Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Jachetta, Evelyn E. born 1916 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Jachetta, Helen Hines born 1911 died 2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jachetta, Joseph John born 1902 died 1987 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jachetta, Margaret Michels born 2/4/1913 died 5/7/1939 Notes: Calvary Section
Jachetta, Montrose E. born 1907 died 1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Jacklovich, Anna C. born 1912 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Jacklovich, Frank J. born 1913 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Jackson, Bernice born 1924 died 1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jackson, Earl E. born 6/6/1915 died 12/30/1984 Notes: Resthaven Section
Jackson, Howard LeVon born 12/22/1927 died 6/3/1991 Notes: Vesperland
Jackson, Jeptha D. born 1899 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jackson, Kenneth R. born 10/13/1930 died 12/11/1986 Notes: Vesperland
Jackson, Mary Anna born 6/10/1932 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Jackson, Nola J. born 9/1/1933 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Jackson, Opal L. born 4/12/1915 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Jackson, Robert F. born 1924 died 1992 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Jackson, Ronald P. born 4/21/1929 died 2/22/2000 Notes: S2 US Navy WWII Garden of Prayer Section
Jackson, Sylvia L. born 1896 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jackson, Vicki Lynn born 1947 died 1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Jacobs, Elsie born 1921 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Jacobs, Erma R. born 1910 died 1986 Notes: Vesperland
Jacobs, Louis A. born 1916 died 1970 Notes: Vesperland
Jacobs, Mary C. born 1912 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Jacobs, R. Dean born 1921 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Jacobs, Samantha born ? died 8/8/1993 Notes: Hillcrest
Jacques, Raymond T. born 12/28/1946 died 3/4/1988 Notes: Pvt US Marine Corps Veterans Court of Honor
Jahay, Winnie F. born 1925 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jahn, Ann Louise born 1931 died no date Notes: Section A
Jahn, Fred W. born 1904 died 1981 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Jahn, Mary Frances born 1942 died 1992 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Jahn, Myrtle E. born 1907 died 1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Jahn, Richard N. born 1932 died 1985 Notes: Section A
Jahn, William “Bill” born 1940 died 1980 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Jakshe, Louis born 1887 died 1955 Notes: Calvary Section
Jakshe, Steffa born 1898 died 1976 Notes: Calvary Section
James, Alice E. born 1870 died 1958 Notes: Sunrise Section
James, Cornelius V. born 1918 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
James, Edward M. born 1872 died 1954 Notes: Sunrise Section
James, Frances E. born 5-19-1890 died 12/3/1975 Notes: Section B
James, Frank born 5/30/1920 died 7/18/1942 Notes: PFC US ArmySection B
James, Homer H. born 1904 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
James, Irene C. born 3/22/1905 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
James, Madeline B. born 1917 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
James, Mildred I. born 3/15/1924 died 1/5/1998 Notes: Section B
James, Myrtle A. born 1902 died 1977 Notes: Sunrise Section
James, Raleigh born 5/8/1922 died no date Notes: Section B
James, Roscoe born 1-8-1899 died 2/2/1963 Notes: Section B
James, Wanda E. born 4/18/1930 died 3/31/1999 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jameson, Frank J. born 12/10/1901 died 10/7/1970 Notes: Vesperland
Jamnik, Albert B. born 1917 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Jamnik, Edward William born 1925 died 2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Jamnik, Irene born 12/19/1917 died 10/14/2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Jamnik, Rosalie born 1923 died 2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Jansen, Richard Joe born 9/05/1937 died 12/24/1998 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jaquez, Alfredo born 1900 died 1984 Notes: Via Crucis
Jaquez, Joe born 9/18/1908 died 3/18/2005 Notes: Faith Section
Jaquez, Julia T. born 1902 died 1990 Notes: Via Crucis
Jaramillo, Abelino born 3/2/1916 died 10-18-1896 Notes: Via Crucis
Jaramillo, Alice M. born 1930 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Jaramillo, Barbara J. born 1952 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Jaramillo, Ben C. born 5/13/1935 died 5/23/1991 Notes: A3C US Air Force
Jaramillo, Bertha R. born 3/30/1933 died 1-77-1990 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Jaramillo, Cenaida Trujillo born 1905 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jaramillo, Charles born 1924 died 2001 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Jaramillo, Cordelia M. born 1926 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Jaramillo, Eliza M. born 1/26/1922 died 4/30/1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Jaramillo, Florence E. born 1927 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Jaramillo, Helen F. born 1930 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Jaramillo, Henry born 12/25/1914 died 12/21/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Jaramillo, Henry E. born 1952 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Jaramillo, Ruth P. born 10/19/1928 died 9/5/1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Jarmillo, Napoleon P. born 1925 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Jarmillo, Rudy born 11/9/1926 died 2/3/1999 Notes: Pieta
Jasper, Avondo P. born 7/11/1917 died 5/29/1989 Notes: Pvt US Army Air Corps WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Jasper, Charles M. born 1873 died 1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Jasper, Elizabeth V. born 1879 died 1974 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Jauch, Elma S. born 1910 died 2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Jauch, Jacob born 1908 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Jaycox, Hazel M. born 5/1/1923 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Jaycox, Lorain D. born 897 died 1966 Notes: Section A
Jaycox, Myrna B. born 1929 died 1988
Jaycox, Norman E. born 11/24/1929 died 1/27/2002 Notes: SFC US Army Korea Calvary Section
Jaycox, Ola born 1902 died 1973 Notes: Section A
Jaycox, Warren K. born 1927 died 2003
Jenkins, James W. born 1926 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jenkinson, David O. born 3/19/1924 died 10/18/2003 Notes: Tec 4 US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Jennings Jr., John H. born 6/12/1925 died 3/7/1984 Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Jennings, James D. born 1951 died 2000
Jennings, John H. born 7-4-1887 died 1/14/1953
Jennings, Neva born 11/18/1927 died 12/15/1955
Jennings, Robert Dale born 9/16/1971 died 1/9/1972 Notes: Hillcrest
Jensen, Bess M. born 1898 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jensen, Evelyn A. born 1897 died 1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Jensen, George M. born 1914 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jensen, Louis born 1892 died 1969 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jensen, Marie C. born 4/21/1921 died 2/24/1986 Notes: Devotion Section
Jensen, Maybelle A. born 1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jensen, Walter N. born 1890 died 1967 Notes: Devotion Section
Jentzsch, Helen G. born 1896 died 1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Jerome, John born 7/12/1923 died 10/1/1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jesser, Henry born 1898 died 1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Jesser, Rose born 1899 died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Jessogne, Linda F. born 1898 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jessogne, Norval J. born 1903 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jett, Joseph C. (Buster) born 1906 died 1984 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jett, Ruby T. born 1911 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Jimenez, Antonio F. born 1903 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Jimenez, Cruz A. born 1903 died 1984 Notes: Via Crucis
Jimenez, Elizabeth Jean born no date died 8/4/1953 Notes: Daughter of August and Celeste Mt Olivet Section
Jimenez, Joseph E. born 2/26/1924 died 1/16/1957 Notes: Colorado Sgt US Marine Corps Res. WWII Calvary Section
Jimenez, Lucy P. born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Jimenez, Max F. born 1896 died 1991 Notes: Via Crucis
Jimenez, Pete born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Jimenez, Rose born 4/25/1920 died 12/1/2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Jimenez, Tony M. III born 1973 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Jimenez, Viola A. born 1909 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Jiron, Jose U. born 1910 died 2005 Notes: Pieta
Jiron, Luis B. born 9/10/1912 died 9/15/2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Jiron, Mary Louise born 1961 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Jiron, Virginia born 1916 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Johns, Gary Dean born 10/28/1950 died 8/21/1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johns, James Elihu Jr. born 3/21/1942 died 7/22/1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnsen, Doris E. born 10-26-1898 died 1/15/1995 Notes: Section A
Johnsen, George A. born 10-8-1887 died 11/26/1953 Section A
Johnson, Alan L. born August 2, 1952 died July 9, 1973 Notes: Hillcrest
Johnson, Arzilla J. born 1908 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Johnson, Ben W. born 1880 died 1962 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Bessie Elsie born 1910 died 1997 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, Billie born 1924 died 1993
Johnson, Billie Geo. born 11/17/1936 died 5/5/1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Brunetta M. born 1915 died 1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Buddy Wm. A. born 1919 died 1986
Johnson, Carrie Lynn died Aug. 23, 1968 Notes: Babyland Section
Johnson, Charles B. born 1910 died 1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Clemaca born 1888 died 1984 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Curtis Glenn born Mar. 9, 1961 died Sep. 18, 1963 Notes: Babyland Section
Johnson, D A born 1910 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Johnson, Deanna Kathleen born 1955 died 1992 Notes: Hillcrest
Johnson, Delores B. born 1923 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Diana L. born 1948 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Edgar Fredrick born 4/24/1906 died 11/24/1993 Notes: Hillcrest
Johnson, Edward R. born 1912 died 1998 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Edythe L. born 1907 died 1974 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Elizabeth P. born 1875 died 1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Ella Mae born 1931 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Ella May born 3-16-1872 died 10/17/1943 Section A
Johnson, Elmer A. born 1900 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, Ely C. born 1887 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Fay I. born 11/13/1926 died no date
Johnson, Florence born 1888 died 1975 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnson, Floyd born 1921 died 2004
Johnson, Floyd C. born 3/24/1894 died 9/16/1963 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Frances E. born 4/10/1903 died 12/31/1996 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Frank G. born 4/5/1926 died 7/4/1972 Notes: Via Crucis
Johnson, Frank O. born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Garfield John born 1924 died 2001 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, George J. born 3/5/1912 died 12/29/1967 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, George W. born 1891 died 1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnson, George W. born 1909 died 1968 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, H. Marie born 1905 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, H. Tommy born 1921 died 1985 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Harold L. born 1920 died 1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Harry L. born 1911 died 1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnson, Helen Freeman born 5/10/1898 died 5/14/1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Johnson, Helen M. born 1904 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Henry J. born 1905 died 1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Johnson, Hollie H. born 1887 died 1955 Section A
Johnson, Ida I. born 1898 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, Irene born 1928 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Jack J. born 3/03/1875 died 1/10/1950 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Jack K. born 1904 died 1964 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, James Charles born 2/11/1920 died 4/25/1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, James H. born 1874 died 1955 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, James M. born 11/20/1895 died 12/17/1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Jane Victor born 1922 died no date Notes: Section A
Johnson, June Beverly born 1930 died 1999 Notes: Hillcrest
Johnson, June Marie born 6/8/1935 died 8/16/1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnson, Katherine E. born 1927 died 2002 Notes: Hillcrest
Johnson, Kathy Ann born 2/17/1973 died 2/22/1973 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Kenneth L. born 1944 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Lauren H. born 1920 died 1982 Notes: Faith Section
Johnson, Lois Ervin born 1907 died 1985
Johnson, Lorraine B. born 1913 died 1996 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Mahlon C. born 12/21/1920 died 10/2/1986 Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII, Hillcrest Section
Johnson, Mary E. born 1892 died 1982 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Mary F. born 1910 died 1986 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnson, Mary Frances born Apr. 7, 1919 died Dec. 28, 2006 Notes: Faith Section
Johnson, Mary Lee born 1907 died 2001 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Matilda born 1895 died 1983 Notes: wife of Orval
Johnson, Matilda M. born 1912 died 2004
Johnson, Minnie born 9/25/1870 died 12/28/1959 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Minnie E. born 9-9-1867 died 7/26/1958 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, Myrtle S. born 1893 died 1972 Notes: Section A
Johnson, Nancy Louise born 2/18/1953 died 11/8/1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Opal born 1913 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Orval born 1892 died 1978
Johnson, Orval Charles born 1915 died ?
Johnson, Otis born 1-?-1904 died 4-?-1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Paul Larry born 1/15/1921 died 6/2/1995 Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Johnson, Priscilla L. born 1/16/1933 died 7/8/1951 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnson, R. Doyle born 1927 died 2002 Notes: Hillcrest
Johnson, Ralph L. born 1896 died 1985 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Raymond R. born 4-17-1888 died 10-30-1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Johnson, Rosemary Ruth born 1916 died 1997 Notes: wife of Orval Charles Johnson, daughter of Madison Travilla West and Minnie Beryl Wylie West
Johnson, Ruth Veda born 7/24/1892 died 4/17/1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Sara Anne born 1916 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, Sisie M. born 1887 died 1969 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Stanley F. born 1901 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, Terry Lee born 1956 died 1997 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Johnson, Vinnie May born 1898 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, Viola B. born 1913 died 1975 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, Ward J. born 1902 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnson, William C. born 1931 died 2005 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnson, William DeWitt born 1894 died 1969 Notes: Vesperland
Johnson, William E. born 1899 died 1971 Notes: Sunrise Section
Johnson, William E. Sr. born 2/21/1920 died 3/23/1992 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Johnson, William W. Sr. born 8/19/1919 died 6/10/1981 Notes: Tec3 US Army WWII
Johnston, David S. born 7/20/1946 died 3/2/1991 Notes: MM3 US Navy Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Johnston, Deane D. born 1904 died 1987 Notes: Vesperland
Johnston, Edna F. born 1902 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnston, Estelle L. born 1897 died 1973 Notes: Resthaven Section
Johnston, Gladys E. born 1909 died 2004 Notes: Vesperland
Johnston, Hubert I. born 1933 died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Johnston, James G. born 1859 died 1942 Notes: Section B
Johnston, Margaretta born 1860 died 1956 Notes: Section B
Johnston, Myrtle D. born 1922 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnston, Oneta born 1932 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Johnston, Raymond W. born 1900 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Johnston, Warren R. born 1895 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Jones Doris O. born 1903 died 1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones Dorothy A. born 1/23/1930 died 1/18/1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Jones, Alpha M. born 3/11/1884 died 3/29/1949 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Annie E. born 1909 died 1990 Notes: Section A
Jones, Arthur Q. born 5/4/1921 died 8/14/1998 Notes: Co X US Navy WWII
Jones, Arthur W. born 1897 died 1974 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Charley E. born 1-23-1897 died 10/8/1968 Notes: Vesperland
Jones, Darrell Lee born 1946 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, Debra Rae born 1960 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Jones, Delora W. born 1909 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, Dora Lawrence born Oct. 22, 1899 died 5/21/1958 Notes: Section A
Jones, Earl H. born 8/22/1924 died 1/7/2002 Notes: US Navy
Jones, Elcira A. born 2/21/1938 died 10/24/2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Jones, Ethel M. born 4/4/1925 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Jones, Ethel M. born 1893 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Florence I. born 1908 died 1991 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Frank W. born 1899 died 1982 Notes: Section A
Jones, George born 1897 died 1967 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, George E. born 1905 died 1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, George R. born 9-29-1932 died 9-6-1972 Notes: Section A
Jones, Hazel J. born 1909 died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Jones, Helen born 1900 died 1955 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Helen Alice born 1915 died 1955 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Jones, Helen T. born 3/10/1901 died 1/30/1962 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Jones, Herbert Austin born 1911 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Howard Lee born 1901 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, James A. born 11/22/1866 died 6/1/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Jay Jean Jr. born 1930 died 1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, Jean E. born 1921 died 1992 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Jones, Joseph R. born 1910 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, Lois A. born 1906 died 1999 Notes: Section A
Jones, Mary Jo born 5/6/1923 died 1/22/2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, Matthew G. born 1903 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, Paul F. born 1900 died 1970 Notes: Section A
Jones, Ray B. born 1884 died 1967 Notes: Sunrise Section
Jones, S. Troy born 1940 died 1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jones, Sylvia Iris born 1992 died 1993 Notes: Babyland Section
Jones, Vivian M. born 12/2/1913 died 10/30/1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Jones, Wanda Rae born 1930 died 1974 Notes: Section B
Jones, William P. born 1904 died 1978 Notes: Devotion Section
Jones, Willie born 1902 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jordahl, Doris born 4/24/1918 died 2/22/2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Jordahl, Ivan E. born 2/21/1922 died 8/28/1992 Notes: Maj US Air Force WWII Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Jordan, Charlotte Jean born 1936 died 1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Jordan, Charlotte Jean Allee born 5/29/1936 died 1/1/1984 Notes: (daughter of Clarence and Mildred Allee) Garden 6
Jordan, D. Soto S. Rev. born 1904 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jordan, Hattie Lee born 1/14/1915 died 6/18/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Jordan, Hosie E. born 2/26/1921 died 12/9/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Jordan, Inez Z. born 1909 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Jorstad, Gloria A. born 4/1/1935 died 1/15/1971 Notes: Resthaven Section
Juarez, Ramona C. born 1894 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Jubert, Felix Sr. born 8-15-1898 died 4/14/1988 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Jubic, Philip born 1894 died 1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Jubic, Theresa born 1911 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Judge, Blanche E. born 1884 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Judson, Ruth P. born 12/13/1935 died 12/30/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Julian, Doris Z. born 1923 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Julian, John O. born 1917 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Justice, Kirk C. born 6-7-1884 died 12/25/1957 Notes: Section B
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell