Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Sabec, John born 1887 died 1961 (Sharon McCurry)
Sabec, Karollina born 1897 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Sabin, Zora Hoag born 1888 died 1981 (Kay Medved)
Sablich, Domenick died 5/26/1910 Notes: age 7m, son of George and Mary Kovaline Sablich both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Sabo, Ellen born 11/9/1901 died 11/9/1901 Notes: daughter of Stephan Sabo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sabo, John S. born 1917 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Sabo, Mary L. born 1920 died 1983 (Sharon McCurry)
Sabol, Mary died 12/22/1901 Notes: age 2m 10d, daughter of John Sabol, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sabosky, Leo John born 1917 died 1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Sabosky, Mary Jane born 1915 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Saccomanno, Fenice LoPresto born 1861 died 2/17/1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Sachse, Evelyn R. born 1938 died 1994 (Floyd Kelling)
Sachse, Lloyd E. born 1927 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Saeger, Burman G. born 5/1/1910 died 2/10/1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Saeger, Hattie H. born 8/22/1908 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Sais, Jesus born 7-?-1910 died 5/15/1911 Notes: child of Jesus Sais born Mexico and Anostina Martinez born Colorado, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sajatovich, Irene born 12-26-1921 died 1-4-1959 (Kay Medved)
Sajatovich, Jakomina born 1886 died 1926 (Kay Medved)
Sajatovich, Milan born 1888 died 1945 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Salaino, Pacifico Notes: buried 01-16-1898 age 40, male, Location 57 137 1, McMahon and Collier
Salamino, Annuziata born 18779 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Salazar, Evelyn M. born 6/27/1933 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Salazar, Orlando born 11/20/1934 died 1/17/1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Saldibar, Maria Luz born 1890 died 1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Salercino, John Notes: buried 04-18-1897 age 0, male, Location 57 243 24, McMahon and Collier
Salimo, Maurice Notes: buried 09-03-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 28 17, McMahon and Collier
Salisbury, Maud M. born 1877 died 1937 (Floyd Kelling)
Salmon, Michael Notes: buried 01-25-1899 age 45, male, Location 57 142 1, McMahon and Collier
Salotino, Josephine born 12/6/1912 died 12/6/1912 Notes: daughter of Louis Salotino and Petrina Cuagliona both born Italy, McCarthy Funeral Home
Salvage, James M. born 1883 died 1939 (Floyd Kelling)
Salvano, Veta born 3/2/1910 died 10/20/1910 Notes: daughter of Frank Salvano born Italy and Mary Osnick born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Samora, Edward Notes: buried 08-23-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 53 19, McMahon and Collier
Samora, Ramon born 1850 died 8/15/1912 Notes: age 62y, informant Alcedio Rubert, McCarthy Funeral Home
Samuel, Lionel George born 1880 died 1963 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Sanborn, Hattie B. died 8/27/1913 Notes: born 1-20, age 39y, born Missouri, maiden name Rhodes, informants Burr Sanborn and Grant Rhodes, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sanches, Cora E. born 1877 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Sanchez, Christopher born 1927 died 1927 Notes: Baby (Kay Medved)
Sanchez, Idabelle born 1909 died 1927 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Sanchez, Lucia born 1841 died 1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Sanchez, Silveria died 5/6/1909 Notes: age 8m 20d, daughter of Jose Sanchez, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sancho, Leonard Notes: buried 01-13-1899 age 0, male, Location 29 122 4, McMahon and Collier
Sanders, Bert born 1872 died 1945 Notes: Grandfather Also (Kay Medved)
Sanders, Ezra died Notes: Co J 18 Ohio Infantry
Sanders, Katherine born 2-11-1883 died 12/13/1911 Notes: born Alabama, wife of R.S. Sanders, daughter of J.G. Rodgers and Sophia C. Williams, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sanders, Mary L. born 1874 died 1947 Notes: Grandmother Also (Kay Medved)
Sandobal, James born 5/31/1908 died 12/11/1910 Notes: son of Manuel Sandobal born NM and Frances Clay born Colorado, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sandoval, Millie Notes: buried 02-18-1898 age 0, female, Location 57 243 17, McMahon and Collier
Sandusky Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Sandusky, Abraham I. born 1862 died 1944 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Sandusky, Jennie S. born 1865 died 1929 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Sandusky, Mendal born 1897 died 1962 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Sandusky, Minnie born 1895 died 1963 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Sandy, William F. Notes: buried 10-29-1898 age 19, male, Location 12 32 3, West Brothers
Sanford, John died 2/18/1911 Notes: age 69y, born Pa., both parents born Pa., paid by William Sanford, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sangerfield, Cordelia died 6/25/1910 Notes: age 47y 8m 15d, born France, wife of James E. Sangerfield, parents born France, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sankey, Nannie W. Kettler born 1867 died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Sankey, Nannie W. Kettler died (Floyd Kelling)
Sanko, Mathew died 10-10-1898 Notes: age 10d, son of Michael Sanko, buried 10-11-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 246 3, T.G. McCarthy
Santarelli, Peter died 1921 (Joy Trout)
Santford, Patrick died 9/15/1911 Notes: age 65y, black, married, parents unknown, lived with Tom Proch, paid by Int. Plasteres Union, McCarthy Funeral Home
Santic, John born 1880 died 10/13/1911 Notes: age 31y, both parents born Austria, shoemaker, died at St. Mary Hospital, McCarthy Funeral Home
Santo, Rosco D. Notes: buried 08-05-1899 age 40, male, Location 57 133 8, McMahon and Collier
Santoyo, Mateo born 6-14-1882 died 5/10/1925 (Sharon McCurry)
Saracini, Andrea died 8/20/1902 Notes: age 42y, onformants John Saracini and Vincencio Arguella, McCarthy Funeral Home
Saracino, Virginia born 1885 died 1923 (Sharon McCurry)
Sardona, Phillip born 9-?-1909 died 12/28/1911 Notes: born in Italy, son of Samuel Sardona and Antonia Cuchara, both born Italy, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sater, Isaac Newton born 8-25-1825 died 12-1-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Sater, Lena L. born 1-17-1861 died 1/25/1935 (Floyd Kelling)
Sater, Philena Cone born 8-31-1833 died 12/1/1915 (Floyd Kelling)
Sato, Takeo died 5/10/1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Sauer, Peter born no dates died 9/7/1901 Notes: Co B 183 Ohio Inf, age 75y, informants, Frank & Clark Sauer, sons, McCarthy Funeral Home (Joy Trout)
Saunders, William Notes: buried 02-18-1898 age 34, male, Location 25 63 1, T.G. McCarthy
Savers, Marvele born 1899 died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Scaglia Monument born died (Sharon McCurry)
Scaglia, Pellegrino born 1884 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Scalese, Rosario born no date died 8/13/1901 notes:age 37y (Karen Mitchell)
Scalese, Rosario born no date died 8/16/1901 notes:age 37y (Karen Mitchell)
Scanlan, Josene died 12-22-1898 Notes: age 40y, informant Sisters of Loretta, McCarthy Funeral Home
Scarbrough, Everett Ross born 1910 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Scarlett, A.W., M.D. born 1873 died 1909 (Kay Medved)
Cosslett - Scarlett Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Schaffer, Charles born 1861 died 1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Schaffer, Edward F. born 1863 died 1894 (Floyd Kelling)
Schaffer, Eugene V. born 1895 died 1983 (Floyd Kelling)
Schaffer, Eugene V. born 1895 died 1983 (Dennis Reed)
Schaffer, Justine born 1836 died 1903 (Floyd Kelling)
Schaffer, Martha born 1904 died 1972 (Dennis Reed)
Schaffer, Martha born 1904 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Schaffer, Reinholt born 1907 died 1962 (Floyd Kelling)
Schaller, Frederick born 1836 died 1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Schappaul, Zoetta May born 1871 died 1969 (Floyd Kelling)
Scharton, Beulah L. born 1928 died 2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Scharton, William D. Jr. born 1920 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Schaukowitch, Anton born 10/29/1904 died 1/20/1905 (Karen Mitchell)
Schaukowitsch, Edward born 5/5/1912 died 6/18/1912 Notes: son of John Schaukowitsch and Theresa Newbover both born Holy Cross, Hungary, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schell, Richard Notes: buried 06-22-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 243 13, T.G. McCarthy
Schiappoli Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Schiappoli, Angiolina Delli born 10-22-1892 died 11/17/1918 (Sharon McCurry)
Schiappoli, Jennie Delli born 5/15/1915 died 9/6/1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Schiappoli, Raffaele Delli born 6-24-1834 died 3/26/1936 (Sharon McCurry)
Schiver, August born 9-10-1858 died 10/7/1912 Notes: born Baden, Germanyson of Maximilian Shiver born Germany, married, paid by BPO Elks #90, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schlemmer, Eva born 8/17/1904 died 10/14/1916 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Schlosser, Abraham born 9-6-1848 died 8/2/1911 Notes: born Germany, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schmidt, Alice M. Notes: buried 05-23-1898 age 38, female, Location 14 62 6, T.G. McCarthy
Schmidt, Ellen O. Notes: buried 01-03-1899 age 50, female, Location 14 62 5, T.G. McCarthy
Schmidt, infant died 1-2-1899 Notes: age 7m, child of Jacob Schmidt, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schmidt, Laura died 11-18-1899 Notes: age 3y, daughter of Ignate Schmidt, buried 11-19-1899 age 3, female, Location 57 239 14, T.G. McCarthy
Schmidt, Leo died 11-23-1899 Notes: age 5y 4m, son of Ignate Schmidt, buried 11-24-1899 age 5, male, Location 57 239 15, T.G. McCarthy
Schmidt, Mathilda died 11-25-1899 Notes: age 10y, daughter of Ignate Schmidt, buried 11-26-1899 age 10, female, Location 57 239 16, T.G. McCarthy
Schmit, Antoine born 1833 died 1878 (Floyd Kelling)
Schmit, Bablie born 1837 died 1926 (Floyd Kelling)
Schmitt, Edward L. Lot NW 1/3 22, blk 39. 4/20/66.
Schmitt, Josephine born 1879 died 1924 (Sharon McCurry)
Schmotzer, Michael died 2/28/1910 Notes: age 36y 10d, born Hungary, son of John Schmotzer and Apolonia Eiber both born Hungary, sold to Steven Schmotzer, notation says surname Smoer, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schnack, Frank D. born 1900 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Schnack, Laura L. born 1900 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Schneider, Anna born 1897 died 1950 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Schneider, Louis born 1890 died 1962 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Schneider, Sandra L. born no date died 9/15/1945 (Sharon McCurry)
Schneider, Susan M. born no date died 8/8/1945 (Sharon McCurry)
Schofield, infant daughter born 3/29/1912 died 3/29/1912 Notes: daughter of Ira Schofield born Canada and Beddie Madlock born Kansas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schon, Herbert born 10-8-1892 died 4/21/1900 Notes: age 7y 7m 13d, died Harrisburg, Va., son of Sam L. Schon, McCarthy Funeral Home. Temple Emanuel
Schoonmaker, Josephine B. born 1861 died 1950 (Floyd Kelling)
Schreiber, Margaret Notes: buried 11-25-1899 age 57, female, Location 29 457 8, T.G. McCarthy
Schultz, Charles born 1824 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Schultz, Chriatina born 1833 died 1899 (Floyd Kelling)
Schultz, Minnie died 12/1/1905 Notes: age 40y, wife of Frank J. Schultz, McCarthy Funeral Home
Schulz, infant daughter born 2/4/1910 died 2/25/1910 Notes: daughter of Paul Schulz born Germany and Elsie Ruff born Al., McCarthy Funeral Home, listed in Roselawn database as baby boy Schultz
Schvarcz, Izidor born 1880 died 1936 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Schvarcz, Morris born 1883 died 1932 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Schwab, John died 9-5-1894 Notes: age 6y 1m 16d, son of Jacob & Agnes Schwab (Floyd Kelling)
Schwager, Arthur L. Sr. born 7/14/1922 died 3/4/2005 (Floyd Kelling)
Schwager, Laura B. born 7/3/1927 died 10/23/2005 (Floyd Kelling)
Schwarzkoff, Ralph died 8/7/1904 age 21 buried 8/13/1904 location 32 34 J.H. Loor Eden Train Wreck Victim
Scott, Cherry died 7/19/1912 Notes: born at Tennessee age 80y, residence near Pueblo Smelter McCarthy Funeral Home
Scott, Dorothy May born 1903 died 1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Scott, Elizabeth J. born 1848 died 1917 (Floyd Kelling)
Scott, Harold L. born 2/15/1931 died 4/19/1995 Notes: Scott (Sharon McCurry)
Scott, infant son born 10/20/1911 died 10/20/1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of William Scott and Ella Crews both born Missouri, residence 1003 Fair McCarthy Funeral Home
Scott, Kathryn Y. born 2/2/1934 died no date Notes: Kathy (Sharon McCurry)
Scott, William M. born 1875 died 1896 (Floyd Kelling)
Screlli, J. infant Notes: buried 02-15-1898 age 0, female, Location 25 58 1, no mortuary listed
Scroggins, Colleen E. born 8/1/1937 died 6/11/1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Seahery, Anderson died 6/1/1913 Notes: born at Indian Terr. age 35y, residence 909 E Abriendo, informant Mrs. Nettie Seahery & County Commisioners McCarthy Funeral Home
Searer, George died 10-30-1899 Notes: age 51y 24d, died at Fultonville, NY, residence 218 W 8th, informant Wife McCarthy Funeral Home
Seaver, George Notes: buried 10-31-1899 age 45, male, Location 13 249 3, T.G. McCarthy
Sebrings, Fern died 9/6/1901 Notes: born at Pueblo age 2m 2s, child of Bert S. Sebrings, residence 808 E 1st McCarthy Funeral Home
Secora, Michael P. born 1/5/1938 died 9/6/1999 (Sharon McCurry)
Secora, Theresa E. born 10/15/1917 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Seffens, Ira S. born 2/27/1911 died 2/28/1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Ira S. Seffens born WV & Gertrude Benell born Ia, residence 10 Block H McCarthy Funeral Home
Seger, Daniel born 1833 died 1917 Notes: Co B 2 Iowa Cavalry
Seifert, Otto born 4/14/1911 died 7/24/1913 Notes: resident of Sacred Heart Orphanage, born Lebanon, Missouri, son of Mahorius Seifert and Barbara Schmitt, both born Germany, McCarthy Funeral Home
Selby, Minnie died 8/7/1904 age 23 buried 8/13/1904 location 16 49 6 J.H. Loor Eden Train Wreck Victim
Seldridge, J.C. infant of Notes: buried 01-18-1898 age 0, male, Location 26 59 4, McMahon and Collier
Seliskar, Alojz born 1876 died 1902 (Joy Trout)
Senard, Budd died 8/7/1904 age 22 buried 8/10/1904 location 24 16 4 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Sencik, Sinun died 5/15/1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Senger, Mary Knott born 1890 died 1982 (Kay Medved)
Senger, William, M.D. born 1874 died 1955 (Kay Medved)
Corwin - Senger Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Senn, George died 10/18/1911 Notes: died at St Mary Hospital, informant Mrs. John Lutz, 3742 Jamaca, Richmond Hill, NY McCarthy Funeral Home
Seperc, Frank born 4/1/1910 died 3/14/1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Stephen Seperc born Austria, residence 515 Santa Fe McCarthy Funeral Home
Sepik, Stephen Notes: buried 10-27-1898 age 1, male, Location 57 246 1, McMahon and Collier
Serfling, Christine born 1837 died 1902 (Kay Medved)
Serracino, Christopher Michael born no date died 11/11/1973 (Dennis Reed)
Serracino, Giovannina born 1885 died 1969 (Dennis Reed)
Serracino, James L. II born 10/3/1954 died 10/9/1975 (Dennis Reed)
Serracino, Maria born 1869 died 1906 (Dennis Reed)
Serracino, Sam S. born 1902 died 1972 (Dennis Reed)
Serracino, Vincenzo L. born 1868 died 1945 (Dennis Reed)
Sevier, Anderson born 6-6-1861 died 6/12/1911 Notes: born at Rockwood, Tenn died in Hospital, residence 210 E 4th, son of Anderson Sevier born Tenn., Informant Ada Sevier McCarthy Funeral Home
Seydel, Evangeline born 1-12-1853 died 11/4/1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Seydel, Evangeline died 11/4/1902 Notes: age 49y 9m 18d, married, brother H.B. King, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shade, George H. Notes: buried 12-11-1897 age 30, male, Location 12 79 8, McMahon and Collier
Shafer, Jullia died 9/14/1902 Notes: age 57y 6m 20d, married, informants Turlock brothers, she was buried at Roselawn and then exhumed and shipped to Brooklyn, NY accompanied by Mrs. Turlock, daughter of Francis Turlock born Germany, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shaner, N.H. born 1847 died 1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Shapley, stillborn died 2/16/1901 Notes: child of E.S. Shapley, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sharrow, James died 3/9/1901 Notes: age 37y, sister Annie Shaoow of Freeport, Illinois, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sharvens, Clarence died 2/28/1909 Notes: age 19y, relatives Clarency Sharvers and Martin Jacobson son-in-law, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shaughnessy, James died 8-18-1898 Notes: age 42y, informant wife, buried 08-20-1898 age 42, male, Location 29 139 7, T.G. McCarthy
Shaskey, Frank (Kearney) Notes: buried 10-15-1899 age 45, male, Location 25 70 3, McMahon and Collier
Shaw, John H. born 8-31-1867 died 7/8/1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Shaw, John Martin born 7/13/1912 died 9/26/1912 Notes: son of Joseph Shaw and Maggie Conroe both born Iowa, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shaw, Myrtle Ruby born 8-14-1895 died 3-23-1896 Notes: daughter of W.A. & Rosa L. Shaw age 7m 9d (Floyd Kelling)
Sheehan, Catherine born 1884 died 1919 (Sharon McCurry)
Sheehan, Daniel R. born 1917 died 1983 Notes: 40th Division (Sharon McCurry)
Sheehan, Frank Vincent born 9/27/1918 died 6/16/1944 Notes: Colorado PFC 6 Marines 2 Marine Div. WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Sheehan, John J. born 1878 died 1955 (Sharon McCurry)
Sheehan, John J. Jr. born 1913 died 1999 Notes: 90th Div (Sharon McCurry)
Sheehan, Lizzie died 7-3-1899 Notes: age 8d, daughter of P.J. Sheehan, buried 07-05-1899 age 0, female, Location 26 61 6, T.G. McCarthy
Sheehan, Mary Catherine born 1910 died 2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Sheehan, P.J. born 5/16/1912 died 5/16/1912 Notes: son of P.J. Sheehan and Dela Shea both born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sheldon, Robert C. born 1886 died 1951 (Floyd Kelling)
Sheldon, Zoetta born 1889 died no date Notes: buried 5-23-1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Shelton, William R. born 7/3/1945 died 11/30/1990 Notes: Sgt US Air Force Vietnam (Sharon McCurry)
Shepard, Marjorie G. born 4/9/1918 died 6/12/2001 (Floyd Kelling)
Sheperd, Susan Notes: buried 05-09-1897 age 65, female, Location 26 82 8, no mortuary listed
Shepler, Peter Notes: buried 12-10-1897 age 65, male, Location 28 447 8, McMahon and Collier
Sheridan, James Notes: buried 12-22-1897 age 69, male, Location 57 136 6, McMahon and Collier
Sherlock, James born 1853 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Sherlock, James F. born 1885 died 1908 (Sharon McCurry)
Sherman, infant born 11/6/1905 died 11/6/1905 Notes: child of George P. Sherman, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shilder, Nellie Notes: buried 10-07-1899 age 16, female, Location 25 74 5, West Brothers
Shiner, Ella M. born 10-Sep-1913 died 26-Dec-1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Shiner, Helen born 2-Jun-1929 died 19-Jan-2004 (Sharon McCurry)
Shiner, James L. born 1-May-1912 died 23-Sep-1996 (Sharon McCurry)
Shiner, Johnnie born 19-Oct-1931 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Shiner, William Frank born 1939 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Shinn, Esther died 4/17/1902 Notes: age 3y 5m 1d, daughter of Robert Shinn, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shinoye, Kelji died 7/3/1906 Notes: age 40y (Floyd Kelling)
Shiplet, Micheal born 5/26/1955 died 9/19/2004 (Sharon McCurry)
Shiplet, Micheal born 5/26/1955 died 9/19/2004 (Sharon McCurry)
Shirley, J.B. Mrs. Notes: buried 02-08-1898 age 34, female, Location 28 433 7, T.G. McCarthy
Shively, Ella McDanield born no date died 3-14-1892 Notes: wife of Loyd Shively (Floyd Kelling)
Shively, Irvin Thurman died 5/31/1901 Notes: age 18y 4m 3d, son of James W. Shively, McCarthy Funeral Home
Shoemaker, Helen Lois died 2/23/1928 (Floyd Kelling)
Shontz, Helen A. born 1911 died 1998 Notes: RN (Sharon McCurry)
Shontz, Helen A.H. born 3/8/1911 died 12/16/1998 Notes: 2nd Lt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Shontz, William C. born 1918 died 1980 Notes: Capt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Shontz, William C., M.D. born 1918 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Shore, Lloyd Leslie born 1930 died no date Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Shore, Lloyd Leslie Family Monument married 3-21-1970 (Kay Medved)
Shore, Maragene Louise Henderson born 1930 died 2009 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Shoup, Earl Notes: buried 12-26-1899 age 0, male, Location 13 360 5, West Brothers
Shoush, Dorothy M. born 1916 died 2000 (Floyd Kelling)
Shoush, Richard W. born 1909 died 1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Shray, Louise born 12-26-1888 died 6/16/1963 (Karen Mitchell)
Shray, Paul born 12-18-1888 died 2/2/1967 (Karen Mitchell)
Shrock, F.H. Notes: buried 04-19-1899 age 56, male, Location 13 366 7, McMahon and Collier
Shull, Levi O. died Notes: Corpl Co D 52 Ohio Infantry
Shultz, Christiana Notes: buried 06-23-1899 age 66, female, Location 30 158 6, McMahon and Collier
Shuster, Angelo born 9/20/1910 died 8/31/1911 Notes: son of Joseph Shuster and Josephine Meklich both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sicilian, Mary A. Notes: buried 07-15-1897 age 0, female, Location 57 243 22, McMahon and Collier
Sifers, Terry Jo born 1853 died 1957 (Sharon McCurry)
Sigler, Carl Edward. #25333, Lot 49 & 50 blk 32. 10/12/37.
Sigler, Edward Otho. Lot 135, blk 24. 9/16/58.
Sigler, Guy A. #12182, Lot 135, blk 24. 1/14/1916.
Sigler, John Martin. NW 1/2 248, blk 12. 10/5/1955.
Sigler, Mary E. #36202, Lot 171, blk 13, 1/26/63.
Sikora, John (Joseph) Notes: buried 09-29-1899 age 1, male, Location 57 28 9, McMahon and Collier
Silengo, Myrna Marie Maher born 10/5/1937 died 3/19/1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Silcox, Alexander Notes: buried 07-06-1897 age 20, male, Location 30 281 1, McMahon and Collier
Sillcox, William E. born 3-30-1873 died 12-6-? (Floyd Kelling)
Sillox, Carrie Grace Notes: buried 04-25-1898 age 0, female, Location 30 281 4, McMahon and Collier
Sillox, Evelyn V. born 12-18-1877 died 2/15/1906 Notes: wife of Richard F. Sillox (Floyd Kelling)
Sillox, William E. born 3-30-1873 died 12/6/1916 (Dennis Reed)
Silva, Mary died 2-8-1901 Notes: age 8m 2d, daughter of Silvestro Silva, McCarthy Funeral Home
Silva, Pasquale died 2-10-1901 Notes: age 14y, son of Silvestro Silva, McCarthy Funeral Home
Silva, Victorio born 3-18-1909 died 2-16-1911 Notes: son of Juan Silva and Angela Salazar, both born Mexico, McCarthy Funeral Home
Silvio, Veta born 7-25-1910 died 3-24-1911 Notes: daughter of Joe Silvio and Josephine Surlani?, both born Italy, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simala, Charles died 8-27-1902 Notes: age 1y, son of James Simala, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simalla, Ignatius born 1868 died 1939 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Simalla, Ignatius Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Simalla, Ignatius G. born 1894 died 1987 Notes: Son (Kay Medved)
Simalla, Johanna born 1872 died 1968 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Simec, Martin born 6-1-1907 died 9-2-1910 Notes: son of Martin Simec and Marguerite Drobik? Both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simkin, Rachel born no date died 12/20/1931 Notes: age 86 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Simmons, baby died 6-4-1900 Notes: age 2m 15d, child of George Simmons, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simmons, Blanche died 8-1-1901 Notes: age 9d, daughter of Gilbert Simmons, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simmons, L. died 4-11-1899 Notes: age 38y, informant O.T. Simmons, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simms, William born 9-13-1910 died 7-19-1911 Notes: born Langston, Al., son of James Simms born Georgia and Eva Smith born Arkansas, to cemetery in buggy from home address, McCarthy Funeral Home
Simon, L.P. Notes: buried 11-16-1899 age 34, male, Location 26 71 5, McMahon and Collier
Simonich, Agatha born 1868 died 1943 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Simonich, Jerry born 1869 died 1944 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Simonich, Jerry Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Simonich, Louis E. born 1902 died 1977 Also (Kay Medved)
Simons, L. Notes: buried 04-12-1899 age 38, male, Location 26 72 8, T.G. McCarthy
Singer, Helen M. born 1903 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Singer, Nilly J. born 1931 died 1934 (Sharon McCurry)
Sisk, H.H. Notes: buried 01-08-1899 age 85, male, Location 12 34 2, West Brothers
Sitton Monument died (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton, Anna B. born 8-28-1871 died 12/6/1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton, David T. born 1948 died 1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Sitton, David Thomas born 9/16/1948 died 6/14/1969 Notes: Colo. Sgt 3BDE 101 Airborne Div Vietnam, BSM & OLC-Arcom & OLC PH (Sharon McCurry)
Sitton, Effie M. born 1921 died 1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Sitton, George J. born 3-4-1896 died 7/9/1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton, John M. born 1918 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Sitton, Joseph P. born 10-10-1871 died 8/13/1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton, Joseph W. born 11-7-1831 died 1/1/1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton, William A. born 8-14-1899 died 9/17/1915 (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton, William E. born 4-25-1877 died 5/7/1917 (Floyd Kelling)
Sitton. Lucy M. born 6-26-1840 died 7-26-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Skeal, Ann Notes: buried 02-11-1899 age 70, female, Location 29 404 7, McMahon and Collier
Skeal, Frank Notes: buried 04-30-1898 age 30, male, Location 57 135 8, McMahon and Collier
Skef, Dewy Notes: buried 07-18-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 3, McMahon and Collier
Skender, Ann J. born 7-5-1919 died 5-3-2006 Notes: died 5-3-2006 age 86 buried 5-6-2006 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 1 George McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Skender, Frances Elich Notes: died age 69 buried 11-17-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 70 47a 1 George F. McCarthy
Skender, George Notes: died age 30 buried 5-15-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 53 7 4 Udv
Skender, Jakov Notes: (Skindae), Rodjen Srpn Jan 1891 Umro Listopadal 1910 Pokoj Mu Vjecnu Jure Skender, died age 20 buried 11-1-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 53 5 7 McMahon & Collier (Kay Medved)
Skender, John Notes: died age 25 buried 6-5-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 21 15 8 T.G. McCarthy
Skender, John Nicholas born 3-12-1917 died 2-26-1970 Notes: died 2-26-1970 age 53 buried 2-28-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 4 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Skender, Joseph M. born 1887 died 1949 (Kay Medved)
Skender, Joseph S. Notes: died age 62 buried 11-9-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 68 12 2 George F. McCarthy
Skender, Nicholas Notes: died age 68 buried 9-15-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 70 42a 2 George F. McCarthy
Skender, Rose born 1888 died 1955 Notes: died age 75 buried 9-26-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 68 12 1 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Skerbeck or Gasper, Mary Notes: buried 07-06-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 241 5, McMahon and Collier
Skidensky, Katie born 3/18/1906 died 8/29/1910 Notes: daughter of Jon Skidensky and Annie Bukovac, McCarthy Funeral Home
Skiff, Chris Notes: buried 04-30-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 8, McMahon and Collier
Skipworth, W.F. Notes: buried 08-03-1898 age 47, male, Location 25 65 8, T.G. McCarthy
Skrjanc, Franciska born 3/8/1909 died 6/12/2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Skrjanc, Jozef born 6/25/1907 died 1/30/2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, Alice born 1910 died 2004 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, Jack F. born 1908 died 1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, Jack V. born 12/16/1933 died 1/17/2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, Jacob P. born 1905 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, John L. born 1910 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, Josephine M. born 1905 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Skube, Rose A. born 1913 died 1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Skubec, Joseph born 1917 died 1926 Notes: Erected by sister & brother (Kay Medved)
Skuble, Peter born 12/29/1909 died 12/19/1909 Notes: son of Anton Skruble born Austria, age 17 hours, McCarthy Funeral Home
Skufca, Angela M. born 1906 died 1997 Notes: Daughter (Kay Medved)
Skufca, Jacob born 1862 died 1924 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Skufca, Jacob Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Skufca, Jacob born 1903 died 1997 Notes: Son (Kay Medved)
Skufca, John born 1908 died 1911 Notes: died 5/30/1910 age 4y, son of Anton Skufca, both parents born Austria, sold to Jakob Skufca, McCarthy Funeral Home (Kay Medved)
Skufca, Mary born 1867 died 1907 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Skufka, Martin born 1887 died 1964 (Sharon McCurry)
Skufka, Martin J. born 8/24/1924 died 7/28/1990 Notes: Tec4 US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Skufka, Mary born 1899 died 1961 (Sharon McCurry)
Skulj, Ursica died 5/22/1901 (Joy Trout)
Skull, Johanna born 1890 died 1967 (Sharon McCurry)
Skull, John born 1883 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Skull, John born 3/1/1910 died 12/24/1910 Notes: son of Joe Skull and Mary Jersin, McCarthy Funeral Home
Slater, Lora born 6-4-1883 died 11/28/1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Slaughter, infant born 3/4/1911 died 3/4/1911 Notes: child of C.C. Slaughter and Elouise Oakes, both born Texas, McCarthy Funeral Home
Slauson, Dorothy Pitman born 1924 died 1993 (Floyd Kelling)
Slauson, James W. born 9-8-1836 died 11/11/1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Slauson, James W. born 9-8-1836 died 11/10/1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Slauson, James W. (Floyd Kelling)
Sloe, Thomas Notes: buried 11-22-1899 age 25, male, Location 25 33 2, McMahon and Collier
Small, Reuben J. died 1/6/1902 Notes: age 9y 7m 1d, son of Ben C. Small, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smallfield, Ferdinand died 1/18/1902 Notes: age 35y 3m 17d, informant G.H. Smallfield, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smeltzer, Frank died 7/1/1900 Notes: age 9m 14d, son of John Smeltzer, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smerke, Johanna Notes: died age 66 buried 12-15-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 71 92 7 T.G. McCarthy
Smerke, Joseph Notes: died age 90 buried 8-17-1953 Block, Lot, Space: 71 92 6 T.G. McCarthy
Smerke, Mary Kocman born 1886 died 1945 Notes: died age 0 buried 6-1-1945 Block, Lot, Space: 70 140 3 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Smerker, Albert Notes: died 11-5-1986 age 79 buried 11-8-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 8 McCarthy-Almont
Smerker, Angelina Notes: died age 3 buried 7-14-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 2 T.G. McCarthy
Smerker, baby girl Notes: died age 0 buried 7-14-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smerker, John C. Notes: died 5-29-1964 age 59 buried 5-29-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 1 T.G. McCarthy
Smerker, Josephine Notes: died age 64 buried 4-1-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 5 George F. McCarthy
Smerker, Pauline Elizabeth Notes: died 3-21-1980 age 64 buried 3-25-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 7 McCarthy Almont
Smerker, Pete Notes: died age 0 buried 4-19-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 53 39 7 Davis
Smerker, Steve Notes: died age 82 buried 5-5-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 21 88 6 George F. McCarthy
Smilanich, Annie died 8/10/1902 Notes: age 1m 5d, daughter of Michael Smilanich, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, A.J. baby of Notes: died age 0 buried 1-24-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 27 62 12 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Aaron Notes: died age 45 buried 7-26-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 25 19 9 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Ada Notes: died age 43 buried 7-1-1905 Block, Lot, Space: 27 35 9 Jos. H. Loon
Smith, Adam R. Notes: died age 74 buried 11-25-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 8 Davis
Smith, Adela L. Notes: died 5-16-2010 age 77 buried 5-19-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 38 47 2 Imperial Pueblo, Co
Smith, Adele C. Notes: died 9-14-1999 age 91 buried 9-16-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 67 64 2 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, Agnes Notes: died age 37 buried 7-29-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 2 Udv
Smith, Albert J. Notes: died age 33 buried 1-9-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 57 124 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Albert L. Notes: died 11-23-1970 age 81 buried 11-27-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 13 53 8 Rouch
Smith, Alice Suzie Notes: died age 0 buried 4-8-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 69 3 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Alma E. Notes: died 5-2-1969 age 79 buried 5-5-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 16 76 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Alonzo E. Notes: died 10-16-1967 age 88 buried 10-18-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 37 43 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Alvin J. Notes: died age 29 buried 11-17-1954 Block, Lot, Space: 71 59 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Amanda Notes: died age 50 buried 8-11-1903 Block, Lot, Space: 27 8 9 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Amelia M. Notes: died age 45 buried 8-22-1904 Block, Lot, Space: Mtn. View West Whiton
Smith, Andrew Notes: died age 50 buried 1-4-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 27 12 5 Linkens and Vories
Smith, Andrew J. Notes: died age 0 buried 10-12-1905 Block, Lot, Space: 12 259 4 West Whiton
Smith, Ann C. Notes: died 12-24-1975 age 15 buried 12-26-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 62 20 3 Valhalla
Smith, Ann L. Notes: died 1-3-1894 age 30 buried 1-3-1894 Block, Lot, Space: 28 272 4 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Anna Notes: died age 74 buried 8-9-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 23 21 4 Rouch
Smith, Anna Notes: died age 29 buried 3-29-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 27 129 8 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Anna Evelyn Notes: died age 0 buried 1-8-1927 Block, Lot, Space: Unknown no mortuary listed
Smith, Anna Jewell Notes: died age 32 buried 9-19-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 68 2 9 13 Davis
Smith, Anna M. Notes: died age 38 buried 11-10-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 28 5 2 14 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Anna M. born 1912 died 2003 Notes: Mother, died 3-5-2003 age 90 buried 3-8-2003 Block, Lot, Space: 71 121 3 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Anna M. Notes: died 5-20-1998 age 86 buried 5-22-1998 Block, Lot, Space: 39 84 8 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Smith, Ara Gladys Notes: died age 0 buried 8-10-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 13 463 2 Davis
Smith, Archie Notes: died 6-21-1973 age 79 buried 7-2-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 69 49 2 George McCarthy
Smith, Aretta Notes: died 4-11-2014 age 10 buried 4-18-2014 Block, Lot, Space: 13 59 2 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Smith, Arthur A. Notes: died age 42 buried 8-18-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 35 32 3 Davis
Smith, Arthur Hanley Notes: died age 75 buried 4-1-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 18 114 1 Davis
Smith, Arthur Remington Sr. Notes: died 2-11-1967 age 62 buried 2-14-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 13 445 4 Davis
Smith, Arthur Mrs. Notes: died age 75 buried 10-27-1892 Block, Lot, Space: 28 272 6 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Ary Notes: died age 90 buried 6-19-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 12 211a 2 Cammel, City Unknown
Smith, baby Notes: male died age 0 buried 2-12-1941 Block, Lot, Space: 13 445 2 Davis
Smith, baby born 12/22/1910 died 12/22/1910 Notes: baby of Walter Smith born New Zealand and Ida Holey born Oakland, Ca., father was one of Hawaiian Trapp Singers, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, baby born 1/23/1910 died 1/23/1910 Notes: baby daughter of A.J. Smith, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, baby born 3/10/1900 died 3/10/1900 Notes: stillborn baby of R.G. Smith, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, baby born 1-3-1899 died 1-3-1899 Notes: stillborn baby of L.W. Smith, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, baby born 3/7/1901 died 3/7/1901 Notes: child of R.B. Smith, died age 0 buried 3-8-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 53 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, baby Notes: died age 0 buried 10-28-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 50 15 McMahon and Collier
Smith, baby Notes: died age 0 buried 3-8-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 53 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, baby Notes: died age 0 buried 6-3-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 12 160a T2 McMinn
Smith, baby Notes: male died age 0 buried 10-15-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 68 1 11 3 Davis
Smith, baby Notes: male died age 0 buried 11-27-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 68 1 12 15 Davis
Smith, baby Notes: male died age 0 buried 9-9-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 68 1 11 10 Davis
Smith, baby Notes: son of W.R. died age 0 buried 9-19-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 53 90 7 Sieg
Smith, baby Notes: female died age 0 buried 2-7-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 27 63 24 McMahon and Collier
Smith, baby Notes: female died age 0 buried 1-29-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 52 3 2 26 George F. McCarthy
Smith, baby Notes: baby daughter of John F. died age 0 buried 6-3-1930 Block, Lot, Space: 28 332 8 mortuary not listed
Smith, Barbara Jean born 11-13-1934 died 11-20-1996 Notes: died 11-20-1996 age 62 buried 11-27-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 71 121 2 McCarthy Almont (Kay Medved)
Smith, Barbee Ellen Notes: died 10-7-1994 age 55 buried 10-11-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 69 66 6 Adrian-Comer Pueblo, Co
Smith, Benjamin A. born 3-15-1858 died 7/23/1938 Notes: died age 80 buried 7-29-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 30 150 7 T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Benjamin F. Notes: died age 59 buried 1-2-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 13 438 1 Udv
Smith, Benjamin James Notes: died 8-29-2009 age 16 buried 9-4-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 59 187 4 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Benjimen Edward Notes: died 9-11-2000 age 77 buried 9-13-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 5 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, Bertie Notes: died age 17 buried 4-27-1898 Block, Lot, Space: 30 239 4 West Brothers
Smith, Bessie E. Notes: died age 58 buried 6-23-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 17 72 3 Rouch
Smith, Bessie Jane Notes: died age 0 buried 1-6-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 22 172 2 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Bessie May Notes: died age 0 buried 5-5-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 12 277 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Brist Notes: died age 33 buried 12-10-1898 Block, Lot, Space: 25 79 8 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Broughlin Temple Notes: died age 57 buried 12-27-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 28 98 4 Davis
Smith, Burrell S. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-30-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 13 522 1 Davis
Smith, C. infant of Notes: died age 0 buried 7-15-1897 Block, Lot, Space: 25 58 8 Bustin and Fritz
Smith, Carl Notes: died age 88 buried 2-18-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 52 1 2 16 Whiton
Smith, Carl Anthony Notes: died 8-11-1978 age 11 buried 8-14-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 58 132 1 Rivera
Smith, Carl W. died 1904 Notes: died age 0 buried 9-17-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 27 69 7 McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Smith, Caroline J. Notes: died 7-8-2004 age 86 buried 7-12-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 5 96c George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Cassius F. Notes: died age 78 buried 11-3-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 53 116 4 Fitzroy
Smith, Cecil Notes: died 3-11-2010 age 85 buried 3-16-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 41 65a 7 Romero Pueblo, Co
Smith, Celeste Notes: died 9-20-1975 age 66 buried 9-26-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 33 50 1 Davis
Smith, Charles Notes: died age 28 buried 6-9-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 12 3 2 2 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Charles A. Notes: died age 0 buried 1-5-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 13 59 1 Rouch
Smith, Charles M. Notes: died age 0 buried 1-18-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 13 476 1 Rouch
Smith, Charles O. Notes: died age 0 buried 6-1-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 12 240 6 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Charles Y. Notes: died age 49 buried 2-25-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 57 1 5 27 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Christina Notes: died age 78 buried 7-21-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 19 27 3 Davis
Smith, Christopher Leon Notes: died 7-23-2013 age 15 buried 7-27-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 61 150 1 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, Clara A. Notes: died 7-16-1982 age 94 buried 7-19-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 44 38 1 T. G. McCarthy
Smith, Clarence Augustus Notes: died 9-23-1970 age 53 buried 9-25-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 67a 30 6 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Claude G. Notes: died age 9 buried 7-14-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 26 36 6 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Clifford Notes: died 10-16-1992 age 38 buried 10-27-1992 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 T1 Almont Las Vegas, Nv
Smith, Clifford Notes: died 12-22-2001 age 87 buried 12-31-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 12 233 3 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Smith, Clifford C. Notes: died age 46 buried 10-22-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 46 109 6 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Clifford M. Notes: died age 32 buried 2-16-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 28 4 4 12 Davis
Smith, Cora Notes: died age 0 buried 2-14-1905 Block, Lot, Space: 26 50 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Cora B. Notes: died age 30 buried 4-24-1899 Block, Lot, Space: 24 77 1 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Cornelius Notes: died age 0 buried 8-9-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 46 143 8 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Cornelius Notes: died age 80 buried 2-5-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 12 101 8 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Cornelius Tyson Notes: died age 0 buried 8-11-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 68 4 6 9 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Curt born 6-30-1959 died 8-31-1990 Notes: Curtis Eugene died 8-31-1990 age 31 buried 9-5-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 30 33 8 TG McCarthy (Dennis Reed)
Smith, Curt born 6-30-1959 died 8-31-1990 Notes: Curtis Eugene died 8-31-1990 age 31 buried 9-5-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 30 33 8 TG McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Cyrus J. Notes: died age 70 buried 12-7-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 3 20 Whiton
Smith, Daisy Notes: died age 63 buried 5-15-1950 Block, Lot, Space: 13 462 1 Davis
Smith, Dan Tom Notes: died age 0 buried 12-29-1945 Block, Lot, Space: 68 5 6 2 Davis
Smith, Daniel Notes: died age 0 buried 2-25-1893 Block, Lot, Space: 12 262 4 B. and F.
Smith, Daniel Notes: died age 0 buried 5-11-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 24 61 7 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Daniel Notes: died age 62 buried 2-1-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 12 16 2 Whiton
Smith, Daniel Notes: died age 47 buried 5-7-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 27 11 11 Linkins and Vories
Smith, Daniel L. Notes: died age 0 buried 5-11-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 24 61 T8 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Darrell H. Notes: died 1-20-1975 age 43 buried 1-23-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 33 73 4 Davis
Smith, David Notes: died age 72 buried 7-29-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 12 273 8 Udv
Smith, David died Notes: Co C 14 US Colored Infantry
Smith, David F. Notes: died 6-1-1999 age 70 buried 6-4-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 59a 54 5 Romero Pueblo, Co
Smith, David Wesley Notes: died age 0 buried 1-26-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 12 331 9 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Dean B. Dr. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-31-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 41 90 2 Geo. McCarthy
Smith, Delfinia Notes: died 4-11-1967 age 74 buried 4-14-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 41 96 3 Rivera
Smith, Della Mae Notes: Cremains Notes: died 2-12-1975 age 40 buried 2-19-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 28 293 2 Rouch
Smith, Donald Robert Notes: died 4-28-2001 age 39 buried 5-5-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 44 118 6 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, Dora Notes: died 1-28-1983 age 56 buried 2-4-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 39 34 1 Rivera
Smith, Dora Notes: died age 57 buried 11-22-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 53 144 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Dora May Notes: died 9-13-1972 age 68 buried 9-16-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 32 164 2 Davis
Smith, Dorothy A. Notes: died age 49 buried 9-26-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 28 5 2 11 United
Smith, Dorothy L. Notes: died age 38 buried 8-18-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 13 129 3 Rouch
Smith, Dorothy L. Notes: died 9-13-1996 age 82 buried 9-18-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 13 30 3 McCarthy Almont Pueblo, Co
Smith, E.J. baby of Notes: died age 0 buried 11-12-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 12 42 Udv
Smith, E.M. Notes: died age 60 buried 9-28-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 27 52 12 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Ed J. Notes: died 6-18-2001 age 99 buried 6-25-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 41 91 1 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Edith C. Notes: died 3-30-1969 age 77 buried 4-2-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 1 Cpt 7e T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Edith Velma born 11/28/1903 died 8/8/1976 Smith, back of stone Notes: Parents: Ira Thomas Jones and Olive Aglie Jones; and James Uriah Smith and Grace Leonora Sweet (Sharon McCurry)
Smith, Edith Whitehill Notes: died age 72 buried 5-17-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 13 55 65 Rouch
Smith, Edna Dunn Notes: died age 0 buried 3-3-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 69 33 6 Davis
Smith, Edward Notes: died age 37 buried 1-9-1903 Block, Lot, Space: 26 11 7 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Eliza J. died 2/2/1913 Notes: age 56y, buried 2-4-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 52 2 2 17, wife of Frank Smith, born Indiana, T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Elizabeth Notes: died age 75 buried 1-17-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 35 67 2 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Elizabeth Notes: died age 88 buried 1-29-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 12 101 7 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Elizabeth A. Notes: died 6-25-2005 age 88 buried 6-29-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 67a 30 5 Imperial Pueblo, Co
Smith, Elizabeth E. Notes: died age 65 buried 7-10-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 44 100 5 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Elizabeth Helen Notes: died 9-2-2001 age 78 buried 9-8-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 12 233 2 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Smith, Elizabeth Mary Notes: died age 35 buried 4-2-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 22 11a 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Ella May Notes: died age 39 buried 9-1-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 22 172 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Emma Notes: died age 63 buried 10-11-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 12 355 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Emma Notes: died 3-5-2001 age 88 buried 3-14-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 28 328 3 George McCarthy Albuquerque, NM
Smith, Emma B. Notes: Mrs. Elmer B. Notes: died age 87 buried 11-30-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 35 49 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Emma P. Notes: died 10-18-1986 age 87 buried 10-23-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 67a 13 2 T. G. McCarthy
Smith, Enoch F. Notes: died age 95 buried 10-26-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 44 118 4 Davis
Smith, Erma died 10/8/1909 Notes: age 63y, resident of Portland, Co., informant J.R. Smith, McCarthy Funeral Home
Smith, Ernest Fred Notes: died age 65 buried 12-20-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 17 72 4 Rouch
Smith, Ethel Notes: died age 32 buried 4-5-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 27 4 6 2 McMinn
Smith, Eugene E. Notes: died age 72 buried 6-26-1959 Block, Lot, Space: 35 49 4 Davis
Smith, Eugene R. Notes: died 1-28-1983 age 58 buried 2-4-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 39 34 2 Rivera
Smith, Euphemia Cornelia Notes: died age 33 buried 11-14-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 22 17 1 5 McMinn
Smith, Evelyn Mortimore born 3-4-1867 died 9/24/1907 Notes: Eva, died age 40 buried 9-25-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 30 150 6 T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Fannie died 2/23/1911 Notes: died age 47 buried 2-26-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 12 294 5 born Aug 10, age 47y, born Michigan, black, married, daughter of George Evans born Michigan, T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Fannie B. born 8-15-1875 died 1/8/1912 Notes: died age 36 buried 1-10-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 19 65 3, born WV, daughter of J.W. Bell and Ellen Vandel both born WV, wife of Joseph D. Smith, paid by J.W. Bell, T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Flora Wright born 1933 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Florence Lillian Notes: died age 70 buried 6-14-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 67 42 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Flossie B. Notes: died 5-8-1982 age 90 buried 5-11-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 13 211 3 Rouch
Smith, Frances Notes: died age 34 buried 2-23-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 29 243 7 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Frances Notes: died age 87 buried 10-5-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 44 118 5 Davis
Smith, Frances G. Notes: died age 52 buried 4-4-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 13 687 2 Udv
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 67 buried 9-30-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 22 144 4 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 30 buried 4-24-1899 Block, Lot, Space: 24 77 2 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 28 buried 1-19-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 27 31 11 West Whiton
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 57 buried 11-5-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 27 53 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 58 buried 3-4-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 23 Whiton
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 50 buried 10-5-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 4 7 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 56 buried 8-17-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 2 86 Udv
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 47 buried 2-12-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 27 33 5 West Whiton
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 75 buried 4-3-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 77 Whiton
Smith, Frank Notes: died age 0 buried 11-19-1942 Block, Lot, Space: 68 4 8 10 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Frank J. Notes: died age 0 buried 11-11-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 69 58 5 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Frank L. Notes: died age 40 buried 5-23-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 30 153 7 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Frank M. Notes: died age 0 buried 5-17-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 18 34 4 Davis
Smith, Frank Nicholas Notes: died age 65 buried 1-21-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 29 411 10 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Frank W. Notes: died age 0 buried 11-7-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 37 73 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Frank W. Notes: died age 0 buried 11-7-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 37 73 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Fred Notes: died age 73 buried 5-28-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 41 96 4 Jones
Smith, Fred Notes: died age 60 buried 12-12-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 25 2 9 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Fred E. Notes: died 11-1-1973 age 6 buried 11-5-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 13 26 5 Valhalla
Smith, Fred F. Notes: died 12-9-1987 age 73 buried 12-14-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 62 71 1 Mc Almont
Smith, Fred W. Notes: died 1-22-1980 age 72 buried 1-25-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 37 61 6 Davis
Smith, Freda H. Notes: died age 0 buried 5-3-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 13 476 3 Rouch
Smith, Gary Joseph Notes: died 6-23-1998 age 47 buried 6-30-1998 Block, Lot, Space: 41 90 3 no mortuary listed Glendale, Az
Smith, George Notes: died age 76 buried 10-27-1892 Block, Lot, Space: 28 272 7 McMahon and Collier
Smith, George Notes: died age 40 buried 7-30-1892 Block, Lot, Space: 28 272 8 McMahon and Collier
Smith, George Notes: died age 41 buried 1-18-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 26 96 3 West Whiton
Smith, George Notes: died age 65 buried 11-14-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 68 2 4 21 George F. McCarthy
Smith, George Notes: died age 47 buried 3-13-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 53 144 6 George F. McCarthy
Smith, George Notes: died age 21 buried 4-11-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 27 81 4 McMahon and Collier
Smith, George Notes: died 9-23-1971 age 66 buried 9-25-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 41 112 2 George McCarthy
Smith, George H. Sr. Notes: died 8-18-1990 age 62 buried 8-23-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 69 135 2 Adrian Comer
Smith, George H. Notes: MUSN 15 Mass Infantry died age 64 buried 12-1-1903 Block, Lot, Space: 12 308 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, George I. Notes: died 11-28-1980 age 88 buried 12-1-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 13 462 2 Rouch
Smith, George K. Notes: died age 45 buried 1-11-1905 Block, Lot, Space: 27 129 6 West Whiton
Smith, George Nathaniel Notes: died 3-24-2011 age 28 buried 4-15-2011 Block, Lot, Space: 69 139 2 Roselawn Aurora, Co
Smith, George Owen Notes: died 3-1-1999 age 71 buried 3-5-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 41 112 1 Montgomery-Steward Pueblo, Co
Smith, George W. Jr. Notes: died age 59 buried 7-27-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 12 309 3 West Whiton
Smith, Geraldine Mae Notes: died 3-27-2009 age 91 buried 4-30-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 28 365 2 Evergreen Cemetery Cupertino, Ca
Smith, Gertrude M. Notes: died 1-30-1995 age 91 buried 2-3-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 12 101 3 McCarthy Almont Pueblo, Co
Smith, Gilbert Kermit Notes: died age 0 buried 9-8-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 28 101 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Gladford Eddy Notes: died age 86 buried 9-27-1954 Block, Lot, Space: 44 38 4 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Gladys Marie Notes: died 2-21-1967 age 19 buried 2-24-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 46 143 7 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Grace Helen Notes: died 7-9-1971 age 65 buried 7-13-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, H.J. Dr. Notes: died age 55 buried 11-13-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 57 1 2 10 Udv
Smith, Hannah Margery Notes: died age 94 buried 3-21-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 13 J 9 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Hardin H. Notes: died age 0 buried 1-3-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 13 382 6 Davis
Smith, Harlen Edward born 1/10/1903 died 11/14/1981 Notes: married 8-8-1927 (Sharon McCurry)
Smith, Harlan J. Notes: died age 74 buried 2-5-1944 Block, Lot, Space: 15 15 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Harlan J. Jr. Notes: died age 0 buried 5-17-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 15 15 5 no mortuary listed
Smith, Harris A. Sr. Notes: died age 55 buried 4-5-1905 Block, Lot, Space: 24 91 7 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Harry Eugene Notes: died 11-22-2013 age 90 buried 12-7-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 44 119 8 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, Harry O. Notes: died age 0 buried 2-27-1945 Block, Lot, Space: 32 186 6 Rouch
Smith, Hattie Notes: died age 66 buried 7-7-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 32 180 3 Davis
Smith, Hazel May Notes: died age 23 buried 10-31-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 22 36 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Helen M. Notes: died age 0 buried 11-27-1954 Block, Lot, Space: 33 37 2 Rouch
Smith, Helen Margaret Notes: died 9-26-1972 age 69 buried 9-29-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 28 332 5 George McCarthy
Smith, Helen Mary Stanton Notes: died age 88 buried 10-5-1961 Block, Lot, Space: 15 15 4 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Henrietta S. Notes: died age 71 buried 3-3-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 23 71 8 Rouch
Smith, Henry (Karlfgowiski) Notes: died age 0 buried 10-11-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 57 26 3 West Whiton
Smith, Henry A. Notes: died age 68 buried 6-21-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 23 71 6 Rouch
Smith, Henry Carl III Notes: died 11-11-2010 age 18 buried 11-18-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 61 75 1 Romero Pueblo, Co
Smith, Herman L. Notes: died age 2 buried 2-28-1936 Block, Lot, Space: 68 1 13 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Hugh Morrison Notes: died age 51 buried 1-12-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 6 Udv
Smith, Hulda I. Notes: died age 55 buried 2-1-1936 Block, Lot, Space: 35 76 2 Davis
Smith, I.C. Notes: died age 53 buried 7-6-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 27 84 2 West Whiton
Smith, Ida Dorothy Notes: died age 0 buried 5-24-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 28 399 8 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Idell Notes: died 10-27-1980 age 79 buried 10-30-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 69 52 1 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Irene A. Notes: died 3-3-1996 age 83 buried 3-11-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 3 63ee McCarthy Comer San Diego, Ca
Smith, J. Andrew Notes: died 10-25-1983 age 95 buried 10-28-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 13 211 4 Rouch
Smith, Jacob C. Notes: died age 79 buried 10-11-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 23 21 6 Udv
Smith, Jacob T. Notes: died age 50 buried 1-12-1946 Block, Lot, Space: 12 101 4 Geo. McCarthy
Smith, James died 11/23/1910 Notes: age 55y, died St. Mary Hospital, buried 11-29-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 27 88 11 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, James Notes: died age 68 buried 2-23-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 52 5 4 7 McCarthy B
Smith, James Notes: died age 75 buried 10-5-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 66 Udv
Smith, James Notes: died age 65 buried 7-13-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 27 11 14 Linkins and Vories
Smith, James Notes: died age 45 buried 10-8-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 27 32 11 Linkins and Vories
Smith, James Notes: died age 30 buried 3-1-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 25 41 4 West Whiton
Smith, James Dale Notes: died 8-2-1977 age 55 buried 8-5-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 13 208 2 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, James E. Notes: died age 77 buried 12-13-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 7 West- Whtion
Smith, James Edward Notes: died age 69 buried 4-9-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 3 Holt Funeral - Florence
Smith, James Lavon Notes: died age 0 buried 9-26-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 28 328 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Jane Notes: died age 36 buried 5-15-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 3 27 Whiton
Smith, Jennie Notes: died 7-30-1974 age 85 buried 8-3-1974 Block, Lot, Space: 41 48 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Jennings Talbot born 1929 died 2007 Notes: died 9-17-2007 age 78 buried 11-12-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 30 208 1 Martin Oaks Crematory Irving, Tx (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Jerry W. born 10-17-1944 died 8-11-2008 Notes: died 8-11-2008 age 63 buried 8-14-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 71 121 2 George McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Smith, Jessie Notes: died age 0 buried 10-5-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 33 38 4 Davis
Smith, Jody Annette Notes: died 6-1-1967 age 7 buried 6-3-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 41 90 3 Geo. McCarthy
Smith, Joe Notes: died age 35 buried 7-2-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 27 77 3 Udv
Smith, Joe C. Notes: died age 71 buried 11-3-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 32 164 3 Davis
Smith, Joel Arthur Notes: died 9-14-1997 age 82 buried 9-24-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 28 365 2 California Cremation Cupertino, Ca
Smith, John Notes: died age 53 buried 2-26-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 23 71 7 West Whiton
Smith, John Notes: died age 60 buried 9-20-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 27 52 11 McMahon and Collier
Smith, John Notes: died age 57 buried 10-4-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 27 12 12 Linkins and Vories
Smith, John Notes: died age 43 buried 3-16-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 11 4 West Whiton
Smith, John Andrews Notes: died 2-12-1973 age 70 buried 2-15-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 67 65 1 Davis
Smith, John D. Notes: died age 84 buried 7-24-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 35 49 6 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, John H. Notes: died age 80 buried 12-30-1954 Block, Lot, Space: 67 42 2 George F. McCarthy
Smith, John Henry Dr. Notes: died age 73 buried 2-15-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 28 9a 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, John Irvin Notes: died age 86 buried 7-1-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 16 76 5 George F. McCarthy
Smith, John K. Sr. Notes: died 5-4-1997 age 64 buried 5-7-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 34 38 1 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, John L. Notes: died age 50 buried 1-29-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 19 27 5 Davis
Smith, John Patrick Notes: died 11-4-2009 age 65 buried 11-7-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 71 3 7 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, John R. born 1907 died 2000 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Smith, John Richard Notes: died 2-25-1983 age 85 buried 3-1-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 28 332 1 McCarthy Almont
Smith, John Robert Notes: died 2-10-2000 age 92 buried 2-14-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 71 121 4 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Jonathon Notes: died age 40 buried 11-28-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 27 27 13 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Joseph Notes: died age 64 buried 5-20-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 80 McMinn
Smith, Josephine V. Notes: died 12-3-2001 age 61 buried 12-7-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 49 53 2 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, George Henry Jr. Notes: died 9-29-1998 age 47 buried 10-3-1998 Block, Lot, Space: 69 139 1 Denton-Funchess- N.M. Carlsbad, N.M.
Smith, John I. Jr. Notes: died 6-6-1995 age 78 buried 6-9-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 16 76 6 McCarthy Almont Pueblo, Co
Smith, Judith Virginia Notes: died 8-4-2010 age 84 buried 9-10-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 41 90 1 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Smith, Kate Notes: died age 34 buried 11-22-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 12 209 8 Udv
Smith, Kate Notes: died age 45 buried 7-1-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 27 58 7 Linkins and Vories
Smith, Katherine Notes: died 5-5-1987 age 82 buried 5-11-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 13 445 1 Davis-Wallin
Smith, Katherine Notes: died age 0 buried 5-26-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 35 33 4 Davis
Smith, Katie B. Notes: died age 64 buried 10-24-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 28 320 3 Rouch
Smith, Kenneth Notes: died age 10 buried 6-18-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 22 172 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, L. Elizabeth Notes: died age 45 buried 1-8-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 19 7 5 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, L.E. Notes: died age 50 buried 7-19-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 24 56 5 McMahon and Collier
Smith, L.W. infant of Notes: died age 0 buried 1-3-1899 Block, Lot, Space: 26 55 17 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Laura M. Notes: died age 37 buried 9-29-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 28 119 3 Udv
Smith, Lawrence E. Notes: died age 53 buried 5-13-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 7 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Lee Franklyn Notes: died age 0 buried 5-2-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 33 50 2 Davis
Smith, Leroy McGee Notes: died age 29 buried 8-13-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 68 2 1 1 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Lizzie B. Notes: died age 52 buried 11-27-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 28 34 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Lloyd E. Notes: died 11-21-1976 age 82 buried 11-23-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 67 38 4 Rouch
Smith, Lola Mae Notes: died 2-22-1993 age 78 buried 2-26-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 37 61 5 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, Lola May Notes: died 6-21-1991 age 92 buried 6-25-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 67 35 4 Swan Law, Colo. Springs Colorado Springs, Co.
Smith, Lonnie D. Notes: died 11-17-1991 age 78 buried 11-20-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 13 59 3 Imperial Funeral Home Pueblo
Smith, Lora E. Notes: died 11-19-1997 age 98 buried 11-24-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 67 39 6 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Louisa Notes: died age 32 buried 4-13-1897 Block, Lot, Space: 26 76 3 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Louise Notes: died age 79 buried 7-15-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 13 596 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Lucille Grant Notes: died age 37 buried 11-25-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 13 J 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Lucinda Notes: died age 80 buried 11-10-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 12 259 3 Udv
Smith, Luke Notes: (Alex) died age 0 buried 3-2-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 69 134 5 Davis
Smith, Mabel E. Notes: died age 79 buried 1-23-1961 Block, Lot, Space: 23 71 5 Rouch
Smith, Madam Gulliford Notes: died age 52 buried 6-3-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 28 82 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Madison Oliver Notes: died age 20 buried 8-24-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 44 100 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Marcia Notes: died age 0 buried 1-22-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 23 71 4 Udv
Smith, Margaret Notes: died age 56 buried 1-26-1942 Block, Lot, Space: 32 94 3 no mortuary listed
Smith, Margaret Notes: died age 39 buried 7-27-1891 Block, Lot, Space: 29 187 4 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Margaret Notes: died age 0 buried 1-22-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 23 71 4 Udv
Smith, Margaret I. Notes: died 5-19-1968 age 79 buried 5-13-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 12 247 4 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Margaret L. Notes: died 2-2-1983 age 82 buried 2-5-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 41 90 4 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Marie Mc Kay Notes: died age 75 buried 2-24-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 13 556 6 Rouch
Smith, Marie N. Notes: died age 0 buried 8-10-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 54 139 8 Jones
Smith, Mark P. Notes: died age 43 buried 9-27-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 55 91 3 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Martha Elizabeth Notes: died age 0 buried 4-25-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 22 19 3 11 Udv
Smith, Martha M. Notes: died 1-21-1982 age 79 buried 1-23-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 35 32 2 Almont McCarthy
Smith, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 6-6-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 12 160 B1 Udv
Smith, Mary Notes: died age 49 buried 12-24-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 10 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 12-3-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 27 66 15 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Mary Notes: Mrs. Frank
Smith Notes: died age 63 buried 2-8-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 29 411 9 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Mary Mrs. Notes: died age 70 buried 5-2-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 24 59 7 Davis
Smith, Mary A. Notes: died age 73 buried 5-27-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 23 21 5 Udv
Smith, Mary A. Notes: died age 67 buried 11-3-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 12 160a 3 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Mary Ann Notes: died age 0 buried 3-9-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 67 12 2 Davis
Smith, Mary B. Notes: died 1-14-1969 age 94 buried 4-14-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 28 421 3 Davis
Smith, Mary E. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-29-1892 Block, Lot, Space: 29 191 3 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Mary F. Notes: died age 60 buried 2-29-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 2 Florence, Florence, Co
Smith, Mary Jean Notes: died 1-8-1976 age 64 buried 1-10-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 46 109 5 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Mary Katherine Notes: died age 16 buried 6-14-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 28 320 1 Rouch
Smith, Mary Kathryn Notes: died 5-18-1987 age 70 buried 5-22-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 62 71 2 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Mary Mae Stark Notes: died age 70 buried 10-24-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 68 95 3 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Mary T. Notes: baby of Frank
Smith Notes: died age 0 buried 2-20-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 27 94 12 Whtion
Smith, Mary W. Notes: died 6-18-1999 age 94 buried 6-25-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 41 112 2 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Smith, Maurice C. born 10-26-1870 died 8/18/1911 Notes: died age 40 buried 8-20-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 12 194a 8, born Michigan, died on Booth ranch 7 1/2 miles NE of Pueblo, married, farmer, son of Charles Smith, Mrs. M.C. & Frank Smith at St. Charles Mesa, T.G. McCarthy
Smith, May D. Notes: died age 77 buried 5-24-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 28 272 2 Rouch
Smith, May Louise Notes: died age 72 buried 6-1-1963 Block, Lot, Space: 32 68 1 Davis
Smith, Meredith Notes: died age 45 buried 6-25-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 28 373 1 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Merlin H. Notes: died 10-2-1996 age 83 buried 10-4-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 13 A32 2 McCarthy Comer Pueblo, Co
Smith, Merritt Ray Notes: died 12-6-1986 age 98 buried 12-9-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 44 4 2 Rouch
Smith, Mertie Notes: died age 69 buried 4-17-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 28 101 3 Rouch
Smith, Michael Notes: died age 64 buried 10-28-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 68 3 1 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Michael Thomas Notes: died 11-24-1973 age 20 buried 11-29-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 69 135 1 Valhalla
Smith, Minnie Notes: died age 36 buried 8-4-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 28 12a 9 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Morris W. Notes: died age 73 buried 9-22-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 32 179 4 None Listed
Smith, Myrlte M. Notes: died 9-24-1978 age 80 buried 9-29-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 13 53 7 Rouch
Smith, Nancy May born 1875 died 1964 Notes: died age 0 buried 6-10-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 30 239 3 T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Nellie C. Notes: died 10-30-1983 age 80 buried 11-2-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 62 10 8 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Nettie L. Notes: died age 66 buried 6-22-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 32 179 3 Rouch
Smith, Nonia Lucille Notes: died age 2 buried 4-2-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 28 6 1 12 Rouch
Smith, Norman R. Notes: died age 0 buried 8-31-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 22 36 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, O.E. Notes: died age 54 buried 3-23-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 52 7 1 1 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, O.G. Notes: died age 64 buried 6-20-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 13 J 10 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Oliver Chester Notes: died age 64 buried 5-7-1948 Block, Lot, Space: 44 100 6 Davis
Smith, Oren F. Notes: died age 0 buried 7-18-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 41 48 4 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Oscar infant Notes: died age 0 buried 4-1-1907 Block, Lot, Space: 26 30 16 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Pansy Oletha Notes: died age 0 buried 6-9-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 33 7 6 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Patrick Notes: died age 63 buried 11-18-1936 Block, Lot, Space: 35 67 3 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Paul O. Notes: died age 35 buried 3-7-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 1 T.G.McCarthy
Smith, Phillip Notes: died age 66 buried 9-14-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 53 62 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, R.F. infant Notes: died age 0 buried 3-2-1905 Block, Lot, Space: 27 45 4 West Whiton
Smith, R.G. infant of Notes: died age 0 buried 3-11-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 25 56 2 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Ralph Alfred Notes: died 5-26-1993 age 56 buried 12-28-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 80d None Pueblo, Co
Smith, Richard Notes: died age 24 buried 12-26-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 27 120 10 West Whiton
Smith, Robert Notes: died age 75 buried 3-4-1898 Block, Lot, Space: 25 76 9 West Brothers
Smith, Robert Notes: died age 63 buried 2-22-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 19 274 4 Udv
Smith, Robert Brody Notes: died 2-20-1985 age 0 buried 2-25-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 50 8 10 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Robert D. Notes: died 3-20-1975 age 6 buried 3-24-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 49 39 5 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Robert E. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-9-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 67 13 1 Davis
Smith, Robert R. Notes: died age 0 buried 10-24-1898 Block, Lot, Space: 26 60 1 West Brothers
Smith, Robert R. Notes: died age 0 buried 7-20-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 35 46 2 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Roberta born 1881 died 1898 (Floyd Kelling)
Smith, Rochelle Notes: died 10-28-1992 age 49 buried 11-5-1992 Block, Lot, Space: 62 56 2 Adrian Comer Pueblo, Colorado
Smith, Rose Aurelia Notes: died age 0 buried 3-4-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 21 5 15 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Ross H. Notes: died age 64 buried 5-15-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 67 35 5 George F. McCarty
Smith, Roxie B. Notes: died 6-18-1974 age 86 buried 6-22-1974 Block, Lot, Space: 44 4 1 Rouch
Smith, Roy died 11/9/1901 Notes: age 2m 27d, son of Otto Smith, buried 11-9-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 26 53 10 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Roy infant of Notes: died age 0 buried 7-5-1901 Block, Lot, Space: 25 51 16 West Whiton
Smith, Ruby Notes: died 7-5-1993 age 79 buried 7-12-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 34 45 5 Monthgomery Steward Bakersfield, California
Smith, Ruth Moritz Notes: died 2-19-2007 age 82 buried 3-10-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 13 208 3 Evergreen Staples Funeral Vancouver, Wa
Smith, S.F. Notes: died age 65 buried 3-11-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 53 61 7 Rouch
Smith, S.J. Notes: died age 25 buried 6-29-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 27 91 13 West and Whiton
Smith, Sadie Jane Notes: died age 37 buried 1-31-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 28 5 2 19 George F. McCarthy
Smith, Sallie E. died 5/21/1902 Notes: buried 5-24-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 24 115 6 age 44y 11m 13d, wife of L.A.H. Smith, T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Samuel K. Notes: died age 93 buried 5-28-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 28 11b 2 Davis
Smith, Sarah Notes: died age 80 buried 11-14-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 27 4 21 1 Udv
Smith, Seth Notes: died age 55 buried 7-4-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 25 44 11 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Seth Notes: died age 69 buried 3-13-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 25 42 7 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Sidney C. Notes: died age 41 buried 7-13-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 28 2 1 12 McCarthy B
Smith, Signe Elvira died 1902 Notes: died age 0 buried 12-24-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 27 68 5 McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Smith, Sophie Notes: died 8-26-1990 age 89 buried 8-31-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 35 46 3 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Stella Grace Notes: died age 0 buried 3-17-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 13 521 4 Davis
Smith, Susan Doll Notes: died age 68 buried 8-30-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 13 208 1 Rouch
Smith, Susie Notes: died age 50 buried 6-16-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 12 295 6 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Sybil Notes: died age 0 buried 5-7-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 22 168 4 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Terry Glenn Notes: died 3-4-1985 age 75 buried 3-7-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 3 63ee Adrian Comer
Smith, Thomas J. died 3/17/1911 Notes: died age 46 buried 3-21-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 3 T.G. McCarthy born Illinois 6-26, age 41y, married, died at work, son of John Smith and Ella Kelly both born Ireland
Smith, Thomas Notes: died age 55 buried 6-24-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 12 2 3 13 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Thomas A. Notes: died 9-14-1996 age 85 buried 9-18-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 5 94c McCarthy Almont Pueblo, Co
Smith, Thomas Claude Notes: died age 0 buried 6-23-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 13 527 2 Davis
Smith, Thomas Slaton Notes: died age 0 buried 1-26-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 28 101 4 Rouch
Smith, U.H. Notes: died age 30 buried 6-9-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 12 29 2 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Virgil B. Notes: died 7-7-1977 age 60 buried 7-9-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 13 30 4 McCarthy Almont
Smith, Virgil R. Notes: died age 0 buried 3-22-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 69 33 3 Davis
Smith, Virginia A. Notes: died 12-6-2000 age 86 buried 12-11-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 13 A42 1 Davis Pueblo, Co
Smith, W. Cleve Notes: died age 57 buried 5-9-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 19 7 6 Udv
Smith, Walter Notes: died age 19 buried 3-4-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 12 347 1 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Walter Notes: died age 33 buried 8-13-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 27 48 11 West Whiton
Smith, Walter Notes: died age 0 buried 12-23-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 26 30 1 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Walter Notes: died age 27 buried 2-7-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 26 18 8 T.G. McCarthy
Smith, Walter C. Notes: died age 73 buried 12-17-1942 Block, Lot, Space: 28 320 4 Rouch
Smith, Wiley P. Notes: died age 55 buried 11-1-1950 Block, Lot, Space: 13 181 4 Geo. McCarthy
Smith, William Notes: died age 69 buried 2-6-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 13 687 3 Davis
Smith, William Notes: died age 0 buried 8-15-1941 Block, Lot, Space: 12 160a B2 George F. McCarthy
Smith, William A. Notes: died 1-29-2002 age 78 buried 2-2-2002 Block, Lot, Space: 60 108 C 3 1 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Smith, William Everett Notes: died age 61 buried 9-11-1953 Block, Lot, Space: 33 13 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, William F. Notes: died 1-9-1991 age 72 buried 1-14-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 13 A42 2 Davis Pueblo
Smith, William H. Notes: died 5-4-1994 age 74 buried 5-6-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 62 20 4 Adrian Comer Pueblo, Co
Smith, William Henry Notes: Ashes Notes: died age 71 buried 3-28-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 13 596 4 George F. McCarthy
Smith, William John Notes: died age 0 buried 8-17-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 12 160a T1 Udv
Smith, William M. Notes: died age 74 buried 9-7-1954Block, Lot, Space: 35 76 3 Davis
Smith, Willie Notes: died age 22 buried 3-22-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 1 47 Whiton
Smith, Willie Mrs. Notes: died age 24 buried 9-28-1908 Block, Lot, Space: 27 59 2 McMahon and Collier
Smith, Yealand Notes: died age 75 buried 2-27-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 28 272 3 Rouch
Smith, Yvonne Marie Notes: died 11-10-1993 age 56 buried 11-13-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 69 155 7 McCarthy Almont Pueblo, Co
Smithers, Robert Notes: died age 40 buried 3-18-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 27 49 1 McMahon and Collier
Smithour, Adam born 6-30-1871 died 6/6/1925 Notes: died age 54 buried 6-10-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 30 282 7 T.G.M C Carthy
(Floyd Kelling)
Smithour, Bertha born 1863 died 1951 Notes: died age 0 buried 12-12-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 30 282 6 T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Smithour, John A. Notes: died age 0 buried 7-7-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 68 2 13 14 Rouch
Smithour, Nellie Notes: died age 39 buried 3-10-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 29 243 4 Udv
Smrekar, Joe born 1867 died 1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Snedec, Jennie died 10/21/1902 Notes: age 3m 17d, daughter of John Snedec, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sneed, Silas Mrs. Notes: buried 01-25-1898 age 36, female, Location 14 94 8, West Brothers
Sniff, Frances M. born 3/13/1927 died 11/4/1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Sniff, Leslie E. born 3/21/1927 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Snook, Robert A. born 10/7/1918 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Snook, Roy Caleb born 12/25/1909 died 5/12/1988 Notes: S2 US Navy WWII (Floyd Kelling)
Snook, Stephie born 1/27/1916 died 12/24/1995 Notes: Faye (Sharon McCurry)
Snyder, Agnes died 1/20/1900 Notes: age 25y, last name may be Pugel, wife of Joseph Snyder or Pugel, service St. Mary's Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Snyder, Joseph died 4/13/1911 Notes: age 26y born Austria, son of Andrew Snyde and Francis Tomsick, both born Austria, paid by Joe Tomsick, died at St. Mary Hospital, McCarthy Funeral Home
Snyder, Mary died 2/20/1912 Notes: age 35y, born 5-14 Fort Scott, Kansas, wife of Clarence Snyder, daughter of Henry Floyd, both parents born NC.,
Snyder, Raymond Sylvester died 9/11/1901 Notes: son of S.F. Snyder, McCarthy Funeral Home
Snyder, Ruth Lenore born 6-31-1909 died 5/15/1911 Notes: daughter of M.H. Snyder born Illinois, and Else Callen born Colorado, McCarthy Funeral Home
Soash, Harrey E. died 10/30/1909 Notes: age 26y 8m 3d, son of William O. Soash, McCarthy Funeral Home
Soderholm, Emil W. born 10-10-1874 died 1-?-? (Margie)
Soderholm, Ida M. born 1-22-1864 died 10/12/1955 Also (Margie)
Soga, Matthew born 2/4/1910 died 6/6/1910 Notes: child of Koseph Soga and Annie Rebar both born Austria, service St. Mary's church, V
Soldan, Kindt E. born 1903 died 1979 Notes: married 9-17-1929 (Sharon McCurry)
Soldan, Mae P. born 1905 died 1995 (Sharon McCurry)
Soldana, Beatrice born 1917 died 1921 (Joy Trout)
Soldana, Rosalia died 3/14/1912 Notes: age 57y, born Italy, single, daughter of Orhogers Soldana and Rosa Oascio both born Italy, die at school house, V
Soldano, Tony born 1916 died 1932 (Sharon McCurry)
Solo, Brian Notes: buried 11-15-1899 age 64, male, Location 25 73 12, T.G. McCarthy
Somerville, Willie born 5-1-1891 died 2/13/1912 Notes: born Alabama, son of F.C. Somerville and Mary ?, bith born Alabama, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sonneborn, Aaron family monument (Floyd Kelling) Also, Also (Kay Medved)
Sonneborn, Aaron born 1859 died 1938 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Sonneborn, Aaron Family Monument (Kay Medved)
Sonneborn, Dollie B. born no date died 8/24/1936 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Sonneborn, Harry Lee born 1893 died 1918 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling) Also Also (Kay Medved)
Sonnedecker, Ella born 5-25-1852 died 1/2/1911 Notes: born Seven Mile, Ohio, married, daughter of Elliott Day born Ohio, and Evelyn Hawley born Ohio paid by W.N. Sonnedecker & sons, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sontrup, Albert died 9/25/1900 Notes: age 24y 3m 15d, died near Olney Springs on board MOPAC RR, informant John Shirin of Sugar City, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Sopcich, Anna born 26 July 1888 died 22 Oct 1930 Notes: Married twice: 1st Joseph Kambic & 2nd John Sopcich
Sopel, Paul born 10/8/1919 died 6/6/1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Sordano, infant son born 7-1-1910 died 7-1-1910 Notes: son of Cologero Sordano and Mary Carduno both born Italy, McCarthy Funeral Home
Soto, Bivan died 11-14-1899 Notes: age 64y, resident of Salt Creek, informant Phil. S. & R. co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Souders, Mary Ford born 1830 died 1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Southwick, Luke B. born 5-2-1841 died 6/16/1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Sparks LeBlanc Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Sparks, Everett H. born 1915 died 2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Sparks, Florence E. born 1919 died 2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Spath, Harold N. born 1901 died 1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Spath, Mildred Lee born 1901 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Spearman, John infant Notes: buried 04-18-1898 age 0, male, Location 30 64, McMahon and Collier
Speer, Nellie May born no date died 3-22-1891 Notes: age 6y 11m 18d, daughter of D & M Speer (Floyd Kelling)
Speer, Nellie May born no date died 3-22-1891 (Floyd Kelling)
Spelich, Anne K. born 1915 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Spelich, Daniel R. born 1/4/1947 died 11/11/1972 Notes: Pvt US Army Vietnam (Sharon McCurry)
Spelich, Edward F. born 1916 died 1982 (Sharon McCurry)
Spelich, Frances born 9-5-1913 died 8-25-1915 (Kay Medved)
Spencer, Christina born 1867 died 1960 Notes: daughter (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, James K. born 1869 died 1945 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, James K. born 1869 died 1945 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, James K. born 1869 died 1945 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, James M. born 1873 died 1917 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, Kirkman born 1834 died 1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, Marie born 2-26-1831 died 10/17/1900 Notes: wife of K. Spencer (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, May G. born 1872 died 1965 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, May G. born 1872 died 1965 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, May G. born 1872 died 1965 (Floyd Kelling)
Spencer, Sophia born 1871 died 1893 Notes: daughter (Floyd Kelling)
Sperry, Joan S. died 6/30/1904 Notes: age 67y (Floyd Kelling)
Spiess, James Peter born no date died 8/19/1947 (Sharon McCurry)
Spilker, Bertha R. born 1861 died 1917 (Floyd Kelling)
Spilker, William F. born 1849 died 1916 (Floyd Kelling)
Spinning, John B. died 10-7-1899 Notes: age 69y, son William Spinning, John M.B., buried 10-09-1899 Location 26 72 2, T.G. McCarthy
Spinuzzi, Alyne H. born 1912 died 1978 (Floyd Kelling)
Spinuzzi, Alyne H. born 1912 died 1978 (Floyd Kelling)
Spinuzzi, Charles C. born 1920 died 1992 (Floyd Kelling)
Spinuzzi, Charles C. born 1920 died 1992 (Floyd Kelling)
Spinuzzi, Theresa Centanni born 1902 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Spoden, Matthew Sr. born 10/18/1914 died 10/28/1985 (Sharon McCurry)
Spohn, William died 5/9/1910 Notes: age 57y, died at St. Mary Hospital, parents born Germany, sold to Int. Order of Eagels and Bartenders Union, McCarthy Funeral Home
Springfloat, Laura Lee born 1899 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Spurgeon, Reinhold L. died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Spurgeon, Reinhold Lester died 7/14/1902 Notes: age 5m 13d, son of Frank Spurgeon, McCarthy Funeral Home
Spurlock, Charles J. born 8/7/1905 died 12/23/1970 Notes: Colorado SC2 USNR WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Spurlock, Charles J. born 1905 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Spurlock, Mildred A. born 1923 died 2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Spurville, Isabelle born 6-18-1858 died 10/22/1910 Notes: born Missouri, died St. Mary's, wife of Edgar D. Spurville, daughter of Samuel K. Roberts and Cecilia S. Mock, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sqedborg, Carl infant Notes: buried 09-17-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 53 18, McMahon and Collier
Srigley, Clifford M. born 1893 died 1920 (Sharon McCurry)
Srigley, Eugenia R. born 1857 died 1925 (Sharon McCurry)
Stabler, Helen died 11/25/1902 Notes: age 22y 3m 5d, wife of H.H. Stabler, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stacbler, Ed Notes: buried 06-24-1898 age 44, male, Location 13 415 5, McMahon and Collier
Stafford, Violet May Notes: buried 02-06-1899 age 0, female, Location 26 55 18, McMahon and Collier
Stahl, Christina born 6-24-1853 died 1/21/1913 Notes: born Germany, widowed, daughter of Jacob Gotz and Emile Gotz both born Germany, informant Mrs. Frank Stahl, Blunt ranch, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stamm, Phillip born 6-26-1837 died 7/6/1912 Notes: married, carpenter, born Indiana, son of George Stamm born Pa. and ? Ambrose born Md., McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanchfield, Hellen Notes: buried 04-05-1897 age 7, female, Location 30 68 4, T.G. McCarthy
Stanchfield, James Mrs. Notes: buried 11-25-1899 age 65, female, Location 30 68 2, West Brothers
Stanchfield, Mable Notes: buried 04-05-1897 age 5, female, Location 30 68 3, T.G. McCarthy
Stander, Alice M. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Stander, Frank E. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Stanfield, Arthur E. Notes: buried 11-02-1898 age 24, male, Location 14 96 8, McMahon and Collier
Standfield, Margaret Elizabeth Hawkins born no date died 4/20/1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Stanko, Annie died 7-7-1899 Notes: age 24y, wife of George Stanko McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, Edward born 12-17-1919 died 5-12-1921 (Kay Medved)
Stanko, Elmer born 5-3-1918 died 1-25-1919 (Kay Medved)
Stanko, Eva died 6/25/1906 Notes: infant, daughter of Mike Stanko McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, Florence died 5/19/1913 Notes: daughter of George E. Stanko McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, George born 1/2/1910 died 7/8/1912 Notes: age 2y 6m 6d, son of George and Mary Stanko both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, infant born 7-6-1899 died 7-6-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo stillborn, child of George Stanko McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, John Glenn born 8-20-1920 died 12-5-1920 (Kay Medved)
Stanko, Julia Eva born 4/14/1905 died 4/14/1905 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Mike Stanko born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, Katie died 1/1/1900 Notes: age 2m 6d, daughter of Michael Stanko McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, Mary born 1899 died 12-25-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo age 2m, daughter of Michael Stanko McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, Peter born 1/13/1908 died 1/13/1908 Notes: born at Pueblo died on way to Pueblo, son of John Stanko born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanko, Steve C. born 1900 died 1981 Notes: Papa (Kay Medved)
Stanko, Vera A. born 1905 died 1987 Notes: Nana (Kay Medved)
Stankovic, Mark died 4/8/1901 Notes: age 3y 10m 21d, son of Mark Stankovic McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanley, C.M. born 1863 died 7/20/1914 Notes: born at Ky. age 51y, widowed, residence Logan Co., Co., informant Mrs. R.E. Richardson, Bridgeport Neb. McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanley, Della B. born no dates died Notes: buried 2-9-1931 age 79y (Floyd Kelling)
Stanley, Gladys died 4/8/1901 Notes: age 2y 11m 12d, daughter of J.G. Stanley McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanley, infant son born 10/11/1902 died 10/11/1902 Notes: born at Pueblo son of W.F. Stanley McCarthy Funeral Home
Stanton, Georgia Rowland born 1934 died 1987 (Floyd Kelling)
Stanton, Guley W. born 1902 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Stanton, Velma R. born 1907 died 1960 (Floyd Kelling)
Stanton, Velma R. born died (Floyd Kelling)
Stanton, Virginia B. died 1927 (Floyd Kelling)
Stapleford, Eddie born 10-17-1894 died 2-6-1898 Notes: Edwin, buried 02-07-1898 age 3, male, Location 30 97 T1, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Stapleford, Eddie born 10-17-1894 died 2-6-1898 (Floyd Kelling)
Stapleford, Frank F. born 12-22-1854 died 2/17/1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Stapleford, Mary L. born 12-17-1891 died 9-11-1898 Notes: buried 09-12-1898 age 6, female, Location 30 97 2, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Starcevich, Christina born 1900 died 1983 (Dennis Reed)
Starcevich, John born 1893 died 1930 (Dennis Reed)
Starcevich, Matt born 1872 died 1942 (Dennis Reed)
Starcino, Mark Notes: buried 11-21-1897 age 0, male, Location 57 244 16, McMahon and Collier
Stark, Elsie M. born 10/4/1921 died 5/24/1975 (Sharon McCurry)
Stark, R. Jack born 12/21/1915 died 8/1/1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Starke, Georgia M. born 1922 died 1991 (Floyd Kelling)
Starke, Walter E. born 1923 died 1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Starmer, Matilda Notes: buried 10-22-1898 age 27, female, Location 25 79 11, McMahon and Collier
Stasevich, Ferdor died 4/30/1910 Notes: born at Russia age 30y, died at County Poor Farm, son of Keprian Stasevich, both parents born Russia McCarthy Funeral Home
Stay, Ruth Davis born 5/27/1910 died 12/6/1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of D.L. and Margaret Davis Stay both born Pa. McCarthy Funeral Home
Stebbins, Charlotte S. born 7-4-1848 died no date Notes: buried 2-25-1898, age 72, wife of Isaac B. Stebbins, Location 30 15 5, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Steblay, Angela F. born 1914 died 2000 (Kay Medved)
Steblay, Louis J. born 1908 died 1990 (Kay Medved)
Steblay, Rose died 1918
Steckman, Daniel U. born 1910 died 2004 (Floyd Kelling)
Steckman, Douglas Neal born 1942 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Steckman, Evalyn H. born 1920 died 2006 (Floyd Kelling)
Steel, William infant of Notes: buried 02-16-1899 age 0, female, Location 25 55 13, West Brothers
Steffens, Robert B. born 8-1-1854 died 2/5/1910 Notes: born at WV married, son of Rodger Steffens born England and Susan O'Connor born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Stehle, Florence Josephine born 3/13/1909 died 9/19/1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Henry A. and Margaret Bellis Stehle, f born Ne. m born Nashville, Tn. McCarthy Funeral Home
Steigleman, Annie born 1869 died 1891 (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Albert A. born 5/14/1906 died 5/26/1963 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Alvina born 3-12-1877 died 8/1/1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, David Lee born 10/22/1932 died 10/24/2005 (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Emanuel born 10/22/1902 died 12/12/1970 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Harry born 1886 died 1966 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Kate B. born 2-23-1884 died 1/12/1947 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Max born 8-12-1880 died 6/10/1955 (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Minnie born 3-21-1864 died 3/2/1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Rose Lee born 9/1/1907 died 3/7/1982 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Rosie born 1888 died 1978 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Stein, Ruth born 12/23/1913 died 12/9/1996 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Steinbach, Margaret born 11/20/1911 died 6/24/1912 Notes: born at Russia daughter of Andrus and Maria Steinbach both born Russia McCarthy Funeral Home
Steinberger, John A. Notes: buried 01-11-1899 age 0, male, Location 13 342 7, McMahon and Collier
Steinberger, John Mrs. Notes: buried 01-11-1899 age 0, female, Location 13 342 6, McMahon and Collier
Steirs, William B. died 12/1/1909 Notes: age 48y 1m 27d. Died at home, locksmith, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stenbom, Evald Mauritz born 10-3-1876 died 7/22/1908 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Stephens, Charles E. born 1897 died 1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Stephens, Donald F. born 1921 died 2001 (Dennis Reed)
Stephens, Elizabeth born 1902 died 1986 (Floyd Kelling)
Stephens, Emma Notes: buried 06-21-1898 age 25, female, Location 30 287 4, T.G. McCarthy
Stephens, Eunice J. died 6-20-1898 Notes: age 25y (Floyd Kelling)
Stephens, Flora Fraterelli born 1911 died 1985 (Dennis Reed)
Stephens, Johanna C. died 8/29/1902 Notes: age 54y 11m 23d, wife of Johnathan A. Stephens, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stephens, Lydia born 1867 died 1962 (Floyd Kelling)
Stephens, Oras M. born 1859 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Stephens, Phil S. born 1898 died 1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Stephens, Phil S. born 1898 died 1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Stephenson, William born 6-22-1854 died 1/14/1911 Notes: married, ranchman at Vineland, son of Seno Stephenson and Disa Beasley both born Indiana, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stepich, Ignace J. born 7/29/1913 died 12/2/1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Stepich, Judith M. born 8/6/1917 died 4/24/1969 (Sharon McCurry)
Sterle, Johannah died 10-27-1899 Notes: married, age 20y, service St Mary Church, buried 10-29-1899 age 20, female, Location 57 144 3, T.G. McCarthy
Sterle, Marija born 1888 died 1921 Notes: Mom, Sister of Frances (Kay Medved)
Sterley, Joseph born 1880 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Sterley, Joseph J. born 1880 died 1948 (Dennis Reed)
Sterley, Margaret born 1876 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Sterley, Margaret born 1876 died 1957 (Dennis Reed)
Sterling, Thomas W. born 1883 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Stevens, Joel E. died 10/28/1909 Notes: age 63y 3m 13d, resident of Victor, Co., miner, sold to J.E. Harris of Victor, Co., McCarthy Funeral Home
Stevens, L.A. Mrs.Notes: buried 11-25-1898 age 46, female, Location 28 264 6, McMahon and Collier
Stevens, Loyal A. Notes: buried 07-11-1899 age 60, male, Location 28 264 7, West Brothers
Stevens, Roy born no date died 1952 (Sharon McCurry)
Stevens, William died 6/5/1921 (Floyd Kelling)
Stevenson, Faye A. born 1887 died 1966 (Floyd Kelling)
Stevenson, Lawrence L. born 1912 died 1980 (Floyd Kelling)
Stevenson, Oran M. born 1881 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Stewart Stones born died (Sharon McCurry)
Stewart, Bobby Don born 1952 died 1962 Temple Emanuel
Stewart, Carrie born 6-22-1860 died 11-24-1898 Notes: wife of E.R. Stewart (Floyd Kelling)
Stewart, Donald D. born 8-26-1925 died 3-24-1999 Temple Emanuel
Stewart, E.R. Mrs. Notes: buried 11-27-1898 age 38, female, Location 26 74 3, T.G. McCarthy
Stewart, Edith L. born 1920 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Stewart, Edna born 1920 died 1971 (Floyd Kelling)
Stewart, Grace Evans born 5/6/1919 died 7/4/1982 (Sharon McCurry)
Stewart, Maggie died 12-21-1892 Notes: age 36y 10m 10d (Floyd Kelling)
Stewart, Mamie born 1880 died 1970 (Floyd Kelling)
Stewart, Mary R. born 1853 died 1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Stewart, Mrs. E.R. died 11-24-1898 Notes: age 38y, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stewart, Robert Notes: buried 09-07-1898 age 50, male, Location 25 81 1, West Brothers
Stewart, Robert E. born 1920 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Stewart, Robert Gene born 3/17/1920 died 2/19/1991 Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Stewart, Samuel Notes: buried 08-21-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 55 10, West Brothers
Stewart, Violet born 1892 died 1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Stickler, Mary born 1835 died 1915 (Floyd Kelling)
Stickler, Wilson H. born 1866 died 1944 (Floyd Kelling)
Stiles, Adam T. born 11/6/1961 died 11/7/1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Stockman, Edith E. born 1881 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Stoddard, Leslie born 1855 died 1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Stoddard, Susan Notes: buried 10-07-1898 age 44, female, Location 30 77 6, McMahon and Collier
Stofac, Ann L. born 1909 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Stofac, Frank T. born 1907 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Stofic, Marc born 8/29/1909 died 8/29/1909 Notes: son of Frank Stofic and Annie Horvat both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stommel, Florence died 6/9/1902 Notes: age 6y 7m 19d, daughter of John Stommel, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stommel, John born 1852 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Stommel, Lena born 1863 died 1943 (Sharon McCurry)
Stone, Evelyn C. born 1868 died 1938 (Dennis Reed)
Stone, Evelyn C. born 1868 died 1936 (Floyd Kelling)
Stone, James G. Notes: buried 06-25-1898 age 18, male, Location 25 64 8, T.G. McCarthy
Stoomer, Ernest Notes: buried 05-04-1897 age 4, male, Location 57 251 7, T.G. McCarthy
Stout, E.W. born 1874 died 1904 (Floyd Kelling)
Strand, Oscar F. died 2-2-1899 Notes: age 43y, born at Sedalia, Missouri, McCarthy Funeral Home
Strankman, Glen F. born 10-26-1923 died 4-5-2001 Notes: Tec4 US Army WWII (Kay Medved)
Strankman, Mary Ann born 1924 died 1992 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Strankman, Michael born 1953 died 1983 (Kay Medved)
Stratford, John J. born 1887 died 1963 (Sharon McCurry)
Stratford, Josephine M. born 1911 died 1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Strauss, Frank died 1902 Notes: born 11-10-1902 died 11-17-1902, son of John Strauss, McCarthy Funeral Home (Joy Trout)
Strauss, infant son born 12/16/1915 died 12/16/1915 Notes: son of J.L. Strauss born Kansas and Martha Osternaut born Colorado, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stravia Matilda E. born 1919 died 2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Stravia, Jerry J. born 1909 died 1988 (Sharon McCurry)
Stre, Mary died 5/21/1910 Notes: age 1y 11m, daighter of Phillip Stre and Barbich both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Streit, Hiram J. died 5/24/1900 Notes: age 45y 8m 11d, service from the residence, husband of Anna M. Streit, McCarthy Funeral Home
Strend, Oscar Notes: buried 02-06-1899 age 43, male, Location 30 178 7, T.G. McCarthy
Strickler, Jacob A. died 2/26/1900 Notes: age 35y, informant Dr. W.F. Singer, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stricklett, Charles M. born 7-9-1869 died 1/16/1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Stricklett, Frank B. born 1864 died 1939 (Floyd Kelling)
Stricklett, Hattie I. born 1872 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Strilech, infant born 5/18/1912 died 5/18/1912 Notes: child of Mike Strilech and Rose Bosic, McCarthy Funeral Home
Strilich, Betty L. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Strilich, Elizabeth M. born 1925 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Strilich, Michael J. born 1/13/1921 died 12/29/1964 Notes: married 8-15-1959 (Sharon McCurry)
Strilich, Thomas F. born 1924 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Strilih, Iya born 1879 died 8/18/1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Strinsky, Mary born 3/10/1901 died 3/10/1901 Notes: daughter of John Strinsky, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stronds, Jessie Notes: buried 06-20-1897 age 13, female, Location 12 301 8, McMahon and Collier
Strong Monument died (Floyd Kelling)
Strong, Helen Terry born 6-18-1891 died 5-3-1898 Notes: buried 05-06-1898 age 7, female, Location 30 148 2, T.G. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Strots, Charles T. born 1855 died 1912 (Sharon McCurry)
Strots, Florence O. born 1909 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Strots, Josephine E. born 1861 died 1911 (Sharon McCurry)
Strowger, Samuel died 3/11/1907 Notes: age 36y, informant F.O. Strowger of Rochester, NY, McCarthy Funeral Home
Strumble, Anthony J. born 1913 died 1978 Notes: PFC US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Studen, Daniel Rudolph born 5/1/1962 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Studen, Katherine Josephine born 2/5/1937 died 9/27/1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Studen, Katherine Josephine born 2/5/1937 died 9/27/1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Studen, Kerrie Susan born 12/27/1968 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Studen, Kerrie Susan born 12/27/1968 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Stupar, Mary born 9/3/1910 died 9/3/1910 Notes: daughter of Frank Stupar and Mary Chercek both born Austria, McCarthy Funeral Home
Stupnik, Anton died 8/7/1904 age 25 buried 9/7/1904 location 21 30 5 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Stupnik, Christina A. born 1919 died 2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Stupnik, James J. born 10/17/1913 died 12/25/2000 Notes: S1 US Navy WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Stupnik, James J. born 1913 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Sturbek, Annie Notes: buried 11-09-1898 age 0, female, Location 57 242 8, T.G. McCarthy
Sturgis, Benjamin Franklin born 8-23-1879 died 5-20-1954 (Kay Medved)
Sturgis, Susan born 3-7-1888 died 4-25-1966 (Kay Medved)
Sturmon, Shirley Joyce born 1927 died 1998 (Floyd Kelling)
Sturtevant, Betty born no date died 1930 (Sharon McCurry)
Sturtevant, Billy born no date died 1926 (Sharon McCurry)
Sturtevant, Mary E. born 10/21/1904 died 9/17/1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Sturtevant, William H. born 7/6/1902 died 1/14/1981 (Sharon McCurry)
Styduhar, Toni F. born 1918 died 2004 (Sharon McCurry)
Styduhar, Walter J. born 3/22/1920 died 11/12/1967 Notes: Colorado Sgt 946 Air Engr Sq AAF WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Styduhar, Walter J. born 1920 died 1967 (Sharon McCurry)
Sukle, Rosa Notes: buried 10-22-1898 age 0, female, Location 57 246 2, McMahon and Collier
Sullivan, C.C. born 1861 died 1912 Also (Floyd Kelling)
Sullivan, Corliss W. born 1894 died 1980 (Floyd Kelling)
Sullivan, Ellen died 11-25-1899 Notes: age 55y, married, wife of John Sullivan, buried 11-26-1899 age 55, female, Location 55 7 6, T.G. McCarthy
Sullivan, Eva A. born 1900 died 1990 (Floyd Kelling)
Sullivan, Gertrude Notes: buried 06-23-1897 age 17, female, Location 17 71 6, T.G. McCarthy
Sullivan, J.T. infant Notes: buried 05-22-1898 age 0, female, Location 25 56 13, T.G. McCarthy
Sullivan, Julia died 6/9/1911 Notes: age 49y 3m 8d, born Illinois, died at Gary, Indiana, Funeral at Mr. Dunn residence, wife of D.A. Sullivan, daughter of Daniel Foley and Mary Walsh both born Ireland, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sullivan, Kate Notes: buried 09-29-1898 age 29, female, Location 57 135 3, McMahon and Collier
Sullivan, Mabel E. died 9-21-1899 Notes: age 7y 8m 10d, daughter of C.C. & M.J. Sullivan, buried 09-23-1899 Location 30 118 T5, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Sullivan, Margarett Notes: buried 04-09-1897 age 0, female, Location 57 211, no mortuary listed
Sullivan, Mary born no date died 6-?-1905 notes:age 3m 3d, buried 6-28-1905 (Karen Mitchell)
Sullivan, Mary died 6/27/1904 Notes: age 3m 3d, daughter of Patrick Sullivan, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sullivan, Mary died 6/3/1902 Notes: age 11y 4m 14d, daughter of D.A. Sullivan, McCarthy Funeral Home
Sullivan, Mary J. born 1860 died 1946 (Floyd Kelling)
Sullivan, Mary J. died (Floyd Kelling)
Sullivan, Michael P. born 1-1-1884 died 3/4/1910 Notes: born Ireland, married, Died St. Mary Hospital, son of Michael P. Sullivan and Hannah Sheehan both born Ireland, service St. Pat's Church, McCarthy Funeral Home
Summers, Elsie died 8/7/1904 age 22 buried 8/31/1904 location 19 39 4 West-Whiton Eden Train Wreck Victim
Summers, John C. born 1834 died 1909 (Sharon McCurry)
Summers, Marie born 1870 died 1937 Notes: Wife of A. Treat Summers (Sharon McCurry)
Summers, Matilda A. born 1841 died 1915 (Sharon McCurry)
Summits, Joseph Notes: buried 11-22-1897 age 0, male, Location 57 251 2, McMahon and Collier
Surbek, Annie died 11-8-1898 Notes: age 1m 7d, daughter of Joe Surbek, informant Andy Ladamus, McCarthy Funeral Home
Susel, Edgar A. born 1924 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Susel, Helen J. born 1923 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Sustarie, Frank Notes: buried 12-21-1897 age 38, male, Location 25 83 7, McMahon and Collier
Sutton, Glen L. born 1941 died 2002 (Dennis Reed)
Sutton, Glenn W. born 1919 died 1987 (Dennis Reed)
Sutton, Hazel M. born 1901 died 5/27/1988 Notes: buried 5-27-1988 (Floyd Kelling)
Sutton, Henry E. born 1855 died 1939 (Floyd Kelling)
Sutton, Raymon C. born 6-10-1895 died 7/27/1968 Notes: Colorado Sgt US Marine Corps WWI (Floyd Kelling)
Sutton, Raymon G. born 1895 died 1968 (Floyd Kelling)
Sutton, Susan M. born 1862 died 1947 (Floyd Kelling)
Sutton, Willie F. born 8-4-1887 died 1-21-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Swackenberg, Mary J. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Swain Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Swain, Fern Scott born 1885 died 1976 (Floyd Kelling)
Swain, George W. born 7-12-1849 died 9/25/1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Swain, Howard Joseph born 1883 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)
Swain, Libby born 3-12-1849 died 1/16/1915 (Floyd Kelling)
Swallow, Ernest F. born 7-18-1871 died 6/15/1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Swallow, Willie E. Martin born 12-25-1881 died 9/20/1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Swanson, Elvera born 1906 died 2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Swanson, Lillie Notes: buried 09-26-1898 age 30, female, Location 12 76 6, McMahon and Collier
Swanson, Theodore C. born 1909 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Swartcz, John born no date died 6/19/1904 notes:age 4y (Karen Mitchell)
Swartz, Rose M. born 1916 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Swartz, Stephan G. born 1911 died 1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Swatko, Joseph Notes: buried 08-18-1899 age 7, male, Location 57 238 18, McMahon and Collier
Swayze, Elsie Viola died 9/2/1902 Notes: age 3y 3m 5d, daughter of A.J. Swayze, McCarthy Funeral Home
Swearingen, James W. born 1885 died 1951 (Kay Medved)
Swearingen, William T. born 5-29-1853 died 1/19/1914 (Floyd Kelling)
Swearingen, Winnie Lee born 1891 died 1969 (Kay Medved)
Swentyl, Maggie Notes: buried 11-25-1897 age 53, female, Location 25 63 6, McMahon and Collier
Sword, M.V. born no dates Notes: Co. A. 14th Ill. Inf. (Dennis Reed)
Sword, Rosina E. 1848 - 1916 born 1848 died 1916 (Dennis Reed)
Sykes, Raymond C. born no date died 1953 (Sharon McCurry)
Sylvester, ? born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Symonds, William born 1837 died 1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Szmowis, Rowiski Joseph Notes: buried 06-27-1899 age 2, male, Location 57 242 3, McMahon and Collier

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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