Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Radacy, George J. born 1907 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Radacy, Jennie M. born 1907 died 1958 (Sharon McCurry)
Radacy, Richard born 1932 died 1933 (Sharon McCurry)
Radetich, Josephine born 6-?-1903 died 9-3-1903 Notes: child of Rosalia Brajan Radetich (Joy Trout)
Radmonovich, Marina Vranes born 1898 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Rafferty, Patrick Notes: buried 10-05-1897 age 46, male, Location 57 137 8, McMahon and Collier
Ragan, India Stewart died 3-12-1942
Ragle, Emma L. born 1902 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Ragle, Logan born 1868 died 1953 (Sharon McCurry)
Ragle, Logan C. born 1903 died 1982 (Sharon McCurry)
Ragle, Logan N. born 1923 died 1990 Notes: buried in Ft. Logan Cemetery (Sharon McCurry)
Ragle, Mary A. born 1868 died 1948 (Sharon McCurry)
Railey, Lydia L. born 7-26-1876 died 2-27-1911 Notes: born at Foster, R.I. widow, paid by A.W.Arrington, daughter of Pardon Holder born R.I. and Mary S. Hadley born Mass., McCarthy Funeral Home
Rainey, Walter E. died Notes: Co I 20 Kansas Infantry Spanish American War
Ramacciotti, Catherine born 12-21-1915 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Ramacciotti, Harry born 5-15-1909 died 7-17-1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Randall, George Notes: buried 03-20-1898 age 43, male, Location 25 82 4, McMahon and Collier
Randall, Marjorie born 5-10-1910 died 9-6-1911 Notes: died at Huerfano, Co., daughter of L.W. Randall born Michigan and Lenori Vogel born Minnesota, McCarthy Funeral Home
Randolph, Creig born 1854 died 1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Randolph, Nellie I. born 1877 died 1960 (Floyd Kelling)
Ranus, Edna U. Location: Roselawn: 13-140-7
Ranus, Edward Wood Location: Roselawn: 13-140-4
Ranus, Isaac D. Location: Roselawn: 13-140-8
Raspert, Anton born 1-13-1911 died 5-22-1911 Notes: son of Louis Rapert and Frances Yanzel, both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Raunic, John died 10-20-1918 (Kay Medved)
Rawlings, Dorothy H. born 1896 died 1992 (Dennis Reed)
Rawlings, John W. born 1893 died 1959 (Dennis Reed)
Ray, Etta S. born 8-29-1875 died 1-11-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Raye, Arta B. born 1911 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Raye, E. Wilson born 1911 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Raye, E.R. born 1932 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Raye, Edward Ronald born 1932 died 1978 Notes: AN US Navy Korea (Sharon McCurry)
Rayhawk, Teresa died 8-12-1900 Notes: age 8m 1d, daughter of Stephen Rayhawk, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reader, Infant daughter born 8-16-1911 died 8-16-1911 Notes: daughter of Joseph P. Reader born Missouri and Jessie P. Reader born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Ream Monument died (Floyd Kelling)
Ream, Frank W. born 6-8-1855 died 4-12-1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Reardon, William born 1867 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Reboc, Leona M. died 4-16-1911 Notes: age 5y, daughter of Stephen Rebok and Mary Rosivack both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rebol, Anthony Stanley born 1914 died 1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, Elsie born 1919 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, Frank P. born 4-9-1918 died 12-22-1986 Notes: T Sgt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, Frank P. born 1918 died 1986 (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, J. LeRoy born 8-21-1923 died 7-4-1982 Notes: RMNI US Navy WWII, Korea (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, Jacob died 12-23-1901 Notes: age 40y 6m, married, McCarthy Funeral Home\
Rebol, Katherine E. born 1920 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, LeRoy born 1923 died 1982 (Sharon McCurry)
Rebol, William R. born 4-13-19112 died 2-13-200? Notes: Tec4 US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Rechlitz, Dorsi G. born 1918 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Rechlitz, Ervin T., Dr. born 1912 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Redabaugh, Harold W. born 12-7-1920 died 8-19-1962 Notes: Colorado T Sgt US Marine Corps Res WWII (Kay Medved)
Redak, Barbara Fist born 8-18-1925 died 9-23-1929 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Redak, Hyman Ralph born 8-28-1903 died 11-131983 Temple Emanuel
Redden, Matilda Pidden Notes: buried 07-18-1898 age 99, female, Location 13 69 529, McMinn
Redpath, Charles Willard died 7-12-1900 Notes: age 32y, resident of Barehills, Fremont County, son of William H. Redpath, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reed, Irene E. Notes: buried 07-17-1899 age 2, female, Location 12 153 B1, West- Whiton
Reed, James R. born 7-25-1909 died 6-13-1910 Notes: son of Alec B. Reed born Quincey, Ill. and Mamie Powers born Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reed, John Wesley died 4-30-1901 Notes: age 25y 1m 16d, husband of Mrs. Barbara D. Reed, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reed, Nancy White died 12-22-1910 Notes: age 80y, widowed, daughter of John White, wife of J.W. Reedof Arkansas City Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reed, Russel Notes: buried 04-30-1899 age 33, male, Location 14 46 2, McMahon and Collier
Reed, Thomas D. died 11-7-1898 Notes: age 44y, died at Pueblo Hospital, informant Lammon Foundry, buried 11-09-1898 age 44, male, Location 12 49 2, T.G. McCarthy
Reems Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Reems, Frank J. born 1907 died 1962 (Sharon McCurry)
Rees, Evelyn Notes: buried 11-14-1899 age 12, female, Location 13 414 5, McMahon and Collier
Reese - Herrington Monument (Dennis Reed)
Reese, David W. born 1882 died 1939 Notes: GAR (Dennis Reed)
Reese, Sophia H. born 1859 died 1923 (Dennis Reed)
Reeves, Dora Notes: buried 09-27-1898 age 50, female, Location 25 66 8, West Brothers
Reeves, James C. died 1-6-1912 Notes: age 32y, no relatives, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reeves, Jessie M. Mrs. died 1-13-1909 Notes: age 22y 3m 1d, wife of Edward Reeves, McCarthy Funeral Home
Regan, Michael born 1859 died 1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Regan, Michael born 1859 died 1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Regan, Patrick died 10-4-1896 notes:of Cork, Ireland age 64y (Karen Mitchell)
Regan, Patrick died no date (Karen Mitchell)
Regan, Patrick died no date notes:member of ancient order of Hibernians & Wolf Tone Celtic Club (Karen Mitchell)
Regan, William died 1-9-1901 Notes: age 55y 1m 22d, informant Minnequa Tribe I.O.R.M., McCarthy Funeral Home
Regenmartes, Henry Notes: buried 06-29-1898 age 31, male, Location 24 64 7, T.G. McCarthy
Reggs, James L. Notes: buried 02-23-1898 age 62, male, Location Missouri, T.G. McCarthy
Rehak, Antonborn no date died 2-24-1900 Notes: died age 34 buried 2-25-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 57 132 2, McMahon and Collier (Karen Mitchell)
Rehak, Anton Notes: died age 79 buried 2-18-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 21 212 7 T.G. McCarthy
Rehak, Antonio Notes: died age 0 buried 5-13-1893 Block, Lot, Space: 29 172 16 no mortuary listed
Rehak, baby son born 1909 died 1909 (Kay Medved)
Rehak, Eva born 1859 died 1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Rehak, Eve Notes: died age 46 buried 9-22-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 27 203 9 T.G. McCarthy
Rehak, Florentine born 1875 died 1939 Notes: died age 64 buried 11-28-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 6 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Rehak, Jennie born 1871 died 1923 Notes: Mother, died age 52 buried 8-8-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 7 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Rehak, John Mark born 1913 died 1913 Notes: Son, died age 0 buried 9-21-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 1 Udv (Kay Medved)
Rehak, Joseph born 1899 died 1902 Notes: Son, died age 3 buried 4-10-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 2 McMahon and Collier (Kay Medved)
Rehak, Mark born 1866 died 1935 Notes: Father, died age 70 buried 3-7-1935 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 8 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Rehak, Mark Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Rehak, Mark son of Notes: baby died age 0 buried 4-14-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 3 T.G. McCarthy
Rehak, Michael born 1868 died 1948 Notes: died age 79 buried 4-26-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 21 151 9 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Reid, Belle Rollins born 7-25-1857 died 3-31-1937 (Kay Medved)
Reid, James Rollins born 1-21-1895 died 10-15-1918 Notes: Lt. Volunteer 2nd Colorado Inf WWI 115th Am Train 40th Div Also (Kay Medved)
Relec, Charles A. born 4-23-1916 died 5-4-1991 (Floyd Kelling)
Relec, Nora B. born 5-9-1919 died 12-21-1986 (Floyd Kelling)
Relph, Archie M. born 1922 died 2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Relph, Mona S. born 1931 died no date Notes: Ramona Sue (Sharon McCurry)
Relph, Shirley M. born 1950 died 1965 (Sharon McCurry)
Relph, Susan Louise born 1949 died 1951 (Sharon McCurry)
Renfro, Rebecca Ann died 1-27-1902 Notes: age 30y, wife of James A. Renfro, McCarthy Funeral Home
Renick, March C. died 11-16-1899 Notes: age 31y, died St. Mary Hospital, informant C.O. Chipman, buried 11-19-1899 age 34, Location 26 85 2, T.G. McCarthy
Renouff, Eliza died 4-18-1899 Notes: age 53y, wife of Charles Renouf, paid by husband and daughter, buried 04-20-1899 Location 25 69 9, T.G. McCarthy
Renzelman, Hazel M. born 1899 died 1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Resoner, Garrett W. born 1851 died 1925 (Floyd Kelling)
Resoner, Nannetta K. born 8-31-1879 died 2-24-1900 Notes: daughter of G.W. & S.N. Resoner (Floyd Kelling)
Rettburg, Mathilda died 6-16-1907 Notes: age 77y 3m 9d, married, expenses by Granville C. Withers, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rewark, Belle died 10-27-1899 Notes: age 39y 2m, wife of Samuel Rewark, buried 10-29-1899 Location 26 85 4, T.G. McCarthy
Reyes, Jose A. died 10-8-1924 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Reynolds, Gus T. born 12-31-1896 died 9-3-1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Reynolds, Irene W. born 2-23-1899 died 1-13-1967 (Floyd Kelling)
Reynolds, Joseph O. born 1904 died 1985 (Sharon McCurry)
Reynolds, Joseph O. born 5-19-1904 died 4-26-1985 Notes: PFC US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Reynolds, Katherine Mullen born 6-6-1875 died 11-29-1912 Notes: born Leavenworth, Kansas, wife of E.M. Reynolds, daughter of Timothy Mullen born Ireland and Mary Bayliss born Missouri, McCarthy Funeral Home
Reynolds, Martha C. born 1918 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Reynolds, P.T. died 7-10-1902 Notes: age 68y 9m 28d, informant Pueblo County, McCarthy Funeral Home, Co K 2 Wisconsin Cavalry
Rhodes, Edwin C. died Notes: Co B 2 Iowa Cavalry
Rhodes, Harry C. died 3-3-1899 Notes: age 17y, died St. Luke Hospital, Denver, brother Grant Rhodes of Pueblo, buried 03-04-1899 Location 12 37 3, T.G. McCarthy
Ribera, Emilio born 7-17-1908 died 12-19-1912 Notes: son of Juan B. Ribera born NM and Librato Baldonado born San Luis, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Ricci, Nicola born 1871 died 1923 (Sharon McCurry)
Ricco, Anna born 2-26-1904 died 6-17-1910 Notes: born Italy, daughter of Frank Ricco and Anna Puccio both born Italy, service Mt. Carmel church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rice, Elsie M. born 1-1-1831 died 8-30-1908 Notes: born North Adams, Mass. (Floyd Kelling)
Rice, Faye F. born 1902 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Rice, Frank S. born 1879 died 1940 (Floyd Kelling)
Rice, Joe A. born 1908 died 1984 Notes: married 11-2-1931 (Sharon McCurry)
Rice, Maud born 1882 died 1939 (Floyd Kelling)
Rice, Quartus born 4-7-1817 died 12-21-1899 Notes: born Charlemont, Mass. buried 12-23-1899 age 85, male, Location 30 289 8, West Brothers (Floyd Kelling)
Richards, Florence died 1-12-1914 Notes: born 3-19 Lake City, Co., age 15y, daughter of George J. Richards born New York and Florence A. Doyle born Little Rock, Arkansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Richards, George E. born 1868 died 1927 (Floyd Kelling)
Richards, John J. born 1868 died 1945 (Floyd Kelling)
Richards, John J. died 1-17-1907 Notes: age 52y (Floyd Kelling)
Richards, John J. died 1-17-1907 Notes: age 52 years
Richards, Mary C. born 1881 died 1926 (Floyd Kelling)
Richards, Rachel born 1834 died 1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Richardson, Farris Notes: buried 05-27-1898 age 25, male, Location 25 65 12, T.G. McCarthy
Richardson, G. Dorothy born 1914 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Richardson, J. died 6-8-1891 Notes: age 41 years
Richardson, John H. died 1-28-1907 Notes: age 1y 3m, born Pueblo, son of John Richardson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Richardson, Michael Roy born 1942 died 1979 Notes: son of Dr. R. Calvin & G. Dorothy (Sharon McCurry)
Richardson, R. Calvin, M.D. born 1912 died 1961 (Sharon McCurry)
Richardson, Virgie died 11-2-1901 Notes: age 27y, may be Mrs. L. London, arrangements by Jesse H. London & A. Diltz, McCarthy Funeral Home
Richie, Madaline died 4-14-1902 Notes: age 3y 6m 8d, daughter of John Richie, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rickert, Eva Marie died 11-13-1902 Notes: age 7y 14d, daughter of Adam Rickert, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rickert, Norma E. born 3-31-1921 died 10-30-2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Ricketts, Elizabeth C. born 1917 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Ricketts, Ray A. born 1927 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Ricklefs, Dorothy B. Major Notes: died 5-20-2002 age 75 buried 5-24-2002 Block, Lot, Space: Pk 119b 1 Paul's Chapel Eureka, Ca
Ricklefs, Patricia M. born 1937 died 2001 Notes: Daughter (Kay Medved)
Rickman, Arlena born 3-17-1866 died 6-4-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Ricks, Edna F. born 1894 died 1986 (Sharon McCurry)
Riddock, Eric R. born 1965 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Riden, Della died 11-19-1910 Notes: age 32y born Tenn., married, died Tacoma, Wa., sold to C.W. Riden and Thomas Robertson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rider, Thelina Notes: buried 04-30-1899 age 2, female, Location 30 351 1, McMahon and Collier
Rieff, Johanna died 3-29-1900 Notes: age 76y, informant Mrs. May Breed McCarthy Funeral Home
Righter, Sherwood Notes: buried 08-30-1899 age 24, male, Location 14 139 5, McMahon and Collier
Rike, Bernard J. Capt. born 1913 died 1943 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Rike, Morris born 1889 died 1946 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Rike, Tillie born 1891 died 1934 Temple Emanuel
Rishter, William Notes: buried 03-28-1899 age 58, male, Location 25 76 4, McMahon and Collier
Risley Forrest D. born 4-16-1856 died 2-15-1927 (Floyd Kelling)
Risley, ? died (Floyd Kelling)
Risley, Jay A. born 1875 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling)
Risley, Maggie E. died 3-13-1898 Notes: buried 03-14-1898 age 21, female, Location 30 115 5, T.G. McCarthy (Dennis Reed)
Risley, M.H. or E.B Notes: buried 12-22-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 73 11, McMahon and Collier
Risley, Minnie L. born 12-18-1868 died 12-23-1956 (Floyd Kelling)
Ritchey, John J. born 5-24-1836 died 1-30-1915 Notes: Saquache County Pioneer & Rancher (Floyd Kelling)
Ritter, John Murray died 5-3-1909 Notes: age 12y, son of John Ritter, Judge, McCarthy Funeral Home
Ritter, Malcom died 8-11-1898 Notes: age 13y, son of Judge John Ritter, buried 08-11-1898 Location 13 151 1, T.G. McCarthy
Rivas, Luis born 1871 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Rivera, Francis A. born 1920 died 1997 (Floyd Kelling)
Rivera, Francis E. born 1944 died 2002 (Floyd Kelling)
Rivera, Mary M. born 1946 died 1977 (Floyd Kelling)
Rivera, Paula D. born 1935 died 1988 (Floyd Kelling)
Rivous, Maggie died 12-31-1913 Notes: age about 45y, widow, resident of Denver, no relatives found, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roark, Albert C. Notes: died 4-13-1972 age 51buried 4-17-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 13 530 3 Griffy Crist, Fowler
Roark, Arthur B. Notes: died age 0 buried 2-14-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 13 460 6 Rouch
Roark, baby Notes: son of B.E.Roark, died age 0 buried 5-31-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 29 322 B3 George F. McCarthy
Roark, Carolene Louise born 1963 died 2009 Notes: died 11-23-2009 age 46 buried 11-28-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 70 36 4 Roselawn Also (Kay Medved)
Roark, Irene J. born 1939 died no date (Kay Medved)
Roark, James Rondal born 1937 died 2005 Also (Kay Medved)
Roark, Herman William Notes: died age 75 buried 2-16-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 13 528 4 Davis
Roark, James Rondal Notes: died 9-22-2005 age 68 buried 6-23-2006 Block, Lot, Space: 70 36 4 La Paz Funeral Home Peoria, Az
Roark, Kevin Notes: baby died age 0 buried 11-20-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 41 118 9 George F. McCarthy
Roark, Ruby Notes: died 2-6-1985 age 87 buried 2-9-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 13 528 3 Griffy Crist, Fowler, Co
Roark, W.A. Notes: Sgt. died age 0 buried 9-23-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 13 477 3 T.G. McCarthy
Robb, Catherine Zeiger died 4-23-1901 Notes: age 42y, wife of Dr. C.E. Robb, McCarthy Funeral Home
Robbins, David D. born 1912 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Robbins, Mary A. born 1914 died 1999 (Sharon McCurry)
Roberts, Edward died 12-31-1910 Notes: age 35y, paid by Judge Mirick, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roberts, Frederick died 10-30-1902 Notes: age 39y 2m 21d, paid by estate, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roberts, Louise Ann born 1946 died 1963 (Floyd Kelling)
Roberts, William W. Notes: buried 11-16-1899 age 20, male, Location 12 42 3, McMahon and Collier
Robertson, Benjamin S. died 9-29-1900 Notes: age 42y 11m 28d, married, McCarthy Funeral Home
Robertson, Louis A. born 5-12-1915 died 9-14-1998 (Floyd Kelling)
Robertson, Myrle G. born 12-25-1915 died 10-7-2004 (Floyd Kelling)
Robertson, P.C. Notes: buried 11-03-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 245 6, McMahon and Collier
Robinett, Esther J. born 1889 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Robinett, Warren H. died 8-7-1904 age 78 buried 9-5-1904 location 24 119 7 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Robinson, Alice Notes: buried 12-15-1898 age 27, female, Location 13 245 3, McMahon and Collier
Robinson, Corwin W. Notes: buried 11-03-1898 age 0, male, Location 13 323, McMahon and Collier
Robinson, infant born 11-27-1900 died 11-27-1900 Notes: age 1 hour, child of ? Robinson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Robinson, Isaac W. Notes: buried 12-15-1898 age 1, male, Location 13 245 7, McMahon and Collier
Robinson, Jacob Notes: buried 01-12-1899 age 60, male, Location 25 67 9, McMahon and Collier
Robinson, John F. Notes: buried 12-15-1898 age 1, male, Location 13 245 7, McMahon and Collier
Robinson, Lovinia Notes: buried 12-26-1899 age 70, female, Location 13 342 5, McMahon and Collier
Robinson, Susan F. died 3-27-1909 Notes: birth Aug 12, age 50y, died at St. Mary Hospital, daughter of Charles Foreman and ? Hayes, wife of T. M. Robinson, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roche, Allen B. born 1895 died 1961 (Sharon McCurry)
Roche, Jessie born 1904 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Rockafellows, Charles Fred Notes: buried 07-13-1897 age 0, male, Location 25 58 25, McMahon and Collier
Rockafellows, Leonia Notes: buried 06-28-1897 age 23, female, Location 25 63 6, McMahon and Collier
Rockwell, Nancy L. born no dates died Notes: age 82y, buried 9-16-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Rodekirchen Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Rodekirchen, J.W. born 1901 died 1955 (Sharon McCurry)
Rodekirchen, Mary H. born 11-27-1878 died 1-19-1919 Notes: Wife of W.J. (Sharon McCurry)
Rodekirchen, W.J. born 1877 died 1929 (Sharon McCurry)
Rodekirchen, W.S. born 8-2-1903 died 7-4-1904 (Joy Trout)
Rodell, C.A. born 12-24-1855 died 7-8-191 Notes: born Maine, died Atlantic City, Iowa, ahipped by Neil M. Bailey, undertaker, Atlantic City, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rodgers, Clarence E. born 1906 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Rodgers, Lola B. born 1910 died 1911 (Floyd Kelling)
Rodriguez, Atanacia born 8-?-1846 died 1-9-1910 Notes: born Las Vega, NM, both parents born NM, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rodriguez, Benjamin died 8-11-1910 Notes: age 45y, died at St. Mary Hospital, sold to Joe Medina and J.J. Gutular, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rodriguez, Juanita died 4-23-1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Roe, Richard A. born 5-6-1883 died 12-5-1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Roe, Richard A. died (Floyd Kelling)
Roeck, Louisa born 1857 died 1900 (Karen Mitchell)
Roeck, Louisa died 4-20-1900 Notes: age 44y, wife of Thomas Roeck, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roesch, George born 1846 died 1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Roesch, Katie L. born 1852 died 1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Roesch, Philomena Ober born 1854 died 1900 Notes: died 10-23-1900, age 46y 7m 1d, wife of George Roesch, McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Rogers bench (Floyd Kelling)
Rogers, Beverly J. born 1927 died 1975 (Floyd Kelling)
Rogers, Dennis P. born 1946 died 1962 (Floyd Kelling)
Rogers, Harry P. born 1923 died 2006 (Floyd Kelling)
Rogers, John H. died 9-3-1899 Notes: age 34y, informant Minnequa Tribe 17 I.O. Red Men, buried 09-04-1899Location 24 68 5, T.G. McCarthy
Rogers, Lola B. born 7-4-1910 died 2-18-1911 Notes: daughter of William Rogers and Susan Bail both born Texas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rogers, Verna died 4-21-1902 Notes: age 2y 4d, no parents listed, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roitz, Agnes C. born 1908 died 1994 Notes: Our Dear Daughter, died 3-6-1994 age 85 buried 3-15-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 29 21 3 McCarthy Almont (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Alex A. Notes: died 2-24-2011 age 92 buried 2-28-2011 Block, Lot, Space: 5 99ee George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Roitz, Angela U. born 5-31-1900 died 1-20-1983 Notes: died 1-20-1983 age 82 buried 1-22-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 29 212 8 Almont McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Bridget A. born 1926 died 1976 Notes: died 6-11-1976 age 50 buried 6-15-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 70 164 1 McCarthy Almont Also (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Felix Cyril born 9-24-1893 died 8-29-1970 Notes: Colorado Mus 2 US Navy WWIdied 9-29-1970 age 77 buried 9-1-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 29 212 5 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Frances M. born 1864 died 1956 Notes: Mother died age 91 buried 1-28-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 29 212 6 George F. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Frederick born 1859 died 1938 Notes: Uncle, "Fritz" died age 79 buried 10-12-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 29 212 4 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Roitz, John H. born 1863 died 1939 Notes: Father died age 76 buried 8-3-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 29 212 7 George F. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Roitz, John L. Notes: died 12-28-1982 age 61 buried 12-30-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 58 149 2 McCarthy-Almont
Roitz, Joseph born 6-25-1902 died 7-14-1902 Notes: died 7-13-1902 age 0 buried 7-16-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 29 212 T1 age 19d, son of J.H. Roitz, T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Joseph Notes: died 11-8-1971 age 83 buried 11-10-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 70 161 8 George McCarthy
Roitz, Josephine Notes: died age 0 buried 1-27-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 70 161 7 George F. McCarthy
Roitz, Lawrence H. born 1924 died 1997 Notes: died 7-11-1997 age 72 buried 7-14-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 70 164 2 Geo. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Roitz, Ramona Notes: died 6-10-1980 age 60 buried 6-13-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 58 149 1 McCarthy-Almont
Roitz, Rita P. Notes: died 12-28-1982 age 44 buried 12-31-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 51 99 5 Rivera
Rolf, Martin Notes: buried 12-27-1897 age 65, male, Location 24 71 7, McMahon and Collier
Rollestone, William died 7-11-1898 Notes: age 72y, son of H.H. Rollestone, died at Victor, Co., Location 14 71 1, T.G. McCarthy
Romero, Angelica died 8-25-1902 Notes: age 4m, daughter of Mike Guiterrez of Salt Creek, McCarthy Funeral Home
Romero, Bernadette M. born 4-3-1955 died 6-9-1981 (Sharon McCurry)
Romero, Fernadita born 3-2-1909 died 10-7-1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Romero, Jose D. born 1862 died 1947 (Karen Mitchell)
Romero, Jose D. born 1862 died 1947 (Karen Mitchell)
Romero, Leonaura Notes: buried 08-27-1898 age 0, female, Location 25 80 5, T.G. McCarthy
Romero, Paul born 5-28-1939 died 4-27-1971 Notes: Co. A2C US Air Force (Sharon McCurry)
Romero, Paul born 5-28-1939 died 4-27-1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Romero, Rita S. born 8-1-1941 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Romero, S. Lenora died 8-25-1898 Notes: age 40y, resident of Trinidad, buried Riverview, informant Dr. H. Work, cost $20.00
Romero, Thomas born 9-8-1929 died 7-30-1983 (Sharon McCurry)
Romo, Gilbert born 1925 died 2006 (Floyd Kelling)
Romo, Sophie born 1928 died 2006 (Floyd Kelling)
Romp, Ardeth born 12-4-1913 died 12-6-1913 Notes: daughter of Fred D. Romp born Kansas and Josephine McGorigle born Pa., McCarthy Funeral Home
Roney, Lauren Eugene born 7-12-1929 died 7-19-1929 Notes: son of George & Bertha Roney (Floyd Kelling)
Rood, Dorothy June born 6-22-1903 died 6-5-1911 Notes: daughter of Jesse A. Rood born Illinois and Frannie B. Bork born Missouri, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rood, stillborn born 5-8-1899 died 5-8-1899 Notes: child of Jesse P. Rood, buried 05-08-1899 age 0, female, Location 15 8 7, T.G. McCarthy
Roop, infant died 4-25-1899 Notes: age 10m, child of W.S. Roop, informant Winifred S. Roop, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roop, W.S. infant of Marion Notes: buried 04-26-1899 age 0, male, Location 26 61 9, T.G. McCarthy
Root, Grace Belle died 7-4-1902 Notes: age 20y 11m 26d, wife of Fred I. Root, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rooth, Stephanie Notes: died 6-12-2002 age 92 buried 6-17-2002 Block, Lot, Space: 71 25 5 George McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Rope, Alfred E. Notes: buried 06-29-1899 age 33, male, Location 28 371 2, McMahon and Collier
Roper, Sarah P. died 8-21-1911 Notes: born 3-3 Wisconsin, age 53y 5m 18d, married, daughter of John Metz born Ky., and Almira Harrington, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rose, Edna M. born 1879 died 1970 Also (Kay Medved)
Rose, Frank born 7-25-1842 died 6-30-1902 Notes: age 60y, died at St. Mary Hospital, informant Edward Gee, McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Rose, Orin S. born 5-5-1908 died 6-2-1977 Notes: PFC US Army WWII (Kay Medved)
Rose, Stanton born 1875 died 1957 Also (Kay Medved)
Rosen, Eva born 1889 died 1951 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Rosen, Joseph born 1882 died 1947 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Rosenquist, Jessie died 7-24-1912 Notes: born 2-25, age 33y, died at St. Mary Hospital, resident of Moberly, Missouri, seperated from husband, informant Michael Nash, other relative R.Q.Prendergast of Indianapolis, Ind, daughter of B. Heuthorn and Elisabeth Warren both born Missouri, McCarthy Funeral Home
Roskey, Anna M. born 1898 died 1973 (Sharon McCurry)
Roskey, Michael L. born 1895 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Ross, Eva May born 1883 died 1897 (Floyd Kelling)
Ross, Grace Notes: disinterred from Boone 10-21-1912, reburied Roselawn Cemetery, paid by John Ross, McCarthy Funeral Home
Ross, John born 6-6-1891 died 6-6-1912 Notes: born Pueblo, died Minnequa Hospital, resident of Boone, son of John Ross born Ohio and Lavada Wiggins born N.C., McCarthy Funeral Home
Ross, John Notes: disinterred from Boone 10-21-1912, reburied Roselawn Cemetery, paid by John Ross, McCarthy Funeral Home
Ross, Mammie Notes: buried 10-29-1897 age 15, female, Location 30 233 4, McMahon and Collier
Ross, Mattie born 8-14-1863 died 12-4-1910 Notes: born Mineral Point, Wi., died St. Mary Hospital, wife of Louis J. Ross, daughter of Charles Brown and Mary Trogina, McCarthy Funeral Home
Ross, Virginia born 10-21-1880 died 1908? (Floyd Kelling)
Rossett, Angelina born 5-3-1910 died 11-6-1911 Notes: daughter of Dominic Rossett and Rosa Cirulo both born Italy, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rosvak, Jonathon died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 8-30-1904 location 57 233 10 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Rouch, Margaret Wicks born 1918 died 2002 Notes: wife of Orville M. Rouch (Floyd Kelling)
Rouch, Orville M. born 1918 died 2004 (Floyd Kelling)
Roush, Orrin Notes: buried 07-18-1897 age 10, male, Location 26 35, McMahon and Collier
Rowan, James born 1855 died 1-20-1912 Notes: age 56y, resident of Weld County, born in Ireland, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rowen, John born 1870 died 1905 (Floyd Kelling)
Rowley, Gertrude C. born 2-7-1897 died 7-1-1983 (Sharon McCurry)
Rowley, Harold E. born 9-21-1894 died 7-10-1967Notes: MM2 USNRF WWI (Sharon McCurry)
Rowley, Harold E. born 9-21-1894 died 7-10-1967Notes: MM2 USNRF WWI (Sharon McCurry)
Rozbavil, Helena Notes: buried 12-09-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 241 23, T.G. McCarthy
Rozberie, Ellie died 12-7-1899 Notes: age 3m, daughter of Michael Rozberie, McCarthy Funeral Home
Rozboril, Andrew J. born 1894 died 1968 Also (Kay Medved)
Rozboril, Elizabeth C. born 1894 died 1971 Also (Kay Medved)
Rozboril, Helen born 1867 died 1950 (Kay Medved)
Rozboril, Leo born 1890 died 1918 (Kay Medved)
Rozboril, Michael born 1866 died 1972 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Rozich, Catherine born 1913 died 1979 Also (Kay Medved)
Rozich, Jessie born 11-1-1908 died 3-14-1919 (Kay Medved)
Rozich, Mike A. born 1906 died 1995 Also (Kay Medved)
Rucker, Ann A. born 5-30-1914 died 4-10-1990 (Floyd Kelling)
Rucker, Samuel D. born 11-4-1900 died 6-14-1966 Notes: Colorado T Sgt 316 Trp Carr GP AAF WWII AM & OLC (Floyd Kelling)
Ruddick, James died 1-9-1900 Notes: age 37y, resident of South Boston, Ma., son of Dr. William Ruddick, McCarthy Funeral home
Ruddy family (Karen Mitchell)
Ruddy, Ellen born no date died no date notes:age 1y (Karen Mitchell)
Ruddy, James P. Notes: buried 04-01-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 243 6, McMahon and Collier
Ruddy, Margaret Barrett born no date died 1898 Notes: age 40y, buried 01-31-1898 Location 57 135 5, T.G. McCarthy (Karen Mitchell)
Ruddy, Patrick born no date died no date notes:age 8m (Karen Mitchell)
Ruddy, Sarah born no date died no date notes:age 8m (Karen Mitchell)
Rudrauff, Charles H. Notes: buried 10-17-1898 age 32, male, Location 13 245 2, McMahon and Collier
Ruegnetz, Clarence Notes: buried 08-21-1899 age 7, male, Location 23 69 T5, McMahon and Collier
Ruff, William Notes: buried 02-23-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 56 8, McMahon and Collier
Ruggermann, Fred H. born 4-15-1885 died 3-19-1898 (Floyd Kelling)
Rumgay, Andrew died 5-15-1907 Notes: age 19y 8m 19d, son of Peter Rumgay, McCarthy Funeral home
Rumgay, Charles Allen born 12-4-1896 died 4-14-1966 Notes: Colorado Pvt HQ Co 30 Fld Arty WWI (Floyd Kelling)
Rumgay, Elizabeth J. born 11-8-1896 died 2-26-1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Rumgay, infant daughter born 1-25-1906 died 1-25-1906 Notes: daughter of Peter Rumgay, McCarthy Funeral home
Rumgay, Margaret Mae born no date died 11-14-1985 (Floyd Kelling)
Rumsey, James Walter born 1892 died 1980 (Floyd Kelling)
Rumsey, John W. born 1882 died 1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Rumsey, Lillie Irene born 1895 died 1970 (Floyd Kelling)
Rumsey, Thelma W. born 1899 died 1983 (Floyd Kelling)
Rush Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Rush, Anna Marie born 9-1-1923 died 9-13-1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Rush, Harold Earl born 3-6-1920 died 9-13-1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Rush, Keith born 10-21-1953 died 1-14-1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Rush, Keith Edward born 10-21-1953 died 1-14-1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Rusovick, Andrew born 1912 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Rusovick, Mary A. born 1913 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Russ, Anton Notes: died age 1 buried 3-1-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 53 27 7 Udv
Russ, Agnes born 1880 died 10-11-1910 Notes: age 30y, born Austria, married, daughter of Joseph Redic and Anna Sustercec both born Austria, died St. Mary Hospital, McCarthy Funeral home
Russ, Agnes born 6-19-1909 died 10-7-1910 Notes: died age 1 buried 10-8-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 53 22 2 daughter of John Russ and Agnes Rodek both born Austria, T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Agnes Notes: died age 30 buried 10-15-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 21 24 5 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Amelia Notes: died age 8 buried 7-1-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 70 110 7 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Anna born 1917 died 1923 Notes: died age 6 buried 12-29-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 70 7 2 Mc B
Russ, Anna born 1889 died 1964 Notes: died age 0 buried 11-4-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 70 7 6 George F. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Russ, Anthony Notes: died age 43 buried 3-9-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 70 7 1 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Anton born 1887 died 1932 (Kay Medved)
Russ, Anton Notes: died age 27 buried 9-16-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 53 9 6 Udv
Russ, Clinton De Witt Notes: died age 47 buried 6-10-1942 Block, Lot, Space: 36 7 2 Davis
Russ, Elizabeth Grace Notes: died age 24 buried 5-27-1953 Block, Lot, Space: 71 1 1 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Ethel Marie Notes: died 3-21-1980 age 76 buried 3-22-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 38 16 2 T. G. McCarthy
Russ, Frances Notes: died age 63 buried 9-26-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 29 271 6 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Frances Notes: died age 0 buried 9-7-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 53 31 17 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Frances Notes: died age 71 buried 10-9-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 71 1 3 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Frank P. Notes: died age 0 buried 9-7-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 71 1 4 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Frank S. Notes: died 11-19-2013 age 87 buried 11-25-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 71 1 6 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Russ, Jacob Notes: died age 60 buried 1-26-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 53 18 7 George F. McCarthy
Russ, James Notes: died age 0 buried 2-11-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 57 5 1 5 Mc Minn
Russ, Jennie Notes: died age 0 buried 8-11-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 21 7 6 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Joe Notes: died 9-10-1994 age 64 buried 9-23-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 71 68a T6 Shadow Mtn., Phoenix, Az Phoenix, Az
Russ, John daughter of Notes: baby died age 0 buried 10-18-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 53 19 2 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, John baby of Notes: died age 0 buried 11-11-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 27 63 5 McMahon and Collir
Russel, John baby of Notes: died age 0 buried 2-9-1899 Block, Lot, Space: 25 55 15 McMahon and Collier
Russ, John Notes: died age 0 buried 9-7-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 54 95 5 George F. McCarthy
Russ, John Notes: died age 74 buried 6-26-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 70 125 4 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, John Notes: died age 53 buried 9-10-1936 Block, Lot, Space: 29 271 1 George F. McCarthy
Russ, John Notes: died age 0 buried 7-13-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 29 1 2 11 Mc Minn
Russ, John born 12-?-1881 died 3-9-1911 Notes: died age 70 buried 3-12-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 29 271 5 died St. Mary Hospital, son of Joseph Russ, both parents born Austria, paid by father & St. Joseph Society, T.G. McCarthy
Russ, John Jr. born 10-8-1910 died 10-25-1910 Notes: died age 0 buried 10-26-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 53 22 1 son of John and Agnes Russ, both parents born Austria, paid by John Russ, T.G. McCarthy
Russ, John W. born 1919 died 1990 Notes: died 11-10-1990 age 71 buried 11-14-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 70 7 5 Almont
Russ, Joseph Notes: died age 0 buried 10-3-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 29 271 8 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Joseph born 1875 died 1949 Notes: died age 74 buried 10-26-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 70 7 3 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Joseph J. Notes: died 6-27-1974 age 59 buried 7-1-1974 Block, Lot, Space: 70 50 1 Geo. McCarthy
Russ, Joseph J. Notes: died 4-13-1968 age 81 buried 4-16-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 71 68a 2 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Josephine A. Notes: died 4-19-1987 age 77 buried 4-22-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 71 68a 1 T G McCarthy
Russ, Julia Notes: died age 0 buried 5-5-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 29 271 7 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Lillian May Notes: died age 49 buried 3-4-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 70 50 2 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Lillian R. Notes: died 3-4-2014 age 84 buried 3-10-2014 Block, Lot, Space: 71 1 5 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Russ, Louis born 1882 died 1968 Notes: died 1-26-1968 age 86 buried 1-29-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 70 7 7 George F. McCarthy Also (Kay Medved)
Russ, Louis Notes: "Luigi" (JaRussi), died age 51 buried 5-5-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 54 70 5 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Louis J. born 1913 died 1983 Notes: died 12-17-1983 age 70 buried 12-20-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 72 97 1 McCarthy Almont (Sharon McCurry)
Russ, Louis J. born 1913 died 1983 Notes: Pvt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Russ, Lucille M. born 1914 died 1977 Notes: died 2-11-1977 age 64 buried 2-14-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 72 98 4 T.G. McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Russ, Mabel A. Notes: died 7-3-1975 age 59 buried 7-7-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 70 194 7
Geo. McCarthy
Russ, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 5-10-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 70 125 3 George F. McCarthy
Russ, Richard J. born 1947 died no date (Kay Medved)
Russ, Rose died 10-2-1922 Notes: died age 0 buried 10-2-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 57 4 1 27 Mc Minn (Joy Trout)
Russ, Rosie Notes: died age 0 buried 5-10-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 53 34 3 T.G. McCarthy
Russ, Wanda A. (Ashes) Notes: died 11-12-1985 age 52 buried 12-27-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 71 68a T5 T. G. McCarthy
Russel, Irene Notes: died age 4 buried 3-24-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 27 66 27 Linkins and Vories
Russell, Katie Foley buried Roselawn Pueblo, Colo. 7-26-1926, 82 yrs. Sec 1, tier 2, grave 25, Book 55.
Russell, Louis James born 8-23-1867 died 5-19-1911 Notes: born Pa., married, black, husband of Cora M. Russell, son of Henry Russell born Pa., and Emily Matthews born Maryland, McCarthy Funeral home
Russel, Maggie Notes: died age 38 buried 5-18-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 27 125 4 Whiton
Russell, Aldon Notes: died 1-22-1968 age 94 buried 1-24-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 34 16 1 Valhalla
Russell, Andrew Notes: died age 34 buried 7-26-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 28 4 4 5 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Anna E. Notes: died age 90 buried 9-20-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 22 102 3 Valhalla
Russell, baby Boy Notes: died age 0 buried 6-23-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 27 66 1 West Whiton
Russell, Charles Notes: died age 30 buried 9-1-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 12 2 3 10 T.G.McCarthy
Russell, Charles G. Notes: died age 1 buried 1-23-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 26 31 17 West Whiton
Russell, E.F. Notes: died age 64 buried 4-27-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 12 310 7 McMahon and Collier
Russell, Erma Helen Notes: died age 60 buried 11-7-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 29 465 7 George F. McCarthy
Russell, Eugene Douglas Notes: died 2-4-1978 age 55 buried 2-7-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 58 38 2 Rivera
Russell, Frank Notes: died age 38 buried 2-21-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 27 124 13 Whiton
Russell, Frank Notes: died age 0 buried 5-25-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 12 141 16 Udv
Russell, Fred A. Notes: died 7-10-1975 age 69 buried 7-14-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 34 16 2 Valhalla Comer
Russell, George Notes: baby died age 0 buried 6-15-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 25 52 20 McMahon and Collier
Russell, George Notes: baby died age 0 buried 6-15-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 27 43 6 McMahon and Collier
Russell, H.F. Notes: died age 40 buried 9-21-1891 Block, Lot, Space: 12 129 1 McMahon and Collier
Russell, Harold C. Notes: died age 7 buried 4-26-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 28 348 1 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Herbert James Notes: died age 0 buried 3-1-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 32 49 3 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, James Notes: died age 45 buried 11-21-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 37 5 McMahon and Collier
Russell, John Notes: died age 45 buried 7-8-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 29 383 1 McMahon and Collier
Russell, John David Neal Notes: died 10-20-1999 age 39 buried 10-26-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 13 398a 4 Romero Pueblo, Co
Russell, John W. Notes: died age 0 buried 6-27-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 22 102a 2 Valhalla
Russell, Jonathon Notes: died age 60 buried 1-26-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 27 31 10 McMahon and Collier
Russell, Katie (Mrs.) Notes: died age 82 buried 7-26-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 55 1 2 25 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Lewis J. Notes: died age 43 buried 5-22-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 57 217 6 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Lulu May Notes: died 4-3-1973 age 85 buried 4-6-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 14 43 8 Howard's Denver
Russell, Margaret Pearl Notes: died 6-18-1968 age 66 buried 6-20-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 36 45 1 Holt Wilson, Denver
Russell, Mary Notes: died age 55 buried 9-6-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 52 7 2 24 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Mary C. Notes: died age 65 buried 8-13-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 68 2 10 8 Sieg
Russell, Mary Lee Notes: died age 85 buried 7-12-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 16 35 5 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Mrs. Frances Notes: died age 23 buried 11-27-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 12 2 4 15 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Nora B (Mrs.) Notes: died age 30 buried 11-1-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 28 348 2 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Ollie F. Notes: died 2-9-1996 age 89 buried 2-12-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 14 29a 5 Montgomery-Steward Pueblo, Co
Russell, P.D. (Dr.) Notes: died age 50 buried 10-20-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 22 102b 4 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Raymond H. Notes: died 6-25-1986 age 84 buried 6-27-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 14 29a 6 Rouch
Russell, Samuel Notes: died age 66 buried 10-5-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 28 4 2 7 T.G. McCarthy
Russell, Ted Raymond Notes: died 1-20-2011 age 81 buried 1-26-2011 Block, Lot, Space: 14 123 8 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Russell, William Edward Notes: died age 0 buried 4-29-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 29 465 8 Davis
Russell, William L. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-21-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 16 35 6 T.G. McCarthy
Russell-Madrid, Kenneth Ray Notes: died 3-15-2004 age 16 buried 3-19-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 13 398a 4 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Russo, Anthony "Tony" Notes: died 6-26-1989 age 73 buried 10-11-1989 Block, Lot, Space: 46 126 1 Neptune Soc.Burbank,Ca
Russo, baby Notes: died age 0 buried 5-16-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 27 71 6 Udv
Russo, baby Notes: female died age 0 buried 3-6-1935 Block, Lot, Space: 56 6 4 25 George F. McCarthy
Russo, Felicia Notes: died 12-7-1974 age 0 buried 12-10-1974 Block, Lot, Space: 46 126 1 Geo. McCarthy
Russo, Joseph Notes: died 12-21-1966 age 60 buried 12-24-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 39 119 4 T.G. McCarthy
Russo, Joseph Notes: died age 84 buried 6-13-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 46 126 2 George F. McCarthy
Russo, Joseph Notes: died 10-7-1973 age 80 buried 10-10-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 39 108 3 George F. McCarthy
Russo, Nellie Notes: died 5-26-1977 age 82 buried 5-31-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 54 5 6 McCarthy-Almont
Russo, Pasquale Notes: died age 52 buried 1-27-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 56 8 3 14 George F. McCarthy
Russo, Pasqualo Notes: died age 50 buried 7-1-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 57 154 8 West Whiton
Ruth, Julius born 1868 died 1903 Notes: born at Hanan, Germany (Floyd Kelling)
Ruth, Julius died 11-18-1902 Notes: age 33y 26d, died at Fairmount, brother Ernest Ruth, McCarthy Funeral home
Ryan, Earl born 12-20-1900 died 1-13-1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Ryan, Edward J. died 6-9-1902 Notes: age 73y 10m 5d, died at St. Mary Hospital, informant Mrs. E.E. Batchelder of Oakland, Ca., McCarthy Funeral home
Ryan, James died Notes: burial of amputated leg only, August 1912, age 43y, born Layton, Ok,. Son of James Ryan and Mary Griffale both born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral home
Ryan, Michael C. died 10-22-1899 Notes: age 60y, died at Sister's Hospital, informant Thomas Horan of Cripple Creek, Co., buried 10-23-1899 age 55, male, Location 57 256 2, T.G. McCarthy
Ryan, Ruth J. born 1893 died 1983 (Sharon McCurry)
Ryan, William J. born 1901 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Ryther, George H. born 4-20-1852 died 4-23-1899 Notes: buried 04-26-1899 age 47, male, Location 26 73 2, West-Whiton (Floyd Kelling)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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