Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Kachel, Beverly J. born no date died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Kachel, Robert M. born 1935 died 1995 (Floyd Kelling)
Kachel, Robert M. born no date died Notes: A1C US Air Force (Floyd Kelling)
Kacnik, Jennie born 1-4-1910 died 4-27-1912 Notes: born at Europe daughter of Paul and Rosa Manick Kacnik both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kadunc, Karl died 12-27-1901 Notes: age 21y, resident of St. Mary's McCarthy Funeral Home
Kadunc, Mary died 7-31-1902 Notes: age 20y McCarthy Funeral Home
Kahanetz, Augustine born 12-6-1911 died 12-10-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of John and Mary Murin Kahanetz, both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kahanetz, Augustine born 12-6-1911 died 12-10-1911 Notes: daughter of John Kahanietz and Mary Murin both born Austria, McCcarthy Funeral Home
Kahanic, Mary born 1898 died 1904 (Joy Trout)
Kahn, David S. born 1868 died 1942 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Kahn, Doris born 1880 died 1950 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Kaiser, Iva Irene Notes: buried 03-30-1898 age 0, female, Location 26 60 18, McMahon and Collier
Kalchick, Kalseg, Jr. died 9-14-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1m 10d, son of Kalseg Kalchick, Sr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Kalgowski, infant daughter died 4-15-1902 Notes: daughter of William Kalgowski McCarthy Funeral Home
Kaligowski, infant born 4-29-1901 died 4-29-1901 Notes: born at Pueblo child of William Kaligowski McCarthy Funeral Home
Kalish, Benjamine Notes: buried 12-20-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 16 2, McMahon and Collier
Kambic, John born 1910 died 1930 Notes: born 11 Jan 1910, died 10 Feb 1930 Son of Joseph & Anna (Suklje) Kambic
Kambic, Joseph born 1870 died 1938 Notes: husband of Anna (Suklje) Kambic
Kambich, Clara J. born 1933 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kambich, John Sr. born 1892 died 1963 (Sharon McCurry)
Kambich, Joseph E. born 1932 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kambich, Mary born 1903 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Kamischke, Margaret Rose born 10-2-1942 died 8-11-1967 (Floyd Kelling)
Kanamori, Gohei born 1882 died 10-17-1910 Notes: born at Japan age 28y, died in RR camp 8m north of Walsenburg McCarthy Funeral Home
Kane, John Joseph died 2-10-1902 Notes: age 33y 2m 24d, son of John Kane McCarthy Funeral Home
Kane, Mike infant of Notes: buried 10-20-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 27 15, McMahon and Collier
Kaplan, Eileen born 1932 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kaplan, Frances born 1904 died 1994 (Sharon McCurry)
Kaplan, Lottie died 10-10-1908 Notes: age 24y 6m McCarthy Funeral Home
Kaplon, John Notes: buried 05-05-1899 age 0, male, Location 57 241 37, McMahon and Collier
Karlinger, Mary T. born 1915 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Karlinger, Rudolph S. born 1910 died 1958 (Sharon McCurry)
Karrick, Benjamin Franklin died 4-4-1901 Notes: age 66y 5m15d McCarthy Funeral Home
Karrick, Joseph, Sr. died 2-17-1902 Notes: age 79y 3m 7d, son Joseph O. Karrick Jr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Kartak, Anna F. born 1914 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kartak, Norbert J. born 1928 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kartz, Ernst died 9-7-1911 Notes: age 30y, arrived from Colo. Springs 9-6-1911, father in Berlin, Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Kasahara, Y. died 10-10-1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Kasahara, Y. died 10-10-1909 age 35 (Floyd Kelling)
Kasel, Anna A. born 7-23-1919 died 3-2-2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Kasel, John A. Jr. born 4-9-1920 died 7-27-2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Kasel, John A. Sr. born 1896 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Kasel, Louise E. born 1896 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Kashock, Andy Notes: buried 04-16-1897 age 2, male, Location 57 251 8, T.G. McCarthy
Kasjan, Maggie died 5-18-1901 Notes: age 1y 2m, daughter of George Kasjan McCarthy Funeral Home
Kastelic, Emma Jean born 1921 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kastelic, Joseph B. born 1926 died 1977 Notes: PFC US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Kastelic, Joseph B. born 1926 died 1977 (Sharon McCurry)
Kastelich, Year died 9-19-1910 Notes: born at Austria age 38y McCarthy Funeral Home
Kavlek, John died 2-26-1907 Notes: born at Pueblo son of John Kovlek born in Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Keabes, Gasper S. Notes: buried 06-19-1898 age 1, male, Location 57 243 14, McMahon and Collier
Kearns, twins born 11-2-1912 died 11-2-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo children of William and Gertrude Yelvett Kearns McCarthy Funeral Home
Keating, Elizabeth died 12-21-1898 Notes: age 48y, buried 12-22-1898 Location 57 141 1, T.G. McCarthy
Keating, James M. died 11-17-1906 Notes: age 29y 1m 19d McCarthy Funeral Home
Keating, James P. died 8-7-1904 age 2 buried 8-16-1904 location 13 127 T4 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Keating, Nannie died 8-7-1904 age 19 buried 8-10-1904 location 13 127 3 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Keator, Carmelita M. born 1917 died 1996 (Floyd Kelling)
Keator, Corbin B. born 5-9-1889 died 5-5-1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Keator, Eleanor born 1880 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Keator, J. Calvin born 1909 died 2003 (Floyd Kelling)
Keator, Melvin V. born 1854 died 1927 (Floyd Kelling)
Keator, Robert C. born 1915 died 2004 (Floyd Kelling)
Keator, Ruby V. born 1910 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Keegon, John Notes: buried 10-25-1899 age 53, male, Location 25 52 26, McMahon and Collier
Keeney Monument (Kay Medved)
Keeney, Edna Anderson born 1881 died 1917 Notes: died age 36 buried 5-7-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 16 10 2 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Keeney, Esther M. Notes: died age 10 buried 1-1-1923 Block, Lot, Space: 28 3 1 3 McCarthy-Almont
Keeney, Mary Jane Notes: died age 0 buried 8-20-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 28 111 1 Rouch
Keifer, Louis William died 8-2-1902 Notes: age 3m 7d, son of Louis Keifer, Sr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Keilbach, Katherine B. born 1873 died 1903 (Joy Trout)
Keller, Anne Marie born 10-28-1913 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Keller, Edgar H. born 5-1-1912 died 12-12-1968 (Sharon McCurry)
Keller, Edgar S. born 12-30-1885 died 9-14-1935 (Sharon McCurry)
Keller, Julia H. born 11-28-1891 died 11-9-1973 (Sharon McCurry)
Kellogg, Velma A. born 1864 died 1941 Notes: wife of Arthur L., mother of Julian (Floyd Kelling)
Kelley, Joseph died 8-7-1904 age 0 buried 9-2-1904 location 57 121 7 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Kelley, Margaret J. died 8-7-1904 age 27 buried 8-12-1904 location 29 340 6 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Kelley, Mary Notes: buried 06-25-1898 age 74, female, Location 57 140 9, McMahon and Collier
Kelly, Bridget Byrne born 1828 died 8-28-1901 Notes: born County Cork, Ireland, age 73y, son-in-law John Dean, McCarthy Funeral Home (Joy Trout)
Kelly, Harry born 8-9-1912 died 8-69-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of John Kelly McCarthy Funeral Home
Kelly, Harry D. born 1902 died 1968 (Floyd Kelling)
Kelly, Hugh died 11-18-1909 Notes: age 4y, son of John J. Kelly McCarthy Funeral Home
Kelly, Josephine born 4-3-1877 died 2-9-1915 Notes: born at Pueblo wife of William Kelly, daughter of Julian Valencia McCarthy Funeral Home
Kelly, Margaret died 9-15-1901 Notes: age 33y 2m 22d, wife of James C. Kelly McCarthy Funeral Home
Kelso, Ernest P. died 10-4-1903 Notes: age 24y 8m 1d (Floyd Kelling)
Kemmerer, J.S. born no date died 6-5-1891 (Floyd Kelling)
Kemethas, Anastanes died 8-7-1904 age 28 buried 8-15-1904 location 26 2 7 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Kendall, Esdress C. born 7-5-1883 died 12-5-1910 Notes: born at Bancroff, Mo. son of E.M. Kendall and Melissa Wood, f born England, m born Indiana McCarthy Funeral Home
Kendall, Jackie Lee born 1949 died 1950 (Sharon McCurry)
Kendrick, George W. born 1861 died 1916 (Floyd Kelling)
Kenealy, Johanna born 1846 died 1923 (Sharon McCurry)
Kenealy, John born 1847 died 1920 (Sharon McCurry)
Kennedy, Mary Gertrude died 4-3-1910 Notes: born at Ireland age 33y 9m, daughter of David McEtherm and Bessie Bell, both born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Kennedy, Sarah died 5-30-1909 Notes: age 52y McCarthy Funeral Home
Kennerly, James infant Notes: buried 03-04-1899 age 0, male, Location 28 289 2, T.G. McCarthy
Kennett, James Notes: buried 04-06-1899 age 26, male, Location 12 300 9, McMahon and Collier
Keplinger, E.J. Notes: buried 11-20-1898 age 57, male, Location 14 117 7, West Brothers
Kerby, Leander Notes: buried 08-09-1899 age 53, male, Location 30 291 2, McMahon and Collier
Kerby, Olive B. born 1874 died 1955 (Dennis Reed)
Kerby, Olive B. born 1874 died 1955 (Floyd Kelling)
Kerby, William B. born 1873 died 1948 (Dennis Reed)
Kerby, William B. born 1873 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Kerekes, Audro died 2-6-1899 Notes: age 36y, died in Philadelphia, shipped in McCarthy Funeral Home
Kern, Elizabeth A. born 1921 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kern, Raymond born 1909 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Kerr, Maggie died 5-16-1902 Notes: wife of John O. Kerr McCarthy Funeral Home
Kerr, Margorie M. Notes: buried 07-23-1897 age 1, female, Location 24 70 5, McMahon and Collier
Kerr, Paul Dayton Notes: buried 10-20-1898 age 0, male, Location 24 70 5, McMahon and Collier
Kerr, William J. Notes: buried 03-26-1899 age 29, male, Location 24 70 7, McMahon and Collier
Kerwin, Peter Notes: buried 11-06-1899 age 33, male, Location 29 407 1, McMahon and Collier
Kessler, Albert born 5-8-1855 died 9-18-1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Kester, Frances A. born 1914 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kester, J. L. died Notes: Co D 48 Wisconsin Infantry
Kester, James H. born 1916 died 1991 (Sharon McCurry)
Kettlekamp, Gregory B. born 4-6-1954 died 7-23-1964 (Sharon McCurry)
Kettler Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Kettler, Elizabeth born 1897 died 1897 (Floyd Kelling)
Kettler, Elizabeth died (Floyd Kelling)
Kettler, Frank A. born 8-21-1861 died 4-28-1910 Notes: born at Illinois married McCarthy Funeral Home
Kettler, Frank A. born 1860 died 1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Kettler, Frank A. died (Floyd Kelling)
Kettler, F.A. infant of Notes: buried 04-30-1897 age 0, female, Location 30 222 3, T.G. McCarthy
Kevekes, Andrew Notes: buried 02-08-1899 age 36, male, Location 57 142 2, McMahon and Collier
Keys, Morris born 11-18-1902 died 11-30-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo Son of Thomas Keys McCarthy Funeral Home
Kidder, Josiah H. born 8-29-1841 died 1-19-1911 Notes: born at Indiana married, parents Alonzo Kidder and Lura Choper Kidder both born Vermont McCarthy Funeral Home
Kiehn, Daniel Notes: buried 02-01-1899 age 51, male, Location 25 77 7, West Brothers
Kiernan, Clara Emma born 1894 died 1977 (Floyd Kelling)
Killip, Charles died 10-26-1922 Notes: age 56y (Floyd Kelling)
Kimball, Lauron H. born 1850 died 1901 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Kimball, Thomas S. died 3-21-1902 Notes: married McCarthy Funeral Home
Kimberly, infant born 3-3-1899 died 3-3-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo child of James Kimberly McCarthy Funeral Home
Kinfer, Willie C. Notes: buried 05-06-1899 age 4, male, Location 25 54 19, McMahon and Collier
King, Edward born 3-27-1824 died 2-18-1895 (Floyd Kelling)
King, Frances F. born 1-6-1915 died 10-59-2001 Notes: Tec5 US Army WWII (Kay Medved)
King, Hosea B. born 1858 died 1917 (Floyd Kelling)
King, Myra B. born 1865 died 1956 (Floyd Kelling)
King, Patrick Notes: buried 10-25-1898 age 31, male, Location 57 135 4, McMahon and Collier
King, William Henry died 1-11-1902 Notes: age 54y 3m 19d, married, informant W.C. Bruighman McCarthy Funeral Home
Kingstein, Sarah and infant died 11-13-1901 Notes: age 29y, wife of William Kingstein, daughter of O.B. Kinkle McCarthy Funeral Home
Kinnaman, Lyle M. born 1913 died 1967 (Sharon McCurry)
Kinnerley, Thomas Lasier died 9-1-1900 Notes: afe 6m 23d, son of T.W. Kinnerley McCarthy Funeral Home
Kinnet, Josephine died 4-6-1902 Notes:age 24y 5m 17d, died at Cripple Creek, Co., wife of F.W. Kimmet. T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home records show Kimmett.
Kinock, Joe infant of Notes: buried 06-30-1899 age 0, male, Location 29 176 6, McMahon and Collier
Kirby, Edward died 1-27-1901 Notes: age abt 52y McCarthy Funeral Home
Kirby, June died 5-13-1900 Notes:age 38y, wife of Patrick Kirby. T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home Records. Roselawn records shows Kirley.
Kirch, Emil Howard born 9-11-1894 died 5-19-1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Kirch, Ethel D. born 7-30-1895 died 7-23-1973 (Floyd Kelling)
Kirk, Clarence Oscar died 5-11-1900 Notes: age 5y, 12 d, son of C.O. Kirk McCarthy Funeral Home
Kirkbride, Fannie E. Notes: buried 06-15-1898 age 27, female, Location 25 81 4, McMahon and Collier
Kirkendale, M.M. infant Notes: buried 09-17-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 52 28, McMahon and Collier
Kirshall, Josephine Notes: buried 08-03-1899 age 46, female, Location 25 70 7, McMahon and Collier
Kirton, George Alfred born 1891 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)
Kirton, Winifred Mary born 1886 died 1960 (Floyd Kelling)
Kissick, Thelma J. Germ born 1928 died no date Notes: Daughter Also (Kay Medved)
Kizlin, Mary died 9-19-1902 Notes: age 10d, daughter of Joseph Kizlin McCarthy Funeral Home
Klafurich, Anna born 1889 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Klafurich, Steve born 1895 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Klamm, Fern G. born 1897 died 1993 (Floyd Kelling)
Klamm, Leon D. born 9-28-1922 died 7-28-2001 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII (Floyd Kelling)
Klamm, Lewis E. born 1901 died 1979 (Floyd Kelling)
Klanchar, John E. born 1896 died 1979 (Sharon McCurry)
Klasgye Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Klasgye, Evangeline born 1968 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Klasgye, Laura I. born 6-7-1889 died 10-28-1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Klasgye, Sarah M. born 1866 died 1954 (Floyd Kelling)
Klasgye, W.E. born 1847 died 1921 (Floyd Kelling)
Klein Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Bertha born 1885 died 1891 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Caroline died 6-3-1902 Notes: daughter of Henry Klien McCarthy Funeral Home
Klein, Carry born 1902 died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Emanuel born 1891 died 1926 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Ferdinand born 1897 died 1-26-1969 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Henry born 1856 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Isabella born 1858 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, John Jr. born 12-28-1904 died 12-12-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of John and Jennie Klein both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Klein, Louis born 1883 died 1900 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Mabel born 1889 died 1893 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Mary F. born 9-8-1858 died 2-14-1911 Notes: born at Germany daughter of Florian Rosmonet both parents born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Klein, Roslyn Helen born 1938 died 1968 (Floyd Kelling)
Klein, Ruth born 1887 died 1893 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Kleinheim, Charles C. born 1925 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kleinheim, Rose M. born 1929 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Klemens, Joseph Notes: buried 03-27-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 242 23, T.G. McCarthy
Kletzky Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Kletzky, David born 1871 died 1926 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Kletzky, Paulina born 1872 died 1923 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klingstein, Herbert born 1901 died 1901 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klingstein, Sarah born 1872 died 1901 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Klintz, Daniela J. born 1907 died 2003 Notes: Sisters (Sharon McCurry)
Klintz, Edward L. born 1919 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Klintz, Jerry A. born 1910 died 1977 Notes: TSgt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Klintz, Jerry A. born 1-13-1910 died 3-27-1977 (Sharon McCurry)
Klintz, Louise M. born 1920 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Klintz, Pauline F. born 3-3-1912 died 7-6-1996 (Sharon McCurry)
Klintz, Sylvia P. born 1917 died 2000 Notes: Sisters (Sharon McCurry)
Klinz, Frances born 1-5-1909 died 1-17-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Jerry and Francis Pacic Klinz both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Klob, Joan died 1943 Notes: infant
Klobuchan, Anna Rosalee died 8-7-1904 age 9 buried 8-13-1904 location 21 176 5 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim
Klun, Charles Jr. died 2-17-1902 Notes: age 5m 20d, son of Chrales Klun Sr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Klun, Mary died 12-20-1901 Notes: age 28y, wife of Charles Klun McCarthy Funeral Home
Klune, Antonia born 1-17-1888 died 11-2-1978 (Floyd Kelling)
Knabe, Gilbert W. born 1915 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Knabe, Ida V. born 1914 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)
Knapp, Harry Notes: buried 05-12-1898 age 0, male, Location 25 64 11, T.G. McCarthy
Knause, Rowena S. born 1901 died 1986 (Sharon McCurry)
Kneble, Estella Notes: buried 09-30-1898 age 10, female, Location 14 63 4, McMahon and Collier
Knific, Anna born 1926 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Knific, Peter born 1929 died 1989 (Sharon McCurry)
Knight, Goldie F. born 1892 died 1961 (Floyd Kelling)
Knight, Robert Edward died 4-23-1900 Notes: age 11m 27d, son of Robert Knight McCarthy Funeral Home
Knoblauch, Mary E. born 1895 died 1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Knott, Emma A. Notes: buried 11-26-1899 age 28, female, Location 30 127 5, McMahon and Collier
Knott, Leslie born 1838 died 1903 (Floyd Kelling)
Knox, Willie Scot Notes: buried 07-10-1898 age 47, male, Location 26 72 3, McMahon and Collier
Knudsen, Bryn Kara born 7-7-1977 died 11-7-1990 (Sharon McCurry) Also (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Adeline born 2-11-1921 died 4-29-2014 Notes: age 93 buried 5-3-2014 Block, Lot, Space: 72 62 2 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Albert F. born 8-16-1916 died 3-30-1994 Notes: died 3-30-1994 age 77 buried 4-4-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 72 62 3 McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Amelia born 1870 died 1958 Notes: died age 0 buried 3-29-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 21 219 3 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Angela Notes: died age 0 buried 12-11-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 21 11 16 Udv
Kochevar, Anna Notes: (Hochevar) died age 0 buried 12-11-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 21 203 4 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Ann Pauline born 1922 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Anthony Notes: died age 59 buried 2-18-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 7 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Anton Notes: died age 71 buried 8-19-1952 Block, Lot, Space: 70 38a 2 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Anton B. Notes: died 1-5-1991 age 86 buried 1-8-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 70 113 6 Almont Pueblo
Kochevar, Anton F. born 1903 died 1975 Notes: died 3-3-1975 age 72 buried 3-5-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 72 182 1 T.G. McCarthy(Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Antonia Notes: (Hochevar) died age 35 buried 12-11-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 21 203 6 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, August William Notes: died 3-22-2009 age 95 buried 3-26-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 1 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Augustine Notes: died 11-6-1993 age 77 buried 11-13-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 70 67 2 Adrian Comer Aurora, Co
Kochevar, Barbara Notes: died age 73 buried 1-18-1943 Block, Lot, Space: 70 68 1 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Barbra Notes: died age 0 buried 3-27-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 53 32 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Catherine Notes: died 5-27-1975 age 87 buried 5-30-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 21 84 3 T. G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Catherine Notes: died age 1 buried 10-18-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 70 108 2 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Cecilia Notes: died 3-31-1986 age 85 buried 4-4-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 32 122 4 Mc Carthy-Almont
Kochevar, Charles Notes: died age 0 buried 7-14-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 21 10 8 Udv
Kochevar, Edward John Notes: died 12-12-2007 age 93 buried 8-15-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 21 208 3 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Edward Robert Notes: died 12-14-2012 age 95 buried 1-30-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 4 Cedar Lawn Crematory Okland, Nj
Kochevar, Enci Notes: died age 0 buried 3-27-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 53 32 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Evelyn L. born 1908 died 8-28-2006 Notes: died 8-28-2006 age 98 buried 10-11-2007 Block, Lot, Space: Pk 112 1 Chapel Of Rememberance Arcadia, Ca (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Frances born 10-4-1891 died 11-19-1973 Notes: died 11-19-1973 age 82 buried 11-21-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 72 139 1 T.G. McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Frank born 6-30-1911 died 12-28-1985 Notes: died 12-31-1985 age 74 buried 12-31-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 72 35 1 T. G. McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Frank Notes: died age 72 buried 12-15-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 21 208 6 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Frank Notes: died age 0 buried 4-6-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 21 7 10 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Frank Notes: (Kovecar) died age 40 buried 8-11-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 21 206 2 Udv
