Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Sabo, Ernest born no date died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sabo, Helen Christine born 2/28/1936 died 11/14/1998 Notes: Via Crucis
Sachs, Mina born 1879 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sachse, Bobby Gene PFC born 2/20/1930 died 8/27/1949 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sachse, Claude E. born 1890 died 1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sachse, Mabel J. born 1898 died 1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sage, Ferne Ann born 8/25/1906 died 9/10/1982 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sage, James Clifford born 12-21-1897 died 4/27/1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Saia, Mike born 1867 died 1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Saia, Rumaldo Jr. born Jan. 23, 1942 died Jun. 14, 1969 Notes: Faith Section
Sais, Eulalia born 1910 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Sais, Francis E. born 5/11/1937 died Sep. 20, 1997 Notes: Faith Section
Sais, Rumaldo born 1908 died 1990 Notes: Faith Section
Saiz, Gilbert A. born 1916 died 2001 Notes: Via Crucis
Saiz, Helen E. born 1919 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Sakaley, Frank E. born 9/14/1920 died 8/2/1955 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sakaley, James William born 1922 died 1977 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sakaly, John born 10-29-1881 died 4/24/1954 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Sakaly, Mary C. born 11-20-1897 died 9-29-1979 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Salardino, Marjorie A. born 3/23/1925 died 5/18/2002 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Salas, Bennie V. born 1909 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Salas, Elsie M. born 1912 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Salas, Lorenzo D. born 1948 died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Salas, Maria J. born 1952 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Salas, Polita G. born 3-4-1886 died 3/5/1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Salas, Valentin born 8/31/1914 died 8/8/1995Notes: Cpl US Army WWII
Salazae, Arthur R. born 1955 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Salazar, Amalia born 1910 died 1978 Notes: Via Crucis
Salazar, Anna Maria born 1908 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Salazar, Antonio born 7/30/1931 died 8/28/2001 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Salazar, Apolonio born 1892 died 1951 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Salazar, Bertha born 2/20/1914 died 2/17/1995 Notes: Garden of Hope
Salazar, Betty L. born 1926 died 2004 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Salazar, David Leroy died Jul. 22, 1974 Notes: Babyland Section
Salazar, Delecia G. born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Salazar, Edward born 1925 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Salazar, Elouise M. born 1925 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Salazar, Emiteria born 10-9-1891 died 2/11/1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Salazar, Eric Tony born no date died 6/17/1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Salazar, Jennie born 1922 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Salazar, Jimmy A. born 3/23/1924 died 11/15/1970 Notes: New Mexico PFC US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Salazar, Joe born 1906 died 1948 Notes: Section A
Salazar, Joseph S. born 2/11/1913 died 5/24/1998 Notes: Garden of Hope
Salazar, Lee born 1905 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Salazar, Leonard “Nolito" born 1957 died 1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Salazar, Manuel born 1923 died 1988 Notes: Via Crucis
Salazar, Margarita born 1891 died 1974 Notes: Via Crucis
Salazar, Margarito born 1917 died 1991 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Salazar, Moises B. born 1929 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Salazar, Orfelia M. born 1938 died 1993 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Salazar, Paulita born 11/29/1894 died 1/8/1998 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Salazar, Ricardo born 1901 died 1983 Notes: Pieta Section
Salazar, Sylvia D. born 10/30/1938 died 12/30/1996 Notes: Pieta
Salazar, Tobias born 1899 died 1978 Notes: Via Crucis
Saldana, Maria S. born 1893 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Saldana, Pedro born 1895 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Salinas, Jack born 1914 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Salmans, Alfred L. born Aug. 26, 1888 died Jan. 26,1993 Notes: Section A
Salmans, Myrtle A. born Dec.21, 1895 died Oct. 16, 1961 Notes: Section A
Salmon, Evelyn Mae born 1908 died 1999 Notes: Sunrise Section
Salmon, William Bert born 1904 died 1971 Notes: Sunrise Section
Samberson, Lory Albert born 1916 died 1974 Notes: Vesperland
Samberson, Mildred N. born 1917 died 2003 Notes: Vesperland
Samec, Anna G. born 1904 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Samec, Henry E. born 4/21/1913 died 8/25/1985 Notes: Vesperland
Samec, Stanley born 1903 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Samek, Gladys F. born 1917 died 2004 Notes: Devotion Section
Samek, Vernon V. born 1917 died 2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Samer, Charlotte E. born 1913 died 1966 Notes: Faith Section
Sammon, Margaret born 1932 died 1988 Notes: Pieta
Sammon, Mitchell Lee born 5/12/1964 died 5/14/1964 Notes: Babyland Section
Samora, Alex Joe born 5/22/1919 died 11/19/1977 Notes: Via Crucis
Samora, Clifford born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Samora, Fred B. born 1966 died 1983 Notes: Pieta Section
Samora, Lela E. born 12/2/1919 died 8/19/1985 Notes: Via Crucis
Samora, Louise M. born 1933 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Samples, Arthur born 8-31-1885 died 7/27/1962Notes:Section B
Samples, Arthur Jr. born 1919 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Samples, Katherine F. born 1-20-1895 died 11/14/1982Notes:Section B
Samples, Robert E. born 4/30/1930 died 9/24/1958Notes:Section B
Samples, Stephanie A. born 1921 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Sampson, Homer M. born 11/25/1880 died 3/1/1947 Notes: Sunrise Section
Samson, Jim E. born 5/29/1915 died 8/16/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Sanchez, Abenicio Ben born 7-17-1889 died 8/7/1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Adelia born 1917 died 2001Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Agapito born 1932 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Albert Jr. born 1950 died 1998 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Alfonso born 5/27/1933 died 1/31/2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Andres born 1895 died 1985 Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Armando born 1924 died 1987 Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Augustine A. born 5/27/1936 died 5/6/1992Notes: Sgt US Army Korea
Sanchez, Brigida born 11-24-1893 died 9/26/1975 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Charles born 7/7/1916 died 7/12/1950 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sanchez, David born 1941 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Debra born 1960 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Delia I. born 4/20/1924 died 4/3/1985 Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Dennis F. born 9/8/1952 died 3/3/2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Eliberto A. born 4/12/1920 died 11/25/2005 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sanchez, Elizabeth Ann born 1940 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Eloy D. born 1941 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Elvira F. born 1945 died 2000Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Emelina born 1900 died 1963 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Emiliana born 1896 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Emma born 1914 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Emma born 1907 died 2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Esau born 1908 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sanchez, Esteban born 1907 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Esther C. born 1920 died 2001Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Eva M. born 1915 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Florence born 9/5/1935 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Gilbert Ernest born 7/26/1933 died 11/11/1991 Notes: SSgt US Air Force Crew Chief Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Helen born Sept. 30, 1907 died Dec. 25,2001 Notes: Section A
Sanchez, Jimmie B. born 6/20/1938 died 12/10/1998 Notes: Sgt US Air Force Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Joe G. born 1927 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Sanchez, John A. born 1908 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, John G. born 1916 died 1996Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, John G. born 12/8/1925 died 1-31-1999 Notes: Cpl US Marine Corps WWII Bdr Patrol Calvary Section
Sanchez, Joseph born 1948 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Joseph P. born 2/15/1923 died 1/1/1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Juanita born 1902 died 1995 Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Julia B. born 1896 died 1968 Notes: Faith Section
Sanchez, Julia M. born 1900 died 1998 Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Katie born 1925 died no date Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Kenny M. born 1981 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Sanchez, Leopoldo born 1891 died 1980 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Levy M. born 6/16/1916 died 1/15/1999Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Lucas born 1895 died 1986 Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Lucy born 1923 died no date Notes: Pieta
Sanchez, Manuela G. born 5-18-1894 died 2/18/1961 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Maria Victoria born 12-23-1879 died 10/25/1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Marina born 1894 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Mary born 1915 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sanchez, Mary Susie born 10/11/1924 died 4/15/1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Melquiadez born 1900 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Mena born 1944 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Orella M. born 1919 died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Sanchez, Phillip born 1896 died 1964 Notes: Faith Section
Sanchez, Regina R. born 1960 died 2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Sanchez, Robert born 1963 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Rosenaldo born 11/24/1919 died 10/10/2002Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Sanchez, Sharlene S. born 10/13/1966 died 6/15/1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Sanchez, Sofia M. born 1896 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Sanchez, Theresa C. born 5/24/1951 died 7/26/1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez, Thomas A. born 1958 died 2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Sanchez, Thomas R. born 1/31/1931 died 7/30/2003 Notes: A3C US Air Force Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Sanchez, Victor born 1905 died 1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Sanchez., Onesimo Sr. born 1917 died 2002Notes: American Legion
Sand, Elizabeth P. born 11/8/1918 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sand, Elmer J. born 7/22/1917 died 6/13/2002Notes: US Army WWII
Sanders, Alivia Marie died Nov. 21, 2004 Notes: Babyland Section
Sanders, Annie R. born 3/6/1921 died 4/5/2003 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sanders, Benena “Bessie” born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Sanders, Carol K. born 1943 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sanders, Ellen born 1-19-1889 died 7/14/1949Notes:Section B
Sanders, John W. born 3-11-1890 died 10/10/1967Notes:Section B
Sanders, Ralph Lee born 1940 died 1991 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sanders, Robbie C. born 5/3/1991 died 5/3/1991 Notes: Babyland Section
Sandival, Candelaria G. born 1923 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval Arthur R. born Oct. 2, 1955 died Dec. 30, 2004 Notes: Faith Section
Sandoval, Albert J. born 1922 died 1981 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII Calvary Section
Sandoval, Alfonso born 1919 died 1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sandoval, Alfonso C. born 1913 died 1983 Notes: Pieta
Sandoval, Alice E. born 1920 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Annie born 1907 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Aurelio born 1911 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Beatrice L. born 1905 died 2002 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sandoval, Benito M. born 1886 died 1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sandoval, Chris J. born 1910 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandoval, Claudio J. born 1910 died 1965 Notes: Faith Section
Sandoval, Daniel S. born 1940 died 1974 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Eduardo born 1887 died 1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandoval, Edward born 9/8/1928 died 8/31/2004 Notes: Cpl US Army Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Sandoval, Edward born 5/3/1905 died 2/19/1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Elsie Anne Marie born 6/19/1980 died 8/11/2006 Notes: Faith Section
Sandoval, Elvira born 1914 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Sandoval, Emilia born 1889 died 1979 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Feliberto J. born 1901 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Frank G. born 1917 died 2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Frank I. born 1916 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Gertrude born 1915 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Jane Dorothy born 7/28/1946 died 11/11/1975 Notes: Faith Section
Sandoval, Jerry L. born 1939 died 1970 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Joe L. born 1916 died 1992 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, John D. "Danny" born Jun. 6, 1969 died Feb. 28, 1974 Notes: Babyland Section
Sandoval, Jose U. born 3/27/1934 died 7/10/2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Sandoval, Josephine born 1886 died 1970 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Josephine born 1922 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Sandoval, Lillian J. born 11/26/1952 died 7/18/1956 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandoval, Louise J. born 1936 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Lydia O. born 1949 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Manuel born 1900 died 1992 Notes: Pieta
Sandoval, Marcelino born 1884 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandoval, Maria A. born Dec. 1, 1953 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Sandoval, Paul born 1907 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Sandoval, Phillip R. born 1902 died 1986 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sandoval, Rhonda Leeann born 8/7/1970 died 7/5/1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Richard L. born 1941 died 1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Sandoval, Robert W. born 11/21/1919 died 11/4/1997 Notes: Pieta
Sandoval, Romolo born 11/9/1914 died 10/24/1997Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Sandoval, Rose Marie born 9/26/1924 died 8-20-2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandoval, Rosita D. born 1893 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandoval, Sally May born 5/10/1924 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Sara M. born 8/7/1896 died 12/14/1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sandoval, Sharon Susan born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sandoval, Sinda M. born 1911 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Sands, Howard H. born 1881 died 1958 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sands, Sarah B. born 1874 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sandstrom, Gustave E. born 1881 died 1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandstrom, Laura A. born 1881 died 1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Sandusky, Penny L. born 1951 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sanford, Berley C. born 1899 died 1984
Sanford, Charles S born 1897 died 1978
Sanmiguel, Guadalupe L. born 1904 died 1982 Notes: Faith Section
Sanmiguel, Juan born 1894 died 1968 Notes: Faith Section
Santarelli, Ralph T. born 1932 died 1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Santillanes, John E. born 6/24/1910 died 1/11/1951 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Santistevan, Almindro born 1891 died 1965 Notes: Via Crucis
Santistevan, Amadita born 1894 died 1972 Notes: Via Crucis
Santistevan, Demetrio C. born 1914 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Santistevan, Endelecia born 5/19/1904 died 5/23/1952 Notes: Calvary Section
Santistevan, Fidelia born 1901 died 1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Santistevan, George L. born 1924 died 1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Santistevan, Ida L. born Sept. 23, 1924 died Jan. 22, 1966 Notes: Faith Section
Santistevan, Jerry A. born 1906 died 1989 Notes: Pieta Section
Santistevan, Levi A. born 4/29/1923 died 6/9/1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Santistevan, Levi A. Jr. born 4/6/1974 died 7/3/2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Santistevan, Margaret Marie born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Santistevan, Richard D. born 1945 died 2004 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Santistevan, Sharon P. born 1949 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Santos, Connie born 1925 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Santos, Joseph D. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Santos, Joseph R. born 1914 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Santos, Lupe G. born 1917 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Santos, Manuel A. born 1919 died 1994 Notes: Pieta Section
Santos, Marcella C. born 1924 died 1984 Notes: Calvary Section
Santos, Thomas Jr. born 7/4/1961 died 1-06-1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Santos, Tommy born 10/20/1942 died 10/10/1989 Notes: RM3 US Navy Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Santoyo, Lupe C. born 3/3/1924 died 12/24/1996Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Santoyo, Phil Rayes born 5/26/1925 died 6/28/1997Notes: US Navy WWII
Sapeda, John Henry born 5/11/1923 died 10/21/1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Sarlo, Connie R. born 1944 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sarmiento, Ida B. born Apr. 3, 1942 died Aug. 4, 2002 Notes: Faith Section
Sartoris, Jeffery M. born 1974 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Saucier, Mary M. born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta
Saucier, William Q. born 1922 died 1994 Notes: Pieta
Sauer, Frank F. born 1902 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Sauer, Margaret R. born 1920 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Saunders, Eddie A. born 1912 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Saunders, Emma L. born 1910 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Saunders, Richard A. Jr. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Savage, Arsa M. born 1902 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Savage, Carlton Edward born 9/20/1961 died 9/20/1961 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Savage, Dan born 4/23/1915 died 12/28/1973 Notes: Colorado SSgt US Army WWII Mt Olivet Section
Savage, David L. born 1-17-1886 died 2/23/1960 Notes: Vesperland
Savage, George B. born 1886 died 1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Savage, Margaret M. born 7/31/1923 died 5-07-1981 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Savage, Nellie V. born 1917 died 1992 Notes: Resthaven Section
Savage, Omer C. born 1898 died 1982 Notes: Vesperland
Savage, Walter S. born 1921 died 1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Savoy, Louis R. born 1919 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Savoy, Rose born 1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Sawa, Phelimino born 8-15-1884 died 2-25-1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Sawhill, Elden R. born 6/22/1916 died 10/19/1994 Notes: FC1 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Sawhill, Norene P. born 10/2/1916 died 11/7/1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Saxton, Cecil L. born 1903 died 1966
Saxton, Ethel M. born 1908 died 1962
Sayers, Hilda born 6-30-1893 died 4/8/1971
Scalese, Frank D. born 1938 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Scalese, Josephine J. born 1942 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Scaman, Cecil H. born 1925 died 1979 Notes: Sunrise Section
Scaman, Clarence “Tinker” born 1927 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Scaman, Floyd E. born 1900 died 1964 Notes: Sunrise Section
Scaman, Nellie M. born 1904 died 1994 Notes: Sunrise Section
Scaman, Richard A. Sr. born 7/29/1951 died 9/19/2000 Notes: Sp4 US Army Singing Tower Section
Scanlan, Angie Lucille born July 20,1888 died Feb. 1, 1973 Notes: Section A
Scanlan, Inez Luvern born Apr. 18,1890 died Nov. 19, 1965 Notes: Section A
Scanlon, Carmen born 7/14/1919 died 2/23/1955 Notes: Calvary Section
Scarlett, Anna Barbara born 1873 died 1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Scarlett, Arthur Lynn born 1901 died 1964 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Scarlett, Margaret C. born 1905 died 1991 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Scarlett, Nancy born 1862 died 2/2/1952 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schade, Alvin L. born 1936 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Schade, John O. born 5/29/1912 died 9/7/1954 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schade, Karen M. born 5/7/1947 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Schade, Loletta L. born 1938 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Schade, Naomi P. "SIS" born 1920 died 2004 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schade, Thelma L. born 4/30/1924 died 3/18/1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schade, Thomas M. born 1/23/1941 died 11/2/2003 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schade, William born 1917 died 1999 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schaffer, Bertha M. born 1905 died 1981 Notes: Vesperland
Schaffer, Daniel R. born 1893 died 1962 Notes: Vesperland
Schaffer, Emory L. born 1902 died 1981 Notes: Vesperland
Schaffer, Hedwig C. born 10-02-1887 died 5/10/1952 Notes: Calvary Section
Schaffer, John born 6-06-1875 died 8/2/1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Schaffer, Mary born 1910 died 2000 Notes: Calvary Section
Schaffer, Robert Dale born 1938 died 1967 Notes: Vesperland
Schaffer, William born 1908 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Scharton, Darryl L. born 1962 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Schaukowitch, Carl J. born no date died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Schermerhorn, Daniel D. born 1898 died 1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Schermerhorn, J. Genevieve born 1910 died 1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Schermerhorn, Jason Robert Wayne died Dec. 4, 2002 Notes: Babyland Section
Schiechl, Harry J. born 5/23/1922 died 3/11/1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schiechl, Robert R. born 8/3/1945 died 3/4/1966 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army Singing Tower Section
Schiechl, Ruth M. born 3/26/1922 died 7/12/1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schill, Alice V. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Schindler, Louise D. born 3/12/1905 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Schindler, Walter J. born 3/20/1905 died 1986 Notes: Vesperland
Schlegel, Arthur E. born 1913 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Schlegel, Clarence L. born 1916 died 1969 Notes: Section A
Schlegel, Doyle K. born 1/18/1943 died 1/7/1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schlegel, Helen D. born 1914 died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Schlegel, Lone D. born 1/20/1914 died 2/1/1960 Notes: Devotion Section
Schlegel, Roxanne L. born 3/7/1960 died 6/21/2003Notes: Sgt US Air Force
Schlotterbeck, Amos Lloyd born 6/17/1906 died 2/28/1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, Dianna Elvira born 8/16/1960 died 11/19/1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, Elvira I. born 11/22/1930 died 11/18/1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, Gloria Linda born 4/21/1964 died 11/21/1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, Ida Rosalia born 11/21/1900 died 10/18/1967 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, John Edward born 5/24/1963 died 11/20/1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, Michael Lee born 9/5/1961 died 11/22/1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterbeck, Russell E. born 5/25/1936 died 11/18/1964 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schlotterrbeck, Mary Louise born 4/21/1964 died 11/18/1965 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schmaltz, Billie born 1905 died 1987 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Schmaltz, John born 1904 died 1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Schmidt, Nellie L. born 1893 died 1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schmidt, Oscar D. born 1889 died 1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schmitt, Elmer born 1934 died 1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Schmoll, Donna Jo. born 1932 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schmoll, Wilford E.”Fritz” born 1922 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schneider, Herbert Henry born 10/29/1921 died 8/10/2001 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schneider, Jaunita C. born 1907 died 1950 Notes: Vesperland
Schneider, John born 1884 died 1968 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Schneider, Marjorie D. born 1915 died 1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schneider, Rose born 1892 died 1972 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Schneider, Viola Elizabeth born 4/12/1921 died 10/15/2004 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schnell, Gertrude born 4/21/1896 died 9/13/1956 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schoby, Alice S. born 10/31/1877 died 10/30/1969 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schoby, Barbara M. born 5/1/1902 died 11/28/1986 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schoby, Hugh H. born 10/22/1884 died 12/24/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schoby, Wesley L. born 4/25/1899 died 4/26/1961 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schoeninger, Laura M. born 4/8/1903 died 11/9/1983 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schoeninger, Oscar A. born 11/16/1893 died 1/11/1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Scholz, Norma J. born 8/9/1926 died 12/15/1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Schon, Gertrude M. born 1922 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schon, Gustaf born 1898 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schreiber, Charles F. born 4-16-1878 died 2/25/1950 Notes: Vesperland
Schreiber, Mary M. born 9-16-1882 died 8/29/1973 Notes: Vesperland
Schroeder, Delmar H. born 7/13/1925 died 5/7/2006 Notes: S1 US Navy WWII Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Schrofer, Lillian C. Ayres born 8/27/1875 died 10/24/1952 Notes: Vesperland
Schrum, Claudia A. born 2/05/1895 died 10/1/1968 Notes: Sunrise Section
Schrum, Harold M. born 2/11/1925 died 3/21/1999 Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Schuerman, Alvin D. born 1897 died 1984 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schuerman, Frances M. born 1904 died 1978 Notes: Resthaven Section
Schultz, Ethel L. born 1912 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schultz, Frederick C. born 2/8/1923 died 5/21/1984Notes: SSgt US Army Air Forces WWII
Schultz, Margaret R. born 5/24/1928 died 3/18/1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Schultz, Victor G. born 1898 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schulz, Heinrich G. born 3/8/1905 died 1953 Notes: Vesperland
Schulz, Marie Magdalene born 1897 died 1958 Notes: Vesperland
Schwab, Barbara born 8/17/1914 died 7/5/1997 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Schwab, Robert V. born 8/13/1922 died 5/21/2000 Notes: 1st Lt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Schwartz, Alice born 1917 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Schwartz, George born 1912 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Schwartz, Louis born 10/12/1918 died 4/1/1984 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Calvary Section
Schwartz, Mary K. born 5/14/1927 died 2/26/1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Schwartz, Ruby Alice born 1919 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schwartz, Shawnette M. born 6/30/1970 died 7/9/2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Schwartz, William born 1913 died 1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schwarze, Arvin L. born 1927 died 1994 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Schwarze, Irene E. born 1923 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Schweers, Ann M. born 1913 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
Schweers, Martin born 1913 died 1975 Notes: Vesperland
Schweiger, Dale W. born 1916 died 1993 Notes: Devotion Section
Schweiger, Virginia M. born 1918 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Schwerk, Burton E. born 1918 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Schwerk, Florence born 1915 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Scoggin, John F. born 1911 died 2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Scoggin, Nola O. born 1900 died 1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Scoggin, Richard Lee born 7/26/1969 died 6/12/1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Scoleri, Charles M. born 2/23/1909 died 7/21/1990 Notes: Pieta
Scoleri, Georgia A. born 3/12/1910 died 5/16/1997 Notes: Pieta
Scott, Charlene F. born 12/29/1918 died 3/12/1996 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Scott, Dorothy B. born 1922 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Scott, George D. born 1899 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Scott, Hazel L. born 1923 died 1988
Scott, Herman C. born 1898 died 1978 Notes: Vesperland
Scott, Isabella T. born 1911 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Scott, James Howard born 10/10/1945 died 2/5/1967 Notes: Colorado 2nd Lt Co A 60 Inf 9 Inf Div Vietnam BSM Purple Heart Mt Olivet Section
Scott, John M. born 1920 died 1985
Scott, Lloyd L. born 1916 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Scott, Pearl Dunn born 1902 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Scott, Raymond E. born 9/16/1920 died 2/29/1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Scott, William H. born 8/12/1915 died 8/8/1996 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Scrivner, Charles W. born 1914 died 1994 Notes: Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Scrivner, Geraldine born 1934 died 2000 Notes: Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Seal, Carrie (Kay) born 1924 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Seal, Raymond V. Jr. born 1922 died 1984 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sears, Esther E. born 9/24/1917 died 4/16/1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sease, Robert L. born 1882 died 1961 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sease, Sueemma born 1887 died 1980 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sease, Susie Gladys born 6-20-1894 died 6/1/1971Notes:(wife of Harrison) Garden 7
Sease, W.J. Harrison born 4-30-1888 died 1/21/1973Notes:Garden 7
Sease, Wilma C. born 1934 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Seay, Alvin Eugene born 5/6/1947 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Seay, Betty J. born 1928 died 2003 Notes: Resthaven Section
Seay, Cathy Jo born 9/29/1970 died 9/30/1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Seay, Elmer "Gene" born 1923 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Seay, Elmer A. born 1897 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Seay, Florence M. born 1905 died 1961 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sebree, Cecil born 11-14-1896 died 3/6/1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sebree, Goldie L. born 1898 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sebree, Harry N. born 12-2-1896 died 10/28/1968 Notes: Colorado Pvt Co M 163 Inf WWI Singing Tower Section
Sechrist, Martina B. born 1914 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Sechrist, Paul A. born 1908 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Secora, Austin A. died 6/25/1999 Notes: Babyland Section
Sedillo, Eliza A. born 1909 died 1985 Notes: Via Crucis
Sedillo, Lorenzo E. born 1903 died 1977 Notes: Via Crucis
Sedinger, James Dean born 12/8/1934 died 8/9/2001 Notes: Col US Army Korea & Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Seeley, Clarence E. born 1912 died 1991 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Seeley, Helen E. born 1918 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Seely, Rosa Margaret born 12/15/1907 died 10/8/1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Seenderman, Raymond E. born 1905 died 3-?-1991Notes:Garden 8
Seendermann, Edna M. Donley born 1912 died 1997Notes:(wife of Harold) Garden 7
Seendermann, Harold E. born 1908 died 1989Notes:Garden 7
Seendermann, Susie E. Donley born 11/7/1905 died 3-?-1992Notes:(wife of Raymond) Garden 7
Sefcovic, Johnny born 12/19/1918 died 1/30/2000 Notes: SM3 US Navy WWII Court of Honor (Floyd Kelling)
Sefcovic, Tony W. born 6/11/1921 died 3/14/1990 Notes: US Marine Corps WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Segura, Carmen G. born 1929 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Segura, Ernest Anthony born 8/13/1964 died 12/16/1995 Notes: Via Crucis
Segura, Filadelfio J. born 1925 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Segura, Frank A. born 6/24/1907 died 12/11/1964 Notes: Colorado PFC US Army WWII Calvary Section
Segura, Janet C. born 9/15/1960 died 6/15/1905 Notes: Via Crucis
Segura, Maria Lorenza born 1916 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Segura, Miguel B. born 11/4/1927 died 8/22/1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Seidle, John E. born 11/5/1923 died 4/26/1987 Notes: Vesperland
Seip, Charles Stephen born 12/1/1918 died 8/10/1980 Notes: MEWC US Navy WWII Singing Tower Section
Seip, Gloria J. born 2/19/1921 died 3/30/2002 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Selak, Frank born 1916 died 2005 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Selak, Franklin J. born 1940 died 1987 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Selak, Helen born 1916 died no date Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Selak, Robert Bryan born 1944 died 1948 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Selby, Fred E. born 1889 died 5/18/1905 Notes: Vesperland
Selby, Merriam E. born 1890 died 1981 Notes: Vesperland
Seley, Don born 8/25/1935 died 1/5/2003 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Seley, Saleen C. born Jul. 30, 2003 died Aug. 12, 2003 Notes: Babyland Section
Sell, Christina born 1/9/1953 died 1/9/1953 Notes: Calvary Section
Sell, Christina M. born 1908 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Sell, Harold L. born 1910 died 1984 Notes: Calvary Section
Selman, Benjamin D. born 1890 died 1973 Notes: Vesperland
Selman, Joy M. born 1898 died 1988 Notes: Vesperland
Semeizer, Henrietta D. born 1917 died 2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Semeizer, Joseph P. born 1913 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sena, Adelaida L. born 1922 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Sena, Albino born 1892 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Sena, Bertha A. born 2/22/1905 died 4-04-1997 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Sena, Chrystal born 1978 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Sena, Erika A. born Nov. 5, 1990 died Dec. 30, 1990 Notes: Babyland Section
Sena, Frank Jr. born 1878 died 1949 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Sena, Gilbert born 1948 died 1991 Notes: Devotion Section
Sena, Joanne I. born 1946 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sena, Joseph Reuben born 8/7/1910 died 5-07-1966 Notes: Colorado MAM 3 USNR WWII Mt Olivet Section
Sena, Marcella born 1940 died no date Notes: Pieta
Sena, Maria C. born 1894 died 1978 Notes: Calvary Section
Sena, Pauline L. born 1877 died 1969 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Sena, Pete M. born 2/26/1940 died 10/9/1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Sena, Robert A. born 1959 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sena, Rose Marie born 1955 died 2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sena, Tobias born 1928 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Seracino, Alice born 1914 died 1999 Notes: Via Crucis
Seracino, Joseph born 1910 died 1987 Notes: Via Crucis
Serena, A. Lucille born 1923 died no date
Serena, Bertha J. born 1888 died 1967
Serena, Richard A. born 1920 died 2000
Serena, Welty M. born 1888 died 1978
Serfoss, Kaliana Grace born 7/?/2003 died Sept. 2003 Notes: Babyland Section
Serna, Joseph F. born 1925 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Serna, Joseph W. born 1934 died 2002 Notes: Pieta
Serna, Theresa F. born 1927 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Serviss, Exie born 1916 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Serviss, I. R. born 1912 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Serviss, Linda D. born 1940 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Serviss, Russel R. born 1937 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Servo, Marty born 1919 died 1969 Notes: Via Crucis
Sessions, Egbert M. born 3/10/1873 died 12/16/1951 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sessions, Erma born 1/28/1874 died 2/16/1963 Notes: Resthaven Section
Setser, Betty born 1918 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Setser, Charles C. born 1875 died 1959 Notes: Vesperland
Setser, Daisy born 1888 died 5/15/1905 Notes: Vesperland
Setser, David K. born 11/16/1948 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Setser, Judy A. born 5/21/1951 died 7/21/2002 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Seymour, Clyde E. born 1893 died 1982 Notes: Devotion Section
Seymour, Elsie M. born 1899 died 1974 Notes: Devotion Section
Seymour, Louise B. born 1909 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Seymour, Russell born 1905 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shafer, Wendy Leona born Jun. 28, 1969 died Oct. 8, 1969 Notes: Babyland Section
Shaffer, Anna M. born 6-15-1899 died 1/16/1974 Notes: Vesperland
Shaffer, Eppa T. born 1913 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Shaffer, Georgia M. born no date died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Shaffer, Jean L. born 10/12/1916 died 12/4/2002 Notes: PFC US Army WWII BSM Purple Heart Veterans Court of Honor
Shaffer, Raymond W. born 1934 died 1979 Notes: Resthaven Section
Shaffer, Virgina M. born 1938 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Shaffer, William C. born 12-5-1896 died 1/15/1957 Notes: Vesperland
Shaffer, William J. born 10/10/1957 died 12-22-1957 Notes: Calvary Section
Shahan, Pauline Lavon born 7/23/1953 died 12/1/1954
Shaner, Joseph H. born 1943 died 1993 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Shangrow, Benjamin M. born 1894 died 1956 Notes: Sunrise Section
Shangrow, Velma B. born 1907 died 1954 Notes: Sunrise Section
Shanks Valencia Miranda Dawn born Apr. 4, 1994 died Apr. 7, 1994 Notes: Babyland Section
Shanks, Grant William born 12/25/1963 died 10/24/1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sharp, Charles R. born 10-20-1884 died 5/23/1948 Notes: Vesperland
Sharp, Emma Leta born 11-8-1895 died 4/6/1960 Notes: Vesperland
Sharp, Lyle C. born 1918 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
Sharp, M. Annabell born 1922 died 1995 Notes: Vesperland
Sharpe, E. Pal born 1930 died 1990 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sharrow, Ben born 1940 died 1994 Notes: Via Crucis
Shattuck, Ernest E. born 5-6-1890 died 2/17/1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shattuck, Teresa F. born 12-13-1890 died 8/13/1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shaull, Grantham N. born 1912 died 1970 Section A
Shaver, Celeste E. born 1905 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Shaver, Charles H. born 1901 died 1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Shaver, Freda born 4/28/1907 died 3/27/1996 Notes: Vesperland
Shaver, Harold Douglas born 5/2/1920 died 12/21/1987 Notes: Vesperland
Shaw, Charles Lee born 9/13/1924 died 12/31/1993 Notes: AT 1 US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
Shaw, Grace E. born 3/29/1916 died 10/16/1975 Notes: Via Crucis
Shaw, Joe W. born 12/18/1910 died 4/4/1974 Notes: Via Crucis
Shaw, Lela M. born 11/6/1923 died 10/23/1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Shazier, Ella born 5-24-1896 died 1/6/1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shazier, Paul born 10-12-1893 died 8/16/1980 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Singing Tower Section
Shelhammer, Cash born 1891 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Shelhammer, Jimmy R. born 5/10/1959 died 5/17/1959 Notes: Devotion Section
Shelhammer, Vera V. born 1902 died 1979 Notes: Vesperland
Shelinbargar, George P. born 7/15/1908 died 12/7/1969 Notes: Devotion Section
Shelinbargar, Myrtle born 1917 died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Shelman, M. Kenneth born 1909 died 1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shelman, Velma G. born 1910 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shelton, Dorothy H. born 1920 died 1994Notes:Section B
Shelton, Myrtle M. born 1-15-1874 died 7/15/1964Notes:Section B
Shelton, William F. born 1908 died 1978Notes:Section B
Shepard, Martin W. born 10/25/1897 died 2/16/1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Shepherd, Edna P. born 6/14/1894 died 1/10/1991 Notes: Sunrise Section
Shepherd, Stanley J. born 1890 died 1967 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sheppard, Beulah E. born 8/5/1901 died 9/9/1972Notes:Section B
Sheppard, John D. Sr. born 8-3-1891 died 8/4/1976Notes:SFC US Army WWISection B
Sheppard, Merle N. born 5/13/1917 died 9/16/1995Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Sheppard, Oleta M. born 5/7/1930 died 8/22/1997Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sheron, Emmanuel Joseph born 8/2/1920 died 3/23/1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Sheron, Mildred born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sheron, Mildred born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sherwood, Beulah W. born 1900 died 1985 Notes: Vesperland
Sherwood, Harold B. born 7/29/1904 died 1/1/1964 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sherwood, Harold F. born 1895 died 1982 Notes: Vesperland
Sherwood, James born 9/23/1950 died 5-04-1975 Notes: Cpl US Marine Corps Vietnam Calvary Section
Sherwood, Joe A. born 8/4/1905 died 3/7/1961 Notes: Vesperland
Sherwood, Keith Bradley born 12/4/1974 died 12-9-1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Sherwood, Richard B. born 10/28/1928 died 11/17/1969 Notes: Vesperland
Shifflet, Hugh born 3/03/1880 died 6/17/1965 Notes: Devotion Section
Shifflett, Betty born 4/4/1926 died 1/18/2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Shiflett, Margaret born 9/7/1933 died 1/24/2002 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Shiner, Anna L. born 1908 died 1959 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Shiner, Charles J. born 2/09/1879 died 11/22/1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Shiner, Mary H. born 1910 died 2004 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Shipler, Juanita M. born 1932 died 1988 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Shipley, Alice E. born 4/11/1870 died 3/31/1951 Notes: Resthaven Section
Shipley, C. W. born 4/12/1869 died 11/28/1953 Notes: Resthaven Section
Shipley, C. Wesley born 3/4/1901 died 3/17/1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
Shipley, Vera M. born 2/16/1904 died 7/1/1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Shipp, Kathrine A. born 1/12/1901 died 1/20/1999Notes: SSgt US Army Air Force WWII
Shoblo, Augustina born 4/8/1917 died 11/26/1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shockey, Ruth born 1918 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Short, Alberta C. born 1922 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Short, Flora born 1869 died 1963Notes:Section B
Short, Glenn E. born 1913 died 1972 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shreve, Betty died 4-20-2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shreve, Paul died 11-6-1989 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shriner, Marcella born 1922 died 1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Shrock, Marion F. born 1/11/1888 died 11/7/1959 Notes: Devotion Section
Shue, Travis William born 6/20/1970 died 12/28/2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shuman, Ada E. born 9/26/1915 died 10/9/1970 Notes: Devotion Section
Shumard, Edna D. Frazier born 1908 died 1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Shumard, Richard Eldon born 6/27/1951 died 12/26/2000 Notes: Sp4 US Army Singing Tower Section
Shumard, Willam A. born 1906 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sibert Sr., Alfred Lee born 8/10/1929 died 9/3/1996Notes: SA US Navy
Sibert, Margaret M. born 12/21/1937 died 6/26/1996Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Siebenaller, Jo Anne P. born 1932 died 1978
Siebenaller, Louis E. born 19374 died 1996 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Siefford, Charles E. born 4/21/1920 died 1/9/1989 Notes: US Army Veterans Court of Honor
Siefford, Fern E. born 8/06/1888 died 11/11/1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Siefford, John W. born 3/01/1872 died 5/11/1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Siegel, Elizabeth M. born 1890 died 1977 Notes: Calvary Section
Siegel, Joseph A. Sr. born 1919 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Siegel, Josephine B. born 1924 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Siegle, Florian J. born 1916 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Siegle, Gertrude F. born 1917 died 1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Sienkiewicz, Julianna born 1893 died 1977 Notes: Via Crucis
Sierra, Frank born 1891 died 1971 Notes: Via Crucis
Sierra, Fred G. born 1930 died 1995
Sierra, June A. born 4/19/1948 died 5/26/2004 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sierra, Mary L. born 1931 died no date
Sierra, Teresita born 1898 died 1978 Notes: Via Crucis
Sigman, Jabe Lee born 1884 died 1968Notes:Section B
Sigman, Mary born 1894 died 1983Notes:Section B
Silerio, Georgina Eva born 1907 died 1991 Notes: Via Crucis
Silva, Della T. born 1911 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Silva, Frank L. born 1884 died 1961 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Silva, Joseph N. born 10/29/1921 died 9/6/2003Notes: PFC US Army WWII
Silva, Josephine A. born 6/13/1928 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Silva, Laura born 8/8/1970 died 8/23/1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Sima, Howard H. born 9/1/1897 died 11/3/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Simas, Trini born 1925 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Simmer, Frank Russell born 11/20/1890 died 5/31/1961 Notes: Vesperland
Simmer, Serena C. born 11/16/1900 died 12/31/1983 Notes: Vesperland
Simmons, Arthur F. born 1914 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simmons, Dock born 1907 died 1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simmons, Helena (Joy) born 10/11/1956 died 6/18/1999 Notes: Garden of Hope
Simmons, Henry J. born 1912 died 1983 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simmons, Julia P. born 1918 died 1991 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simmons, Lee Artris born 1911 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simmons, Ronald K. born 8/19/1943 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Simmons, Thelma born 1908 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simms, Myrtle M. born 1922 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Simms, Robert J. born 1919 died 2003 Notes: Vesperland
Simony, Genevieve L. born 1915 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Simony, George P. born 1913 died 2003 Notes: Pieta Section
Simony, Jack J. born 1/21/1921 died 1/31/1999 Notes: US Army WWII Combat Inf Badge, Bronze Star Calvary Section
Simony, Michael P. born 8/19/1955 died 9/18/1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Simony, Peter J. born 1891 died 1974 Notes: Calvary Section
Simony, Rose A. born 1894 died 1966 Notes: Calvary Section
Simony, Rosella Peggy born 8/6/1923 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Simpson, Bertha Belle born 8-8-1897 died 8/19/1976Notes: Section A
Simpson, Catherine Louise born 1921 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Simpson, Cecil Roy born 1918 died 1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Simpson, George William Jr. born 2/25/1900 died 1/16/1986PFC US Army WWII Section A
Simpson, Lucian A. born 1900 died 1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Simpson, Mabel G. born 1911 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Simpson, Mary Ellen born 8/22/1938 died no dateNotes: Section A
Simpson, Mary R. born 5/20/1917 died 11/25/2002 Section A
Simpson, Ruth Kathleen Berg born 1/29/1939 died 4/2/1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Simpson, William Thomas born 10-3-1896 died 11/18/1975Pvt US Army WWI Section A
Sims, Porter Jr. born 1953 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sinclair, George B. born 1884 died 1971 Notes: Section A
Sinclair, Josie A. born 1885 died 1962 Notes: Section A
Singletary, Carrie born 1909 died 1994 Notes: Resthaven Section
Singletary, Louie W. born 1909 died 1992 Notes: Resthaven Section
Singleton, Geneva C. born 1912 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sintas, Lucy P. born 1934 died 1995 Notes: Via Crucis
Sintas, Rita B. born 1909 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Sipes, Jerry A. born 1940 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sipes, Patricia A. born 1940 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Siple, Emma A. born 5/08/1878 died 7/7/1952 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sirhal, Roy J. born 1930 died 1993 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sirko, Dorothy P. born 5/29/1925 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sirko, Steve Mike born 6/26/1920 died 12/14/1994Notes: WT2 US Navy WWII
Siseros, Fidencio born 1926 died 1985 Notes: Pieta Section
Siseros, Maria D. born 1925 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Sisneroa, Victor Anthony born 1953 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Sisneros, Andres Avelino born 6-20-1892 died 1/1/1970 Notes: Faith Section
Sisneros, Benita E. born 1892 died 1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Sisneros, Domecinda born 1893 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Sisneros, Gerald Dean born 10/29/1961 died 12/20/1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Sisneros, Helen A. born 8/24/1930 died no date Notes: Pieta
Sisneros, Herminio Sr. born 5-24-1889 died 7/12/1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Sisneros, Joe R. born 1921 died 2002 Notes: Pieta
Sisneros, Larkin R. born 1954 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Sisneros, Leo J. born 1921 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Sisneros, Marcelino Pedro born 8/20/1952 died 9/1/1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Sisneros, Martha born 11/23/1923 died 6/28/2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Sisneros, Rosenaldo born 1885 died 1971 Notes: Via Crucis
Sisneros, Stella L. born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta
Sisneros, Veronica born 1/12/1962 died 3/3/1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Sisneros, Victor A. born 5/4/1929 died 7/2/2003 Notes: Pieta
Sisneros, Victoria born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Sisnroy, Dora born 1902 died 1974 Notes: Via Crucis
Sisnroy, Edward J. born 1931 died 1988 Notes: Via Crucis
Sisnroy, Larkin D. born 1921 died 1984Notes:Section B
Sisnroy, Larkin G. born 1898 died 1976 Notes: Via Crucis
Sisnroy, Lillian C. born 1907 died 1988Notes:Section B
Sisnroy, Michael J. born 12/16/1959 died 7/12/1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Sisnroy, Virginia G. born 1931 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Sitter, E. Louise born 1924 died 1977 Notes: Sunrise Section
Skelton, Emmett L. born 6/8/1940 died 9/9/2002 Notes: PFC US Marine Corps Veterans Court of Honor
Skelton, Euel V. born 1908 died 2003 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Skelton, Louise L. born 1925 died 1962 Notes: Section A
Skelton, Lurene born 1921 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Skelton, Perry W. born 1916 died 1977 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Section A
Skiff, Carl D. born 1900 died 1970 Notes: Calvary Section
Skiff, Mary E. born 1905 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Skiff, Wilma Louise born 1926 died 1938 Notes: Calvary Section
Skoczen, Al born 9/18/1925 died 6/25/1992 Notes: US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Skoczen, Jane born 1927 died 1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Skoczen, John born 1933 died 1987 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Skoczen, Ruth Irene born no date died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Skrifvars, B. Agnes born 1911 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Skrifvars, Harold W. born 1905 died 1978 Notes: Sunrise Section
Skull, Anton born 1930 died 1994 Notes: Faith Section
Skull, Sally born 1930 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Slagle, David L. born 11/18/1923 died 5/4/1991 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Slagle, Evelyn F. born 5/3/1923 died 1/17/1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sleade, Fern M. born 2/26/1900 died 12/25/1975 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sleade, Thomas Allen born 6/30/1889 died 5/1/1954 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sligar, Henry M. born 2/23/1889 died 9/22/1957 Notes: Devotion Section
Slipper, Grama born 10/6/1924 died 4/9/2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sloan, Kenneth L. born 1913 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sloan, Rosemary born 1916 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sluder, Franklin L. born 2/8/1921 died 9/25/1997 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Sluder, Irene M. born 1930 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Sluder, Kenneth D. born 1927 died 2001 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smalley, John born 1913 died 1974 Notes: Devotion Section
Smalley, Wilma J. born 1918 died 1973 Notes: Devotion Section
Smigiel, Fr. Walter J. born 7/3/1922 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Smilanich, Daniel R. born 1890 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
Smilanich, Marjorie A. born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Calvary Section
Smilanich, Peter G. born 1909 died 1999 Notes: Calvary Section
Smilanich, Rella P. born 1902 died 1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Smith, Agnes Hodge born 9/18/1907 died no date Notes: Section A
Smith, Al N. born 3/23/1919 died 1/8/2000Notes: US Army WWII
Smith, Alta A. born 11/9/1912 died 10/16/1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Anna A. born 1903 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Smith, Annie J. born 1906 died 2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Smith, Anthony born 1895 died 1977 Notes: Via Crucis
Smith, Arthur M. born 1903 died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Barbara B. born 4/11/1936 died 4/15/1993Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Smith, Belden M. born Jan.4, 1903 died Sept. 19,1994 Notes: Section A
Smith, Bernard I. “Buns” born 19074 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Blanche born 1878 died 1974Notes: Section A
Smith, Bonnie M. born 1923 died 1973 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Carl W. born 1907 died 1986 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Carrie B. born 1882 died 1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Charles V. born 1968 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Clarence born 2-29-1896 died 5/10/1966
Smith, Claude W. born 1876 died 1943Notes: Section A
Smith, Clifford born 9/18/1916 died 12/31/1970 Notes: Alabama Tec5 US Army WWII Section A
Smith, Clyde M. born 11-25-1897 died 5/20/1970Notes: Section A
Smith, Cordelia P. born 1905 died 1997 Notes: Pieta Section
Smith, De Alva born 4/6/1930 died 9/6/1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Smith, Desirae Rose born 7/24/1996 died 8/30/1999 Notes: Sunrise Section
Smith, Donna Jean born 9/15/1922 died 10/20/1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Dorothy L. born Mar.5, 1906 died 5/31/1981 Notes: Section A
Smith, Dorothy M. born 1903 died 2000 Notes: Via Crucis
Smith, Dorsey H. Sr. born 1877 died 1967
Smith, Doyle J. born 1903 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Smith, Ellen B. born 6/18/1949 died 1/9/2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Ernest L. born 1907 died 1970 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Smith, Floyd born 1897 died 1965 Notes: Sunrise Section
Smith, Frank M. born May 29, 1858 died Dec. 27,1954 Notes: Section A
Smith, Frank W. born 8/18/1886 died 10/31/1953 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Franklin B. born 1901 died 1974 Section A
Smith, George born 1894 died 1972 Notes: Via Crucis
Smith, Gladys O. born 3/27/1905 died 1960 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Glenn W. born 10/4/1919 died 4/26/2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Grace Margaret (mama) born 1902 died 1970 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Harold J. M.D. born 1924 died 1992Notes:Section B
Smith, Harold Loyd born 12/13/1929 died 10/31/1986 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Henrietta C. born 1938 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Smith, Henry A. born 9-10-1888 died 2/2/1973 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Ida Fay born 12/30/1903 died 12/17/1976 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Ina Mae born 1898 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Smith, Iris L. born 1944 died 1995 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Smith, Iva born 6-4-1879 died 1/3/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Jack M. born 1922 died 1966 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, James Byron born 12/22/1939 died 3/3/1949 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, James Edward born 9/1/1951 died 1952 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, James F. born 7/13/1913 died 12/22/1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, James M. born 4/15/1887 died 5/20/1954 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Jennie H. born June 23, 1865 died Jan. 1, 1941 Notes: Section A
Smith, John M. born 9/5/1882 died 10/19/1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Joseph N. born 1932 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Josephine A. born 1931 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Smith, Juanita B. born 11/8/1924 died 2/24/2000 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Smith, Katie M. born 1905 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Laurence E. born 2/1/1947 died 9/25/1999 Notes: SSgt US Army Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Smith, Legile M. born 1902 died 1986 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Lena L. born 1911 died 1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Lilly Jo born 1908 died 1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Lily M. born 1925 died 1974 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Lonnie Lee born 2/27/1949 died 5/11/1960 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Lucile M. born 1902 died 1984Notes: Section A
Smith, Mabel Glenn born 1881 died 1957
Smith, Mahlon F. born 8/24/1912 died 5/31/1968 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Marcie L. born 1928 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Mary M. born 12-10-1894 died 10/10/1973 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Maude B. born 7-7-1885 died 8/18/1962
Smith, Naomi Ida Mary born 1916 died 1963 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Nellie A. born 11-4-1891 died 1/10/1968 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Nellie M. born 1883 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Smith, Otto J. born 1881 died 1963 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Owen R. born 6/7/1907 died 12/20/1968 Notes: Colorado PFC Co D 810 Pepl Bn WWII Calvary Section
Smith, Paul R. born 1911 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Rebia Ellan born 3/19/1900 died 9/23/1966Notes: Section A
Smith, Robert H. born 6/11/1920 died 3/27/2004 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Robert L. born 3/24/1905 died 1992 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Robert M. born 1926 died 2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Smith, Roy W. born 1889 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Ruth Elizabeth born 1907 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Samuel M. born 10-25-1899 died 1/16/1964 Notes: Vesperland
Smith, Silvie S. born 1933 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Smith, Stelle M. born 4/7/1918 died 5/25/1998
Smith, Vera M. born 10/2/1890 died 8/24/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Virginia Lee born 2/28/1930 died 5/16/2003 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Smith, Walter R. born 9/9/1911 died 9/16/1979 Notes: Resthaven Section
Smith, Ward Perry born 1/13/1900 died 3/30/1994 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Section A
Smith, Wilbur Lee born 9/16/1931 died 4/27/2000Notes: US Air Force Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Smith, William D. born 3/16/1910 died 5/14/1982 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Smith, William Dee born 4/16/1977 died 4/28/1977
Smith, William Wayne born 1904 died 1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith, Willie Jr. born 2/4/1925 died 10/3/1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Smith, Winifred H. “Winnie” born 1918 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smith,William Lee born 1890 died 1983 Notes: Calvary Section
Smithour, Mary Ann born 6/13/1914 died 4/27/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Smithour, Sharon K. born 8/4/1950 died 7/2/1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Smithour, Walter A. born 5/27/1913 died 4/27/2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Smyer, Bertha Y. born 1936 died 1998 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Smythe, A. Ruth born 1903 died 1991 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smythe, Frank L. born 1899 died 1977 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Smythe, James Alva born 7/03/1892 died 4/18/1964 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sneddon, John Hugh born 6/8/1920 died 2/13/1974 Notes: Colorado Cpl US Army WWII Calvary Section
Sneeringer, John W. born 4/8/1882 died 7/12/1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sneeringer, Nellie M. born 1/13/1881 died 4/27/1966 Notes: Sunrise Section
Snell, Jack B. born 12/16/1903 died 1/10/1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
Snell, Marion L. born 5/26/1913 died 4/22/2001 Notes: Resthaven Section
Snider, Calvin L. born 1918 died 1991 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Snider, Clinton H. born 3/26/1925 died 2/1/1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Snider, Edd born 1886 died 1962 Notes: Section A
Snider, Joseph M. born 1922 died 1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Snider, Nora born 1894 died 1969 Notes: Section A
Snider, Sylvia L. born 1921 died 1987 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Snook, James A. born 3/24/1876 died 1/24/1948 Notes: Sunrise Section
Snow, George Richard born 2/9/1929 died 2/5/1966 Notes: Devotion Section
Snow, Jerrod Huston born 6/16/1974 died 1/20/1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Snow, Robert R. born 1914 died 1991 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Snyder, Cordelia E. born 1/16/1911 died 10-07-1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Snyder, Dallas L. born 1910 died 1986 Notes: Sunrise Section
Snyder, John Russell born 1935 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Snyder, Ora A. born 1915 died 1977 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sobey, Frank P. born 1901 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Sobey, Maxine born 3/19/1944 died 10/8/1949 Notes: Vesperland
Sobey, Wilhelmina W. born 1906 died 1995 Notes: Vesperland
Socha, Kenneth Ronald born 3/21/1948 died 3/23/1948 Notes: Section A
Sodamann, Sherry Sue born 6/7/1946 died 2/17/1956 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sodamann, Vivian I. born 11/17/1914 died 9/14/1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sodamann, Walter D. born 1912 died 1979 Notes: Sunrise Section
Solano, Adela M. born 1916 died 1991 Notes: Pieta
Solano, Charles born 1925 died 1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Solano, Fred B. born 1913 died 1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Solano, Helen M. born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Solano, Jeannie Christine born 1964 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Solano, Jeffery Thomas born 8/11/1965 died 7/5/1980 Notes: Pieta Section
Solano, Joseph S. born 6/20/1904 died 3/25/1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Solano, Lillian born 1917 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Solano, Ruperto E born 1917 died 1998 Notes: Pieta
Soldano, Rose M. born 10/21/1921 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Soldano, Samuel A. born 5/7/1916 died 8/2/1994 Notes: Tec 4 US Army WWII Faith Section
Soldren, Alma born 1/15/1913 died 9/24/1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Soldren, Alma Mary born 1/5/1934 died 10/17/1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Soldren, Michael J. born 7/17/1910 died 12/12/1962 Notes: Calvary Section
Solis, Arthur A. born 11/22/1951 died 9/13/1986 Notes: Via Crucis
Solis, Frank born 1918 died 2001 Notes: Via Crucis
Solis, Frank Jr. born 10/14/1950 died 10/17/1950 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Solis, Pauline G. born 1920 died 1982 Notes: Via Crucis
Solo, Elizabeth J. born 2/4/1932 died 11-23-1999 Notes: Colorado Calvary Section
Solo, James A. born 5/3/1924 died 8/17/1972 Notes: Cpl US Marine Corps WWII Calvary Section
Solorzano/Rivera, Laura Geneva born 1/21/1987 died 1/8/2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Somerville, George E. born 8/4/1913 died 10/13/2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Somerville, Madelyn J. born 10/5/1918 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sommers, Christopher William born 12/20/1999 died 4/23/2000 Notes: Babyland Section
Songer, Ruth Effie born 1883 died 1981 Notes: Sunrise Section
Songer, Will Ernst born 1881 died 1945 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sopcich, John G. born 1919 died 1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sopko, Antonika K. born 5/17/1917 died 9/3/1994Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sopko, John Steve born 10/25/1912 died 9/3/1997Notes: F1 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Sorensen, Carroll O. born 1924 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Sorensen, Rita F. born 1928 died 1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Sorenson, Joretta born 12/26/1930 died 10/1/2005 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Sosa, Jesus born 1875 died 1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Sosa, Louis born 1911 died 1978 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Calvary Section
Sosa, Rosa L. born 1881 died 1973 Notes: Calvary Section
Soto, Basillio born 4/14/1929 died 9/3/1953 Notes: Cpl US Army Calvary Section
Soto, Carman A. born 7/16/1908 died 10/12/1949 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Soto, Cayetano born 1879 died 1965 Notes: Calvary Section
Soto, Charles born 1959 died 1993 Notes: Via Crucis
Soto, Dora born 8/4/1918 died 11/4/2004 Notes: Faith Section
Soto, Eufemia born 10/5/1929 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Soto, John J. born 11/24/1919 died 6/28/2000 Notes: US Army WWII Faith Section
Soto, Marcos born 5/14/1922 died 12/24/2005 Notes: Via Crucis
Soto, Marcos Jr. born 1/21/1947 died 8/19/2002 Notes: Via Crucis
Soto, Mariana A. born 7-26-1890 died 3/18/1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Soto, Victoria born 1933 died 2002 Notes: Calvary Section
Soudek, Frank V. born 1939 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Soudek, Johnna K. born 1941 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Soukup, George E. born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Soukup, Josephine F. born 1912 died 2000 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Southwick, Betty L. born no date died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Southwick, Thomas E. Jr. born 10/13/1923 died 4/17/1996 Notes: G4 Sgt US Marine Corps Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Sowell, Loyd L. born 6/30/1900 died 12/22/1957 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sowell, Sarah E. born 9/11/1903 died 1/2/1981 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spanevello, Michael born 1889 died 1948 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Spangler, Annabel F. born 1909 died 2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spangler, Claude J. born 1898 died 1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spangler, Emma Culp born 11/05/1877 died 5/3/1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spangler, Frank A. born 9/8/1864 died 10/6/1945 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spangler, Irene born 1898 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spangler, Norman R. born 1911 died 1976 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spann, Elaine L. born 8/16/1885 died 7/29/1972 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spann, George Willis born 12/19/1883 died 7/27/1954 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spann, Merle born 1905 died 1907 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spann, Sybil born 1903 died 1907 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spannaus, Bernice S. born 9/13/1901 died 3/24/1966 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spannaus, Carl H. born 7/31/1903 died 6/27/1967 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spannaus, Edward W. born 11/29/1872 died 7/28/1951 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sparkman, Charlie O. born 1891 died 1986 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sparkman, Ruby K. born 1897 died 1968 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sparks, Allean L. born 1922 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Sparks, Almore H. born 1912 died 1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Sparks, Carl Maynard born 10/8/1930 died 1/1/1994 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sparks, Clint E. born 11/30/1950 died 9/13/1985 Notes: Devotion Section
Sparks, Emma S. born 1872 died 1958 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sparks, James P. born 1883 died 1962 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sparks, Jess W. born 1920 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Sparks, Ruby I. born 1914 died 1989 Notes: Devotion Section
Speakman, Aaron A. born 1905 died 1984Notes:Section B
Speakman, Ruby E. born 1910 died 1998Notes:Section B
Spear, Charles T. born 4/19/1898 died 5/12/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spear, Daryl J. born 1909 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spear, Margaret born 10/3/1900 died 4/29/1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spear, Ruby E. born 1909 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spearing, Carol A. born 1937 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Spearing, John N. Jr. born 1932 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Specht, Alexander born 1916 died 1998 Notes: Vesperland
Specht, Bertha born 1916 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Speek, Charles, H. born 1869 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Speek, Mamie E. born 1894 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Speier, Roman born 1910 died 1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Speier, Wladyslawa born 1904 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Spelich, Anton born 1881 died 1961 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Spelich, Ursula born 1887 died 1988 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Spencer, Alfred W. born 1889 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spencer, Eugene A. born 1920 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Spencer, Gladys E. born 1919 died 1982 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spencer, Nellie born 1894 died 1962 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sphar, Edith M. born 1922 died 1999 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Spielman, Micheal born Oct. 27,1867 died Aug. 14, 1942 Notes: Section A
Spielman, Rosalie born July 26, 1873 died April 22,1950 Notes: Section A
Spiess, Ann J. born 1916 died 1976 Notes: Calvary Section
Spiess, Edna B. born 1899 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Spiess, Gwendolyn born 1916 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Spiess, Peter born 7-7-1876 died 2/28/1952 Notes: Calvary Section
Spiess, Peter Wm. born 1902 died 1985 Notes: Via Crucis
Spiess, Sadie born 3-29-1874 died 4/20/1956 Notes: Calvary Section
Spinuzzi, Joyce B. born 1931 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Spinuzzi, Reece Kare died Oct. 6, 2002 Notes: Babyland Section
Spinuzzi, Robert L. born 1931 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Spinuzzi, Sam Jr. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Spittle, Michael A. born 6/26/1936 died 8/2/1951Notes:Section B
Sprengle, John A. born 1-2-1872 died 1/26/1953Notes: Section A
Sprengle, Lulu Meades born 1-8-1873 died 2/9/1963Notes: Section A
Spring, Vada B. born 1893 died 1964 Notes: Sunrise Section
Spring, Wilbert T. born 1894 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Springer, Pamela Lynn born no date died 2/12/1962 Notes: Vesperland
Springfield, Gertrude “Trudy” born 2/17/1911 died 1/19/1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Springfield, John H. born 12/7/1907 died 8/3/1996 Notes: Devotion Section
Sproul, Dora A. born 1918 died 2000 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sprous, Stephen M. born Mar. 7, 1990 died Mar. 18, 1990 Notes: Babyland Section
Spsnnaus, Bertha E. born 10/14/1876 died 1/11/1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
Spurling, Agnes M. born 3/10/1907 died 4/26/1937 Notes: Calvary Section
Spurling, Clarence Robert born 1-9-1899 died 5/26/1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Srdoc, Albert Jay born 9/6/1928 died 2-12-1997 Notes: US Navy WWII Calvary Section
Srdoc, Frances D. born 7/7/1923 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Staats, Drury H. born 1915 died 1985Notes:Section B
Staats, Marian E. “Betty” born 19? died 1997Notes:Section B
Stacho, Yoshiko born 10/24/1935 died 10/7/1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Stacks, Charlotte M. born 1924 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stacks, Jesse T. Jr. born 1918 died 1977 Notes: Cpl US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Stacy, James V. born 1956 died 1979 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Stafford, John V. born 1907 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stafford, Lozie M. born 1928 died 1985 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stafford, Stephen born 4/7/1948 died 4/7/1948 Notes: Vesperland
Stalcar, Lesta born 1918 died 2004 Notes: Via Crucis
Stalcar, Louis J. born 1913 died 1974 Notes: Via Crucis
Stall, Anna M. born 1895 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stall, Walter H. born 1892 died 1963 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stallings, Andrew Lee born 1894 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Stallings, Edna M. born 1898 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Stamps, A. E. Johnny born 1915 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Stamps, Winnie Mae born 1921 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Stanifer, Patricia A. born 1950 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Stanifer, Richard G. born 1946 died 1992 Notes: Faith Section
Stanker, Arthur G. born 11/6/1909 died 7/17/1967 Notes: AEM3 USNR WWII Singing Tower Section
Stanko, Anna A. born 1896 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Stanko, Arthur J. born 1922 died 1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Stanko, Donald born 10/2/1923 died 11/28/1994 Notes: Via Crucis
Stanko, Edith C. born 9/4/1919 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Stanko, Edward M. born 1911 died 1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Stanko, George B. born 3/29/1875 died 11/12/1948 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Stanko, George M. born 8/23/1903 died 12/17/1971 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stanko, Helen E. born 10/13/1920 died 6/26/1998 Notes: Pieta
Stanko, John A. born 1892 died 1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Stanko, John M. born 5/26/1927 died 5/4/2004 Notes: Pieta Section
Stanko, Lawrence J. born 9/23/1915 died 5/10/2001 Notes: Garden of Hope
Stanko, Lisa Marie born no date died 4/4/1967 Notes: Via Crucis
Stanko, Lorraine born 8/31/1927 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Stanko, Mary born 5/12/1884 died 5/27/1971 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Stanko, Mildred J. born 1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Stanko, Richard Andrew born no date died 7/13/1961 Notes: Via Crucis
Stanko, Virginia L. born 11/29/1921 died 3/10/2000 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stanley, Dollie born 1916 died 1999 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stanley, Iona J. born 1928 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Stanley, Robert L. born 4-4-1891 died 11/12/1961 Notes: Vesperland
Stanley, Wayne M. born 1910 died 1966 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stanton, Darlene F. born 1930 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stanton, Frank W. born 1889 died 1969 Notes: Section A
Stanton, Lorene born 1902 died 1995 Notes: Section A
Staples, Grace M. born 1923 died 1967 Notes: Calvary Section
Stapleton, Albert J. born 1897 died 1961 Notes: Devotion Section
Stapleton, Helen E. born 11/30/1918 died 7/13/2001Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Stapleton, James J. born 10/5/1924 died 4/23/1991Notes: 1st Sgt US Army WWII
Starcer, Anthony Louis born 9/16/1919 died 6/9/1986 Notes: Cpl YS Army Air Corps WWII Calvary Section
Starcer, Jackie born 7/7/1922 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Stark, Floyd Cole born 7/31/1909 died 6/23/1971 Notes: Nebraska Sgt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Stark, Gladys born 1/21/1915 died 4/24/2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Starkovich, Anthony born 1/2/1920 died 11/9/1981 Notes: Via Crucis
Starling, Albert J. born 1910 died 1980 Notes: Vesperland
Starling, Clyde R. born 1/27/1933 died 4/21/1952 Notes: Vesperland
Starling, Lucetta M. born 9-16-1872 died 3/20/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Starling, Theresa M. born 1912 died 1998 Notes: Vesperland
Starr, Chris Allen Jr. born 5/5/1930 died 10/22/1996 Notes: US Marine Corps Veterans Court of Honor
Starr, Frances Lois born 12/17/1911 died 5/26/1962 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Starr, Fred J. born 7/5/1913 died 7/25/1962 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Starr, John F. born 1890 died 1969 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Starr, John F. Jr. born 12/12/1921 died 6/28/1944 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Starr, Susan Ann born Mar. 27, 1907 died 8/18/1990 Notes: Colorado Section A
Starr, Theresa E. born 1893 died 1982 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Starr, William C. born Nov. 30, 1893 died Oct. 15,1954 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI Section A
Stastny, Brook J. born 1970 died 1988 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Stavast, Anne F. born 1906 died 1983Notes:Section B
Stavast, John born 1904 died 1980Notes:Section B
Stayton, Effie C. born 1905 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Stearns, Ada M. born 1-14-1877 died 6/1/1954 Notes: Vesperland
Stearns, David Benson born 5/11/1900 died 12/11/1901 Notes: Vesperland
Stearns, Richard J. born 5-8-1874 died 10/4/1957 Notes: Vesperland
Stecco, Kurt N. born 1949 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Stecco, Rosemary L. born 1953 died 1992 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Steck, Fred W. born 1909 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Steck, Lois M. born 1923 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Steed, Billie R. born 1933 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Steed, Hazel R. born 1936 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Steele, Clara J. born 1931 died 1996 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Steele, DeForest C. born 1888 died 1980 Notes: Resthaven Section
Steele, Della Mull born 12/21/1901 died 7/1/1960 Notes: Vesperland
Steele, Emma Jane born 1893 died 1976 Notes: Hillcrest
Steele, Gary M. born 1957 died 1995 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Steele, Grace B. born 1891 died 1978 Notes: Resthaven Section
Steele, Myrtle Cora born 9/13/1914 died 4/8/1978 Notes: PFC US Army WWII, Hillcrest
Steen, Willis Young born 12-6-1891 died 5/4/1944 Notes: Section A
Stefanich, John born 12/22/1896 died 12/17/1948 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Stefanich, our baby girl born died 11/14/1955 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Stein, Dale E. born 4/17/1970 died 2/6/1998
Steinke, Edward C. born 1918 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Steinke, Leona M. born 1918 died 2001 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Stephens, Dorothy born 1931 died 2004 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stephens, Sam born 1925 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stephenson, Charles D. born 1943 died 1979 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Stephenson, Stephen L. born 7/22/1953 died 4/5/1973 Notes: Vesperland
Stephenson, William R. “Jack” born 1920 died no date Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Sterling, Clarence E. born 2/13/1921 died 11/22/1991Notes: S1 US Navy WWII
Sterling, Nida E. born 8/24/1920 died 11/4/1999Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sterner, Audrey J. born no date died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Sterner, Carl Joseph born 1/20/1909 died 7/11/1988 Notes: US Navy WWII Calvary Section
Sterner, Edna F. born 1908 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Sterner, Leo J. born 1904 died 1992 Notes: Calvary Section
Sterner, Margaret M. born 1872 died 1955 Notes: Calvary Section
Stevens, Ervin L. born 5/1/1912 died 6/5/1992 Notes: Devotion Section
Stevens, Flora A. born 1888 died 1988 Notes: Devotion Section
Stevens, Jesse M. born 1889 died 1969 Notes: Devotion Section
Stevens, May Dress born 3/11/1876 died 6/26/1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stevens, Oscar A. born 3/27/1914 died 9/27/1991Notes: Tec 4 US Army WWII
Stevens, Roberta Lease born 1917 died 2002 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Stevens, Rose “Nana” born 12/20/1913 died 3/13/1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Stevenson, Andrew L. born 1892 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Stevenson, Beverly J. born 1927 died 2005 Notes: Calvary Section
Stevenson, Ellen R. born 1900 died 1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Stevenson, Lawrence C. born 1923 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Stevenson, William L. born 1888 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stevenson, Winifred P. born 1890 died 1982 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stewart, Ann born 1935 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Stewart, Anna L. born 8-23-1869 died 2/2/1950 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Stewart, Beatrice born 1906 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stewart, Cardova C. born 7-?-1901 died 7-?-1983 Notes: Devotion Section
Stewart, Cecil H. born 11/20/1904 died 10/18/1998 Notes: Devotion Section
Stewart, Daisy B. born 4/4/1920 died no date
Stewart, Elizabeth born 1899 died 1939Notes: Section A
Stewart, Eugene K. born 1921 died 1999Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Stewart, Florence H. born 8/1/1905 died 3/2/1999 Notes: Devotion Section
Stewart, Genira born 1912 died 2000 Notes: Pieta Section
Stewart, Gentry born 1912 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Stewart, Ilandar born 3/31/1918 died 7/23/1976 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII Singing Tower Section
Stewart, James Oscar Rev. born 1880 died 1967Notes: Section A
Stewart, Lindsay born 4-?-1900 died 4-?-1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Stewart, Minerva R. born 1930 died 1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Stewart, Thee R. born 1926 died 1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Stice, Becky born 8/25/1949 died no date Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Stice, Bill born 12/19/1948 died 11/7/2003 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Stice, Chester Leroy born 1913 died 1995 Notes: Devotion Section
Stice, Lois June born 1915 died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
Stickler, Edith L. born 8/27/1910 died 3/14/1961Notes:Section B
Stickler, George H. born 6/17/1918 died 12/16/1987 Notes: Vesperland
Stickler, Jess E. born 1904 died 1962Notes:Section B
Stickler, Lois M. born 3/4/1921 died 11/15/2001 Notes: Vesperland
Stickler, Marion E. born 4/29/1914 died 7/9/2000 Notes: Vesperland
Stiefel, Helen E. born 7/23/1922 died 6/14/1988 Notes: PFC US Marine Corps WWII Singing Tower Section
Stiefel, Victor P. II born 4/28/1924 died 5/30/1971 Notes: Colorado NM3 US Navy WWII Singing Tower Section
Stiles, James V. born 1906 died 1968 Notes: Vesperland
Stiles, Thelma L. born 1910 died 1987 Notes: Vesperland
Stilwell, Minnie M. born 11/01/1877 died 8/3/1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Stilwell, Oran M. born 3/31/1904 died 11/13/1965 Notes: Devotion Section
Stilwell, Walter S. born 1901 died 1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Stilwell, Woodrow born 11/28/1913 died 2/16/2001 Notes: Devotion Section
Stines, Kenneth J. born 11/11/1921 died 10/31/1962 Notes: Vesperland
Stinson, Homer Lee born 5/5/1909 died 2/21/1993Notes: CM 3 US Navy WWII
Stinson, Pearl M. born 6/7/1917 died 8/27/2003Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Stockel, Bertha F. born 1887 died 1969 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stockel, Lawrence J. born 1890 died 1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stockton, Emma Jean born 1931 died 1993
Stockton, Jack M. born 1927 died no date
Stockton, Mae born 1905 died 2000
Stockton, Oliver E. born 1902 died 1975
Stolz, Barbara Maxine born 1938 died 2006 Notes: Devotion Section
Stolz, Lester Wilmount born 1935 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Stone, William, E. born 9/19/1958 died 11/7/1987 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stonebraker, Billy J. born 5/16/1930 died 10/12/1999Notes: ME2 US Navy Korea Veterans Court of Honor
Stonebraker, Patricia A. born 1/2/1935 died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Stoneking, Hope Ann born Jan. 2, 2003 died Mar. 17, 2003 Notes: Babyland Section
Stoner, Kevin Victor born 1971 died 1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stong, Earl Merrion born 5/21/1915 died 2/11/1963 Notes: Sunrise Section
Storey, James H. born 1914 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Storey, Pearl L. born 1907 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Storvick, Engvald born 1912 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Storvick, Lloyd P. born 1916 died 1974 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Storvick, Sally E. born 1918 died 1986 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Storvick, Selma J. born 1913 died 1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stout, Maxine A. born 1922 died 1984 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stout, Millard C. born 1918 died 1977 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stovall, Myrtle M. born 1928 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Strain, Elmer R. born 1912 died 1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Strain, Gertrude E. born 1916 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Straley, Anna Pearl born 3/2/1930 died 6/15/1942Notes:Section B
Straley, Florence Orzula born 10-8-1893 died 1/13/1944Notes:Section B
Straley, John Leland born 1891 died 1973Notes:Section B
Straney, Elsie I. born 1/26/1900 died 7/31/1996 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Straney, William H. born 3-16-1889 died 7/2/1967 Notes: PFC US Army WWI Singing Tower Section
Stricklin, Wilma McFlmurry born Apr. 18, 1934 died Nov. 14, 2007 Notes: Faith Section
Strieby, Charlotte A. born 1898 died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
Strieby, Oscar L. born 1898 died 1972 Notes: Devotion Section
Stringfellow, Ella M. born 1900 died 1992 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stringfellow, Mary R. "Merk" born 1/23/1925 died 7/24/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stringfellow, Phyllis L. born 11/2/1921 died 6/29/1993 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stringfellow, Roy H. born 12/4/1918 died 10/21/2001 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stringfellow, Thomas R. born 1893 died 1983 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stringfellow, Virginia U. born 2/27/1927 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Stroh, Subina Manroe born 3/23/1863 died 4/5/1949 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stroud, Gid Gideon born 1916 died 1979 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Struck, Judy Dee born 7/20/1951 died 10/30/1988 Notes: Pieta Section
Strunk, E. Lois born 4/30/1977 died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Stuart, Bessie I. born 2/2/1901 died 4/25/1944 Notes: Section A
Stuart, Harriet born 1936 died 1995 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Stubbs, Bernard Dr. born 1930 died 1965 Notes: Resthaven Section
Stubbs, Clarence E. born 1904 died 1977 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stubbs, Pauline born 1905 died 1983 Notes: Sunrise Section
Stuckie, Kenneth E. born 12/11/1906 died 9/15/1992 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stuen, Dale E. born 1951 died 1970 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stuen, Myrtle B. born 1924 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Stuen, Virgil E. born 1919 died 1989 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Suarez, Gerardo born 8/30/1922 died 11/5/1990Notes: Sgt US Army WWII
Subde, Vida Teter born 1891 died 1990 Notes: Resthaven Section
Subia, Celia born 1924 died 1993 Notes: Pieta Section
Subia, Cruz born 1917 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Sullivan, Alyce M. born 1915 died 1989 Notes: Via Crucis
Sullivan, Anna M. born 1885 died 1958 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sullivan, Arden T. born 1912 died 1975 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sullivan, Charles D. born 1894 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Sullivan, Colombia M. born 1898 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Sullivan, David C. born 1904 died 1991 Notes: Vesperland
Sullivan, Goldie S. born 1910 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
Sullivan, Hattie V. born 1892 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Sullivan, Henry T. born 1881 died 1967 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sullivan, Irene B. born 1926 died 1996 Notes: Pieta Section
Sullivan, J. Lawrence born 12/7/1908 died 6/11/1910 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sullivan, John J. born 1921 died 2002 Notes: Pieta Section
Sullivan, M. Thomas born 1907 died 1997 Notes: Via Crucis
Sullivan, Marlene K. born 7/1/1937 died 5/4/1993Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Sullivan, Mary McLaury born 1923 died 2002 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Sullivan, Michael T. born 7/19/1937 died 4/26/1999Notes: EMC US Navy Vietnam
Sullivan, Philip O. born 1889 died 1967 Notes: Vesperland
Sullivan, Ramon G. born 1910 died 1989 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Summer, Gene born 6/12/1937 died 1/18/1994 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Summer, Norma born no date died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Summers, Leona T. born 4/16/1933 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Summers, Lyle R. born 3/31/1924 died 10/14/1994 Notes: EM3 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Sumrall, Baby Boy born no date died 5/15/1959 Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, Bertha E. born 1899 died 1982 Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, Doris M. born 1937 died 1992 Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, John Frank born 1892 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, Mary E. born 11/5/1935 died 11/28/1976 Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, Sam L. born 6/23/1919 died 2/09/1989 Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, Sherman N. born 1935 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Sumrall, Tommy Jo born 1921 died 1969 Notes: Vesperland
Sunde, Lars O. born 1887 died 1971 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sunde, Nina A. born 1/26/1889 died 5/29/1965 Notes: Sunrise Section
Sunderman, Frank L. born 1899 died 1974 Notes: Vesperland
Sunderman, Myrle E. born 1904 died 1985 Notes: Vesperland
Surface, Huston E. "Red" born 1897 died 1955 Notes: Resthaven Section
Sutherland, Anna M. born 1918 died 1993 Notes: Vesperland
Sutherland, Bonita O. born 1900 died 1973 Notes: Vesperland
Sutherland, Sigrid R. born 11-21-1872 died 1/17/1949 Notes: Vesperland
Sutherland, Theo F. born 1905 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
Sutton, Ellen A. born 11/6/1910 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
Sutton, James B. born 9/13/1911 died 10/6/1980 Notes: Via Crucis
Svedarsky, Alex born 1890 died 1969 Notes: Section A
Svedarsky, Ann S. born 1922 died 1990 Notes: Section A
Svedarsky, Bertha A. born 1913 died 1990 Notes: Section A
Svedarsky, Fred T. born Dec. 15, 1923 died Jun 5,1996 Notes: US Army WWII Purple Heart Section A
Svedarsky, Kate born 1898 died 1983 Notes: Section A
Svedarsky, Walter A. born 1917 died 2001 Notes: Section A
Swallow, Doris M. born 1929 died 1996 Notes: Pieta
Swallow, Earl H. born 1920 died no date Notes: Pieta
Swanson, Eva Katheryn Ramsey born 6/24/1921 died 2/13/2006 Notes: Faith Section
Swartz, Mary born 2-2-1875 died 2/2/1954 Notes: Calvary Section
Swatzlander, Alice M. born 3/11/1905 died 1978 Notes: Vesperland
Swatzlander, Hubert B. born 1899 died 1965 Notes: Vesperland
Swearingen, Rose E. born 9/5/1911 died 1/4/1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Swerdfeger, Kayleigh Jo born no date died 7/23/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Swerdfeger, Raymond M. born 2/22/1924 died 8/16/1989 Notes: Devotion Section
Swick, Elizabeth A. born 1941 died 1973 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Swick, George J. born 1941 died 1973 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Swift, Loyal Earl born 1897 died 1982 Notes: Cpl US Army WWI Calvary Section
Swift, Mona M. born 1897 died 1979 Notes: Calvary Section
Swift, Virginia Mary born 1900 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Swigle, Carolyn A. born 1914 1990 died 1990 Notes: Calvary Section
Swigle, Frank born 1911 died 2003 Notes: Calvary Section
Swope, John Robert born no date died 11/1/1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Sword, Illa J. born 1939 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sword, Raymond K. born 1936 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Sword, Sandra Kathlyn died Jul. 14, 1977 Notes: Babyland Section
Szuminski, Alice P. born 1929 died 2003 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Szuminski, George B. born 1922 died 1994 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell