Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

V?, Carmen born 3-16-1908 died 1-20-1909 Notes: age 10m (Floyd Kelling)
Vaivoda, Sharyn Kay born 1945 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Valencia, Margurette died 8-31-1913 Notes: resident of Salida, Co. daughter of Procopea Valencia born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Valenti, Angelina Notes: died 3-12-1991 age 86 buried 3-15-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 46 95 N1/2 T.G.McCarthy Pueblo
Valenti, Antonino Notes: died age 70 buried 4-12-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 46 95 7 T.G. McCarthy
Valenti, Castancio died 6-5-1899 Notes: age 27y, informant Cervitori Lucero McCarthy Funeral Home
Valenti, Joseph Anthony Sr. born 1923 died 2010 Notes: died 10-31-2010 age 87 buried 11-4-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 5 105bb George McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Valenti, Leonard Notes: died 10-7-2005 age 88 buried 10-11-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 4 86dd George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Valenti, Leonardo Notes: died age 35 buried 7-16-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 57 190 2 West Whiton
Valenti, Mamie Mae born 1925 died no date Also, Also (Kay Medved)
Valenti, Maria Guiseppa Notes: died age 0 buried 6-1-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 46 95 6 T.G. McCarthy
Valenti, Marie Felicia Notes: died age 80 buried 12-13-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 55 1 2 51 George F. McCarthy
Valenti, Nardo Notes: died age 0 buried 6-16-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 13 T.G. McCarthy
Valenti, Rosalie Notes: died 4-15-2001 age 85 buried 4-19-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 4 86dd George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Valentic, Annie died 8-18-1915 age 1m, (Kay Medved)
Valentic, Anton baby girl of Notes: died age 0 buried 8-19-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 21 11 11 Udv
Valentich, Anna Notes: died age 18 buried 4-21-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 21 71 2 T.G. McCarthy
Valentich, Anton Notes: died 3-23-1976 age 89 buried 3-25-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 70 28 4 McCarthy-Almont
Valentich, baby Girl Notes: died 4-12-1934 age 0 buried 4-12-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 53 54 4 George F. McCarthy
Valentich, Frank G. Notes: died 3-4-2003 age 76 buried 3-8-2003 Block, Lot, Space: 71 76 7 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Valentich, George Notes: died 6-8-1971 age 78 buried 6-11-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 21 99 4 George F. McCarthy
Valentich, John Notes: died 4-7-1968 age 75 buried 4-9-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 70 28 2 George F. McCarthy
Valentich, Joseph Notes: died age 0 buried 10-2-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 21 9 18 T.G. McCarthy
Valentich, Mary A. Notes: died 5-19-2000 age 96 buried 5-23-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 21 99 3 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Valentich, Rose Notes: died 4-10-1978 age 89 buried 4-12-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 70 28 3 McCarthy-Almont
Valentine, Dorothy died 11-13-1923, Notes: died age 22 buried 11-14-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 22 113 5, wife of Gerald Valentine T.G. McCarthy
Valentine, Dorothy Lee Notes: died 6-16-1983 age 77 buried 6-17-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 35 86 4 Rouch
Valentine, Edward D. Notes: died age 67 buried 11-27-1936 Block, Lot, Space: 35 86 3 Rouch
Valentine, H.O. Notes: died age 0 buried 10-13-1893 Block, Lot, Space: 12 135 2 Milliard and Co.
Valentine, Harry Notes: died age 45 buried 6-11-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 56 Whiton
Valentine, Velma M. born 1912 died 2005 Notes: died 3-9-2005 age 92 buried 3-12-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 13 675 7 George McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Valentine, Warren James born 1912 died 1991 Notes: died 1-27-1991 age 78 buried 1-30-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 13 675 8 Almont Pueblo Also (Kay Medved)
Valentinis, Dominico Notes: died age 16 buried 6-5-1903 Block, Lot, Space: 27 23 8 McMahon and Collier
Valentino, A.N. (Rev.) Notes: died age 58 buried 4-15-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 29 446 10 T.G. McCarthy
Valentino, Coustancio Notes: died age 27 buried 6-6-1899 Block, Lot, Space: 57 134 1 T.G. McCarthy
Valentino, Fred Notes: died age 23 buried 12-23-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 52 6 6 16 George F.McCarthy
Valentish, Carl J. Notes: died 12-31-1996 age 75 buried 1-3-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 71 106 2 McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co
Vamos, Margaret C. born 1902 died 1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Vamos, Paul F. born 1893 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)
VanDerbark, Lo Ann born 10-18-1957 died 11-27-1957 (Sharon McCurry)
VanDuyne, Alice died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 9-7-1904 location 57 15 8 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
VanDuyne, Martha Notes: buried 04-01-1899 age 32, female, Location 30 123 1, T.G. McCarthy
VanDuyne, Martha Notes: buried 07-16-1899 age 0, female, Location 30 123 T2, T.G. McCarthy
VanDyne, George Mason born 1932 died 1981 (Floyd Kelling)
VanDyne, Riley R. born 1895 died 1978 (Floyd Kelling)
VanDyne, Stella M. born 1899 died 1994 (Floyd Kelling)
VanFossen, Isaiah C. born 1832 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling)
VanFossen, Lottie Notes: buried 12-28-1898 age 9, female, Location 30 50 8, McMahon and Collier
VanFossen, Rachel B. born no date died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
VanMatre, William B. born 7-4-1909 died 12-4-1918 (Floyd Kelling)
VanSchoiack, Cornelia B. born 1904 died 1988 (Floyd Kelling)
VanSchoiack, Frederick E. born 1901 died 1987 (Floyd Kelling)
Vaughan, Percy Tad born 5-10-1870 died 8-19-1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Vaughn, James L. died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Vaughn, Jessie E. born 1900 died 1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Vaughan, Katherine Walsh born 1872 died 1952 (Kay Medved)
Vaughn, Lenora E. born 1895 died 1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Vaughn, Rolla C. born 1903 died 1977 (Floyd Kelling)
Venezio, Nick born 1896 died 1917 (Floyd Kelling)
Vendetti, baby died 1893 (Kay Medved)
Vendetti, Fred died 1908 (Kay Medved)
Vendetti, John born 1908 died 1909 (Kay Medved)
Venezo, Eva born died 11-7-1922 Notes: 53y (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio, Henry born 1892 died 1959 (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio, John born 1917 died 1918 (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio, Joseph H. born 1922 died 1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio, Katherine M. born 1928 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio, Mary born 1898 died 1918 (Sharon McCurry)
Vergilio, Rose born 1899 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Vernon, Edna Pearl born no date died 1953 (Sharon McCurry)
Vetere, Frank born 1831 died 1923 (Sharon McCurry)
Vickery, Caroline died 4-5-1900 Notes: age 34y 8m (Floyd Kelling)
Vickery, Robert died 8-19-1902 Notes: age 39y (Floyd Kelling)
Vider, Catherine F. born 3-5-1917 died 5-6-2003 Notes: died 5-6-2003 age 86 buried 5-9-2003 Block, Lot, Space: 28 128 1 George McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Vider, Frank born 1883 died 1926 Notes: died age 43 buried 6-30-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 28 128 4 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Vider, Joseph J. born 3-3-1914 died 8-13-1996 Notes: died 8-13-1996 age 82 buried 8-16-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 28 128 1 McCarthy Almont Also (Kay Medved)
Vider, Rose born 2-20-1894 died 12-18-1989 Notes: died 12-18-1989 age 10 buried 12-22-1989 Block, Lot, Space: 28 128 3 McCarthy Almont (Kay Medved)
Videtich, Anna M. born 1901 died 1960 (Kay Medved)
Videtich, John born 1884 died 1949 Notes: died age 64 buried 10-24-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 70 108 8 Geroge F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Videtich, Martin Notes: died age 68 buried 5-25-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 8 George F. McCarthy
Vidmar, Anton J. born 1907 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Vidmar, Francis Notes: buried 05-17-1899 age 2, male, Location 57 250 7, T.G. McCarthy
Vidmar, Jakob born 1872 died 1897 (Karen Mitchell)
Vidmar, Joseph A. born 3-21-1918 died 3-22-1989 Notes: Tec4 US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Vidmar, Joseph A. born 1918 died 1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Vigil, Abel born 1891 died 1975 (Floyd Kelling)
Vigil, Dolorita died 8-7-1904 age 1 buried 8-10-1904 location 57 41 13 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Vigil, Manueleta Notes: buried 08-10-1899 age 0, female, Location 25 53 20, McMahon and Collier
Vigil, Silas born 1877 died 1912
Viles, Cora O. Notes: died age 39 buried 6-1-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 13 87 6 Davis
Viles, Helen O. born 1919 died 2008 Notes: died 4-21-2008 age 89 buried 5-29-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 95c Montgomery Steward (Kay Medved)
Viles, Jess Lawrence born 1916 died 2006 Notes: died 10-30-2006 age 90 buried 10-30-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 95c Montgomery Steward (Kay Medved)
Viles, Thomas L. Notes: died age 21 buried 2-21-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 13 87 4 Davis (Kay Medved)
Vincent, Jack died 1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Virant, Anton born 1887 died 1938 Also (Kay Medved)
Virant, Antone died 10-16-1918 (Kay Medved)
Virant, Antone W. Notes: died age 0 buried 7-25-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 68 127 4 George F. McCarthy
Virant, Jr., Anthony Gilbert Notes: died 11-6-1969 age 36 buried 11-11-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 72 194 3 T.G. McCarthy
Virant, Frank born 1873 died 1938 (Kay Medved)
Virant, Gilbert A. born 11-15-1934 died 11-6-1969 (Sharon McCurry) Also (Kay Medved)
Virant, Jr., Richard Lee Notes: died 1-18-1969 age 0 buried 1-20-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 41 117 1 T.G. McCarthy
Virant, Mary born 1887 died 1943 Notes: died age 55 buried 6-29-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 68 127 4 George F. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Virant, Tony G. born 1912 died 2009 Notes: died 10-23-2009 age 97 buried 10-28-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 72 125 1 George McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Vitullo, Elizabeth born 1895 died 1984 (Floyd Kelling)
Vivian, Daisy Dean born 1877 died 1964 (Floyd Kelling)
Vodian, Abraham B. Dr. born 4-20-1885 died 11-4-1964
Vodian, Elilzabeth S. born 1-11-1886 died 2-21-1974
Voight, Crescenta Notes: buried 11-19-1899 age 55, female, Location 30 22 1, T.G. McCarthy
Voight, Ernest W. born 1850 died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Voight, Herman born 1855 died 1926 (Floyd Kelling)
Voight, Hermine born 1906 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Voight, Rosina born 1875 died 1950 (Floyd Kelling)
Voigt, Crescentia born 1844 died 1899 (Dennis Reed)
Voigt, Crescentia born 1844 died 1899 (Floyd Kelling)
Voigt, Herman born 1856 died 1926 (Dennis Reed)
Voigt, Rose born 1875 died 1950 (Dennis Reed)
VonHemel, Olga A. born 1911 died 1986 Notes: married 4-20-1951 (Floyd Kelling)
VonHemel, Roy born 1906 died 1982 Notes: married 4-20-1952 (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees plot (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees, Anna T. born no date died 1951 Notes: age 76y (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees, Enes R. born no date died 1891 Notes: age 34y (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees, Israel born no date died 1909 Notes: age 80y (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees, John H. born no date died 1936 Notes: age 71y (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees, Karl S. born no date died 1900 Notes: age 11y (Floyd Kelling)
Voorhees, Lucinda L. born 1836 died 1922 Notes: age 87y (Floyd Kelling)
Voss, Gertrude E. born 1872 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Voss, John R. born 1884 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Voytko, Mary Lou born 3-18-1937 died 5-21-1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Vroom, Cora Olive Wagner born 12-8-1891 died 2-14-1981 Notes: born Sailsbury, Mo. (Sharon McCurry)
Vujcich, Helen K. born 1908 died 1983 (Sharon McCurry)
Vujcich, Marie E. born 1930 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Vujcich, Mary A. born 1915 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Vujcich, Nicholas G. born 1909 died 1983 (Sharon McCurry)
Vujcich, Peter G. born 1904 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Vukelich, Iso born 1915 died 1916 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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