Kochevar, Frank J. born 1905 died 1974 Notes: died 9-24-1974 age 69 buried 9-27-1974 Block, Lot, Space: 21 219 2 Geo. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Frank J. Family monument (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Frank J. Notes: died 9-24-1970 age 73 buried 9-28-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 21 208 8 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Grace Notes: died age 53 buried 10-12-1961 Block, Lot, Space: 41 73 3 T.G. McCarthy
Kochever, Helen born 12-20-1909 died 2-17-1910 Notes: died age 0 buried 2-18-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 53 20 2 born at Pueblo son of Anton Kochever and Josie Jursan Kochever both born Austria T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Helen died 1926 Notes: died age 0 buried 6-8-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 21 3 10 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Helen Notes: died 2-27-2007 age 88 buried 1-30-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 4 Cedar Lawn Crematory Okland, Nj
Kochevar, Helen E. Notes: died 6-11-2002 age 74 buried 6-14-2002 Block, Lot, Space: 20 11 7 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Ignatz Notes: died age 0buried 3-29-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 70 143 1 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Jacob Notes: died age 35 buried 8-17-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 21 188 4 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Jacob Notes: died age 66 buried 2-27-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 21 204 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Jennie Ruth Notes: died 12-20-1996 age 89 buried 1-4-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 21 208 7 no mortuary Huntsville, Ala
Kochevar, Johanna Notes: died age 22 buried 6-16-1919 Block, Lot, Space: 21 168 6 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, John Notes: died age 0 buried 9-14-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 21 168 7 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, John Notes: died age 37 buried 8-26-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 70 103 1 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, John Notes: died age 0 buried 8-29-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 53 25 1 Udv
Kochevar, John Notes: died age 30 buried 9-17-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 53 11 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, John Notes: died age 0 buried 5-14-1930 Block, Lot, Space: 21 10 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, John Anthony Sr. Notes: died 10-26-2009 age 94 buried 11-2-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 20 11 7 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, John L. born 1910 died 1976 Notes: died 12-18-1976 age 66 buried 12-21-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 21 219 5 Also Mc Carthy-Almont (Kay Medved)
Kochever, Joseph died 10-15-1907 Notes: born at Pueblo age 3 weeks, son of Joseph Kochever born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kochever, Joseph born 7-14-1904 died 3-4-1910 Notes: died age 6 buried 3-4-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 21 19 T3 born at Pueblo son of Anton and Maggie Skube both born Austria T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Joseph Frank Notes: died age 76 buried 11-13-1959 Block, Lot, Space: 70 39 2 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Joseph S. born 12-31-1906 died 7-15-1969 Notes: died 7-15-1969 age 63 buried 7-17-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 21 219 1 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Josephine Notes: died 3-4-1973 age 83 buried 3-6-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 70 38a 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Josephine E. Notes: died 1-7-1999 age 91 buried 1-11-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 70 113 5 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Katherine Notes: died age 77 buried 5-21-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 21 137 6
no mortuary listed
Kochevar, Katherine Ann Notes: died 10-4-2012 age 94 buried 10-4-2013 Block, Lot, Space: 21 208 3 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Larry A. born 1941 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Margaret Notes: died age 73 buried 11-7-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 6 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Margaret E. Notes: died 12-28-1978 age 73 buried 12-30-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 6 McCarthy-Almont
Kochevar, Mark Notes: died 1-10-1987 age 79 buried 1-14-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 41 73 4 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mark Notes: died age 81 buried 7-24-1961 Block, Lot, Space: 21 84 4 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Martin Notes: died age 85 buried 5-21-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 21 137 7 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Martin J.A. Notes: died 2-3-1989 age 92 buried 2-7-1989 Block, Lot, Space: 21 137 8 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mary Notes: died 6-14-1995 age 97 buried 6-16-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 70 180 3 McCarthy-Almont Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 10-9-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 53 31 15 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mary Notes: died age 70 buried 4-13-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 70 153 6 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mary Notes: died age 49 buried 12-17-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 21 208 5 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 4-20-1904 Block, Lot, Space: 57 39 8 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 1-18-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 53 25 13 Udv
Kochevar, Mary born 1894 died 1994 Notes: died 5-8-1994 age 10 buried 5-12-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 72 119 1 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Mary B. Notes: died 11-24-1967 age 78 buried 11-27-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 70 39 1 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mary H. born 1920 died 1993 Notes: died 11-5-1993 age 73buried 11-9-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 72 183 4 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Mary L. Notes: died 11-10-2003 age 97 buried 11-15-2003 Block, Lot, Space: 21 137 4 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Kochevar, Mary M. Notes: died 11-12-1990 age 69 buried 11-15-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 36 50 6 Imperial
Kochevar, Mary R. Notes: died 5-30-1978 age 97 buried 6-2-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 70 108 6 Mc Carthy-Almont
Kochevar, Matt Notes: died age 77 buried 3-13-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 70 180 4 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Matthew Notes: died age 7 buried 8-8-1921 Block, Lot, Space: 21 203 3 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Matthew J. Notes: died age 47 buried 3-25-1942 Block, Lot, Space: 32 122 5 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Mildred B. born 2-9-1945 died 5-19-1973 Notes: died 5-19-1973 age 28 buried 5-22-1973 Block, Lot, Space: 72 182 2 T.G. McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Pete J. born 6-21-1901 died 1-27-1968 Notes: died 1-27-1968 age 66 buried 7-29-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 70 194 1 George F. McCarthy (Floyd Kelling)
Kochevar, Peter Notes: died age 68 buried 1-26-1942 Block, Lot, Space: 70 73 4 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Robert Notes: died age 0 buried 12-23-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 21 3 2George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Rosalie Notes: died 4-11-1968 age 89 buried 4-15-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 70 73 3 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Rose Notes: died 8-10-1993 age 74buried 8-13-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 21 128 2 McCarthy Almont Pueblo, Colorado
Kochevar, Rose M. Notes: died 12-4-1990 age 74 buried 12-6-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 70 73 2 Rouch Pueblo
Kochevar, Rudolph A. born 1909 died 1987 Notes: died 1-15-1987 age 77 buried 1-21-1987 Block, Lot, Space: Pk 112 2 Almont McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Rudolph Frank Notes: died 11-21-1971 age 10 buried 11-24-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 71 54 5 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Rudolph J. Sr. Notes: died 3-13-1984 age 72 buried 3-16-1984 Block, Lot, Space: 70 67 3 T. G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Rudolph Joseph Jr. Notes: died age 10 buried 8-5-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 70 67 4 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, Rudolph P. born 1890 died 1965 Notes: "Kochie" died age 74 buried 1-30-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 72 119 2 T.G. McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Sharon E. born 1944 died 1986 Notes: died 3-16-1986 age 42 buried 3-20-1986 Block, Lot, Space: 72 103 3 T.G. McCarthy (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Sylvia I.born 1911 died 1992 Notes: died 6-2-1992 age 80 buried 6-6-1992 Block, Lot, Space: 21 219 4 Almont McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Kochevar, Thelma Ann born 1916 died 2002 Notes: died 7-20-2002 age 85 buried 7-23-2002 Block, Lot, Space: 72 119 3T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co (Sharon McCurry)
Kochevar, Tony Notes: died age 64 buried 7-24-1935 Block, Lot, Space: 70 108 7 George F. McCarthy
Kochevar, Ursula Notes: died age 27 buried 6-10-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 21 205 6 T.G. McCarthy
Kochevar, William Notes: died age 0 buried 5-14-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 53 28 16 Udv
Kochevar, William John Notes: died 6-9-2007 age 92 buried 6-16-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 70 73 2 Davis Pueblo, Co
Kochevar-Moody, Teri Jean Notes: died 3-3-2005 age 45 buried 8-9-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 39 165 6 Sierra Crematory Reno, Nv
Kocman, Cecilia M. Notes: died 11-16-2001 age 87 buried 11-20-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 70 N4 2 George McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Kocman, Edward J. Notes: died 4-5-1985 age 74 buried 4-9-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 70 4 1 McCarthy Almont
Kocman, Edward Lee Notes: died 4-19-2009 age 76 buried 4-23-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 21 121 1 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Kocman, Elsie Ann Notes: died 12-8-2006 age 92 buried 12-12-2006 Block, Lot, Space: 21 110 6 Montgomery Steward Pueblo, Co
Kocman, Frank Notes: died age 7 buried 10-27-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 3 no mortuary listed
Kocman, Joe Notes: (Joseph) died 3-16-1968 age 0 buried 3-18-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 5 George F. McCarthy
Kocman, John born 1880 died 1931 Notes: died age 50 buried 6-23-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 70 140 4 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Kocman, Joseph Jr. died 8-20-1909 Notes: died age 3 buried 8-21-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 2 born at Pueblo age 3y 5m 10d, son of Joe Kocman T.G. McCarthy
Kocman, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 11-13-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 21 193 6 George F. McCarthy
Kocman, Rudolph J. Notes: died age 0 buried 3-2-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 21 110 5 George F. McCarthy
Koehler, Bertha M. died 9-14-1902 Notes: age 23y 1m 12d, wife of Ernest A. Koehler McCarthy Funeral Home
Koening, Frank Notes: buried 09-08-1898 age 36, male, Location 57 142 8, T.G. McCarthy
Kohler, Mayte L. Notes: buried 07-07-1898 age 2, female, Location 25 56 12, West Brothers
Kohn, Max born 3-13-1850 died 10-15-1912 Notes: born at Germany son of Leopold and ? Wessel both born Germany, died at Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Illinois McCarthy Funeral Home
Koiagor, John Notes: buried 06-26-1897 age 61, male, Location 12 322 8, McMahon and Collier
Kolbezen, Alois born 1-13-1911 died 5-27-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Martin and Lis Stepanich Kolbezen McCarthy Funeral Home
Kolesarik, Joseph born 2-27-? died 4-18-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo age 19y, son of Joseph and Mary Tilpot Kolesarik both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Komloske, Anna Margaret born 1883 died 1918 Notes: Mother (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Komoli, Johanna died 5-15-1902 Notes: age 35y, wife of John Komoli McCarthy Funeral Home
Komornick, Annie Notes: buried 01-04-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 245 4, McMahon and Collier
Koncilia, Joe D. born 1907 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Koncilia, Mary K. born 1913 died 2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Konecek, Bessie or Rosena born 10-28-1909 died 8-25-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Steven and Anna Parak Konecek both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Konecek, Florence born 9-9-1912 died 4-13-1914 Notes: child of Stephen and Anna Park both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Konecyna, Sophia Notes: buried 08-19-1898 age 9, female, Location 57 241 20, T.G. McCarthy
Koneczna, Sophie died 8-17-1898 Notes: age 8y 9m, daughter of Andrew Koneczna McCarthy Funeral Home
Kontur, Mary died 7-25-1902 Notes: age 1y 6m 10d, daughter of Frank Kontur McCarthy Funeral Home
Koper, Charles died 10-17-1912 Notes: born at Austria age 31y, parents born Austria, no relatives found McCarthy Funeral Home
Korba, Vasit Notes: also listed as Lonka, Vasit buried 11-28-1899 age 22, male, Location 57 132 7, West Brothers
Kosac, Anton born 10-1-1909 died 1-22-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1y 3m, son of Frank and Mary Lagracek Kosak both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kosac, Mary born 1-1-1904 died 2-23-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Frank and Mary Lagracel Kosac both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kosch, George born 1910 died 1976 (Sharon McCurry)
Kosch, Helen born 1914 died 1992 (Sharon McCurry)
Koschak, Jerry born 1855 died 9-2-1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Koshak, Jessie J. born 1911 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Koshak, Matt J. born 1918 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Koshak, Rose Marie born 1929 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Koshak, Stanley J. born 1911 died 1971 (Sharon McCurry)
Koss, Edward F. born 1-17-1916 died 7-10-1916 (Kay Medved)
Koss, Emily born 1921 died 2002 (Kay Medved)
Koss, Francis P. born 2-20-1909 died 4-16-1912 (Kay Medved)
Koss, Francis P. born 1879 died 1973 Also (Kay Medved)
Koss, Pauline A. born 1888 died 1968 Also (Kay Medved)
Koss, William born 1925 died 2002 (Kay Medved)
Kotlar, Helen M. born ? died 9-17-1957 (Dennis Reed)
Kotlar, Jennie M. born 1896 died 1940 (Dennis Reed)
Kotlar, John born 1865 died 1926 (Dennis Reed)
Kotlar, John M. born 8-24-1895 died 9-15-1967 Notes: Colorado CPL 341 Field Arty WWI (Dennis Reed)
Kotlar, Stephen J. born 1893 died 1925 (Dennis Reed)
Kottenstette, Anna G. born 1881 died 1964(Dennis Reed)
Kottenstette, Anna G. born 1881 died 1964 (Floyd Kelling)
Kottenstette, Fred born 1877 died 1932 (Floyd Kelling)
Kottenstette, Fred born 1877 died 1948 (Dennis Reed)
Kottenstette, Frederick J. born 6-14-1916 died 5-6-1990 Enc US Navy WWII Also (Kay Medved)
Kottenstette, Rita M. born 1919 died no date (Kay Medved)
Kouns, Earl Maurice born 9-1-1890 died 4-4-1954 (Sharon McCurry)
Kouns, Earl Tommie born 5-31-1946 died 8-18-1947 (Sharon McCurry)
Kouns, May born 11-28-1891 died 11-20-1962 (Sharon McCurry)
Kountz, Adam born no dates died Notes: Sgt Co F 198 Pa Inf (Floyd Kelling)
Kountz, Adam died Notes: Sgt Co F 198 Pennsylvania Infantry
Kovacic, Frank died 12-29-1911 Notes: born at Austria age 56y, informant Mike Egan expenses by Moose Lodge McCarthy Funeral Home
Kovacic, Johanna born 2-21-1910 died 5-29-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Frank and Jennie Pizman Kovacic both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kovacich, Isabel B. born 12-16-1927 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kovacich, Joseph J. born 1-1-1913 died 3-12-1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Kovacich, Joseph J. born 1-1-1913 died 3-12-1997 Notes: SSgt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Kovacich, Tony born 5-22-1911 died 4-1-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Frank and Jennie Picman Kovacich, both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kovics, Ilonka born 9-5-1916 died 3-13-1917 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Kovsca, John born 6-23-1912 died 7-16-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Andrew Kovsca and Mary Marconi Kovsca, both born in Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Kozar, Ann born 1908 died 1950 Also (Kay Medved)
Kozar, Gabor born 7-4-1914 died 3-17-1917 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Kozar, Joseph born 1876 died 1950 Notes: Father Also (Kay Medved)
Kozar, Mary born 1882 died 1955 Notes: Mother Also (Kay Medved)
Kozar, Mary born 1906 died 1989 (Kay Medved)
Kozjan, Angela died 11-15-1902 Notes: age 4m, daughter of George Kozjan McCarthy Funeral Home
Kozjan, George born 1854 died 1903 (Kay Medved)
Kozjan, Margaret born 1869 died 1959 (Kay Medved)
Kozlovich, Nicholas born 9-20-1892 died 12-7-1915 Notes: born at Russia Son of Adam Kozlovich born in Russia, husband of Mary Kozlovich McCarthy Funeral Home
Krague Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Krague, Robert J. born 1854 died 1891 (Floyd Kelling)
Krague, Robert J. born 1854 died 1891 (Floyd Kelling)
Krague, Robert J. (Floyd Kelling)
Krajacic, Josephine born 7-8-1910 died 6-15-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Joe and Frances Selan Krajacic both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Krall, Hedwig I. born 1921 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Krall, Raymond J. born 1917 died 1981 Notes: Sgt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Krall, Raymond J. born 1917 died 1981 (Sharon McCurry)
Kramer, Aline Notes: buried 8-21-1899 age 53, female, Location 30 117 6, McMahon and Collier
Kramer, Andrew died 9-9-1899 Notes: age 30y, informant John Russ buried 09-10-1899 male, Location 57 133 1, T.G. McCarthy
Kraskovic, Aloysius died 4-10-1899 Notes: age 1y 3m 22d, son of Michael Kraskovic buried 04-11-1899 male, Location 57 241 38, T.G. McCarthy
Krasovec, Katherine born 6-4-1896 died 2-6-1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Krasovek, Frank born 6-27-1889 died 7-13-1972 (Sharon McCurry)
Krasovek, Helen J. born 1896 died 1958 (Sharon McCurry)
Krasovek, Joseph A. born 1895 died 1964 (Sharon McCurry)
Krasovic, John J. born 1904 died 1976 (Dennis Reed)
Krasovic, Mary A. born 1906 died 1985 (Dennis Reed)
Krosovic, Matt Notes: buried 07-09-1898 age 26, male, Location 57 141 5, McMahon and Collier
Krasovich, Louis V. born 1900 died 1970 (Dennis Reed)
Krasovich, Louise M. born 1904 died 1987 (Dennis Reed)
Krause, Peter Jr. died 12-13-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo single, son of Peter and Anna Welosky Krouse both born Hungary McCarthy Funeral Home
Kresham, Charles born 5-28-1852 died 2-25-1904 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Kresham, Charles born died (Floyd Kelling)
Kretschmer, Joseph A. died 1-15-1902 Notes: age 23y 3m 9d, nother Olga Kretschmer McCarthy Funeral Home
Kretschmer, Louis born 3-8-1883 died 11-19-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Joseph and Olga Seig Kretschmer both born Germany McCarthy Funeral Home
Kretschner, Mary A. born 8-18-1857 died 10-3-1911 Notes: born at Illinois wife of Charles Kretschmer, daughter of Michael and Katherine Larkin McLaughlin, f born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home
Krewson, Virgil B. born 2-21-1854 died 8-24-1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Krewson, Virgil B. born 2-22-1854 died 8-24-1910 (Floyd Kelling)
Krippner, Fred C. died 12-30-1896 Notes: age 27y (Floyd Kelling)
Krippner, Fred C. died (Floyd Kelling)
Kristan, John born 1909 died 1998 (Sharon McCurry)
Kristan, Mary born 1910 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Kronowit, Katie died 1-9-1907 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1y 1m 17d, daughter of Frank Kronwit McCarthy Funeral Home
Krug, Jacob died 1-30-1914 Notes: born at Pueblo age 20 days, son of Jacob Krug McCarthy Funeral Home
Kruk, Katherine born 11-4-1911 died 7-30-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Jacon and Mary Kruk both born Russia McCarthy Funeral Home
Kruk, Peter born 11-10-1911 died 11-11-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Jacob and Agra Pina Kruk both born Russia McCarthy Funeral Home
Krutka, Irma A. born 1902 died 1972 Also (Kay Medved)
Krutka, John J. born 1899 died 1964 Also (Kay Medved)
Krutka, Joseph Notes: buried 09-02-1898 age 0, male, Location 57 241 16, McMahon and Collier
Kuhn, Nellie T. born 12-14-1859 died 8-3-1932 (Sharon McCurry)
Kuhne, infant son born 12-29-1909 died 12-29-1909 Notes: born at Pueblo son of George Kuhne McCarthy Funeral Home
Kulpa, Helen died 8-29-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo age 7 days, daughter of Frank Kulpa buried 08-29-1899 female, Location 57 28 16, T.G. McCarthy
Kulpa, infant died 7-25-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1 day, child of Frank Kulpa McCarthy Funeral Home
Kunkel, Julius R. born 1860 died 1922 (Dennis Reed)
Kunkel, M. Louise born 1878 died 1947 (Dennis Reed)
Kuntz, Alta M. born 1891 died 1967 (Floyd Kelling)
Kuntz, Clyde W. born 1890 died 1960 (Floyd Kelling)
Kuntz, Ralph F. born 1880 died 1951 (Floyd Kelling)
Kuntz, Susan born 1852 died 1942 (Floyd Kelling)
Kurley, Ann died 6-10-1902 Notes: age 73y, no known relatives, expenses by Pueblo County McCarthy Funeral Home
Kurta, Karl W. died 9-3-1909 Notes: age 13y 11m 23d, son of G. Kurtz McCarthy Funeral Home
Kurtz, Margaretha born 1888 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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