Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
O’Brien, Alfred E. born 1919 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
O’Connell, Sarah born 10-03-1897 died 10/13/1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
O’Connell, William born 10-28-1896 died 11/20/1968 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
O’Connor, Edith J. born 3/3/1903 died 5/23/1987 Notes: Vesperland
O’Connor, William J. born 4-18-1893 died 5/25/1971 Notes: Vesperland
O’Dell, Lawrence born 8/26/1931 died 6/9/1999 Notes: SA US Navy Korea Calvary Section
O’Heron, Belle born 1893 died 1958 Notes: Calvary Section
O’Heron, W.P. “Pat” born 1873 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
O’Leary William J. born 1900 died 1978 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
O’Leary, Elizabeth A. born 1891 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
O’Leary, Harriet E. born 1910 died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
O’Leary, Helen M. born 1901 died 1985 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
O’Leary, J. Edward born 1906 died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
O’Leary, James Edward born 9-26-1870 died 4/3/1950 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
O’Leary, James J. born 1879 died 1961 Notes: Calvary Section
O’Leary, Michael D. born 4-08-1889 died 2-17-1977 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
O’Leary, Sarah Eliz born 12-17-1866 died 12-30-1953 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
O’Leary, Trudence E. born 1927 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
O’Leary, Vironica C. born 12-30-1888 died 7-02-1975 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
O’Neil, Helen M. born 1911 died 1971Notes: Section A
O’Niel, Lula B. born 1/08/1895 died 5/3/1991 Notes: Devotion Section
O’Toole, Katherine A. born 3-12-1889 died 7/22/1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Oakes, Gary Allen born 7/15/1965 died 7/23/1997 Notes: Garden of Hope
Oakley, Arthur L. born 1927 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Oakley, Elizabeth L. born 1929 died 1998 Notes: Calvary Section
Oaks, Bessie Ellen born 1911 died 1996 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oaks, Emma S. born 4/30/1891 died 5/17/1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Oaks, Floyd S. born 3/10/1898 died 1/10/1968 Notes: Resthaven Section
Oaks, Francis C. born 8/20/1922 died 10/14/2001 Notes: SSgt US Army Singing Tower Section
Oaks, Joseph W. born 4/10/1868 died 12/21/1949 Notes: Resthaven Section
Oaks, Paul L. born 1911 died 1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oaks, Percy Walter Jr. born 9/8/1921 died 10/23/1986 Notes: Devotion Section
Oaks, Rachel V. born no date died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Oates, Margaret F. born 9/28/1917 died 5/10/1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Oates, Merlin N. born 5/31/1906 died 8/21/1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
O'Brien, James Wasley born 12/26/1928 died 10/17/1950 Notes: Resthaven Section
Ocana, Louise V. born 1922 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Ochoa, Shirley L. born 12/18/1944 died 11/12/2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Odle, Bernice I. born 1921 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Odle, Stanley D. born 1912 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
O'Donnell, Belvie L. born 1925 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
O'Donnell, John E. born 1921 died 1988 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Oehlert, Hans P. born 1881 died 1959 Notes: Resthaven Section
Oehlert, Mildred A. born 1884 died 1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Oeting, Helen R. born 1910 died 2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Oetting, Franklin H. born 1907 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Ogaz, Saturnina V. De born 11-28-1874 died 3/24/1954 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Ogaz, Vincent born 9/1/1925 died 2/24/1986 Notes: RD2 US Navy WWII Calvary Section
Ogden, Bernadette M. born no date died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ogden, Edwin G. born 1914 died 1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ogden, Julia K. born 6/22/1954 died no date Notes: Hillcrest
Ogden, Marcie G. born 1918 died 1989 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ogden, William Guy born 6/24/1952 died 8/4/1975 Notes: Sp 4 US Army, Hillcrest
Ogden, William Richard born 2/20/1923 died 5/30/1989 Notes: MSgt US Air Force WWII & Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Ohse, Jean A. born 1928 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ohse, John W. born 1924 died 2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ohse, Larry J. born 1948 died 2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ohse, Mark L. born 1951 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Okey, Pansy E. born 1909 died 1985 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Okey, Rudlph J. born 1903 died 1974 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Oldham, Charles Edward born 1/25/1879 died 1/20/1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oldham, Donald H. born 1910 died 1987 Notes: Vesperland
Oldham, Mattie Pearl born 9/29/1884 died 10/19/1977 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oldham, Wilma V. born 1912 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
Olguin, Alice E. born 1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Olguin, Catherine born 1915 died 1998 Notes: Faith Section
Olguin, Condello born 1915 died 1985 Notes: Faith Section
Olguin, Louie A. born 1919 died 2003 Notes: Calvary Section
Olguin, Mervin born 3/26/1924 died 9/13/1959 Notes: Vesperland
Oliva, Angel born 10/2/1927 died 10/19/1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Oliva, Magario born 1924 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Oliva, Patricia L. born 1928 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Oliva, Senida R. born 11/23/1931 died 12/31/2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Oliva, Susie Rose born 2/14/1926 died 7/10/1992 Notes: Pieta
Olivas, Benedict B. born 1931 died 2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Olivas, Frances born 1925 died 2002 Notes: Pieta
Olivas, Fred A. born 1931 died 1991Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Olivas, Fred A. Jr. born 1962 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Olivas, Joe H. born 7/29/1930 died 8/27/1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Olivas, Joseph C. born 1907 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Olivas, Lola V. born 1929 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Olivas, Margaret T. born 1911 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Olivas, Patricia A. born 1937 died 1994 Notes: Via Crucis
Olivas, Theresa born 8/15/1931 died 10/9/2002 Notes: Faith Section
Oliver, Brenda J. born 1943 died 1967 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Oliver, James Earl born 1901 died 1965 Notes: Vesperland
Oliver, Mary E. born 1912 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
Oliver, Mervin E. born 1897 died 1962 Notes: Devotion Section
Olschefski, Delphine born 1929 died 2000 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Olschefski, Ronald H. born 1931 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Olson, Agnes M. born 1900 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Olson, Elizabeth M. born Oct. 13, 1985 died 5/16/1986 Notes: Babyland Section
Olson, Jimmie R. born 1931 died 2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Olson, John G. born 1898 died 1985 Notes: Sunrise Section
Olson, Millard O. born 5/9/1919 died 9/18/1995 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Olson, Pearl D. born 1902 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Olson, Phyllis J. born 1933 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Ong, Lee F. born 6/1/1922 died 12/27/1987 Notes: Resthaven Section
Onstott, Diana Baulesh born 4/9/1944 died 10/23/2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Orchard, Miles A. born 11-23-1898 died 4/26/1963Notes: Hillcrest, Missouri Pvt 1854 Sta Com Unit WWII
Orcutt, Jane E. born 1918 died 1992
Orcutt, Virgil J. born 1/3/1909 died 3/1/1967
Ordaz, Alvin J. Jr. born Aug. 11, 1936 died Aug. 8, 1964 Notes: Faith Section
Ordaz, David Lee born 1946 died 1976 Notes: Faith Section
Oreskovich, Peter M. born 1924 died 2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Oreskovich, Sally J. born 1926 died 2002 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Oreskovich, Virginia C. born 1932 died 1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Orf, Bryan Keith born 3/10/1928 died 6/4/1968 Notes: Vesperland
Origer, Lewis J. born 1931 died 2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ornelas, Cathy Jo born 1969 died 2000 Notes: Via Crucis
Ornelas, Cecilia born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta
Ornelas, Lawrence born 1936 died 2003 Notes: Pieta
Ornelas, Michael A. born 1963 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Orona, Florentina V. born 1901 died 1978 Notes: Via Crucis
Orta, Kathy G. born 6/27/1951 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Orta, Pedro Angel born 7/8/1949 died 8/25/1995Notes: Sgt US Army Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Ortega Jr., Felix born 4/1/1931 died 10/27/1995Notes: Sr US Navy Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Ortega, Alfred born 1910 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Alonzo E. born 11/27/1937 died 9/29/1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Ortega, Angelina M. born 1930 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Ortega, Beatrice born 10/14/1928 died 11/12/1990Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ortega, Benjamin E. born 1912 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Bernard M. born 9/27/1964 died 8/16/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Bertha born 1925 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortega, Catherine G. born 1953 died 1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Domitilio E. born 2/1/1909 died 8-09-1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Ortega, Ernest born 1929 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortega, Esther born 1910 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Faustin born 1918 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortega, Guadalupe born 1899 died 1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Ortega, Jim born 1920 died 1988Notes: Tec 4 US Army WWII
Ortega, John G. born 4/23/1926 died 6/13/1992Notes: Pvt US Army Korea
Ortega, Joseph A. born 1962 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Juan B. born 1886 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortega, M. Louisa born 1890 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Mary Ruby born 1928 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Ortega, Rose R. born 1910 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortega, Roy born 1927 died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Ortega, Rudolph Eloy born 3/10/1944 died 5/23/1992 Notes: Sp4 US Army Vietnam Calvary Section
Ortega, Samuel born 1913 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortibez, Beatrice born 1914 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Ortibez, Eustacio born 1914 died 1981 Notes: Faith Section
Ortivez, Bernilia V. born 1927 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortivez, Lorenzo born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Ortivez, Teddie E. no dates born no date died no date Notes: Hillcrest
Ortiviz, Arthur J. born 3/11/1922 died 10/13/1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortiviz, Cruz A. born 5-?-1859 died 11-?-1948 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Ortiviz, Ella M. born 1892 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortiviz, Flora A. born 8/15/1926 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Ortiviz, Henry born 1914 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortiviz, John C. born 1890 died 1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortiviz, Mella S. born 1917 died 1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortiz, Albert born 1910 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Ortiz, Baby Boy born no date died 1959 Notes: Via Crucis
Ortiz, Desiderio “Dick” born 1923 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Ortiz, Emelia born no date died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Ortiz, Eric Anthony died Sept. 19, 2002 Notes: Babyland Section
Ortiz, Jose M. born 1914 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortiz, Jose P. born 1987 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortiz, Jose S. born 11/7/1911 died 1/6/1994Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Ortiz, Josie O. born 1922 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortiz, Marjorie born 5/6/1918 died 4/30/1996 Notes: Pieta
Ortiz, Nicholas J. born 6/21/1920 died 3/19/1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Ortiz, Quiteria “Katie” born 1926 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Ortiz, Rachel born 1908 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Ortiz, Rosanna born 1915 died 2001 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Ortiz, Sherry Lee born 1949 died 1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Ortiz, Victor born 12/23/1915 died 1/9/1999 Notes: Pieta
Osborne, Mildred J. born 1916 died 1993 Notes: Vesperland
Oshel, Brenda S. born 1/11/1960 died 5/19/1960 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oshel, Stormy D. born 11/9/1961 died 1/24/1962 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oskle, Maximiliano born 12/29/1904 died 1/7/1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Osorio, Sophia born 1941 died 1998 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Oster, Deborah Ann born 3/16/1966 died 2/19/2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Osuna, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Otero, Ben born 1940 died 2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Otero, Dora born 1939 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Otero, Jennie born 6/15/1922 died 8/22/2000Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Otero, Juanita born 1914 died 1999 Notes: Section A
Otero, Lewis N. born 5/10/1950 died 4/8/2005 Notes: Pieta
Otero, Orlando A. born 9/4/1916 died 5/19/1994Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII
Otero, Seferino born 1915 died 1979 Notes: Section A
Oto, Mary Elizabeth born 1964 died 2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Otoupalik, Joe E. born 1909 died 1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Otoupalik, Theresa born 1912 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Ott, Joseph H. born 1910 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Ott, Rose born 1918 died 1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Outhier, Violet L. born 5/22/1901 died 11/12/1964 Notes: Sunrise Section
Outhier, William A. born 11/30/1907 died 6/1/1973 Notes: Sunrise Section
Oviatt, Zerald Albert born 10/26/1898 died 2/19/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Owen, Alice M. born 1921 died 2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Owen, Glenn E. born 1920 died 1985 Notes: Devotion Section
Owen, Joan born 7/26/1926 died died 10/28/1950 Notes: Vesperland
Owen, Roberta W. born 1925 died 1985 Notes: Calvary Section
Owens Jr., John Richard born 9/19/1948 died 11/1/1997 Notes: AIG US Air Force Veterans Court of Honor
Owens, Barbara born no date died no date
Owens, Everett A. born 1908 died 1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Owens, Jessie E. born 1886 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Owens, John Willard born 2/28/1919 died 3/26/1958 Notes: Colorado Sgt 746 Ry OPR Bn TC WWII Calvary Section
Owens, Malcolm S. born 3/26/1917 died 12/19/1971 Notes: Resthaven Section
Owens, Miriam M. born 12/4/1918 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Owens, Nadine M. born 1908 died 1967 Notes: Resthaven Section
Owens, Robert L. born 1886 died 1957 Notes: Resthaven Section
Oyler, Alice K. born 1903 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Oyler, Denver E. born 1904 died 2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Ozzello, Josephine born 7/9/1906 died 12/8/1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Ozzello, Justine C. born 9/1/1938 died 2/9/1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Ozzello, Michael born 7/12/1905 died 9/12/1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell