Pueblo County, Colorado
Imperial Cemetery

Listing contributed by Karen Mitchell. All photos are contributed by Dennis Reed, unless otherwise noted.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Kaber, Frank J. born 12/14/1958 died 8/17/2001 Notes: Garden of Hope
Kaber, Jamie Dolores died Sept. 17, 1991 Notes: Babyland Section
Kaehler, Hanna born 1916 died 2004 Notes: Calvary Section
Kaehler, Kurt born 1916 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Kahus, Lloyd L. born 1914 died no dateNotes:Section B
Kahus, Myrtle W. born 1915 died 1976Notes:Section B
Kaiser, Edward born 1931died no dateNotes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kaiser, Edward C.born 2-9-1894died 12/25/1969Notes: New Mexico Pvt Infantry WWI
Kaiser, Glen born 1902 died 1988 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kaiser, Irene S.born 8/15/1900died 7/6/1992Notes: Colorado
Kaiser, Margaret A. born 12/21/1919 died 11/4/1972 Notes: Calvary Section
Kaiser, Max born 10/5/1868 died 2/8/1951 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kaiser, Minnie born 1/09/1869 died 4/30/1949 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kaiser, Norma E. born 1910 died 1995 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kaiser, Velma born 1927died 1993Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kale, Kenneth K.born 5/12/1917died 10/31/2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Kale, Olive M.born 11/29/1919died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Kale, William D.born 1940died 1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Kalesti, Clarence A. born 1904 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Kalesti, Louise A. born 1908 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Kallio, Cleo E. born 1910 died 1981 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kammeriohr, Roy E.born4/29/1923died 9/1/1966Notes: Hillcrest
Kancilia, John A. born 1933 died 1999 Notes: Faith Section
Kancilia, Joyce L. born 1934 died no date Notes: Faith Section
Kaneaster, Marie A. born 1894 died 1963 Notes: Vesperland
Kapaun, Wanda B. born 1/21/1924 died 7/23/1969 Notes: Sunrise Section
Karg, Jacob J. born 5/23/1909 died 2/24/1986 Notes: Vesperland
Karg, Lorna E. born 7/3/1914 died 6/19/1989 Notes: Vesperland
Karnes, Blanche born 1904 died 1997 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Karnes, Cecil G. born 1896 died 1966 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Karo, Ethel Mae born 1891 died 1972 Notes: Vesperland
Karr, H. Lucille born 6/1/1928 died 2/25/1993 Notes: Vesperland
Karr, Ronald LaVerge born 6/28/1923 died 6/14/1984 Notes: Vesperland
Kase, Estelle M. born 1931 died no date Notes: Pieta
Kase, Frank J. born 1926 died no date Notes: Pieta
Kase, Lillian H. born 11/13/1916 died 3/11/2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Kase, Raymond C. born 5/7/1913 died 7/5/1986 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Kasiah, Florence Ethelborn 4/10/1895died 5/23/1964 Notes: Devotion Section
Kasiah, Foster Paulborn 1/25/1899died 12/24/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Kasic, Andrew J. Sr. born 6/5/1894 died 10/1/1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kasic, Marie born 11/28/1894 died 9/2/1947 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kasimatis, Clara B. born 1910 died 1981 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kastner, Rose M. born 1926 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Katrinchak, Helen born 1920 died 1995 Notes: Pieta Section
Kattnig, Anton born 1888 died 1981 Notes: Calvary Section
Kattnig, Mary born 1889 died 1956 Notes: Calvary Section
Keator, Leslie M. born 1-1-1881 died 9/14/1949 Notes: Vesperland
Keator, Robert H. born 1909died 1980Tec4 US Army WWII Section A
Keator, Viola C. born 1913died no dateNotes: Section A
Keeling, Doyle Wilsonborn 2/27/1914died 6/25/1961 Notes: Devotion Section
Keen, Charles J. born 6/28/1950 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Keen, Patricia F. born 12/27/1951 died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Keener, Grace M. born 1902 died 1987 Notes: Vesperland
Keener, Stanley L. born 1901 died 1976 Notes: Vesperland
Kehoe, Anna J. born 1902 died 1986 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kehoe, Frank P. born 9/13/1862 died 5/13/1958 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kehoe, Horce J. born 1897 died 1974 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kehoe, Mamie born 4/12/1865 died 5/7/1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Keim, Emil F. born 1904 died 1990 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Keim, May F. born 1903 died 1978 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Keithley, Charles W. born 6/6/1923 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Keithley, Yvonne E. born 1912 died 1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kellett, Ernest born 2-1-1874 died 5/11/1955 Notes: Vesperland
Kellett, Florence Kate born 7-24-1878 died 9/1/1956 Notes: Vesperland
Kelley, Frank E. born 1/7/1904 died 6/18/1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Kelley, Helen F. born 5/9/1906 died 4/23/1995 Notes: Calvary Section
Kelling, Carl W.born 12/31/1900died 7/18/1969 Notes: Devotion Section
Kelling, Ella C.born 12/1/1908died 6/7/1985 Notes: Devotion Section
Kellner, Alfred M. born 1896 died 1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Kellner, Eleanora M. born 1897 died 1994 Notes: Calvary Section
Kelly, Anne M. born 1878 died 1954 Notes: Section A
Kelly, Curtis Johnson born 7/12/1922 died 9/26/2002 Notes: Capt US Coast Guard WWII & Korea & Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Kelly, Edward J. born 1926 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Kelly, Frances M. born 1913 died 1960 Notes: Calvary Section
Kelly, John F. born 1872 died 1950 Notes: US Navy WWII Section A
Kelly, Mary Joy born 4/10/1927 died no date Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kelly, Mary M.born 7/29/1903died 11/2/1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Kelly, Minnie V. born 5-15-1867 died 9-16-1951 Notes: Calvary Section
Kelly, Thomas born 12-24-1852 died 12/18/1935 Notes: Calvary Section
Kelly, Vivian M. born 1883 died 1969 Notes: Calvary Section
Kemple, Betty J. born 1923 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Kemple, James P. born 1904 died 1971 Notes: Vesperland
Kendrick, Charles W. born 4-11-1886 died 8/12/1947Notes:Section B
Kendrick, James born 1878 died 1967 (David Webb) Notes: Hillcrest, Lot 808, Grave 4
Kendrick, James W. born 1913 died 1967 (David Webb) Notes: Hillcrest, Lot 808, Grave 2
Kendrick, Rachel Powell born 1886 died 1965 (David Webb) Notes: Hillcrest, Lot 808, Grave 3
Kendrick, Yvonne L. born 1914 died 1977 (David Webb) Notes: Hillcrest, Lot 808, Grave 1
Kennedy, Carrie E. born 11-29-1888 died 3/30/1952Notes:Section B
Kennedy, Charles E. born 9-20-1887 died 1/22/1948Notes:Section B
Kennedy, Fae M. born 1911 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Kennedy, Harold R. born 1910 died 1988 Notes: Calvary Section
Kennedy, Jack T. born 1917 died 1980Notes:Section B
Kennedy, Ruby L. born 1923 died 1992Notes:Section B
Kenner, Jesse B. born 1894 died 1984 Notes: Vesperland
Kenner, Pearl M. born 1898 died 1979 Notes: Vesperland
Kenney, Gail A. born 1904 died 1994 Notes: Vesperland
Kent, Frances Maeborn 1895died 1984 Notes: Devotion Section
Kent, Jesse W. born 1904 died 1989 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kent, Rita E. born 1908 died 1976 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kent, Shirley Yvonne Oaks born 3/07/1931 died 7/11/1995 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kent, William Jacksonborn 1894died 1964 Notes: Devotion Section
Kentner, Loretta M. born 3/29/1921 died 11/28/1995 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kerbrat, Billie Jean born 8/9/1931 died 4/12/1999 Notes: Pieta Section
Kerchum, Clara E. born 1895 died 1973 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kerchum, Clarence H. born 1893 died 1968 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kerkoski, Charles born 1/05/1879 died 7/10/1953 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kerkoski, Rose born 5/14/1882 died 10/28/1971 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kerley, Margaret E. born 1864 died 1943Notes:Section B
Kerns, Lyle L.born 1906died 1995
Kerns, Mildred M.born 1911died no date
Kerr, Charles Clithero born 1917 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kerr, Opha Georgia born 1923 died 1987 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kerr, Roscoe C. (BUD)born 1908died 1961 Notes: Devotion Section
Kerrigan, Dennis M. born 1/28/1951 died 10/9/1995 Notes: Lt Col US Air Force Vietnam Veterans Court of Honor
Keserich, Evelyn V. born 1923 died 2005 Notes: Pieta Section
Keserich, William N. born 1911 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Kester, Alberta L. born 1910 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kester, Carman Lee born 1889 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Ketchum, Betty M. born 5/15/1922 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Ketchum, Richard E. born 1934 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
Ketchum, Ruth L. born 1934 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Ketchum, Walter L. born 5/11/1922 died 12/28/1995 Notes: Vesperland
Key, Joseph Eugeneborn 7/12/1904died 10/20/1994 Notes: Devotion Section
Kielich, Lois D. born 5/5/1910 died 8/25/1951 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Kihn, Ernest V. born 1911 died 1985 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kihn, Frank J. born 6/24/1881 died 7/17/1961 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kihn, Iris M. born 1912 died 1996 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kilgore, Doris R. born 10/28/1909 died 10/25/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Killian, Emmett W. born 1902 died 1970 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Killian, Jeanne C. born 1909 died 1999 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Killorin, Ann T. born 1915 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Killorin, Donald F. born 1924 died 1984 Notes: Pieta Section
Kilpatrick, Beatrice I. born 1912 died 1970 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kilpatrick, John W. born 1904 died 1987 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kincaid, Helen C. born 1914 died 1991 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kincaid, John R. born 1911 died 1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kincaid, Shea Christian born Feb. 9, 1988 died Mar. 20, 1988 Notes: Babyland Section
Kiner, Lyle H. Born1906 died 1979
King, Benn Stanley born 1939 died no date Notes: Hillcrest
King, Charles E. born 2/13/1942 died 2/13/1989 Notes: Cpl US Marine Corps Veterans Court of Honor
King, Clara A. born no date died no date Notes: Vesperland
King, Darrin J. died Apr. 2, 1971 Notes: Babyland Section
King, David M. born 1935 died no date Notes: Pieta
King, Dorothy M. born 1919 died 1993 Notes: Singing Tower Section
King, Doss E. born 8/21/1934 died 5/14/1965 Notes: Vesperland
King, Elizabeth M. born 1929 died 1999 Notes: Pieta
King, Ernestine D. born 1934 died 1997 Notes: Via Crucis
King, Jo Anne born 1936 died no date Notes: Hillcrest
King, John D. born 1915 died 1986 Notes: Calvary Section
King, Julian M. born 5-5-1896 died 10/14/1968 Notes: Virginia PFC HQ Co 62Inf WWI Singing Tower Section
King, Kate L.born 5/22/1920died 10/15/2003 Notes: Devotion Section
King, Lupe C. born 1920 died 1995 Notes: Calvary Section
King, Seth J. born 1934 died no date Notes: Via Crucis
King, Walter W. born 1919 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kingsbury, Claude H. born 10-18-1886 died 10/28/1953 Notes: Vesperland
Kingsbury, Sadie V. born 3/2/1905 died 1977 Notes: Vesperland
Kingston, Charles H. born 1901died 1978Notes: Section A
Kingston, Gladys M. born 1905died 1961 Section A
Kiniry, Eadie Lachelle born 3/8/1962 died 3/8/1962 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kiniry, Nettie Marie born 1897 died 1970 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kiniry, Samuel L. born 2/18/1878 died 4/7/1958 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kiniry, William A. born 1887 died 1973 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kinkade, Gertrude M. born 1909 died 1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kinkade, Ollie T. born 1902 died 1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kinnard, Charles A. born 1921 died 1979 Notes: Vesperland
Kinsinger, Anna F.born 1892died 1967 Notes: Devotion Section
Kinsinger, Gus J.born 1880died 1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Kinsinger, Lawrence A.born 8/12/1918died 1/5/1976 Notes: Devotion Section
Kinsinger, Roma Patriciaborn 7/26/1921died 7/1/1987 Notes: Devotion Section
Kipp, Bernard F. born 1916 died 1979 Notes: Vesperland
Kipp, Norma R. born 1914 died 2002 Notes: Vesperland
Kirby, Allen E. born 5/22/1909 died 5/29/1947 Notes: Section A
Kirby, Charles E. born 1925 died 1968 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kircher, Carrie A.born 1882died 1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Kircher, George J.born 1887died 1959 Notes: Devotion Section
Kirkland, Brenda died Jul. 9, 1976 Notes: Babyland Section
Kirkland, Frances P.born 1890died 1962 Notes: Devotion Section
Kirkland, Glodine Jo born no date died no date Notes: Vesperland
Kirkland, LeRoy Deeborn 4/2/1920died 1/2/2002 Notes: Devotion Section
Kirkland, Lorraine M.born 11/23/1922died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Kirkland, Wilber L.born 1890died 1959 Notes: Devotion Section
Kirscht, Agnes M. born 1912 died 1999 Notes: Section A
Kirscht, Erma born 1915 died 1985 Notes: Section A
Kirscht, Joseph P. born 1905 died 1997 Notes: Section A
Kirscht, Margaret M. born Mar. 19, 1878 died Sept. 3, 1949 Notes: Section A
Kirscht, Peter H. born 1909 died 1977 Notes: Section A
Kirscht, Peter J. born September 20, 1871 died May 2,1947 Notes: Section A
Kirtley, David A. born 10/3/1949 died 11/4/1969 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kirtley, Frank born 1902 died 1998 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kirtley, Joyce E. born 7/8/1927 died 10/29/1975 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kirtley, Pearl L. born 1902 died 1984 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kiser, Lloyd Owen born 12/27/1918died 6/22/1997Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kisslan, Andrew G. born 4/20/1919 died 3/30/1989 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Kitch, Don N. born 1912 died 2000 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kitch, Dorothy E. born 1916 died no date Notes: Resthaven Section
Kitzman, Donald G. born 1933 died 2004 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Klase, Anna L. born 1889 died 1959 Notes: Calvary Section
Klase, Carl A. born 1893 died 1982 Notes: Calvary Section
Klasna, Baby Boy born 1/20/1954 died 1/20/1954 Notes: Sunrise Section
Klasna, George born 1913 died 1993 Notes: Sunrise Section
Klasna, Lorraine M. born 1922 died no date Notes: Sunrise Section
Klein, Gladys E.born 1933died 1990 Notes: Devotion Section
Klein, James A.born 1933died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Kletzky, Loretta I. born 5/30/1903 died 12/30/1978 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Kletzky, Sebastian born 10/16/1901 died 11/18/1954 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Kline, Helen M. born 4/22/1900 died Jan. 18, 1955 Notes: Section A
Kline, Mildred E. born 1914 died 2002 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Kling, Malcolm born 6/12/1934 died 2/9/2002 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kling, Ruth Ann born 10/25/1938 died 12/2/2003 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Klipfel, Anna Mae born 4/14/1925 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Klipfel, David I. born 7/21/1947 died 12/13/1999 Notes: Garden of Hope
Klipfel, Hugh Lee born 2/20/1918 died 2/2/2003 Notes: Garden of Hope
Klipfel, Maxine M. born 7/11/1948 died no date Notes: Garden of Hope
Kloepfer, Mildred G. born 1905died 2000Notes: Section A
Kloepfer, R. Joy born 8/25/1930died 7/29/1951Notes: Section A
Kloepfer, Ray H. born 1902 died 1980 Notes: Section A
Klune, Eddie W. born 3/30/1921 died 12/4/1974 Notes: PFC US Army Calvary Section
Klune, John born 1910 died 1993 Notes: Calvary Section
Klune, Joseph P. born 5/24/1912 died 7/24/1994 Notes: Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII Calvary Section
Klune, Josephine M. born 10/8/1921 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Klune, Pauline R. born 1907 died 1987 Notes: Calvary Section
Klune, Ruth E. born 8/24/1922 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Kness, Mary Edna born 1876 died 1949Notes:Section B
Knezevich, Daniel G. born 1923 died 1980 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knezevich, George Dan born 1897 died 1973 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knezevich, Helen J. born 1905 died 1975 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knezevich, Nick S. born 2/8/1926 died 2/28/2000 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knight, Charles L. born 1/8/1938 died 2/8/1997 Notes: Sunrise Section
Knight, Elizabethborn 1905died 2004 Notes: Devotion Section
Knight, Matthew Vernon born 1912 died 1998 Notes: Sunrise Section
Knight, Verle Roberts born 1917 died 1998 Notes: Sunrise Section
Knight, Walton D.born 1904died 1965 Notes: Devotion Section
Knoll, Flora Irene born 4/3/1907 died 1/28/1997 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knoll, Ronald Dean born 1948 died 1948 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knoll, Rudolph John born 12/2/1899 died 8/20/1960 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knoth, Chester B. born 1876 died 1959 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knoth, Ruby I. born 1909 died 1974 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knuth, Dorthy M.born 2/3/1921died 5/27/2000 Notes: Devotion Section
Knuth, Earl H.born 3/20/1921died 10/11/1998 Notes: Devotion Section
Knuth, Herbert H. born 1891 died 1974 Notes: Resthaven Section
Knuth, Minnie C. born 1898 died 1988 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kobus, Walter born 1940 died 1989 Notes: Calvary Section
Koch, Darla born 1940 died 1999 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Koch, Russell born 1934 died no date Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kochen, Deborah A.born 6/27/1955died 6/8/1957 Notes: Devotion Section
Kochen, G. Scottborn 1/29/1960died 8/17/1997 Notes: Devotion Section
Kochevar, Audrey M. born 1912 died 1998 Notes: Pieta Section
Kochevar, Edward J. born 1921 died 1999 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kochevar, Karyl C. born 1938 died 1987 Notes: Pieta Section
Kochis, Lawrence C. born 8/15/1972 died 4/24/1993 Notes: MM2 US Navy Veterans Court of Honor
Kochis, Steve born 9/06/1906 died 12/16/1991 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kochis, Verna L. born 10/29/1909 died 8/24/1977 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kodalen, Kevin Scott born 12/29/1961 died 3-03-1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Koen, Betty Marie born 1931 died 1998 Notes: Vesperland
Koen, Charles Edward born 9/20/1931 died 10/16/1976 Notes: Vesperland
Koen, no first name born no date died no date Notes: Pieta
Koenig, Ann born 1958 died 1959 Notes: Vesperland
Koenig, Bonnie A. born 1929 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Koevig, Don G. born 1929 died 2001 Notes: Vesperland
Kohler, Eva Mae born 11/24/1910 died 12/25/1988 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Koke, John H. born 29-Jul-22 died no date Notes: Section A
Koke, Olive Lorene born Dec. 20, 1923 died Feb.12, 2002 Notes: Section A
Kolesarek, Jessie E. born 1904 died 1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Koman, Frank C. born 3/23/1911 died 4/24/1988 Notes: PFC US Army WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Koman, Vivian A. born 5/14/1925 died 8/12/1998 Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Koncilja, Lois R. born 7/29/1917 died 4/26/2001 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Kondas, Anna Mae born 1926 died 1984 Notes: Via Crucis
Konty, Elsie L. Mihelich born 10/28/1914 died 8-15-1991 Notes: Mt Olivet Section
Koonce, James Robert born 1/12/1946 died 3/9/2001 Notes: Faith Section
Korber, Donald Howard born 3/25/1927 died 10/7/1978 Notes: US Navy WWII Section A
Korber, Elmer B. born 7-25-1888 died 4/7/1952 Notes: Section A
Korber, Elmer L. born Oct. 18, 1917 died 11/13/1993 Notes: TSgt US Army WWII Section A
Korber, Mary A. born 6-18-1893 died 3/4/1970 Notes: Section A
Korosec, Frances born 5-8-1890died 7/31/1974Notes: Section A
Korosec, Louis born 6-23-1890died 3/23/1947 Section A
Koroshetz, Louis J. born 12/18/1929 died 10/17/2000 Notes: US Army Korea Calvary Section
Korun, Mary C. Zobeck born 1901 died 1983 Notes: Via Crucis
Koschke, Betty M.born 1937died 1982 Notes: Devotion Section
Koschke, Jimmy Deanborn 1934died no date Notes: Devotion Section
Kotulock, Julia J. born no date died no date Notes: Pieta Section
Kotulock, Paul G. born 5/19/1911 died 9/12/1991 Notes: Pieta Section
Kovacs, Kori born 1965 died 1986 Notes: Garden of Prayer Section
Krajacic, Antonette born 1916 died 2001 Notes: Pieta Section
Krajacic, Stanley A. born 1921 died 1992 Notes: Pieta Section
Kralik, Anna Stefanich born 7/22/1903 died 7/15/1967 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krasneck, Anne C. born 7/11/1918 died 9/11/2001 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Krasneck, Edward R. born 2/17/1915 died 4/22/1994 Notes: Chapel of Angels Mausoleum
Krasovich, Ann born 1915 died 1977 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krasovich, Anna A. born 1899 died 1979 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krasovich, Charles M. born 1890 died 1964 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krasovich, Frank born 1908 died 1993 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krasovich, John H. born 1892 died 1983 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krathy, John J. born 7/24/1873 died 9/8/1956 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krathy, Josephine M. born 6/01/1881 died 12/23/1964 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Krathy, Marie Rita born 3/31/1915 died 7/17/1951 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Kraus, Walter R. born 6/6/1921 died 10/27/2000 Notes: Vesperland
Kreie, Juanita K. born 1919 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Kreie, Loren A. born 1914 died 1995 Notes: Vesperland
Kreiser, Edward J. born 6/8/1922 died 8/31/1992 Notes: GM 3 US Navy WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Krizmanich, Mary born 1867 died 1964 Notes: Calvary Section
Kronwitter, Frank born 3-22-1877 died 9-25-1963 Notes: Calvary Section
Kronwitter, John J. born 4/7/1920 died 12/24/1955 Notes: S2 USNR WWII Calvary Section
Kronwitter, Margaret born 12-08-1884 died 8-23-1968 Notes: Calvary Section
Krout, John W.born 1892died 1961 Notes: Devotion Section
Krout, Mary E.born 1895died 1975 Notes: Devotion Section
Kruglet, Margaret E. born 1914 died no date Notes: Calvary Section
Kruglet, Theodore F. born 1914 died 1991 Notes: Calvary Section
Kruse, James Kortney born 1964 died 1978Notes:Section B
Kruse, Jimmie Lee born 7/9/1934 died 10/28/2001Notes:Section B
Kuelper, Stephen L. born 1907 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Kuhn, John born 9/12/1867 died 4/30/1950 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kuhn, Mary A. born 8/20/1858 died 11/17/1948 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kuker, Anna W. born 1903 died 1971 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Kuker, Steve J. born 1901 died 1975 Notes: Mt. Olivet Section
Kulper, Mae M. born 1910 died 1986 Notes: Pieta Section
Kunhart, Earnest F. born 2/4/1918 died 7/26/1996 Notes: CCK US Marine Corps WWII Veterans Court of Honor
Kurtz, Gladysborn 1/12/1903died 2/18/1977 Notes: Devotion Section
Kurtz, Henry G. born 11/1889 died Dec-67 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kurtz, Robert Donald born 10/24/1925 died 10/2/1956 Notes: Sunrise Section
Kushnir, Rita M. born 1919 died 1980 Notes: Singing Tower Section
Kutrulas, Tonie E. born 1911 died 1990 Notes: Pieta Section
Kutzler, Frank born 1886 died 1972 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kutzler, John W. born 1/4/1920 died 6/1/1964 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kutzler, Mary born 1889 died 1989 Notes: Resthaven Section
Kyffin, Elwyn L. born 4/1/1905 died 1999 Notes: Vesperland
Kyffin, Gladys V. born 4/1/1905 died no date Notes: Vesperland
Kyffin, Judith A. born 4/25/1905 died 1985 Notes: Vesperland
Kyle, David A. born 11/29/1920died 10/7/1993Notes: Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII
Kyle, Mary E. born 6/1/1925died 1/5/1994Notes: Veterans Court of Honor
Kyte, Charles R.born 7/23/1944died 5/26/1958 Notes: Devotion Section
Kyte, Ruby A.born 1919died 2003 Notes: Devotion Section
Kyte, Tyler U.born 1913died 1980 Notes: Devotion Section
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell