Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Waddill Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Waddill, Elvia born 1853 died 1906 Notes: wife of J.W. Waddill (Floyd Kelling)
Waddill, John W. born 1859 died 1911 (Floyd Kelling)
Waddill, Mary E. born 1877 died 1950 Notes: daughter of Elvia & John Waddill (Floyd Kelling)
Wade, John D. born 3-28-1914 died 3-28-1914 Notes: born at Canon City son of Herbert Oliver Wade born Wisc. And Hazel B. Meras born Canon City, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Wager, Alfred born 1868 died 1903 (Floyd Kelling)
Wagner, George Notes: buried 02-23-1899 age 47, male, Location 25 67 6, West Brothers
Wagner, Grace Ann born 1923 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Wagner, Harry Van, Dr. born 1910 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Wagner, Paul J. born 1918 died 1979 Notes: M Sgt US Army WWII, Korea (Sharon McCurry)
Wagner, Paul J. born 1918 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Wagner, Ruth E. born 1914 died 1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Waldman, Fran X. Jr. born 9-5-1925 died 6-21-1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Waldman, Frank X. born 2-3-1886 died 5-28-1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Waldman, Frank X. born 2-3-1886 died 5-28-1972 Notes: Colorado Pvt US Army WWI (Floyd Kelling)
Waldman, Frank X. (Floyd Kelling)
Waldman, Vera G. born 12-22-1895 died 4-11-1974 (Floyd Kelling)
Waldman, Vera G. (Floyd Kelling)
Walker Monument (Dennis Reed)
Walker Monument died (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Alex A. born 1879 died 1915 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Amelia born 1867 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling) Temple Emanuel
Walker, Cassius M. born 1862 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Charles born 1851 died 1894 (Dennis Reed)
Walker, Charles A. born 1884 died 1957 (Dennis Reed)
Walker, Edna E. Notes: buried 06-29-1898 age 2, female, Location 30 92 2, McMahon and Collier
Walker, Edna Mary born 12-27-1892 died 4-26-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Henry Leroy born 1887 died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Leon S. born 1857 died 1934 (Floyd Kelling) Temple Emanuel
Walker, Mabel Frances born 5-16-1890 died 4-19-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Nellie J. born 1867 died 1938 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Ralph F. born 1894 died 1941 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Rex born 1921 died 2002 Notes: Air Force (Sharon McCurry)
Walker, Ruth Notes: buried 10-20-1897 age 3, female, Location 29 85 4, T.G. McCarthy
Walker, Ruth S. born 1896 died 1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Walker, Sigmond born 1859 died 1922 (Floyd Kelling) Temple Emanuel
Walker, Vivian born 1922 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Wallace, Della Notes: buried 09-03-1899 age 30, female, Location 25 71 12, McMahon and Collier
Wallace, Ella M. Notes: buried 04-03-1898 age 29, female, Location 14 45 6, West Brothers
Wallace, Harrison born 1833 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Wallace, Susan E. born 1854 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Wallis, James H. born 1845 died 1924 (Dennis Reed)
Walmsley, June H. born 4-11-1929 died 10-16-1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Walsh, Anna T. born 7-16-1899 died 1-21-1996 (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Bridget born 2-2-1870 died 5-3-1935 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Edward born 6-15-1868 died 10-12-1936 (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Edward Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Emma D. born 6-18-1909 died 6-24-1993 (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Howard P. born 10-26-1895 died 1-29-1968 Notes: Wyoming PFC US Army WWI (Kay Medved)
Walsh, James E. born 6-13-1940 died 10-26-1940 (Kay Medved)
Walsh, John Jay born 6-27-1893 died 1-4-1961 Notes: Veteran WWI (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Joseph M. born no date died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Walsh, Katherine Marie born 6-23-1898 died 7-4-1980 (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Leone V. born 1903 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Walsh, Patricia Ann born 8-3-1930 died 2-22-2014 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Walsh, Virginia Elizabeth born 12-25-1907 died 11-8-1959 (Kay Medved)
Walter, Carl born 3-12-1864 died 2-11-1902 (Karen Mitchell)
Walters, Belle Cullings born 1870 died 1916 (Sharon McCurry)
Walters, Elbert Seaman born 1870 died 1948 (Sharon McCurry)
Walters, Susan Frances born 1848 died 1927 (Sharon McCurry)
Walters, Vera Belle born 1903 died 1925 (Sharon McCurry)
Ward, Asa V. born 1899 died 1961 (Sharon McCurry)
Ward, Charles D. born 12-24-1919 died 10-1-1938 (Dennis Reed)
Ward, Charles Denzil born 1-31-1897 died 4-28-1956 Notes:Colorado Sgt STU Army Tng Corps WWI (Dennis Reed)
Ward, Charles W. born 1872 died 1933 (Dennis Reed)
Ward, Clifford born 1863 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Ward, Dennis Notes: buried 02-14-1899 age 0, female, Location 30 291 T4, McMahon and Collier
Ward, Eldora born 1872 died 1959 (Dennis Reed)
Ward, Fred A. died 7-26-1898 Notes: age 37y 7m (Floyd Kelling)
Ward, Fred A. (Floyd Kelling)
Ward, Frederick N. Notes: buried 07-28-1898 age 38, male, Location 30 291 7, McMahon and Collier
Ward, Jessie B. born 1880 died 1897 (Floyd Kelling)
Ward, Lorine born 1897 died 1962 (Dennis Reed)
Ward, Mary E. born 1905 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Warden, Henry Clay, born 1854, died 1910
Warden, K. Carson born 3-28-1886 died 12-24-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Warden, Leah Ann born 4-24-1853 died 5-12-1896 (Floyd Kelling)
Warfield, Aileen born 4-22-1926 died 6-8-2004 Also (Kay Medved)
Warfield, Raymond A. Jr. born 10-2-1923 died 3-24-2013 Notes: S Sgt US Army Air Forces WWII Air Medal & 20LC Also, Also Also (Kay Medved)
Warfield, Ronald Denis born 8-13-1946 died 11-14-2007 Notes: Sp5 US Army Vietnam, Bronze Star Medal Also (Kay Medved)
Warfield, Michele L. born 5-23-1948 died no date (Kay Medved)
Warner, Jessie May born 5-26-1865 died 2-16-1942 (Floyd Kelling)
Warner, William E. born 10-12-1867 died 8-8-1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Warnouth, Susan Notes: buried 09-01-1897 age 36, female, Location 26 81 3, T.G. McCarthy
Wart, E.M. Reverend died 12-22-1900 Notes: age 29y, died St. Mary Hospital, service, Mesa Baptist Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Washington, William Notes: buried 03-19-1899 age 59, male, Location 12 300 8, McMahon and Collier
Watcher, Mary M. born 5-16-1840 died 1-16-1911 Notes: born Davenport Iowa, wife of Fred Watcher, daughter of Joseph Cayman born France and Elizabeth Schuler born Pa., paid by Mrs. Ida Wright, McCarthy Funeral Home
Waterson, Elsie Mae born 1901 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Watkins, Alfred A. born 12-28-1860 died 2-9-1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Watkins, Gretchen born 11-8-1894 died 12-12-1894 (Floyd Kelling)
Watkins, Joel Notes: buried 06-08-1898 age 40, male, Location 25 65 11, McMahon and Collier
Watsin, Alice Grace born 12-24-1899 died 12-15-1911 Notes: born Albuquerque NM, single, daughter of O.C. Watson born Texas and Lilliam Hughes born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Watson, ? born no date died no date (Dennis Reed)
Watson, Artie J. born 4-27-1860 died 1-17-1909 Notes: Mother (Sharon McCurry)
Watson, Belle W. born 1845 died 1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Watson, Bessie born 7-7-1881 died 1-3-1911 Notes: wife of Edward (Dennis Reed)
Watson, C.B. Notes: buried 06-11-1897 age 29, male, Location 25 61 2, McMahon and Collier
Watson, Colman W. born 1837 died 3-27-1905 (Floyd Kelling)
Watson, Cora B. born 7-7-1881 died 1-3-1911 Notes: born Illinois, wife of Edward M. Watson, daughter of Thomas W. Chockley and Mary E. Cook born Illinois, McCarthy Funeral Home
Watson, E.M. born 1883 died 1939 (Dennis Reed)
Watson, Frank Alber died 6-19-1902 Notes: age 9m 13d, son of George Watson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Watson, Freda born 1926 died no date (Dennis Reed)
Watson, John Notes: buried 01-20-1899 age 30, male, Location 25 68 14, West Brothers
Watson, John J. born 1-24-1868 died 3-29-1916 (Dennis Reed)
Watson, Milton L. born 1924 died 1979 (Dennis Reed)
Watson, Nathan S. born 12-8-1857 died 7-30-1915 (Sharon McCurry)
Watson, S.C. born no date died no date Notes: Lieut RQM 4 Wisconsin Cavalry (Dennis Reed)
Watson, Sybel E. born 1844 died 1930 (Dennis Reed)
Watters, Sarah Belle born 1869 died 1951 (Floyd Kelling)
Watters, Thomas born 1862 died 1952 (Floyd Kelling)
Whybrew, Edward E. born 4-1-1937 died 2-4-2006 Notes: Father Also (Kay Medved)
Whybrew, Cecilia A. born 3-6-1938 died no date Notes: Mother Also (Kay Medved)
Whybrew, Joseph J. born 6-9-1965 died 12-9-2003 Notes: Son Also (Kay Medved)
Weathers, George Notes: buried 04-16-1898 age 27, male, Location 25 82 1, McMahon and Collier
Weber, Elmer F. born 1906 died 1977 (Sharon McCurry)
Weber, infant born 1-1-1911 died 1-2-1911 Notes: died at St. Mary Hospital, child of Frank Weber and Lulu Docking, both born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Weber, May E. died 11-8-1912 (Floyd Kelling)
Weber, Minnie B. born 1875 died 1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Weber, Pearl C. born 1908 died 1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Wedemeyer, Ernest H. born 1903 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Wedemeyer, Lucille S. born 1910 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Wedemeyer, Ross Scott born 1942 died 1966 (Sharon McCurry)
Wedmar, Jack Notes: buried 01-25-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 252 6, McMahon and Collier
Weedmer, Jacob Notes: buried 07-02-1897 age 26, male, Location 57 137 6, McMahon and Collier
Weidman, Bessie Notes: buried 10-11-1899 age 0, female, Location 25 53 17, McMahon and Collier
Weidman, Lillie Notes: buried 12-13-1898 age 2, female, Location 25 55 21, McMahon and Collier
Welbrock, Margurete died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 8-15-1904 location 26 37 13 J.H. Loor Eden Train Wreck Victim
Welch, Delia Margaret Notes: buried 03-31-1899 age 1, female, Location 29 118 1, McMahon and Collier
Welch, Patrick Notes: buried 08-17-1897 age 31, male, Location 29 118 5, Bustin and Fritz
Welch, Violet G. born 1900 died 1905 (Floyd Kelling)
Wellma, Mary born 1-2-1846 died 3-9-1902 Notes: wife of Samuel Wellman, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wellman, Mary born 1-2-1846 died 3-9-1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Wells Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, ? (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, Alvin C. born 1881 died 1881 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Arthur born 1824 died 1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, Arthur died 8-31-1900 Notes: age 75y 10m 18d, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wells, Charles H. born 1859 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, Charles H. died 11-4-1909 Notes: age 50y 5m 27d, resident of Manzanola, Co., died at 712 W. 13th Street, paid by Miss Hazel Wells & sister, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wells, David P. born 1892 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, Eldon R. born 1892 died 1910 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Elizabeth B. born 1857 died 1921 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Floyd E. Notes: buried 09-03-1899 age 2, male, Location 14 104 5, McMahon and Collier
Wells, Frank A. born 1852 died 1929 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Frank A. Jr. born 1889 died 1920 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Fred G.F. born 1884 died 1898 (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, Gladys born 1894 died 1894 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Gladys born 1892 died 1911 (Floyd Kelling)
Wells, Gladys Irene born 2-7-1892 died 4-7-1911 Notes: buried beside Father, child of Charles H. Wells born Indiana and Mary Levina Morgan, paid by James H. Biddlecome, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wells, Gwendolyn B. born 1892 died 1925 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Priscilla born 1886 died 1887 (Dennis Reed)
Wells, Vina born 1867 died 1896 (Floyd Kelling)
Wenell, Serno died 1911 Notes: buried 1-11-1911, single, Draftsman, resident of Sugar City, Co., informant Aunt Mrs. Anna Hayne of New Haven, Ct., McCarthy Funeral Home
Wensing, Arthur died 7-4-1902 Notes: age 1m 6d, son of George Wensing, McCarthy Funeral Home
Weskamp, William J. born 1848 died 1901 (Karen Mitchell)
Wessa, George Peter, born 1876 died 1906
West, Alburn Delabar born 1902 died 1973 (Sharon McCurry)
West, Charles Notes: buried 03-16-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 76 7, McMahon and Collier
West, Harry M. born 1860 died 1941 (Kay Medved)
West, Harry M. Family Monument (Kay Medved)
West, Helen Louise born 1931 died 1931 (Kay Medved)
West, Lottie Summers born 1865 died 1934 (Kay Medved)
West, Mary C. died 8-7-1904 age 38 buried 8-10-1904 location 13 257 3 West-Whiton Eden Train Wreck Victim
West, Rhea L. born 1900 died 1981 Also (Kay Medved)
West, Summers E. born 1899 died 1965 Also (Kay Medved)
West, Thomas D. born 1889 died 1959 (Kay Medved)
Westfall, John C. born 1851 died 1934
Westfall, John Notes: buried 10-22-1897 age 48, male, Location 26 82 1, Bustin and Fritz
Westphal, Tena Notes: buried 08-07-1898 age 36, female, Location 30 248 2, McMahon and Collier
Westling, Eric born 11-10-1869 died 9-8-1910 Notes: single, resident of Salida, Co., born Sweden, died D.& R.Y. Hospital, paid by Forresters of America Swedish Order, McCarthy Funeral Home
Weston, Amelia M. born 1885 died 1961 (Sharon McCurry)
Weston, Francis Ingersoll died 9-11-1902 Notes: age 37y 10m 15d, died Grand Hotel, paid by his estate, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wettstein, Katherine born 4-20-1911 died 7-2-1912 (Floyd Kelling)
Wettstein, Katherine born 4-20-1911 died 7-2-1912 Notes: daughter of Henry Wettstein and Mary May, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wheat, Sheldon Paul born 4-13-1936 died 8-25-2005 (Kay Medved)
Wheatley, Terrance E. died 1-8-1910 Notes: age 49y, born Ireland, single, miner, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wheeler, Dorothy L. born 3-9-1919 died 12-16-1948 (Sharon McCurry)
Wheeler, infant born 2-25-1899 died 2-25-1899 Notes: informant Rev. Charles T. Wheeler, buried 03-02-1899 age 0, male, Location Kansas, no mortuary listed
Wheeler, Madge B. born 1887 died 1936 (Sharon McCurry)
Wheldon, Ernest E. born 1889 died 1965 (Floyd Kelling)
Wheldon, Leah J. died 12-30-1897 Notes: age 14y 10m 12d, daughter of W.M. & Mary Wheldon, buried 12-30-1897 age 2, female, Location 30 119 T5, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Wheldon, Mary E. born 12-22-1855 died 2-9-1934 (Floyd Kelling)
Wheldon, Nettie M. born 1891 died 1962 (Floyd Kelling)
Wheldon, William M. born 5-29-1845 died 6-126-1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Whelen, Michael born 2-14-1859 died Notes: born Michigan, buried 8-9-1912, police officer, son of Patrick Whelan and Catherine Quarry both born Ireland, BPOS paid $100, McCarthy Funeral Home
Whitcanach, infant born 5-19-1912 died 5-19-1912 Notes: child of C.L. Whitcanachborn Iowa and Mildred L. Fuller born Greenwood, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
White Monument (Sharon McCurry)
White Monument (Sharon McCurry)
White, Anna born 1874 died 1908 (Sharon McCurry)
White, Asbury born 1860 died 1942 (Sharon McCurry)
White, Carrie R., born 1862 died 1950
White, Catherine M.A. born 9-2-1838 died no date Notes: buried 6-17-1907 age 66y (Floyd Kelling)
White, Daniel W. born 1853 died 1927
White, Donald W. born 6-28-1915 died 4-29-1972 Notes: New York S2 US Navy WWII (Floyd Kelling)
White, Eva F. died 3-6-1901 Notes: age 4y 5m 2d, daughter of D.W. White, McCarthy Funeral Home
White, F.R. infant of Notes: buried 10-12-1899 age 0, female, Location 25 54 10, McMahon and Collier
White, Harry A. born 1902 died 1967 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Harry John born 1919 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Ida B. born 4-8-1863 died 2-17-1905 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Ida B. (Floyd Kelling)
White, infant born 7-31-1902 died 7-31-1902 Notes: child of Clifford P. White, McCarthy Funeral Home
White, James E. born 3-11-1901 died 3-28-1935 (Floyd Kelling)
White, James N. born 1855 died 1934 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Jessie W. M.D. born 2-2-1900 died 10-18-1974 (Sharon McCurry)
White, Joan L. died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)
White, John Notes: buried 05-02-1897 age 49, male, Location 26 82 7, T.G. McCarthy
White, John E. born 1925 died 1967 (Floyd Kelling)
White, John H. died 3-9-1941 Notes: Colorado Sgt 372 Serv Park Unit, died 11-12-1901, age 35y 3m 23d, married, McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
White, John W. born 7-18-1866 died 11-11-1901 (Floyd Kelling)
White, John W. died (Floyd Kelling)
White, Lavina B. born 3-25-1895 died 4-22-1979 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Lavina P. born 1880 died 1942 (Sharon McCurry)
White, Lillian born 12-9-1918 died 3-26-1985 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Margaret born 1831 died 1898 Notes: buried 05-07-1898 age 67, female, Location 30 199 6, West Brothers (Floyd Kelling)
White, Margaret A. born 1908 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Margaret A. born 4-22-1869 died 4-22-1931 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Margaret A. died (Floyd Kelling)
White, Myron M. died 10-3-1899 Notes: age 11m 16d, son of William White, buried 10-03-1899 male, Location 26 61 11, T.G. McCarthy
White, O. Rosalie born 1901 died 1978 (Floyd Kelling)
White, Olivene S. born 7-11-1909 died 12-13-1989 (Sharon McCurry)
White, Sophia born 1864 died 1894 (Sharon McCurry)
White, William H. died 6-25-1900 Notes: age 1y 20d, son of Asbury White, McCarthy Funeral Home
White, William W. born 1927 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Whitehead, Beulah Marcella born 1-16-1915 died 3-17-2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Whiteman, Eugene died 2-10-1902 Notes: age 25y, died St. Luke's Hospital, son of James W. Whiteman, J.W. McGuirk, McCarthy Funeral Home
Whitfield, Mattie died 1-30-1911 Notes: age 53y, McCarthy Funeral Home
Whitlark, Bert W. born 1881 died 1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Whiton, E.T. born 10-4-1849 died 11-24-1921 (Floyd Kelling)
Whiton, Ella Lewis born 1-25-1851 died 2-29-1916 (Floyd Kelling)
Whiton, Jessie Burdick born 8-7-1864 died 9-26-1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Whiton, Lottie S. born 7-8-1877 died 6-3-1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Whittemore, George W. born 11-25-1846 died no date Notes: buried 5-11-1909 age 63y (Floyd Kelling)
Whittemore, George W. died 5-7-1909 Notes: age 63y, resident of Rosita, Co., paid by J.L. Whittemore and Mrs. James Hammil, McCarthy Funeral Home
Whitten, Martha A. born 1855 died 1908 wife of James
Whittington, Etta H. born 8-14-1880 died 5-14-1894 (Floyd Kelling)
Whittington, Harry H. born 4-27-1887 died 2-10-1963 Notes: WWI (Floyd Kelling)
Whittington, Josephione born 9-17-1861 died 5-21-1941 (Floyd Kelling)
Whittington, Louis F. born 1883 died 1937 (Floyd Kelling)
Whittington, Thomas B. born 5-17-1847 died 8-10-1912 Notes: married, CF &I pipe Foundry, age 64y, born Susquehanna, Pa., son of David Whittington born Rampo, Rockland Co., New York, mother born Wales, McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Whittington, William D. born 1-28-1878 died 9-1-1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Whitton, Martha A. born 1-2-1855 died 1-18-1908 Notes: wife of James Whitton (Floyd Kelling)
Wicks Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Wicks, Edgar B. born 1865 died 1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Wicks, Jeannette Hopkins born 1882 died 1957 Notes: wife of Edgar B. Wicks (Floyd Kelling)
Wicks, Lydia E. Fisher born 1861 died 1912 Notes: wife of Edgar B. Wicks (Floyd Kelling)
Wicks, Margaret Burke born 1839 died 1911 Notes: wife of Platt Wicks (Floyd Kelling)
Wicks, Platt born 1832 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Wiebe, Ann Nickel born 1-4-1911 died 12-19-1995 (Floyd Kelling)
Wiebe, Arlen L. born 1935 died 1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Wiebe, Mae Ola born 1936 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Wiggins, Elizabeth born 1869 died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Wiggins, Graves C. born 11-5-1888 died 6-22-1912 Notes: resident of Los Angeles, Ca., son of Rufus H. Wiggins born NC and Laura White born Missouri, paid by Mr. & Mrs. Louis Wiggins, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wiggins, William Clingman born 1857 died 1924 (Floyd Kelling)
Wildeboor Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Wildeboor, Carl L. born 1874 died 1946 (Floyd Kelling)
Wildeboor, Klass born 1844 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling)
Wildeboor, Klass born 1908 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Wildeboor, Pearl A. born 1881 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Wiley, O.L. died 11-20-1900 Notes: age 41y, married, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wilhelmy, Caroline born 1847 died 1935
Wilhelmy, Minnie born 1888 died 1937
Wilhelmy, William born 1848 died 1918
Wilkinson, Emma L. born 1860 died 1936 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilkinson, George W. born 1880 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilkinson, infant born 8-6-1909 died 8-7-1909 Notes: child of George W. Wilkinson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Wilkinson, Robert E. born 1856 died 1942 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilks, Darrell D. born 1928 died 1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Willett, Charles W. died 5-5-1902 Notes: age 53y, died at Fairmount, McCarthy Funeral Home
William, Henry born 3-1-1868 died 11-28-1939 (Floyd Kelling)
Williams Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Williams, Amanda died 2-20-1900 Notes: age 31y, resident of LaJunta, Co., married, wife of Charles Williams, McCarthy Funeral Home
Williams, Charles born 12-25-1874 died 2-6-1912 Notes: born Tennessee, married, son of John Williams and Sallie Turner both born Tn., McCarthy Funeral Home
Williams, E.J. Notes: buried 07-31-1898 age 47, male, Location 14 30 7, T.G. McCarthy
Williams, Edward O. born 1822 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Williams, Etta C. born 1865 died 1943 (Floyd Kelling)
Williams, Frances E. died 3-30-1902 Notes: age 1y 21d, child of Samuel Williams, St. James Chapel, Episcopal Church Bessemer, McCarthy Funeral Home
Williams, Grace E. Notes: buried 01-07-1899 age 0, female, Location 25 56 9, McMahon and Collier
Williams, Henry O. born 12-25-1964 died 8-8-1914 Notes: born Lawrence Co, SD., alias Whitfield, head porter at Congress Hotel, black, married, son of Edward Henry and Margarette Saddlewhite both born Lawrence C., SD, McCarthy Funeral Home
Williams, Howard Nelson born 3-19-1901 died 3-24-1901 Notes: son of Robert R. Williams, McCarthy Funeral Home
Williams, James Henry born 1861 died 1936 (Floyd Kelling)
Williams, Jenkins infant of Notes: buried 06-28-1897 age 0, male, Location 25 57 6, McMahon and Collier
Williams, Joseph Mrs. Notes: buried 04-03-1897 age 19, female, Location 57 139 5, McMahon and Collier
Williams, Marion N. born 1902 died 1949 (Dennis Reed)
Williams, Sampson born 1834 died 1922 (Floyd Kelling)
Williams, Tony Notes: buried 06-02-1899 age 20, male, Location 12 156 2, McMahon and Collier
Williams, William Notes: buried 12-11-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 32 5, McMahon and Collier
Williamson, Charles S. born 6-12-1867 died 3-29-1943 (Floyd Kelling)
Williamson, Charles S. Jr. born 12-29-1914 died 10-21-2000 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII (Floyd Kelling)
Williford, James H. Notes: buried 12-30-1899 age 48, male, Location Mtn View, McMahon and Collier
Willingham, E.K. born 1910 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Catherine Todd born 1869 died 1948 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Edward J. born 1866 died 1956 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Emma J. born 1840 died 1910 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Emma J. born 1840 died 1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Fay L. born 1880 died 1901 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Fay L. born 1880 died 1901 (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Frances M. Grimes born 1839 died 1923 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Frank G. born 1867 died 1937 (Dennis Reed)
Winters, Frank T. born 1882 died 1916
Willis, Frankie L. born 7-26-1867 died no date Notes:born Oxford, Ind (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Gertrude Gilman born 1876 died 1960 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Harry L. born 1878 died 1910 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Harry L. born 1872 died 1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Howard T. born 1891 died 1952 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Johnathan B. born no date died 3-19-1897 Notes:age 71y (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Johnathan B. died 3-19-1897 Notes: age 71y (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Johnathan B. died (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Leah C. born 1878 died 1902 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Luther P. born 1873 died 1942 Notes:GAR (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Maud F. Jones born 1877 died 1921 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Robert M. born 12-12-1894 died 3-4-1968 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Stanley J. born 1867 died 1943 (Dennis Reed)
Willis, Thelma born 1901 died 1982 (Floyd Kelling)
Willis, Willet Ranney born 9-15-1939 died 3-3-1902 Notes:born Adams, NY (Dennis Reed)
Wills, W.A. born 1900 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Wilson, Benjamin M. Notes: buried 05-28-1899 age 45, male, Location 13 84 4, West Brothers
Wilson, Betty Ann died 1921 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilson, Elsie F. born 1918 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Wilson, Fred L. born 1916 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Wilson, George K. born 5-14-1870 died 2-1-1920 (Dennis Reed)
Wilson, George K. born 5-14-1876 died 2-1-1920 Notes: Capt. 26th Inf USA (Floyd Kelling)
Wilson, Gerald N. Notes: buried 05-27-1898 age 5, male, Location 26 35, West Brothers
Wilson, J. Speed Notes: buried 07-01-1897 age 40, male, Location 13 418 1, McMahon and Collier
Wilson, John Howard Jr. Notes: buried 01-28-1898 age 1, male, Location 30 61 2, T.G. McCarthy
Wilson, Joseph R. born 2-1-1869 died 1-5-1959 (Dennis Reed)
Wilson, Joseph R. born 2-1-1869 died 1-5-1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilson, Laura Booth born 10-25-1874 died 3-10-1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilson, Laura Booth born 10-25-1874 died 3-10-1932 (Dennis Reed)
Wilson, Mary E. born 1947 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Wilson, Mary Elizabeth born 1947 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Wilson, Myra E. born 1951 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Wilson, R.H. Notes: buried 03-18-1898 age 45, male, Location 25 83 1, T.G. McCarthy
Wilson, Rita Amidon born 1902 died 1971 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilson, Robert Notes: buried 08-09-1897 age 78, male, Location 13 418 2, no mortuary listed
Wilson, Russel Booth born 1897 died 1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Wilson, Ruth born no date died 3-2-1891 Notes: age 4d, daughter of J. Howard & Lois C. Wilson (Floyd Kelling)
Windweh, Annie born 1846 died 1902 Notes: wife of Henry Goodman (Floyd Kelling)
Windweh, Henry born no dates died Notes: Co B 49 Ill Inf, stone says Windwek, buried 2-2-1914 age 75y (Floyd Kelling)
Windweh, Thomas died 2-27-1901 Notes: age 22y 7m 27d (Floyd Kelling)
Winklebick, Sarah C. Notes: buried 08-25-1899 age 39, female, Location 25 68 8, T.G. McCarthy
Winzenburg, A.J. born 1845 died 1896 (Floyd Kelling)
Wise, William F. Notes: buried 05-16-1899 age 28, male, Location 57 143 4, McMahon and Collier
Withers, A.D. Notes: died age 0 buried 8-24-1893 Block, Lot, Space: 12 304 5 McMahon and Collier
Withers, Allan Hart born 5-4-1918 died 12-3-2005 When I'm d--- good and ready, Notes: died age 87 buried 5-4-2006 Block, Lot, Space: 14 114 2 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Betty Jean Notes: died 4-17-1977 age 56 buried 6-10-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 14 114 T2 T.G. McCarthy
Withers, Betty Jean E. born 6-12-1921 died 4-17-1997 Notes: wife of Allan H. Withers (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Ernest E. Notes: died age 36 buried 6-9-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 13 F 8 T.G. McCarthy
Withers, Essie Simpson born 1882 died 1912 Notes: died age 30 buried 6-17-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 14 115 1 T.G. McCarthy (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Francis A. Notes: died age 54 buried 6-28-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 14 130 2 T.G. McCarthy
Withers, Frances Moore born 1889 died 1951Notes: died age 62 buried 12-13-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 14 114 3 T.G. McCarthy (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Granville G. Jr. born 1880 died 1966 Notes: died 12-5-1966 age 86 buried 2-7-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 14 114 4 Davis (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Granville G. Sr. born 1855 died 1941Notes: died age 85 buried 1-24-1941 Block, Lot, Space: 14 115 4 T.G. McCarthy (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Henry Clay born 8-29-1831 died 12-4-1904 Notes: died age 73 buried 12-13-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 14 130 7 T.G. McCarthy (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Mary Alvira Sholes Notes: died age 61 buried 4-20-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 14 130 1 T.G. McCarthy
Withers, Mary Ellen born 9-2-1832 died 7-14-1915 Notes: died age 82 buried 7-16-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 14 130 6 T.G. McCarthy (Shirley Azvedo)
Withers, Mathilde C. Cramer born 1856 died 1929 Notes: died age 73 buried 8-12-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 14 115 3 T.G. McCarthy (Shirley Azvedo)
Witherspoon, Stella Notes: died age 52 buried 10-28-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 22 15 3 6 Udv
Witt, John V. born 1858 died 1903
Wittington, Anna born 8-12-1890 died 10-6-1949 (Sharon McCurry)
Wolf, George D. born 1914 died 1993 (Sharon McCurry)
Wolf, Margellina Notes: buried 08-29-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 241 26, McMahon and Collier
Wolf, Raymond N. born no date died 3-28-1898 Notes: age 3y 1m 5d, buried 03-30-1898 male, Location 31 39 4, T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling) Temple Emanuel
Wolf, Raymond N. born no date died 3-28-1898 (Floyd Kelling)
Wolf, Ruth L. born 1919 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Wolfe, H.J. born 1867 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Wolfe, H.J. born 1867 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Wolven, George L. born 1902 died 1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Wolven, Thelma M. born 1906 died 1977 (Sharon McCurry)
Womack, Jewell Leroy born 9-31-1889 died 9-23-1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Womack, Ophia Alice born 12-19-1892 died 1-28-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Wood, Addie A. died 8-7-1904 age 36 buried 9-1-1904 location 30 101 2 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Wood, Lee born 11-28-1889 died 12-27-1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Wood, Nellie R. born 2-26-1895 died 4-28-1977 (Sharon McCurry)
Wood, Ruth Pearl Notes: buried 07-14-1899 age 0, female, Location 25 56 5, McMahon and Collier
Wood, Victor B. born 6-12-1895 died 8-30-1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Wood, Victor B. born 6-12-1895 died 8-30-1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Woodring, Alice born 1916 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Woodring, Arthur died 1924 (Floyd Kelling)
Woodruff, L.S. Notes: buried 10-23-1899 age 62, male, Location 25 70 1, McMahon and Collier
Woods, Emily died 8-7-1904 age 31 buried 8-10-1904 location 24 20 8 West-Whiton Eden Train Wreck Victim
Woods, John Clement Notes: buried 11-21-1898 age 2, male, Location 29 381 4, McMahon and Collier
Woods, Julie S. died 1971 buried 11-27-1971 age 96y (Floyd Kelling)
Woods, Samuel F. born 1861 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Woodward, Anna B. born 1897 died 1925 (Sharon McCurry)
Woodward, Rebecca born 11-9-1827 died 2-5-1905 (Floyd Kelling)
Woolwine, P.J. Notes: buried 10-17-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 34 4, McMahon and Collier
Wooley, Enoch born 4-3-1845 died 10-3-1902 Notes: "Harry" (Kay Medved)
Woomouth, Grace Notes: buried 11-09-1899 age 8, female, Location 30 162 B4, West Brothers
Wooton, Agness M. died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 9-1-1904 location 29 140 2 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Wormuth, Grace A. born 1892 died 1899 (Floyd Kelling)
Wormuth, Hattie V. born 1927 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Wormuth, John F. born 1859 died 1944 (Floyd Kelling)
Wormuth, Josie born 1868 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Wormuth, Maudie M. born 1890 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Wormuth, Sheldon D. born 1912 died 1994 (Floyd Kelling)
Woznik, Audrey M. born 1900 died 1960 (Floyd Kelling)
Woznik, Edmund S. born 1896 died 1988 (Floyd Kelling)
Wright, Amelia Notes: buried 10-05-1899 age 27, female, Location 57 145 5, T.G. McCarthy
Wright, Flor born 1933 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Wright, Irene Alaho born 1879 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Wright, Irene Aloha born 1879 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Wright, Letitia Ballard born 1856 died 1949 (Floyd Kelling)
Wright, Letitia Ballard born 1856 died 1949 (Floyd Kelling)
Wright, Thomas Notes: buried 10-10-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 25, T.G. McCarthy
Wright, William Notes: buried 04-10-1897 age 31, male, Location 25 84 3, Olin
Wynne, Cecilia born 1829 died 1900 (Floyd Kelling)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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