Pueblo County, Colorado
Roselawn Cemetery

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Labella, Mary born 8-10-1910 died 6-1-1911 Notes: daughter of Michael and Mary Giarratano Lebella both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Labella, Paul born 6-8-1911 died 2-12-1911 Notes: born at Vineland, Co. son of Merchiora and Maria Giarratano Lebella both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Labella, Paul born 1-8-1911 died 2-12-1911 Notes: born at Vineland. Co. son of Merchiora and Maria Giarratano Lebella both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
Laburg, Antonino died 4-14-1902 Notes: born at Mexican town age 42y 4m, informant Severio Masaracchio McCarthy Funeral Home
Lacey, Laura M. born 1883 died 1909 (Floyd Kelling)
Lacey, twin sons born 1-7-1911 died 1-7-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Henry and Nora Nurphy Lacey, f born Illinois McCarthy Funeral Home
Lackey, Mary J. born 1888 died 1977 (Sharon McCurry)
Lacko, John born 1856 died 1899 (Karen Mitchell)
Lacko, Kenneth born 1922 died 1923 Notes: Baby (Kay Medved)
Lackwood, Robert died 4-20-1902 Notes: age 65y, informant Frank Lockwood McCarthy Funeral Home
Ladamms, Lena Notes: buried 04-17-1897 age 4, female, Location 57 252 10, T.G. McCarthy
Ladd, Mary died 11-14-1901 Notes: age 58y 6m 24d, wife of Ty Ladd, informant William J. Craddock Jr. McCarthy Funeral Home
Ladd, W.B. died 4-12-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo age 61y, informant Dr. Hubert Works McCarthy Funeral Home
Laffey, Catherine born 1839 died 1933 (Sharon McCurry)
Laffey, Michael F. born 1871 died 1948 (Sharon McCurry)
Lagg, Doris J. Ton born 1914 died 1989 Notes: Mother & Daughter, died 8-10-1989 age 75 buried 8-14-1989 Block, Lot, Space: 16 63 1 T.G. McCarthy (Ship In)
Lake, Marion S. died Notes: Capt Co G 14 Wisconsin Infantry
Lake, Marion Styles born died 11-19-1914 Notes: age 72, Co. G., Wis. Inf. (Shirley Azvedo)
Lalich, Amelia L. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lalich, Michael M. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lalich, Peter born 1918 died 1964 (Sharon McCurry)
Lamb, Raymond E. born 1905 died 1935 (Floyd Kelling)
Lamb, twin baby boy born 11-23-1929 died 11-23-1929 (Floyd Kelling)
Lamb, William A. born 1903 died 1918 (Floyd Kelling)
Lamone, Rosario died 7-27-1915 Notes: born at Old Mexico age 52y, married, found dead in an outhouse, informant Pearly Sowdy Gomez McCarthy Funeral Home
Lamoreau, Louella died 1-23-1911 Notes: born at Morrison, Illinois age 11y, daughter of A.J. and Cora A. Honeywell Lamoreau, f born Illinois, mo born Salt Lake City, Utah McCarthy Funeral Home
Land, Cecil L. died 3-20-1902 Notes: son of F.H. Land McCarthy Funeral Home
Landsheet, Francoise Sidonie died 8-19-1897 Notes: age 42y. buried 08-19-1897 age 42, female, Location 26 81 2, T.G. McArthy (Floyd Kelling)
Langdon, Allen T. born 3-5-1895 died 7-13-1912 Notes: born at Denver, Co. son of Thomas M. and Mary Abeo Langdon, f born England m born Switzerland McCarthy Funeral Home
Langley Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Langley, Florence born 1856 died 1907 Notes: wife of R.P. Langley (Floyd Kelling)
Langley, George C. born 1879 died 1930 (Floyd Kelling)
Lapin, Harry C. born 1881 died 1974 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Lapin, Ida born 1881 died 1939 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Larsen, Robert M. born 1949 died 1957 (Sharon McCurry)
Larsing, Jonathon Notes: buried 08-10-1899 age 37, male, Location 25 70 5, McMahon and Collier
Larson, August died Dec 17, 1901 Notes: age 38 yrs, 3 days
Larson, Cornelius born 1832 died 12-15-1911 Notes: born at Illinois age 79y, family unknown McCarthy Funeral Home
Larson, Nora C. born 1874 died 1921 (Sharon McCurry)
Larsson, Elsa born 7-5-1821 died 2-20-1893 (Kay Medved)
Lasco, Fleno Notes: buried 02-10-1898 age 0, female, Location 57 243 18, T.G. McCarthy
Lash, Finea born 6-15-1910 died 6-20-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo child of David Lash born Mexico and Finea Lash born Pueblo, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
LaTouche, Eugenia died 8-9-1902 Notes: age 42y informant Lewis Wallace, attorney McCarthy Funeral Home (Floyd Kelling)
Latshaw, Clara Ednah Morse born 7-18-1856 died 10-1-1926 (Sharon McCurry)
Latshaw, William Dennison born 2-13-1852 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Latshaw, William Herbert Morse born 6-22-1879 died 5-5-1907 (Sharon McCurry)
Lauricella, Leo born 4-13-1922 died 10-10-1922 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Lawler, John born 5-12-? died 5-7-1910 Notes: born at Ireland age 60y, son of Edward and Catherine Fluniga? Lawler both born Ireland, expenses by Mrs. John Lawler McCarthy Funeral Home
Lawrence, James E. died 12-4-1902 Notes: age 50y 2m 9d, husband of Mina Lawrence McCarthy Funeral Home
Lawson, Louis died 5-6-1901 Notes: age 30y, died 2 1/2 miles N of Pueblo, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lawson, Robert born 10-27-1936 died 9-26-2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Lawson, Sophie M. born 1909 died 2004 (Sharon McCurry)
Lawson, Vernon L. born 1905 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Lawterman, John B. Notes: buried 11-07-1897 age 0, male, Location 26 60 9, West Brothers
Lawton, Bertha Mrs. died 4-24-1901 Notes: age 34y 6m 11d, residence 119 N. Main, Oxford Rooming House, informant James E. Carey McCarthy Funeral Home
Lawton, Sarah E. Mrs died 1-11-1902 Notes: age 51y, residence 122 E. 6th, informant B.H. Brantgel, auditor of Estate McCarthy Funeral Home
Laynacker, Kate Notes: buried 09-02-1899 age 27, female, Location 57 144 1, McMahon and Collier
Lazorishak, Julia born 8-1-1885 died 1-20-1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Leach, Floyd S. born 1906 died 1967 (Floyd Kelling)
Leach, Honald Wesley born 1-28-1917 died 9-21-2002 (Sharon McCurry)
Leach, Laura M. born 1909 died 1991 (Floyd Kelling)
Leacroft, J.E. Notes: buried 06-21-1898 age 55, male, Location 26 75 4, T.G. McCarthy
LeBeau, Arthur died 1-1-1900 Notes: age 33y, informant wife, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lebella, Mary born 8-10-1910 died 6-1-1911 Notes: born at St. Charles Mesa daughter of Michael and Mary Giarratano Lebella both born Italy McCarthy Funeral Home
LeBlanc, Carol Joan born 12-22-1940 died 1-30-1973 (Sharon McCurry)
LeCompte, Carrie B. died 5-30-1902 Notes: age 21y 5m 4d, residence 1107 Cypress St, son Byron LeCompte of home McCarthy Funeral Home
Lee Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, Angie born 6-26-1841 died 4-13-1916 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, Cecil A. born 1899 died 1963 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, Charles W. born 4-12-1870 died 10-4-1932 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, Cora A. born 1-30-1872 died 10-18-1949 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, Dorothy J. born 1910 died 2003 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, E. Theodore born 12-3-1859 died 3-8-1917 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, James R. born no date died 2-3-1945 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, Jim Notes: buried 09-13-1899 age 0, male, Location China, no mortuary listed
Lee, John died 8-1-1901 Notes: age 29y, residence 425 Victoria Ave, informant wife, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lee, Julian R. born 1916 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Lee, Katie Notes: buried 08-10-1899 age 25, female, Location 25 71 15, McMahon and Collier
Lee, Kenneth born 1-29-1893 died 3-30-1908 (Sharon McCurry)
Lee, MaryAlice born 1921 died 1963 (Floyd Kelling)
Lee, William O. born 4-4-1836 died 6-17-1917 (Sharon McCurry)
Leffler, Hilda B. born 8-5-1911 died 10-10-1911 Notes: born at Pueblo residence 723 E 2nd St, daughter of George W. Leffler born Neb. And Ethel Caltaslon born Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Leffler, Mary died 6-18-1911 Notes: born at Germany age 56y, born 3-18, maiden name Vandron parents born Germany, Sons John and Robert Leffler McCarthy Funeral Home
Leffler, Mary Philamina born 9-23-1860 died 11-10-1912 Notes: born at Germany widow, died at Norman, Ok., daughter of Chris and Katherine Valken both born Germany, paid by C.A. Leffler and Ed Laffler, Norman, Ok McCarthy Funeral Home
Leffler, Otto J. born 3-1-1876 died 9-1-1912 Notes: born at Ohio residence, 1025 ash St, RR engineer, son of Conrad O. Leffler born Ohio and Frances Burns McCarthy Funeral Home
Legg, George W. Notes: buried 12-04-1899 age 50, male, Location 25 16 3, McMahon and Collier
Leggett, F.H.W. died 8-7-1904 age 56 buried 9-5-1904 location 13 122 1 J.H. Loor Eden Train Wreck Victim
Lehman, Moritz born 5-12-1850 died 5-7-1890 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Lehman, Rosa Hettler born 2-28-1847 died 1-2-1924 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Lemarsic, Mr. died 12-1-1902 Notes: age 126y, died at Pueblo Hosp, friend John Reburser McCarthy Funeral Home
Lemmet, Mary Notes: buried 02-27-1898 age 35, female, Location 26 74 7, T.G. McCarthy
Lemmi, Louise Notes: buried 02-13-1899 age 85, female, Location 29 82 7, McMahon and Collier
Lencko, Daniel died 1-10-1902 Notes: informant St Michale Society, Greek church McCarthy Funeral Home
Lento, Luigo Notes: buried 05-16-1897 age 24, male, Location 25 61 3, McMahon and Collier
Leonard, George J. born 1925 died 1987 (Sharon McCurry)
Leonard, Ida M. born 4-21-1882 died 8-7-1904 age 22 buried 8-9-1904 location 57 155 8 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim (Floyd Kelling)
Leonard, Margaret born 1922 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lepesy, Fannie Notes: buried 05-26-1897 age 0, female, Location 57 243 23, McMahon and Collier
Lepik, Arlene born 1936 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lepik, Rosamond born 1911 died 1970 (Sharon McCurry)
Lepik, Stephen died 10-27-1898 Notes: age 1y 10m, residence #7 "D" St, son of Albert Lepik McCarthy Funeral Home
Lepik, Stephen A. born 1931 died 1996 (Sharon McCurry)
Lepkovitz, Nathan born 1859 died 1907 Temple Emanuel
Lepkovitz, Sarah born 1865 died 1933 Temple Emanuel
Leppert, Lavis died Notes: Co E 155 Pennsylvania Infantry
Leroy, Anna born 11-1-1839 died 10-4-1908 Notes: born Glasgow, Scotland, wife of Fred J. (Sharon McCurry)
LeRoy, infant died 9-27-1902 Notes: age 1m 15d, child of Harry LeRoy McCarthy Funeral Home
Lesar, Frank died 7-9-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo age 1y 10m, residence 543 Moffat Ave, son of Louis Leasar and Theresa Brodnick both born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Leslie, baby born no date died 10-4-1946 (Sharon McCurry)
Lest, Adolph F. born 1907 died 1979 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Betty Nell born 1931 died 1931 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Christine born 1900 died 1984 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Frank Sr. born 1872 died 1944 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Johanna born 1878 died 1933 (Kay Medved)
Lest, John Henry born 12-29-1913 died 12-15-1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Lest, Josef Richard born 1922 died 1928 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Magdalena born 1919 died 1928 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Mary F. born 1906 died 1992 (Kay Medved)
Lest, Sophie Ann born 1-6-1915 died 2007 (Sharon McCurry)
Lest, William A. born 1924 died 1944 Notes: PFC, Killed in Normandy Also (Kay Medved)
Letton, Carrie Notes: buried 12-20-1898 age 24, female, Location 57 140 5, McMahon and Collier
Levar, Antonia Geneva born 1908 died 2003 (Floyd Kelling)
Levar, Geraldine born 8-9-1934 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Levar, John born 1884 died 1969 (Floyd Kelling)
Levar, Martin born 11-17-1928 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Levar, Martin born 1893 died 1978 (Floyd Kelling)
Levin Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Levin, Hyman born 1847 died 1914 Temple Emanuel
Levin, Jennie born 1850 died 1933 Temple Emanuel
Levy, Maurice Harold born 6-21-1900 died 2-4-1970 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Levy, Rose Bernstein born 8-12-1902 died 8-23-1982 Temple Emanuel (Floyd Kelling)
Levy, Rose Speken born 1900 died 2-25-1979 Temple Emanuel
Lewie, James A. Notes: buried 12-25-1898 age 0, male, Location 12 263 1, no mortuary listed
Lewis, ? Mrs. died 2-19-1900 Notes: age 67y 11m, wife of John Lewis McCarthy Funeral Home
Lewis, Bessie A. born 1900 died 1901 (Dennis Reed)
Lewis, Betsy Rosa born no date died 1960 (Sharon McCurry)
Lewis, Daniel G. born 1849 died 1937 Notes: parents of Lenard H. & Leicester I. Lewis (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, Grace died 5-12-1896 Notes: age 28y 7m 12d (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, Grace died (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, L.I. born 3-16-1888 died 8-2-1888 Notes: child of D. & M. Lewis (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, Lester L. born 1-10-1892 died 1-13-1964 Notes: Kansas Sgt US Army WWI (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, Mary C. born 1853 died 1925 Notes: parents of Lenard H. & Leicester I. Lewis (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, William born 6-23-1854 died 12-27-1898 Notes: born Dowlais, S. Wales, Great Britain, buried 12-31-1898 age 39, male, Location 30 293 7, West Brothers (Floyd Kelling)
Lewis, William (Floyd Kelling)
Liddell, Sena born 1890 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Lievers, Callie K. born 1923 died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Lievers, James L. born 1920 died 1983 (Floyd Kelling)
Lile, Batty J. born 1935 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lile, Gerald D. born 1933 died no date Notes: married 6-3-1955 (Sharon McCurry)
Limbaugh, Blanche died 7-19-1902 Notes: age 9y 10m 12d, daughter of S.L. Limbaugh McCarthy Funeral Home
Limebaugh, Wade died 10-2-1902 Notes: age 4y 3m 9d, residence 711 E Ash, son of S.L. Limebaugh McCarthy Funeral Home
Lincoln, Henry J. born 1877 died 1899 Notes: buried 03-23-1898 age 24, male, Location 30 50 1, McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Lindley, Daisy E. born 4-9-1885 died 1-4-1911 Notes: born at Kansas residence 17 1/2 Blodk "U", daughter of H.M. Provarse born Canada and Ellen Barrow, expenses by H.E. Lindley McCarthy Funeral Home
Lindley, Marie born 11-10-1902 died 11-10-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo residence 54 Block T, daughter of H.E. Lindley McCarthy Funeral Home
Lindvay, John A. born 1902 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Lindvay, Mary C. born 1907 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Linfort, Elizabeth Notes: buried 06-24-1899 age 43, female, Location 28 265 5, McMahon and Collier
Link, Opal P. born 1916 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Link, Warren F. born 1908 died 1976 (Sharon McCurry)
Lino, Mary died 6-22-1899 Notes: age 6m, resident Vineland, daughter of Rosino Lino, buried 06-23-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 242 5, T.G. McCarthy
Linville, Elthel May died 7-7-1901 Notes: age 1y 1m 28d, residence 521 Grand ave, daughter of W.C. Linville McCarthy Funeral Home
Lipich, Eleanor M. born 1918 died 1967 (Sharon McCurry)
Lipich, Josephine Samuel born 1921 died 2000 (Sharon McCurry)
Lipich, Ludwig J. born 1914 died 1997 (Sharon McCurry)
Liptak, John died 1-19-1901 Notes: born at Pueblo age 3m 14d, son of Joe Liptak McCarthy Funeral Home
Lister, Elizabeth died 12-10-1907 Notes: age 24y, residence 112 Block P., informant Mrs. Margetta Lister, sister Mrs. William Morris McCarthy Funeral Home
Little monument (Floyd Kelling)
Little, C. Francis born 1864 died 1895 (Floyd Kelling)
Little, Catherine D. born 1886 died 1892 (Floyd Kelling)
Little, Father born no date died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Little, Frank Joseph died 12-3-1902 Notes: age 44y 6m 10d, residence 226 W 9th, husband of Elizabeth Little McCarthy Funeral Home
Little, Mother born no date died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Little, William born 1870 died 1905 (Floyd Kelling)
Littlefield, Arthur Notes: buried 05-10-1897 age 22, male, Location 25 61 4, McMahon and Collier
Littlejohn, Mary Notes: buried 10-19-1899 age 0, female, Location 57 28 10, McMahon and Collier
Livesey Monument (Sharon McCurry)
Livesey, Anna born 1894 died 1917 Notes: buried 4-19-1917 (Sharon McCurry)
Livesey, Lees born 1881 died 1917 Notes: buried 3-28-1917 (Sharon McCurry)
Livingston, Fannie S. Notes: buried 06-25-1899 age 0, female, Location 19 48 1, West Brothers
Livingston, James Herbert born 1891 died 1901 (Floyd Kelling) Also (Kay Medved)
Loar, W.H. born 6-4-1855 died 3-27-1908 (Floyd Kelling)
Lobato, Phyllis M. born 1955 died 1993 (Floyd Kelling)
Lobeda, Carl Y. born 1906 died 1971 (Floyd Kelling)
Lobeda, Jonathon died 8-7-1904 age infant buried 8-30-1904 location 57 15 18 McMahon and Collier Eden Train Wreck Victim
Lobeda, Vera V. born 1911 died 1971 (Floyd Kelling)
Lobernick, Joseph died 2-5-1899 Notes: age 46y, residence 1202 S Santa Fe, McCarthy Funeral Home
Lockard, Nellie Cecelia died 6-6-1906 Notes: age 1y, 11m 18d, residence 730 W 4th McCarthy Funeral Home
Lockstein, Mary died 5-27-1902 Notes: age 1m 3d, residence 123 McCarty St, daughter of Albert Lockstein McCarthy Funeral Home
Lodge, Nina G. born 1856 died 1919 (Floyd Kelling)
Loftus, infant male born 6-23-1905 died 6-23-1905 Notes: born at Pueblo age 9 hours, son of Joseph P. Loftus of Denver McCarthy Funeral Home
Logar, Adelbert born no date died no date (Floyd Kelling)
Loller, Joseph Notes: buried 01-20-1898 age 33, male, Location 25 62 2, T.G. McCarthy
Lombard, Anthony C. born 10-12-1908 died 5-7-1962 (Floyd Kelling)
Lombard, S.R. Notes: buried 11-22-1899 age 80, male, Location 25 33 5, McMahon and Collier
Lombardo, infant born 10-29-1912 died 10-29-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Anton Lombardo and Katherine Dellinglo both born Italy, residence 824 Elm St McCarthy Funeral Home
Lombardo, male & female twins born 7-17-1913 died 7-17-1913 Notes: born at Pueblo children of Tony Lombardo and Katherine Dellinglo both born Italy, residence 824 Elm St, both buried in one casket McCarthy Funeral Home
Long, Adolph E. born 7-29-1913 died 10-10-1944 Notes: Colorado Sgt 15 Inf Div WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Long, Azel E. born 7-22-1894 died 10-9-1923 (Floyd Kelling)
Long, James L. born 12-1-1900 died 6-12-1907 (Floyd Kelling)
Long, Martha died 1-2-1912 Notes: age about 60y, friend Agnes Middleton, not located McCarthy Funeral Home
Long, Mary N. born 1893 died 1974 (Sharon McCurry)
Longgrear, Clara Huntley born 3-7-1880 died 7-4-1943 Notes: Mother (Kay Medved)
Longgrear, Del born 3-1-1878 died 5-8-1944 Notes: Father (Kay Medved)
Longgrear, Dorothy born 5-16-1919 died 3-9-1999 Notes: Wife (Kay Medved)
Longgrear, Russell H. born 1-25-1912 died 8-21-1961 Notes: Husband (Kay Medved)
Longinotti, Ellen born died 7-4-1898 (family)
Longinotti, Ellen Mrs. died 7-4-1898 Notes: age 43y, wife of James A. Longmotti, buried 07-07-1898 Location 29 345 4, T.G. McCarthy
Longmoor, Homer Col. born 7-13-1845 died 10-12-1912 Notes: born at Kentucky date of death only gives Oct., resident of Nepesta, Co and 307 Polk, Pueblo, married, son of George Longmoor born Ky. And Amanda Hammet? McCarthy Funeral Home
Longo, Giuseppe born 1876 died 1922 (Sharon McCurry)
Longroter, Emil Notes: buried 08-23-1899 age 45, male, Location 25 74 3, McMahon and Collier
Lonka, John Notes: also listed as Korba, Lasit buried 11-28-1899 age 22, male, Location 57 132 7, West Brothers
Lonquist, John E. Notes: buried 01-15-1899 age 0, male, Location 27 68 7, McMahon and Collier
Loomis, George born 2-21-1856 died 1-5-1940 (Kay Medved)
Loomis, Elizabeth E. born 11-24-1867 died 1-30-1950 (Kay Medved)
Loop, Harry Notes: buried 07-03-1898 age 35, male, Location 12 22 1, West Brothers
Loor, Joseph H. born 1857 died 1936 (Floyd Kelling)
Loor, Minnie B. born 1865 died 1933 Notes: wife of Joseph H. Loor (Floyd Kelling)
Lopak, infant son born 11-26-1902 died 11-26-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo son of Albert Lopak 246 S Santa Fe McCarthy Funeral Home
Lopez, Merce born 9-25-1912 died 10-7-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo child of Colisto and Audria Lopes both born Mexico, residence 421 S Santa Fe McCarthy Funeral Home
LoPresto, Antonio no dates (Kay Medved)
Lorentzen, Gracie K. born no date died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lorentzen, Richard P. born 1922 died 1985 Notes: Richard Peter (Sharon McCurry)
Losey, Gerald Dale born no date died 1949 (Sharon McCurry)
Loupe, Abbie born 1869 died 1957 (Dennis Reed)
Loupe, Abbie born 1869 died 1957 (Floyd Kelling)
Loupe, Inez N. born 1891 died 1948 (Dennis Reed)
Loupe, Inez N. born 1891 died 1948 (Floyd Kelling)
Love, Jonas died 4-12-1902 Notes: age 82y, resident of La Plata, Co., informant G.G. Love McCarthy Funeral Home
Love, Timothy J. died 4-7-1911 Notes: born at Alabama age 34y, resident 184 Central Main, married, colored McCarthy Funeral Home
Love, William Notes: buried 11-23-1899 age 40, male, Location 25 33 1, McMahon and Collier
Lowe, Rollie F. died 5-16-1900 Notes: age 30y 4m 29d, residence 1025 W 15th, informant Gus G. Withers McCarthy Funeral Home
Lowery, F.C. Notes: buried 07-11-1899 age 70, male, Location 12 322 7, McMahon and Collier
Loyd, baby died 1-29-1902 Notes: age 1y 10m 21d, child of A,C, Loyd, residence 212 Elizabeth McCarthy Funeral Home
Loyd, Edith died 11-15-1910 Notes: age 73y, daughter of Alfred Dillingham and Elizabeth Williams both born Ohio, paid by E.W. & A.H. Loyd, Glenwood Springs McCarthy Funeral Home
Lozkas, John died 12-26-1899 Notes: age 43y, residence 310 Moffat, died at St Mary Hosp, informant St Anthony Society, McCarthy Funeral Homeburied 12-28-1899 Location 57 145 7, T.G. McCarthy
Luba, Frank born 12-13-1905 died 8-1-1906 (Floyd Kelling)
Lubich, Ann L. born 1922 died 1999 (Sharon McCurry)
Lubich, Thomas R. born 1921 died 1980 Sgt US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Lubich, Thomas R. born 1921 died 1980 (Sharon McCurry)
Lucas, infant son born 5-24-1902 died 5-24-1902 Notes: born at Pueblo child of George Lucas, 1121 W 12th McCarthy Funeral Home
Lucas, Oster born 1-5-1907 died 3-16-1910 Notes: born at Pueblo son of John Lucas and Mary Gaoulsky btoh born Austria McCarthy Funeral Home
Lucero, A.L. Amarante Notes: died 3-14-1981 age 70 buried 3-17-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 51 61 8 Rivera
Lucero, Abelina Notes: died 2-6-1995 age 78 buried 2-11-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 39 101 3 Angelus Fort
Collins, Co
Lucero, Albert J. Notes: died 4-1-1976 age 88 buried 4-6-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 114 3 Rivera
Lucero, Alfredo G. Notes: died 10-21-2008 age 70 buried 10-24-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 61 42 2 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Amalia Marie Notes: died 7-31-1995 age 92 buried 8-4-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 51 61 7 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Andres Notes: died 1-1-1981 age 92 buried 1-5-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 39 110 8 Rouch
Lucero, Andres S. Notes: died 11-8-1972 age 72 buried 11-11-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 58 19 4 Angelus
Lucero, Ann V. Notes: died 8-23-2000 age 82 buried 8-28-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 61 27 2 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Anna Marie Notes: died age 0 buried 1-19-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 18 8 Jones
Lucero, Anna R. Notes: died age 0 buried 4-14-1953 Block, Lot, Space: 69 73 3 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Anthony R. Notes: died 8-21-2010 age 71 buried 8-27-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 62 95 6 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Antonia Susan Notes: died age 0 buried 10-26-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 6 8 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Arthur M. Notes: died age 0 buried 11-25-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 15 8 Jones
Lucero, Asuncion M. Notes: died 11-20-1987 age 71 buried 11-23-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 69 115 5 Angelus
Lucero, baby Notes: male died age 0 buried 8-22-1946 Block, Lot, Space: 57 31 9 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Ben A. Notes: died 3-20-1991 age 62 buried 3-22-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 61 9 4 Rivera Westminster, Adams Co, Co
Lucero, Benita born 3-26-1910 died 6-6-1911 Notes: daughter of Encarnacion Lucero born NM and Ascension Madrid, residence Salt Creek McCarthy Funeral Home
Lucero, Benita Martinez Notes: died 2-23-1967 age 61 buried 2-25-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 47 5 Rivera
Lucero, Benjamin Notes: died age 1 buried 12-15-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 52 3 2 4 Whiton
Lucero, Bernado M. Notes: died 1-18-1972 age 34 buried 1-22-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 90 4 Angelus
Lucero, Bernardo Notes: died age 0 buried 12-1-1937 Block, Lot, Space: 54 140 8 Jones
Lucero, Bessie Notes: died 11-9-1991 age 89 buried 11-14-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 54 115 3 T G McCarthy Pueblo
Lucero, Billie Jo Notes: died 2-1-2009 age 41 buried 2-6-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 39 162 2 T.G. McCarthy Colorado Springs, Co
Lucero, Candelario O. Notes: died 11-10-2012 age 83 buried 11-16-2012 Block, Lot, Space: 51 52 8 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Carlos M. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-18-1965 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 42 4 Rivera
Lucero, Carlotta Notes: died age 0 buried 8-4-1961 Block, Lot, Space: 54 141 1 Jones
Lucero, Carmelita Notes: died 11-14-1983 age 71 buried 11-18-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 62 82 7 Rivera
Lucero, Carmelita Notes: died age 1 buried 9-30-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 57 6 1 25 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Carol Jean Johnson Notes: died 3-14-1981 age 19 buried 3-19-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 43 13 3 Angelus
Lucero, Cecilio F. Notes: died 5-4-1987 age 62 buried 5-7-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 61 27 3 Rivera
Lucero, Celestina Notes: died 12-27-1978 age 66 buried 12-30-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 29 427 1 McCarthy-Almont
Lucero, Celina A. born 1898 died 1959 Notes: died age 0 buried 12-30-1959 Block, Lot, Space: 54 140 1 Jones Also, Also (Kay Medved)
Lucero, Chong Ae Notes: died 2-27-1980 age 22 buried 3-3-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 62 15 8 Rivera
Lucero, Christopher J. Notes: died 9-6-1999 age 27 buried 9-9-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 60 108 C 7 1 Holt - Canon City Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Conception P. Notes: died 8-8-1992 age 88 buried 8-12-1992 Block, Lot, Space: 58 22 4 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Cora Notes: died age 0 buried 9-8-1956 Block, Lot, Space: 42 17 3 Jones
Lucero, Cornelio Notes: died age 65 buried 10-11-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 56 2 1 7 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Corta (Crucita) Notes: died age 0 buried 5-8-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 56 1 1 3 no mortuary listed
Lucero, Crystal Marie Notes: baby died 6-14-1984 age 0 buried 6-18-1984 Block, Lot, Space: 12 333 9 Rivera
Lucero, Damacio Notes: died age 0 buried 12-18-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 56 3 3 38 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Daniel Notes: died 4-26-1969 age 5 buried 4-29-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 66 1 Rivera
Lucero, David F. Notes: died 1-4-1972 age 70 buried 1-11-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 41 82 6 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Debbie Ann Notes: died 2-17-2011 age 50 buried 2-22-2011 Block, Lot, Space: 61 73 2 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Deborah Polly Notes: died 12-3-2001 age 38 buried 12-7-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 12 178c 2 Holt Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Delfino Benny Notes: died 8-9-2003 age 76 buried 8-12-2003 Block, Lot, Space: 62 116 8 Adrian Comer Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Delia M. Notes: died 7-5-1999 age 74 buried 7-9-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 71 83 7 Montgomery-Steward Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Ed Notes: died 10-1-1982 age 84 buried 10-6-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 43 15 3 Rivera
Lucero, Edward Notes: died 12-13-1971 age 67 buried 12-15-1971 Block, Lot, Space: 69 50 6 Rivera
Lucero, Edward Notes: died 1-19-1980 age 61 buried 1-22-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 58 102 4 Rivera
Lucero, Edward Notes: died 2-17-1999 age 70 buried 3-11-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 62 95 6 Tulsa, Ok
Lucero, Elfido Notes: died 3-9-1981 age 76 buried 3-11-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 43 13 1 Rivera
Lucero, Elias Jr. Notes: "Boy" died 3-14-1981 age 56 buried 3-17-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 43 13 2 Rivera
Lucero, Elsie Notes: died 2-25-1981 age 61 buried 2-28-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 62 87 5 Angelus
Lucero, Emilio Notes: died 2-5-1982 age 93 buried 2-8-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 69 124 4 Rivera
Lucero, Emilio Notes: died 10-7-1991 age 84 buried 10-11-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 39 88 2 Rivera Funeral Home Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Enrique Notes: died age 0 buried 12-24-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 56 3 2 28 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Ernest Notes: "Shorty" died 4-17-2001 age 71 buried 4-19-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 61 1 1 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Eugene D. Notes: died 3-4-2005 age 83 buried 3-16-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 60 108 C 7 2 Holt Canon City, Co Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Ezequiel Notes: died age 0 buried 10-20-1964 Block, Lot, Space: 69 4 3 Rouch
Lucero, Fedelina Notes: died age 0 buried 3-28-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 42 19 3 Jones
Lucero, Fedrico Samuel Notes: died 11-18-1978 age 69 buried 11-22-1978 Block, Lot, Space: 43 4 3 Angelus
Lucero, Felicia Augusta Notes: died 7-13-2012 age 26 buried 7-19-2012 Block, Lot, Space: 43 38 7 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Felicitas Bachicha Notes: died 1-1-2006 age 99buried 1-7-2006 Block, Lot, Space: 58 19 3 Adrian Comer Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Flora Notes: died age 0 buried 4-3-1957 Block, Lot, Space: 69 31 7 Jones
Lucero, Frances Notes: died 10-9-1994 age 82 buried 10-11-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 61 20 1 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Francis John Notes: died age 0 buried 4-27-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 29 91 3 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Francis Ralph Notes: died age 0 buried 3-25-1960 Block, Lot, Space: 42 29 7 Jones
Lucero, Frank Notes: died 10-29-1992 age 29 buried 11-3-1992 Block, Lot, Space: 43 29 5 Angelus Funeral Pueblo, Colorado
Lucero, Frank F. Notes: died 7-13-2000 age 63 buried 7-19-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 61 20 6 Angelus Palo Alto, Ca
Lucero, Frank S. Notes: died 12-29-1975 age 25 buried 1-2-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 58 75 1 Angelus
Lucero, Freida Notes: died age 35 buried 7-6-1957Block, Lot, Space: 41 98 7 Jones
Lucero, Frutuosa born 1887 died 1955 (Kay Medved)
Lucero, Gasper Notes: died 12-13-1996 age 72 buried 12-17-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 39 61 2 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, George Notes: died 5-25-1999 age 53 buried 5-28-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 61 27 1 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Gilbert G. Notes: died 1-8-1987 age 34 buried 1-12-1987 Block, Lot, Space: 43 10 6 Rivera Funeral Home
Lucero, Gilbert Percy Notes: died 3-31-2003 age 81 buried 6-26-2003 Block, Lot, Space: 59a 49a 1 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Guadalupe Notes: died age 0 buried 8-7-1930 Block, Lot, Space: 56 3 2 44 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Helen Notes: died age 0 buried 4-29-1947 Block, Lot, Space: 68 5 2 8 Jones
Lucero, Helen Juanita Notes: died 5-29-2012 age 79 buried 6-1-2012 Block, Lot, Space: 61 22 6 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Henrietta Louise Notes: died 6-11-1970 age 41 buried 6-15-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 76 5 Rivera
Lucero, Henry Notes: died 11-29-2000 age 93 buried 12-1-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 61 20 2 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Higinio Notes: died age 67 buried 12-7-1961 Block, Lot, Space: 54 115 4 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, James Notes: died 6-14-1997 age 46 buried 7-11-1997 Block, Lot, Space: 58 103 6 Trevino-Denver Denver, Co
Lucero, James A. Notes: died 1-11-1991 age 48 buried 1-15-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 38 43 1 Angelus Pueblo
Lucero, Jennie Notes: died 8-5-1983 age 74 buried 8-9-1983 Block, Lot, Space: 54 140 7 Angelus
Lucero, Jennie Notes: died age 22 buried 5-29-1934 Block, Lot, Space: 56 5 5 21 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Jennie Notes: died age 0 buried 1-25-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 25 5 1 14 McCarthy-B
Lucero, Jerry Notes: baby died age 0 buried 8-8-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 69 10 7 Jones
Lucero, Jessie Notes: died age 4 buried 11-19-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 56 2 6 10 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Joann Dorothy Notes: died 11-15-2008 age 64 buried 11-20-2008 Block, Lot, Space: 60 56 5 Roselawn Pueblo West, Co
Lucero, Joe Notes: died age 0 buried 2-18-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 57 5 2 8 Udv
Lucero, Joe J. Notes: died 1-21-1999 age 81 buried 1-25-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 38 43 2 Adrian Comer Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Joe L. Notes: died 11-20-1970 age 58 buried 11-24-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 41 1 3 Rivera
Lucero, Joe Vivian Notes: died 2-25-1982 age 65 buried 3-31-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 129 6 Angelus
Lucero, John Thomas Notes: died 2-8-2009 age 60 buried 2-14-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 59a 46 3 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Jose Notes: died age 60 buried 12-20-1926 Block, Lot, Space: 56 2 2 38 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Jose Gabriel born 1893 died 1959 Notes: died age 0 buried 6-6-1959 Block, Lot, Space: 54 139 4 Jones Also (Kay Medved)
Lucero, Jose M. Notes: died age 59 buried 11-23-1949 Block, Lot, Space: 69 64 4 Jones (Kay Medved)
Lucero, Jose N. Notes: died 10-30-1972 age 76 buried 11-3-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 58 145 1 Rivera
Lucero, Jose Salvador Notes: died 2-12-2010 age 81 buried 2-19-2010 Block, Lot, Space: 61 22 5 T.G. McCarthy Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Josefita Notes: "Josie" died 6-20-1970 age 36 buried 6-24-1970 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 78 8 Rivera
Lucero, Joseph Notes: died age 0 buried 5-6-1929 Block, Lot, Space: 56 3 3 32 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Joseph Steven Notes: died age 25 buried 4-24-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 57 1 5 33 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Josha Michael Notes: died 2-13-1990 age 2 buried 2-16-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 43 97 6 Angelus
Lucero, Juan Notes: buried 04-15-1897 age 58, male, Location 25 84 4, Olin
Lucero, Juan Notes: died 12-29-1976 age 36 buried 1-3-1977 Block, Lot, Space: 51 25 6 Rivera
Lucero, Juan Notes: died age 0 buried 3-16-1914 Block, Lot, Space: 26 46 6 Udv
Lucero, Juanita P. Notes: died 8-28-2009 age 40 buried 9-2-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 43 38 6 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Julia Gallardo Notes: died 12-28-2004 age 98 buried 12-31-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 58 22 3 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Julian A. Notes: died 9-8-2005 age 83 buried 9-12-2005 Block, Lot, Space: 62 108 4 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Katherine Notes: died 2-17-1996 age 65 buried 2-21-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 62 108 3 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Katherine R. Notes: died 1-7-2007 age 92 buried 1-23-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 58 115 5 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Lawrence Leo Notes: died age 9 buried 7-2-1966 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 51 8 Rivera
Lucero, Leonard Adam Notes: died 12-7-1976 age 24 buried 12-10-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 42a 117 2 Angleus
Lucero, Lola M. Notes: died 7-19-1982 age 67 buried 7-22-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 43 20 3 Rouch
Lucero, Lucita Notes: died age 0 buried 7-18-1922 Block, Lot, Space: 57 4 3 25 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Lupe Notes: died 12-29-2003 age 75 buried 1-2-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 69 111 3 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Luther Dale Notes: died 12-6-2007 age 38 buried 12-17-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 61 39 8 Roselawn Orlando, Fl
Lucero, Magdalena Notes: died 9-18-1972 age 85 buried 9-20-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 39 110 7 Rivera
Lucero, Manuel Notes: died 5-5-1967 age 64 buried 5-9-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 69 38 4 Jones
Lucero, Manuel E. Notes: died age 0 buried 6-26-1959 Block, Lot, Space: 54 104 4 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Manuel E. Notes: died 7-19-1991 age 88 buried 7-22-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 61 2 4 Angelus Pueblo
Lucero, Marcelo D. Notes: died 7-23-1980 age 93 buried 7-26-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 69 88 3 Rivera
Lucero, Maria F. Notes: died age 0 buried 9-7-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 57 6 1 22 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Marie Ernestine Notes: died 12-29-1980 age 34 buried 1-2-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 58 104 5 Angelus
Lucero, Mark Lewis Notes: died 8-21-2007 age 42 buried 8-25-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 62 160 2 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Martin Jr. Notes: "Marty" died 10-25-1981 age 46 buried 10-29-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 51 41 2 McCarthy-Almont
Lucero, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 12-12-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 54 136 7 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Mary Notes: died age 0 buried 1-15-1944 Block, Lot, Space: 68 4 6 14 Fitzroy
Lucero, Mary Eva Notes: died age 2 buried 2-7-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 55 52 17 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Mary Susan Notes: died 11-12-2011 age 54 buried 11-12-2012 Block, Lot, Space: C15c Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Merejildo Notes: died 3-3-1988 age 89 buried 3-7-1988 Block, Lot, Space: 58 103 7 Angelus Funeral Home
Lucero, Michael J. Notes: died 7-31-1981 age 67 buried 8-5-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 39 134 5 Rouch
Lucero, Michael Roger Notes: died 10-23-1989 age 19 buried 10-26-1989 Block, Lot, Space: 58 115 1 Angelus
Lucero, Nonato Casimiro Notes: died 10-28-2012 age 86 buried 11-2-2012 Block, Lot, Space: 58 189 8 Romero Lakewood, Co
Lucero, Odelia Chacon Notes: died 12-22-1985 age 72 buried 12-26-1985 Block, Lot, Space: 58 103 6 Angelus
Lucero, Orlando Joseph Notes: died 3-11-1981 age 37 buried 3-16-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 58 103 5 Angelus
Lucero, Patricio J. Notes: died 8-27-1988 age 66 buried 8-30-1988 Block, Lot, Space: 41 83 8 Rivera Funeral Home
Lucero, Patrick Notes: died 3-14-1968 age 20 buried 3-30-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 41 79a 2 Valhalla
Lucero, Paul Notes: died 5-12-2007 age 51 buried 5-18-2007 Block, Lot, Space: 58 73 4 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Pauline Notes: died age 79 buried 1-27-1962 Block, Lot, Space: 41 82 5 George F. McCarthy
Lucero, Pete Notes: died 2-19-1999 age 59 buried 2-23-1999 Block, Lot, Space: 61 73 3 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Philip Notes: died age 0 buried 8-10-1931 Block, Lot, Space: 52 3 5 37 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Ramoncita C. Notes: died 12-3-1980 age 59 buried 12-5-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 69 124 3 Rivera
Lucero, Remijio Notes: died 11-28-1981 age 70 buried 12-1-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 69 115 6 Angelus
Lucero, Richard Notes: died age 0 buried 4-5-1918 Block, Lot, Space: 57 2 16 31 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Rose Ann Notes: died 2-6-1996 age 67 buried 2-9-1996 Block, Lot, Space: 61 37 1 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Rosenaldo Notes: died 9-4-1995 age 68 buried 9-7-1995 Block, Lot, Space: 59 121 3 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Ruben Notes: died 8-23-1992 age 77 buried 8-26-1992 Block, Lot, Space: 39 101 4 Angelus Funeral Home Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Steve born 1893 died 1918 Notes: U.S. Soldier WOW Also (Kay Medved)
Lucero, Steve E. Notes: died 3-25-2004 age 77 buried 3-31-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 39 206 3 Romero Pueblo, Co
Lucero, Steve P. Notes: died 5-5-1993 age 27 buried 5-10-1993 Block, Lot, Space: 13 733 5 Adrian Comer Pueblo
Lucero, Timothy N. Notes: "Tim" died age 0 buried 7-31-1946 Block, Lot, Space: 68 5 4 5 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Trinidad Notes: died age 27 buried 3-13-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 56 5 5 16 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Vinita Notes: died age 0 buried 6-7-1911 Block, Lot, Space: 26 45 7 T.G. McCarthy
Lucero, Vivian Notes: died 10-17-1994 age 86 buried 10-20-1994 Block, Lot, Space: 61 2 3 Angelus Pueblo, Co
Lucero-Banuelos, Marquisa A.I. Notes: died 7-26-2009 age 0 buried 8-3-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 62 150 6 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Lucero-Banuelos, Mezmariah S. Notes: died 7-26-2009 age 0 buried 8-3-2009 Block, Lot, Space: 62 150 6 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Ludeman, Lois E. born 1905 died 1976 (Sharon McCurry)
Ludeman, R.C. born 1905 died 1984 (Sharon McCurry)
Ludwig, Harry O. or A. died 3-1-1902 Notes: age 41y 2m 1d, residence 315 W 5th, informant Mrs. Marcia Ludwig McCarthy Funeral Home
Luemberg, Elisabeth died 5-8-1912 Notes: born at Germany date is burial, age 61y, married McCarthy Funeral Home
Luginbuhl, infant died 12-31-1901 Notes: age 1d, twin child of Ernest L. Luginbuhl, informant T.O. Richards McCarthy Funeral Home
Luginbuhl, Lena died 5-27-1902 Notes: age 31y 9m 24d, residence 620 E 1st, wife of Ernest Luginbuhl McCarthy Funeral Home
Luizar, infant daughter born 2-12-1912 died 2-12-1912 Notes: born at Pueblo daughter of Frank Luizar and Mary Leuzar both born Austria, residence Cripple creek, Co. McCarthy Funeral Home
Lukezech, Antonia M. born 1922 died 1996 (Sharon McCurry)
Lukezech, Joseph G. born 1919 died 1978 Notes: CPL US Army WWII (Sharon McCurry)
Lukezech, Joseph G. born 1919 died 1978 (Sharon McCurry)
Luksetich, John died 9-17-1914 Notes: age 3y (Kay Medved)
Lull, P. F. died Notes: RQM Sgt 2 Kansas Infantry
Lull, P.F. born no dates Notes: RQM Sgt 2 Kansas Inf (Floyd Kelling)
Lundburg, Charles Notes: buried 05-11-1899 age 33, male, Location 25 68 10, McMahon and Collier
Lundy, Ellis Notes: buried 12-23-1899 age 52, male, Location 25 17 4, McMahon and Collier
Luneburg, Carl J. born 1-12-1814 died 4-5-1898 Notes: born Mecklenburg, Schuern? (Floyd Kelling)
Luneburg, Carl J. (Floyd Kelling)
Lunsford, Maria H. born 10-17-1872 died 12-6-1900 (Floyd Kelling)
Lutchein, George died 2-27-1902 Notes: age 49y McCarthy Funeral Home
Lutin Monument (Floyd Kelling)
Lutin, C. Frederic born 1879 died 1920 (Floyd Kelling)
Lutin, Like born 1849 died 1926 (Floyd Kelling)
Lutin, M. Elizabeth born 1859 died 1893 (Floyd Kelling)
Lutin, Mary E. born 1882 died 1965 (Floyd Kelling)
Lutin, Orie L. born no dates (Floyd Kelling)
Lutz, George Richard born 4-15-1931 died 6-3-2001 (Sharon McCurry)
Lutz, Shirley Eileen born 7-18-1928 died no date (Sharon McCurry)
Lyell, John Notes: buried 02-22-1898 age 53, male, Location 26 82 4, T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Agnes Notes: died age 55 buried 9-4-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 57 197 6 McMahon and Collier
Lynch, Alice died 12-22-1912 Notes: born at Kansas age 46y, wife of Edward Lynch residence 521 3rd, daughter of James Landrum and Margaret ?, Indian and colored mix, died age 26 buried 12-24-1912 Block, Lot, Space: 12 2 2 10 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Anna Notes: died age 79 buried 4-8-1958 Block, Lot, Space: 35 24 4 Davis
Lynch, Anna M. Notes: died 2-11-1974 age 90 buried 2-14-1974 Block, Lot, Space: 44 28 2 Fairmount, Denver, Co
Lynch, baby died 11-27-1900 Notes: born at Pueblo age 9 hours, child of Frank Lynch 1317 E Routt McCarthy Funeral Home
Lynch, Benton died 10-8-1902 Notes: age 2y, son of John and Alice Lynch 1226 E 5th, died age 2 buried 10-9-1902 Block, Lot, Space: 30 312 T2 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Betty Lee Notes: died 3-10-1968 age 46 buried 3-13-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 41 137 6 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, Catherine born 12-15-1834 died 3-12-1913 Notes: born at DeBuque, Iowa age 79y, daughter of Patrick Quigley born St Louis, Mo and Catherine ?, died age 79 buried 3-15-1913 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 5 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Christopher O. born 1911 died 5-9-1988 Notes: died 5-9-1988 age 76 buried 5-11-1988 Block, Lot, Space: 29 96 2 Almont McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Lynch, Christopher W. Sr. Notes: died 12-3-1988 age 72 buried 12-6-1988 Block, Lot, Space: 14 1 6 T G McCarthy
Lynch, Donald Ray Notes: died 3-15-2004 age 74 buried 3-19-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 13 A50 2 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Lynch, Doris Jane Notes: died age 0 buried 1-9-1939 Block, Lot, Space: 53 85 1 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Edward J. Notes: died age 65 buried 12-3-1925 Block, Lot, Space: 29 225 6 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, Emile L. Notes: died 9-7-1981 age 80 buried 9-10-1981 Block, Lot, Space: 35 23 3 McCarthy-Almont
Lynch, Ethel V. Notes: died 3-8-1975 age 91 buried 3-12-1975 Block, Lot, Space: 39 5 8 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Evelyn Margaret Notes: died 2-19-2011 age 97 buried 2-23-2011 Block, Lot, Space: 35 24 3 Roselawn Pueblo, Co
Lynch, Frank born 8-25-1870 died 8-21-1940 Notes: died age 69 buried 8-24-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 29 96 7 George F. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Lynch, George Notes: died age 72 buried 4-12-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 35 24 5 Davis
Lynch, George Notes: died age 48 buried 1-26-1932 Block, Lot, Space: 53 121 6 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, George E. Notes: died age 0 buried 12-11-1892 Block, Lot, Space: 30 333 2 McMahon and Collier
Lynch, Grace Marie Notes: died 2-20-2000 age 88 buried 2-22-2000 Block, Lot, Space: 36 72 5 George McCarthy Colorado Springs, Co
Lynch, Harry E. Notes: died 3-25-1976 age 78 buried 3-29-1976 Block, Lot, Space: 35 23 2 Davis
Lynch, Infant Franl Notes: died age 0 buried 11-27-1900 Block, Lot, Space: 25 50 23 McMahon and Collier
Lynch, Isabell Notes: died 1-29-1968 age 90 buried 1-31-1968 Block, Lot, Space: 28 29 1 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, James Notes: died age 62 buried 5-31-1920 Block, Lot, Space: 29 91 8 McMinn
Lynch, John Notes: died age 67 buried 3-1-1938 Block, Lot, Space: 30 312 2 Olinger, Denver, Co
Lynch, John Notes: died age 0 buried 7-25-1955 Block, Lot, Space: 69 75 2 Jones
Lynch, John Benton born 1900 died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, John Benton born 1870 died 1938 (Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, John Michael Notes: died age 52 buried 1-12-1933 Block, Lot, Space: 28 29 2 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, Joseph Lloyde Notes: died 6-29-1980 age 74 buried 7-1-1980 Block, Lot, Space: 36 72 6 McCarthy-Almont
Lynch, Katherine Notes: died age 36 buried 4-17-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 29 91 6 McMahon and Collier
Lynch, Katie Notes: died age 9 buried 1-26-1898 Block, Lot, Space: 29 409 4 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Larry Notes: died age 0 buried 7-18-1915 Block, Lot, Space: 52 2 4 17 Udv
Lynch, Louis Notes: died age 33 buried 2-13-1909 Block, Lot, Space: 57 213 8 McMahon and Collier
Lynch, Lulu died 4-23-1893 Notes: died age 0 buried 4-26-1893 Block, Lot, Space: 30 333 1 McMahon and Collier (Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, Lulu (Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, Lula Inez Notes: died 1-22-1990 age 91 buried 1-24-1990 Block, Lot, Space: 28 117 3 Davis
Lynch, Margaret Agnes Notes: died 4-12-1991 age 74 buried 4-16-1991 Block, Lot, Space: 44 92a 5 Almont Pueblo,Co
Lynch, Maria Teracita Notes: died 10-17-1967 age 88 buried 10-19-1967 Block, Lot, Space: 69 81 1 Rivera
Lynch, Mary Bernice died 1916 Notes: died age 13 buried 6-5-1916 Block, Lot, Space: 29 96 1 T.G. McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Lynch, Mary J. born 1912 died 2004 Notes: died 12-12-2004 age 92 buried 12-16-2004 Block, Lot, Space: 31 72 2 Adrian Comer Pueblo, Co
(Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, Michael Notes: died age 64 buried 8-23-1941 Block, Lot, Space: 29 91 5 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Michael Ray Notes: died age 0 buried 3-21-1951 Block, Lot, Space: 68 4 12 19 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Nellie Notes: died age 54 buried 5-7-1917 Block, Lot, Space: 27 1 4 50 Whiton
Lynch, Nettie H. born 1874 died 1953 Notes: died age 79 buried 7-11-1953 Block, Lot, Space: 30 312 1
Olinger, Denver, Co
(Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, O. Roberta Notes: died 6-29-2001 age 80 buried 7-3-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 14 1 5 Davis Pueblo, Co
Lynch, Ora Lean born 9-22-1877 died 10-29-1972 Notes: died 10-29-1972 age 95 buried 10-31-1972 Block, Lot, Space: 29 96 6 George McCarthy (Kay Medved)
Lynch, Orville L. born 1909 died 1982 Notes: died 6-10-1982 age 72 buried 6-14-1982 Block, Lot, Space: 31 72 1 Adrian Comer (Floyd Kelling)
Lynch, Owen died 11-19-1910 Notes: paid by Pueblo Elks died age 50 buried 11-22-1910 Block, Lot, Space: 18 32 1 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, Reba E. Notes: died 6-19-1979 age 79 buried 6-22-1979 Block, Lot, Space: 35 23 6 Davis
Lynch, Rita Mary Notes: died 10-23-2001 age 55 buried 10-26-2001 Block, Lot, Space: 13 A50 1 Roselawn Cemetery Pueblo, Co
Lynch, Robert Notes: died 9-20-1969 age 50 buried 9-24-1969 Block, Lot, Space: 41 137 7 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, Rosemary Notes: died age 0 buried 2-5-1940 Block, Lot, Space: 53 84 13 T.G. McCarthy
Lynch, T.C. Notes: died age 53 buried 2-18-1924 Block, Lot, Space: 52 7 5 33 Rouch
Lynch, Thomas Notes: died age 57 buried 10-17-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 29 91 4 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, Thomas Notes: died age 57 buried 10-17-1928 Block, Lot, Space: 29 91 4 George F. McCarthy
Lynch, Timothy Notes: died age 47 buried 12-10-1906 Block, Lot, Space: 29 256 6 McMahon and Collier
Lynn, John Notes: buried 10-28-1899 age 0, male, Location 25 34 4, McMahon and Collier
Lyons, Edward died 1-20-1901 Notes: age 22y, uncle M.J. Costello McCarthy Funeral Home
Lytle, Robert F. born 1850 died 1913 (Floyd Kelling)
Lytle, William Patton born 1846 died 1902 (Floyd Kelling)

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

Please e-mail comments and suggestions to Karen Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell |