Patricia A. born 7/26/1955 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Maes, Telesfor F. born 1943 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Maes, Victoria born 1912 died 1989 Notes: Pieta
Maes, Virginia born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Maestas, Eliseoborn 1921died 2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Maestas, Frank A. born 1922 died 1996 Notes: Faith Section
Maestas, Guadalupe V. born 1909 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Maestas, Jane E. born 1948 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Maestas, John R. born 2/17/1924 died 10/31/1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Maestas, Lilly V. born 1900 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Maestas, Pablo born 1890 died 1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Maestas, Sarah R. born 7/29/1930 died 11/21/2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Maez, Abel born 1908 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Maez, Elsie O. born 1922 died 1991 Notes: Via Crucis
Maez, Helen G. born 1940 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Maez, Joseph E. born 1917 died 1995 Notes: Via Crucis
Maez, Josephine born 1911 died 1998 Notes: Via Crucis
Maez, Lore born 1895 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Maez, Marie Andrea born 7/5/1909 died 9/1/1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Maez, Press J. born 1935 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Maez-Barela, Andrew I C born 9/10/1984 died 12/13/1987 Notes: Babyland Section
Maez-Turner, Cheyenne Summer born 2001 died 2002 Notes: Babyland Section
Magill, Jacquiline born 1933died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Magill, Richard born 1931died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mahe, Francis N. born 1912 died 1997 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mahe, Freida I. born 1920 died 1997 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mahinske, Leonard born 1900 died 1987 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mahoney, Bryan born 1900 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mahoney, Esther M. born 1943 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mahoney, Lillie M. born 1919 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mahoney, Norma Y. born 2/6/1956 died 1/9/1982 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mahoney, Pearl E. born 1906 died 1980 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mahoney, Shelly L. born no date died 10/8/1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Mahoney, W. James born 9/23/1938 died 1/6/1999 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mahoney, William J. born 1909 died 1990 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Main, Melvin L. born 1918 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Maisel, John born 3/30/1919 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Maisel, John M. Jr. born 4/7/1959 died 5/24/1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Maisel, Rose born 3/8/1917 died 2/14/2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Maldonado, Albert born 1917 died 1995 Notes: Faith Section
Maldonado, Ronald Dean Jr. born 1/29/1968 died 5/14/1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Maldonado, Sarah V. born 1924 died 1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Maldonado, Walter born 1914 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Malesovich, Caroline born 1906 died 1988 Notes: Calvary Section
Malesovich, Nick born 3/4/1905 died 1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Malesovich,Joseph born 1/2/1929 died 6/28/1993 Notes: SFC US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Mallory, Beulah E. born 1908 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mallory, Granville W. born 1896 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Malone, Donald D.born 4/28/1907died 4/23/1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Malone, Elizabeth born died 6/15/1958 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Malone, Thomas Austin born 5-10-1873 died 1/28/1950 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Malone, Velma Lindsayborn 1914died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Maloney, E. Izettaborn 7-28-1892died 12/25/1963
Mance, Lawrence "King" born 1890 died 1967 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mance, Matt born 1897 died 1974 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mance, Pearl L. born 1901 died 1972 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mancha, Christopher H. born 7/12/1951 died 2/3/1978 Notes: MM3 US Navy Vietnam Singing Tower Section
Mancia, Gabriel Antonio died Apr. 14, 2003 Notes: Babyland Section
Mancuso, Lester J. born 1914 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Mancuso, Mary B. born 1920 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Manderino, Ben L.born 1909died 1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Manderino, Dottie A.born 1917died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Mang, Fred E. Jr. born 1924 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Mang, Fred Ernest Sr. born 1-25-1898 died 12/2/1958 Notes: Vesperland
Mang, Midge F. born 1926 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Mangus, Emmett G. born 5/4/1919 died 7/25/2003 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Mangus, Ruth R. born 5/14/1916 died 7/16/1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mangus, Thelma June born 1939 died 2000 Notes: Resthaven Section
Manka, Nancy Kay born 3/6/1955 died 6/13/1968Notes:Section B
Manka, Nellie Pearl born 1908 died 1997Notes:Section B
Manka, Wm. Russell born 1904 died 1955Notes:Section B
Manley, Alice B. born 1918 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Manley, Bernard C. born 1/29/1936 died 9/5/2001 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Manley, Elizabeth Ellen born 6-19-1883 died 3/29/1951 Notes: Calvary Section
Manley, Frank W. born 1909 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Manley, Patrick F. born 8-19-1874 died 8/4/1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Manning, John A. born 1893 died 1957 Notes: Sunrise Section
Manning, Paul R. born 7/2/1920 died 9/8/1963 Notes: Sunrise Section
Manning, Phoebe A. born 1895 died 1980 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mansfield, Carrie B. born 1866 died 1957Notes:Section B
Mansfield, F. Euella born 1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mansfield, Howard E. born 10/5/1930 died 4/10/1952Notes:Colorado SN US NavySection B
Mansfield, James A. born 1867 died 1942Notes:Section B
Mansfield, Joddie R. born 1910 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mansfield, Ray born 1904 died 1970Notes:Section B
Mansfield, Ruth L. born 1912 died 1970Notes:Section B
Manson, born 1941 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Manson, Maynard J. Jr. born 1944 died 1996 Notes: Resthaven Section
Manweiler, Albertborn 1922died 1968 Notes: Devotion Section
Manweiler, Bessie E.born 1906died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Manzanares, Adelaida born 1-03-1873 died 10/24/1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Alex F. born 1911 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Manzanares, Alvino S. born 1904 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Delfina born 1912 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Manzanares, Delia M. born 1908 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Elias A. born 1926 died 2004 Notes: Via Crucis
Manzanares, Erma J. born 1931 died 1976 Notes: Via Crucis
Manzanares, Eva H. born 1923 died 2003 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Inez T. born 1900 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Manuel born 1912 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Manzanares, Marcos born 1982 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Marie E. born 1916 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Manzanares, Ralph Jr. born 1920 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Manzanares, Rita M. born 10/16/1914 died 1/10/1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Manzanares, Ruben J. born 4/18/1907 died 7/9/1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Manzanares, Urvano born 8/17/1924died 11/8/1996Notes: US Air Force
Manzanares, William J. born 5/14/1926 died 6/14/1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Manzaneres, Joseph born 11/3/1922 died 4/5/1992 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Mapes, Cynthia A. born 1899 died 1984 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mapes, Stewart R. born 1890 died 1987 Notes: Sunrise Section
Marascola, Mary Janeborn 1926died 1988 Notes: Devotion Section
March, James F. born 1892 died 1959 Notes: Vesperland
March, Sarah E. born 1904 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Marchetti, Laura born 1876 died 1971 Notes: Via Crucis
Marcon, Anthony J. Sr. born 1920 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Marcon, Bernarda born 1913 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Marcon, Mario born 1914 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Marcon, Ruth L. born 1923 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Marcus, Ricky Eugene born 8/23/1960 died 6-02-1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Mares, Alfonso E. born 11/17/1924 died 11/5/1991 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Mares, Juanita born 1907 died 1989 Notes: Faith Section
Mares, Loyola H. born 9/2/1932 died 9/5/1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Marez, Candido Joe born 1909 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Marez, Cassandra “SIS” born 1972 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Marez, David Michael born 1953 died 1982 Notes: Pieta Section
Marez, John J. born 1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Marez, Maria A. born 1917 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Marez, Mary M. born 7/31/1946 died 10/17/1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Marez, Pauline M. born 1930 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Margison, Dorothy L. born 1942 died 1993 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Marich, Bud Yogi born 1933 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Marich, Cleone J. born 1937 died 2002 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marich, George Rade born 1897 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marich, Judy Ann born 1941 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Marich, Sophia C. born 1909 died 1991 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marine, Mary Ann born Sept. 5, 1916 died Nov. 15, 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Mark, Betty L.born 1930died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Mark, Gene E.born 1928died 1970 Notes: Devotion Section
Markowski, Blossom Mae born 1927 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Markowski, Eva P. born 1915 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Markowski, Ignatius Ronald born 1924 died 1981 Notes: Vesperland
Markowski, John J. born 1912 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Markowski, Joseph A. born 1888 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Markowski, Mae H. born 1894 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Marks, Betty L. born 1931 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Marks, Frank J. born 1921 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Marksberry, Frank born 8/4/1929 died 2/2/1998 Notes: PFC US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Markus, Conrad H. born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Markus, Estelle G. born 1928 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Markus, Sandra Garman born 10/30/1949 died 2/28/1990 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Maroney, Nellieborn1873died no date
Marquez, Annabelleborn 1942died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Marquez, Anne Martinez born 1897 died 1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Marquez, Dorothy E. born 4/10/1939 died 2/6/1971 Notes: Calvary Section
Marquez, Flavio born 1916 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Marquez, Frances born 1923 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Marquez, Jose C. born 1936 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Marquez, Louisa R. Marquez born 1913 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Marquez, Lydia born 1/22/1930 died 1/9/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Marquez, Margaret Catherine born 1946 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Marquez, Maria T. born Jun. 20, 1943 died Jul. 13, 2004 Notes: Faith Section
Marquez, Richard E.born 1935died 1989 Notes: Devotion Section
Marquez, Ruby Emily born 1953 died 2004 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Marrinan, Clyde L. born 1906 died 1990 Notes: Via Crucis
Marrinan, Therasa A. born 1907 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Marriott, Floyd L. born 2/12/1914 died 5/26/1989 Notes: US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Marriott, Wilma F. born 12/22/1913 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Marron, Guadalupe born 1894 died 1977 Notes: Faith Section
Marron, Mary born 1898 died 1981 Notes: Faith Section
Marrow, Sadie M. born 1879died 1946Notes: Section A
Marrujo, Lucille Maye born 11/20/1946 died 8/31/1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Marrujo, Rosauda “Rosie” C. born 1925 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Marshall, Clara M. born 1920 died 1985 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marshall, Clinton Cletis born 12/14/1924 died 7/10/1995 Notes: S1 US Navy WWII Silver Star Veterans Court of Honor
Marshall, Darlene Sue born 11/14/1951 died 11/14/1951 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marshall, Gordon J. born 9/28/1913 died 2/4/1950 Notes: Vesperland
Marshall, Guy Edwin born 5/10/1954 died 5/11/1954 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marshall, H. Curtis born 1918 died 1959 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marshall, Libby born 1925 died 2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Marshall, Victor M. born 10/10/1918 died 9/10/1988 Notes: US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Martillard, Henry born 3-14-1898 died 7/11/1953 Notes: Calvary Section
Martin, Annie M. born 12-19-1884 died 3/23/1951Notes:Section B
Martin, Arthur C. born 1939 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martin, Avant born 1915 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martin, Benjamin F. born 1913 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martin, Clara S. born 1892 died 1976 Notes: Hillcrest Section also
Martin, Clettus L. born 1917 died 1992 Notes: Sunrise Section
Martin, Donald C. born 1911 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martin, Edna M. born 1898 died 1987 Notes: Sunrise Section
Martin, Ellen Jean born 1926 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Martin, Eva born 2-20-1874 died 2/22/1948Notes:Section B
Martin, Florence E. born 1919 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martin, Fred C. born 1908 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Martin, H. Arthur born 1896 died 1978 Notes: Sunrise Section
Martin, Harriet V. born 1912 died 1984 Notes: Sunrise Section
Martin, Horace F.born 1907died 1960 Notes: Devotion Section
Martin, Irene D.born 1916died 2005 Notes: Devotion Section
Martin, John L. born 10/4/1917 died 9/3/1944 Notes: Resthaven Section
Martin, John Looper born 6/1/1885 died 10/28/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Martin, Karen L. born 1962 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Martin, Lila D. born 1916 died 1989 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martin, Luther M. born 3-21-1883 died 2/9/1962Notes:Section B
Martin, Mary A. born 1996 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Martin, Patricia A. born 4/18/1905 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
Martin, Patricia M. born 1932 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Martin, Pearl G. born 2/21/1888 died 7/14/1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Martin, R. Perry born 12/29/1913 died 3/6/1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Martin, Ruby P. born 1893 died 1982 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martin, Thomas M. born 1956 died 2005 Notes: Vesperland
Martin, Virgil L. born 4/12/1905 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Martin, Wanda L. (Blagg) born 1/16/1932died 5/25/1973 Notes: Devotion Section
Martin, Wesley born 1901 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Martin, William S. born 1924 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Martin, Wilson K. born 1874 died 1967 Notes: Hillcrest Section also
Martindale, David Lee born 1953 died 1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martines, Fred A. born 1943 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, “Big” Frank J. born 1961 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Abe born 1909 died 1981 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Abelino W. born Apr. 19, 1959 died Jul. 12, 1975 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Adolph born 1922 died 1991 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Albert L. born 1926 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Alfredo born 1898 died 1993 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Alvin born 1904 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Andres born 8-2-1890 died 3/6/1955 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Calvary Section
Martinez, Angelina born 1914 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Anita born 1904 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Ann Chavez born 1916 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Ann M. born 1918 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Anthony B. born 10/5/1965 died 10/28/1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Arthur G. born 10/22/1932 died 2/21/1994 Notes: SSgt US Air Force Korea Calvary Section
Martinez, Aurelio born 1912 died 1995 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Baby Boy born Jan. 15, 1968 died Jan. 15, 1968 Notes: Babyland Section
Martinez, Baby Girl born no date died 12/19/1971 Notes: Vesperland
Martinez, Ben N. born 1921 died 1989 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Benedicta born 5-13-1898 died 9/10/1962 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Benerito A. born 11/22/1922 died 7/24/1997 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Purple Heart Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Benito M.born 1915died 1982 Notes: Devotion Section
Martinez, Benito P. born 3-21-1890 died 6/21/1983 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Calvary Section
Martinez, Bernard born 1911 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Bernice born 1952 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Bernice R. born 1944 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Bertha L. born 1943 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Bertha M. born 1928 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Beverly born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Candelario born 1900 died 1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Carmelita P. born 1916 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Casilda C. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Cecelia “Lila” born 1918 died 1957 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Cecil born 1921 died 2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Celia J. born 12/10/1900 died 2/25/1985 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Celia M. born 1929 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Charlieborn 1/8/1942died 6/21/1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Martinez, Daniel born 1920 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Daniel born 1878 died 1966 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Daniel B. born 10/15/1955 died 1/20/1991 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, David J. born 1951 died 1977 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Deborah born 1964 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Delfinio S. born 1904 died 1974 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Delia born 1930died ?Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Della born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Della C. born 1931 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Martinez, Deusdedit born 1931 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Diane M. born 8/29/1955 died 5/7/1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Doloritas C. born 1897 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Donald J. born 10/13/1918 died 7/19/2001 Notes: Garden of Hope
Martinez, Dorothy (Erla) born 1934 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Edward J. born 1906 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Edward S. born 1938 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Eilbert born 1920 died 1920 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Eleanor born 6/8/1912 died 10/25/1967 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Elias born 1903 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Eluterio born 1930 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Martinez, Elvira born 1890 died 1972 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Elvira M. born 1911 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Emelda M. born 1941 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Ernest born 6/28/1928 died 6/11/1951 Notes: Colorado Cpl 5 US Marines 1 Marines Div Korea Calvary Section
Martinez, Eufemia born 1917 died 1985 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Eulogia L. born 1926 died 1996 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Faye born 1911 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Feliciana V. born 2/5/1905 died 6/21/1961 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Fidel born 4/24/1919 died 9/5/2004 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Fidelia born 1902 died 1975 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Frank Edward born 3/15/1962 died 11/17/1962 Notes: Vesperland
Martinez, Frank F. born 1930 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Frank G. born 6-10-1892 died 7/12/1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Fred A. born 1932 died 1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Fred A. born 1937 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Fred J. born 1919 died 1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Fred Victor born 9/29/1956 died 9/8/1990 Notes: OT2 US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Fred W. born 1921 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Gabinita P. born 1902 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Gerri Jo born 10/16/1966 died 10/16/1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Gertrude M. born 8/6/1923 died 2/12/2003 Notes: Garden of Hope
Martinez, Gilbert E. born 1937 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Gilbert S. born 1912 died 1984 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Gloria E. born 1936 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Grace G. born 2/6/1909 died 2/6/2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Gregrio born 11-28-1896 died 11/1/1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Helen Marie born 9/14/1937 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Henry Jr. born 1959 died no date Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Martinez, J. Eddie born 7/20/1943 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Martinez, Jace Anthony born 7/2/1997 died 1/1/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Jackie S. born 6/6/1966 died 8/2/1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, James C. born 7/24/1918 died 9/3/1968 Notes: Colorado Pvt 50 Bn IRTC WWII Calvary Section
Martinez, Jami Leah died Jun. 12, 1989 Notes: Babyland Section
Martinez, Jerry L. born 1952 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Jimborn 1915died 1989 Notes: Devotion Section
Martinez, Joe B. born 1/5/1923 died 10/13/2004 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Joe J. born 1915 died 1991 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Joe L. born 1909 died 1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Joe T. born 1917 died 1985 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Joe V. born 8/31/1927died 2/12/1996Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, John Duane Phillip born 10/23/1947 died 2/1/1993 Notes: Cpl Marine Corps Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, John Kenneth born 8/26/1960 died 1/15/1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, John L. born 1927 died 2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, John Lee born 1957 died 1998 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, John M. born 1926 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Jose A. born 1903 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Jose A. born 4-19-1890 died 1/6/1962 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Jose Adan born 1895 died 1971 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Martinez, Jose B. born 8-20-1894 died 2/16/1983 Notes: PFC US Army WWI Calvary Section
Martinez, Jose Epifanio born 1/21/1923 died 2/23/1980 Notes: Vesperland
Martinez, Jose H. born 1922 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Jose Isaac born 1895 died 1971 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Jose Leonard born 4/17/1946 died 5/11/1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Joseph A. born 5/30/1933 died 11/27/1966 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Joseph F. born 1915 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Joseph N. born 1907 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Josephine Cano born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Josie M. born 1917 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Juan B. born 7/5/1925 died 3/10/1997 Notes: US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Juan B. born 1904 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martinez, Julia born 1934died 2002Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Julia S. born 1915 died 1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Julian born 6/19/1916 died 5/15/2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Kenneth A. ll born 9/16/1983 died 6/16/2003 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Lawrence born 1924 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Leno born 1919 died 1988 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Leonardo A. born 2/26/1939died 11/11/1995Notes: US Army Vietnam
Martinez, Lillie M. born 1912 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Lola D. born 9/26/1922 died 8/29/1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Louie Florentino born 8/25/1940 died 4/2/1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Louie Joseph born 1963 died 1992 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Louis born 1920 died 1988 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Louis Esper born 9/7/1915 died 2/3/1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Louise born 1920 died 1993 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Louise S. born 1920 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Lucia S. born 1957 died 1958 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Lucille L. born 1947 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Lucy A. born 1927 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Lucy O. born 3/11/1929died 11/30/2001Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Lupe born 1918 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Lupe born 1907 died 2000 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Macario born 1896 died 1990 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Magdalena born 1908 died 2006 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Manual S. born 5-29-1892 died 9/2/1954 Notes: New Mexico Pvt Co F 49 Inf WWI Calvary Section
Martinez, Manuel born 1/1/1918 died 7/19/2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Manuel born 1900 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Manuel Leroy born 4/16/1952 died 5/5/1968 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Manuel S. born 3-20-1871 died 11/28/1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Martinez, Marcelina born 1885 died 1971 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Martinez, Marcia born 1930 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Margarito S. born 1912 died 2005 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Maria Anastasia born 1916 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Maria M. born 6-19-1867 died 11/23/1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Maria R. born 1923 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Maria V. born 1931 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Marie born 1943 died 2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Martinez, Marie born 1920 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Marquez Thomas died Oct. 19, 1977 Notes: Babyland Section
Martinez, Martha C. born 1922 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Martin born 1930died 1993Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Mary born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Mary born 12/17/1965 died 12/19/1965 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Mary Jane born 7/16/1957 died 2/11/2001 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Mary M. born 1920 died 1987 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Mary O. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Matt born 1913 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Micaela G.born 1922died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Martinez, Michael L. born 9/27/1982 died 10/15/2004 Notes: Faith Section
Martinez, Michele S. born 1918 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Nabor H. born 7/19/1923 died 5/30/2004 Notes: US Army WWII Purple Heart Calvary Section
Martinez, Ned A. born 1940 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Opal C.born 7/3/1920died 1/22/1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Martinez, Orlando C. born 2/18/1937 died 12/2/1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Pat A. born 1943 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Patsy Leora born 1954 died 1997 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Paul born 1906 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Paul R. born 1906 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Paula “Polly” born no date died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Pauline born 1932 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Pete G. born 4/10/1926 died 12/13/1945 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Martinez, Porsofirio R. born 9/26/1925died 9/11/1988Notes: S1 US Navy WWII
Martinez, Raymond born 1914 died 1998 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Rebecca born 1935 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Reynaldo A. born 1913 1983 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Rhonda M. S. born died 1/6/1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Ricardo A. born 1904 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Richard born 10/8/1947 died 7/9/1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Richard M. born 8/26/1965 died 9/1/2006 Notes: Sp4 US Army Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Martinez, Rita N. born 1-24-1899 died 4-12-1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Robert A. born 1914 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Robert J. born 1960 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Robert M. born 4/26/1961 died 6/4/1991 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Roberta F. born 6/7/1909 died 2/16/2001 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Romona Marie born 1880 died 1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Ron P. born 7/17/1955 died 10/13/2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Rose born 1913 died 1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Rose M. born 1903 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Rossana C. born 1903 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martinez, Ruth born 1918 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Ruth M. born 1929 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Sally A. born 1936 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Sara E. born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Stella born 1919 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Susie born 1923 died no date Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Teresinaborn 1923died 2005 Notes: Devotion Section
Martinez, Theresa N. born 5/5/1929 died 5/9/1998 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Thomas A. Jr. born no date died 3/31/1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Thomas J. born 4/5/1918 died 10/12/2001 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Thomas Walter born 12/25/1949 died 1/23/1999 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Martinez, Tito Juvincio born 1915 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Toribio born 1905 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, Trini born 1922 died 2004 Notes: Pieta
Martinez, Valentin born 1922 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Victor born 1930 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Victor E. born 1/22/1939 died 8-19-1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Martinez, Victoria born 1931 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Vivian born 1897 died 1953 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Martinez, Vivian Beebie born 8/11/1924 died 10/18/1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez, Wenonah M. born 1914 died 1998 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez, William born 1907 died 1995 Notes: Via Crucis
Martinez-Baca, Lupe A. born 1925 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Martinez-Pompa, Adryell Isabel born Dec. 7, 1991 died Apr. 29, 1992 Notes: Babyland Section
Martino, Albert J. born 1936 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martino, Becky L. born 1940 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martino, Celeste R. born 1961 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martino, Celeste R. born 1961 died 1993 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Martino, Connie born 1912 died 1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Martino, Fred born 1909 died 1968 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Martino, Fred George born 7/16/1932 died 3/30/2001 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Martino, Mark born 1904 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Martino, Mary Inez born 1907 died 1983 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Martucci, Flora B. born 5/23/1934 died 11/26/2000 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Marugg, Joseph born 12/1/1869 died 3/6/1957 Notes: Resthaven Section
Marugg, Lillie A. born 9/7/1875 died 12/8/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Masar, Janice Y. born 1926 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Masar, Robert J. born 1923 died 1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Mascarenas, Conrad born 7-28-1895 died 1-24-1968 Notes: Colorado PFC Quartermaster Corps WWI Calvary Section
Mascarenas, Eli O. born 1911 died 1998 Notes: Via Crucis
Mascarenas, Escolastica D. born 1900 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Mascarenas, Evelyn Madaline born 12/17/1921 died 1/3/1991 Notes: Pieta
Mascarenas, Ferdinando born 3/23/1912 died 1/9/1988 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Calvary Section
Mascarenas, James born 1956 died 1968 Notes: Via Crucis
Mascarenas, Joe I. born 1892 died 1977 Notes: Faith Section
Mascarenas, John C. Jr . born 1923 died 1976 Notes: Calvary Section
Mascarenas, Lucy E. born 1920 died 1970 Notes: Faith Section
Mascarenas, Maclovio born 11/20/1921 died 1/28/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Mascarenas, Maria M. born 1882 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Mascarenas, Paulita born 1889 died 1974 Notes: Faith Section
Mascarenas, Richard born 1919 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Mascarenas, Sofia P. born 1916 died 2005 Notes: Via Crucis
Masias, George P. Jr. born 5/1/1921 died 4-04-1997 Notes: US Marine Corps WWII Calvary Section
Masias, Molly T. born 1927 died 1976 Notes: Calvary Section
Masias, Nicholas Joe born 1/3/1954 died 10/28/1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Masias, Sally born 8/1/1929 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Mason, Helen M.born1904died 1987
Mason, Henry M. born 1-24-1887 died 4/29/1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mason, Hunterborn1890died 1980
Mason, Joy Darlene born 5/27/1914 died Dec. 24, 1946 Notes: Section A
Mason, Mae Ellen born 1-26-1890 died 10/16/1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Massara, Anton born 11-11-1887 died 5/30/1969 Notes: Via Crucis
Massara, Jeanne M. born 1936 died 1992 Notes: Via Crucis
Massara, John A. born 1936 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Massara, Mary born 8-1-1892 died 9/2/1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Massarotti, Alterino born 1896 died 1969 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Massarotti, Jennie M. born 1900 died 1970 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Massarotti, Patricia Ann born 5/29/1942 died 9-06-1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Massey, Dee B. born 1900 died 1965 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Massey, Edward H. born 1922 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Massey, Elijah G. born died Mar. 22, 1995 Notes: Babyland Section
Massey, Keith V. born 1914 died 1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
Massey, Leora J. born 1921 died 1989 Notes: Resthaven Section
Massey, Lula B. born 1899 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Massey, Nita born 1925 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Massey, Theodore Jeremiah born no date died 8/25/1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Masterson, Della F. born 1908 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Masterson, Dewey L. born 1898 died 1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Masterson, Eva J. born 1881 died 1962 Notes: Vesperland
Masterson, Henry E. born 1877 died 1968 Notes: Vesperland
Masterson, John M. born 1904 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Masterson, Maude C, born 1895 died 1973 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mather, Beulah M. born 1904 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
Mather, Lewis E. born 1902 died 1974 Notes: Vesperland
Mathews, James E. born 1899 died 1957 Notes: Section A
Mathews, Lena born 3/29/1918 died 5/5/2004 Notes: Vesperland
Mathews, Leonard born 5-18-1872 died 4/30/1941 Notes: Section A
Mathews, Mary born 11-26-1873 died 6/11/1954 Notes: Section A
Mathews, Nina E. born 1909 died 1974 Notes: Section A
Mathews, Virginia Ann born 2/1/1942 died 8/24/1973 Notes: Vesperland
Mathieson, Dave born 1903 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mathieson, Margaret born 1910 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Matson, Carl H. born 1902 died 1967 Notes: Section A
Mattarocci, Agnes K. born 1/28/1912 died 8/20/1958 Notes: Section A
Mattarocci, Albert R. born 6/4/1928 died 7/9/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mattarocci, Angeloborn 1915died 1999 Notes: Devotion Section
Mattarocci, Bertie N. born 7/21/1926died 1/9/1992Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mattarocci, Edna A. born 1885 died 1966 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mattarocci, Lawrence born 7/15/1913died 10/16/1995Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII
Mattarocci, Raymond born 12/18/1930 died 10/21/1945 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mattarocci, Rocco born 1879 died 1967 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mattarocci, Viola Ireneborn 1906died 1998 Notes: Devotion Section
Matthew, Bill E. born 1924 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Matthew, Janice R. born 1928 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Matthews, Leroy W. born 4/1/1919 died 6/19/1966 Notes: Vesperland
Mattie, Frances born 2/10/1925 died 4/17/2005 Notes: Calvary Section
Mattivi, Estherina born 1927 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Mattivi, Steve born 1929 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Mattson, Emma Jean (E.J.) born 1931 died 2001 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Matz, Rosa L. sisterborn 10/16/1926died 12/11/1970 Notes: Devotion Section
Maucher, Ada M. born 2-4-1897 died 3/18/1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Maucher, Charles W. born 8-24-1894 died 1/23/1974 Notes: Colorado Cpl US Army WWI Singing Tower Section
Maulin, Eula M. born 1933 died 1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Maulin, Virgil D. born 1927 died 1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mauro, Baby Boy born 12/6/1951 died 12/6/1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mauro, Lydia born 1918 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Mauro, Sam born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Maury, Clara B. born 1899 died 1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Maury, Orra L. born 1894 died 1968 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mawhinney, John T. born 1908 died 1978Notes:Section B
Mawhinney, Percylee born 1914 died no dateNotes:Section B
Maxey, Lula E. born 4-17-1884 died 11/13/1948Notes:Section B
Maxson, Ann Marie died Nov. 30, 1968 Notes: Babyland Section
May, Della Mae born 1901 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
May, Dorothy M. born 3-24-1898 died 8/14/1995Notes:Section B
May, Geo. William born 6-5-1899 died 4/1/1953Notes:Section B
May, J. Allen born 1900 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
May, June P. born 1917 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
May, Kenneth K. born 1914 died 2002 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mayer, Henry L. born 2/18/1920died 5/25/1996Notes: TSgt US Army Air Corps WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Mayernick, Charles born 1896 died 1988 Notes: Calvary Section
Mayernick, Margaret born 12/15/1933 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Mayernick, Mary born 1906 died 1985 Notes: Calvary Section
Mayernick, Robert born 11/27/1931 died 11/28/1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Mayes, Dorothy C. born 4/6/1911 died 11/11/1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mayfield, Everett P.born 1907died 1967 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayfield, Fanny B.born 1910died 1971 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayfield, Joseph born 1962 died 1997 Notes: Pieta
Mayfield, Lori born 1959 died no date Notes: Pieta
Mayfield, Mauriene E.born 1935died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayfield, Raymond D.born 1931died 1979 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayhugh, Charles E.born 1879died 1969 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayhugh, Clay E.born 1906died 1976 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayhugh, Elma J.born 1887died 1965 Notes: Devotion Section
Mayhugh, Mareta L.born 1911died 2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Maynard, Bertha V. born 1900 died 1975 Notes: Section A
Maynard, Jack born 4/4/1925died 11/21/1989US Army WWII Section A
Maynard, Nellie G. born 3/26/1921died 4/18/1995Notes: Section A
Mayo, Ernest Joseph born 11/4/1914 died 11/2/1978 Notes: Via Crucis
Mayo, Mary B. born 5/9/1921 died 11-31-1969 Notes: Via Crucis
McAlister, Gracie Ione born 2/6/1904 died 12/23/1938 Notes: Sunrise Section
McAllister, Oscar A. born 8-15-1895 died 10/28/1969 Notes: Vesperland
McAlpine, Charlotte D.born1920died 1988
McAlpine, Lloyd G.born1920died no date
McBee, Ann Garlinghouse born 1927 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McBee, Ray Arnold born 1927 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
McBride, Bonnie F. born 6/25/1928 died 2/16/2002 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McBride, Cassandra Kay born 1989 died 1995Notes:Section B
McBride, Clara B. Wyant born 1/16/1922 died 3/3/2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McBride, David E. born 2/23/1919 died 7/16/2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McBride, Frank S. born 9-18-1898 died 6/9/1963 Notes: Vesperland
McBride, Nellie born 3/27/1902 died 5/19/1956 Notes: Vesperland
McCaffrey, Gertie J. born 9-23-1886 died 4/4/1958 Notes: Section A
McCaffrey, Michael F. born 8-19-1879 died 1/28/1950 Notes: Section A
McCaffrey, Michael F. born 2/8/1910 died 7/27/1970 Notes: Section A
McCain, David born 3/02/1881 died 5/16/1967 Notes: Sunrise Section
McCain, Lois M. born 1902 died 1987 Notes: Sunrise Section
McCain, Nellie C. born 8/25/1885 died 11/28/1965 Notes: Sunrise Section
McCain, William born 1903 died 1979 Notes: Sunrise Section
McCall, Jess born 5-26-1885 died 8/8/1942Notes:Section B
McCall, Polly born 1931 died 1999 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
McCall, Robert J. born 1927 died 1999 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
McCann, Evelyn M. born 1924 died 2006 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
McCann, Maureen S. born 1935 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCann, Wm. Virgil born 1930 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCarthy, Daniel J. born 2-11-1897 died 4/23/1968 Notes: Colorado Pvt CO C 62 Inf WWI Calvary Section
McCarty, Eva H.born 1922died no date Notes: Devotion Section
McCarty, Michael L.born 1918died 1974 Notes: Devotion Section
McCauley, John W. born 10/8/1932 died no date Notes: PFC US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
McCauley, John W. born 6/21/1910 died 9/17/1980 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
McCauley, Mabel C. born 77-8-1910 died 8/8/1991 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCaulley, Gerald W.born1926died 2003Notes: Hillcrest
McCaulley, Sonia S.born1921died 1997Notes: Hillcrest
McChristy, Elizabeth born 1884 died 1961 Notes: Resthaven Section
McChristy, James J. born 1885 died 1956 Notes: Resthaven Section
McClain, LaVonne born 1919 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
McClaren, Vernon C. born 1/30/1920 died 1/10/1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McClaren, Zora M. born 10/11/1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McClellan, Patrick Ray born Oct. 16, 1970 died Oct. 16, 1970 Notes: Babyland Section
McClelland, Charles E. born 1898 died 1984 Notes: Resthaven Section
McClelland, Clara Louise born 10-30-1884 died 7/3/1967 Notes: Vesperland
McClelland, Mary J. born 1899 died 2002 Notes: Resthaven Section
McClure, Ethel A. born 1883 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McClure, Lester L. born 1884 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McClure, Patrick Allen died Sept. 3, 1974 Notes: Babyland Section
McClure, Thomas Allen died Sept. 3, 1974 Notes: Babyland Section
McCollar, Edna G. born 1-3-1897 died 2/13/1975 Notes: Vesperland
McCollar, Harry E. born 4/27/1924 died 9/10/1959 Notes: Vesperland
McCollar, Harry F. born 5-15-1895 died 3/27/1960 Notes: Vesperland
McCombs, Jean born 4/25/1905 died no date Notes: Vesperland
McCombs, Kenneth E. Sr. born 1941 died 2004 Notes: Vesperland
McCombs, Lee born 3/9/1905 died 12/26/1953Notes:Section B
McConnell, Charles P. born 1897 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
McConnell, Frederick A. born Apr. 3, 1947 died Jul. 23, 1994Notes: Cpl US Marine Corps Vietnam, Hillcrest
McConnell, Gladys E. born 1902 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
McCorkle, James Milton born 1902 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
McCorkle, Velma Ruby born 1905 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
McCormack, Mildred C. born 4/14/1919 died 7/4/1998 Notes: Pieta Section
McCormack, Rayford H. born 11/3/1920 died 6/6/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
McCormick, Pauline J. born 1937 died no date Notes: Faith Section
McCoy, Alvina A. born 1899 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCoy, Amanda Jane born 9/27/1903 died 6-09-1990 Notes: Calvary Section
McCoy, Betty J. born 1935 died 1985 Notes: Pieta
McCoy, Charles born 1928 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCoy, Era born 1915 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCoy, James B. born 11/28/1918 died 6/19/2001 Notes: CPHM US Navy WWII Calvary Section
McCoy, Joe M. born 8/13/1915 died 10/6/1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
McCoy, Lawrence R. born 1902 died 1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCoy, Ollie Mae born 1894 died 1972 Notes: Resthaven Section
McCoy, Richard A. born 1935 died 2000 Notes: Pieta
McCoy, Tenna A. born 8-11-1887 died 9/24/1971 Notes: Vesperland
McCrea, Betty L. born no date died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCrea, James T. born 1926 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McCreight, Olive M. born 1907 died 1990 Notes: Resthaven Section
McCreight, Raymond C. born 1912 died 1998 Notes: Resthaven Section
McCrumb, Ernest born Mar. 16, 1884 died Nov. 8,1954 Notes: Section A
McCrumb, Josie born Oct. 24, 1853 died Feb. 5,1920 Notes: Section A
McCrumb, Lena born 7-13-1893 died 6/4/1963 Notes: Vesperland
McCrumb, Logan H. born 7-17-1880 died 8/3/1950 Notes: Vesperland
McCulloch, Harold Albert born 8/30/1913 died 5/12/1976 Notes: Via Crucis
McCulloch, Mary Clare born 1/12/1914 died 9/18/1968 Notes: Via Crucis
McCulloch, Naomi born 6/14/1917 died 5/7/1998 Notes: Pieta Section
McDaniel, Callie M. born 1891 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
McDaniel, Charles W. born 1914 died 1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McDaniel, Gabriel E. born 7/17/1920 died 8/11/1985 Notes: Vesperland
McDaniel, Iva Nell born 1917 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McDaniel, Otho born 1888 died 1964 Notes: Calvary Section
McDaniel, Priscilla born 1/24/1922 died 3/23/1992 Notes: Vesperland
McDermott, Bud born 1/12/1943 died 12/4/1966 Notes: Sunrise Section
McDermott, Henry born 10-15-1870 died 1-26-1957 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
McDermott, Isabelle R. born 1-02-1877 died 1-24-1952 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
McDermott, James V. born 1919 died 1988 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Mt Olivet Section
McDermott, James W.born1875died 1966
McDermott, John J. born 4/2/1904 died 12/15/1957 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
McDonald, A. Claude born 1905 died no dateNotes:Section B
McDonald, Archie R. born 1911 died 1963 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McDonald, Clara born 1893 died 1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
McDonald, Constance L. born 11/16/1947died no date Notes: Devotion Section
McDonald, Dora born 12-27-1879 died 11/16/1962Notes:Section B
McDonald, Elmer born 10/13/1890 died 6/29/1967 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McDonald, Ernest C. born 1900 died 1977Notes:Section B
McDonald, Frank born 1897 died 1976 Notes: Resthaven Section
McDonald, Gary G. born 7/13/1943 died 2/2/1964Notes:Section B
McDonald, Helen born 4/02/1897 died 6/1/1950 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McDonald, James Gregory born 2/2/1951 died 2/3/1951 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
McDonald, Jane E. born 1931 died 1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
McDonald, John E. born 1882 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
McDonald, John Leo born 12/1/1925 died 8/22/1985 Notes: Pieta Section
McDonald, Joseph E.born 2/6/1941died 10/9/2003 Notes: Devotion Section
McDonald, M. Lorraine born 12/18/1920 died 5/25/1952Notes:Section B
McDonald, Paul L. born 11/14/1913 died 3/27/1990Notes:Section B
McDonald, Pauline M. born 4/19/1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
McDonald, Ruth W. born 1892 died 1965 Notes: Sunrise Section
McDonald. Virgil T. born 1-18-1869 died 4/5/1966Notes:Section B
McEwen, Susie A.born 9/28/1879died 1/13/1963 Notes: Devotion Section
McFarlane, Arthur J. born 3/1/1937 died * Notes: Pieta
McFarlane, Betty Ann born 6/22/1939 died 5/4/2004 Notes: Pieta
McFate, Regina born 1/10/1926 died 9/25/1995 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
McFerren, Chas. Morton born 12/10/1884 died 7/8/1954 Notes: Resthaven Section
McFerren, Viola Lee born 10/31/1884 died 12/26/1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
McGee, George C. born 1938 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McGee, Irene M. born 1891 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
McGee, Lucy G. born 5-27-1894 died 1/19/1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGee, Molly A. born 1939 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
McGee, Ray A. born 1887 died 1962 Notes: Calvary Section
McGee, Russell I. born 1894 died 1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGee, Vireo G.born 3/7/1902died 1/5/1977
McGee, William O.born 11/9/1911died 7/2/1965
McGehee, Lyle B. born 1919 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
McGehee, Opal M. born 1921 died 2001 Notes: Vesperland
McGhghy, Dellborn 1895died 1981 Notes: Devotion Section
McGhghy, George A.born 1885died 1969 Notes: Devotion Section
McGill, Anna M. born 9/20/1921 died 4-14-2003 Notes: Calvary Section
McGill, James J. born 10/6/1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McGrann, Terrence Joseph born 5/17/1936 died 8/3/1998 Notes: Garden of Hope
McGrath, Clara A. born 7/20/1919 died 8/14/1994 Notes: Calvary Section
McGrath, George F. born 8/30/1917 died 5/24/1973 Notes: Colorado Sgt US Army Air Forces WWII Calvary Section
McGrath, James B. born 1891 died 1960 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McGrath, Mark Edmond born 12/1/1914 died 12/13/1961 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McGrath, Sarah M. born 1894 died 1960 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McGrath, Thomas C. born 1-21-1896 died 11/16/1950 Notes: Colorado Cpl 13 Field Arty 4 Div WWI Mt Olivet Section
McGraw, Carl A. born 1919 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGraw, Frieda T.born 1939died 1965 Notes: Devotion Section
McGraw, Gertrude I. born 3-25-1898 died 3/16/1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGraw, Marjorie S. born 1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGraw, Mark “Tug” born 5/29/1959 died 4/29/1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGraw, Terri Lee born 7/31/1958 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
McGraw, Vincel L. born 12-12-1890 died 1/19/1971 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Singing Tower Section
McGuier, John born 1933 died 1962 Notes: Hillcrest
McGuire, Jack born 1903 died 1980 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McGuire, Lu Verne born 1912 died 1979 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
McGuire, Phyllis E. born 10/4/1922 died 11/4/2003 Notes: Vesperland
McHenry, Charles W.born 1899died 1962 Notes: Devotion Section
McHenry, Claudette D. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McHenry, Floyd Albert born 7/24/1932 died 3/26/1988 Notes: US Air Force Korea Calvary Section
McHenry, Lena B.born 1907died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
McHodgkins, Robert L. born 9/8/1936 died 10/23/1989 Notes: Sp3 US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
McIlroy, Mercy B. born 6/3/1910 died 3/8/1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
McIlroy, Richard H. born 9/17/1910 died 2/9/1996 Notes: Dr., US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
McIntosh, Lyman D. born 9/24/1925 died 10/12/1994 Notes: BM2 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
McIntosh, Neoma M. born 2/21/1928 died 12/9/1998 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
McIntyre, Billie B. born 1929 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
McIntyre, David R. born 7/30/1923 died 11/17/1997 Notes: Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII Calvary Section
McIntyre, Dorothy E. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McIntyre, John H. born 5/22/1918 died 11/9/1992 Notes: Calvary Section
McIntyre, Shirley Shustar born 8/7/1930 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McIver, Beulah Maxine born 1921 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
McIver, James Andrew born 1917 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
McKaughan, M. Ivon born 1907 died 1992Notes:Section B
McKaughan, Wesley V. born 1897 died 1967Notes:Section B
McKeehan, Aurora T. born 1904 died 1971 Notes: Faith Section
McKeehan, Elizabeth A. Owens born 3-03-1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
McKeehan, Vaiden J. born 1905 died 1973 Notes: Faith Section
McKenna, Arthur J. born 1914 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
McKenna, Electa M. born 1916 died 1995 Notes: Via Crucis
McKenna, John F. born 1908 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
McKenna, Maxine born 1914 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
McKenzie, Effie M. Smith born 1892 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
McKenzie, Roberta L.born 1917died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
McKenzie, Therman J.born 1923died no date Notes: Devotion Section
McKenzie, William J. born 1893 died 1957 Notes: Calvary Section
McKibben, Frederick L. born 9/5/1947 died 12/2/1970 Notes: Colorado PFC Signal Corps Vietnam, Hillcrest
McKibben, Reuel R. born 1901 died 1992 Notes: Hillcrest
McKibben, Ruby M. born 1914 died no date Notes: Hillcrest
McKim, Florence Jean born 1931 died 1999 Notes: Resthaven Section
McKim, Raymond K. born 1929 died 1992 Notes: Resthaven Section
McKim, Virginia M. born 5/19/1937 died no date Notes: Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
McKinney, Dallas H. born 10/9/1903 died 10/8/1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
McKinney, Ezra born 12/01/1866 died 9/26/1950 Notes: Sunrise Section
McKinney, Genevieve E. born 1918 died 1981 Notes: Vesperland
McKinney, John C. born 1903 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
McKinney, Katherine M. born 6-9-1898 died 1/15/1935 Notes: Vesperland
McKinney, Lourena L. born 12/31/1873 died 7/9/1956 Notes: Sunrise Section
McKinney, Mildred M. born 10/20/1912 died 11/26/1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McKinney, Verna M. born 1925 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
McLallen, Charles F. born 1871 died 1949 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Daisy Pearl born 4/4/1900 died 11/13/1978 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Earl H. born 11/13/1933 died 12/23/1945 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Floyd T. born 12/12/1896 died 12/15/1976 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Jane born 1871 died 1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Sondra Lee born 1/14/1939 died 4/1/1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Thomas L. born 1919 died 1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLallen, Vinetta M. born 1919 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
McLaughlin, Frances Zane born 1/3/1921 died 4/3/1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McLaughlin, Gerald B. born 5-16-1887 died 4/24/1957 Notes: Hillcrest
McLaughlin, Lillian M. born 1-6-1891 died 3/17/1964 Notes: Hillcrest
McLaughlin, Mary L. born 1/14/1910 died 1/19/1964 Notes: Section A
McLaughlin, William T. born 5/12/1928 died 1/16/1948 Notes: Section A
McMichael, Alvin E. born 1913 died 1966 Notes: Hillcrest
McMichael, no first name no date born no date died no date Notes: Hillcrest
McMillan, Goldie M. born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Sunrise Section
McMillan, Herbert R. born 5/5/1902 died 7/3/1947 Notes: Sunrise Section
McMullen, Annabel E. born 10-19-1894 died 6/13/1975Notes:Section B
McMullen, Floyd C. born 6-25-1891 died 7/17/1971Notes:Section B
McMullen, George E. born 1919 died 1975 Notes: Vesperland
McMullen, Lola N. born 1927 died 1997 Notes: Vesperland
McMullen, Mary J. born 11-12-1877 died 4/20/1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McMurray, Andre J. born 1886 died 1973 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McMurray, Nanette born 1902 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
McNamara, Robert (Mac) born 7/2/1937 died 3/20/2006 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
McNamee, Harry M.born 1893died 1974
McNamee, Margaret E.born no datedied 6-?-1966
McNealy, Dale J. born 1959 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
McNeil, Violet R. born 3/25/1905 died 1993 Notes: Vesperland
McRae, AdJie C.born 1905died 1985 Notes: Devotion Section
McRae, Raymond A.born 1903died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
McRae, Raymond G.born 1925died no date Notes: Devotion Section
McWhirt, Georgia M. born 1909 died 2001 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
McWhorter, Calvin H. born 12/13/1913 died 9/9/1992 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
McWhorter, Grace A. born 3/28/1914 died 9/29/1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
McWilliams, Baby Girlborn 5/31/1966died 5/31/1966 Notes: Devotion Section
McWilliams, Rosalie L.born 1927died no date Notes: Devotion Section
McWilliams, William F.born 1921died 2004 Notes: Devotion Section
Mead, Charles M. born 1905 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mead, James J. born 1914 died 1969 Notes: Vesperland
Mead, Nora G. born 1920 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mead, Pauline E. born 1916 died 1968 Notes: Vesperland
Mead, Sarah L. born 1950 died 1950 Notes: Vesperland
Meade, Charles P.born 8/4/1918died 9/24/1979 Notes: Devotion Section
Meade, Maryanna H.born 1920died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Meadors, Shirley L.born 8/6/1925died 8/30/2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Meadows, Ann Laurie born 1900 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Meadows, Clifford E. born 1896 died 1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meadows, Damian C.born 10/11/1977died 8/6/2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Meadows, Esther A. born 1898 died 1957 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meadows, Georgia W. born 1926 died 1997 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Meadows, Richard L. born 1920 died 2006 Notes: Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Meadows, Walter Allen born 1895 died 1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mealer, Garland L. born 5/03/1899 died 4/27/1968 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mechler, Charles F.born 1890died 1965
Meddings, Joyce E. born 1937 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Medina, Albert R. born 1939 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Medina, Anthony P. born 9/23/1925died 6/20/1997Notes: US Navy WWII
Medina, Ben J. born 1974 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Camilla C. born 1921 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Daniel L. born Sept. 16, 1952 died Jun. 29, 2005 Notes: Faith Section
Medina, Dora E. born 1929 died no date Notes: Pieta
Medina, Dorothy J. born 9/5/1944 died 6/18/1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Medina, Duane L. born Aug. 16, 1965 died Aug. 7, 1980 Notes: Faith Section
Medina, Edward born 1920 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Medina, Feliberto born 1905 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Graziano born 1920 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Isabel P. born 4/25/1922 died 10/7/2003 Notes: Pieta
Medina, Lucy M. born 1932 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Martin born 1960 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Matthew “Honey” (Bucky) born 2/28/1973 died 1/13/2001 Notes: Via Crucis
Medina, Pearl Marie born 1918 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Prudence A. born 1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Robert John born 1/13/1984 died 11/16/2006 Notes: CPL US Marine Corps Iraq
Medina, Rudolph born 1914 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Medina, Shirley Ann born 3/16/1941 died no date Notes: Pieta
Medina, Sophia E. born 1917 died 1952 Notes: Calvary Section
Medina, T. J. died Jan. 29, 1987 Notes: Babyland Section
Medina, Thomas D. born 12/14/1927 died 1/2/1994 Notes: Pvt US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Medina, Viola R. born 1938 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Medina, William “Bill” born 1960 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Medrano, John P. born 6/24/1959 died 10/27/1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Meehan, Phillip J. born 1914 died 1951 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Meek, Archie A. born 1905 died 1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meek, Evelyn M. born 1902 died 1995 Notes: Sunrise Section
Meek, Jess E. born 1862 died 1946 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meek, Jesse C. born 1892 died 1958 Notes: Vesperland
Meek, Leonard H. born 1901 died 1985 Notes: Sunrise Section
Meek, Lola C. born 1895 died 1963 Notes: Vesperland
Meek, Mary F. born 1870 died 1952 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meek, Merl D. born 1926 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Meek, Mildred I. born 1904 died 1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meek, Otto J. born 1891 died 1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meek, Thelma P. born 1920 died 1994 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Meeks, Leslie born 5-8-1880 died 12/13/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Mehan, Fred O. born 1898 died 1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mehan, Joe D. born 6/13/1920 died 1/12/1989 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mehan, John M. born 8/13/1932 died 11/9/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mehan, Lula A. born 6/15/1899 died 10/17/1967 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meisel, Dorothy M. born 8/25/1927 died 3/10/2003 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Melito, James Vincent born 8-12-1918 died 4-12-1987 Notes: ARM 1 US Navy WWII Calvary Section
Melito, John G. born 4/1/1966 died 5/9/1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Melito, Louise M. born 1894 died 1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Mellon, Eva M.born 1903died 1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Mellon, Patrick J.born 1902died 1969 Notes: Devotion Section
Melton, Alford A. born 1900 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Melton, Delpha A. born 9/25/1929 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Melton, Ellen born 1901 died 1989 Notes: Resthaven Section
Melton, Howard A. born 1896 died 1978 Notes: Sunrise Section
Melton, Hughie E. born 1892 died 1983 Notes: Resthaven Section
Melton, James R. born 10/18/1934 died 11/1/2005 Notes: Resthaven Section
Melton, Myrtle born 1899 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Melton, Verna V. born 1905 died 1974 Notes: Sunrise Section
Melvin, William born 7/19/1921died 5/13/1997Notes: US Army WWII
Menapace, David born 1895 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Menapace, Theresa M. born 1900 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Mendenhall, Mark H. born 3-24-1918 died 2-23-2007 CWO US Army WWII (David Webb)
Mendenhall, Mark H. born 3-24-1918 died 2-23-2007 (David Webb)
Mendenhall, Samantha born 2-21-1918 died 3-25-2004 (David Webb)
Mendenhall, Samantha born 2-21-1918 died 3-25-2004 (David Webb)
Mendez, Anna S. born 1904 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Mendez, Elizabeth J. born 11/19/1944 died no date Notes: Pieta
Mendez, Lupe L. born 1927 died 1995 Notes: Pieta
Mendez, Manuel A. born 1902 died 1982 Notes: Faith Section
Mendez, Paul L. born 6/8/1940 died 8/5/2004 Notes: Pieta
Mendicello, Frank born 2/24/1917 died 1/16/1957 Notes: Colorado Cpl Btry B 65 Arm FA Bn WWII Calvary Section
Mendoza, Ben born 1909 died 1993 Notes: Pieta
Mendoza, Gregoria G. born 1911 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Mendoza, Joe B. born 1901 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Mendoza, Joe P. born 3/17/1926 died 6/20/1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Mendoza, John J. born 4/5/1967 died 4/22/1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Mendoza, Justa C. born 1869 died 1955 Notes: Calvary Section
Mendoza, Merilee Reaborn 1977died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Mendoza, Susie born 1918 died 1991 Notes: Pieta
Menor, Elvera J. born 1926 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Menor, Samuel F. born died 10-?-2007 Notes: Calvary Section
Menor, Samuel P. born 1916 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Mercado, Crecencio “Chencho” born 1/19/1982 died 4/21/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Mercado, Martha born 2/18/1956 died 4/27/2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Mercado, Rosemary Baca born 2/16/1925 died 1/14/1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Mercer, Jeanetta A. born 11/18/1922 died 5/18/1997 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mercer, Kenneth A. born 12/9/1931 died 1/30/2003 Notes: Cpl US Marine Corps Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Mercer, Louella B. born 10/1/1941 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Merchant, Celia M. born 12-09-1882 died 10-14-1966 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Merchant, Franklin H. born 9-17-1882 died 8/26/1954 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mercier, Leland K. born 1914 died 1965 Notes: Vesperland
Merhar, Fredrick S. born 1926 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Merhar, Lois M. born 1912 died 1997 Notes: Vesperland
Merrett, Anna Marie born 1916 died 1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Merrett, John T. born 1902 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Merrifield, Maude born 3-25-1882 died 6/9/1960Notes:Section B
Merrill, Joe C.born 8/17/1921died 10/3/1980 Notes: Devotion Section
Merrill, Phyllis M.born 6/19/1923died 4/24/1999 Notes: Devotion Section
Merritt, Lois E. born 1916 died 1998 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Merritt, Robert P. born 1922 died 1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Merten, David R. born 1968 died 1997 Notes: Pieta
Mesa, Alfred D. born 4/16/1936 died 7/16/2003 Notes: A3C US Air Force Veterans Court of Honor
Mesojedic, John born 1905 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Mesojedic, Olga born 1914 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Mestas, Alberta R. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Mestas, Andrew born 1898 died 1977 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mestas, Cirila M. born 1900 died 1999 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mestas, Corina born 11/17/1922died 5/2/2004Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mestas, Daniel born 7/29/1920died 11/24/1998Notes: SSgt US Army WWII European Theater, 42 Rainbow Div
Mestas, Eulojio born 1929 died 1975 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mestas, Hubert A. born 3/10/1906 died 9/11/1972 Notes: Via Crucis
Mestas, Juan D. born 1891 died 1964 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mestas, Leroy J. born 1935 died 1988 Notes: Pieta
Mestas, Maria J. born 1886 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Mestas, Mary E. born 1877 died 1951 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mestas, Toribio E. born 4/16/1924 died 4/26/1969 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mestes, Maria A. "Madelle" born Sep. 21, 1971 died Apr. 14, 1974 Notes: Babyland Section
Mestes, Vincent P. born 1957 died 1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Metcalf, Zuleme Byrd born 2/20/1870 died 3/22/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Metcalfe, Lulu born 2/13/1898 died 9/5/1954 Notes: Resthaven Section
Metcalfe, W. Wallace born 10/23/1899 died 4/8/1974 Notes: Resthaven Section
Metsker, Clara D. born 1909 died 1998 Notes: Calvary Section
Metsker, Claude M. born 1902 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Metzger, Melanie Renee born 4/25/1980 died 1/2/1997 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Meyer, Anna Marie born 1874 died 1958 Notes: Calvary Section
Meyer, Frieda born 1911 died 1991 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Meyer, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Vesperland
Meyer, Roy E. born 2/21/1919 died 4/12/1988Notes:1st Sgt US Army WWIISection B
Meyer, Wilhelm born 1909 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Meyers, Dorothy L. born 3/7/1911 died 6/12/1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meyers, John H. born 6/8/1876 died 2/26/1952 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meyers, Julianna M. born 7/20/1872 died 5/9/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meyers, Lois M. born 3/14/1907 died 10/6/1995 Notes: Resthaven Section
Meyers, Muriel born 12/14/1904 died 4/8/1971 Notes: Resthaven Section
Michaels, Ira James born 1880 died 1962 Notes: Sunrise Section
Michaels, Ira L. born 1912 died 2005 Notes: Sunrise Section
Michaels, Irene M. born 1887 died 1985 Notes: Sunrise Section
Michaels, Marie H. born 1906 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Michelli, Frank born 9/23/1923died 12/13/1990Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Micklich, Delaney Mae born Mar. 17, 2004 died Mar. 17, 2004 Notes: Babyland Section
Micklich, Joseph R. born 1879 died 1960 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Micklich, Marie J. born 1886 died 1957 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Micklich, Rose D. born 1908 died 1985 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Micklich, William M. born 1909 died 1990 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Middleswart, Mary E. born 6-28-1887 died 8/28/1951 Notes: Vesperland
Middleswart, Van born 3/1/1905 died 1982 Notes: Vesperland
Miera, Alfonso N. born 1913 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Miera, Corina V. born 1920 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Miera, Felixborn 7/14/1968died 4/28/1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Miesner, Joseph H. born 1887 died 1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Miesner, Zella M. born 1902 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Mihelich, Charles J. born 9/28/1909 died 5/21/1993 Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII Calvary Section
Mihelich, Joe C. born 1915 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
Mihelich, John A. born 1899 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Mihelich, Joseph W. born 1901 died 1961 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mihelich, Louis born 1888 died 1967 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mihelich, Louise F. born 5/12/1912 died 11-26-1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mihelich, Martha born 1909 died 1977 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mihelich, Mary born 1895 died 1971 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mihelich, Olga F. born 1914 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Mihelich, Pearl M. born 1922 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Mihelich, Robert L. born 10/2/1932 died 6/15/1989 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mihelich, Selma born 1903 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Miklich, E. Berniece born 1922 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Miklich, Frank born 7-7-1884 died 6-22-1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Miklich, Frank E. born 1917 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Miklich, Johanna born 1-05-1893 died 1-30-1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Mikulas, George B. born 1922 died 1997 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Milang, Bonnie born 1953 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Milberger, John H. Sr. born 1938 died 1995 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Milberger, Rose Evelyn born 12/28/1911 died 2/18/1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Miles, Agnes V. born 1884 died 1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Miles, Claude M. born 1902 died 1984 Notes: US Army Singing Tower Section
Miles, Ella born 1926 died 1987 Notes: Faith Section
Miles, Harvey J. born 1914 died 2002 Notes: Faith Section
Miles, Howard R. born 1888 died 1957 Notes: Resthaven Section
Miles, Jacob Eric born 12/1/1966 died 11/5/1987 Notes: Faith Section
Miles, Judson B. born 12/14/1904 died 1/1/1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miles, Lucy M. born 3/11/1909 died 3/27/2001 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Militia, Edith P. born 1924 died 1960 Notes: Sunrise Section
Millard, John H. born 1922 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Millard, Kathryn F. born 1926 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Millbern, Mary Lou born 11/14/1936 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Millbern, Mary Lou born 11/14/1936 died no date Notes: Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Millbern, Richard M. born 2/11/1924 died 3/6/1988 Notes: SF1 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Millbern, Richard M. born 2/11/1924 died 3/6/1988 Notes: SF1 US Navy WWII Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Miller, A. Galeborn 1/12/1920died 12/8/2001Notes: PO2 US Navy WWII
Miller, A. Glenn born Nov. 23, 1885 died Oct. 29,1954 Notes: Section A
Miller, A. W. “Bill” born 1941 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Miller, Alice N. Rev. born 11/1/1897 died 1/20/1990 Notes: Resthaven Section
Miller, Barbara Jane born 3/15/1923 died 5/16/2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Miller, Bertha A. born 1905 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Miller, Bessieborn 1900died 1984
Miller, Betty born 1892 died 1978 Notes: Vesperland
Miller, Buster O.born 1924died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Miller, Catherine born 1920 died 2000 Notes: Pieta
Miller, Claude E. born 1894 died 1963 Notes: Sunrise Section
Miller, Claude F.born 1917died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Miller, David G. born 1944 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Diana Lynn born 1/10/1959 died 8/18/1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Edith L. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Miller, Grace A. born Jan. 24, 1894 died April 3,1981 Notes: Section A
Miller, J. Claudeborn 7-12-1895died 5/2/1963
Miller, James Edgar born 3/4/1923 died 4/20/1994 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Miller, John Leeborn 11/13/1970died 1/24/1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Miller, John O. born 1900 died 1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Miller, Karen Nicole born 6/7/1977 died 5/14/1999 Notes: Pieta
Miller, Leona M.born 1921died 1993 Notes: Devotion Section
Miller, Linda M. born 1945 died 1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Lucill M. born 1906 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Lucille J.born 1919died 2004 Notes: Devotion Section
Miller, Marie O. born 8/9/1916 died 7/3/1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Max Anthony born 1/13/1916 died 9/25/1982 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Miller, Michael Robert born 1969 died 1990 Notes: Via Crucis
Miller, Pamela Jo born 1965 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Miller, Patricia born 1922 died 1997 Notes: Section A
Miller, Pearl born 1904 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Porfirio born 9/15/1921 died 3/15/1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Miller, Ray L. born 1888 died 1983Notes:Section B
Miller, Ray W. born 12/10/1920died 1/16/1996Notes: Pvt US Army Air Forces WWII
Miller, Raymond Albert born 12-15-1887 died 11/29/1954Notes:Section B
Miller, Rita M. born 1945 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Miller, Robert H. born 1924 died 2000 Notes: Section A
Miller, Roy E. born 1908 died 2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Miller, Sarah Jane born 2-12-1875 died 12/24/1950 Notes: Vesperland
Miller, Stephen A. born 1902 died 1973 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Sylvia Maeborn 1/13/1921died no date
Miller, V. Fern born 1906 died 1987Notes:Section B
Miller, Wallace G. born 12-12-1873 died 11/9/1949Notes:Section B
Miller, Warren L. born 1/8/1949 died 8/26/2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miller, Webster P. born 8-26-1863died 12/30/1962Notes: Section A
Milligan, Albert A. born 1886 died 1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
Milligan, Nora A. born 1882 died 1976 Notes: Resthaven Section
Millikan, Robert C. born 1959 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Millis, Lisa Marie born 9/14/1985 died 2/13/2003 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Millis, Lorn McNamara born 1964 died 1992 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mills, Kenneth M. born 2/5/1907 died 10/9/1949 Notes: Vesperland
Mills, Mary E. born 9-2-1869 died 9/2/1960 Notes: Vesperland
Mills, Susie T. born 10/15/1912 died 12/30/2003 Notes: Calvary Section
Mills, Virgil Grant born 2-7-1867 died 9/27/1948 Notes: Vesperland
Milner, Jessie C. born 1923 died 1984 Notes: Calvary Section
Milner, Steve M. born 1921 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Milton, Bertha E. born 4-?-1974 died 8-?-1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Milusnic, Dan born 12/29/1922 died 4/20/1995 Notes: CM1 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Milyard, Shelly D. born 12/17/1962 died 7/11/1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mimmovich, John L. born 3/9/1926 died 8/2/1999 Notes: SH3 US Navy Garden of Prayer Section
Miner, Elizabeth born 1913 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Miner, Ralph A. Lt. Col. born 1909 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Minkler, Patty born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Mishmash, Betty A. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Mishmash, Frank C. born 1896 died 1976Notes:SEA2 US Navy WWI Section A
Mitchell, Addie born 2-20-1884 died 12/14/1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mitchell, Amos born 1913 died 6/18/1905 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mitchell, Chris S. born 1976 died 2004 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mitchell, Edward Lee born 1899 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mitchell, Emma E. born 1914 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
Mitchell, Ernest A. born 1901 died 1998 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mitchell, Ethel J. born 1885 died 1956 Notes: Vesperland
Mitchell, George A. born 1915 died 1986 Notes: Vesperland
Mitchell, George M. born 1885 died 1956 Notes: Vesperland
Mitchell, Jacob Edward born Jul 22,1916 died 8/11/2000 Notes: US Army Section A
Mitchell, Lavada born 1914 died 6/15/1905 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mitchell, Lila L. born 4/5/1917 died no date Notes: Section A
Mitchell, Linda S. born 1953died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Mitchell, Lonnie M. born 1902 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mitchell, Sally born 1910 died 1987 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mitchell, Warren S. born 2/3/1914 died 7/24/1957 Notes: Vesperland
Mitchell, Warren S. Jr. born 9/26/1939 died 12/13/1950 Notes: Vesperland
Mitchell, William F. born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mitchell, Wm. Floyd born 1902 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Mixon, Daisy M. born 1896 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mize, Ronald W. born 1950 died 2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mizell, Jessie M. born 1899 died 1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mizell, Julius C. born 2/4/1879 died 1/28/1971 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mizelle, Richard Dale born 1/18/1924 died 7/22/1944 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mizelle, William A. born 12/9/1875 died 9/22/1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mladineo Martha born 8-22-1884 died 8-20-1950 Notes: Calvary Section
Moad, Clarence R. born 1904 died 1989 Notes: Hillcrest
Moad, Estherella born 1896 died 1959 Notes: Hillcrest
Moguez, Joseph Lee born 10/20/1943 died 11/21/1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Moguez, Orlando born 8/16/1924 died 5/25/1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Molina, Ana L. born 1966 died 1989 Notes: Pieta
Molina, Bernadine P. born no date died 1/31/1949 Notes: Faith Section
Molina, Cecilia R. born 1928 died no date Notes: Pieta
Molina, Emma born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Molina, Henry born 1927 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Molyneux, Arthur W.born 1925died 1983 Notes: Devotion Section
Moncivaiz, Emma born 7/15/1924 died 9/22/1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Abel born 1921 died 2003 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mondragon, Delmarie J. born 1944 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Duman J. born 1939 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Eloisa E. born 3/7/1924 died 7/12/1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Frank J. born 10/1/1921 died 1/8/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, George F. born 5/29/1953 died 10/11/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Jose G. born 1897 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Mondragon, Juan E. born 1923 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Larry R. born 1959 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Mondragon, Lloyd J. born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Maria A. born 1923 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Maria M. born 6-25-1876 died 3/14/1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Mondragon, Mary I. born 1926 died 1990 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mondragon, Odilia born 1914 died 1996 Notes: Via Crucis
Mondragon, Rosieborn 3/14/1930died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Mondragon, Stella born 1923died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Mondragon, Susan born 1935 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Mondragon, Tom C. born 1922died 2001Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Monkres, Fe N. born 1954 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Monkres, Pearl born 7/14/1911 died 12/23/1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Monkres, V. Allen born 1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Monriquez, Alejandro G. born 2/26/1911 died 5/22/1985 Notes: Via Crucis
Monriquez, Beatrice A. born 1918 died 2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Montano, Alfred born 1928died 1990Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montano, Anglina D. born 12/4/1934 died 11/17/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Montano, Charles B. born 2-09-1885 died 8/15/1952 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Montano, Clemente born 8/25/1915 died 4/24/1998 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Montano, Edward S. born 1912 died 1953 Notes: Calvary Section
Montano, Frank Lupe born 12/12/1951 died 1/13/1999 Notes: PFC US Army Vietnam Calvary Section
Montano, Lillie born 4/27/1931 died 10/11/2002 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Montano, Rose born 1931died 2003Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montano, Santiago Jim born 5/28/1938 died 5/3/1989 Notes: General US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Montano, Thelma N. born 1912 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Montelongo, Celestina born 1889 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Montelongo, Cristobal born 1909 died 11986 Notes: Calvary Section
Montelongo, Domingo Sr. born 1883 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Montelongo, Ruby A. born 4/30/1929 died 6/10/2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Montelongo, Victoria born 1911 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Montes, Clarsa born 1895 died 1969 Notes: Sunrise Section
Montes, Fred born 1899 died 1963 Notes: Sunrise Section
Montez, Albert born 1919 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Montez, Erminda “Ermie” born 1921 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Montez, Jose V. born 1/9/1944 died 11-25-2000 Notes: A2C US Air Force Calvary Section
Montez, Linda M. born 1949 died 1995 Notes: Pieta
Montez, Lonnie J. born 1966 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Montez, Paul V. born 1915 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Montez, Tomas DeAquino born 5/16/1924died 8/19/2001Notes: RDM2 US Navy WWII
Montgomery, Adolphus Sr. born 1920 died 1986 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Montgomery, Allen D.born 1/30/1910died 7/19/1960 Notes: Devotion Section
Montgomery, Bonnie Jeanborn 8/2/1946died 8/17/1951 Notes: Devotion Section
Montgomery, Ellison W. born Nov. 15,1902 died Oct. 19, 1986 Notes: Capt, ANC Section A
Montiel, Angel A. born 1992 died 1993 Notes: Babyland Section
Montiel, David born 1955 died 1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Montiel, Raoul born 1941 died 2001 Notes: Pieta
Montour, Lucy born 12/13/1926 died 1/19/1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montour, Luther born 9/17/1919 died 11/2/1999 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Montour-Valdez, Richard Robert born Jan. 6, 1993 died Aug. 11, 1993 Notes: Babyland Section
Montoya, A. Bernie born 1951 died 1990 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Montoya, Alfred born 1920 died 2006 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Alfredo C. born 1898 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Amelia P. born 1910 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, August P. born 1904 died 1957 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Baloy “Bill” born 1933 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Ben born 12/16/1944 died 9/1/1963 Notes: Hillcrest
Montoya, Benigno born 1919 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Bernardo Jr.born 9/5/1952died 5/2/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Montoya, Bernardo Sr. born 1921 died 2000 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Montoya, Candelaria born 4/5/1905 died 11/28/1982 Notes: Faith Section
Montoya, Carlos born 1923 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Cecilia M.born 10/18/1929died 4/20/1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Montoya, Charles born 3-28-1895 died 10-05-1971 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army WWI Calvary Section
Montoya, Conferina born 1936 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Daisy P. born 1952 died no date Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Daisy P. born 1952 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Delfino born 2/24/1918died 8/5/2005Notes: Pvt US Army WWII
Montoya, Donald S. born 1961 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Dorothy L. born 7/30/1926 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Montoya, Elisardo S. born 2/7/1922died 5/5/2001Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Montoya, Eloiza M. born 1908 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Eloy born 1/8/1917 died 6/27/1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Elsie D. born 1931 died 1985 Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Emma born 1937 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Ernest E. born Jan. 6, 1922 died Jan. 4, 1968 Notes: Faith Section
Montoya, Esteven A. born 1922 died 1999 Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Esther D. born 1923 died 2001 Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Eulogia born 1904 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Felicita C. born 1/17/1939 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montoya, Fidel born 2-24-1894 died 3/27/1976 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Faith Section
Montoya, Filiberto born 1911 died no date Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Flora M. born 8/9/1934 died no date Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Glorinda born 1932 died 2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Montoya, Hilaria D. born 1936 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Montoya, Isidro born 9/30/1923 died 5/5/2004 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Faith Section
Montoya, James L. born 12/25/1923 died 4/22/1980 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Calvary Section
Montoya, Joe A.born 4/1/1927died 12/17/1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Montoya, Joe B. born 1934 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Montoya, Joe M. born 1891 died 1961 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Joe T. born 1917 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Joseph B. born 1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Joseph John born 7/13/1980 died 4/14/1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Joseph V. born 1900 died 1984 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Juan J. born 1903 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Julia C. born 2/12/1926 died 10/30/1989 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montoya, Katie born 11/1/1928died 6/14/2002Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montoya, Louis E. born 1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Lucy born 1919 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Lucy B. born 1906 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Lydia M. born 1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Manuel A. born 4/19/1932 died 1/26/1998 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montoya, Manuel E. born 1945 died 1998 Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Manuel E. born 1945 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Margaret A. born 1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Mary A. born 1923 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Mary I. C. born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Mary Irene born 1937 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Mary T. born 1915 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Maude E. born 11/9/1901 died 12/23/1991 Notes: Faith Section
Montoya, Melaborn 1898died 1968
Montoya, Miquela A. born 1916 died 1986 Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Molly A. born 1928 died 2007 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Montoya, Pat S. born 3/17/1942 died 11/5/2005 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Montoya, Paul Derek born 5/11/1964 died 2/15/1988 Notes: Sp4 US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Montoya, Pete born 1900 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Phyllis R. born 1959 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Raquel R. born 1894 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Ron Solomon born 3/26/1959 died 10/12/1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Rufino born 1932 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Montoya, Rufino born 1932 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Montoya, Salomon C. born 1915 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Montoya, Sammy Alan born no date died 10/3/1949 Notes: Faith Section
Montoya, Samuel J. born 1886 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya, Taylor Joann born 5/27/1991 died 7/1/1991 Notes: Babyland Section
Montoya, Thomas born 1922 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Montoya, Tina O. born 3/29/1928 died 5/14/1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Montoya, Victorborn 1896died 1984
Montoya, Victoria born 1890 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Montoya-Naranjo, Jacob Livi born 5/12/1939 died 8/29/1991 Notes: Sp 5 US Army Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Moon, Lettie M.born 1881died 1971
Moon, Marion Martinborn 1902died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Moon, Zala I.born 1877died 1964
Mooney, Thomas D. born 1921 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Mooney, V. Louise born 1929 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Moore, Allan J. born 8/15/1915 died 5/27/1966 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Anna M. born 5/21/1922 died 9/19/2002 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Moore, Arthur J. born 1909 died 1968 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Bethelborn 11/13/1921died 10/22/1955Notes: Texas Cpl 1452 Base Unit AAF WWII
Moore, Billy W. born 3/2/1928died 8/10/2000Notes: A1C US Air Force Korea
Moore, Charles R. born 2/25/1923died 1/7/1996Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII
Moore, Cordelia B. born 1915 died 2002 Notes: Faith Section
Moore, Darlene M. born 1942 died 2002 Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Dennis W. born 7-25-1879 died 4/18/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Doris I. born no date died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Moore, Durward M. born 1915 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Moore, Earl L. born 1891 died 1976 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Elizabeth A. born 1920 died 1994 Notes: Via Crucis
Moore, Elizabeth Ann born 1936 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Fern E. born 9/27/1926 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Moore, Flora E. born 1915 died 1993 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Foster C. born 1900 died 1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, George El. born 6/26/1924 died 9/27/1926 Notes: Garden of Hope
Moore, Grace R.born 1915died no date
Moore, Harry W. born 1898 died 1958 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moore, Helen G. born 1912 died 1990 Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Hoyt W. born 1906 died 1982 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moore, Ida O.born 3/29/1924died 1/5/2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Moore, Ione S. born 6/19/1914 died 1/26/2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Moore, Irene E. born 4/23/1905 died 10/12/1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, James D.born 1910died 1976
Moore, James K. Sr. born 1931 died 1998 Notes: Garden of Hope
Moore, Kenneth Eugene born 3/14/1932died 5/17/1991Notes: SFC US Army Korea
Moore, Kimberly S. born 3/21/1958 died 3/25/1958 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Kippard Dale born 6/10/1955 died 3/23/1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Laura L. born 1-15-1880 died 1/10/1958 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Leonard Arthurborn 7/15/1913died 10/14/2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Moore, Lester H. born 1940 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Lloyd S. born 12/22/1918 died 4/28/2003 Notes: Tec 4 US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Moore, Lona L. born 1913 died 2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moore, Louis A. born 1935 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Lynn born 1946 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Marjorie B. born 1926 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Martha M. born 1904 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Mary B. born 9-15-1899 died 8/8/1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Mattie born 1894 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Mildred D. Cook born 1934 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Myrtle H. born 1899 died 1990 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moore, Olive May born 2-20-1880 died 8/20/1967 Notes: Vesperland
Moore, Raymond R. born 1923 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Russell L. born 1907 died 2001 Notes: Resthaven Section
Moore, Ruth M. born 1900 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Shirley D. born 1903 died 1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moore, Thomas born 1929 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moorehead, Ralph Stevens born 7/6/1920 died 7/21/1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Elizabeth A. born 1926 died 1991 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Forrest Maxey born 7/3/1946 died 12/29/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Harold J. born 6/7/1919 died 9/18/1967 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Ilah Mae born 3/15/1917 died 4/4/1917 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Joseph M. born 1888 died 1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Mary F. born 1891 died 1969 Notes: Sunrise Section
Moorhead, Robert Wayne born 2/12/1948 died 12/29/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Mora, Bennie Joe born 4/21/1925 died 12/26/1999 Notes: Via Crucis
Mora, Lilia born no date died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Mora, Lilia R. died Sept. 5, 1996 Notes: Babyland Section
Mora, Manuel born 1905 died 1964 Notes: Faith Section
Mora, Mary M. born 1914 died 2001 Notes: Faith Section
Morales deMunoz, Socorro born 6/30/1940 died 2/7/1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Morales, Joe T.born11/6/1919died 1/3/1998Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII
Morales, Margarita R. born 1897 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Morel, JoAnn born 1933 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Morel, Narciso Billy born 1925 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Moreschini, Carman M. born 7-07-1897 died 8/22/1990 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Moreschini, Christine born 1908 died 2002 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Moreschini, Richard J. born 1918 died 1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Moreschini, Rudolph S. born 1-22-1891 died 5/25/1946 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Morgan, Alice M. born 1910 died 2003 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Morgan, Baby Boy born no date died 9/28/1950 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morgan, Ermestineborn 1918died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Morgan, Eva B. born 1889 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morgan, Evart W. born 1892 died 1979 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morgan, Frank Paul born 4/13/1908 died 10/26/1954 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Morgan, Gussie born 1902 died 2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Morgan, Henry R. born 10/23/1904 died 1/26/1971 Notes: Utah PFC 6 Base HQ & AB Sq AAF WWII Singing Tower Section
Morgan, James O.born 1921died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Morgan, Katherineborn 1920died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Morgan, Margaret Brennan born 4-26-1887 died 7-10-1952 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Morgan, Marlyn born died Notes: Section A
Morgan, Mary C.born 1928died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Morgan, Mary I. born 2/5/1913 died 11/11/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morgan, Michael Edward born 2-25-1884 died 4-04-1965 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Morgan, Roy M. born 6/25/1905 died 8/12/1963 Notes: Section A
Morgan, Stephania born 9/3/1909 died 1-10-1956 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Morgan, Thomas E. born 1896 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Morgan, Vanessa D.born 1971died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Morgan, William E. born 1909 died 1995 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Moroney, Ellen born 1906 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Moroney, Mike born 1900 died 1971 Notes: Calvary Section
Morphy, Beulah Ulch born 9/07/1894 died 12/1/2000 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morrell, Belle born 1901 died 1997 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morrell, Darlene J. born 1931 died 1968 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morrell, Jack W. born 1937 died 2006 Notes: Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Morrell, John M. born 1889 died 1957 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morrell, Riley M. born 1901 died 1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morrell, Susan Elizabeth born 1875 died 1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morrell,Daisy Morehouse born 1879 died 1957 Notes: Sunrise Section
Morris, Daniel William born 2/3/1949 died 3/4/2006 Notes: TN US Navy Vietnam Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Morris, Hazel C.born 1924died 2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Morris, Leon D.born 1921died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Morrison, James H.born 1905died 1985 Notes: Devotion Section
Morrison, Jeanborn 1900died 1978 Notes: Devotion Section
Mortimer, Alan R. born 12/26/1952 died 7/5/2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Mortimer, Effie Katherineborn 1908died 1971 Notes: Devotion Section
Mortimer, William Franklinborn 1903died 1981 Notes: Devotion Section
Mortley, Ronald E. born 1950 died 1988 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Morton, Don J. born 1889 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Morton, Harley D. born 1918died 1989Notes: Major US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Morton, Leta K. born 1890 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Morton, Maria Carolina born Sep. 19, 1937 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Morton, Nadine L. born 1919died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Morton, William W. born 1/11/1938 died 4/25/1997 Notes: Pvt US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Moruzzi, Clemmie L. born 8/28/1916 died 6/14/1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Moruzzi, Delphus born 12/23/1912 died 9/7/1977 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Moseley, Robert M. born 10-2-1859died 5/9/1939 Section A
Moser, Earl J. Jr. born 10/4/1919died 1/5/1967Notes: Texas Cpl US Marine Corps WWII Section A
Mosher, Thelma H. born 1912 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
Mosher, W. Bruce born 1903 died 1973 Notes: Vesperland
Motherway, Ethel G. born 1905 died 1994 Notes: Resthaven Section
Motherway, Walter J. born 1903 died 1987 Notes: Resthaven Section
Motoski, Adolph B. born 1891 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section Also (Kay Medved)
Motoski, Cornelia V. born 1897 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section Also (Kay Medved)
Mower, Francis I.born 1905died 1982 Notes: Devotion Section
Mower, Marjorie L.born 1909died 1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Mowry, Charles H. born 1893 died 1976 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mowry, Helen Ruth born 1896 died 1969 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mramor, C. Gayle born 1917 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Mramor, John J. born 1904 died 1985 Notes: Calvary Section
Mraz, Anna E. born 12-28-1880 died 6/7/1958 Notes: Calvary Section
Mraz, Cecelia A. born 4/21/1906 died 3/9/1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Mraz, Clothilda J. born 8/25/1904 died 3/4/1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Muckel, Cynthia S. born 1961 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Muckel, Debra A. born 8/26/1949 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Muckel, Kent R. born 1952 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Muckel, Kurt R. born 1/16/1949 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Mudd, Silva M.born 1910died 1998 Notes: Devotion Section
Mudd, Theron L.born 1902died 1974 Notes: Devotion Section
Muhlhausen, Edna G. born 9/9/1912 died 8/3/1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Muhlhausen, Stewart G. born 11/27/1900 died 6/11/1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Muhlhausen, Viola born 1924 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Muhovich, Anna M. born 1912 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Muhovich, Charles G. born 1904 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Mulay, Catherine B. born 1907 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Mulay, James R. born 1930 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Mulay, John born 1902 died 1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Mulay, Patricia A. born 1931 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Mulkey, Charlotte M. born 1914 died 2004 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mulkey, William Otis born 1909 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Mull, Fredinand born 10-17-1893 died 3/27/1954 Notes: Vesperland
Mullahy, Francis S. born 1869 died 1950 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mullahy, Mary Anna born 1-09-1870 died 2/2/1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Muller, Charles E. born 1917 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Mullins, Sherman T. born 5/7/1893 died 5/27/1957 Notes: Resthaven Section
Mundinger, Douglas N. born 3/11/1949 died 11/13/1985 Notes: US Air Force Vietnam Singing Tower Section
Mundinger, Nancy E. born 3/29/1959 died 7/7/1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Muniz, Frances E. born 1933 died 1988 Notes: Via Crucis
Muniz, Henry born 1921 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Munn, Betty J. born 8/31/1932 died 2/16/2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Munn, Inez born 1894 died 1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Munn, John B. born 11/24/1931 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Munn, Roy E. born 1893 died 1982 Notes: Resthaven Section
Munoz, Beatrice born 1887 died 1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Munoz, Carlotta L. born 1925 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Munoz, Dee born 6/28/1939 died 4/20/2005 Notes: Resthaven Section
Munoz, Gaudencio born 1927 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Munoz, Jonathan E. born 1979 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Munoz, Joseph V. born 1922 died 1994 Notes: Via Crucis
Munoz, Juvie R. born 2/22/1918 died 3/9/1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Munoz, Salvador born 8/8/1916 died 1/17/2005 Notes: Calvary Section
Munoz, Trinidad Trejo born 1929 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Murillo, Jose born 1886 died 1958 Notes: Calvary Section
Murphy, Alva C. born 1899 died 1957Notes:Section B
Murphy, Edna born 1893died 1985Notes: Section A
Murphy, George M. born 1864died 1962Notes: Section A
Murphy, Lee M. born 1893 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Murphy, Mary J. born 1893 died 1988 Notes: Via Crucis
Murphy, Mary Louise born 1922 died 1988 Notes: Via Crucis
Murphy, Mildred D. born 1914 died 2003Notes:Section B
Murphy, Opal F. born 1900 died 1984Notes:Section B
Murphy, Roy L. born 1921 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Murphy, Ruth F. born 1922 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Murray, Hallard T. born 1906 died 1991 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Murray, Marion M. born 1909 died 1988 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Murten, Cecil R.born 1907died 1980 Notes: Devotion Section
Murten, Mable V.born 1910died 1965 Notes: Devotion Section
Musso, Charles V. born 1923 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Musso, Henry John born 11/6/1927 died 12/30/1981 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Musso, Rose Martino born 1922 died 1981 Notes: Calvary Section
Musso, Sam born 8/14/1903 died 9/29/1980 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Musso, Theresa E. born 10/15/1904 died 11/9/1962 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Mutz, Antoinette E. born 1/17/1905 died 10/17/1962 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mutz, Florence E.born 1920died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Mutz, Frank L. born 6/12/1897 died 3/6/1973 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mutz, Theresa Rose born 8/01/1898 died 10/21/1954 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Mutz, William F.born 1921died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
Myers, Add J.born9/17/1913died 5/28/1986
Myers, Clara M. born 1911 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Myers, Clarence Leroy born 1895 died 1973Notes:Section B
Myers, Clyde H. born 1910 died 1995 Notes: Sunrise Section
Myers, Emma A. (Clark) born 4/24/1896died 10/14/1982 Notes: Devotion Section
Myers, Enid Phillipsborn5/2/1911died 8/21/1996
Myers, Estelle born 1913 died 1991 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Myers, Frances R. born 1911 died 1990 Notes: Vesperland
Myers, Harold born 1914 died 2002 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Myers, James E. born 1910 died 1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Myers, Jesse L. born 1904 died 1972 Notes: Vesperland
Myers, Lillian M. born 1914 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Myers, Loren E. Jr. born 1961 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Myers, Robert E. born 1916 died 1991 Notes: Sunrise Section
Myers, Robert N. “Bob”born 1917died 1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Myles, Etta Mae born 1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Myles, Willie born 1917 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell