Pueblo County, Colorado
Colorado Insane Asylum

Oberg, Herman
roomer gender M race W age 47 marital status S birthplace Sweden occupation Attendant source 1930 census
O'Brien, Rose
roomer gender F race W age 54 marital status M birthplace West Virginia occupation Attendant source 1930 census
O'Brien, Rose
nurse, 1930 Directory
O'Connor, Edward M.
worker race: W sex: M age: 29 marital:S place of birth: Illinois occupation: fireman source: 1920 census
O'Connor, Marie
nurse 1914 City Directory
Odenbaugh, Marie
worker race: W sex: F age: 26 marital: S place of birth: Kansas occupation: teacher source: 1910 Woodcroft census
Odle, Bernice
attendant, residence: 1007 W 14th 1948, City Directory page 293 State Hospital
Odle, Stanley
attendant, residence: 1007 W 14th 1948, City Directory page 294 State Hospital
Offitt, W.J.
nurse 1914 City Directory
Offutt, Mary K.
dietitian, 1930 Directory
Offutt, W.J.
watchman, 1904 City Directory
Ogden, Margie
attendant, residence: 219 Garfield 1948, City Directory page 294 State Hospital
O'Grant, Clara
attendant, residence: Woodcroft Hospital 1948, City Directory page 294 Woodcroft Hospital
O'Haeron, Belle
Wife - gender F race W age 37 marital status M birthplace Missouri occupation Attendant source 1930 census
O'Haeron, William P.
head of family gender M race W age 49 marital status M birthplace Wisconsin occupation Attendant source 1930 census
O'Hara, Barbara B
attendant, residence: 112 E 7th 1948, City Directory page 294 State Hospital
O'Heron, Belle
nurse, 1930 Directory
O'Heron, Belle
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 294 State Hospital
O'Heron, W P
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 294 State Hospital
O'Heron, W. P.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Olinger, Dora
laundress, 1904 City Directory
Olinger, George
laundry, 1904 City Directory
Oliver, F. H.
nurse, 1921 Directory
Oliver, F. H.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Oliver, Lottie L.
nurse, 1930 Directory
Olsen, Josephine
nurse Woodcroft Hospital, 1919 Directory
Olson, Agnes Mrs
employee, residence: 1026 W 13th 1948, City Directory page 295 State Hospital
O'Neil, James
attendant , 1893 City Directory
Osborn, Annie
attendant, residence: Air Base 1948, City Directory page 297 State Hospital
Osborne, Mary S.
nurse, 1898 City Directory
Osterhout, Gladys
employe, 1930 Directory
Overall, A. H.
carpenter, 1893 City Directory
Oviatte, Cleo M
attendant, spouse widow of Zerald A residence: 1512 E 3d 1948, City Directory page 298 State Hospital
Owen, N. D.
Denver Evening Post 7-7-1899 – Men Who Will Deal with Dr. Thombs – Governor Thomas named the new board of lunacy commissioners this morning. The appointments are: Dr. W. W. Grant, Arapahoe county, six-year term; N. D. Owen, Gilpin county, four-year term; Ira D. Chamberlain, Pueblo, two-year term. The board is equally divided between the three fusion parties, Dr. Grant being a Democrat, Mr. Owen a Silver Republican, and Mr. Chamberlain a Populist. Compensation provided for the members is $600 a year and traveling expenses.
Owens, Gardner E
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 298 State Hospital
Owens, Vernetta
attendant, residence: State Hospital 1948, City Directory page 298 State Hospital
Oxford, Emogene
attendant, residence: 1106 Mesa av 1948, City Directory page 298 State Hospital

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Karen Mitchell.
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