Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Babbitt, Lyla Alice died 11-25-1902 Notes: age 4y 7m 20d, daughter of William Babbitt McCarthy Funeral Home
Babich, Anton born 1904 died 1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Babich, Betty Jo born 1927 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Babich, Frank born 1912 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Babich, Johanna born 1909 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Babich, Timothy W. born 8-15-1948 died 1-6-1970 Notes: Colorado Sgt 75Service GP AAF WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Babnick, Frances M. born 1922 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Babnick, Stanley F. born 1913 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Bachek, Joseph died 9-8-1905 Notes: born at Austria age 30y, sold to Mrs. Andrew Bachel and J. Kighn McCarthy Funeral Home
Bacino, Laboria died 5-18-1901 Notes: age 1y 11m 16d, child of Calley Bacino McCarthy Funeral Home
Bacino, Philip born 9-5-1910 died 11-6-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Cologero and Josepha Taola Bacino both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Bacino, Salvator born 3-19-1908 died 3-21-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Charles Bacino McCarthy Funeral Home
Badovinac, John N. born 1904 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Badovinac, Olga H. born 1908 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Baer, baby born 1-10-1902 died 1-10-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo stillborn, child of Sam Baer McCarthy Funeral Home
Bagnik, Ignag born 3-3-1875 died 12-1-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Bahic, Joe Jr. died 10-21-1900 Notes: age 4d, son of Joe Bahic Sr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Bailey, Hellen Notes: buried 04-20-1899 age 1, female, Location 25 54 20, McMahon and Collier
Bainck, John Notes: buried 09-25-1899 age 35, male, Location 25 69 2, McMahon and Collier
Baird, Betty W. Lackey born 1922 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Baird, James H. born 1915 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, Andrew J. born 1-4-1860 died 6-15-1904 (Kay Medved)
Baker, Charles H. born 1872 died 1952 (Kay Medved)
Baker, Charles H. family monument(Kay Medved)
Baker, Dora A. born 9-4-1872 died 1-18-1941 (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, Edward died 8-22-1900 Notes: age 25y 6m 17d, died at Insane Asylum, Pueblo, informant James Catrou and E. Duncan McCarthy Funeral Home
Baker, George D. Notes: buried 07-28-1897 age 49, male, Location 14 43 6, T.G. McCarthy
Baker, Herbert C. born 6-26-1868 died 6-10-1947 (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, Herbert L. born 7-4-1909 died 2-20-1959 Notes: Son (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, Howard L. born 9-14-1906 died 2-2-1908 Notes: Our Baby, son of H.C & Dora A. (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, Mary E. born 4-8-1849 died 12-21-1919 Notes: Mother (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, Minnie Caudel born 3-18-? died 8-10-1911 Notes: born at Missouri age 5y, daughter of William and Mattie Forbes Caudle McCarthy Funeral Home
Baker, Virginia May born 1911 died 1911 (Kay Medved)
Baker, Webster born 5-14-1846 died 9-21-1911 (Sharon McCurry)
Baker, William H. <.a> born 11-26-1889 died 2-21-1940 (Kay Medved)
Balcom, Edna Wildman born 4-7-1893 died 4-22-1893 Also (Floyd Kelling)
Balcom, William A. born 1866 died 1931 (Floyd Kelling)
Baldwin, Alonzo died 2-10-1918 Notes: age 1y 3m 20d McCarthy Funeral Home
Baldwin, Lottie Notes: buried 05-24-1898 age 23, female, Location 26 72 8, T.G. McCarthy
Ball, Christina Edwin Notes: buried 07-05-1899 age 0, female, Location 30 93 1, West Brothers
Ball Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Ball, Avis born 7-3-1901 died 2-28-1905 (Floyd Kelling)
Ball, Edwin born 9-10-1897 died 7-3-1899 (Floyd Kelling)
Ball, Horace A. born 2-2-1861 died 7-31-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Ball, William born no date died 3-7-1897 notes:age 58y (Karen Mitchell)
Ballard, Frances Louise Thompson born 1828 died 1901 (Floyd Kelling)
Ballash, Esther M. born 1904 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Ballash, Steve J. born 1901 died 1957 (Sharon McCurry)
Ballos, Albert P. born 2-16-1912 died 4-16-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of John Ballos and Anna Bergman Ballos, both born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Ballos, Francis Valentine born 2-14-1911 died 6-3-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo child of John and Anna Bergman Ballos both born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Balmer, Isabella McLacklan died 2-15-1912 Notes: age 64y, born Scotland or Isle of Man, wife of William Balmer, daughter of John McLachlan and ? Gordon both born Scotland McCarthy Funeral Home
Balsick, Mary born 1917 died 1917 (Kay Medved)
Bambeno, Joseph Jr. no dates Notes: died age 0 Notes: buried 12-19-1914, Block, lot, space: 57 2 12 29 UDV Also (Kay Medved)
Bambeno, Rocco no dates Notes: looks like Roxy but name verified as Rocco, died at age 50 Notes: buried 6-14-1905 Block, lot, space: 57 154 3 West-Whiton Also (Kay Medved)
Ban, Gregor died 5-30-1910 Notes: born at Austria age 31y, son of Frank Kocak born Austria, sold to St. Joseph Society and brother-in-law Frank Kocak McCarthy Funeral Home
Banko, Michael buried 10-23-1899 Notes: age 1m 15d, son of Steve Banko Location 57 28 11, T.G. McCarthy
Banks, George died 5-24-1902 Notes: age 1m 10d, son of Frank Banks McCarthy Funeral Home
Banks, Henry C. Notes: buried 07-01-1898 age 55, male, Location 13 310 6, West Brothers
Banks, Horace W. Notes: buried 07-02-1898 age 60, male, Location 13 309 7, West Brothers
Banning, Thomas H. born 1879 died 1958 Notes: husband of Mary Elizabeth Banning (Floyd Kelling)
Barberet, Nancy died 10-8-1902 Notes: age 75y, informant John W. Barberet McCarthy Funeral Home
Bardac, Frank Jr. born 7-30-1902 died 7-30-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo age 30 minutes, son of Frank Bardac Jr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Bargas, Antonio died 1922 Notes: age 1 (Joy Trout)
Bargas, Jobita died 1921 (Joy Trout)
Bargfried, Heinrich died 2-8-1914 Notes: born at Germany age 61y, son of Herman and Margaret Myers Bargfride both born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Barilla, Mary Notes: buried 04-01-1897 age 1, female, Location 57 251 6, McMahon and Collier
Barklow, Charles Notes: baby buried 10-19-1898 age 0, male, Location 25 156 10, McMahon and Collier
Barnak, Stephen died 12-3-1898 Notes: buried 12-05-1898 age 33, male, Location 57 140 4, T.G. McCarthy
Barnes, Charles David born 7-4-1960 died 9-25-1910 Notes: born at Boston, Ma. son of David Charles Barnes born Ma. and Anna Carlton? Born Maine? McCarthy Funeral Home
Barnes, Elizabeth born no date died 7-23-1891 Notes: Age 56y, wife of W.M. Barnes (Floyd Kelling)
Barnes, William Notes: buried 09-20-1899 age 66, male, Location 25 74 2, McMahon and Collier
Barnett, America Notes: died age 84 buried 8-8-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 2 85 Udv
Barnett, Anna Maria (baby) Notes: died age 0 buried 5-2-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 70 16 T1 George F. McCarthy
Barnett, baby Notes: died 0-0-1910 age 0 buried 11-20-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 T3 Udv
Barnett, Benjamin Homer Notes: died age 69 buried 12-26-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 10 Davis
Barnett, Benjamin T. Notes: died age 82 buried 8-3-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 2 Fitzroy
Barnett, Betty A. Notes: died 2-10-1993 age 67 buried 2-16-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 45e McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co (Kay Medved)
Barnett, Charles Markus Notes: died 8-14-1977 age 63 buried 8-16-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 41 124 4 T.G. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Barnett, Charles T. Notes: died 12-3-1975 age 64 buried 12-5-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 5 George McCarthy
Barnett, Dorothy Grace Notes: died 8-26-2010 age 92 buried 8-31-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 6 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Barnett, Edward Notes: died 12-10-1994 age 78 buried 12-16-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 8 T.G. McCarthy St. Louis, Missouri
Barnett, Florence born 1905 died 1993 Notes: died 5-2-1993 age 87 buried 5-5-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 31 89 6 McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co (Floyd Kelling)
Barnett, Grace Caroline Notes: died 7-17-1972 age 82 buried 7-19-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 9 George McCarthy
Barnett, Jack Vernon Notes: died 12-8-2006 age 83 buried 12-21-2006 Block, Lot, Space: 45e George McCarthy Pueblo, Co (Kay Medved)
Barnett, John Notes: died age 63 buried 3-21-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 76 Whiton
Barnett, John Benjamin Notes: baby died age 0 buried 6-28-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 11 Davis
Barnett, Joseph Francis Notes: died 12-29-2004 age 57 buried 1-4-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 41 124 3 Roselawn Walsenburg, Co Also (Kay Medved)
Barnett, Neva Notes: died 1-19-1970 age 81 buried 1-22-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 69 4 8 Rouch
Barnett, Richard J. Notes: died age 75 buried 10-15-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 28 301 2 Udv
Barnett, Robert Homer Notes: died age 0 buried 1-7-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 4 Whiton
Barnett, Ruth A. Notes: died age 80 buried 12-28-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 1 Fitzroy
Barnett, Ruth Hallie Notes: died 6-30-1996 age 76 buried 7-5-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 18 90 7 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Barnett, Silas Notes: died age 45 buried 4-10-1901Block, Lot, Space: East West Whiton
Barnett, Stephanie Lizbeth Notes: died 5-31-2013 age 96 buried 6-5-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 41 124 3 Tg McCarthy Pueblo, Co Also (Kay Medved)
Barnett, Sue S. died 12-23-1910 Notes: died age 41 buried 12-27-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 28 384 2, born at Norfolk, Va. age 41y, married daughter of Thomas Nash and Sue F. Forler Nash both born Va. T.G. McCarthy
Barnett, Wilson born 1912 died 1995 Notes: died 9-17-1995 age 82 buried 9-21-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 31 89 7 McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Barnhisel, Ella J. born 1883 died 1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Barnhisel, Fred born 1908 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Barnum, Guy died 11-5-1912 Notes: died at St. Mary's Hospital, McCarthy Funeral Home
Barrett, baby male born 9-25-1902 died 9-26-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo son of T.E. Barrett McCarthy Funeral Home
Barrett, Harry Notes: buried 02-18-1899 age 70, male, Location 25 78 1, McMahon and Collier
Barrett, Joseph W. born 1854 died 1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Barrett, Susan E. born 1858 died 1931 (Floyd Kelling)
Barrette, Emma born 1881 died 1897 (Karen Mitchell)
Bartels, Gustave born 1833 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Bartels, Leo born 1900 died 1978cremation (Floyd Kelling)
Bartels, Leo G. born 1867 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Bartels, Mable L. born 1907 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling)
Bartels, Richard N. born 1927 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Bartholomew, Edward born 1862 died 1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Bartholomew, Hobart died 6-7-1900 Notes: age 3y 9m 11d, son of Adelbert Bartholomew McCarthy Funeral Home
Bartholomew, Lois born 1865 died 1939 (Floyd Kelling)
Bartholomew, Mary born 1858 died 1901 Notes: died 4-11-1901 Notes: age 43y 20d , resident of La Junta, Co., shipped from La Junta, wife of Edward A. Bartholomew, McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Bartlett, Levile Notes: buried 04-21-1897 age 61, male, Location Denver, Olinger
Bartley, Isabelle C. born 1903 died 1943 (Sharon McCurry)
Bartley, John born 1844 died 1919 (Sharon McCurry)
Bartley, Lee born 1885 died 1940 (Sharon McCurry)
Bartley, Marianne born 1856 died 1948 (Sharon McCurry)
Bartley, Thomas born 1900 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Barto, Elbert Cornell born 9-23-1900 died 9-23-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo age 10 minutes, son of Charles E. Barto McCarthy Funeral Home
Barwise, Alice King born 12-1-1862 died 7-16-1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Barwise, Emma T. born 3-27-1848 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Barwise, infant born 4-23-1899 died 4-23-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo stillborn, child of N.C. Barwise buried 04-23-1899 age 0, female, Location 30 58 5, T.G. McCarthy
Barwise, infant daughter died 1896 Notes: daughter of N.C. & H.I. Barwise (Floyd Kelling)
Barwise, Matilda Elizabeth born 7-7-1829 died 1-31-1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Barwise, Ruth Adelia born 1-11-1900 died 1-17-1901 (Floyd Kelling)
Basgall, John Raymond III born 7-23-1959 died 7-24-1959 (Sharon McCurry)
Basquez, Joe L. born 1901 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Bassett, Albert D. born 1906 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Bassett, Emma Ann born 1913 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Bassett, James born 9-3-1931 died 7-5-2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Bassett, Judy born 1-8-1934 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Bassett, Mollie L. born 1863 died 1949 (Sharon McCurry)
Bastion, Gertie died 5-10-1899 Notes: age 16y 1m 23d, daughter of John Bastian McCarthy buried 05-11-1899 age 16, female, Location 25 74 6, T.G. McCarthy
Bates, Isaac born 10-12-1825 died 2-4-1910 Notes: born at Morrs, NY widowed, son of Samuel and Adeline Dudley Bates both born Morrs, NY McCarthy Funeral Home
Batton, Thomas Notes: buried 02-15-1898 age 38, male, Location 25 63 2, T.G. McCarthy
Baughman, W.M. born 1865 died 1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Bauman, infant daughter born 1-29-1912 died 1-29-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Frank Bauman born Michigan and Ethel Brin Bauman born Missouri McCarthy Funeral Home
Baxter, Oliver H.P. born 10-31-1835 died 4-15-1910 Notes: McCarthy Funeral Home, age 64y, son of William Baxter born Dayton, Ohio and Jane Kerr Baxter born Dupont, Indiana
Baxter, Willie E. born 1-21-1898 died 9-13-1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Bayar, Paul Notes: buried 03-11-1899 age 34, male, Location 57 143 1, T.G. McCarthy
Bayliss, William Notes: buried 02-10-1898 age 42, male, Location 26 82 3, McMahon and Collier
Beal, Anna born 1873 died 1934 (Floyd Kelling)
Bealmer, A. Clark born 12-3-1906 died 1-3-1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Bealmer, Lucille born 12-7-1909 died 2-22-1986 (Sharon McCurry)
Bean, Ruth E. born 1901 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Bear, Emma died 3-13-1907 Notes: born at Sweden age 46y, death date not given, date is burial, widow, daughter of John and Katherine Johnson Monson both born Sweden, brother Peter Lindgren McCarthy Funeral Home
Beard, George A. Notes: buried 12-09-1899 age 21, male, Location 28 371 4, McMahon and Collier
Beare, Ira died 4-6-1900 Notes: age 89y, informants Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson and sons McCarthy Funeral Home
Beattie, John L. died 11-12-1907 Notes: age 77y 25d, expenses by Warren E. Beattie, Denver, and Mrs. J.L. Beattie, Kingman, Ks. McCarthy Funeral Home
Beatty, Cynthia Jane born 5-23-1841 died 11-11-1911 Notes: born at Johnson Co. Mo. widow, daughter of James and Cynthia Johnson Carpenter both born Mo. McCarthy Funeral Home
Beatty, Louanna K. born 1916 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Beatty, Lydia died 8-3-1900 Notes: age 35y, married, mother Mrs. S.D. Smilt of Gunnison, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Beauvais, Anna Ruth born 1894 died 1919 Notes: wife of Lee J. (Sharon McCurry)
Beauvais, Ernestine D. born 1908 died 1999 (Sharon McCurry)
Beauvais, Lee J. born 6-5-1890 died 1-11-1960 Notes: Colorado 1st Lt 355 Inf WWI (Sharon McCurry)
Beauvais, Marie A. born 1909 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Beauvais, Phillip J. born 1905 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Beck, John Notes: buried 12-26-1899 age 44, male, Location 14 35 7, McMahon and Collier
Beck, Juliet Notes: buried 07-07-1899 age 21, female, Location 12 40 3, West Brothers
Becker, Baby Notes: buried 12-18-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 56 3, West Brothers
Becker, Barbara born 9-28-1878 died 2-2-1910 Notes: born at Germany single, daughter of John and Elizabeth Patz Becker both born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Beckham Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Beckham, Mary E. born 12-28-1868 died 6-17-1940 (Sharon McCurry)
Beckham, William J. born 10-5-1893 died 12-26-1923Notes: USNA (Sharon McCurry)
Beckham, William Thomas born 10-17-1860 died 11-6-1918 (Sharon McCurry)
Beeman, Lafayette died Notes: Corpl. Co K 3 Colo Cavalry
Begard, Margaret died 6-9-1900 Notes: age 4y 7m 20d, daughter of Frank Begard McCarthy Funeral Home
Beggs, Alice born 1898 died 1931 (Kay Medved)
Beggs, John W. born 1853 died 1924 (Kay Medved)
Beggs, Minnie A. born 1859 died 1918 (Kay Medved)
Beggs, Velmer born 7-16-1890 died 8-5-1903 Also (Kay Medved)
Bein, Willie born 1896 died 1910 Notes: William, died 3-6-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo age 13y, son of Isador and Anna Capsky Bein both born Germany McCarthy Funeral HomeTemple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bell, Harriett born 3-28-1864 died 11-4-1935 Also (Kay Medved)
Bell, Lida born 3-28-1864 died 3-10-1936 Also (Kay Medved)
Belport, Bruce James born 3-3-1928 died 3-21-1928 (Sharon McCurry)
Benedig, Helen died 8-9-1904 Notes: age 23y, wife of Frank Benedig location 57 122 2 McCarthy Funeral Home Eden Train Wreck Victim
Benell, Howard born 1873 died 1956 (Floyd Kelling)
Benell, Howard born 1902 died 1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Benell, Mary born 1-30-1838 died 9-10-1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Benell, Mildred V. born 1875 died 1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Benell, Sallie M. born 1878 died 1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Benell, William born 8-19-1833 died 7-9-1903 (Floyd Kelling)
Benell, William H. born 7-5-1882 died 10-29-1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Benjamin, John W. born 9-30-1870 died 7-16-1912 Notes: born at Texas divorced, son of George Benjamin born Texas and June Carlisle Benjamin born Miss. McCarthy Funeral Home
Bennet, Lydia A. born 5-30-1850 died 1-11-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Bennet, Marshall W. born 8-10-1851 died 2-9-1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Bennett, Nancy died 10-29-1902 Notes: age 85y 2m 12d, married McCarthy Funeral Home
Bennett, William died 1-23-1918 Notes: born at Ireland single, son of George Bennett, residence Denver, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Benson, Edward L. died 10-20-1900 Notes: age 3y 7m 5d, son of Edward C. Benson McCarthy Funeral Home
Benson, Frank Notes: buried 07-02-1897 age 0, male, Location 30 98 T1, McMahon and Collier
Benson, George C. died 2-19-1918 Notes: born at Denmark resident of Archuleta County, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Bent, Adaline Harvey born 1848 died 1905 Notes: Wife of Willliam Wells Bent, Colorado's first permanent settler (Kay Medved)
Bentley Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Bentley, Elisabeth M. born 1866 died 1931 (Floyd Kelling)
Bentley, George R. born 1902 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Bentley, George W. born 1857 died 1934 (Floyd Kelling)
Benton, L. A. born 1853 died 1914(Dennis Reed)
Bergemann, Mary C. born 11-17-1857 died 9-7-1912 Notes: born at Germany married, maiden name Peschka, paid by Fredrick M. Bergemann and sons McCarthy Funeral Home
Berger, Michael died 11-21-1903 (Floyd Kelling)
Bergerman Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Bergerman, Ben born 1872 died 1953 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bergerman, Dorthea born 1902 died 5-19-1990 Temple Emanuel
Bergerman, Mark born 12-16-1834 died 2-24-1902 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bergerman, Melbourne born 1900 died 7-8-1973 Temple Emanuel
Bergerman, Sarah born 10-7-1836 died 1-6-1903 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bergerman, Setta born 1876 died 1960 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bergerman, Solomon born 1-16-1870 died 4-23-1931 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bergh, Garland died 12-21-1909 Notes: born at Pueblo age 4m 15d, no death date given, date is burial, son of Jenserius Bergh McCarthy Funeral Home
Berkovitz, William born 6-5-1905 died 4-7-1992 Temple Emanuel
Berliner, Belle born 1883 died 1966 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Berliner, Herman born 1878 died 1935 Temple Emanuel
Berliner, Joseph born 1870 died 1925 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Berliner, Max Mayer born no date died 1961 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernard, Anna Nancy born 1887 died 3-4-1973 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernard, Jacob Walter born 1885 died 12-13-1974 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernheim, Golda born 1872 died 1959 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernheim, Siegfried born 1853 died 1942 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernstein, Abe born 7-8-1898 died 12-22-1971 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernstein, Celia born 5-22-1896 died 11-4-1988 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernstein, Joseph born 4-15-1886 died 3-6-1945 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernstein, Mary born 12-5-1875 died 10-6-1969 (Floyd Kelling)
Bernstein, Rebecca born 8-15-1886 died 5-7-1940 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bernstein, Samuel born 10-11-1895 died 3-24-1987 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Berry, Allida C. born 1902 died 1989 (Floyd Kelling)
Berry, Marion F. born 1890 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Berry, William H. born 10-9-1855 died 11-15-1903 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Bertholf, Jo Ann Judy born no date died 3-19-1933 (Floyd Kelling)
Bertholf, John Marcus Jr. born no date died 11-11-1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Bertholf, Judy Kay born 10-15-1955 died 9-20-1995 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Berton, Eric R. born 4-20-1894 died 6-23-1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Bertram, Jennie M. born 1910 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Bertram, Lois born 8-26-1928 died 9-24-2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Bertram, Ollie J. born 1909 died 1996 (Sharon McCurry)
Betz, Henry G. died 12-9-1891 Notes: age 33y 6m 23d Also (Floyd Kelling)
Bibbs, Theodore born 3-24-1909 died 7-12-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Charles T. Bibbs and Mollie Livermore both born Ohio, colored McCarthy Funeral Home
Biddall, Edith C. born 1887 died 1976 (Sharon McCurry)
Biddall, William H. born 1885 died 1973 (Sharon McCurry)
Biele, Winifred T. and infant daughter died 7-26-1901 Notes: age 38 y 5m 26d, wife of L.W. Biele McCarthy Funeral Home
Biernbaum Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Biernbaum, Amelia Walker born 1864 died 1934 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Biernbaum, Moses born 1856 died 1943 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Biggi, Albino born 4-23-1891 died 1-13-1928 Notes: Husband, died age 36 buried 1-16-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 55 1 3 39 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Biggi, Alcrice Notes: died age 0 buried 1-15-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 10 16 Whiton (Kay Medved)
Biggi, Aldo Notes: died age 63 buried 3-23-1959 Block, Lot, Space: 47 32 2 George F. McCarthy
Biggi, Anna Maria Notes: died 9-4-1968 age 77 buried 9-7-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 48 40 5 T.G. McCarthy
Biggi, Augustino born 1883 died 1944 Notes: died age 61 buried 6-27-1944 Block, Lot, Space: 54 22 6 Unfug, Walsenburg, Co Also (Kay Medved)
Biggi, baby Notes: died age 0 buried 12-24-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 2 8 Whiton
Biggi, baby Notes: female died age 0 buried 12-7-1950 Block, Lot, Space: 54 33 3 George F. McCarthy
Biggi, Elizabeth M. Notes: died age 29 buried 1-14-1935 Block, Lot, Space: 47 32 1 George F. McCarthy
Biggi, Geraldine A. Notes: died 6-6-1991 age 63 buried 6-10-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 4 Cpt 83ee Almont McCarthy Pueblo, Colorado
Biggi, Iola Notes: died age 0 buried 12-28-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 12 30 Whiton
Biggi, John Notes: died age 0 buried 9-26-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 27 95 8 Udv
Biggi, Joseph Notes: died age 0 buried 2-9-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2a 5 6 McMinn
Biggi, Joseph M. Notes: died 10-9-2008 age 85 buried 10-18-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 4 83ee George McCarthy Marshalltown, Ia
Biggi, Lena born 1-6-1918 died 4-27-1918 Notes: died age 0 buried 4-30-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 17 32 McMinn (Kay Medved)
Biggi, Margharita born 1894 died 1968 Notes: died 10-31-1968 age 74 buried 11-2-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 54 22 5 Boies, Walsenburg, Co Also (Kay Medved)
Biggi, Maria born 5-8-1912 died 8-12-1913 (Kay Medved)
Biggi, Marian J. Notes: died 2-25-1994 age 91 buried 2-28-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 58 94 2 McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co
Biggi, Matthew Mike Notes: "Mateo" died 2-28-1979 age 89 buried 3-6-1979 Block, Lot, Space: 48 40 6 T.G. McCarthy
Biggi, Monica Notes: died age 15 buried 1-12-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 56 3 1 29 no mortuary listed
Biggi, Paul Notes: died 3-11-1977 age 88 buried 3-14-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 58 63 2 McCarthy-Almont
Biggi, Peter Notes: died age 1 buried 3-11-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 54 12 5
Biggi, Rita Notes: died age 0 buried 1-20-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 16 28 Udv
Biggi, Tony Notes: died age 0 buried 2-23-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2a 5 8 McMinn
Biggi, Tony Notes: died age 0 buried 12-18-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 57 4 5 10 McMinn
Billick, A. Raymond died 10-24-1907 Notes: age 1m 24d, son of Edward Billick McCarthy Funeral Home
Billick, Raphael died 8-28-1902 Notes: age 4y 10m 3d, son of Edward Billick McCarthy Funeral Home
Bingham, Arthur Notes: buried 05-26-1899 age 0, male, Location 14 10 2, West Brothers
Bingham, Catherine Notes: buried 05-26-1899 age 0, female, Location 14 9 1, West Brothers
Bingham, Ella A. Notes: buried 05-05-1899 age 22, female, Location 14 10 2, West Brothers
Bingham, Frank Notes: buried 05-26-1899 age 0, male, Location 14 10 4, West Brothers
Bingham, Frank Notes: buried 07-30-1898 age 58, male, Location 14 11 6, West Brothers
Bingley, Jacob born 1853 died 1-12-1912 Notes: age 58y, residence Denver, born Illinois, "wife unable to do anything", McCarthy Funeral Home
Bird, E. died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 8-15-1904 location 27 26 10 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Birchler, Sylvia Marie Tekavec born 1916 died 1956 (Kay Medved)
Bishop, Elizabeth born 1890 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Bishop, Etta died 8-7-1904 age 35 buried 8-10-1904 location 13 70 6 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Bishop, George M. born 1880 died 1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Bishop, James R. died 1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Bishop, Jonathon F. died 8-7-1904 age 45 buried 8-10-1904 location 13 70 7 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Bishop, Joseph B. born 1892 died 1956 (Sharon McCurry)
Bishop, Minnie May born 1885 died 1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Bishop, Stella L. born 1879 died 1955 (Floyd Kelling)
Bittick, Robert F. Notes: buried 01-23-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 55 17, McMahon and Collier
Black, Albert L. Sr., M.D. born 1888 died 1954 (Sharon McCurry)
Black, Genevieve K. born 1904 died 1979 (Kay Medved)
Black, George Crump born 9-29-1873 died 3-24-1912 Notes: born at Arkansas son of E.J. Black born NC and Clementia Baker born Arkansas, paid by and buried on lot of Zuni tribe #45, Redman and Eagles Lodge McCarthy Funeral Home
Blackle, Justina M. born 1-28-1897 died 7-27-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Blackwell, Wanda L. born 9-2-1927 died 3-2-2004 (Kay Medved)
Blackwood, Marcelino died 1-17-1914 Notes: born at Custillalso, NM married, son of George Blackwood both parents born NM McCarthy Funeral Home
Blake, Charles H. Jr. Notes: buried 01-11-1899 age 0, male, Location 13 431 4, McMahon and Collier
Blanchard, Doris died 2-8-1902 Notes: age 20y 10m 19d, informant Charles Coupier McCarthy Funeral Home
Blank, William died 12-24-1901 Notes: age about 50y McCarthy Funeral Home
Blasdel, Michael born died (Sharon McCurry)
Blasdel, Opal A. Juda born 1908 died 1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Blasdell, Michael Harvey born 2-7-1954 died 4-15-1977 Notes: born Hawaii Also (Sharon McCurry)
Blatnick, Anthony J. born 1926 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Blatnick, Donald born 1930 died 1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Blatnick, infant born 11-11-1900 died 11-11-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo age 10 minutes, son of Michael Blatnick McCarthy Funeral Home
Blatnick, Joseph born 2-?-1909 died 11-18-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Frank Blatnick and Rose Vidmar both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Blatnick, Rose born 1905 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Blaylock, Cade died 3-15-1899 Notes: age 24y, informant M.P. Slattery, buried 03-16-1899 female, Location 26 72 6, T.G. McCarthy
Blazich, Ethel Mae born 1909 died 1999 (Sharon McCurry)
Blazich, Gary Paul Jr. died 5-23-1979 (Kay Medved)
Blazich, Louis Frank born 1906 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Blodgett, baby girl born no date died 9-13-1951 (Sharon McCurry)
Blucker, infant born 6-16-1901 died 6-16-1901 Notes: born at Pueblo stillborn, child of M.C. Blucker McCarthy Funeral Home
Blum, Frederick Melvin born 6-8-1894 died 9-13-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Jacob Blum and Henrietta Fist both born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Blum, Henrietta born no date died 10-24-1942 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Blum, Jacob born no date died 7-31-1953 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Blume, R. infant of Notes: buried 03-13-1898 age 0, male, Location 30 14 1, McMahon and Collier
Blunn, Davis Lee born 4-1-1949? died 1-9-1967 Notes: Colorado PFC Co G 5 Mar 1 Div Vietnam (Floyd Kelling)
Blunn, Philip J. born 8-19-1910 died 8-29-1971 Notes: Colorado PFC 110 Infantry WWII (Floyd Kelling)
Blunt, Mark L. Notes: buried 06-20-1897 age 65, male, Location 14 34 7, T.G. McCarthy
Boackorick, Joseph Notes: buried 06-28-1899 age 2, male, Location 57 241 32, McMahon and Collier
Boben, Aloysius died 7-16-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo age 3m, son of Frank Boben and Mary Eesher both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Bobinac, Mile born 8-12-1887 died 2-26-1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Bodic, Frank Notes: buried 09-29-1899 age 25, male, Location 57 132 5, McMahon and Collier
Bodnar, Pauline born 3-11-1911 died 7-3-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Andrew Bodnar and Annie Kolsonck both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Boedecker, John Bernard died 5-13-1909 Notes: born at Pueblo age 11y 4m 24d, son of Otto Boedecker McCarthy Funeral Home
Bogdanovitch, Mary died 7-3-1902 Notes: age 11m 3d, daughter of Mrs. John Bogdanovitch McCarthy Funeral Home
Boggess, Della M. born 1889 died 1962 (Floyd Kelling)
Boggess, Rolla M. born 1884 died 1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Boggess, Ruth A. born 1884 died 1903 (Floyd Kelling)
Bohart, L.W. born 4-1-1843 died 12-4-1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Boic, Joseph Notes: buried 06-20-1898 age 1, male, Location 57 243 12, McMahon and Collier
Boiley, Francis Notes: buried 05-16-1898 age 29, female, Location 29 385 5, McMahon and Collier
Boirs, Frank H. died 6-1-1912 Notes: born at Iowa 9-8 age 37y, son of Samuel G. Boirs born Ohio and Pressy Thornberg born Iowa, paid by A.P.Massey McCarthy Funeral Home
Boitz Stone born died (Sharon McCurry)
Boitz, Agnes G. born 9-24-1911 died 9-22-1967 (Sharon McCurry)
Boitz, Anna M. born 1898 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Boitz, Bennie R. born 3-15-1917 died 12-17-1963 Also (Sharon McCurry)
Boitz, Frank A. born 1894 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Boitz, Janie K. born 1909 died 1998 Also (Kay Medved)
Boitz, Joseph Jr. born 1906 died 1982 (Kay Medved)
Boitz, Rachel M. born 1922 died 1959 (Sharon McCurry)
Boitz, Stanley R. born 11-9-1905 died 10-26-1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Boleman, James W. born ? died 10-14-1969 (Floyd Kelling)
Boleman, Lou V. born ? died 1-9-2001 (Floyd Kelling)
Bollinger, Dorothy M. born 1924 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Bollinger, Ralph G. born 1922 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Bollinger, Thomas M. born 1959 died 2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Bolonga, Joseph born 1-13-1912 died no date Notes: born at Pueblo sinlge, son of Vito Bolon and Margarite Olive both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Bolongna, Marguerite born 1887 died 2-1-1912 Notes: born at Italy married, daughter of Vincenzio Olive born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Bolos, Mary born 1-26-1906 died 5-21-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Stephen Boloas and Elizabeth Mineck both born Hungary McCarthy Funeral Home
Bolos, Tony born 10-18-1912 died 10-18-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Tony Bolos and Louise Taylor both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Bolt, George born 1856 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Bolt, Minnie born 1864 died 1951 (Floyd Kelling)
Bolton, Dot V. born 4-13-1895 died 4-30-1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Bombolich, Mile born 1883 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Boney, John Notes: buried 08-08-1899 age 38, male, Location 25 75 1, McMahon and Collier
Bonfiglio, Jennie born 1909 died 1993 (Sharon McCurry)
Bonfiglio, Joe born 1909 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Bongiorno, Calogero born 1-12-1923 died 1-25-1924 (family)
Bongiorno, infant born 9-18-1911 died 9-18-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Sebastiano Bongiorno and Guiseppa Marina both born Italy, Mary Cordello attended child at birth McCarthy Funeral Home
Bonjiarno, Mariana born 8-10-1912 died 8-10-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Sebastian Bonjiarno and Guissippa Morino both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Boone, Billy T. born 3-4-1925 died 3-14-1975 Notes: M Sgt US Army (Sharon McCurry)
Booth, J. W. born 1825 died 1904 Notes: Sgt, Co K 3 Colo Cavalry
Booth, James Ross born 8-27-1832 died 1-26-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Booth, Martha born 1848 died 1907 Notes: dedicated by E.E. Booth Major General, United States Army (Floyd Kelling)
Booth, Nathaniel born 1847 died 1884 Notes: Civil War Vet, dedicated by E.E. Booth Major General, United States Army (Floyd Kelling)
Booth, Sarah Frances born 4-17-1843 died 11-5-1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Booze, James died 6-13-1915 Notes: age 48y McCarthy Funeral Home
Borchtneck, Joseph died 6-24-1902 Notes: age 35y 8m 2d, known as George Taller, son of Cyril Taller, died in Huerfnao County McCarthy Funeral Home
Bordeau, Corine died 5-6-1902 Notes: age 36y 19d McCarthy Funeral Home
Borden, Edmund Thomas born 9-15-1911 died 8-21-1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Borden, Patrick E. Jr. born 2-14-1912 died 10-24-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Patrick E. Borden and Julia Loffey both born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Borghi, Felix died 8-9-1898 Notes: age 65y, informant Miss Mary Borghi, buried 08-16-1898 male, Location 25 80 6, T.G. McCarthy
Boric, Samuel died 1920 (Kay Medved)
Borich, Alex Notes: died age 0 buried 7-1-1946 Block, Lot, Space: 68 87 3 Davis
Borich, Baya Notes: died age 50 buried 4-28-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 28 4 1 17 Davis
Borich, John J. born 12-27-1923 died 10-31-1925 Notes: died age 1buried 11-2-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 21 3 5 George F. Mc Carthy (Kay Medved)
Borich, Mary Julia Notes: died age 0 buried 9-20-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 20 52 7 George F. Mc Carthy
Borich, Michael Notes: "Mike" died age 63 buried 1-22-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 53 43 4 George F. Mc Carthy
Borich, Samuel Notes: died age 0 buried 12-11-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 21 6 5 T.G. Mc Carthy
Borich, Samuel J. Notes: died Notes: died 1-22-1972 age 79 buried 1-25-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 20 52 8 George Mc Carthy
Borndone, Fritz Notes: buried 09-10-1898 age 45, male, Location 25 65 5, McMahon and Collier
Borovsky, child born 10-17-1905 died 10-21-1905 Notes: born at Pueblo illegitimate child of Albert Borovsky or Bovorsky and Elizabeth Kalsar both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Borstnik, Jozef born 1863 died 1-23-1902 notes: Honen I. 1863 Vmedv 63 CI No 5, born Kranjslo, Austria, Umrl 1-23-1902 Also (Karen Mitchell)
Borzileri, Katherine R. born 1-6-1922 died 1-27-1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Borzileri, Sam C. born 2-28-1914 died 8-26-1992 Notes: S Sgt US Army Also (Sharon McCurry)
Borzilieri, Josephine born 1914 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Borzilieri, Tony born 1907 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Bostian, Anton died age 64 buried 6-22-1944 Block, Lot, Space: 70 137 4 Davis
Bostian, Josephine died age 73 buried 12-14-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 70 137 3 Davis
Bostjancic, Frances died 9-19-2002 age 86 buried 9-23-2002 Block, Lot, Space: 70 78 8 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Bostjancic, Jennie born 1920 died 1921 (Kay Medved)
Bostjancic, John died age 40 buried 10-7-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 21 163 8 T.G. McCarthy
Bostjancic, John R. died 6-23-1969 age 58 buried 6-28-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 54 122 7 T.G. McCarthy
Bostjancic, Mary Jane died 9-26-1971 Miss, age 57 buried 9-30-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 70 78 7 George McCarthy
Bosworth, Leslie C. died 2-21-1900 Notes: age 18y 1m 22d, informant James L. Wilcox and Thomas Tinan McCarthy Funeral Home
Botts, Benjamin F. died 7-27-1897 Notes: aged 38y 5m buried 07-28-1897, male, Location 26 75 1, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Bouchet, Alfred Notes: buried 07-05-1898 age 53, male, Location 57 140 10, West Brothers
Bouger, Katir born 5-23-1866 died 5-3-1914 Notes: born at Illinois housewife, maiden name Darr McCarthy Funeral Home
Boullard, Amedu Notes: buried 01-16-1898 age 50, male, Location 26 74 6, T.G. McCarthy
Boulton, George W. born 1876 died 1953 (Sharon McCurry)
Boulton, Joseph G. born 4-24-1913 died 9-26-1965 Notes: Co. PFC Med. Dept WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Boulton, May J. born 1879 died 1935 (Sharon McCurry)
Boulton, Nora B. born 1911 died 1927 (Sharon McCurry)
Bourdon, George D. born 1-19-1861 died 10-3-1910 Notes: born at Canada single, son of Alexander and Thersele Paym both born Canada McCarthy Funeral Home
Bourne, Cecil A. born 10-16-1903 died 6-25-1975 (Floyd Kelling)
Bourne, Evelyn E. born 1-29-1909 died 1-31-1989 (Floyd Kelling)
Bovorsky, child died Notes: see Borovsky McCarthy Funeral Home
Bowdish, John died 1-15-1915 Notes: born at Kansas age 38y, resident of Montezuma County, son of S.A. Bowdish and Sallie A. Harrington both born Indiana, relatives: Mrs. MaLaura McNutt, Las Animas Co., Mrs. E.L. Sperry, Hornbrook, Ca., G.F. Bowdish Porterville, Ca. McCarthy Funeral Home
Bowen, Alan R. born 1963 died 1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Bowen, Lester H. died 8-7-1904 age 12 buried 8-24-1904 location 16 97 1 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Bowen, Thomas M. , born 1834 died 1906 Notes: Brevet Brig General & Colonel 13 Kansas Infantry
Bower, Fredrick M. died 3-20-1909 Notes: age 5y 6m 16d, sold to Fredrick M. Bower Salt Lake City, Utah McCarthy Funeral Home
Bowles, J.G. born 3-3-1874 died 7-17-1904 Also (Floyd Kelling)
Bowman, Dorothy J. born 1925 died 2006 (Dennis Reed) Also married 9-7-1951 (Floyd Kelling)
Bowman, infant son born 7-22-1911 died 7-22-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Clarence S. Bowman born Pueblo and Clara Goldsmith born Denver McCarthy Funeral Home Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bowman, James E. born 1927 died 2000 Notes: married 9-7-1951 (Dennis Reed) Also (Floyd Kelling)
Bowman, Paul born 1903 died 1963 Notes: Born December 25, 1903 in El Cedro, Las Animas County, Colorado; died August 25, 1963 in Pueblo, Colorado
Bowman, Samuel H. born 1844 died 1889 Temple Emanuel
Bowman, Willie A. died 8-7-1904 age 3 buried 8-15-1904 location 57 16 12 T.G. McCarthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Boyd, George W. born 1852 died 1901 Notes: age 49y Also (Floyd Kelling)
Boylan, Margart Notes: buried 08-25-1898 age 0, female, Location 29 126 3, McMahon and Collier
Boyle, Claire M. Files born 1906 died 1993 (Sharon McCurry)
Boyle, Edward born 4-13-1908 died 7-22-1968 Also (Sharon McCurry)
Boyle, Marie born June 16, 1856 died July 19, 1940
Bozich, Charles M. born 2-18-1902 died 6-7-1923 (Kay Medved)
Bozich, Mary Ann born 12-23-1868 died 7-21-1961 (Kay Medved)
Bozich, Steve born 1866 died 1943 (Kay Medved)
Bozich, Steve Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Bozik, John born 1875 died 1909 (Kay Medved)
Bozik, Zakraisek no dates (Kay Medved)
Brada, Joseph died 2-19-1908 Notes: age 11y 11m 24d, son of Frank Brada born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Bradac, Anton born 5-13-1910 died 6-22-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Frank Bradac and Jannie Gugarich both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Bradac, Joseph born 3-6-1911 died 3-13-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Ignaty Bradac and Johanna Germ both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Bradac, Louis Jr. died 12-4-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1m a5d, son of Louis Bradac Sr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Bradford, Cynthia E. born 1867 died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Bradford, Dewey J. born 1898 died 1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Bradford, Hubert L. born 1901 died 1966 (Floyd Kelling)
Bradford, Maria F. born 1901 died 1981 (Floyd Kelling)
Bradford, Pat B. born 1867 died 1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Bradley, Bernard born 1846 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Bradley, Elizabeth S. born 1837 died 1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Bradley, Marie died 5-26-1902 Notes: age 1y 6m 25d, daughter of W.F. Bradley McCarthy Funeral Home
Bradley, Nasussins Notes: buried 06-03-1898 age 57, male, Location 25 81 5, West Brothers
Bradley, Rebecca Notes: buried 06-10-1898 age 16, female, Location 25 80 8, West Brothers
Bradshaw, Mabel V. died 6-14-1901 Notes: age 7m, daughter of John Albert Bradshaw McCarthy Funeral Home
Brady, James died 12-24-1910 Notes: born at Colorado age 19y, single, paid by Mrs. Mary McCaughey, victor. Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Brainard, J.L. born 1815 died 1896 (Floyd Kelling)
Brainard, John Lester died 8-3-1898 Notes: age 83y 7m 12d, buried 08-04-1898 male, Location 26 74 1, T.G. McCarth
Brandalino, Joseph died 11-27-1911 Notes: age about 30y, married, date given is burial date McCarthy Funeral Home
Bratun, Angela born 1920 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Bratun, Joseph born 1916 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Brayton, Elijah born 6-15-1843 died 4-7-1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Elizabeth C. born 1868 died 1931 (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Father born no dates (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Grace G. born no dates (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Homer E. born 1869 died 1952 (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Howard C. born no dates (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Lila E. born 1872 died 1950 (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Mother born no dates (Floyd Kelling)
Brayton, Rebecca born 10-1-1841 died 4-25-1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Bregenzer, William born 1862 died 1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Bremer, Ben Van Notes: buried 02-21-1898 age 62, male, Location 25 83 3, T.G. McCarthy
Brendak, Andrew died 12-27-1909 Notes: born at Austria age 48y, sold to wife McCarthy Funeral Home
Brenan, James Notes: buried 09-17-1897 age 23, male, Location 29 436 8, McMahon and Collier
Brennan, Thomas died 7-30-1899 Notes: age 83y buried 08-01-1899 male, Location 29 382 7, T.G. McCarthy
Bretherton, Della Notes: buried 12-07-1898 age 0, female, Location 12 B167 1, McMahon and Collier
Briggs, Turner Notes: buried 12-24-1898 age 52, male, Location 25 79 3, McMahon and Collier
Bright, Allen T. born 1908 died 1991 (Floyd Kelling)
Bright, Edythe L. born 1909 died 1998 (Floyd Kelling)
Bright, Lila Morton died 12-27-1898 Notes: age 2y 6m, daughter of M.R. Bright buried 12-29-1898 female, Location 14 105 4, T.G. McCarthy
Bright, M.R. died 3-8-1902 Notes: age 33y 6m 10d, died at Buffalo, NY, married McCarthy Funeral Home
Brill, Vivian G. born 1919 died 1920 (Sharon McCurry)
Brimmer, Fred A. born 5-26-1891 died 1-31-1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Brimmer, Thelma C. born 5-26-1901 died 9-29-1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Broden, Joseph died 7-20-1902 Notes: age 61y, State paid for burial McCarthy Funeral Home
Broderick, James W. born 1908 died 1982 Notes: PSgt US Marine Corps WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Brooks, Harley born 1902 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Brooks, Lola M. born 1905 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Brooks, Willard F. died 5-5-1908 Notes: age 48y, widow married A. Jones McCarthy Funeral Home
Broomfield, Floscella M. born 1931 died 1996 (Sharon McCurry)
Brosh, John born 1866 died 1940 Also (Kay Medved)
Brosh, Mary E. born 1869 died 1930 Also (Kay Medved)
Brosky, John born 4-4-1912 died 4-4-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo age 2 hours, son of John and Annie O. Lar Brosky both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, A.F. infant of Notes: buried 04-12-1897 age 0, female, Location 25 57 4, Bustin and Fritz
Brown, Albert L. born 1875 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Beatrice born 1801 died 6-29-1898 Notes: buried 06-30-1898 age 0, female, Location 26 61 14, West Brothers (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, C.H. Notes: buried 01-26-1899 age 55, male, Location 25 78 7, McMahon and Collier
Brown, David C. born 3-28-1902 died 6-10-1902 Notes: age 2m 11d, son of William Brown, child was buried in Miss Lula White's lot McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling) Also (Dennis Reed)
Brown, Dolores Montez born 4-2-1912 died 6-24-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Joseph Brown born Ohio and Lida Johnston born Sweden McCarthy Funeral Home (Dennis Reed) Also (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Earnest E. born 1885 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Edward died 12-23-1910 Notes: age about 40y, buried by Pueblo County, laborer for Utah Construction C. McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, Hiram L. Notes: buried 04-10-1899 age 52, male, Location 25 26 2, West Brothers
Brown, infant daughter born 7-29-1911 died 7-29-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of V.D. Brown born Illinois and Erma C. Cole born Pa. McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, J.H. infant of Notes: buried 01-12-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 55 19, McMahon and Collier
Brown, James F. Notes: buried 09-22-1897 age 50, male, Location 14 126 1, McMahon and Collier
Brown, Johnithon Notes: buried 12-10-1898 age 40, male, Location 25 80 ?, McMahon and Collier
Brown, Joseph born 1853 died 1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Joseph died 11-24-1917 Notes: born at Tenn. age about 65y, colored McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, Maggie A. born 1884 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Margaret C. born 6-1-1905 died 9-17-1988 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Mary E. born 1856 died 1921 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Milan D. born 3-21-1855 died 6-4-1933 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Nellie died 1-20-1899 Notes: Mrs., resident of El Paso County buried 01-21-1899 age 65, female, Location 25 68 13, T.G. McCarthy
Brown, Ralph R. born 1888 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Brown, Thomas died 9-28-1902 Notes: run over by train, informant Painters Decorators Union McCarthy Funeral Home
Brown, Wayne S. born 1925 died 1963 (Sharon McCurry)
Brownewell, George W. born 10-4-1858 died 10-3-1910 Notes: born at Pa. married, son of John Brownewell McCarthy Funeral Home
Brubnjak, Anton born 1872 died 1949 Also (Kay Medved)
Brubnjak, Audrey M. born 1927 died 1999 Notes: died 11-5-1999 age 72 buried 11-29-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 70 9 5 George McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Brubnjak, Catherine born 1923 died 1995 Notes: died 5-16-1995 age 71 buried 5-18-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 70 9 6 McCarthy Almont (Kay Medved)
Brubnjak, Frank born 1917 died 1918 (Kay Medved)
Brubnjak, Josephine H. born 1865 died 1972 Notes: died 5-31-1972 age 87 buried 6-3-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 70 9 7 T.G. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Brubnjak, Mark L. born 6-15-1913 died 11-5-1981 Notes: "Bruno" Tec5 US Army WWII died 11-5-1981 age 68 buried 11-7-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 72 34 4 McCarthy Almont Also (Sharon McCurry)
Brubnjak, Mary Agnes born 1914 died 1972 Notes: died 7-16-1972 age 58 buried 7-18-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 72 34 3 George McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Brubnjak, Robert F. born 1925 died 2008 Notes: died 11-13-2008 age 83 buried 11-29-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 70 9 5 George McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Bruce, Ethel O. born 7-29-1898 died 10-9-1899 Notes: buried 10-10-1899 age 1, female, Location 26 61 1, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Bruce, Lotus H. born 1904 died 1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Bruce, Louise E. born 1900 died 1938 (Floyd Kelling)
Bruce, Norval S. born 1895 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Brulhee, Ola died 10-19-1904 Also (Floyd Kelling)
Bruner, Frank Notes: buried 06-20-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 69 6, McMahon and Collier
Brunham, William Notes: buried 02-03-1898 age 24, male, Location 12 301 9, McMahon and Collier
Bryan, Lara L. born 1-1-1968 died 1-3-1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Bryandock, Mary died 10-31-1901 Notes:age 1y 6m, daughter of Andy Brandock, T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home records show Brandock.
Bryant, Charlie McCoy born 7-17-? died 2-12-1911 Notes: born at Pittsburg, PA. age 62y, married, son of Charles M. Bryant and Jennie Agnes Carney McCarthy Funeral Home
Bryant, Ida Chapman born 9-6-1885 died 3-3-1907 (Kay Medved)
Bubenhein, Henry Notes: buried 02-08-1898 age 50, male, Location 25 62 1, McMahon and Collier
Bucci, Filomena died 1-22-1913 Notes: age 44y, married, daughter of John Dadra and Madeline Jordono both born Italy, paid by Julio Bucci McCarthy Funeral Home
Bucino, Liboon Notes: buried 01-28-1898 age 1, male, Location 57 244 15, McMahon and Collier
Buchanan, Elizabeth died 8-14-1905 Notes: age 71y 6m 16d, Mrs. Informant W.H. Buchanan, Sedgewick, Co., Robert Buchanan Fowler Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Buck, Anthony born 5-2-1935 died 10-31-1986 Notes: "Tony", Daddy (Kay Medved)
Buckley, Thomas L. Notes: buried 08-01-1897 age 28, male, Location 12 80 7, West Brothers
Buecker Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Anna M. born 1902 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Annie E. born 1869 died 1940 (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Bernard born 1862 died 1889 (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Elizabeth born 1857 died 1889 (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Henry born 1864 died 1932 (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Joseph born 1858 died 1900 (Sharon McCurry)
Buecker, Margaret born 1863 died 1889 (Sharon McCurry)
Buergel, Elmina J. born 7-2-1891 died 4-12-1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Buergel, John F. born 12-5-1855 died 7-27-1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Buergel, Martha Alyce born 1899 died 1984 (Floyd Kelling)
Buergel, Nancy R. born 11-11-1867 died 7-21-1950 (Floyd Kelling)
Buffalo, Vicenzo died 11-4-1901 Notes: age 23y 9m 26d McCarthy Funeral Home
Buffalow, Elsie Evelyn born 1904 died 1907 Notes: died 2-14-1907 age 2y 2m, daughter of W.B. Buffalo of Steppeville, Ks. McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Buford, James H. died 9-20-1899 Notes: age 39y, informant Arapahoe County buried 09-21-1899 age 34, male, Location 25 72 11, T.G. McCarthy
Buh, Max born 7-12-1873 died 4-5-1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Bukovac, George born 1889 died 1938 Notes: born in Croatia, brother of Frances Mikatich & Barbara M. Karlinger Died 6 Aug 1938
Buksar, Hedwiga born 3-21-1909 died 4-28-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Valiant Buksar and Vera Sovack both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Buksar, Hubert L. born 1911 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Buksar, Joseph born no date died 2-20-1905 notes:baby (Karen Mitchell)
Buksar, Mary M. born 1903 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Buksar, Vernie A. born 1906 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)
Buksar, Veronica A. born 1882 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Bumgardner, infant born 2-28-1911 died 3-21-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Shirley Bumgartner born Iowa and Blanche L. Meyers born Illinois McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Bumgardner, Robert Myers died 1949 (Floyd Kelling)
Bunce, Lois Marian born 3-2-1911 died 6-23-1911 Notes: born at Vineland, Co. died at Vineland, daughter of Abraham Bunce born Mo., and Lois Roscoe born Neb. McCarthy Funeral Home
Buneta, Mary J. born 1916 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Buneta, Milan J. born 1911 died 1993 (Sharon McCurry)
Bunker, Florence Alice born 10-3-1899 died 4-5-1910 Notes: born at Chicago, Ill. daughter of William D. Bunker born Davenport, Iowa and Julia Quandt, born Chicago, Ill. McCarthy Funeral Home
Burch, infant of F.J. Notes: buried 08-09-1898 age 0, male, Location 26 61 15, T.G. McCarthy
Burch, Jennie born 1853 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Burch, John Notes: buried 08-28-1898 age 41, male, Location 26 73 7, McMahon and Collier
Burdell, Delores born no date died 10-28-1930 (Sharon McCurry)
Burgan, George died 1-27-1900 Notes: age 45y, black McCarthy Funeral Home
Buren, Charles Martin Notes: died age 80 buried 3-27-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 36 151 5 Davis
Buren, Margaret S. Notes: died age 72 buried 7-17-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 36 151 4 Rouch
Burich, Michael born 1872 died 1919 (Kay Medved)
Burin, August G. Notes: died 10-25-1979 age 61 buried 10-29-1979 Block, Lot, Space: 59 26 2 McCarthy-Almont
Burin, Lillian C. Notes: died 10-13-1980 age 59 buried 10-18-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 59 26 1 McCarthy-Almont
Burin, Sam A. Sr. born 1878 died 1956 Notes: died age 78 buried 12-5-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 70 172 8 George F. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Burin, Sam Andrew Jr. born 3-23-1915 died 4-30-2008 Notes: died 4-30-2008 age 93 buried 5-15-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 70 172 7 Family Cremation Pueblo, Co Also (Kay Medved)
Burin, Theresa R. born 1896 died 1989 Notes: Mother, died 3-0-1989 age 0 buried 3-29-1989 Block, Lot, Space: 70 172 7 Almont McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Burk, Anthony Notes: buried 01-05-1899 age 36, male, Location 57 144 6, McMahon and Collier
Burk, Rebecca H. born 4-6-1843 died 4-3-1910 Notes: born at Shelby Co. Ohio widow, daughter of Julius H. Smith born Shely Co., Ohio and Elizabeth Carroll born Ohio, sold to L.M. Keiffer McCarthy Funeral Home
Burke, L.D. Notes: buried 07-31-1897 age 0, male, Location 19 392 T3, Bustin and Fritz
Burke, Maurice F. died 8-24-1898 Notes: age 10m, son of Dennis E. Burke buried 08-26-1898 male, Location 29 392 2, T.G. McCarthy
Burkhardt, Nina May Ortner born 1884 died 1955 (Floyd Kelling)
Burleson, Lillian D. born 1927 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Burleson, Lynn R. born 1921 died 1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Burnett, Martha died 12-5-1912 Notes: born at Ky. age 50y McCarthy Funeral Home
Burnham, Curtis W. born 1853 died 1940 (Kay Medved)
Burnham, Maude R. born 1859 died 1939 (Kay Medved)
Burns, Almon born 3-?-1826 died 8-27-1901 (Floyd Kelling)
Burns, Chris S. born 1832 died 1910 (Kay Medved)
Burns, Chris S., Burns - Hall Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Burns, Delia born 1856 died 1928 (Sharon McCurry)
Burns, Fina Whittion Notes: buried 01-29-1899 age 26, female, Location 30 168 3, McMahon and Collier
Burns, Frank E. born 1882 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Burns, infant daughter born 7-30-1910 died 7-30-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of William O. Burns McCarthy Funeral Home
Burns, John born 1856 died 1919 (Sharon McCurry)
Burns, John C. born 1862 died 1895 (Kay Medved)
Burns, John W. born 1868 died 8-8-1911 Notes: born at Isle of Man son of Margaret Burns born Isle of Man, all effects turned over to old friend Joe Fawcett McCarthy Funeral Home
Burns, Larry died 2-13-1906 Notes: born at Ireland age 81y 11m 12d, married McCarthy Funeral Home
Burns, Mary Notes: buried 03-26-1896 age 0, female, Location 20 49 2, McMahon and Collier
Burns, Mary born 1838 died 1899 (Kay Medved)
Burr, Harriett Notes: buried 03-10-1899 age 75, female, Location 25 77 1, McMahon and Collier
Burris, Annie died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 9-7-1904 location 33 45 1 Eden Train Wreck Victim
Burris, Harold died 1-4-1899 Notes: age 2y, son of Samuel J. Burris, Notes: buried 01-05-1899 age 2, male, Location 14 6 7, T.G. McCarthy
Burris, K. Clifford born 1890 died 1985 (Floyd Kelling)
Burris, Myra B. born 1891 died 1966 (Floyd Kelling)
Burris, Ollie Dell died 5-1-1900 Notes: age 28y 3m 14d, wife of Samuel J. Burris McCarthy Funeral Home
Burris, Winifred C. born 3-14-1934 died 5-26-2004 (Floyd Kelling)
Burrows, Jennie L. born 1859 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Burt, Edward Arthur died 6-2-1912 Notes: born at LaCrosse, Wisc. age 46y, son of Albert Burt and Elizabeth McColough both born Pa. paid by Mrs. Edward A. Burt, Albert Burt and Peter Perrone McCarthy Funeral Home
Burtis, Francis J. Notes: buried 01-24-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 244 7, McMahon and Collier
Burton, Alfred J. born 12-8-1895 died 4-22-1896 (Floyd Kelling)
Burton, Cleo E. born 2-19-1912 died 1-26-2005 (Floyd Kelling)
Burton, E. Rush born 11-28-1901 died 1-20-1967 (Floyd Kelling)
Burton, John died 2-16-1902 Notes: age 47y, husband of Mrs. John F. Burton McCarthy Funeral Home
Burton, LuLu born 2-12-1904 died 6-28-1905 Infant of A.E. & C.N. Burton (Dennis Reed)
Burton, Perry H. born 1-20-1860 died 3-22-1951 (Floyd Kelling)
Burton, Rhoda B. born 1-11-1863 died 4-24-1934 (Floyd Kelling)
Burton, Robert B. born 5-11-1851 died 10-9-1823 (Floyd Kelling)
Burton, Robert B. born 6-20-1887 died 6-7-1966 (Floyd Kelling)
Burtraw, Bertha M. born 1901 died 1-30-1991 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Burtraw, Lyman Thatcher born 1888 died 1962 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Bush, A. Leon born 1918 died 2003 (Floyd Kelling)
Bush, Elizabeth born 1852 died 1901 Notes: died 3-18-1901 age 49y, children: William, Fred, Albert and Edna Bush McCarthy Funeral Home (Karen Mitchell)
Bush, Francis Keith born 1950 died 1951 (Sharon McCurry)
Bush, Lavena D. born 1927 died 2006 (Floyd Kelling)
Bushby, Joe A. born 8-3-1850 died 3-6-1913 Also (Floyd Kelling)
Bustedor, Jacob Notes: buried 01-12-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 79 2, no mortuary listed
Bustillos, Bill born 1933 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Bustillos, Iris Jean born 1934 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Butkovich, Anthony born 1884 died 1928 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Anthony N. born 1916 died 1951 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Candy born 2-2-1930 died no date (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Catherine born 9-18-1892 died 12-5-1959 Also (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Catherine E. born 1940 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Butkovich, George born 1871 died 1944 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, George born 9-9-1925 died 6-4-2001 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, George John born 9-9-1925 died 6-4-2001 Notes: S1 US Coast Guard WWII (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Joe died 4-6-1909 Notes: born at Austria age 21y, single, son of John Butkovich, paid by John Butkovich McCarthy Funeral Home
Butkovich, John born no date died 6-3-1921 Notes: age 45y (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, John born 5-31-1890 died 9-19-1961 Also (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, John and Margaret (Sharon McCurry)
Butkovich, John P. born 1935 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)
Butkovich, John R. born 1916 died 1980 Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII Also (Sharon McCurry) Also (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, John S. born no date died 12-12-1926 Notes: age 28y (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Margaret M. born 1917 died 1993 (Dennis Reed) Also (Sharon McCurry)
Butkovich, Mary born 1872 died 1937 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Mary V. born 1881 died 1955 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Susan born no date died 8-5-1940 Notes: age 65y (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Thomas born 1891 died 1917 (Dennis Reed)
Butkovich, Tom born 1872 died 1942 (Dennis Reed)
Butler, Jimmie died 10-18-1901 Notes: age about 30y, paid by Pueblo County, colored, McCarthy Funeral Home
Butler, Viola born 12-10-1902 died 1-8-1912 Notes: daughter of R.L. Butler born Ga. And Jennie Patterson born Alabama, colored McCarthy Funeral Home
Butt, James William born 1888 died 1918 Notes: USA AEF Also (Kay Medved)
Button, James Lewis died 6-12-1907 Notes: age 3m 22d, died at Guthrie, Ok. McCarthy Funeral Home
Buzzalini, Felix born 9-27-1912 died 9-28-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Santa Buzzalini born Italy and Anna Salone born Texas McCarthy Funeral Home
Bye, Caroline Notes: buried 08-21-1897 age 33, female, Location 26 75 7, McMahon and Collier
Byrne, Betty Jean born 1943 died 1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Byrne, Mary born 3-17-1850 died 2-21-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Byron, Daniel J. Notes: buried 01-15-1899 age 44, male, Location 57 144 7, McMahon and Collier

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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