Pueblo County, Colorado
Adams, Alva contributed by Karen Mitchell
Adams, Alva Blanchard contributed by Jean Griesan
Adams, Alva Blanchard Jr. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Adams, John contributed by Karen Mitchell
Allard, Joseph G. contributed by Jean Griesan
Allen, Arthur L. by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Allott, Gordon Llewellyn contributed by Jean Griesan
Anderson, Joseph contributed by Jean Griesan
Anderson, Thomas J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Andrews, John V. by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Austin, John G. contributed by Jean Griesan
Autobees, Charles contributed by Jean Griesan
Bacino, Tony contributed by Karen Mitchell
Baker, W.T.H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Bales, William C. contributed by Jean Griesan
Ballert, Edward W.by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Bancroft, Charles Henry contributed by Jean Griesan
Barkley, John F.by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Barnard, Thomas A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Barry, Mary contributed by Karen Mitchell
Baxter Brothers contributed by Karen Mitchell
Baxter, O.H.P. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Beach, Charles H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Beach, Lamont B. contributed by Jean Griesan
Beaman, James Lincoln contributed by Jack F. Beaman
Belarde, Madeline contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Belcher, Reason J. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Benham, Frank H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Berry, Adolphus P. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Berry, Isaac Nelson contributed by Karen McKenzie
Berry, Julius contributed by Karen Mitchell
Beshoar, Michael D. contributed by Jean Griesan
Betts, Jacob A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Blake, Annie contributed by Jean Griesan
Blake, Louise contributed by Jean Griesan
Bliesner, Arthur R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Blunt, Mark L. contributed by Jean Griesan
Boggs, John L. contributed by Jean Griesan
Bolt, George Jr. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Bonker, Rhomine G. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Boone, Albert G. contributed by Jean Griesan
Boone, Van Daniel contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Booth, Joseph W. contributed by Jean Griesan
Bowen, Thomas Mead contributed by Karen Mitchell
Bown, Lin contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Bradford, Allen Alexander contributed by Karen Mitchell
Bradford, Mark Gay contributed by Karen Mitchell
Breed, George contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Breckenridge, R.G. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Britt, Fred E. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Brown, Mary Babnick contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Brown, William Ray contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Brownlee, Margaret J. Armstrong contributed by Lois Brownlee
Bryan, Carl D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Bryant, C.N. contributed by Jean Griesan
Bulette, Wilbur W. contributed by Jean Griesan
Burgess, Edwin M. contributed by Jean Griesan
Burgess, Joseph B. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Burney, William Evans contributed by Karen Mitchell
Burns, Almon contributed by Jean Griesan
Burns, Maggie contributed by Jean Griesan
Burton, J. Knox contributed by Jean Griesan
Cameron, John contributed by Jean Griesan
Campbell, David M. contributed by Jean Griesan
Capers, Francis LeGrand contributed by Jean Griesan
Carey, M.A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Carleo, Louis contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Carlile, James N. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Carlile, William K. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Carroll, Arthur Neale contributed by Karen Mitchell
Chase, Albert B. contributed by Jean Griesan
Chase, Robert J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Chenoweth, John Edgar contributed by Karen Mitchell
Chew, Edward R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Chilcott, George Miles contributed by Karen Mitchell
Christian, Thomas A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Christie, Robert J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Christy, Samuel H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Coates, Isaac T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Collier, Dr. John T. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Collins, Charity contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Conner, William H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Cook, George Washington contributed by Karen Mitchell
Corbin, Alpheus A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Corder, Aldridge contributed by Karen Mitchell
Corwin, Richard Warren contributed by Karen Mitchell
Cornelius, Mary A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Cornell, Stanley contributed by Karen Mitchell
Cox, John D. contributed by Howard D. Snooks
Craft, R. Lee by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Craven, James T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Crawford, Bill - Carl Sitter - Raymond Murphy - Drew Dix contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Crites, J.F. contributed by Jean Griesan
Crockett, Edmond I. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Crowther, Frank contributed by Karen Mitchell
Culig, Peter Jr. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Currence, William Clyde contributed by Karen Mitchell
Danielson, Daniel W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Dawkins, Thomas C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Derby, Orin A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Desmond, Patrick contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
DeVine, Thomas H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Dixon, N. Walter contributed by Karen Mitchell
Dockum, Warren C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Doertenbach, William F. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Donley, Ted contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Doyle, Joseph Bainbridge contributed by Jean Griesan
Doze, Joseph B. contributed by Jean Griesan
Drake, Alice contributed by Karen Mitchell
Drake, James F. contributed by Jean Griesan
Dressor, James R. contributed by Jean Griesan
Duce, James contributed by Karen Mitchell
Dunlap, Perry C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Dutcher, J.M. contributed by Jean Griesan
Elliott, Nixon C. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Eskridge, J.T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Evans, Barney contributed by Jean Griesan
Evans, Frank E. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Evans, George C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Evarts, Washinton Irving contributed by Jean Griesan
Fabrizio, Samuel contributed by Karen Mitchell
Farley, John B. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Finlan, John W. contributed by Jean Griesan
Fisher, Albert T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Fisher, Charles T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Fisher, George Rush contributed by Jean Griesan
Fitch, M.H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Fleischer, Gerhard contributed by Karen Mitchell
Forrester, H. Edward contributed by Jean Griesan
Fosdick, H.M. contributed by Jean Griesan
Foster, Charles A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Frink, Harry C. contributed by Jean Griesan
Fugard, Abraham Lincoln contributed by Jean Griesan
Gagliano Family contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Garcia, Jose Amarantecontributed by Jean Griesan
Gast, Charles E. contributed by Jean Griesan
Gast, Robert S. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Gatewood, Leo contributed by Karen Mitchell
Gaymon, DeWitt P. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Gilbert, George contributed by Jean Griesan
Gile, Jacob M. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Gill, John contributed by Jean Griesan
Gilmore, Robert A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Goldsmith, Henry contributed by Jean Griesan
Goldsmith, Samuel H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Goodnight, Charles contributed by Jean Griesan
Gordon, George E. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Goss, Calvin W. contributed by Jean Griesan
Goss, Melvin C. contributed by Jean Griesan
Grant, Lawrence Colquhoun contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Grant, Robert contributed by Jean Griesan
Grant, Wilbur E. contributed by Jean Griesan
Gray, George E. contributed by Jean Griesan
Gray, John M. contributed by Jean Griesan
Green, Frank D. contributed by Jean Griesan
Hahn, Christian N.A. contributed by Jean Griesan
Hall, Charles L. contributed by Jean Griesan
Hall, George F. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Harold, James Hedley contributed by Karen Mitchell
Harold, Donald Jr. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hart, Cornelius Joseph contributed by Jean Griesan
Hartsoe, Daniel B. contributed by Jean Griesan
Haver, Robert T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Haynes, George contributed by Jean Griesan
Hays, William O. contributed by Jean Griesan
Henkel, Charles contributed by Karen Mitchell
Henry, John D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Henry, John Wesley contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Hensel, Levia contributed by Jean Griesan
Hepburn, George W. contributed by Karen Mitchell and Jean Griesan
Hicklin, Alexander contributed by Jean Griesan
Higgins, John contributed by Jean Griesan
Higgins, Robert H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Highberger, Edgar C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hildreth, John contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Himes Family contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Hinsdale, George A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hobson, WIlliam P. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Holbrook, Henry contributed by Karen Mitchell
Holly, Charles Frederick contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hughes, Charles B. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hughes, Frank P. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Hull, Andrew J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hurd, Walter K. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Hyde, William H. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Ink, George W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Isenberg, J. Louis contributed by Karen Mitchell
Jara, Deanna contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Jerman, Matt contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Johnson, George Oliver contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Johnson, Walter Walford contributed by Karen Mitchell
Jones, David William contributed by Karen Mitchell
Jones, Helen contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Jones, Theodore R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Kearney, William J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Keating, John F. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Kilbourn, Jonathan Burwell contributed by Karen Mitchell
Kincaid, Mary Emma contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Knox, Guy contributed by Karen Mitchell
Kogovsek, Raymond Peter contributed by Karen Mitchell
Koontz, Alva L. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Kramer, Ludwig contributed by Karen Mitchell
Kretschmer, John A. C. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Lambert, John J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
LaMoure, Howard Alexander contributed by Karen Mitchell
Lancaster, Thomas R. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Langdon, Laurence Edwin contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Law, James F. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Leftwich, Charles J. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Lewis, Lawrence contributed by Karen Mitchell
Lemen, Lewis E. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Livesy, James contributed by Karen Mitchell
Livesy, Thomas J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Lloyd, William L. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Lovern, James Lee contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Low, J. H. H. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Luqueer,James M. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
MacNider, Kate B. contributed by Jean Griesan
Madison, Jennie contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Marble, Monroe contributed by Karen Mitchell
Marble, W. Sherman contributed by Karen Mitchell
Marsalis, John Henry contributed by Karen Mitchell
Martin, Edmund H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Martin, John contributed by Joan Alyea
Martin, John Andrew contributed by Karen Mitchell
Martin, John A. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Mattes, Edward C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Maxwell, Ed J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
McAllister, Jack contributed by Karen Mitchell
McBride, Samuel contributed by Karen Mitchell
McClinton, John Wesley contributed by Karen Mitchell
McKee, J. A. contributed by Jean Griesan
McHarg, Charles King contributed by Karen Mitchell
McMahon, James E. contributed by Karen Mitchell
McMains, Oscar P. contributed by Jean Griesan
McMinn, William B. contributed by Karen Mitchell
McMurtry, Joseph contributed by Karen Mitchell
Miller, John D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Miller, John R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Miller, Raymond contributed by Karen Mitchell
Mishou, Thomas F. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Mock, George R. contributed by Jean Griesan
Montgomery, David C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Moore Family contributed by Karen McKenzie
Moore, Frank H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Moore, Jack S. contributed by Jean Griesan
Moore, John C. contributed by Jean Griesan
Moore, William contributed by Karen Mitchell
Morris, Henry O. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Nardini, Raphael L. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Nelson, Robert H. Jr. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Newton, Whitney contributed by Jean Griesen
O'Conner, Charles contributed by Karen Mitchell
Olin, Fred E. contributed by Jean Griesen
Orman, James Bradley contributed by Karen Mitchell
O'Rourke, Patti contributed by Karen Mitchell
Orr, Carleton A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Ortner, Roy E, contributed by Karen Mitchell
Ottaway, Charles R. contributed by Jean Griesan
Owen, WIlliam R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Packard, Sperry S. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Patterson, S.J. and M.A. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Peabody, Calvin contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Peterson, Wilkins O. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Patton, Augustus B. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Pierpont, Henry contributed by Carol Snow-Barnes
Pim, Thomas F. contributed by Jean Griesan
Pitkin, Frederick W. contributed by Jean Griesan
Pollard, Milton contributed by Jean Griesan
Porter, Delbert P. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Potter, Robert K. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Prevost, Victor I. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Price, Henly R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Purvis, Patricia Biernacki contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Ralph, Luther D. Sr., Ol' Tennesseecontributed by Lanita Bradley Boyd
Randall, Samuel J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Rapalje, Robert L. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Redmond, Edward J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Rees, William L. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Reno, Kelly contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Reywalt, Mary contributed by Jean Griesan
Rice, James contributed by Karen Mitchell
Richmond, George Q. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Ritchie, Curtis P. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Robertson, Ward C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Robison, Arthur L. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Roe, George W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Rood, Aaron contributed by Karen Mitchell
Rooney Family contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Rowley, Martin E. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Royal, Andrew contributed by Jean Griesan
Runyan, Libbie Damon contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Rusler, Burdett contributed by Karen Mitchell
Rusler, Harley D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Rutkovsky, Joseph aka Joe Coffee contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Samuel, Barbara contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Sandoval, Maria Teresa contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sare, James M. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sarkisian, Toros contributed by Karen Mitchell
Saunders, Miles G. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Schaar, Eileen contributed by Jean, Gracie, Phyllis, and Karen
Senger, William M.D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sharp, Phinny S. contributed by Jean Griesan
Sheldon, M. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Shepard, John V. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Shireman, John K. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sims, Harry E. contributed by Jean Griesan
Skiff, Michael contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sloane, Theodore A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Smiley, J.K. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Smith, Josiah F. contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Stamm, John C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stanard, Arthur H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stanton, Irving W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Steele, Hannibal R. contributed by Jean Griesan
Steele, Matthew W. contributed by Irma Korbitz
Steele, Thomas Jefferson contributed by Jean Griesan
Steinberger, A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stevenson, Raymond M. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stewart, A.T. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stewart, John S. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stewart, William P. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stone, Wilbur F. contributed by Jean Griesan
Strait, William W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Stumpf, George J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sutherland, F.H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Swartz, A.M. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Sweeney, George H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Talbot, Raymond Herbert contributed by Karen Mitchell
Tarsney, Thomas J. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Taylor, Cyrus F. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Taylor, Frank contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Taylor, French Lee contributed by Karen Mitchell
Taylor, Mary A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Taylor, Ray R. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Thatcher, Henry C. contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman
Thatcher, John Albert contributed by Karen Mitchell
Thatcher, John and Margaret contributed by Jean Griesan
Thatcher, Mahlon D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Thomas, John Jay contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Thombs, Pembroke R. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Thomson, Jacob W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Tibbets, Edgar A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Townsend, Wood F. contributed by Karen Mitchell
True, A. E. "Kip" contributed by Jean Griesan
Unfug, George A. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Vidal, Numa contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan and Floyd Kelling
Wagner, Archie H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Waldron, John M. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Wall, Norval Wilson contributed by Karen Mitchell
Walley, Stephen contributed by Karen Mitchell
Warneke, John H. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Warrant, Lena A. Smith Chapman contributed by Jean Griesan
Weinhausen, Ernest contributed by Karen Mitchell
Wells, Edward W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Weston, Eugene contributed by Jean Griesan
Wheeler, Jerome Byron contributed by Jean Griesan
White, Clarence C. contributed by Karen Mitchell
White, Nathaniel S. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Wight, Joseph B. contributed by Jean Griesan
Willis, Charles B. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Wilson, Christopher contributed by Karen Mitchell
Withers, Ernst Edmund contributed by Karen Mitchell
Witwer, Samuel W. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Wolf, John Gibbon contributed by Karen Mitchell
Work, Hubert contributed by Karen Mitchell
Wooten, Richens contributed by Karen Mitchell
Writer, Harold D. contributed by Karen Mitchell
Yackey, N. Benton contributed by Karen Mitchell, Jean Griesan, and Floyd Kelling
Young, William H. contributed by Jean Griesan
Zaharias, George contributed by Karen Mitchell
Zupan, Father Cyril contributed by Jean Griesan

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

Please e-mail comments and suggestions toKaren Mitchell.
© Karen Mitchell