Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

O.P.C. Arkansas Valley Division No. 36 (Floyd Kelling)
Oak, Olas Anderson born 3-12-1835 died 6-11-1912 (Floyd Kelling)
Oaks, Charles Notes: buried 07-09-1897 age 33, male, Location 25 63 8, McMahon and Collier
Oars, William Notes: buried 03-24-1899 age 23, male, Location 25 75 8, McMahon and Collier
Oberman, Annie born 11-15-1880 died 10-7-1910 Notes: born at Austria daughter of Matt Murtz and Annie Vuksini both born Austria, paid by Martin Oberman and St. Mary Society McCarthy Funeral Home
Oberman, Emma born 8-12-1895 died 8-21-1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Oberman, Katerna died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Obren, Mary born 3-8-1909 died 5-23-1910 Notes: daughter of John Obren and Anna Hanher both born Austria,
O'Brien, A.G. Notes: buried 07-18-1897 age 54, male, Location 29 384 4, T.G. McCarthy
O'Brien, Charles P. born 5-5-1838 died 12-17-1916 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Brien, Elizabeth born 1856 died 1923 (Floyd Kelling)
O'Brien, Emma A.H. Notes: buried 03-11-1899 age 28, female, Location 26 84 8, T.G. McCarthy
O'Brien, infant daughter born 11-28-1910 died 11-29-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo age 12 hours, daughter of Frank O'Brien born Ok. And Lille ? Born Kansas McCarthy Funeral Home
O'Brien, J.H. infant of Notes: buried 07-30-1897 age 0, male, Location 57 251 3, Bustin and Fritz
O'Brien, Mary died 1-14-1911 Notes: age 64y, born in Ireland, widow, paid by Pueblo County, McCarthy Funeral home
O'Brien, Mathew born 1857 died 1921 (Floyd Kelling)
O'Brien, Rose born 2-22-1861 died 9-5-1940 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Brien, Sarah born 1850 died 1924 (Floyd Kelling)
O'Brien, Thomas born 12-16-1839 died 6-3-1918 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Brien, William born 11-11-1849 died 4-27-1927 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Connor, Joseph Notes: buried 11-11-1897 age 35, male, Location 56 59 1, McMahon and Collier
O'Connor, Minnie Notes: buried 11-12-1899 age 32, female, Location 26 85 8, McMahon and Collier
O'Connor, Patrick J. born 1868 died 1912 Notes: died 8-20-1912 Notes: age 44y, married, born Ireland, son of Jerry O'Connor and Nora Dolling both born Ireland, spouse Nellie O'Connor, McCarthy Funeral home (Sharon McCurry)
O'Conor, Frank Notes: buried 04-08-1899 age 47, male, Location 29 380 7, McMahon and Collier
Odlow, Katherine died 2-5-1910 Notes: age 59y, born May, Cincinnati, Ohio, widow, sold to William M & Charles Hitzing, daughter of William Listerman and Mary Mock both born Germany, McCarthy Funeral home
Odlow, Kathrina born no dates (Floyd Kelling)
Odlow, Robert born no dates Notes: buried 1-11-1909 age 75y (Floyd Kelling)
O'Donnell, John L. born 1903 died 1988 Notes: Brick (Sharon McCurry)
O'Donnell, Wanda S. born 1907 died 1966 (Sharon McCurry)
Offutt, Mary Slaughter Bell born no date died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Ofsanko, Albert J. Notes: died 2-24-1967 age 63 buried 2-27-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 67a 59 4 George F. McCarthy
Ofsanko, John J. Notes: died 9-19-1971 age 70 buried 9-22-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 67a 59 3 George McCarthy
Ofsanko, Joseph Notes: died age 43 buried 3-9-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 21 13 4 T.G. McCarthy
Ofsanko, Joseph died 11-27-1912 Notes: son of Joseph Ofsauka and Mary ? Both born Austria died age 15 buried 11-30-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 21 12 6 T.G. McCarthy
Ofsanko, Mary baby girl of Notes: died age 0buried 5-20-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 21 13 T8 T.G. McCarthy
Ofsanko, Nettie E. Notes: died 6-17-1986 age 84 buried 6-19-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 67 84 1 McCarthy Almont (Kay Medved)
Ofsanko, Paul Notes: died age 12 buried 5-24-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 21 22 3 T.G. McCarthy
Ogalin, Veronica born 10-6-1910 died 1-25-1911 Notes: daughter of Steve Ogalin and Gennie Goatell both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral home
Ogden, Ellen F. born 1905 died 1988 (Floyd Kelling)
Ogden, Harry Lee born 1885 died 1971 Notes: US Navy WWI (Floyd Kelling)
Ogden, Ida May born 1877 died 1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Ogulin, John J. born 1911 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Ogulin, Mary R. born 1905 died 1999 (Sharon McCurry)
Oka, Sadaji born 1873 died 5-10-1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Okicic, Edward born 5-17-1906 died 10-18-1910 Notes: son of Mark Okicic and Mary Aauts both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral home
Okicic, Katarina born 1880 died 1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Okochick, Mary died 12-2-1898 Notes: daughter of Mark Okochick, age 21d, buried 12-03-1898 Location 57 245 5, T.G. McCarthy
Okorn, Anthony J, born 1906 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Okorn, Margaret H. born 1913 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Leary, Daniel Notes: buried 09-08-1897 age 52, male, Location 57 138 4, Bustin and Fritz
O'Leary, Edgar P. born 4-28-1872 died 7-9-1941 (Floyd Kelling)
O'Leary, Louise W. born 10-31-1886 died 12-19-1971 (Floyd Kelling)
Olin Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Olin, Ettie E. born 1859 died 1940 (Dennis Reed)
Olin, Ettie E. born 1868 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Olin, Fred E. born 1861 died 1937 (Dennis Reed)
Olin, Fred E. G. born 1895 died 1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Olin, Fred E. G. born 1861 died 1937 (Floyd Kelling)
Olin, Fred E.G. born 1895 died 1914 (Dennis Reed)
Oliphant, James Notes: buried 01-30-1899 age 24, male, Location 25 66 5, McMahon and Collier
Oliver, William Notes: buried 08-06-1898 age 32, male, Location 26 74 2, T.G. McCarthy
Olmes, John H. born no date died 8-6-1944 Notes: buried 8-8-1944 (Sharon McCurry)
Olmes, Margaret H. born no date died 1-10-1922 Notes: buried 1-12-1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Olsen, Charles infant of Notes: buried 07-02-1898 age 0, male, Location 24 159 4, West-Whiton
Olsen, John H. Notes: buried 05-13-1898 age 0, male, Location 17 9 T2, West Brothers
Olson, George E. Notes: buried 03-24-1899 age 7, male, Location 25 54 21, McMahon and Collier
Omosse, Caletchia died 3-4-1899 Notes: age 24d, daughter of Louis Omosse, buried 03-04-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 244 2, T.G. McCarthy
O'Neal, Clyde C. born 1891 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Neal, Hazel R. born 1892 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)
O'Neil, Charles Notes: died age 0 buried 4-26-1893 Block, Lot, Space: 13 622 1 McMahon and Collier
O'Neil, Charles Notes: died age 71 buried 6-23-1950 Block, Lot, Space: 13 622 4 T.G. McCarthy
O'Neil, Daniel James Notes: died 10-7-1969 age 71 buried 10-9-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 33 59 1 Boise, Walsenburg, Co
O'Neil, James Notes: died age 66 buried 6-6-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 1 26 Whiton
O'Neil, Michael Notes: died age 61 buried 2-22-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 1 45 Whiton
O'Neil, Mina B. Notes: died age 0 buried 2-1-1892 Block, Lot, Space: 12 123 10 B. and P.
O'Neil, Raymond Lee Notes: died 3-18-1969 age 42 buried 3-22-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 55 50 3 George F. McCarthy
O'Neil, Richard Notes: died age 48 buried 7-13-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 13 622 5 T.G. McCarthy
O'Neil, Selena Notes: died age 64 buried 11-24-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 28 5 1 18 Udv
O'Neil, Thomas Notes: died age 35 buried 9-19-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 57 1 7 23 T.G. McCarthy
O'Neill, Betty L. Notes: died 4-12-1987 age 63 buried 4-15-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 61 30 3 Rivera
O'Neill, Charles T. Notes: died 8-18-1998 age 82 buried 8-20-1998 Block, Lot, Space: 61 30 4 Romero Pueblo, Co
O'Neill, Cora Davis Notes: died age 87 buried 12-6-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 16 1 5 Davis
O'Neill, Dennis James born 1916 died 1965 Notes: died age 0 buried 11-24-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 67 55 6 Davis Also (Kay Medved)
O'Neill, James E. Notes: died age 54 buried 5-28-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 22 141 7 Udv
O'Neill, Lois A. born 1919 died 2000 Notes: died 5-17-2000 age 80 buried 5-22-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 67 55 5 Cappadona's Family Ser. Pueblo, Co Also (Kay Medved)
O'Neill, Margaret Notes: died age 68 buried 4-18-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 13 622 2 McMinn
O'Neill, Msgr. James H. Notes: died 4-17-1972 age 80 buried 4-20-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 39 13 5 T.G. McCarthy
O'Neill, Thomas Notes: died age 52 buried 10-21-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 52 5 4 24 George F. McCarthy
O'Neill, William A. Notes: died age 46 buried 5-24-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 33 59 2 T.G. McCarthy
O'Neill, William Francis Notes: died age 62 buried 3-30-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 16 1 6 George F. McCarthy
O'Nell, Charles born 8-22-1850 died 8-4-1912 Notes: born Sweden, married, RR car inspector, died at St. Mary Hospital, injured in RR car accident at Minnequa Station, son of John O'Nell born in Sweden, McCarthy Funeral home
Opie, Sadie died 9-4-1910 Notes: born 11-16 Idaho Springs, Co., age 24y, single, daughter of John Opie born New Jersey and Mary Jane Clellan born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral home
Orazem, Florence A. born 12-3-1915 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Orazem, Harold E. born 2-6-1915 died 11-11-1998 Notes: married 9-12-1937 (Sharon McCurry)
Orazem, Jimmy O. born 3-25-1940 died 10-5-1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Orazem, William J. born 8-19-1908 died 11-11-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Orban, Joseph died 8-20-1900 Notes: age 24y 3m 14d, died at CF&I Hospital, informant Stephen Orban, McCarthy Funeral home
Orbik, Peter died 8-17-1899 Notes: age 21d, son of Frank Orbik, McCarthy Funeral home
Orbin, Frank Notes: buried 06-22-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 243 11, McMahon and Collier
Orbrick, Peter Notes: buried 08-18-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 28, T.G. McCarthy
Ore, Charles Notes: buried 04-01-1898 age 1, male, Location 26 59 6, McMahon and Collier
Oreskovic, Joseph born 8-?-1910 died 1-18-1911 Notes: son of Jack Oreskovic and Anna Butkovich both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral home
Oreskovich, Diana Q. born 10-14-1948 died 3-25-2014 (Kay Medved)
Oreskovich, John born 1918 died 1997 (Karen Mitchell)
Oreskovich, Rachel born 1925 died no date (Karen Mitchell)
Oreskovich, Ronald E. born 2-8-1945 died 7-27-2009 (Kay Medved)
Orestani, Antonetta born 5-6-1907 died 2-18-1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Orestani, Catarina born 1872 died 8-18-1928 (Sharon McCurry)
Orestani, Catherine born 4-6-1905 died 4-8-1928 (Sharon McCurry)
Orestani, Charles born 3-17-1913 died 3-10-1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Orestani, Fanzine born 10-21-1901 died 7-14-1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Orestani, Nick born 4-29-1876 died 2-18-1958 (Sharon McCurry)
Orestani, Rose born 9-15-1912 died 8-15-1932 (Sharon McCurry)
Orf, Voyle died 4-5-1910 Notes: age 18y, died at Trinidad, single, Aunt Mrs. J. Watson, sold to M.G. Lown of Continental Oil Co., Trinidad, McCarthy Funeral home
Orf, Watson Nicholas Notes: buried 01-09-1899 age 1, male, Location 14 97 T2, McMahon and Colllier
Orlando, Vincenzo died 9-21-1909 Notes: age 23y, born Italy, single, died at Arkansas River, Livesy, Co., sold to Angelo Mastrioni, McCarthy Funeral home
Ormeo, Elizabeth Notes: buried 09-11-1899 age 38, female, Location 12 300 10, McMahon and Collier
Ormsby, Dianne born no date died 1945 (Sharon McCurry)
Ormston, Mabel J. born 1881 died 1937 (Floyd Kelling)
Oronia, Bravlio died 8-17-1911 Notes: age 40y, born Chinagua, Mexico, married, died St. Mary Hospital, son of Juaquin Oronia nd Refugia ? Both born Mexico, McCarthy Funeral home
Orosco, John born 6-24-1886 died 3-18-1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Orosco, John born 6-24-1886 died 3-18-1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Orr, James born 1840 died 1912 Notes: Father (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Orre, Eric born 1881 died 1916 (Floyd Kelling)
Orsinger, Louis born 8-25-1852 died 2-8-1911 Notes: born Tyrol, Germany, married, son of Ludisay Orsinger and Domenica Menoy both born Tyrol, McCarthy Funeral home
Ortega, Paul born 6-30-1911 died 6-30-1911 Notes: son of Encarnacion Ortega and Lupe Ponza both born Mexico, McCarthy Funeral home
Ortega, Thomas born 12-21-1909 died 1-5-1910 Notes: son of Encarnacion Ortega and Guadalupe Ponse both born Mexico, McCarthy Funeral home
Ortiviz, Arsenio born 1-13-1911 died 8-29-1911 Notes: son of John C. Ortiviz and Ella Duran both born Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral home
Ortloff, Charles born 4-4-1868 died 7-31-1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Ortner, Emma Bell born 1864 died 1899 Notes: age 36y 1m 27d, died 4-13-1899, married, wife of George E. Ortner, buried 04-15-1899 age 36, female, Location 30 144 3, T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Ortner, George J. born 1860 died 1924 (Floyd Kelling)
Ortner, Lou Ella Keeling born 1865 died 1921 (Floyd Kelling)
Osaki, H. died 1-1-1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Osborne, infant born 6-13-1901 died 6-13-1901 Notes: lived 2 hours, child of Chester Osborne, McCarthy Funeral home
Ose, Charles Notes: buried 04-01-1898 age 1, male, Location 26 59 6, McMahon and Collier
Ostrander, Ernest E. born 1897 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Ostrander, John L. born 1866 died 1901 (Floyd Kelling)
Ostrander, John L. died 12-22-1901 Notes: age 34y 10m 15d, died near Ordway, Co., thrown from calaboose under wheels, McCarthy Funeral home
Ostrander, Maurice died 2-1-1901 Notes: age 2y 8m 11d, son of Herbert Ostrander, private burial, McCarthy Funeral home
Ott, infant born 6-27-1911 died 6-27-1911 Notes: daughter of Martin C. Ott born S.C, and Bessie Oldham born N.C., McCarthy Funeral home
Ovechka, Anna born 2-28-1895 died 9-27-1910 Notes: born Pueblo, daughter of Peter Ovechka and Elizabeth Rehak both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral home
Ovechka, Mary J. born 1913 died 2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Ovechka, Michael died 4-19-1910 Notes: age 2y 2m, son of Peter Ovechka and Lizzie Rehak both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral home
Ovechka, Pete P. born 1901 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Owen, Mary Notes: buried 05-10-1899 age 22, female, Location 25 74 7, West Brothers
Owens, John R. born 7-1-1916 died 5-6-2004 (Floyd Kelling)
Owens, Thelma L. born 4-3-1930 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Ozbun, Larry L. born died Notes: Pvt US Army (Sharon McCurry)
Ozbun, Larry L. born 8-15-1943 died 7-31-1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Ozbun, Sharron K. born 4-3-1943 died no date (Sharon McCurry)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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