Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

AB C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Y-Z Unknown

Nafe, William J. born 1900 died 1949 (Sharon McCurry)

Nakami, G. born can't read died can't read (Floyd Kelling)

Napole, John died 2-28-1901 Notes: age 1y 5m, Son of Sposit Napole McCarthy Funeral Home

Napole, John died 2-28-1901 Notes: age 1y 5m, Son of Sposit Napole McCarthy Funeral Home

Nardini, Jennie Margurette born 3-25-1910 died 12-11-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo Daughter of Victor and Mary Concilla Nardini, both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home

Nardini, Johanna born Mar. 1, 1890 died April 1937

Nardini, Joseph J. born Aug 1, 1911 died Feb. 19, 1938

Nardini, Julius R. born Mar 17, 1890 died Oct 28, 1918

Nardini, Louis J. born Oct 26, 1913 died Apr 9, 1938

Nardini, Michael D. born Aug. 10, 1896 died Dec 31, 1908

Nardini, Rafael L. died 11-4-1909 Notes: age 45y 6m 18d, paid by estate McCarthy Funeral Home. Born Apr 16, 1864 died Nov. 4, 1909.

Narod, Alojzij born 1921 died 2002 (Sharon McCurry)

Narod, Angela Mary Pruitt born 3-24-1906 died 8-2-1963 (Sharon McCurry)

Narod, Joe A. born 1907 died 1966 (Sharon McCurry)

Narod, Vera born 1934 died 2002 (Sharon McCurry)

Narod, William L. born 4-8-1917 died 1-8-1966 (Sharon McCurry)

Narod, William L. born 4-8-1917 died 1-8-1966 Notes: SFC ER USAR WWI & Korea (Sharon McCurry)

Nash, Arthur C. born 1909 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)

Nash, Edea A. born 1914 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)

Nash, Ida died 9-8-1902 Notes: age about 40y, wife of Daniel Nash McCarthy Funeral Home

Nau, Sarah born 11-5-? died 10-21-1910 Notes: born at In. age 48y, Wife of Charles Nau, Daughter of Joseph Cicil, m born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home

Nau, Sarah J. born 1860 died 1910 (Floyd Kelling)

Naubert, Frank born 1848 died 10-18-1910 Notes: born at Canada age 52y McCarthy Funeral Home

Naubert, Leocadi died 10-31-1910 Notes: age 52y, born April or May, daughter of Margureth ? and ? McCarthy Funeral Home

Nauman, Russell Notes: buried 07-12-1897 age 38, male, Location 25 63 7, West Brothers

Neale, Nina Galloway died 1906 Notes: wife of Al A. Neale, buried 5-29-1906, age 37y (Floyd Kelling)

Nealley, Doris Z. born 3-9-1920 died 11-13-2004 (Floyd Kelling)

Nealley, Lawrence E. born 6-28-1956 died no date (Floyd Kelling)

Nedbalec, Sophia born 5-19-1900 died 8-29-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo Daughter of Matt and Annie Jaudec Nedbalec, both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home

Neeb, Carrie M. born 1869 died 1924 (Floyd Kelling)

Need, John N. born 1868 died 1944 (Floyd Kelling)

Needles, infant born 3-7-1911 died 3-7-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo Daughter of Frank B. Needles and Emily Weinman Needles McCarthy Funeral Home

Neff, William died 3-8-1902 Notes: age 58y McCarthy Funeral Home

Neilson, Marley Notes: buried 05-26-1898 age 6, male, Location 27 268 14, McMahon and Collier

Neisiventer, Hannah died 1-21-1911 Notes: born at Pa. age 71y McCarthy Funeral Home

Nelson, Anna W. born no date died 4-28-1970 (Floyd Kelling)

Nelson, Clara Notes: buried 06-08-1899 age 1, female, Location 25 54 17, West Brothers

Nelson, Elizabeth born 1910 died 1995 Notes: "Betty" (Sharon McCurry)

Nelson, Elizabeth died 8-13-1911 Notes: born at Te. Daughter of ? McMurtry ans Etta Scrubbs McMurtry, both born Te. McCarthy Funeral Home

Nelson, Frank J. born no date died 8-4-1983 (Floyd Kelling)

Nelson, Sam Jr. Notes: buried 11-07-1898 age 0, female, Location 12 236 7, West Brothers

Nelson, Samuel M.D. born 1900 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)

Nelson, Sophia D. born 1846 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)

Nemec, Steve born no date died 8-20-1905 (Karen Mitchell)

Nemick, Edith G. born 1911 died 1995 (Sharon McCurry)

Nemick, Frank P. Sr. born 1911 died 1977 (Sharon McCurry)

Nemik, Elizabeth born 1-12-1910 died 5-14-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo Daughter of Joseph and Mary Kounstic Nemik, both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home

Nemik, Joseph born 10-30-1906 died 2-29-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo Daughter of Joseph and Annis Kunstak Menik, both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home

Nemonich, Martie died 10-16-1910 Notes: age 54y, born 1856 Austria, died at Minnequa Hospital, married, laborer, son of Martie Nemonich, both parents born Austria husband of Barbara Nemonich, McCarthy Funeral Home

Nerone, Girarda Notes: buried 01-29-1899 age 35, female, Location 57 134 5, McMahon and Collier

Nerone, Vibenizo born 1850 died 3-17-1908 (Floyd Kelling)

Nethery, Jay J. born 1879 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)

Nethery, Lena F. born 1889 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)

Neville, Louis R. born 1864 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)

Newell, Cora died 1-20-1905 Notes: age 32y, informant Mrs. Mary Arnold McCarthy Funeral Home

Newells, William Notes: buried 05-21-1899 age 60, male, Location 14 47 6, T.G. McCarthy

Newells, William died 5-20-1900 Notes: age 60y McCarthy Funeral Home

Newhouse, Johnnie born 10-30-1905 died 7-29-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of H.R. and Hattie Veselik Newhouse, f born Ka. M born Ill. McCarthy Funeral Home

Newlon, Finley M. born 2-11-1845 died 12-11-1922 (Floyd Kelling)

Newlon, Hiram born 12-20-1877 died 8-11-1960 (Kay Medved)

Newlon, Nancy B. born 7-23-1849 died 6-18-1902 (Floyd Kelling)

Newlon, Nellie E. born 5-5-1872 died 12-14-1951 (Floyd Kelling)

Newlon, William B. born 1-21-1873 died 12-9-1923 (Floyd Kelling)

Newman Monument (Floyd Kelling)

Newman, Gizella born 1882 died 1942 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Newman, Julia M. born 1851 died 1932 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Newman, Moritz born 1848 died 1924 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Newman, Sophia born 1858 died 1932 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Newman, William born 1855 died 1937 Temple Emanuel

Newport, Charles born 6-12-? died 11-16-1910 Notes: born at England age 49y, parents born England McCarthy Funeral Home

Newport, Hattie died 10-11-1903 Notes: age 30y, informant Miss Bell Doll McCarthy Funeral Home

Newshan, John died 7-2-1905 Notes: age 35y 2m 27d, died at Minnequa Hospital, expenses paid by Frank Stone of Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home

Newton, Benjamin B. Notes: buried 08-01-1898 age 0, male, Location 16 37 5, McMahon and Collier

Newton, Flo F. Jr. born 1933 died no date (Floyd Kelling)

Newton, Wanda J. born 1938 died no date (Floyd Kelling)

Niccoli, Pasquale died no date (Floyd Kelling)

Nichols, Hester born 1884 died 12-8-1911 Notes: age 27y, born Pueblo, single, no relatives, McCarthy Funeral Home

Nicholson, Mollie E. Notes: buried 09-21-1897 age 39, female, Location 26 81 4, T.G. McCarthy

Nicksic, Rosie born 5-28-1910 died 6-14-1910 Notes: daughter of Joseph Nicksic and Martha Meksie? Both born Austria, service St. Mary Church, McCarthy Funeral Home

Nilson, John born 12-23-1869 died 7-9-1893 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)

Nimmo, Marvin E. born 10-15-1899 died 11-27-1983 Notes: Cpl US Army WWI (Sharon McCurry)

Nimmo, Marvin E. born 1899 died 1983 (Sharon McCurry)

Nimmo, Rita V. born 1900 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)

Nimmo, William C. born 1926 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)

Nimmo, William Conrad Jr. born 1949 died 1973 (Sharon McCurry)

Ninomiya, R. died 7-6-1909 Notes: age 39y (Floyd Kelling)

Nitz, infant twins died 4-25-1899 Notes: one twin 17 hours old, one twin 19 hours old, children of Stephen Droyh Nitz, McCarthy Funeral Home

Noggs, Eliza G. Notes: buried 05-15-1898 age 7, female, Location 57 252 2, T.G. McCarthy

Nolen, William O. died 8-20-1909 Notes: age 19y 7m 28d, single, farmer, son of William O. Nolen, died St. Mary Hospital, McCarthy Funeral Home

Nolte, Christopher born 12-22-1842 died 8-13-1902 Notes: age 53y 7m 21d (Floyd Kelling)

Nolty, Christian died 8-12-1902 Notes: age 65y 7m 18d, died on Schmitt ranch, St. Charles Mesa, buried by relatives, son of August Nolty, McCarthy Funeral Home

Nord, Gustif Victor died 1-13-1899 Notes: age 4m, son of Karl V. Nord, buried 01-13-1899 Location 25 55 18, T.G. McCarthy

Nored, Toney died 12-19-1910 Notes: age 5m, 19d, son of Joe Nored and Frances Root both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home

Norris, Jasper N. born 1849 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling)

Norris, John died 7-17-1909 Notes: age 67y, 2d, died at Glendale, Ca., paid by Etta Gray of his estate, McCarthy Funeral Home

North, Gershom F. born 10-6-1856 died 12-11-1906 (Floyd Kelling)

Norton, Charles Frank born 9-14-1862 died 11-8-1905 Notes: I am remembered Also (Kay Medved)

Norton, Florence died 3-21-1901 Notes: age 35y, single, cost paid by Arapahoe County, Dr Work, McCarthy Funeral Home

Norton, infant died 3-9-1900 Notes: child of Richard Norton, buried on Mrs. McElroy's plot, McCarthy Funeral Home

Norton, R. infant Notes: buried 03-11-1899 age 0, female, Location 29 348 1, T.G. McCarthy

Nose, Alojzij Notes: "Louis" died 5-29-2002 age 80 buried 6-3-2002 Block, Lot, Space: Pk 108b 1 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co

Nose, Elizabeth Notes: died age 81 buried 9-11-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 70 30 4 George F. McCarthy

Nose, John Notes: died age 57 buried 1-3-1935 Block, Lot, Space: 21 196 4 George F. McCarthy

Nose, John born 1937 died 1984 (Kay Medved)

Nose, Vera Notes: died 5-20-2002 age 67 buried 5-24-2002 Block, Lot, Space: Pk 108b 2 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co

Nott, Bertha Hazel Notes: buried 11-19-1898 age 0, female, Location 26 61 7, West Brothers

Nottingham, Mary J. born 8-10-1915 died 11-25-2010 Notes: Mother Also (Kay Medved)

Novak, Aloysia died 1-14-1901 Notes: age 5y 2m, daughter of Frank Novak, service St. Mary church, McCarthy Funeral home

Novak, Anna born 1899 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Edna M. born 1929 died no date (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Frank born 1894 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Frank died 8-7-1902 Notes: age 50y, died at St. Mary Hospital, informant Father Cyril, McCarthy Funeral home

Novak, Frank M. born 1923 died 1994 Notes: Tec 5 US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Frank M. born 1923 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Jacob Notes: buried 05-09-1897 age 60, male, Location 57 138 1, McMahon and Collier

Novak, Johanna born 11-10-1907 died 10-3-1910 Notes: daughter of Lawrence Novak and Mary Koscaeh both born Austria, service St. Mary Church, McCarthy Funeral home

Novak, John Notes: buried 09-27-1898 age 41, male, Location 57 136 2, McMahon and Collier

Novak, John born 1883 died 4-25-1904 (Floyd Kelling)

Novak, John M. born 5-22-1904 died 3-31-1990 (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Joseph born 1-28-1912 died 1-28-1912 Notes: son of Joseph Novak and Maggie Castella both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral home

Novak, Martin Jr. died 12-11-1901 Notes: age 4y 9m 22d, son of Martin Novak Sr., McCarthy Funeral home

Novak, Mary born 11-25-1906 died 12-13-1969 (Sharon McCurry)

Novak, Michael died 1-17-1899 Notes: age 4y, son of John Novak, McCarthy Funeral home

Novak, Nic Notes: buried 01-17-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 245 1, T.G. McCarthy

Novelk, Jacob born 7-28-1862 died 12-2-1912 Notes: born in Russia, married, miner, son of George Novelk, both parents born in Russia, paid by Amelia Novelk, McCarthy Funeral home

Novlan, Frances died 9-10-1898 Notes: age 24y, wife of Anton Horlan, McCarthy Funeral home

Novryon, Francis Notes: buried 09-11-1898 age 24, female, Location 57 143 5, T.G. McCarthy

Nuanez, Juan died 9-9-1914 Notes: born 0ct 19 Santa Fe, NM., age 42y, died St. Mary Hospital, son of Avealino Nuanez born Santa Fe, NM and Victoria Sanchez born Ildefanso, NM, informant Mrs. Ofrocina Nuanez, other relative Louis Nuanez, McCarthy Funeral home

Nuckolls, Emmet born 1844 died 1910 (Dennis Reed)

Nuckolls, Emmet born 6-16-1844 died 10-12-1910 Notes: widower, died at St. Mary Hospital, son of Ezra Nuckolls born Greyson County, Virginia and Lucinda Hale born Virginia, paid by relatives and Harvey Nuckolls, McCarthy Funeral home

Nuckolls, G. Harvey born 1868 died 1928 (Dennis Reed)

Nuckolls, Marshal born 1870 died 1913 (Dennis Reed)

Nuckolls, Virginia W. born 1872 died 1952 (Dennis Reed)

Nugent, Eva Blanche born no date died 2-26-1892 Notes: age 25y 10m 14d, Wife of John Nugent (Floyd Kelling)

Nusbaum, Dora born 1868 died 1942 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Nusbaum, Moses born 1844 died 1927 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Nusbaum, Ruth born 1888 died 3-31-1973 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Nyberg, Kate born 12-15-1840 died 11-12-1910 Notes: born Sweden, daughter of Per. Nelson Beller, both parents born Sweden, sold to Nels H. Nyberg & sons, McCarthy Funeral home

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

Please e-mail comments and suggestions to Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell