Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

AB C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Y-Z Unknown

Eagan, Alice born 1857 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)

Eagan, Henry born 1857 died 1895 (Sharon McCurry)

Eagan, James born 1891 died 1897 (Sharon McCurry)

Eagan, Patrick J. born 1892 died 1955 (Sharon McCurry)

Eagon, Gladys I. born 1912 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)

Eagon, Walter V. born 1906 died 1982 (Sharon McCurry)

Eames, Asgil Henry born 2-15-1842 died 9-26-1910 Notes: born at Massachusetts, married, son of Luther and Esther Jacquith Eames both born Massachusetts, McCarthy Funeral Home, Co C 6 Massachusetts Infantry

Eason, Charles M. born 12-5-1937 died 5-29-1998 (Sharon McCurry)

Eason, Dorothy A. born 12-4-1915 died no date (Sharon McCurry)

Eason, Robert Earl born 8-22-? died 8-16-1911 Notes: age 12y, son of J.H. Eason born Ky. And Mary Mertes Eason born Iowa McCarthy Funeral Home

East, Gene L. born 1897 died 1954 (Sharon McCurry)

East, Margaret D. born 8-3-1883 died 12-31-1972 (Floyd Kelling)

Eastburg, Emma died 11-7-1911 Notes: born at Sweden age 29y, wife of Samuel Eastbury, maiden name Jone, both parents born Sweden McCarthy Funeral Home

Easterly, Edward H. died 9-15-1892 Notes: age 24y 7m 5d (Floyd Kelling)

Easterly, Edward H. died (Floyd Kelling)

Easterly, William B. born 11-14-1862 died 1-6-1932 (Floyd Kelling)

Eastman, Catherine born 8-15-? died 7-18-1911 Notes: born at New Haven, Conn. age 47y, widow, daughter of John and Mary Sweeney Nolan both born Ireland McCarthy Funeral Home

Eberenz, Irma born 6-10-1891 died 11-?-1896 Notes: daughter of George B. & Jessie Eberenz (Floyd Kelling)

Eby, Jennie died 12-4-1901 Notes: age 51y 3m 12d, married, wife of Elias Eby, McCarthy Funeral Home

Edeau, John died 12-20-1894 Notes: age 39y (Floyd Kelling)

Edeau, John born 1855 died 1894 (Floyd Kelling)

Edeau, Mellie born 1861 died 1950 (Floyd Kelling)

Edeau, Sadie J. born 1886 died 1950 (Floyd Kelling)

Eden, James E. born 1862 died 1916 (Floyd Kelling)

Eden, Ralph D. born 1909 died 1910 (Floyd Kelling)

Eden, Ralph D. born 6-23-1909 died 8-9-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo son of James E. and Frances Helpling Eden, f born Mich. M born NY McCarthy Funeral Home

Eder, Fritz born 1876 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)

Edmonds, Berta L. born 1912 died 2004 (Sharon McCurry)

Edmonds, York born 1910 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)

Edmundson, Charles H. born 1870 died 1901 (Floyd Kelling)

Edmunson, Charles Herbert died 12-6-1901 Notes: age 30y 9m 10d, husband of Mrs. Charles Edmunson McCarthy Funeral Home

Edson, Albert H. born 1878 died 1949 (Floyd Kelling)

Edson, Alvin H. born 11-28-1887 died 3-21-1907 (Floyd Kelling)

Edson, Alvin H. died (Floyd Kelling)

Edson, Laura E. born 1861 died 1936 (Floyd Kelling)

Edson, Melvin E. born 1860 died 1937 (Floyd Kelling)

Edwards, Catherine born 8-30-1879 died 10-20-1911 Notes: born at Brooklyn, NY wife of Earl S. Edwards, daughter of Marshall Cooper born England, baby buried with Mother McCarthy Funeral Home

Edwards, Clara Ring born 1893 died 1980 (Floyd Kelling)

Edwards, Eva Hartman born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)

Edwards, Eva Hartman born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)

Edwards, infant born 10-20-1911 died 10-20-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo buried in Mothers casket, child of Earl S. and Catherine Cooper Edwards f born Indiana m born Brooklyn, NY McCarthy Funeral Home

Egan, Frank Rudolph died 1-25-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1m, 23d, son of Mike Egan McCarthy Funeral Home

Egan, John born 7-12-1910 died 10-12-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Joseph and Gabriel Hegler Egan both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home

Egan, Rudolph Notes: buried 10-28-1897 age 1, male, Location 57 252 9, McMahon and Collier

Eggerman, Arnold Roe born 8-14-1922 died 3-16-1947 Notes: died age 24 buried 3-21-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 28 130 1 Davis (Kay Medved)

Eggerman, Arthur Floyd born 3-2-1897 died 5-13-1964 Notes: died age 0 buried 5-15-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 28 130 4 Davis

Eggerman, Delores Edora Notes: died age 21 buried 1-31-1927 Block, Lot, Space: 28 130 3 Davis

Eipper, Minnie H. Notes: buried 09-17-1899 age 22, female, Location 24 65 6, McMahon and Collier

Eklund Monument (Sharon McCurry)

Eklund, Alma Anna born 9-14-1903 died 3-28-1919 (Sharon McCurry)

Eklund, Peter B. born 1860 died 1925 (Sharon McCurry)

Elgin, Albert A. Notes: buried 09-22-1899 age 0, male, Location 26 61 10, T.G. McCarthy

Elich, Angelina born 1914 died 2001 Notes: Mom, married 4-29-1934 Also (Kay Medved)

Elich, Justina born 10-7-1911 died 10-28-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo father Peter A. Elich, mother Gabrilla S. Kufka, both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home

Elich, William M. born 1909 died 1971 Notes: Dad, married 4-29-1934 Also (Kay Medved)

Ellby, Alvin born 10-25-1873 died 8-28-1896 Notes: age 22y 10m 3d (Floyd Kelling)

Ellby, Alvin died (Floyd Kelling)

Ellgen, Albert A. died 9-21-1899 Notes: born at Pueblo age 5 days, father Albert Ellgen McCarthy Funeral Home

Ellgen, Magdalena died 9-10-1898 Notes: daughter of Albert Ellgen buried 09-11-1898 age 0, female, Location 26 61 17, T.G. McCarthy

Elliot, Albert born no date died 1-17-1938 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Joseph Sr. born 1877 died 1942 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Joseph Sr. Family Monument (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Lena born 1847 died 1923 Temple Emanuel

Elliot, Miriam born 1883 died 1949 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Rhea S. born 1923 died 1987 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Rhea S. born 1923 died 1987 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Rose born no date died 10-13-1950 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Ruth Rebecca born 1911 died 5-26-2001 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Theodore born 1920 died no date Notes: married 10-8-1950 (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Theodore born 1920 died no date Notes: married 10-8-1950 (Floyd Kelling)

Elliot, Simon Frank born 5-25-1909 died 12-16-1982 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)

Elliott, John P. born 1889 died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)

Elliott, Minnie E. born no date died 9-25-1994 (Sharon McCurry)

Elmon, Pleasant died May 14, 1900 Notes: age 58years, white, male McCarthy Funeral Home

Elze, Arnold H. born 1889 died 1977 Notes: Arnold Henry Elze son of Robert C. & Martha L. (Ogroske) Elze born 21 Jan 1889 in Westcliffe, CO; died 26 Mar 1977 in Pueblo

Elze, Arnold H. born 1914 died 1939 Notes: Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Elze brother of Ellis and Madison Elze. Died 17 Jan 1930, aged 16 years.

Elze, Pearl E. born 1889 died 1940 Notes: Pearl E. (Hall) Elze wife of Arnold H. Elze and mother of Madison and Ellis Elze, died 31 Dec 1940 Pueblo

Embree, Joseph W. born 1838 died 1918 (Sharon McCurry)

Embree, Martha A. born 1842 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)

Emerick, Margaret Notes: buried 07-16-1899 age 0, female, Location 26 85 6, West Brothers

Emrich, Jacob M. died 8-7-1904 age 52 buried 8-9-1904 location 13 407 4 T.G. Mc Carthy Eden Train Wreck Victim

Engel, Adelena C. born 1890 died 1959 (Dennis Reed)

Engel, George B. born 1887 died 1969 (Dennis Reed)

Engel, Hazel Eve born 1894 died 1941 (Dennis Reed)

Engel, Hazel Eve born 1894 died 1941 (Floyd Kelling)

England, Lulu died 1-7-1912 Notes: black, female, paid by Mrs. V. March & Douglas Undertaking, resident of Denver McCarthy Funeral Home

Engle, Adelena C. born 1890 died 1959 (Floyd Kelling)

Engle, Adelena C. born 1890 died 1959 (Dennis Reed)

Engle, Alfred born 1854 died 1929 (Floyd Kelling)

Engle, George B. born 1887 died 1969 (Floyd Kelling)

Engle, George B. born 1887 died 1969 (Dennis Reed)

Engle, Hazel Eve born 1894 died 1941 (Dennis Reed)

Engle, Maggie B. born 1864 died 1951 (Floyd Kelling)

Engleman, Harold G. born 1928 died 2006 (Floyd Kelling)

Engleman, Marjorie F. born 1928 died no date (Floyd Kelling)

English, James born 9-1-1900 died 9-1-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo son of James English McCarthy Funeral Home

English, Joseph M. died 1-22-1910 Notes: born at Ohio age 83 years, son of Joseph English and Mary Hupp both born Virginia McCarthy Funeral Home

Epstein, Emanuel born 1878 died 1949 Temple Emanuel

Epstein, Sarah Ambrose born 1878 died 1948 Temple Emanuel

Ercul, Katherine Mutz born 1892 died 1984 (Dennis Reed)

Erick, Fred born 1887 died 1923 (Floyd Kelling)

Erickson, Andrew Notes: buried 09-17-1898 age 50, male, Location 25 66 11, T.G. McCarthy

Erjavec, Anna T. born 7-17-1922 died 2-13-2004 (Sharon McCurry)

Erjavec, John born 6-13-1885 died 11-4-1969 (Sharon McCurry)

Erjavec, Josephine born 11-11-1889 died 12-29-1962 (Sharon McCurry)

Estrada, Alberto born 6-27-1898 died 3-6-1921 (Sharon McCurry)

Ethrington, Walter J. born 12-19-1914 died 4-29-1987 Notes: Bill (Sharon McCurry)

Ethrington, Walter J. born 12-19-1914 died 4-29-1987 Notes: US Army Air Corps WWII (Sharon McCurry)

Evans, Albert A. born 1918 died 1990 (Sharon McCurry)

Evans, baby Notes: infant of Mary buried 08-23-1899 age 0, female, Location 30 197 6, McMahon and Collier

Evans, Barney born 3-2-1840 died 11-9-1912 Notes: born at Andrew Co. MO wife Minerva J. Kentor born Indiana, parents John J. Evans born Indiana, Frances Todd born Kentucky McCarthy Funeral Home

Evans, Carl E. born 1894 died 1933 (Floyd Kelling)

Evans, David W. born 1861 died 1931 (Floyd Kelling)

Evans, Edward E. born 1911 died 1986 (Sharon McCurry)

Evans, Elma D. born 1863 died 1936 (Floyd Kelling)

Evans, Frances A. born no date died 4-3-2005 age 97y (Sharon McCurry)

Evans, Jane F. born 1928 died no date (Floyd Kelling)

Evans, Marion C. born 1905 died 7-19-1987 age 82y (Floyd Kelling)

Evans, Maty Notes: buried 08-23-1899 age 30, female, Location 30 197 6, McMahon and Collier

Evans, Mildred Hoag born 1897 died 1987 (Dennis Reed)

Evans, Pauline E. born 1918 died 1976 (Sharon McCurry)

Evans, Thomas B. born 1866 died 1912 (Floyd Kelling)

Eve, Joh H. Jr. born 1934 died 1973 (Sharon McCurry)

Eve, John H. born 1911 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)

Eve, Stephanie T. born 1912 died 1996 (Sharon McCurry)

Even, Alice Louise born 1902 died 1992 (Floyd Kelling)

Even, Gail L. born 1935 died 1983 Notes: married 9-12-1959 (Floyd Kelling)

Even, Jolene M. born 1940 died 1995 Notes: married 9-12-1959 (Floyd Kelling)

Even, Paul W. born 3-22-1894 died 8-27-1972 Notes: Wyoming PFC 341 Field Artillery WWI (Floyd Kelling)

Even, Paul William born 1894 died 1972 (Floyd Kelling)

Even, Paul William born 1924 died 1978 (Floyd Kelling)

Everett, Charles S. Notes: buried 11-26-1897 age 28, male, Location 25 63 5, McMahon and Collier

Everhart, John Henry died 3-24-1901 Notes: resident of Las Animas County, died in Denver, informant Mahlon Everhardt of Las Animas Co. McCarthy Funeral Home

Eyer, Charlotte born 1850 died 1943 (Floyd Kelling)

Eyer, Isaac born 1844 died 1913 (Floyd Kelling)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

Please e-mail comments and suggestions to Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell