Pueblo County, Colorado
Colorado Insane Asylum

LaBord, Elizabeth
worker race: W sex: F age: 22 marital:M place of birth: Missouri occupation: nurse source: 1920 census
LaBordie, Everett
worker race W gender M age 27 marital status M birthplace Canada occupation nurse source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
LaDue, Elizabeth
domestic, 1921 Directory
LaDue, W. L.
nurse, 1921 Directory
Lady, John F.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Laidlow, Beatrice
nurse, 1913 City Directory
Lake, Alice M.
worker race W gender F age 50 marital status S place of birth Iowa occupation physician source 1910 census
Lakner, Joseph
Pueblo Indicator 5-10-1941 - Navy Calls Six From State Hospital - The U.S. Navy has called six more reserves from the nursing service of Colorado State hospital at Pueblo, making 22 who have been called from the institution by the navy in recent weeks. James McCormick, Canon City; Bert Vigil Jr., Alamosa; Gordon E. Conklin, Colorado Springs; William Ellsworth Duncan, Lamar, and Joseph Lakner, Pueblo, will report to the Mare Island navy yard in San Francisco Bay as second class pharmacist's mates. While the army, navy and nation defense industries have been in-roads into the hospital's personnel, the management has been endeavoring to secure and train new employes to maintain the standards set for care and custody of the 4,000 patients in the institution.
Lambert, Augusta
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 227 State Hospital
Lambert, Dora E.
nurse, 1923 directory
Lambert, Earl K
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 227 State Hospital
Lambert, Grace J
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 227 State Hospital
Lamond, Agnes B.
daughter race: W sex: F age: 7 marital:S place of birth: Washington occupation: none source: 1920 census
Lamond, Bert G.
son race: W sex: M age: 5 marital:S place of birth: Washington occupation: none source: 1920 census
Lamond, George
engineer, 1919 Directory
Lamond, George W.
worker race: W sex: M age: 42 marital:M place of birth: Canada occupation: engineer source: 1920 census
Lamond, Howard L.
son race: W sex: M age: 9 marital:S place of birth: North Dakota occupation: none source: 1920 census
Lamond, Nellie P.
wife race: W sex: F age: 37 marital:M place of birth: Norway occupation: none source: 1920 census
LaMoure, H. A.
superintendent, 1919 Directory
LaMoure, H. A.
superintendent, 1921 Directory
LaMoure, H. A.
superintendent, 1913 City Directory
LaMoure, H.A.
supt. 1914 City Directory
LaMoure, Howard A.
superintendent, 1923 directory
LaMoure, Howard A.
superintendent, Woodcroft Hospital, 1930 Directory
LaMoure, Howard A. Dr.
worker race: W sex: M age: 43 marital:M place of birth: New York occupation: superintendent source: 1920 census
LaMoure, Ina M.
wife race: W sex: F age: 40 marital:M place of birth: New York occupation: none source: 1920 census
Lampley, E. A.
nurse, Woodcroft Hospital, 1921 Directory
Lampley, E. A.
chief nurse, 1923 directory
Lampley, Earl A.
nurse, 1919 Directory
Lampley, Earley A.
worker race: W sex: M age: 36 marital:S place of birth: Illinois occupation: asst. supervisor source: 1920 census
Lancaster, Sudie
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 228 State Hospital
Lane, J. R.
nurse, 1921 Directory
LaNear, Ezra
employee, spouse Florence residence: 904 E 14th 1948, City Directory page 228 State Hospital
Lang, Lenore
Lenore Lang - Pueblo Chieftain - December 27, 2005 - Lenore Lang, 96, went to be with the Lord on Dec. 21, 2005, in Long Beach, Calif. Born March 20, 1909, in Kiowa, Kan. Preceded in death by her husband, Albert Lang. Lenore was a longtime Pueblo resident, retiring from the Colorado State Hospital. Graveside service, 1 p.m. Thursday, Imperial Memorial Gardens.
Langdon, Margaret M
secretary, residence: 1300 W Abriendo av 1948, City Directory page 228 Woodcroft Hospital
Langdon, Margaret M.
secretary, Woodcroft Hospital, 1930 Directory
Lanman, H. M.
worker race W gender M age 37 marital status M birthplace Texas occupation nurse source 1920 Woodcroft hospital census
Lanmon, Dollie
worker race: W sex: F age: 30 marital: M place of birth: Illinois occupation: nurse source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Lanmon, H. M.
nurse, Woodcroft, 1913 City Directory
Lanmon, Hampton M.
worker race: W sex: M age: 30 marital: M place of birth: Texas occupation: nurse source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Lanning, Forest
Pueblo Indicator 10-7-1939 - Graduating Exercises at the State Hospital Wednesday - Graduation of Psychiatric Nurses Was a Great Event at the Institution - Wednesday was graduation day for a class that has been studying care of psychiatric patients at the Colorado State Hospital for the past six months. The graduates received diplomas as psychiatric aides and will be given employment in the institution. The training of psychiatric aides was started two years ago to improve the standards forward attendants at the hospital. Some of the students will continue the three year course in other institutions to become registered nurses. County Judge Hubert Glover delivered the commencement address at the exercises in the hospital chapel. Miss Isabel Reardon, director of nursing, and Dr. J. L. Rosenbloom, assistant superintendent of the hospital, presented diplomas. Rabbi Perry Nussbaum gave the invocation and Rev. Paul Fife expressed the benediction. Dr. F. H. Zimmerman, hospital superintendent, was in charge of the program. The processional was played by the WPA orchestra. Graduates are Robert L. Rittgers, Denver; Evelyn Fones, Fowler; Frank Gallegos, Trinidad; Ralph Gerstenberger, Byars; Ruth Ann Kropf, Denver; Forest Lanning, Bristol; William Love, Longmont; John A. Myers, Salida; Marie Josephine Anderson, Emily Boone, Catharine Danna, George A. Mitchell, Lillian Nielson, William Loren Parks, Quinton Thomas, Victor Williams and June Woods, all of Pueblo.
Lannon, H. M.
Chief nurse, Woodcroft, 1914 City Directory
Lannon, Hampton M.
nurse Woodcroft Hospital, 1919 Directory
Lannon, S. B.
nurse, 1904 City Directory
Lansing, Bert
farmer, Woodcroft Hospital, 1921 Directory
Larkin, John E.
gateman, 1930 Directory
Larson, Adelaide M
employee, spouse widow of Victor residence: 1121 W. 12th 1948, City Directory page 229 State Hospital
Larson, Alma
laundress, 1904 City Directory
Larson, Nellie S.
worker race W gender F month born December year born 1870 age 29 marital status S place of birth Missouri occupation attendant source : 1900 census
LaSalle, Catherine
affiliate instructor, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 229 State Hospital
Lason, Eugene H.
Wife - gender F race W age 55 marital status M birthplace Illinois occupation Night Attendant source 1930 census
Lason, James J.
head of family gender M race W age 67 marital status M birthplace Illinois occupation Night Attendant source 1930 census
Latta, W. J.
nurse 1914 City Directory
Latta, W. J.
nurse, 1913 City Directory
Law, John
nurse, 1923 directory
Lawler, Dora
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 230 State Hospital
Lawrence, Jessie
worker race:W sex:F month of birth: October year of birth: 1865 age: 34 marital: W place of birth: Scotland occupation: laundress source: Dr. Works 1900 census
Lawrence, Margaret G
employee, residence: 129 Jackson 1948, City Directory page 231 State Hospital
Lawson, Mildred
office worker, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 231 State Hospital
Lawson, William D
employee, spouse Margaret residence: 1819 E 5th 1948, City Directory page 231 State Hospital
Layer, Joanna
dietitian, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 231 State Hospital
Layher, Edna
nurse, 1921 Directory
Lea, Vivian R
attendant, residence: 311 1/2 N Santa Fe 1948, City Directory page 231 State Hospital
Leach, Lillian J.
worker race: W sex: F age: 28 marital: D place of birth: Ohio occupation: nurse source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Leason, Eugene Mrs.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Leason, James J.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Leatherman, Roy
attendant, spouse Lavda residence: 1702 Van Buren 1948, City Directory page 231 State Hospital
Lebo, Frances
nurse, 1898 City Directory
Lechner, Ella
nurse, 1921 Directory
Ledbetter, Millie
nurse, 1930 Directory
Ledbetter, Millie S.
Wife - gender F race W age 47 marital status M birthplace Nebraska occupation Attendant source 1930 census
Ledbetter, P. H.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Ledbetter, Philip H.
head of family gender M race W age 41 marital status M birthplace Illinois occupation Attendant source 1930 census
Lee, Chung
laundryman, 1898 City Directory
Lee, Eva
nurse, 1923 directory
Lee, Grace
nurse, 1919 Directory
Lee, Iula
nurse, 1930 Directory
Lee, S. Lula
Roomer gender F race W age 26 marital status M birthplace Alabama occupation Attendent source 1930 census
Leech, Charles W.
nurse, Woodcroft Hospital, 1921 Directory
Leech, Charles W.
nurse, 1923 directory
Lehwaldt, Pearl E
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 233 State Hospital
Lemen, Lewis E.
In April, 1893, Dr. Lewis E. Lemen was appointed health commissioner of Denver by Mayor Van Horn. In 1889 be was appointed a commissioner of the Colorado Insane Asylum, and was president of the board until 1895. With the various medical associations he holds membership, national, state, and city and county, of which last he was president for some time. His contributions to medical journals have made his name a familiar one to the profession throughout the country. He has been especially successful in surgery, in which department his skill is universally recognized, and his articles upon any branch of that subject are always accepted as authority. In fraternal relations he is a Knight Templar and has taken the thirty-second degree in Masonry. In politics he adheres to the principles of that body known as the silver Republicans. The demands of his profession have been such that he has had no time, had he possessed the inclination, to enter the political arena. The positions he has held have been those that were directly connected with his profession or with the educational interests of his community. May 5, 1875, Dr. Lemen married Miss Lizzie, daughter of Hon. Henry T. Mudd, of St. Louis, Mo. She died in Georgetown, Colo., in 1876. His second marriage, April 12, 1882, united him with Elsie, daughter of Hon. William H. James, of the Omaha and Grant Smelting Company. Three children have been born of their union, of whom two are living, Margaret Lemen and Lewis James Lemen.
Lemon, J.H.
nurse, 1913 City Directory
Lemon, J.H.
nurse 1914 City Directory
Lennon, Margaret
cook, 1930 Directory
Lentz, Percy E
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 233 State Hospital
Lentz, Ramona
Ramona (Mona) Lentz - Pueblo Chieftain - February 05, 2002 - Ramona (Mona) Lentz, 79, widow of Ivan L. Lentz, entered into eternal rest, Monday Feb. 4, 2002. Born Feb. 15, 1922, in Anselmo, Neb. She was the youngest daughter of James and Blanche Judge. Mona worked as a LPN at the Colorado State Hospital in Pueblo for many years. Also at several nursing homes in the Pueblo area. After moving to Denver, she worked as a home health care nurse for many years. She was also a veteran of the U.S. Navy. She is survived by her son Larry Lentz; Denver, Colo., Linda (Terry) Boatwright, Charleston, S.C., Joe (Kathy) Lentz, Colorado Springs, Colo. Lorraine (Frank) Hoover, Fountain, Colo. She is also survived by 11 grandchildren, Lisa Dillow Martin, Sean Gardiner, Melissa Davis, Brian Lentz, Justin Lentz, Kristy Hoover, Mike Lentz, Carry Lentz, and Chad Hoover, Amanda Boatwright and Juliee Boatwright, and four great-grandchildren, Mason Davis, Adria Davis, Synclair Gardiner and Jessy Gardiner. She is predeceased by three brothers and two sisters. The relatives and friends of Mona are invited to attend her visitation on Tuesday, Feb. 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 11 a.m. with visitation from 8 a.m. until time of service at Imperial Funeral Home Chapel, with interment to follow in Imperial Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice.
Leonard, Daisy
employee, spouse widow of Roy residence: 912 W 13th 1948, City Directory page 233 State Hospital
Lesher, Roy O.
nurse, 1923 directory
Leslie, Horace P
attendant, spouse Idelle residence: 1116 W 12th 1948, City Directory page 233 State Hospital
Leslie, Idelle Mrs
employee, residence: 1116 W 12th 1948, City Directory page 233 State Hospital
Lewis, E.
Buena Vista Democrat 4-4-1889 – Buena Vista News – Our old townsman, Dr. E. Lewis has been appointed one of the commissioners of the Insane Asylum. Glad of it.
Lewis, E. C.
nurse, 1904 City Directory
Lewis, Frederick C.
worker race W gender M month born March year born 1869 age 31 marital status M place of birth France occupation baker source : 1900 census
Lewis, Mattie
nurse, 1919 Directory
Lieser, H H
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 235 State Hospital
Lietz, Margie
Margie Lietz - Pueblo Chieftain - November 26, 2006 - Margie Lietz, 91, was born on March 25, 1915, and went to be with her husband, George R. Lietz, on Nov. 18, 2006, who passed away Nov. 13, 2006. She is survived by her special granddaughter, Pam Henderson; two children, Linnie (Dave) Wennerlund and Clarence (Linda) Engelbrecht; seven grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 10 great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Margie was born in Oklahoma City, Okla., to Albert and Nellie Aurich. She was not only a nurse for 20 years at the Colorado State Hospital, but she was a nurse to everybody. A special thanks to all the friends and neighbors who cared for Margie. There will be no viewing. Cremation, Montgomery & Steward Crematorium. Memorial service, 11 a.m. Monday, Nov. 27, 2006, Montgomery & Steward Chapel with Pastor Steve Allen officiating.
Lile, Nellie Mrs
attendant, residence: 1001 W 11th 1948, City Directory page 235 State Hospital
Lind, Lois M
attendant, residence: 1201 BanBuren 1948, City Directory page 235 State Hospital
Littig, Earl E
employee, spouse Edna residence: 420 W 8th 1948, City Directory page 236 State Hospital
Littig, Earl Eugene
Earl Eugene Littig - Pueblo Chieftain - February 03, 1998 - Earl Eugene Littig, 92, passed away Feb. 2, 1998. Born Jan. 31, 1906, in Moline, Ill. Mr. Littig retired from the Colorado State Hospital in July 1971 and was a member of Liberty Baptist Church. Preceded in death by his wife, Edna, in 1994. Survived by daughter, Betty (George) Perry, Pueblo- sisters, Marguerite Snell, Medicine Lodge, Kan., and Ethel Butler, Monticello, Utah- granddaughters, Cathy (Dwight) Hellmers, Lakewood, Colo., Judy (Chris) Rogers, Las Vegas, Nev., and Luanne (Scott) Thornburg, Kansas City, Mo.- three great-grandchildren- and numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the funeral home. Graveside service, 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 6, 1998, Imperial Memorial Gardens. The family respectfully requests the omission of flowers.
Littig, Glenn A
patrolman, spouse Mary N residence: 2301 Atlanta 1948, City Directory page 236 State Hospital
Litton, Okalee
employee, residence: 215 E Evans av 1948, City Directory page 236 State Hospital
Lobaugh, Anna
attendant, spouse widow of John L residence: 2424 Pine 1948, City Directory page 237 State Hospital
Lofgren, Edna C.
nurse, 1921 Directory
Logan, Grace B.
cook, 1921 Directory
Logan, Nora
employee, residence: 168 Midway 1948, City Directory page 237 State Hospital
Logue, Alice Mrs
employee, residence: 627 1/2 S Union av 1948, City Directory page 237 State Hospital
Lois, Joseph H.
worker race W gender M month born October year born 1860 age 39 marital status M place of birth Pennsylvania occupation bookkeeper source : 1900 census
Lois, Minnie B.
wife race W gender F month born April year born 1865 age 35 marital status M place of birth Illinois occupation wife of bookkeeper source : 1900 census
Lon, King
worker race Ch gender M month born . year born 1865 age 35 marital status S place of birth China occupation laundryman source : 1900 census
Lonbeck, not listed
employee, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 237 State Hospital
Long, Frank J.
worker race W gender M age 51 marital status M place of birth Pennsylvania occupation gateman source 1910 census
Long, Maxine L.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Long, Robert R.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Long, Susie B.
Roomer gender F race W age 60 marital status Wd birthplace Virginia occupation Practical Nurse source 1930 census
Long, Susie B.
nurse, 1923 directory
Long, Susie B.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Long, Susie B.
nurse, 1921 Directory
Longgrear, Dorothy
Dorothy Longgrear - Pueblo Chieftain - March 11, 1999 - Dorothy Longgrear passed away March 9, 1999, in Pueblo. Dorothy was born May16, 1919, in Higginsville, Mo., to Robert and Lillie MacMurtree. She was employed as a Pysch Tech at the Colorado State Hospital for 23 years before her retirement. On Oct. 24, 1938, she married Russell H. Longgrear who preceded her in death in 1961. Dorothy was also preceded in death by her parents- brother, Floyd MacMurtree- and sister, Roseanna MacMurtree-Beach. Among her survivors are sons, Russell (Patricia) of Pueblo and Robert of Colorado Springs- daughter, Carol (Robert) Wands of Pueblo- grandchildren, Russell (Rhonda), Kirk and William Longgrear, Kirby (Rod) Marquez, Cassandra (John Krupka) Wands and Andrey Del Schultz-Longgrear- great-grandchildren, Josh, Trudy, Rachael, Danielle, Russell IV, Jessica, Kendell, Savannah and Conley- sister, Edith LaVerne Beard- as well as numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives. Visitation for Dorothy will be held from 1 until 6 p.m. today at the mortuary. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, March 12,1999, in the Davis Memorial Chapel with Rev. Ross Kershaw officiating. Interment will follow in the Roselawn Cemetery. Dorothy was an avid reader and the family suggests donations may be made to the Pueblo Regional Library-Juvenile Department.
Longley, Margaret Mrs
attendant, residence: 1131 1/2 W 14th 1948, City Directory page 238 State Hospital
Longshore, Nina L Mrs
attendant, residence: 1314 1/2 N Main 1948, City Directory page 238 State Hospital
Longshore, Ted R
employee, spouse Nina L residence: 1314 1/2 N Main 1948, City Directory page 238 State Hospital
Loor, Joseph H.
steward, 1898 City Directory
Loor, Joseph H.
Denver Evening Post 1-23-1899 – Probing Asylum Affairs – Tilts Between Investigators Enliven the Proceedings – Pueblo, Jan. 23 – Dr. Hubert Work, the temporary superintendent of the asylum, who has been active as its provisional superintendent since Dec. 25 last, was the first witness called this morning. Dr. Work testified that when he assumed the provisional superintendency no invoices of drugs, furniture, or fixtures was given to him. As to the management of the asylum, T. J. Burrows was supervisor; Mrs. Thombs held the next position, that of matron; J. H. Loor is steward, and Mrs. Lucy Edwards, chief nurse, is followed by the nurses, who number fifteen, and are directly under her supervision.
Loor, Joseph H.
Denver Evening Post 1-24-1899 – Asylum Inquisitors Down to Hard Pan – Pueblo, Jan. 24 – What will probably be the last day of the insane asylum investigation by the legislative committee began this morning with a denunciation by Attorney (Mortimer F.) Taylor, who, in vigorous language, characterized the examination of witnesses as “bullyragging,” and of such an illegal nature that 90 per cent of the testimony taken would be thrown out of an ordinary justice court. When the committee met at 9:30 o'clock Steward Loor was recalled to the witness stand and closely questioned as to the disposition made of the asylum appropriations. To a question, if a financial statement could be found showing the amount of cash on hand on Jan. 1, 1899, and the amount of revenue of the institution for that year, witness replied that the information could be found in the office of the state auditor. On cross-examination witness said it was impossible to go through the books and furnish an itemized bill for goods received in the asylum… Steward Furnishes Figures – J. H. Loor, steward under the provisional superintendent, was presented by Attorney General Campbell to show the faulty system of bookkeeping. For the quarter ending February, 1898, he testified the salaries amounted to $1,655 and the wages $2,996, making a total of $4,651. “The books,” said the witness, “show that these amounts were paid by vouchers.” On a question of the attorney general to the possibility that any number of persons could be added to the pay roll and the vouchers drawn the witness answered “yes.” “Was there a general invoice taken of the furniture and fixtures, the horses and cattle, when you were appointed steward?” “I never saw one. Nor have I found any records beyond 1896 to show what goods were brought in and stored in the building.” “Does the baker keep a daily record?” “I do not know.” Witness said, as steward, he did not keep records showing the final disposition of flour or anything else coming into the asylum. There were probably invoices to show their receipt. Witness was asked to look them up and, if possible, present them by this morning. He stated that he had received instructions from Dr. Work to keep cases on what he needed from day to day and order it. He admitted that if anybody went into a combination with the commissioners and superintendent a fraud could be created. A complete system of checking all goods and showing their final disposition could be established, in the opinion of the witness, and would not require much work.
Loor, Joseph H.
Denver Evening Post 1-25-1899 – Summed Up By Word “Nothing” – Insane Asylum Investigation Devoid of Results – Pueblo, Jan. 25 – After five days' investigation by the joint legislative investigating committee into the affairs of the state insane asylum, the state rested its case last night with the announcement of defeat. Addressing the members in summing up the evidence, Attorney General Campbell said: … “Joseph Loor, the steward, was the only fair witness on that stand. I asked him, 'Do you know how much bread, meat and vegetables you consume?' He answered, 'No; they simply told me to keep up the table, ordering what I wanted when it was desired, just to keep up the table.'
Loor, Joseph H.
Denver Evening Post 2-14-1899 – Insane Asylum Management Laid Bare – Majority Report – After reciting the charges lodged against the superintendent the majority report attacks them… As to the financial records and books of account, the committee found that the system of bookkeeping now and for the last four years in use at the asylum was adopted on recommendation of State Auditor Lowell and the present bookkeeper, Joseph H. Loar, testified before the committee that the system was a good and proper one and that by it a careful check could be kept on the purchases of goods and the character of goods.
Loose, H. A.
nurse, 1904 City Directory
Lopez, Andronico M.
Andronico M. "Andy" Lopez - Pueblo Chieftain - February 15, 1999 - Andronico M. "Andy" Lopez, 88, passed away Feb. 12, 1999. Preceded in death by his wife, Mary Nina Lopez, in 1976- grandson, Tom Lopez- two brothers and four sisters. Survived by his children, William (Marcella) Lopez, Canon City, Seneca Lopez, Denver, Ruth Zamora, Pueblo, Laura (John) Piquette, Westcliffe, and Janette (Terry) McGee, Brush- 17 grandchildren- numerous great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren- longtime companion, Carmelita Armijo, Pueblo- and her family, Tino (Dorothy) Armijo, Pomona, Calif., Tillie (Phil) Martinez, Littleton, Art (LaPriel) Armijo, Glenwood Springs, Betty (Don) Guillen, Pueblo, and Ralph (Judy) Armijo, Denver. Born on April 28, 1910, in Ocate, N.M. Member of St. Leander Church since 1952 and former member of the Moose Lodge. Andy retired from the Colorado State Hospital. He was a cowboy most of his life and enjoyed the outdoors. He will lie in state at the funeral home from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. today.
Lopez, Ann T.
Ann T. Lopez - Pueblo Chieftain - May 17, 2002 - Ann T. Lopez, age 74, of Pueblo, passed away May 15, 2002, surrounded by her family. Survived by her children, Dan (Elsie) Lopez Jr., Mary Jane "Bebe" Lopez, Tom (Shirley) Lopez and Doris (Jose) Duran. Grandmother of Brandy Lopez, Jerry Mares, Christy Lopez, Chantel (J.D.) Webber, Charelle (Nick) Jaramillo-Gallegos, Kimberly Ann Lopez, Amber Rae Nevarez, Mia Duran and Jerah Duran. Great-grandmother of Cierra Lopez and India Lopez. Also survived by sister, Lenore Ramirez; brothers, Robert "Bob" Torres, Ben (Francis) Torres, Floyd (Lil) Torres, Felix (Vi) Torres, Ascension "Chon" Torres and George (Cindy) Torres. Preceded in death by her husband, Dan T. Lopez; father, Juan E. Torres; mother, Rose Vasquez Torres; sisters, Betty "Marcy" Torres, and Lorraine "Lats" Torres; brother, John "Jay" Torres; nieces, Renee Torres and Lenore "Lenny" Torres; and brother-in-law, Manuel Ramirez. From 1955 to 1963 she was a joint owner of Tolteca's Taco Tia.
Lopez, Beatrice
Beatrice Lopez – Pueblo Chieftain – October 16, 2006 - Beatrice Lopez, 85, of Pueblo, passed away Oct. 14, 2006. She is preceded in death by her mother and father, Thomas and Emma Martinez; sisters, Ruby Gallegos, Consuelo “Connie” Fransua; grandson, Patrick Vialpando; and great-grandson, Marty Ray Ayala. She is survived by her loving husband of 55 years, Raymond Lopez; children, Don “Sonny” (Norma) Cordova Jr., Adeline (John) Vialpando; 12 grandchildren, Elizabeth Cordova, Don (Stacey) Cordova III, Veronica Cordova, Deborah (Jorge) Cordova-Gutierrez, Terra (Freddy) Cordova-Reyna, Laureen (Paul) Smith, Mary (Rick) Cordova-Robles, Cindy Ayala, Loretta Aragon, Ernie (Nellie) Aragon, Jeanette (Fabian) Chacon; 41 great-grandchildren, seven great-great-grandchildren; and sister-in-law, Sister Ernestine, OBS. Also survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Beatrice was a lifetime member of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. She retired from the Colorado State Hospital as a psychiatric technician.
Lorentz, Anne
nurse, 1930 Directory
Lorentz, Jesse
nurse, 1930 Directory
Lotz, Floyd R.
nurse, 1921 Directory
Love, William
Pueblo Indicator 10-7-1939 - Graduating Exercises at the State Hospital Wednesday - Graduation of Psychiatric Nurses Was a Great Event at the Institution - Wednesday was graduation day for a class that has been studying care of psychiatric patients at the Colorado State Hospital for the past six months. The graduates received diplomas as psychiatric aides and will be given employment in the institution. The training of psychiatric aides was started two years ago to improve the standards forward attendants at the hospital. Some of the students will continue the three year course in other institutions to become registered nurses. County Judge Hubert Glover delivered the commencement address at the exercises in the hospital chapel. Miss Isabel Reardon, director of nursing, and Dr. J. L. Rosenbloom, assistant superintendent of the hospital, presented diplomas. Rabbi Perry Nussbaum gave the invocation and Rev. Paul Fife expressed the benediction. Dr. F. H. Zimmerman, hospital superintendent, was in charge of the program. The processional was played by the WPA orchestra. Graduates are Robert L. Rittgers, Denver; Evelyn Fones, Fowler; Frank Gallegos, Trinidad; Ralph Gerstenberger, Byars; Ruth Ann Kropf, Denver; Forest Lanning, Bristol; William Love, Longmont; John A. Myers, Salida; Marie Josephine Anderson, Emily Boone, Catharine Danna, George A. Mitchell, Lillian Nielson, William Loren Parks, Quinton Thomas, Victor Williams and June Woods, all of Pueblo.
Love, William
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 239 State Hospital
Lovejoy, Clarence A.
worker race: W sex: M age: 49 marital:W place of birth: New Hampshire occupation: nurse source: 1920 census
Lovett, Grace
laundress, Woodcroft, 1914 City Directory
Lovett, Grace A,
laundry, Woodcroft, 1913 City Directory
Lowe, Clifford A
attendant, spouse Ethel residence: 914 N Main 1948, City Directory page 239 State Hospital
Lowry, Eva
waiter, 1923 directory
Lucas, Jewell
employee, residence: 2430 N 25th 1948, City Directory page 240 State Hospital
Lucero, Erlinda
Erlinda Lucero - Pueblo Chieftain - November 08, 2003 - Erlinda Lucero, a Colorado native, born Sept. 17, 1937, entered the gates of heaven on Nov. 5, 2003. Predeceased by father Joe Garcia, Son Benjamin Lucero and brothers Solomon, Phillip and David Garcia. Survived by mother Flora Garcia. Children Alfred (Debbie), Donald (Robin), Gilbert (Judy), Eugene (Davine) Lucero, Rebecca (Mario) Gomez, Kayla Lucero, father of children John Lucero. 14 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, one expected great grandchild. Sister Thelma (Cecil) Vigil, Brother Paul (Sonia) Garcia, and numerous family members. Mrs. Lucero formerly employed as a Psychiatric Technician at Colorado State Hospital. Enjoyed fishing, crocheting, and the Denver Broncos. Prayer and funeral service to be held at Angelus Chapel, 10:00 a.m. Monday with Pastor Ben Martinez officiating. Viewing to be held Saturday from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. The family may be contacted at 1912 W. 16th. Donations may be made to Angelus chapel in her memory.
Lucero, Frank F
employee, spouse Hortencia residence: 817 E 1st 1948, City Directory page 240 State Hospital
Lucero, Helen Mrs
attendant, residence: 1633 W 17th 1948, City Directory page 240 State Hospital
Ludlow, Charlotte
Charlotte Ludlow - Pueblo Chieftain - March 16, 2004 - Charlotte Ludlow made her transition on March 8, 2004 at Phoenix, Ariz. A Pueblo resident since 1922. She was born in Portland Oregon on April 23, 1914. She is survived by her children, Jack (Margie) Ludlow, Manitou Springs and Cherie (Bill) Chapparo of Phoenix, Ariz. Also five grandchildren, 3 step-grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by her mother, Hattie Sullivan and her father, Philip Sullivan, brothers Orville and Clifford Sullivan and sister Velma Gordon. She retired from Colorado State Hospital and Sears Midtown after 21 years of service in 1984. She was a volunteer at Parkview Hospital and Cooperative Care after retirement. She was a member of Divine Science Church. Cremation by her request. Celebration of life at Divine Science Church, 115 E. Routt, on April 23, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. Family will receive friends after services in Church Hall. Please omit flowers and food. Those who wish may make contributions to Pueblo County Heart Fund or Diabetes Association.
Lujan, Lupe Marie
Lupe Marie Lujan - Pueblo Chieftain - October 10, 2001 - Lupe Marie Lujan, 84, departed this life Oct. 7, 2001, at St. Mary-Corwin hospital. Born Aug. 9, 1917, in El Paso, Texas, she was a retired cook at the Colorado State Hospital. She also was a well-known caterer, specializing in weddings. Preceded in death by her parents, Pasqual and Jovita (Gonzales) Arellano; brothers, Charlie, J.P. and Danny Arellano; sister, Nellie Vigil; grandchildren, Lorraine K. Salas and Dennis Salas; and beloved husband, Alfredo Lujan. Survived by her children, Esther (Carlos) Salas, Ralph (Martha) Lujan, Ed (Debbie) Lujan, Alfred Freddy (Patricia) Lujan, Gloria (Ted) Lujan Garcia, Linda (Masato) Suzuki and Arthur (Vera) Lujan; two sisters, Tillie Vigil and Josie Cordova; 17 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends, including her special niece, Dolly (Frank) Weston. Visitation, noon until 6 p.m. Wednesday, Angelus Chapel. Funeral service, 2 p.m. Friday, Angelus Chapel. Interment, Roselawn Cemetery. Family will receive friends at 201 Cottonwood.
Luke, Bonnie J Mrs
attendant, residence: 305 N Bradford av 1948, City Directory page 241 State Hospital
Lund, Lucille L.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Lundborg, Clara M.
worker race W gender F age 28 marital status S place of birth Sweden occupation nurse source 1910 census
Lunsford, S. D.
nurse, 1923 directory
Luscomb, Albert
worker race W gender M age 36 marital status M place of birth Michigan occupation nurse source 1910 census
Lusk, Bernice H.
Bernice H. Lusk - Pueblo Chieftain - April 17, 1990 - Bernice H. Lusk, former resident of Pueblo, passed away Saturday in Colorado Springs. Bernice worked at the Colorado State Hospital until retirement. She is survived by daughter, Geraldine L. Gwyn, grandsons, Michael W. Gwyn and Ronald A. Gwyn; son-in-law, Donald Gwyn, all of Colorado Springs; and stepdaughter, Eugina McCracken, Las Animas, Colo. Graveside service, 10:30 a.m. today at Imperial Memorial Gardens with Rev. Ted Savage officiating.
Lyon, Blanche
nurse, 1919 Directory
Lyon, F. H.
nurse, 1919 Directory
Lyon, John E.
gender m age 22 occupation attendant birthplace Ohio source: 1880 census
Lyons, Ruth
attendant, residence: 1009 E 10th 1948, City Directory page 242 State Hospital
Lyons, William G
gateman, spouse Ruth residence: 1009 E 10th 1948, City Directory page 242 State Hospital
Lytle, Herbert G.
worker race: W sex: M age: 35 marital:M place of birth: Illinois occupation: nurse source: 1920 census
Lytle, Laura
worker race: W sex: F age: 28 marital:M place of birth: Ohio occupation: nurse source: 1920 census
Lytle, Otis M.
worker race: W sex: M age: 24 marital:S place of birth: Illinois occupation: nurse source: 1920 census

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Karen Mitchell.
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