Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Iannachione, ? Notes: Marito Dolente posa Antonio Iannachione (Floyd Kelling)
Iannachione, Ingornata born 2-3-1868 died 3-19-1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Iiams, Blanche born 1915 died 2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Iiams, Virgil born 1911 died 1985 (Sharon McCurry)
Imes, Louise Elizabeth born 10-8-1910 died 12-25-1914 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Charles Imes born Salida, Co. and Theresa Steele Imes born Pueblo, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Imes, Louise Elizabeth born 10-8-1910 died 12-25-1914 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Charles Imes born Salida, Co. and Theresa Steele born Pueblo McCarthy Funeral Home
Immel, Harry born 12-17-1917 died 11-24-2002 Notes: married 6-15-1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Immel, Nina born 2-24-1920 died no date Notes: married 6-15-1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Inaranda, Catherine died 5-8-1901 Notes: daughter of Tony Inaranda McCarthy Funeral Home
Incerto, Sharon Kay born 7-1-1953 died 6-26-1954 (Sharon McCurry)
Ingels, Leslie born 1889 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Ingels, Lillian W. born 1895 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Ingo, Helen Edwards born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Ingo, Helen Edwards born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Ingo, Samuel Fred born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Ingraham, Minnie born 1863 died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Ingram, Nora born 11-9-1884 died 1-15-1903 Notes: Daughter of A.C. & Susie Daniels (Kay Medved)
Irons, Belle died 1-3-1911 Notes: born at Tennessee born 2-25, age 37y, married, black, resident of NM death date not given, date is burial, daughter of Samuel Nelson and Elizabet, paid by Sam Nelson McCarthy Funeral Home
Isaacs Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Isaacs, Bertha born 1851 died 1927 Temple Emanuel
Isaacs, Joseph born 1838 died 1909 Temple Emanuel
Isbester, Caroline born 1863 died 1938 (Sharon McCurry)
Isbester, Caroline born 1863 died 1938 (Sharon McCurry)
Isbester, Herman W. born 1896 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Isbester, Mina E. born 1895 died 1964 (Sharon McCurry)
Isbester, Robert C. born 2-2-1929 died 9-20-1950 Notes: Colo. PFC 5 Marines 1 Marines Korea (Sharon McCurry)
Isgrig, Glen M. born 1907 died 1908 Notes: son of Mr. & Mrs. W.D. Isgrig (Floyd Kelling)
Isgrig, Henry L. born 1845 died 1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Isgrig, Lulu E. born 1867 died 1949 (Floyd Kelling)
Isgrig, Mary E. born 1848 died 1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Isgrig, Washington born 1865 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Ivanoe, Joe infant of Notes: buried 11-11-1898 age 0, male, Location 25 55 22, no mortuary listed
Ivey, Kelse W. born 1912 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Ivey, Sylvia E. born 1915 died 1986 (Sharon McCurry)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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