Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Fabian Andrew born 1883 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Fabian, Andrew born 1883 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Fabian, Mary born 1890 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Fabian, Mary born 1890 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Fabrizio, Rogo born 11-27-1911 died 11-27-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Nicholas and Vinanza Ficka Fabrizio both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Fail, Nicholas E. born 1862 died 10-11-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Faiola, Eleanor born 10-1-1921 died 10-10-1921 (Jean Griesen)
Faiola, Eleanor born 10-1-1921 died 10-10-1921 (Joy Trout)
Faiola, Elizabeth born 1904 died 1999 (Jean Griesen)
Faiola, John born 9-21-1890 died 6-6-1985 Notes: Pvt US Army WWI (Jean Griesen)
Faiola, John born 1890 died 1985 (Jean Griesen)
Fair, Alex Mrs. Notes: buried 07-29-1898 age 35, female, Location 25 81 2, McMahon and Collier
Falardean, Winifred O. Notes: buried 09-16-1899 age 4, male, Location 29 413 5, T.G. McCarthy
Falardeau, Winfield died 9-15-1899 Notes: age 3 years 8 months, son of Joseph J. Falardeau McCarthy Funeral Home
Falconi, Vito died 3-14-1906 Notes: born at Italy age 19y 2m, sold to P. Laconi and Jno. Lacata McCarthy Funeral Home
Falkenstein, Frank Notes: buried 07-16-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 243 8, no mortuary listed
Falkenstein, Mary died 8-23-1898 Notes: age 2y, daughter of Peter Falkenstein buried 08-24-1898 Location 57 241 18, T.G. McCarthy
Falkenstein, Solomen Notes: buried 01-07-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 243 20, T.G. McCarthy
Falkenstein, Victoria Notes: buried 06-25-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 241 35, McMahon and Collier
Fallere, Frank born 1888 died 1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Fallere, Ruth M. born 1905 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)
Fallon, John B. died 9-22-1911 Notes: age about 35y, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fanning, Alta Marian died 2-1-1908 Notes: age 33y (Floyd Kelling)
Fanning, Marshall Owen born 9-21-1867 died 2-22-1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Faraone, V. died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Farney, Michael F. died 2-10-1912 Notes: born at Ireland age 59y 11m, married, son of John Farney and Mary both born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Farrell, Alice died 1-3-1910 Notes: born at Ireland age 68y, servant, married or widowed, paid by Pueblo Co., Dr. A.P. Busey, McCarthy Funeral Home
Farrell, Fergus George died 5-27-1902 Notes: age 10m 27d, Son of Ben Farrell McCarthy Funeral Home
Farrell, John died 10-23-1911 Notes: age 28y, finally located a brother living in San Francisco after wiring police out there McCarthy Funeral Home
Farrington, Clara B. born 1877 died 1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Farrington, Peter D. born 1841 died 1912 (Floyd Kelling)
Farrington, Peter D. Jr. born 1886 died 1942 (Floyd Kelling)
Farrow, Robert P. died 6-27-1912 Notes: age about 70 y, resident of Pagosa Springs, Co.paid by William E. Farrow, Pagosa Springs, Dr. Hubert Work, McCarthy Funeral Home
Farwell, Mattie J. died 5-15-1910 Notes: born at Ohio age 57y, married, resident of Ashland, KY. Born feb. 11, father Edward Speece, mother Elizabeth Sarver both born Ohio, W.O. Eaton, Ashland Ky., sold to Harris A. Smith Jr., Ashalnd Ky McCarthy Funeral Home
Fasset, Caroline died 6-9-1901 Notes: age 10m 11d, daughter of Thomas Fasset McCarthy Funeral Home
Fassett, Florence died 6-9-1901 Notes: age 10m 11d, daughter of Thomas Fassett, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fassett, Florence died 6-28-1901 Notes: age 28y 4m, died at Mrs. Louis's Rooming House, husband Thomas Fasit. T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home recod shows Fasit.
Fasula, Anna Notes: died age 90 buried 12-28-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 46 98 5 T.G. McCarthy
Fasula, Joe Notes: Joseph, died age 0 buried 12-3-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 15 26 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Fasula, Joseph Thomas Notes: died 2-6-2004 age 84 buried 2-9-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 48 17 2 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Fasula, Lillian Rose Notes: died 1-24-1991 age 60 buried 5-25-1991 Block, Lot, Space: Niche 50 C Cotter-Davis Pueblo
Fasula, Mary died 1921 (Joy Trout)
Fasula, Thomas Notes: died 10-17-1972 age 78 buried 10-20-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 46 98 6 T.G. McCarthy
Fature, Joseph died 12-6-1909 Notes: born at Austria age 22y, resident of Trinidad, married, sold to wife McCarthy Funeral Home
Fawcett, Fannie May born 5-13-1878 died 2-8-1883 (Floyd Kelling)
Fawcett, John born 2-19-1861 died 9-19-1898 buried 09-23-1898 age 37y 7m 1d, son of John Fawcett, died at El Paso, TX. Location 30 292 5, T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Fawcett, John Sr. died 9-20-1899 Notes: age 67y 4m 20d buried 09-20-1899 age 67, male, Location 30 292 6, T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Fawkes, Baby born 1-9-1902 died 1-9-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Edward Fawkes, stillborn, informant C.D. Johnson McCarthy Funeral Home
Fay, Eugene Notes: buried 03-01-1899 age 36, male, Location 25 77 4, West Brothers
Feaver, Mike Notes: buried 04-09-1899 age 45, male, Location 25 75 6, McMahon and Collier
Federspeil, Matilda Notes: buried 11-09-1899 age 39, female, Location 25 33 7, T.G. McCarthy
Federskiel, Matilda died 11-6-1899 Notes: age 39y, resident of Boulder, Co., informant Boulder County, Dr. Hubert Work McCarthy Funeral Home
Felt, John H. born 1875 died 1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Fenler, Vena Lee Notes: buried 04-24-1898 age 0, female, Location 12 301 6, T.G. McCarthy
Fenton, daughter born 9-28-1910 died 9-28-1910 Notes: born at pueblo daughter of John M. Fenton born Iowa and Mary Howard born Texas, sold to John M,. Fenton McCarthy Funeral Home
Fenton, John M. born 12-11-1870 died 3-21-1912 Notes: born at Bloomfield, Iowa son of Kalup Fenton, paid by wife and Moose Lodge #19 McCarthy Funeral Home
Fenton, John Marion born 12-11-1869 died 3-21-1912 (Floyd Kelling)
Fenton, John Marion died (Floyd Kelling)
Feraudo, Pietro born 12-6-1884 died 10-21-1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Ferenscy, Joe Frank born 1862 died 1934 (Floyd Kelling)
Ferguson, Egbert Rollo born no date died 1-10-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Ferguson, Irene died 11-15-1910 Notes: age 9m, parents Edward G. Cooper born Kansas and Nellie EanMeter born Missouri McCarthy Funeral Home
Ferguson, Kathryn died 11-21-1901 Notes: age 28y 9m 17d, resident of Canon City, Co, informant J.B. Ferguson, brother McCarthy Funeral Home
Ferkul, Frances born 1891 died 1918 Also (Kay Medved)
Ferkul, Frank born 8-6-1911 died 8-20-1968 Notes: Colorado Tec4 US Army WWII (Kay Medved)
Ferkul, Frank Jr. born 1947 died 1995 (Kay Medved)
Ferkul, Helen A. born 11-23-1914 died 9-7-1999 Notes: Loving Mom (Kay Medved)
Ferkul, Mary A. born 1874 died 1950 Also (Kay Medved)
Ferkul, Stanley born 1918 died 2002 Also (Kay Medved)
Ferra, Joseph Notes: buried 06-08-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 243 16, T.G. McCarthy
Ferraro, Pietro Notes: buried 07-06-1897 age 33, male, Location 57 138 2, T.G. McCarthy
Ferrel, John died 9-9-1901 Notes: age 50y, informant Pueblo County, killed near Baxter, co. by Mo=Pac train McCarthy Funeral Home
Ferrona, Lee died 3-9-1900 Notes: age 27y, informant Sam Grenardo and Frank Bocito McCarthy Funeral Home
Ferrone, John Notes: buried 06-06-1899 age 8, male, Location 57 238 14, McMahon and Collier
Feuerstein, William died 6-24-1909 Notes: born at Germany age 65y, married, sold to William Feuerstein, 1125 E. 6th, Pueblo McCarthy Funeral Home
Fick, Hazel died 7-22-1897 Notes: daughter of C.W. & M. Fick (Floyd Kelling)
Ficklin, Sylvia T. born 1915 died 1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Ficklin, William J. born 11-8-1913 died 3-14-1989 Notes: PFC US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Ficklin, William J. born 1913 died 1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Fiegina, Joseph died 3-22-1901 Notes: age 40y 9m, McCarthy Funeral Home
Field, Sarah born 1839 died 1916 (Floyd Kelling)
Field, Walter died 4-3-1901 Notes: age 1y 7m 29d, mother Clara Fields McCarthy Funeral Home
Fields, Richard died 4-8-1912 Notes: born at Carterville, Ga. age 40 years, black, married, son of Henry Fields born Georgia McCarthy Funeral Home
Fimple, Byron E. born 1854 died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Fimple, Ella May born 1861 died 1894 Notes: wife of B.E. Fimple (Floyd Kelling)
Fimple, Gertrude born 1869 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Finch, Frank Everett died 6-5-1911 Notes: age 3m 15d, colored, son of Eilliam Finch born Tennessee and Sarah Woods born Missouri McCarthy Funeral Home
Findley, E. Marie born 4-30-1899 died 11-6-1964 (Floyd Kelling)
Findley, James L. born 2-19-1899 died 10-22-1985 (Floyd Kelling)
Findley, Laura E. born 12-23-1905 died 5-14-1977 (Floyd Kelling)
Fineran, Elizabeth died 11-15-1911 Notes: born at Fort Madison age 51y, born 10-10, wife of J.T. Fineran, daughter of William Heibreder born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Fink, Amelia born 4-16-1875 died 8-31-1913 Notes: born at Ft. Howard, Wisc single, music teacher, daughter of Christian Fink born Germany and Bertha Johnson born Norway McCarthy Funeral Home
Fink, Christian died 9-17-1907 Notes: age 72y, married, sold to wife and Anton and Fred Fink McCarthy Funeral Home
Fink, Ruth Mabel died 1-14-1909 Notes: age 2y, daughter of Christian Fink McCarthy Funeral Home
Fink, Virginia Lee born no date died 9-8-1929 (Sharon McCurry)
Finke, Helen born 12-30-1901 died 3-31-1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Finkenstadt, Charles H. born 1914 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Finkenstadt, Mabel M. born 1912 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Finley, Frank E. born 1889 died 1957 (Sharon McCurry)
Finley, Goldie P. born 4-25-1916 died 3-20-1986 (Sharon McCurry)
Finley, Rosalie A. Henigsman born 1909 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Finnan, Lawrence Jr. died 8-5-1902 Notes: age 1y 6m, son of Lawrence Finnan McCarthy Funeral Home
Finnan, Rose Catherine died 1-2-1900 Notes: age 12d, daughter of James Finnan McCarthy Funeral Home
Finnegan, Blanche Notes: buried 05-28-1897 age 0, female, Location 25 36 8, McMahon and Collier
Fir, infant son born 10-15-1902 died 10-15-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Martin Fir burial by relatives McCarthy Funeral Home
Firth, baby boy died 8-27-1927 Notes: died age 0 buried 8-27-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 28 125 1 Davis Also (Kay Medved)
Firth, Everett B. Notes: died 10-1-1980 age 82 buried 10-3-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 28 125 4 Adrian-Comer Also (Kay Medved)
Firth, Everett E. died 1927 (Kay Medved)
Firth, Zelma G. born 9-23-1900 died 2-19-1991 Notes: died 2-19-1991 age 90 buried 2-25-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 28 125 3 Adrian Comer Pueblo Also (Kay Medved)
Fisher, Doradeane F. born 1926 died no date (Kay Medved)
Fisher, Dora May born 1884 died 1961 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, H.L. infant Notes: buried 10-27-1898 age 0, male, Location 26 60 2, West Brothers
Fisher, Helen Louise born 1903 died 1982 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, James Burton born 8-18-1886 died 3-17-1910 Notes: born at Bridgewater, Iowa son of Walter S. Fisher, sold to Rev. W.S. Fisher McCarthy Funeral Home
Fisher, Leslie O. born 1906 died 1950 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, Olen H. born 1903 died 1962 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, Tony died 8-7-1904 age 29 buried 9-2-1904 location 29 370 5 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Fisher, Walter C. born 1901 died 1944 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, Willa H. born 1910 died 1994 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, William N. born 1878 died 1952 (Kay Medved)
Fisher, William N. Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Fist Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Adolph Edward born 7-28-1866 died 7-1-1948 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, David born 4-1-1820 died 6-22-1882 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Emanuel born 12-19-1846 died 10-9-1912 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Emanuel died 10-9-1912 Notes: born at Germany born December 1846, son of David Fist and Regina Juda both born Germany, paid by Julius Fist McCarthy Funeral Home
Fist, H. Ralph born 8-28-1908 died 11-13-1983 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Hazel born 2-13-1896 died 6-29-1896 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Helen born 2-13-1896 died 6-29-1896 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Israel born 5-24-1850 died 8-28-1897 Temple Emanuel buried 08-29-1897 age 47, male, Location 31 33 6, T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Jennie born 9-8-1873 died 6-13-1963 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Julius born 8-13-1852 died 11-12-1920 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Mildred Evangeline born 3-18-1902 died 12-16-1976 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Milton J. born 7-15-1891 died 5-8-1971 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Mollie (Amelia) born 7-4-1864 died 3-29-1887 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Regina born 9-23-1823 died 1-17-1909 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Regina born 11-17-1863 died 1-17-1947 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fist, Sophia born 7-20-1874 died 6-9-1963 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fitch Monument born died (Sharon McCurry)
Fitch, Alice Rhodes born 1842 died 1920 (Sharon McCurry)
Fitch, Michael H. Col. born 1837 died 1930 (Sharon McCurry)
Fitzgerald, William died 10-6-1914 Notes: born at Ireland age 65y, married, son of James Fitzgerald born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Fitzpatrick, Betsey Notes: buried 09-30-1897 age 80, female, Location 24 132 6, West Brothers
Fitzpatrick, Maggie Notes: buried 10-23-1897 age 9, female, Location 29 383 10, Bustin and Fritz
Flagor, William F. Notes: buried 02-09-1899 age 55, male, Location 26 84 7, McMahon and Collier
Flak, Michael died 1-19-1902 Notes: age 36y, informant John Flak McCarthy Funeral Home
Flannery Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Flannery, Anna M. born 1873 died 1947 (Sharon McCurry)
Flannery, Blanche L. born 1904 died 1993 (Sharon McCurry)
Flannery, John M. born 1902 died 1963 (Sharon McCurry)
Flannery, Martin J. born 1909 died 1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Flannery, Patrick J. born 1879 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Flannigan, James died 10-29-1910 Notes: age 72y McCarthy Funeral Home
Flint, Caroline A.C. died 11-29-1921 Notes: born at New York age 70y, widow, paid by Mrs. Hattie J. Wisner, Hall Hotel, 1315 Curtis Street, Dr. A.P. Busey, McCarthy Funeral Home
Flint, Clorissa C. born 6-6-1831 died 12-21-1910 Notes: born at Ohio widow, daughter of Samuel Edsell and Lucinda ? McCarthy Funeral Home
Florez, Hremevehilo born 1884 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Florman, Burt Notes: buried 06-01-1898 age 12, male, Location 13 416 3, McMahon and Collier
Florman, Fred Notes: buried 05-29-1898 age 14, male, Location 13 416 1, McMahon and Collier
Flynn, William H. born 1-28-1878 died 5-20-1889 (Karen Mitchell)
Fogarty, Georgine J. born 1929 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Fogarty, Patrick F. born 2-23-1935 died 2-18-1982 Notes: A1C US Air Force Korea (Sharon McCurry)
Fogarty, Patrick F. born 1935 died 1982 (Sharon McCurry)
Folo, Millker died 1-28-1902 Notes: age 1y 1m, child of Tony Folo McCarthy Funeral Home
Folter, Nic Notes: buried 01-29-1899 age 3, male, Location 57 241 40, McMahon and Collier
Fonda, Arden H. born 1931 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Fonda, Betty J. born 1926 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Fong, Woo died 1-12-1926 age 60y (Floyd Kelling)
Footman, Eliza Beth born no date died 4-1-1891 notes:age 83y (Karen Mitchell)
Footman, Elizabeth died 4-1-1901 Notes: age 83y 2m 19d, children Louis E, Larry, M. Footman McCarthy Funeral Home
Forbes, Ann K. Notes: died age 76 buried 12-26-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 14 29 7 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Forbes, baby born 10-17-1899 died 10-17-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Charles K. Forbes died age 0 buried 10-19-1899 Block, Lot, Space: 25 53 16 T.G. McCarthy
Forbes, Edwin Notes: died age 50 buried 10-23-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 52 7 2 10 Whiton
Forbes, Estella Notes: died age 59 buried 12-28-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 15 24 10 Davis
Forbes, John Notes: died age 70 buried 1-5-1908 Block, Lot, Space: Shipped Out McMahon and Collier
Forbes, Rose D. died 12-29-1907 Notes: age 45y buried 12-30-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 30 196 3 McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Forbes, William died 11-18-1910 Notes: died age 19 buried 11-19-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 26 95 1 born at Colorado age 19y, foster father John Cuthbertson, sold to P.G. Clark, Gen. Mgr. Nation Construction, Blende T.G. McCarthy
Forbes, William S. Notes: died age 60 buried 12-29-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 18 95 5 Davis
Forbush Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Forbush, Augustus D. born 6-1-1883 died 10-28-1967 (Floyd Kelling)
Forbush, Chester Schenck born 9-8-1876 died 7-22-1911 (Floyd Kelling)
Forbush, Hannah Schenck born 8-7-1851 died 7-4-1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Forbush, Jayne Ruth born 4-18-1913 died 11-17-1974 (Floyd Kelling)
Forbush, Margaret M. born 1-1-1881 died 7-9-1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Forbush, Silas Augustus born 2-12-1848 died 5-29-1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Force, Palmer died 6-15-1902 Notes: age 43y 14d, husband of Mary Force, informant Daniel Nash, Sperry's Ranch McCarthy Funeral Home
Forcum, Alieta I. born 1893 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Forcum, Harlan A. born 1890 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Ford, Cora born 1895 died 1989 (Floyd Kelling)
Ford, Eliza Mrs. died 2-9-1902 Notes: age 50y 17d, informant Mr. C Snyder, adm of "Eliza Ford Estate" McCarthy Funeral Home
Ford, Louisa A. born 1852 died 1902 Notes: Wife of Charles O. Ford
Foreman, Clara F. born 1877 died 1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Foreman, Roxanna born 1848 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Forman, Esther Rebecca born 1887 died 1955 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Forman, Jack Lee born 1-9-1929 died 10-24-1998 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Forman, Joseph Max born 1908 died 3-10-1996 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Forman, Morris W. born 1883 died 1972 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Forman, Pauline born 1909 died 3-16-2002 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Fosher, Emil died 1-19-1909 Notes: born at Pueblo age 18y 3m 12d, sold to Vincent Fosher, austrian McCarthy Funeral Home
Foster, Alex D. born 11-19-1848 died 3-13-1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Foster, Gerald De Fay born 8-29-1907 died 1-4-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Foster, Horace D.B. born 2-26-1851 died 5-30-1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Foster, James C. born 5-20-1856 died 7-2-1934 (Floyd Kelling)
Foster, Jane Ellen bor 1853 died 1901 Notes: died 8-7-1901 age 48y 3m 18d, married, wife of A,N, Foster McCarthy Funeral Home (Kay Medved)
Fowler, Belle died 12-1-1900 Notes: age 1y 8d, daughter of Lewis J. Fowler McCarthy Funeral Home
Fox, Alva born 1917 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Fox, George F. born 7-8-1887 died 11-21-1960 (Floyd Kelling)
Fox, Herschel L. born 1905 died 1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Fox, infant son born 5-29-1910 died 5-29-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo son of William A. Fox born Joliet, Illinois and Margaret Donohue born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Fox, K. Michelle born 11-27-1965 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Fox, Terry L. born 8-27-1960 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Fox, Thomas Alvin born 11-11-1909 died 1-15-1977 (Floyd Kelling)
Fox, William J. born 6-14-1891 died 3-22-1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Francaviglia, Francesca died 11-16-1902 Notes: age 2y, daughter of Guiseppe Francaviglia McCarthy Funeral Home
Francel, Anton John born 3-27-1920 died 7-16-1921 (Kay Medved)
Francel, Charles born 1890 died 1967 (Sharon McCurry)
Francel, Hilda A. born 1907 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Francel, Rafaela born 1889 died 1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Francis, Margaret C. born 3-26-1866 died 10-17-1912 Notes: born at Missouri married, daughter of John O'Brien born Ireland and Amanda Henton born Missouri, paid by Mrs. A.L. LeMare McCarthy Funeral Home
Franco Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Franco, Charlie born 8-2-1892 died 1-27-1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Franco, Concetta born 1867 died 1919 (Sharon McCurry)
Franco, Frances born 6-6-1898 died 2-7-1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Franco, Gaetano born 1868 died 1954 (Sharon McCurry)
Franco, Janet Ann born 8-27-1929 died 1-25-2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Frank, Cora Josephine born 1-27-1881 died 7-18-1910 Notes: age 29y, born Indiana, married, daughter of Henry Masson born Kentucky and Jane Coughthren born Texas, sold to D.C. Frank, McCarthy Funerl Home
Frank, Louis died 4-23-1900 Notes: age 36y 10m 18d, husband of Ruby Frank, McCarthy Funeral Home
Franklin, Charles born 1846 died 7-13-1910 Notes: age 44y, born Nashville, Tenn., married black, died in ambulance on way to hospital, both parents born Nashville, Tn., McCarthy Funeral Home
Franskaitts, Anton born no date died 10-17-1898 Notes: age 20y (Karen Mitchell)
Frantza, infant born 8-24-1899 died 8-24-1899 Notes: child of Andrew Frantz, McCarthy Funeral Home
Franz, James born 4-4-1901 died 7-29-1910 Notes: son of Matthew Franz and Mary Boydz both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fraser, Wallace W. born 1891 died 1898 (Floyd Kelling)
Fraser, William Wallace Notes: buried 06-04-1898 age 6, male, Location 30 282 5, T.G. McCarthy
Fraterelli, Adolph A. born 1908 died 1982 (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Christine L. born 1922 died no date (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Dominick R. born 1920 died 2003 (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Eno J. born 1917 died 2005 (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Irene R. born 1909 died 1987 (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Jennie G. born 1912 died no date (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Joseph J. born 1922 died no date (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Louis A. born 1907 died 2005 (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Serena S. born 1915 died 2000 (Dennis Reed)
Fraterelli, Sylvia G. born 1922 died 2007 (Dennis Reed)
Frattarelli, Jiona born 1-22-1880 died 2-28-1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Frawkites, Anton Notes: buried 10-19-1898 age 19, male, Location 57 143 8, McMahon and Collier
Freeman, Addie born 7-4-1866 died 2-11-1916 Notes: born in Missouri, lived in Pueblo 24 years, formerly of Kansas City, Mo., married, colored, daughter of Addison Brock born Kentucky and Adeline Gosh born Virginia, McCarthy Funeral Home
Freise, Henry Notes: buried 07-22-1898 age 47, male, Location 25 65 9, T.G. McCarthy
Freeman, Etta May died 7-7-1901 Notes: age 12y 11m 24d, daughter of Howard W. Freeman, McCarthy Funeral Home
Freise, Philip S. born 1893 died 1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Freise, Philip S. born 1913 died 1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Fresques, Peter died 1-4-1911 Notes: age 25y, born Pueblo, died at St. Mary hospital, son of Rafael Fresques and Soledad Garcia, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fresques, Raphael died 3-4-1909 Notes: age 60y, relative Frank Fresques, McCarthy Funeral Home
Freund, Bertha born 1848 died 1906 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Freund, Bertha E. born 1881 died 1949 Temple Emanuel
Freund, Carrie L. born 1872 died 1889 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Freund, Charles F. born 1878 died 1946 (Floyd Kelling)
Freund, Isaac born 1843 died 1921 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Freund, Julius L. born 1872 died 1936 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Frey, John Mrs. Notes: buried 09-30-1899 age 26, female, Location 25 69 1, McMahon and Collier
Frick, Hazel Notes: buried 07-29-1897 age 5, female, Location 26 59 2, McMahon and Collier
Friedman, Edward born 1867 died 1940 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Friedman, Frank born 4-25-1890 died 9-5-1973 Notes: New York Pvt US Army WWI Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Friedman, Selene died 1-12-1902 Notes: age 34y 11m 27d, wife of Willliam E. Friedman, McCarthy Funeral Home
Frisch, Clara born 1896 died 1899 Notes: buried 05-04-1899 age 3, female, Location 26 60 5, West Brothers (Floyd Kelling)
Fritzel, Mary C. born 1916 died 4-8-2007 (Sharon McCurry)
Fritzel, Mary C. born 10-30-1916 died 4-8-2007 (Sharon McCurry)
Fritzel, Mary C. born 1916 died 4-8-2007 (Sharon McCurry)
Fritzel, Michael born 1963 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Fritzel, Michael W. born 6-21-1963 died 10-6-1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Fritzel, Willam M. born 2-25-1908 died 8-1-1992 Notes: PFC US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Fritzel, William born 1908 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Frizzo, Dominico Notes: buried 05-15-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 36, West Brothers
Frontza, M. infant Notes: buried 08-24-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 28 14, T.G. McCarthy
Frush, John W. died 12-8-1902 Notes: age 52y 18d, informant David Frush, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fry, Margurett born 7-6-1908 died 3-5-1911 Notes: daughter of John W. Fry born Missouri and Hattie Stricklin born Texas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fugina, George died 6-11-1899 Notes: age 2y 6m, son of Joseph Fugina, buried 06-12-1899 age 2, male, Location 57 241 7, T.G. McCarthy
Fugina, Kate born 1-17-1901 died 1-17-1901 Notes: daughter of Joe Fugina, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fujaros, Alice born 6-18-1911 died 7-6-1911 Notes: daughter of George Fujaros and Susan Furman both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fujaros, Annie born 1-6-1900 died 12-2-1911 Notes: daughter of George Fujaros and Susan Furman both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fuller, Hannah Notes: buried 01-16-1899 age 72, female, Location 26 84 1, T.G. McCarthy
Fujaros, Emily born 8-5-1909 died 4-24-1912 Notes: daughter of George Fujaros and Nellie Furman both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fujda, John died 12-6-1900 Notes: age 33y 1m 26d, husband of Julia Fujda, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fuller, Anna died 1-14-1899 Notes: age 72y, informant Charles G. Shiephorn, McCarthy Funeral Home
Fuller, Daniel died Notes: Corp Co D 11 Kansas Cavalry
Fundare, Simon died 21-31-1900 Notes: age 35y, mother Mrs. Simon Fundare, McCarthy Funeral Home
Funk, Chris L. Notes: buried 10-13-1899 age 33, male, Location 13 255 3, McMahon and Collier
Funk, George Notes: buried 04-22-1897 age 30, male, Location 25 62 10, McMahon and Collier
Funk, W.H. Notes: buried 10-28-1898 age 23, male, Location 25 66 9, McMahon and Collier
Furnace, Alberta Notes: buried 06-02-1899 age 31, female, Location 26 85 5, West Brothers
Fuskeno, George Notes: buried 06-22-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 6, McMahon and Collier

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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